June 2013 General Booster Meeting

Pickerington High School Band North
General Booster Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: June 11, 2013
Board Members Present: Jon Brockhoff, Marc Parulekar, Tim Larson, Debbie Patton, Pam Jefferson
Booster Members Present: Julee Eing, Dick Gaulke, Kindra Hang, Cathy Olshefski, Bryan Yazawa
Call to Order: 7:10 p.m.
Minutes: Copies of the May 2013 minutes were distributed. Cathy moved to accept the May minutes and Dick Gaulke
seconded. Motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Student account statements were sent out resulting in many inquiries. All payments received are current
in Charms. Tim reminded all that Band Fees were due June 1. He is working to close the books for 2012-2013. A check $103.8
from Meijer’s was received and will be deposited into the Trip fund. Need to gather additional information on the requirements
for this program and communicate to parents if appropriate. 501(c)(3) filing fees ($2000) will need to be included in the 20132014 Budget. Copies of the proposed band budget for July 2013 – June 2014 along with the treasurer’s report from May 20 –
June 11 were distributed to everyone in attendance. It was pointed out the net income line from the 2013 budget needs to be
reflected in the Retained Earnings on the 2013-2014 budget. Further discussion ensued regarding whether funds from these
lines should be moved to the Trip Fund or other areas such as replacement instruments due to the new bus policy. Further
information validating the actual amount is needed. No further discussion ensued at this time. There is a $556.32 Prepaid
Expense in this month’s budget due to payments for ½ of the Charms fee and the Website hosting fees. It was called out that
the 2013-2014 budget needs to include the Entertainment Book due to the new requirement to distribute a % to the general
fund. Further discussion will be need regarding the allocation. It was determined that for July’s meeting a list of fund raising
events for the entire upcoming year along with a proposed distribution amounts should be prepared and shared with the
membership for their approval. It was also called out that Caryn Maggio has agreed to accept the position of Treasure for the
2013-2014 year.
A motion was made by Cathy to accept last months’ treasurer’s report. Julee seconded. Motion was approved. Cathy made a
motion to approve the 2013-2014 Budget as it stands with the understanding adjustments may be necessary pending the
outcome of the Fund Raising allocation decisions. Dick seconded the motion. Motion was approved.
Director’s Report:
Mr. P commented on the success of the Spring Concerts for all schools/grades. Awards were handed out to the high school and
the well deserved recognition for the graduating Seniors was given. The kick-off for the 2013 Marching Band season was a
success despite the unexpected tornado warnings interrupting the Ice Cream Social. Marc provided an update on the Fiesta
Bowl Trip. A chaperone meeting was held. He expects to have a skeleton schedule to share in Aug addressing logistics for the
trip such as uniform turn in dates and report times etc. The expectation is for 160-170 students/chaperones to be attending
but numbers are changing based on students dropping/adding band. There still may be a need for someone to volunteer to
drive equipment to the Fiesta bowl. Estimated travel time is 3 days with arrival necessary in the early afternoon of Dec 27.
More details to follow. A reminder that Band Forms can still be given to Mr. P at upcoming sectionals. It was requested that
any money still due be sent to the PO Box for safety reasons.
Old Business:
501(c)(3) – All information such as EIN and financials necessary to file the paperwork were received from the Orchestra and
Chorus. Tim will file them as soon as he is able.
Food Nights – Received a check from Max & Erma’s for $174.41 and waiting on reimbursement from La Fogata.
More nights will be scheduled as they become available. Details to follow
Trustees Reports: The Parent Class Representative for each class is listed below and is available to help direct you to answers
to any questions you may have concerning band. They are to regularly attend the Band Booster Meetings and are invited to
attend the Executive Meetings.
Class of 2014 Senior Luncheon – Donna Miller and Mary Larson are taking the lead on the planning of this activity.
Junior Class Car Wash –Junior Class has a car wash scheduled for Sat June 22 at Sear’s parking lot. Volunteers/donations
needed. Hours 9-3. Decision needed regarding where the funds raised should go. Mr. P suggested Trustees meet to decide if
all classes will do a fund raiser for the trip fund. If they don’t, it was felt the money should go to the Class of 2015 fund for their
Senior Luncheon.
Trustee Updates:
Senior : Kim Gray kamryn052010@hotmail.com 614 302 2313
Juniors: Julee Eing eingj@yahool.com 614 323 1169 and Dick Gaulke ridaga@aol.com 614 868 9526
Sophomore: Liz Fair-Howell crisandliz@yahoo.com 614 563 1781
Freshman: TBD
Chair Reports:
Entertainment Books – Sale dates are Sept 23 – Oct 7 2013. A decision is needed for the allocation of the funds per the
previous decision. Decision to follow.
Crop and Swap – Date for the summer Crop event is Aug 10th.
Violet Festival – Have not been contacted by the volunteer coordinator as of yet. Debbie to reach out to find if there are
volunteer opportunities.
New Business
Band Festival – Event is Oct 5, 2013. Jon has project plan to be used for preparations. Meetings will need to be arranged for
Sunday evenings and confirmation of what volunteers from last year will be returning. North owns the Treasurer
responsibilities this year. The event is the day after the Central/North Football game which is at North. This will be a big
weekend for concessions. Mailings to Band Directors are ready to be mailed
Volunteers – It will be necessary to identify the various activities in the upcoming year and identify chairpersons for events such
as Sodexo, Tag Day, Concessions, Solo/Ensemble etc.
School Board - Debbie provided an update on the School Board meeting held on Mon June 10. There was discussion around
reducing the Pay to Participate fees. No decision was made. More information to follow as it is available.
Farewell- Jon Brockhoff bid us farewell as he hands over the Presidency to Tim Larson. Jon was thanked for his service over the
Cathy moved to adjourn. It was seconded by Dick. Meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Jefferson
Next regularly scheduled meeting: Tuesday, July 14, 2013. Executive Board will meet at 6:30 p.m., General
Music Booster meeting to follow at 7:00p.m. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month in the Band Room
or an available room in the Band Hallway.
General Booster Minutes – June 2013