Managing the challenges of secondary school learning

Managing the challenges of secondary school learning
environments for students with an ASD
“My daughter Sarah is 16 and goes to the local high school. She was diagnosed with High
Functioning Autism when she was 5. She still likes things to be pretty much the same each
day, hates surprises and change and worries about fitting in at school. Last Tuesday she
was really reluctant to go to school, she was slow to get up, have breakfast and said she
couldn’t find her school uniform and felt sick. I was on the verge of getting really cross
with her when I stopped and asked myself “Why is she like this today?” I asked her if there
was anything different happening at school today and she told me that she was really
worried because there were auditions for the school concert and she wanted to try out.
She thought that if she sang one of her favourite operatic arias that everyone would
laugh. She still doesn’t understand that it is OK to have different interests from the other
kids and that it is actually pretty cool to be able to do some of the things she can do. I was
able to email the music teacher who said she would talk to Sarah and encourage her to
audition. She said she knew the aria and would accompany Sarah on the piano. I had one
very happy daughter! It is good that the teachers and I have a communication plan for
times like these.” Parent
Does this sound familiar to you? Do you have a teenage son or daughter or is there a
student at your school who behaves like this?
The core features of Autism and Asperger’s Disorder (we call it Autism Spectrum Disorder
now, ASD for short) don’t go away but may look different as kids get older. To really help
them you need to be familiar with how their ASD is affecting them each and every day at
home, school and when they are out and about socially.
The following fact sheet Managing the challenges of secondary school learning
environments for students with an ASD gives information about ASD and answers questions
such as
Why is going to secondary school difficult for some students with an ASD?
What are some of the challenges for secondary school staff, students with an ASD and
their parents?
How we can help students with an ASD manage better at secondary school?
What else can I read to find out more?
Managing the challenges of secondary school learning
environments for students with an ASD
Dr Avril V. Brereton
Most students with an ASD find school challenging at some time or other. This can be the
case no matter what the type of school; specialist or mainstream, primary or secondary. The
continuing challenges of having an ASD (difficulties with communication and social skills,
emotional and behavioural difficulties) combined with the added demands of secondary
school mean that these students need ongoing support.
When students leave primary school and enter secondary school, they are faced with many
changes. Being mindful that students with an ASD have difficulty adjusting to change, it is
not surprising that they can be unsettled and anxious in this new environment. Although
adolescents with an ASD share common core features, no two individuals are the same. The
pattern and extent of difficulties change with development so it is important to combine
what we know about the core features of ASD and also think about the current specific
interests, abilities, interpersonal skills and mental health status of each student.
What do we know about the challenges of secondary school for students with an ASD,
their teachers and parents?
We need to remember that we still don’t have a definite answer to what interventions or
treatments ensure a positive outcome for adolescents with an ASD. A recent US healthcare
research and quality report (Lounds Taylor et al., 2012) that investigated interventions for
adolescents and young adults with an ASD stated:
“Given the number of individuals affected by ASD, there is a dramatic lack of evidence
on best approaches to therapies for adolescents and young adults with these conditions.
Few studies addressing educational interventions in the adolescent and young adult
population have been conducted….” (2012, p. 15).
In Australia, there have been several studies to find out more about how students with an
ASD and their parents, and teachers are managing at secondary school. Two studies in
particular interviewed students with Asperger Syndrome (AS), and High Functioning Autism
Spectrum Disorder (HFASD), their parents, and teachers at mainstream secondary schools
(Hay and Winn. 2005, 2012). Everyone interviewed supported the philosophy of inclusion
but all found it a challenge in some ways. There was general agreement that when a student
has an ASD that their behaviour and social interaction is noticeably different to their peers.
The students themselves commented on this as well. In other words, if a student has an
ASD, it shows.
Teachers were challenged by what they described as the less predictable and at times
inflexible social behaviour of the students and the level of additional in-class attention
required to effectively teach the students in a group context. As a consequence they were
dealing with issues of feeling that they lacked confidence and skills, motivation, time,
resources and strategies to effectively teach students with an ASD.
The students commented that they wanted help to build social relationships and
friendships. They wanted friends but were unsure of how to go about making and keeping
friends. They worried about their learning environments. For example, some felt that they
would learn better if they had the opportunity to work in small student groups or by
themselves rather than in large classes all the time.
Parents, teachers and the students were keen to get discussions going on how to work
through these issues together. Everyone agreed that:
(i) there is a need to build individual relationships between teachers and their aides,
students and parents
(ii) individual assessment of each student’s abilities and optimal learning context are
necessary to ensure that the teacher knows how to effectively teach the student
(iii) there should be open collaboration between staff, students and their parents
A different approach to finding out more about how students are managing at secondary
school was through a study that interviewed students with an ASD attending mainstream
secondary school to listen to the “student voice” (Saggers et al, (2011). They listed six areas
that emerged as having either a positive or negative effect on the students’ participation
and learning at school.
These were:
• teacher characteristics (personality, teaching style, attitude to students with a disability)
• curriculum related issues (workload, demand for handwriting, solutions to difficulties)
• support mechanisms (attitudes to specialist support, types and ways of receiving support)
• friendships (perceptions of friends/friendships, attitudes to socialising and solitude)
• environmental considerations
• teasing and bullying
Students with an ASD will behave and react differently. The student with an ASD has been
given this diagnosis because he or she, since birth, has had difficulty with communication
skills, social relationships, and particular focused preoccupations and repetitive aspects to
their play and behaviour, all of which can impede learning and managing in an educational
setting. On top of these difficulties, many adolescents with an ASD are struggling with
emotional and mental health issues that interfere with their enjoyment of daily life and
affect their performance at school.
If teachers are unaware that a student has an ASD, they may expect the student to behave
like everyone else, for example, to follow the school rules, always act in a socially
appropriate manner, have a friendship group, be respectful and in tune with what is going
on around them in and outside the classroom and be reasonably well organized. We expect
these things of typical secondary school students, even taking into account that they are
adolescents who think and act like adolescents! Students with an ASD at mainstream
secondary school, usually experience difficulties because of their impaired social skills. They
are required to interact with teachers and students throughout the day and their response
to these social and emotional demands may fluctuate between coping, to being
overwhelmed. They may clash with teachers or get into trouble for behaving in a way that
seems rude, disruptive or non-compliant. The young person’s learning and thinking style and
symptoms of ASD may also make it more difficult to cope at school where skills are needed
to manage stressful situations, be well organised, cope with change, and limit or “turn off”
special interests or preoccupations. The risk of being bullied or teased or socially
manipulated continues and may even escalate at this time. It is a priority to ensure the
safety of the adolescent at school. Protection from bullying and teasing is of primary
importance. All of these situations and demands contribute to making going to secondary
school and coping with school harder for adolescents with HFA and AD.
School- wide approaches to supporting students with an ASD
What happens in a school is usually determined by what happens at the top. The attitude of
the school principal and senior staff is critical in setting the overall tone and attitude of the
whole school. A positive, accepting attitude on the part of the whole school community is
essential for the successful inclusion of students with special needs, including those with an
ASD. The complex needs of students with an ASD and those teaching them can be met if a
multi-person, multifaceted, multidisciplinary approach supported by the availability of
appropriately trained support personnel such as ASD coaches and special education
consultants work together. The basic education principles for making inclusion work are:
 providing individualized supports and services for students and families
 comprehensive and structured learning environments
 specialized curriculum content
 a functional approach to difficult behaviours
 family involvement
 attitudinal and social support
 coordinated team commitment
 recurrent evaluation of inclusion procedures (Iovannone, Dunlap, Huber and Kinkaid, 2003)
What can teachers and parents do to improve outcomes for adolescents with an ASD
attending mainstream secondary schools?
1. Have written protocols in place to ensure that everyone understands and is aware of
the student’s needs. (One page summary sheets are helpful that include information
about what this young person does well, struggles with, what sorts of things might
make them anxious or upset. See example below).
2. Have regular lines of communication and contact with parents who know their child
better than anyone. Daily contact may be necessary at times. (It has been shown
that in schools where strong, positive relationships between parents and school staff
are established that students with an ASD do better socially and academically).
3. Give students an opportunity to talk with adults in a non-threatening environment.
In the absence of an opportunity for adolescents with an ASD to talk to peers, it can
be helpful for them to talk to parents and teachers who have “been there” and know
about adolescence, have life experience and the maturity that comes with age.
4. Monitor mental health and report at regular parent teacher meetings. In particular,
monitor anxiety, discuss issues and refer on to mental health professionals as
5. Support staff can help to plan functional behaviour support programmes (including
social skills training) for individual students. A new approach to motivating students
with an ASD is the use of interactive technology (personal tablets, iPads, autism
apps) to increase their interest level and provide a strong motivator for participation.
Tablets can be used to draw social situations, make videos or observations to assist
in identifying triggers for specific behaviours. Additionally, interactive technology
methods may assist in teaching replacement behaviours through methods such as
interactive stories and prompt cards. see
Student snapshot:
An effective way to inform school staff about each student with an ASD is through a student
snapshot. It should be available to all staff who have responsibility for and contact with that
student. The snapshot provides a useful one page summary of important information that
can make it easier for all staff members to communicate with and respond to the student
with an ASD. The snapshot should be reviewed and updated at each Student Support Group
meeting. Information may include a clear and recent photograph and details about the staff
who know the student well. Also include:
Medical needs
Communication and social skills
Use of visual communication system
Need for structure and routine
Stress and anxiety: triggers and responses
Motivation and favourite activities
Student snapshot
Name: Charlie Parker
Year: 7B – Homeroom teacher: B Smith
Diagnosis: High Functioning Autism
Health: Epilepsy (no meds at school)
Supervision: No swimming
Communication: Concrete thinker.
Doesn’t speak unless spoken to.
photo here
Noise, crowds
Confusion or misunderstanding
of spoken instructions
What helps:
Provide structure, routine and familiar things.
Make sure he has his timetable with him
Social skills: Avoids eye contact.
Friend of Oscar Smith in 7D.
Prefers to be in the library at lunch.
Explain changes
Tell him what to do rather than a negative
Behaviour: Always carries his footy fixture
with him for security. Special interest in
computer games. Will talk about these
if asked. Generally quiet
Mix group work with time working alone to
reduce stress and anxiety
Allow him time looking at his footy fixture
each time he finishes his work
Responds well to positive comments
Strengths: Maths and a great visual learner.
Likes woodwork and chemistry
The questions below might be helpful as a checklist for parents, teachers & support staff
when they meet:
Ask yourselves...
Are there school wide protocols in place to ensure that there is effective
• assessment that informs teaching and individual learning plans?
• collaboration and mentoring with other professionals?
• communication within the school?
• communication with parents?
• professional development available to school staff?
References and relevant further reading
Hay, I., and Winn, S. (2005). Students with Asperger’s Syndrome in an inclusive secondary
school environment: Teachers’, Parents’ and Students’ Perspectives Australasian Journal of
Special Education, 2005, 29, 2, 140-154
Hay, I and Winn, S. (2012). High functioning autism spectrum disorder: A challenge to
secondary school educators and the students with the condition, Proceedings of the 2012
Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, 2-6 December 2012, University
of Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-12. ISSN 1324-9320 (2012) [Refereed Conference Paper]
Iovannone, R., Dunlap, G., Huber, H., and Kinkaid, D. (2003). Effective educational practices
for students with autism spectrum disorders. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental
Disabilities, 18(3), 150-168
Lounds Taylor J, Dove D, Veenstra-VanderWeele J, Sathe NA, McPheeters ML, Jerome RN,
Warren Z. Interventions for Adolescents and Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 65. (Prepared by the Vanderbilt Evidence-based
Practice Center under Contract No. 290-2007-10065-I.) AHRQ Publication No. 12-EHC063-EF.
Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. August 2012.
Saggers, Beth, Hwang, Yoon-Suk, & Mercer, Louise (2011) Your voice counts: Listening to the
voice of high school students with autism spectrum disorder. Australasian Journal of Special
Education. (In Press) QUT Digital Repository:
Wray J, Williams K. The prevalence of autism in Australia. Report commissioned by the
Australian Advisory Board on Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2007.
Autism Speaks is working with the National Center for Learning Disabilities, PACER’s
National Bullying Centre and Ability Path in partnership with the new documentary
film BULLY to raise awareness about how bullying affects children with special needs. For
more information see: Autism Speaks: Combating Bullying
Thoughts on educating adolescents with autism. Dave Nelson, Director, The Community
School, Decatur, GA
There are a number of factsheets about ASD at the DEECD Autism Friendly Learning website
Resources page. These cover topics relating to young children as well as adolescents with
British Columbia “Teaching students with ASD”
*Technology: e.g. personal tablet devices have become common place in many peoples’
lives. This website has been developed in response to the many parents, teachers and
individuals who have approached the Autism Association of Western Australia asking for
ideas about how to effectively use technology, specifically an iPad or tablet