University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Brain Bank Donor Program UIC Tissue Repository, Attn: Howard Lipton Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology (MC790) E-704 Medical Sciences Building 835 S. Wolcott, Chicago, IL. 60612-7344 Salma Sayeed, Coordinator Howard Lipton, M.D. Tibor Valyi-Nagy, M.D., Ph.D. Directors (312) 996-5763 - Coordinator office (312) 355-3581 - Fax (312) 996-2242, page 2947 - 24-hour pager Established 2008 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS GIFT OF HOPE RESEARCH DONOR REGISTRATION PACKET Dear potential donor, Thank you for your interest in the UIC Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository brain donor program. Enclosed you will find the Donor Registration forms along with answers to some frequently asked questions. Please share the registration forms and other information with your family, especially your next-of-kin. Since their consent is needed immediately before tissue collection, they share the responsibility for fulfilling your wish to donate. You may wish to review the registration forms with your physician, as medical history is collected. This helps us maintain comprehensive information for later correlation with research studies. Your medical care team should also be informed of your decision. After reviewing the information provided, if you decide to plan a donation please complete the attached forms and return them to our office by mail or fax (address and fax number above). When we receive your completed forms, we will mail you a donor card. We sincerely appreciate your interest. Tissue donation reflects a strong commitment to advancing scientific research and endowing hope for the future. We anticipate that tissue banks like this one can provide researchers with the tools they need to pursue cures for MS. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone, email, fax, or writing at the numbers listed above. In addition, please keep us updated with any changes to your or your next-of-kin’s contact information. Sincerely, Salma Sayeed Coordinator University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT DONATION 1. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A BRAIN DONATION? Brain donation is a valuable gift. One brain provides a basis for studies by numerous researchers throughout the United States as well as other countries. Although we have improved clinical research methods that can be performed on living brains, such as genetic studies and imaging techniques, postmortem tissue best illuminates the biochemistry and pathology of the MS-affected brain. 2. WHO CAN DONATE? Any legally competent adult can donate their brain to be used for research after their death, just as they can donate any other organ. Those who may be incompetent, or otherwise unable to sign, may provisionally donate through their guardian. However, it is the responsibility of the next-of-kin or guardian to authorize tissue to be removed for research at the time of death. 3. WHO CANNOT DONATE? We need to know at the time of death if the donor used a respirator to aid in breathing. Eligibility will be decided on a case-by-case basis. We regret that organ donors for transplant cannot donate brain tissue to the program because of the use of respirators for such donations. We also cannot accept donations from patients with highly contagious or transmissible diseases (such as, but not limited to, tuberculosis, hepatitis, or Jacob-Creutzfeldt disease). Please let us know at the time of death if the donor was diagnosed with such a disease. Finally, most medical schools, including UIC, do not accept body donations from persons who have donated this type of tissue. Donors planning a medical school donation who are also interested in brain and spinal cord donation should check with the desired medical school for their policy. 4. WHAT HAPPENS AT THE TIME OF DEATH? A) At the time of death, the next of kin or a member of the donor’s medical care team should call the Coordinator or Director. During office hours these numbers are (312) 996-5763 and (312) 996-5754, respectively. After hours call the 24-hour pager at (312) 996-2242 and page 2947. B) The next-of-kin MUST give consent by phone BEFORE any tissue may be removed, even if the donor is registered in our program. It is important to collect tissue as quickly as possible (usually within 12 hours after death) and before any funeral preparation. The next-of-kin must be immediately reachable at the time of death to give this permission. C) We will arrange for the donor’s body to be transported to UIC Hospital for the donation procedure at no cost to the donor or family. D) After the tissue is removed, the body is released to the family for the arranged funeral services. The family is responsible for transport to a funeral home. 5. MUST THE DONOR BE TRANSPORTED TO OUR FACILITY? Yes. All procedures are performed at UIC Hospital to ensure that the protocol is carefully followed. We will provide transportation for the donor’s body to UIC Hospital at no charge, but we do not cover any funeral or burial transportation expenses. 2 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 6. WILL FUNERAL PLANS HAVE TO CHANGE? After the brain has been removed, the donor’s body is released to the funeral director or family according to the arrangements made. An open casket or other traditional funeral arrangement remains possible. The exact funeral and burial details, however, remain the responsibility of the donor’s survivors or estate, and no funeral plans (e.g. cremation) can be arranged or carried out by UIC or the repository. 7. IS THERE ANY COST? The repository pays for the tissue removal and transportation of the donor’s body to UIC Hospital. Transportation to a funeral home as well as funeral arrangements and expenses remain the responsibility of the donor and family. Plans must be made with a funeral home and cannot be arranged or carried out by UIC or the repository (for example, we cannot arrange to have the donor’s body cremated at UIC). 8. WHO IS NEXT-OF-KIN? The hierarchy of legal relationships is fairly consistent from state to state, but should be confirmed in the donor’s state of residence. The surviving legal next-of-kin, according to the Illinois Anatomical Gift Act, is the first to fulfill one of the following requirements: (1) Legal agent under power of attorney for health care; (2) Surrogate decision maker identified under the Health Care Surrogate Act; (3) Legal guardian; (4) Spouse (unless divorced or legally separated); (5) Adult child (if more than one, all must agree); (6) Parent; (7) Sibling (if more than one, all must agree); (8) Adult grandchild; (9) Close friend; (10) Executor or administrator (if already appointed) 9. ARE MEDICAL RECORDS OR OTHER CONSENTS NEEDED? The Coordinator will contact the next-of-kin after the donor’s death. In addition to the next-of-kin’s telephone consent to remove tissue for research at the time of death, we are required to obtain and keep on file an original signed informed consent. At this time, we will also send an authorization for release of the donor’s medical records. This helps us maintain comprehensive information for later correlation with research studies conducted by scientists. The next-ofkin should sign and return these forms to us. As with all information, these records will be kept strictly confidential. 10. HOW DO I BECOME A DONOR? Let us know of your wish to donate by COMPLETING AND RETURNING THE ENCLOSED FORMS. Please review the forms with your family and physicians, as they will share responsibility for your wishes. Remember that your next-of-kin must give consent by phone at the time of death. Discussing your decision with your family and doctors helps avoid confusion about your desire to donate and makes sure that your endowment for the future is carried out as you have planned. Please feel free to write, call or email us about any other questions you may have. 3 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 REMINDER: Make sure your family and medical team are aware of your wishes. Even if you are a registered donor in the tissue repository, your next-of-kin must be willing and available to give telephone consent for tissue removal at the time of death. 4 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 DONOR REGISTRATION FORM AND MEDICAL HISTORY (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ALL FORMS) Date: ____________ Person completing form: [ ] donor [ ] next of kin/family member for donor If donor completing form: Does your next-of-kin live with you? [ ] yes [ ] no If no, may we contact them with information about their responsibilities in your donation? [ ] yes [ ] no Name of Donor __________________________________________ Donor’s Home Address __________________________________________ (*see box p5) City, State ________________________ Zip Code ___________ Home telephone: (____) ____________________ Cell Phone: (____) ___________ Office phone: Email: ______________________ (____) ____________________ Current age: ___ Date of Birth: _________ Gender ____ Social Security # _____-___-______ NEXT OF KIN INFORMATION Name _____________________________________ Relationship: ____________ Home Address _____________________________________ City, State _____________________________________ Zip Code _______________ Home telephone: (____) ___________________ Cell Phone: (____) ___________________ Office phone: (____) ___________________ Email: ______________________________ Please provide the number where we can reach the next-of-kin for telephone consent at the time of donor’s death: (____) _______________ Does donor have children? [ ] yes [ ] no If yes, how many: _____ Are all children in agreement with this postmortem donation to research? [ ] yes [ ] no Is the eldest child the next-of-kin? [ ] yes [ ] no If no, may we have the contact information for the eldest child as an alternate to the next-ofkin? [If you do not wish to provide this contact information please leave this section blank.] Eldest Child’s Name ___________________________________ Home Address ___________________________________ City, State ___________________________________ Zip Code ______________ Home telephone: (____) _________________ Cell Phone: (____) ___________________ Office phone: (____) _________________ Email: _____________________________ How did you hear about our program? _____________________________________________ 5 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 (Internet, MS Chapter, NMSS website, MS support group, NMSS magazine, current donor, etc.) *If DONOR lives in a Nursing/Assisted Living Facility please complete: Date of admission to facility: ________________ *If DONOR is on a Hospice Program please complete: Date of admission to hospice: _______________ Name of facility: __________________________ Name of hospice: Address Address ________________________ City, State ______________________ City, State ________________________ Zip Code Zip Code __________ _____________________ __________ _______________________ Telephone: (____) _________________ Telephone: (____) ___________________ Fax: Fax: (____) _________________ (____) ___________________ Contact person (name and number): Contact person/case manager: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (____) _______________ (____) _______________ MEDICAL HISTORY Medical diagnoses Age symptoms Age at Family history Relationship of first appeared diagnosis of disease (yes/no) family member w/disease MS Handedness: [ Race: ] Right [ ] Left [ ] Ambidextrous (both) _______________________ (Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic, African-American, etc.) Ethnicity (English/German, etc): Mother’s side: _____________________ Father’s side: ____________________ Current height: _____ feet _____ inches Current weight: ________ lbs. Has donor ever been diagnosed with tuberculosis? [ If yes, when? Age: _____ Year: ______ ] yes [ ] no 6 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 Treatment given Current status Residual Has the donor, or any blood relatives ever been diagnosed Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease? [ ] yes [ ] no If yes, when? Age: _____ Year: ______ Has the donor ever been diagnosed with or suspected to have any of the infectious communicable diseases in the table below? Yes/no If yes, age/year Treatment given Current status Residual Viral hepatitis B Viral hepatitis C HIV/AIDS Syphilis Other (specify): Has the donor had chronic pain disorders/symptoms? If yes please fill in the table below. (Examples: low back pain, headaches, neuropathy, etc.) Dates Disorder/symptoms Treatment(s) Has donor been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease? [ Any family history of Alzheimer’s? [ ] yes [ ] yes [ ] no ] no Has donor been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis? [ ] yes [ ] no Any family history of rheumatoid arthritis? [ ] yes [ ] no Has donor participated in any clinical trials? If yes, give the following information: Date(s) Name of trial Location Physician in charge Name of medication Dosage/frequency/duration MS HISTORY Type of MS at diagnosis (check one) ___ Relapsing/Remitting 7 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 ___ Chronic/Secondary Progressive ___ Primary Progressive Current type of MS ___ Relapsing/Remitting ___ Chronic/Secondary Progressive (if changed: age ____ / year changed _______) ___ Primary Progressive (if changed: age ____ / year changed _______) Physician who gave MS diagnosis Name ___________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City, State ___________________________________ Office phone: (____) _________________ What were donor’s earliest MS symptoms? Age Year Zip Code ______________ How were they treated? Did they stop? (Yes/no) If yes, when? Disability Level [ ] None of these apply to me. [ ] I use other forms of assistance. (Fill in blank rows in table below.) Started to use: Cane At age: Year: Comments Walker Wheelchair or scooter (some mobility) Unable to walk at all Confined to bed 8 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 Symptom Has donor ever had? (Yes/no) If yes at what sensory level? At age Year Treatment Did these symptoms ever go into remission? (Yes/no) If yes at what age? Year Optic neuritis Double vision Paresthesias (pins and needles) Weakness Ataxia (unsteady walk) Has donor had optometry or ophthalmologic testing? [ ] yes [ ] no If yes, results: _______________________________________________________________ What is donor’s current corrected vision? Right eye ___________ Left eye _____________ Medications [Taken on a regular basis in last 2 years] Name Dosage Dates Name Dosage Were head and spinal cord MRI part of your early diagnostic workup? [ If yes please fill in table below. Where done Age Year ] yes [ Dates ] no Results or who might we contact for results 9 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 Has donor had any head or spinal cord MRI since? [ If yes please fill in table below. Where done Age Year ] yes [ ] no Results or who might we contact for results Education Completed high school [ ] yes [ ] no Attended college [ ] yes [ ] no Completed college [ ] yes [ ] no If no, number of years attended _______ Completed an associate’s college degree [ ] yes [ ] no If yes, name of degree _____________________________ Field of study _____________________________ Completed a post-graduate college degree [ ] yes [ ] no If yes, name of degree ______________________________ Field of study ______________________________ Completed a certificate of training If yes, name/type of certificate Past medical history Childhood Diseases: [ ] measles [ [ ] yes [ ] no ______________________________ ] mumps [ ] chicken pox Other childhood diseases (specify): ______________________________________________ Occupation At enrollment: ____________________________________________ If retired, what was your occupation? ____________________________________________ Smoking history [ ] Never smoked [ [ ] Occasional use [ ] Previous regular use [ ] Current regular use ] Unknown If occasional, previous regular, or current regular use: [ ] Cigarettes [ ] Pipe [ ] Cigar [ ] Other (please specify): _____________________ Age started _______ Number smoked/day _______ How many years? _______ Age stopped (if applicable) _______ Any additional comments: ______________________________________________________ 10 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 Alcohol history [ ] Never drank [ [ ] Occasional use [ ] Previous regular use [ ] Current regular use ] Unknown If occasional, previous regular, or current regular use: [ ] Beer [ ] Wine [ ] Liquor/other (please specify type): _________________________ Age started _______ Number drinks/day _______ How many years? _______ Age stopped (if applicable) _______ Any additional comments: ______________________________________________________ At any time in last five years, did donor believe or was donor told that drinking was excessive? [ ] yes [ ] no Drug history Has donor used any recreational drugs in the last five years? [ [ ] Never used [ [ ] Unknown ] Occasional use [ ] Previous regular use [ If occasional, previous regular, or current regular use: [ ] Cannabis [ ] Opium [ ] Coca derivative [ [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] unknown ] Current regular use ] Synthetic Compound ] Other(s) (please specify): __________________________________________________ Age started _______ Number uses/day _______ How many years? _______ Age stopped (if applicable) _______ Any additional comments: ______________________________________________________ Has donor ever had chemotherapy or radiation therapy? [ ] yes [ ] no If yes, what kind / for what disease? ___________ / ___________________ Location of therapy (hospital, city, state) _______________________________ ________________________________ Age started _______ Age stopped _______ 11 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 MEDICAL TEAM CONTACT INFORMATION Current neurologist Current physician Name Name / Type Address Address / City, State Zip Code City, State ( ) Telephone ( ) Telephone Current physician Current physician / / Name / Type Name / Type Address Address City, State Zip Code Zip Code City, State ( ) Telephone ( ) Telephone Past physician Past neurologist Zip Code / Name / Type Name Address Address 12 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 City, State Zip Code ( ) Telephone City, State Zip Code ( ) Telephone Hospitals/medical centers where treated Name Name Address Address City, State Zip Code City, State Zip Code ( ) Telephone ( ) Telephone Date(s) of treatment: ______________________ Date(s) of treatment: _____________________ PLEASE PROVIDE NAME/ADDRESS BELOW OF ANY OTHER DOCTORS YOU MAY SEE OR HAVE SEEN IN THE PAST. 13 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 RETURN THIS COPY This form is NOT the OFFICIAL authorization for collection of postmortem tissue. Instead it is to be used as a guideline when upon death the next of kin and/or legal representative is contacted. The next-of-kin will be contacted at the time of death and be asked to sign the official consent form. Name of Donor For the purpose of scientific research and in the hope of furthering medical knowledge the above donor requests that their next of kin and/or legal representative sign the OFFICIAL consent for Collection, Retention and Distribution of Tissue for Research. The next of kin will be asked to indicate authorization for collection, retention, and distribution of the following tissues for the purposes of researching psychiatric and neurological diseases: YES NO *Brain *Blood *Cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid surrounding the brain) *Spinal Cord Eyes *Trigeminal Ganglia (a nerve around the base of the skull) Dura matter (outer layer of tissue surrounding the brain) Hair Temporal bones (inner ears) *Pituitary (gland located at the base of the skull) Other cranial nerves Do you wish to receive a copy of the neuropathology report (microscopic examination of the tissue that confirms/negates clinical diagnosis)? [ ] Yes [ ] No It is further directed that upon the donor’s death, their medical histories be released to the Bank to provide corollary information critical for scientific studies. Signatures: Intended donor: ________________________________ Date _______________ Expected person to sign: ________________________________ (Next-of-kin) Date _______________ *Indicates the most frequently requested tissue from scientists. 14 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 PLEASE GIVE THIS COPY TO THE NEXT-OF-KIN This form is NOT the OFFICIAL authorization for collection of postmortem tissue. Instead it is to be used as a guideline when upon death the next of kin and/or legal representative is contacted. The next-of-kin will be contacted at the time of death and be asked to sign the official consent form. Name of Donor For the purpose of scientific research and in the hope of furthering medical knowledge the above donor requests that their next of kin and/or legal representative sign the OFFICIAL consent for Collection, Retention and Distribution of Tissue for Research. The next-of-kin will be asked to indicate authorization for collection, retention, and distribution of the following tissues for the purposes of researching psychiatric and neurological diseases: YES NO *Brain *Blood *Cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid surrounding the brain) *Spinal Cord Eyes *Trigeminal Ganglia (a nerve around the base of the skull) Dura matter (outer layer of tissue surrounding the brain) Hair Temporal bones (inner ears) *Pituitary (gland located at the base of the skull) Other cranial nerves Do you wish to receive a copy of the neuropathology report (microscopic examination of the tissue that confirms/negates clinical diagnosis)? [ ] Yes [ ] No It is further directed that upon the donor’s death, their medical histories be released to the Bank to provide corollary information critical for scientific studies. Signatures: Intended donor: ________________________________ Date _______________ Expected person to sign: ________________________________ (Next-of-kin) Date _______________ *Indicates the most frequently requested tissue from scientists. 15 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 PLEASE CALL, EMAIL, OR USE THIS FORM TO NOTIFY US OF ANY FUTURE CHANGES Name of Donor _______________________________________ Donor’s Home Address _______________________________________ (*see box below) City, State ________________________ Zip Code ___________ Home telephone: (____) ____________________ Cell Phone: (____) ___________ Office phone: Email: ______________________ (____) ____________________ Current age: ___ Date of Birth: _________ Gender ____ Social Security # _____-___-______ NEXT OF KIN INFORMATION Name _____________________________________ Relationship: ____________ Home Address _____________________________________ City, State _____________________________________ Zip Code _______________ Home telephone: (____) ___________________ Cell Phone: (____) ___________________ Office phone: (____) ___________________ Email: ______________________________ Please provide the number where we can reach the next-of-kin for telephone consent at the time of donor’s death: (____) _______________ *If DONOR lives in a Nursing/Assisted Living Facility please complete: Date of admission to facility: ________________ *If DONOR is on a Hospice Program please complete: Date of admission to hospice: _______________ Name of facility: __________________________ Name of hospice: Address Address ________________________ City, State ______________________ City, State ________________________ Zip Code Zip Code __________ _____________________ __________ _______________________ Telephone: (____) _________________ Telephone: (____) ___________________ Fax: Fax: (____) _________________ (____) ___________________ Contact person (name and number): Contact person/case manager: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (____) _______________ (____) _______________ Current Physician / Neurologist __________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code __________________________________________________ Telephone (____) _________________ (**If more than one change to physician information please add name, address, telephone on reverse side) 16 University of Illinois at Chicago Multiple Sclerosis Tissue Repository Advancing Research || Improving Treatment Depts of Neurology and Microbiology-Immunology 835 S. Wolcott (E-704 MSB) Chicago, IL 60612-7344 Phone: (312) 996-5763 Fax: (312) 355-3581 Email: 24-hour pager: (312) 996-2242, page 2947 Donor’s current weight: _____ lbs. Current height: _____ feet ____ inches For any further changes, additions, or comments, please use the reverse side of this form. 17