VIC SummerCamp 2015
Registration Form for:
According to the language a native speaker will be offering the lessons in the classroom and/or by the pool,
depending inter alia on the weather. Beginners or children with advanced knowledge of the chosen language are
both welcome to join our lessons. Every week another subject will be chosen to keep your children both excited
and interested in learning a new language or improving it.
One week of lessons will cost € 50.The tennis lessons are provided by a group of professional instructors under the leadership of Head Professional
Coach Guenther POKORNY, who holds licenses from the OETV (Austrian Tennis Organisation) and from the OETS
(Austrian Tennis Schools). All trainers are licensed by the Austrian Government and receive regular instruction
from the Austrian Tennis Academy.
Group lessons for children cost € 10.- per lesson (€ 50.- per week), and include 45 minutes instruction, the rental
of the court and a suitable racket.
To register the child/ren, please complete the form below and fax it to : (01) 26060-7-5758, together with proof
of payment to bank account: IBAN: AT13 1100 0083 7358 9400, BIC: BKAUATWW. Payment corresponding to the
number of children enrolled and to the number of weeks for which they are to receive lessons. The weeks
indicated should correspond to those for which your child/ren are registered at Camp.
Alternatively, bring the completed form below to camp on the first day your child is there, together with the
proof of payment or the corresponding amount in cash. No lessons will be provided without prior payment.
Name of Child/ren
Date of Birth
Week/s for which my
child/ren will join the
Tennis T
English E
French F
German G
Name of parent/guardian (printed):
Vienna International Center, Room D0705, P.O. Box 600, A-1400, Austria;
e-mail: VICSummerCamp@unvienna.or