The development of this course has been funded by the Curriculum Resource Center (“CRC”) at the Central European University (“CEU”), whose programs are partially funded by the Higher Education Support Program (“HESP”). The opinions expressed herein are the author’s own and do not necessarily express the views of CEU. Lecturer: Host Institution: Course Title: Year of CDC Grant: Nikolay Golovin Karaganda State University Political Socialization in the Post-Soviet Society 2002 / 2003 Introduction Locating the content of the course within the discipline Locating the course within the curriculum Student's assumed knowledge basis for course participation The proposed course has the comparative and problematic nature. As mentioned the course is developed on the base of sociological social psychology (Yadov V.A. Sociology in Russia, Moscow, 1998, p. 379). The use of results of other sciences (philosophy (values), culture studies (problems of identity), political science (analysis of conditions of political socialization) as well as the results of psychology, sociology and history makes the course interdisciplinary. That is why the course is well incorporated with the curricula of the Departments of Philosophy, Political Sciences, Psychology and Cultural Studies at Karaganda State University, integrating knowledge, obtained by students during the study of profile disciplines. Therefore the novelty of the course is in its interdisciplinary integrative nature. The course is addressed to third-year students (the sixth semester) of the Department of Philosophy (specialized in philosophy, psychology, political sciences, sociology, cultural studies), Karaganda State University, Kazakhstan. Objectives of the course Academic Aims (within the discipline) Learning Outcomes The major goals of the projects are the following: To give students the scientific knowledge on the socialization process in the changing society on the base of theoretical and empirical research with the help of the comparative analysis of problems and peculiarities of political socialization in Russia, Kazakhstan arid other countries of the CIS. New notions are given in this lecture course and theoretical ways about the problem of political socialization with taking into results of international sociological discusses. Texts was discussed at the seminars, including in Reader, having compared aspects of political socialization in Russia and Kazakstan. Students took and developed habits of analysis of empirical materials and scientific discusses about problem of this course. 2 Ill Course Detail Lecture Synopsis A paragraph outlining the aims and content of each lecture Topic 1. Political socialization is as aspects of total socialization. Mechanism and agents of political socialization. Theoretical base of political socialization's research. Socialization is a long process of the formation of person, assimilating the base society’s values, formation of the behavior’s orientations. It’s mechanism and process with its help society provide a decision of this propositions and this also is a process of socialization. There are a first socialization (childhood), second socialization (youth) and resocialization (old age). There are economical, political, cultural and other aspects of socialization. Feature of political socialization is the formation of civil identity, relations to base political values of society, form a party-political behavior orientations. Its important agents besides family, school, university are the political party, mass- media, political VIP and political culture in general. Political culture conclude a gender and age aspects of socialization and political socialization. Sociological and social-psychological fundamental theories define problem of socialization as very important. T. Parsons system theory define – socialization is a assimilating roles and the formation of motivations of person’s behavior, giving answer to society’s requirements. Critical theory of Franfurts school define that socialization must eliminate relations of domination. N. Alias describe socialization as a civilization process which consist of institutionalization of people. School of symbolical- interaction G.Mid and D.Blumer research mechanisms of socialization on the macro-social level. In political sociology researches of socialization connect with theory of youth and theory of political generations, because political socialization connect with group action of actors. Indeed political socialization wear off in young period and in difficult history periods. Literature: Adorno.T Research of authoritarian person. M., 2002 Batler. D Psychology of power: theory of subject. Harkov,S-P.,2002 Zherebkina.I. Feminine political unconscious S-P.,2002 Klyiev A.V. Person in political measuring SpS.,2000 Kletsma I.S. Gender socialization S-P.. /1998 About manhood. Collection of articles composed Ushankin S. M.,2002 Development and probation of theoretical history method/ editor Rozova N. S. Novosibirsk, 2001 Elias N.-About process of civilization. В 1,2 M., S-P., 2001 Topic 2. International experience of research of the political socialization (USA, FRG, Poland, Switzerland, Russia, Kazakhstan) First systematical researches of political socialization began in 50 -th. y. in USA. It were based on the Franfurts school ideas (book “authority and family, 1936 year.”) and at the beginning describe child’s socialization in school and in family. And being of formatting period of political orientations were affirmed as a results. In 60-th. y. researchers of political socialization continued in Europe. German researchers of political socialization give attention to social structure, show dependence of results of political socialization from status of family. Then, after incorporation, German sociology research the 3 influents of different social system to political socialization. Poland researches of political socialization describe the formation of national identity and civil socialization in period of fighting for freedom in 20 age. Methodology of quality researches of political socialization were developed in Poland. Switzerland researches of political socialization presents the example of contrary identity where political values dominate on the national. Also the political- sociolizating role of local party in everyday life were researched in Switzerland. Literature Golebiowski В. Pokolenia i politika w Polsce XX wielu // Soziologia polityki. Wybor tekstow pomochiczych do kowersatorium. Wybor i dokonali B. Golebiowski, J. Szszupaczynski / Institut nauk politicznych. WdiPN UW.Warczawa, 1993.P. 384-397 Tillmann K.-J. Socializations theorien. Rombeck bei Hamburg, 2000. Shtainkamp G. Social structure and person: problem of differentiation and integration of macro-,mezo-, microleveles of social analysis // Problem of theoretical sociology / editor Boronoyeva O. S-P., Petropolis, 1996. Topic 3. Features of political socialization in stability and changing society. Conception of political socialization in changing society. Political socialization in stability society is presaged because it pass political culture. In changing society economical, political and cultural conditions change and that destroy usual socialization influents of older generation on youth, form a new political identity and political traits of person. But changes of socialization’s conditions don’t mean a changes of political identity and political traits of person. In this case “ecological delusion” appear in researchers of socialization. In researchers of all transforming societies ( it’s all post soviet societies) ought to use scientific materials of historical sociology. Analysis of generations is a good method to research political socialization which very good reconcile with historical sociology. Quantity method of collecting and analyze empirical facts in such analysis – APC-Analysis allow to elicit latent characteristics of the historical period which have socializing influents. Quantity methods in researchers of political socialization: biography materials, retrospective interview allow to compare historical conditions and results of socialization. By the way problem of differentiation of the age effects, defining of historical period are decided in researchers of political socialization. Literature V. Shubkm From stagnation to reforms. M.,2001 Naumova N.F. Type of behavior in unstable society: mechanisms of stability and non stability // Stability and non stability of structure is as a subject of systematic research. M.,1994 Shubkm V.N. Latent mechanisms of social- cultured reproduction in crisis society // resume of scientific works .1994 Nikandrov N.D. Russia: socialization and upbringing. 2000 Yadov V.N. Russia as transforming society: resume of discusses \v\v\ Topic 4 Formation of the new institutional conditions of socialization in post soviet society in the end of 20 - beginning 21 century. Crisis of soviet society in the and of 20 age is a very important world- historical event: it change the whole world structure. In crisis and reformation of soviet and post soviet social system there can define a few follow stages: 1)1985-1987 – ideological stage, there only ideology changed; 2) 1988- 4 1991 – stage of political transformation, when soviet system together with USSR broken; 3) 19922000 – stage of economical system changes; 4) 2000 -… - stage of relative stability of post soviet societies. Big changes of institutional conditions in usual and political socialization were during the 1985-2000 year and further. Transit from plane economical system to market economical was in these societies. Transit from one -party system to plural -party system with free elections was in political system, juridical conditions change from soviet law to civil law, giving many rights and freedom to the men. Cultural conditions of socialization define by plural system of education and its liberalization. Tendency to keep and support of general conditions to live is in states of Independent State Commonwealth (union of Russia and Belarussia). Analysis of soviet and post soviet political conditions show that new conditions of socialization create possibilities to being a new post soviet political generation in all these states. All post soviet states must define their place in global society in the process of globalization because political communication take place not only inside the state, but in all geopolitical space Literature Bek У. Private life in non stability world: individualization, globalization and politic// Problem of theoretical sociology/ editor Boronoeva A. O. S-P.,2003. Kazakhstan: realities and perspectives of independent development. M.,1998. Kozlova N. N. Every day live of soviet age/M., 1995. Kozlova N. N. Traditional values and goals of modernization // Modernization in Russia and conflict of values; Every day live of soviet age. M., 1995 Niesanbayev A. N., Arienov E. M., Babakurnarov E. Zh. Republic of Kazakhstan: social-political image at the beginning of the 21 century// Sociologicabresearches. 1996.№8 Pshenko K. A. Commonwealth of independent states: formation of general cultural and educational space. S-P.,2001. Modern political process in Kazakhstan and Russia: comparing analysis. M., 1998 Social politics in post soviet society: propositions, oppositions, mechanisms. M., 2001. Social-economical problem of changing society. From practice of CIS. M., 2000. Topic 5. Political generations in 20 century in Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan: comparing analysis of historical conditions of socialization and political identify. Analysis of generation in the researchers of socialization is a very important aspect in changing society, when difference between generations become perceptible. Political generation define as social generation. Social generation - it’s generation which was socialized in stability social system. Political generation appear as a result of political self-determination with there specific historical opportunities Formation of political generation in soviet society was difficult process, because formation of the political perception was always controlled. Three social generation can define in soviet society: First soviet social generation (1898-1918) was socialized in a period of socialism- building (1918- 1939) Second soviet generation (1919- 1933) was socialized in a period of classical Stalinism 1936-1953 year. Third soviet generation ( 1934-1964) was socialized in a period of stability and stagnation of soviet society in 1954- 1984 year. Generation of transforming society – is a generation of crisis including age periods from 1965 and are socialized in a period of transformation , become a youth in a period from 1985- 2000 y. and further. 5 Middle generation influenced on the youth, which is the generation of crisis growing up in a period of stagnation of socialism, this all mean a conflict between generations. Crisis generation can be defined by the crisis periods, it depends from a period of their second socialization: “children of the rebuilding” – political socialization in 1985- 1991; generation of crisis transformation of the soviet society - 1992-2000; generation of the relative stability – beginning from2000 year. Political generation of soviet and post soviet society have some general traits with a generation of eastern Europe states. Difference between them is a result of superficial political crisis and historical opportunities of these states. Literature Golovin N. A., Seberiov V. H. Children and elections to Russian government in 1999 y: beginning of formation of the political directions // Sociology and social anthropology. 2001. №4. Esenaliev M. I. At the end of ages. Almaty, 1990 Tolstiekh F. V. Person in a system of age stage. S-P., 2000 Shestopal E. B. Psychological portrait of russian politics in 1990 th. у. М., 2000 Topic 6. Formation of a new civil identify on the post soviet space. (Kazakhstan and Russia) Notion of the soviet man at the beginning mean just ideology and then sociological conception researching political types of person. Classical soviet people, as say U. Levada, are defined by follow traits, making a system: Imagination about own exception; Paternalistic orientation in states relationship; Statehood; Orientation to the equality; Impair character; Tendency of changing the soviet people as a type of political person can be defined in sociological researchers in Russia ( 1989,1995.1999 years.). Imagination about own exception isn’t so important yet especially in the edge of impair. Paternalism have a opposite character; from one side there is a demand of guaranties of government, and from the other side former soviet people feel a self- sufficient. Social stratification changed the ideas about equality. Impair character of the soviet man was kept only in the Russia. Formation of the new political identity actively develop in the post soviet space. For example general traits and differences in this process are in Russia and Kazakhstan. Both of this states try to take important place in political world, to formats the national identity. Eurasian ideology is a base for such process. Literature Biezov L. G. Crisis of identify in modem russian society and motivation social-political election 6 // Vestnic MSU.1999.№4 Identify and conflict in the post soviet states. M., 1997 Levada I. Homo post-Soveticus // sciences and modern time 2000. №6 Romanova N. V. Ethnic Renessance: perspective of modernization in Kazakhstan // Saysat=Politics. A. 1995 Simple soviet men: expierence of social portreat in 90th y./ editor Levada I. A.m., 1993. Tishkov V. Identify and conflict in post soviet states. M., 1997. Topic 7. Changing of the base values in Russia and Kazakhstan. Social system of values include a national, social-political and own values, which constitute a person stricture of values. Transit from dominated soviet system of values to a new system of values is in post soviet societies now. Important new systems of values is a liberalism from one side and values of traditional system of the soviet society from other side. In Russia it’s a religion’s traditional values. In Kazakhstan it’s a values of cultural traditions of kazak , russian and other. Crisis of post soviet society appear from that and its further pluralization. Liberal values of civil society are supported by young generation of post soviet states. Literature Andreenkova A. V. Materialism and postmaterialism in Russia // Social researches. 1994y. №11 Dynamics of population's values in reformed Russia / editor Lapin N. I., Belayev L. A. M., 1996 Topic 8. Problem of formation party-political orientations. One party system and system of formal political pluralization were created on the territory of the Soviet Union and other states, depending from them. Party-political system of socialization was in Soviet Union: October’s, pioneer organization, comsomol and member of the party. Membership in party help to make a career. In post soviet society person loose a party- political orientations because of their absents The formation of party-political orientation begin just now in post soviet society. It’s provided by selection of party at the elections to legislative power from one side, and by law about political party from other side, structuring the party-political system. Difference between party- political orientations of children and party- political orientations of the youth and older generation can be researched for example in children’s political socialization. Literature Golovin N. A., Siberev V. A. Children and elections to russian government // sociology and social anthropology 2001 №4 Gurevich L.Y Features of electoral behavor of Kazakhstan citizens // 1996 7 Karsakov I. Political party of Russia and Kazakhstan: compearing analysis. Sayasat A. 1995 Klyiev A.V. Person in political measuring. S-P. 2000 8 IV Assessment Outline of Student Assessment Tests by results of presence on the seminars and taking part in discussion. Control questions for independent work Formulate the notion of age effect, historical period, offer ways of differentiation. Show important stages of Russian history in a period of 20-21 c., give a characteristic of economical, political system, ideology, fears, conditions of culture and opportunities to get education. How do these conditions influence on the person's socialization. Regard base traits of soviet person. How do political identity of soviet person change in post soviet period? How do base political directions of soviet person change in post soviet period? How do political traits of soviet person change in post soviet period? Regard formation of party- political orientations in post soviet period, using statistic materials. Course work topics 1 2 3 4 5 Global aspect of political socialization in the post soviet society. Social- psychological factors of political socialization in soviet and post soviet society. Political socialization of generations in post soviet society: youth. Political socialization of generations in post soviet society: middle generation. Political socialization of generations in post soviet society: older generation. Questions for tests: 1 Features of political socialization in total socialization. 1 Base mechanism and agents of socialization. 2 Theories of political socialization. 3 Researching plan of political socialization. 4 Quantities and qualities methods of collection and interpretation of empirical facts about political socialization. 5 Model of political socialization. 6 Comparing analysis of political socialization conditions in soviet and post soviet society: what survive and what change. 7 Notion of political socialization , political generation in soviet and post soviet society 8 Tendency of formation of the new civil identity on the post soviet space. 9 Tendency of changing the base values in post soviet society. Problem of formation of the partypolitical orientations in post soviet space. V. Reading list Outline of reading per lecture V.I. Prepearing of the projekt of the course 30.06.2003-28.02.2003 Professor E.Yesengaraev and N. Golovin expanded a regime of cooperative work abov e the developing project after conclusion of the contract and began to realize it. They created in September- November 2003 year by the e-mail: conception of the course (Supplement 1_r, Supplement 1_e) compose working program of the course (Supplement 2_r, Supplement 2_e) 9 Professor Yesengaraev came to Sankt-Petersburg state University in November 2003 year. In S-P S.U executors of the project: developed a structure of reader for students, answering to conception of the course and its program take consultation from professor K.Pshenko, who is a secretary of the commission by education, culture and sport of Independent State Commonwealth, he : First, define a problem of cultural, educational and legal conditions of the socialization in ISC. Second, give a magazines with actual materials about this problem Third, take part in development of reader materials, giving own articles. executors acquired the necessary literature for university’s library reconcile content of the course Executors worked above reader and developed general digest of the lecture course in December 2002 - to march 2003 years. It is a writing of articles, inviting other authors… Supplement 3_r- reader on the Russian language Supplement 3-e- tittle list, content of reader on the English language Teachers of KSU S.Mikhalenya, R. Sabitov, and students Makatova A., Karabayeva A., Babasheva and other gave own articles. 10.04.2003 program of course was affirmed and allowed for teaching in S-P S.U. 25.04.2003 program of this course was affirmed in KS.U . And so, set of necessary materials was developed in a preparing period. V.II Chapter – reading of the course 1.03.2003 –30.04.2003 Reading of this course was in Karaganda State University 36 hours according with project. In KSU This course was read in two weeks because of block system beginning in 14 April. Listeners of the course were students of sociology, politology, philosophy chairs and others who were interested by the topic of the course. Total 35 students. Students take an additional and integrating knowledge by follow problems: Features of political socialization in changing society, relationship between generations in the process of socialization. - Modern quantity and quality methods of research the political socialization Results and actual problems of the process of socialization and resocialization of political generations by formation of the new political identity, change of the base political values and concert party- political orientations. Students were interested by topic of course, studied giving materials and actively discussed at the seminars. V.III. Last stage From 1.05.2003. Developing course will be read in Karaganda State University. Developing course will be read in Sankt- Petersburg State University. It wasn’t in contract but it will be read there. Developing course will be read in Sankt-Petersburg State University and also by distant way. 10 Supplement 4_r- The letter of the dean of Mr. B. Kolumbaev/Karaganda State University from 25. 04.2003 about a perusal of a Courses. (In Russian) Supplement 4-e- The letter of the dean of Mr. B. Kolumbaev/Karaganda State University from 25. 04.2003 about a perusal of a Courses. (In English). VI. Teaching Methodology Theoretical analysis of problems (lectures) Secondary analysis of empiric data (lectures, seminars) Comparative method (lectures, seminars) Independent student work Discussions (seminars, colloquium with a credit test)