University of Zagreb

University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies
Department of Sociology
Study: Graduate Study of Sociology
Course: Epistemology of Social Practice
Teacher/s: Vjekoslav Afrić, Ph. D., Full Professor
Krešimir Žažar, Research/Teaching Assistant
Language of Instruction: English
Duration: 60 classes (2 classes of lectures and 2 class seminars per week);
One term - summer semester
ECTS points: 6
Week by Week Schedule:
Subject/Seminar Literature
Class Introduction
‘Epistemological Problems of Central Concepts in Sociological Theory’
‘Sociology as a Study of Meaning of Social Action’ (Max Weber)
Weber, M. (1991). The Nature of Social Action. Runciman, W.G. 'Weber:
Selections in Translation'. Cambridge University Press.
‘Social Action Theory’ (Talcott Parsons)
Parsons, T. (1937) The Structure of Social Action, McGraw- Hill Company
Parsons, T. (1978) The Theory of Social Action: the Correspondence of
Alfred Schutz and Talcott Parsons Edited by R. Gatthoff.
‘Social Integration and System Integration’ (David Lockwood)
Lockwood, D. (1964) Social Integration and System Integration in Zollschan,
G. and Hirsch, W. (eds.) Explorations in Social Change. Boston: Houghton
‘Studies in Ethnomethodology’ (Harold Garfinkel)
Garfinkel, H. (2006) Seeing Sociologically: The Routine Grounds of Social
Action, Paradigm Publishers, USA
‘Theory of Communicative Action’ (Jürgen Habermas)
Habermas, J. (1984) The Theory of Communicative Action Vol. I (Reason
and the Rationalization of Society). Cambridge: Polity Press.
(Intermediate Reflections: Social Action, Purpose Activity and
Communication (p. 273-337))
‘Structuration Theory’ (Anthony Giddens)
Giddens, A. (2003) The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of
Structuration. Cambridge: Polity Press; Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
(Elements of the Theory of Structuration (p 1-40), Consciousness, Self and
Social Encounters (p. 41-109))
‘Theory of Practice’ (Pierre Bourdieu)
Bohman, J. (2000) Practical Reason and Cultural Constraint: Agency in
Bourdieu's Theory of Practice in Shusterman, R. (ed.) Bourdieu: A Critical
Reader. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. (p. 129-152)
‘Actor-Network Theory’ (Bruno Latour)
Latour, B. (2005) Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to ActorNetwork Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
‘Figurational Sociology’ (Norbert Elias)
Elias, N. (1978) What is Sociology? Hutchinson: London.
A Theory of Structure: Duality, Agency and Transformation (William Sewell)
Sewell, W. H. Jr. (2005) Logics of History: Social Theory and Social
Transformation. Series: Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning, USA., A
Theory of Structure: Duality, Agency and Transformation (p. 124-151)
‘Transformational Model of Social Activity’ (Roy Bhaskar)
Bhaskar, R. (2009) Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation (Classical
Texts in Critical Realism), Routledge, USA. Critical Naturalism and the
Dialectic of Human Emancipation (p. 69-150)
‘The Morphogenetic Approach’ (Margaret Archer)
Archer, M. (1995) Realist Social Theory: The Morphogenetic Approach.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(Analytical Dualism: The Basis of the Morphogenetic Approach (p. 165-194))
‘Emergence, Complexity and Social Science’ (Keith Sawyer)
Sawyer, K. (2005) Social Emergence: Societies as Complex Systems.
Cambridge University Press.
Review for Final Examination
Course objectives (General and Particular Knowledge Obtained in the Course):
As a part of wider studies in epistemology of social sciences, the course is focused on
examination of social practice as one of the most important issues in sociological
epistemology. The concept of social practice is situated in the middle of two contrasted
epistemological and ontological positions: those of methodological individualism and
methodological holism mediated through elisionism and methodological dualism (social
realism). In that sense, social practice attempts to bridge a gap between mentioned
positions. During the course, the students will acquire knowledge on different views on
social practice present in sociological tradition. They will develop analytical and critical
thinking on this particular epistemological issue as well as will upgrade their knowledge
on epistemology of sociology in general.
Course methods: Method of lecture, dialogue, discussion, oral and visual presentation
(PowerPoint), consultations with students and even individual lessons if it is necessary.
The selected papers will be collected in the Reader on the basic which students will
prepare their oral presentations. Current technological and electronic devices will be
applied during lessons.
Elements of assessments and examination: A regular attendance of the classes is
required as well as regular participation in class activities. The students will need to
execute their homework assignments by writing a short note on text they read as a
preparation for every seminar’s class. At the end of the course, the students will write an
article on one topic they find most interesting. The best achievements will be published
on the Internet. Otherwise, the students will need to take a written exam. An oral exam is
possible in the case when a student is aiming to obtain a higher degree.
Obligatory literature:
Bohman, J. (2000) Practical Reason and Cultural Constraint: Agency in Bourdieu's
Theory of Practice u Shusterman, R. (ed.) Bourdieu: A Critical Reader. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers. (p. 129-152)
Giddens, A. (2003) The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration.
Cambridge: Polity Press; Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. (Elements of the
Theory of Structuration (p 1-40))
Habermas, J. (1984) The Theory of Communicative Action Vol. I (Reason and the
Rationalization of Society). Cambridge: Polity Press.(Intermediate Reflections:
Social Action, Purpose Activity and Communication (p. 273-337))
Sewell, W. H. Jr. (2005) Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation.
Series: Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning, USA., A Theory of Structure:
Duality, Agency and Transformation (p. 124-151)
Seminar literature:
Archer, M. (1995) Realist Social Theory: The Morphogenetic Approach. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. (Analytical Dualism: The Basis of the
Morphogenetic Approach (p. 165-194))
Bhaskar, R. (2009) Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation (Classical Texts in
Critical Realism), Routledge, USA. Critical Naturalism and the Dialectic of
Human Emancipation (p. 69-150)
Bohman, J. (2000) Practical Reason and Cultural Constraint: Agency in Bourdieu's
Theory of Practice u Shusterman, R. (ed.) Bourdieu: A Critical Reader. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers. (p. 129-152)
Garfinkel, H. (2006) Seeing Sociologically: The Routine Grounds of Social Action,
Paradigm Publishers, USA
Giddens, A. (2003) The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of
Structuration. Cambridge: Polity Press; Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
Ltd.(Elements of the Theory of Structuration (p 1-40), Consciousness, Self and
Social Encounters (p. 41-109))
Latour, B.(2005) Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lockwood, D. (1964) Social Integration and System Integration in Zollschan, G. and
Hirsch, W. (eds.) Explorations in Social Change. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Parsons, T. (1937) The Structure of Social Action, McGraw- Hill Company
Parsons, T. (1978) The Theory of Social Action: the Correspondence of Alfred
Schutz and Talcott Parsons Edited by R. Gatthoff.
Sawyer, K. (2005) Social Emergence: Societies as Complex Systems. Cambridge
University Press
Sewell, W. H. Jr. (2005) Logics of History: Social Theory and Social Transformation.
Series: Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning, USA., A Theory of Structure:
Duality, Agency and Transformation (p. 124-151)
Weber, M. (1991). The Nature of Social Action. Runciman, W.G. 'Weber: Selections in
Translation'. Cambridge University Press.
Evaluation of the course: At the last class, to students will be given a questionnaire with
questions on several aspects of the course conducting. Within it, the students would have
a chance to provide their own suggestions and ideas for improvement of course in
general. There is also a possibility for students to bring up their opinions about the course
orally or by e-mail.
Prof. Vjekoslav Afrić, tenured full professor
Research title and number: scientific counsellor MB: 075431
Vjekoslav Afrić is born on July 20th 1950 in Bjelovar. His graduate high school in Split,
and in 1972 he enrolled University of Zagreb, School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
major Sociology, minor Philosophy groups. He graduated B.A. studies in 1976, and
received his Masters Degree (B.Sc.) in the field of Cultural Sociology in 1980 at the same
school. He got the Ph.D. degree in 1985 at the University of Zagreb.
From 1977 he is permanently employed at The University of Zagreb, School for
Humanities and Social Sciences as an assistant (1977-1987), scientific assistant (19871992), assistant professor (1992-2001), professor (2001-2006), and tenured full professor
(2006- )
He teaches several subjects – on graduate level: «Introduction to scientific
research methods”, Quantitative methods in sociological research”, “Qualitative
methods in sociological research” “Chosen themes from scientific epistemology”,
“Development of simulation models in sociology” and “Social Anthropology”. He
teaches also at the postgraduate level on Department of Sociology, Department of
Informational sciences, and Training Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Citizen
on School of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb.
He is a chairman and one among founder of Anthropology study on School of
Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb.
He is a chairman of undergraduate study of Department of sociology (from 2002).
He was a counsellor for Human rights in Croatian Government (from 2000 to
Recent Scientific papers
1. (2002) Qualifications of information specialists: case of library and information
students at the Department of Information Science, Faculty of Philosophy,
University of Zagreb, Croatia, Human Beings and Information Specialists: future
skills, qualifications, positioning, Badovinac, B. ; Svoljšak, S. ; Lesnik, B.; Kowollik,
M. ; Fichtner, P. (ur.).Ljubljana: Faculty of Arts, Dept. of Library and Information
Science, 2002. 232-240 (international review, scientific paper).
2. (2002) Informacijske tehnologije i društvo, // Collected papers «Težakovi dani»,
Takalec, Slavko; Lasić-Lazić, Jadranka (editors) Department for information
sciences,. p. 7-21.// Information technologies and society
3. (2003) Uvod u temu: Aktualnost Karla Poppera, Revija za sociologiju 1-2/2003.
Zagreb, str. 3.-9. // Introduction in theme: Actuality of Carl Popper
4. (2004) The management of the learning content, Proceedings of the conference
Computers in education / Čičin-Šain, M. Dragojlović, P. Turčić Prstačić, I. (editors).
Opatija : MIPRO HU, 87-93.
5. (2004) Effective introduction of information technology into modern society // IIS
2004 Proceedings / Aurer, B.; Kermek, D. (editors).Varaždin: Faculty of organization
and informatics, 119-125.
6. (2004) Evaluation of the Library Information System of the faculty of
Philosophy in Zagreb, Croatia in the Context of Education in the Electronic
Environment // IT innovation in a changing world : proceedings of the 10th
International Conference of European University Information Systems / Mahnič,
Viljan ; Boštijan, Vilfan (editors).Ljubljana : Faculty of Computer and Information
Science, 2004. 112-116.
7. (2004). Znanje, učenje i upravljanje znanjem. // Odabrana poglavlja iz
organizacije znanja / Lasić-Lazić, Jadranka (editors). Zagreb : Zavod za informacijske
studije, 2004.str. 33-62. // Knowledge, Learning and Knowledge Management
8. (2004) Upravljanje sadržajem učenja i znanja. // Odabrana poglavlja iz
organizacije znanja / Lasić-Lazić, Jadranka (ur.). Zagreb: Zavod za informacijske
studije, 2004.str. 62-102. // Managing Learning Content and Knowledge.
9. (2005) The progress of Croatian society towards knowledge society, through the
enforcement and further development of the European values and standards //
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information and Intelligent
Systems / Aurer, B. ; Bača, M. (editors). Varaždin : Fakultet organizacije i
informatike, 187-194.
10. (2007) Managing Knowledge in the Electric Power Production Sector, 1st
International Conference The Future of Information Sciences (INFuture)
INFuture2007: “Digital Information and Heritage”, Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences, (organised by Department of Information Sciences Faculty of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia and Central State Administrative
Office for e-Croatia of the Government of the Republic of Croatia) Zagreb, 7-9
November 2007.
11. (2008) Važnost ulaganja u socijalni kapital, pogovor u Zborniku: Mudra zajednica,
urednik Juraj Božičević, Hrvatsko društvo za sustave, Zagreb 2008. (str. 145.-159.)
12. (2009) Ljudski kapital kao razvojni faktor. Urednica Anči Leburić, Redak,
Istraživačke studije, Split 2009.
1. Organization of information and Knowledge in Electronic Learning Environment
(Dept. of Information Sciences on Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Zagreb)
2. Social preconditions of Knowledge Societies (Dept. of Sociology on Faculty of
Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb).
Last reappointment in to the scientific and lecturing title and position was in 2006.
Surname: Žažar
Name: Krešimir
Date and place of birth: 10. 9. 1980, Zagreb
Nationality: Croatian
Civil Status: single
Address (phone/fax/e-mail): Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ivana Lučića 3, 10 000
Zagreb, Croatia
Mob. ph: ++385/98/19 79 849
Grammar School „A. G. Matoša“ in Zabok,
1995 -1999
2000 - 2007 Faculty of Humanities and Social B. A. and M.A. studies in sociology and
Sciences, University of Zagreb
2008 - present
Sept. 2008 - enrolled at Postgraduate Ph.D.
studies in sociology, Faculty of Humanities
and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
Language skills (Mark 1 to 5 for competence, where 5 is the highest):
Membership of Professional Bodies: Member of the Croatian Sociological Association
Other skills (e.g. computer literacy, etc.):
- personal computer skills – active management of MS Office applications (Word, Excel,
, Internet browsers and email programmes
Powerpoint); active work with
- driving licence - B category
Present Position: Research Assistant at Department of Sociology at Faculty of
Humanities and Social Science, University of Zagreb
Years of professional experience: 2
12. Key qualifications: M.A. in Philosophy and Sociology
Professional experience:
Date: from (month/year) to (month/year)
2008 - now
Company / Organisation
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Research Assistant
Job Description
teaching (co-lecturer at two courses at B. A. and
M. A. level of sociology studies); research
assistant at 'Social Preconditions of Knowledge
Society' project incl. writing research papers;
working on some management tasks
- in the period 2002 - 2003 the president of “Association of Students of Philosophy” at
the “Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences” in Zagreb
- contribution to the review journal of students of philosophy „Čemu“ No. 11 (Zagreb,
June 2003)
Publications and seminars:
- participation at workshop “Learning Outcomes at Pre-graduate and Graduate
Studies of the University of Zagreb”, Zagreb, University of Zagreb, 27th November.
- participation at workshop “Competences as Learning Outcomes and their
Measurement in Education of Teachers”, Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences, 21st January 2009
- participation at workshop “Learning Outcomes in Education of Teachers: Life-long
learning Perspective”, Zagreb, University of Zagreb, 24th April 2009
- participation at QMSS2 Summer School 'Projection Methods For Ethnicity and
Immigration Status’, Leeds, University of Leeds, 2nd – 9th July 2009
Scientific article Žažar, Krešimir (2008) Modernost i klasična sociologija:
Ambivalentnost klasične sociološke teorije (Modernity and Classical Sociology:
Ambivalence of Classical Sociological Theory) „Revija za sociologiju“, Vol. 39,
No. 3
Review of the book Hobbes, Thomas (2004) Levijatan ili građa, oblik i moć
crkvene i građanske države (Leviathan) in „Revija za sociologiju“, Vol. 38, No.
Review of the book Elias, Norbert (2007) Što je sociologija? (What is
Sociology?) in „Revija za sociologiju“, Vol. 39, No. 3,
Review of the book Nisbet, Robert (2007) Sociološka tradicija (Sociological
Tradition) in „Revija za sociologiju“, Vol. 39, No. 3
Review of the book Flannery, Tim (2007) Gospodari vremena (Povijest i
utjecaj klimatskih promjena na budućnost) (The Weather Makers: The History
and Future Impact of Climate Change) in „Socijalna ekologija“ Vol. 17 (2008.),
No. 1
article Žažar, Krešimir (2002) Odnos makro i mikro sociologije (The Relation
between Macro and Micro Sociology) on the Internet
Review of the book Konrad Paul Liessmann, Teorija neobrazovanosti (Theory
of Miseducation) in „Revija za sociologiju“, Vol.40[39] No.1-2 Lipanj 2009.
Review of the book Šime Pilić (ed.), Obrazovanje u kontekstu tranzicije
(Education in the Context of Social Transition) in „Socijalna ekologija“, Vol. 18
No. 1.
Review of the book Alfredo Višković (ed.) Mudra zajednica (Wise Community)
in „Socijalna ekologija“ Vol. 18 (2009.) No. 3-4