
1.1. Background
Indonesia Government have expressed the desire to fulfill the rights of citizen
by following sign of Millennium Development Goals ( MDG) that representation of
189 state member PBB commit. In 2015 PBB had decide some of targets, that is: to
decrease until half of poor, all of child (boy and girl) graduated from elementary
school, bridging the gap of gender in SD and SLTP or SLTA, decrease until two-third
level death of child under five years, decrease until three-four of ratio of mother
death, stop the spreading of HIV/AIDS, inverting process of omission of environment
sources and develop the global partnership.
BPS which has responsibility to data access, expected to become the part of
solution this country to reach its targets. In providing indicators to see attainment
MDG in Indonesia, BPS had done the measurement in social and also in economics
field. Indonesia has various in social and culture and very wide are so that is difficult
to give the picture of Indonesia truthfully in attainment MDG. For that needed the
data with small coverage such as province and regency. The context of decentralize
where regency represent governance center hence will be more better if shorting of
data and analysis can be constructed in level regency so that the average number
more come near condition.
The law No 32/2004 about Otonomi Daerah affirming that district autonomy is
rights authority and district obligation autonomy to pass and manage own self of
governmental and the local society according to law of regulation. With this law
district able to manage and more express through perda-perda which is adapted with
a district condition. This law is the base of law from various economic social
development in Jawa Barat and as manifestation from the soul, Jawa Barat province
compile an vision and mission which synergy with national goal.
Jawa Barat which have big province with biggest resident percentage in
GRDP of Jawa Barat by Expenditure 2004
Indonesia needed a lot of information for arranging social life and also the
economics. If we see the targets of MDG such as overcoming the poorness and
hunger, reaching education basis for all, decreasing mortality of child and increasing
mother health which is closely related with cultural social also society consumption.
For that, information about household-consumption is very important to analyze the
economic for short and long term. This component give highest contribution of GRDP
and more than 60% GDRB of Jawa Barat obtained. Therefore, this component is the
main component from multiplier and if this component had changed then income
balance will change also.
Consumption in component GDRB covered also Non-Profit Institution
Consumption and Government Consumption. Government Consumption expenditure is
all of goods and service that is bought by government for services society,
compensation of employees, compensation of fixed capital and minus from sold for
goods and service. Government Consumption or government expenditure doesn’t
include expenditure for transfer payment. The number of Governmental Expenditure
must be responsible by district head to society. This component has contribution about
6 percent for every year.
To reach MDG goals 2015 Indonesia need international cooperation
especially for the capital domestics, and also partnership between countries is one of
MDG goals. Have to be afforded the capital in flow the foreign capital must bigger
capital out flow. One other pushing Indonesia economic growth is the
investment from other country. Therefore to repair of investment climate is very
important especially reformation in law and field which relevant with implementation
in Indonesia.
Investment is one of component of GRDP which change easily. If decreasing at
goods and service demand then it will be down extremely. Investment is one of
component which was got biggest impact of crisis. Although investment in Jawa Barat
still main target for investor domestic or foreign, until now, after crisis, the
contribution to GRDP only share 15 percent.
Actually, before crisis share of
investment to GRDP more than 20 percent. Be sure that the first make a move after a
GRDP of Jawa Barat by Expenditure 2004
period of crisis is investment, then be expected that this component will drive the
economic as whole.
In era of globalization Indonesia cannot independent without other nations.
Indonesia as country according to the open economics, export import goods and
services are the activity which can not be ignored and vital. This information is very
important for seeing the efficiency of economic activity. Indonesia and other countries
have been connected in global commitment such as economics, trade, financial
transaction etc. For that Indonesia also sign international trade agreement for
example WTO, APEC, OPEC, and AFTA.
A lot of factor determining the level the number of export-import among states
so every time the number of export-import can fluctuate. Sometimes export does too
expand and does not in line with import growth so make surplus or minus the
balancing sheet. Right now, the free market mechanism is moving that can give can
unbalance of foreign exchange at two countries. On a long time if import is always
bigger than export or negative net export then it will shake economic stability.
Therefore, government has to effort seriously to overcome balance of payment. If
export is too high then it will makes increasing of income aggregate, but not contrary,
therefore the nature of export import also have the nature of investment consumption.
Base Year of estimation GRDP is the year had been specified by price from
goods or product services in region. Every decade the change of base year was always
needed for more accommodate all economics changes. The base year is used for stand
on the enumeration change economic aggregate such as: real value, economics
structure, economic growth and price growth.
Start from year 2005, base year changed from 1993 become to 2000.
Determine return process of base year caused by some reason for example:
recommended by PBB about base year change and the base year 1993 have been
assumed does not representative again to economic structure in this time; 2000 was
considered to be a year which its economics relative stabilize after crisis which take
its rise at mid 1997; In the 2000 also be made available by a supporter data such as IO (input-output) and Population Census, etc. Several things must be paid attention to
GRDP of Jawa Barat by Expenditure 2004
in base year change especially classification return of transaction and economic
player as according to guidance of System National Account ( SNA) 93. Others also
be needed a coverage repair of all economic activity, especially unavailable activity
yet in the year 1993.
1.2. Purpose and Objective
Economics development is network of the effort to increase the level live
society, distribution income and extend opportunity work as well as expected to reach
targets such as those which have been good specified by regional or national. To
measure economic growth performance can be seen through macro economics
growth, economics structure, income-capita and other economics indicators. Beside
that, the statistic data and economic indicator applicable to analyze and determine the
wisdom direction and also evaluate development result. One of economic indicator
that is needed to get picture the macro economics regional is GRDP by expenditure.
Jawa Barat province has big potency and also the high aspiration such as
decanted in vision and mission. For that, be needed a measurement for performance
from strategies which have been specified. Publication of GRDP by Expenditure of
Jawa Barat represent portrait of performance the macro economics development of
Jawa Barat which see from side of number of Consumption, Investment and ExportImport,
GRDP contribution to economics regional and
growth was done.
expected this information to become substance evaluate and become strongfoundation planning for local government and to study substance which gives benefit
for society of other data user.
GRDP of Jawa Barat by Expenditure 2004