
Topics: Español- level 3
Personal Identity: Soy lo que soy
Grammar: ser/estar. nouns, adjectives, articles
Daily Life: La rutina diaria
Grammar: present tense stem-changing verbs, reflexive verbs, infinitive constructions,
impersonal se, progressive constructions, future ir+a, near past
Home Life: La vida doméstica
Grammar: present tense subjunctive: expressing wishes and desires, making impersonal
Getting Around Town: Por la ciudad
Grammar: imperative form commands, adverbs, prepositions, por vs. para
The Weekend:
El fin de semana
regular and irregular preterite tense, desde constructions, affirmative and
negative expressions, pero vs. sino
Vacationing and Leisure Activities: De vacaciones
imperfect tense, the preterite vs. the imperfect tense, adverbial
expressions of past time
Food and Culture:Buen provecho
Grammar: present perfect tense, regular and irregular past participles, subject and object
pronouns, double object pronouns, me gusta and similar constructions
La salud
present tense subjunctive: expressing uncertainty and doubt, present perfect
La Moda
future tense, conditional tense, pluperfect
Buen viaje y En el hotel
Personal Identity:
Students will become familiarized with vocabulary pertaining to personal identity.
(Spanish for Mastery 3, SMART notebook presentation)
Students will prepare a power point presentation that focuses on their personal
identity and will present it to classmates.
Students will compile a list of questions in Spanish that be used to interview a
classmate. Students will write a short essay based on the interview in their journal.
Students will complete a fill-in vocabulary activity.
Students will bring in a picture of a famous person and describe him or her to the
Students will read and analyze, “Una Hija Singular” by Juan Carlos Moreno.