Welcome to Royal Oak Early Intervention

Welcome to Royal Oak Early Intervention!
“You are your child’s teacher, we are your supports.”
Welcome! The Early Intervention staff would like to welcome you to our services.
This letter is a brief overview of our services and the importance of the attached
What is the process to receive services for my child?
Early Intervention services children from birth until their third birthday who qualify
under the special education guidelines. The first step is to evaluate your child to
determine if we can recommend eligibility under the Michigan Rules and Regulations
(found at www.michigan.gov/edu). Next, the team will complete documentation that
will recommend whether or not your child is eligible for services (this is called the
Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team, aka MET). You will receive a copy of the reports
completed for the MET. At the time of the evaluation, we will set up a meeting called
the IEP/IFSP (Individualized Education Plan/Individualized Family Service Plan).
This meeting will determine whether or not your child is eligible and can receive our
services. If eligible, we will include goals for your child. If ineligible, we can discuss
other options for your family. We will need a parent or guardian to attend the
meeting (child does not need to attend). You are an important part of the team that
will have input in this plan along with the staff members. This plan is good for one
calendar year (MET is good for up to 3 years).
It is our district’s policy that a child may not begin receiving services without all
forms completed and turned in. In this packet are several forms we need you to fill
out and return, and a list of items we need copies of from you. Once we have all your
child’s paperwork, we can begin services.
How do we begin?
After the IEP/IFSP is complete, your child will have an assigned time. Typically, we
see them one hour, minimally 1 time per month or up to 2 times per week (depending
on your child’s needs and family’s availability) in the natural environment, which is
your home or childcare center (if it’s within the district of Royal Oak). Children who
are over two years old may be seen in a group at Addams Early Childhood Center.
This will be determined at the meeting.
How are services delivered?
During the one-hour home visit, we offer a variety of services that are determined in
his/her plan (IEP/IFSP). Because practicing motor skills enhances cognitive and
communication skills, and vice versa, we will be looking at ways to help you and your
child incorporate this into your day. Play is an appropriate and important practice of
their motor, behavioral, social-emotional and speech skills, and allows children to
generalize and use new skills as they develop.
You are able to observe and participate in the activities during the visit and then
implement the ideas throughout the course of the day. This is valuable since 1 hour
with us per week is equal to 80 hours per week with you at home! That is powerful.
Research shows that several opportunities to practice a skill in a variety of activities
allows children to better master that skill.
Who will provide services to my child?
Our Early Intervention Team has four Early Interventionists with various
backgrounds. At the time of the IEP/IFSP meeting you will be assigned one of us as
a Primary Service Provider (PSP) who will see your child regularly. The other team
members are available for consultation with your PSP and/or you and your child.
Our team:
We are all Early Interventionists who have different backgrounds, however we are all
child-focused and have many years experience with young children. Susan Blomberg is
the Service Coordinator with a background in teaching. Lynn Legg has a background
in Physical Therapy. Renee McConahy has a background in Speech Pathology. Susan
Wit has a background in Occupational Therapy.
~Be sure to carefully look over all the forms in the packet. If you have any
questions, feel free to ask via phone or emails below.
Together we can make a difference. We look forward to working with your family!
The Early Intervention Team
Addams Early Childhood Center
2222 W. Webster, R.O., MI 48073
248-288-3220 ext. 3572
Fax 248-288-3047
Susan Blomberg: blombergs@royaloakschools.net
Lynn Legg: leggl@royaloakschools.net
Renee McConahy: mcconahyr@royaloakschools.net
Susan Wit: wits@royaloakschools.net