International Seminar on the Development of Partnership between volunteer organi zatio ns in ord er to promo te Hu man Rights Education Baku, 13 –19 October 2005 Seminar Description and Application form 1 Description of the course 1. Why this seminar? The seminar is devoted to the development of cooperation between volunteer organizations in order to promote human rights education and networking of volunteer organizations.. In other words, the seminar will create the opportunity for different youth organizations from various European countries to elaborate volunteer projects in the field of Human Rights Education. The seminar will be organized by Association of Young Azerbaijani Friends of Europe (Azerbaijan) in partnership with Belarusian Youth Public Union “New Faces” (Belarus), "Swallows" (Russia), Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid (Serbia and Montenegro), FIYE-POLAND (Poland) and International Youth Association EstYES (Estonia). The event will be organized with financial support of European Youth Foundation. Objectives of the seminar: To develop the knowledge of the participants regarding Human Rights and importance of HR Education; To reveal and understand the advantages of volunteerism in Human Rights Education; To introduce to the participants the methods of Human Rights Education (COMPASS) and involvement of volunteers in HRE projects; To introduce to young people the main challenges related to Human Rights situation in Europe; To reveal the directions of the cooperation between different European countries and the development of networking; To elaborate the projects addressed to the involvement of volunteers in Human Rights Education 2. Draft Programme of the Seminar: 1st Day: Revealing of the main needs, expectation and fears of the participants regarding the seminar; Presentation of different organizations engaged in volunteer work; Exhibition of the organizations; Intercultural party; 2nd Day: Development of theoretical knowledge of participants on HR; Introduction of main challenges; the advantages of involvement of volunteers in HR Education; 3rd Day: Revealing of priorities in the field of involvement of volunteers in HRE, study trip to volunteer organizations in Azerbaijan; Mid term Evaluation 4th day: Case studies by interactive methods such as forum theatre, debates. 5th Day: Development of practical skills (proposal writing, fundraising etc.) of the participants regarding specifics of volunteer & HRE projects; 6th Day: Elaboration of the projects addressed to the involvement of volunteers in HRE; Open Space Technology; Final Evaluation; 3. Profile of the participants: The Seminar will bring together 25 participants with different background from European countries: 2 Youth leaders and youth workers and NGO representatives, who has volunteer experience and experience in human rights education; Young representatives of NGOs involved in projects related to human rights & intercultural dialogue; Aged 18-30; Ability to work in English; Motivated to participate in the follow up activities of the event; Able to attend for the full duration of the seminar; During the selection of the participants, prep-team will consider different experience background of applicants, geographical aspect and gender balance. 4. Travel, board and lodging The Organizers will reimburse 80% of participants' travel costs (maximum 350 Euro). Each participant should pay 30 Euro participation fee. Accommodation and meal will be provided during the seminar by organizers as well with support of European Youth Foundation. 30 Euro participation fee will be deducted from the reimbursed amount. Reimbursement of travel costs will only be on presentation of the tickets AND a receipt/invoice. 5. The deadline and selection procedure The selection of participants will be done by the team of trainers taking into account the profile of participants, NGO-government balance, as well as gender and regional balance. Applications must be made on the enclosed form and returned, duly completed, and accompanied by a letter recommending your participation (for NGO applicants) to the e-mail, by Monday, 12 September 2005 at the latest: 3 APPLICATION FORM (please type or use capital letters and write legibly in black ink) Please note, submitting an application for the seminar does not guarantee a place. Those candidates selected for participation will receive further information and a letter of confirmation by end of September. Surname: __________________________________ First name: _________________________________ Age: ______________ Gender: male female Your working language(s), please tick the appropriate boxes for each language: English: Spoken Understanding Fluent Fair Beginner None Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Address of your organisation: _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Your private address: _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: home: ___________________________ Work: _______________________________________ Fax: ________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ The name of your organisation/NGO (please specify if you are a member of a youth NGO or volunteer, and whether you work at local, regional, national or international level): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Short description of the aims of your organisation and briefly your work or responsibilities in your organisation: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Your / your organisation’s experience with any of the topics below a) Voluntary work: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ b) Human Rights Education _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you followed any other training in youth work (if yes, please describe briefly) ? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your motivation to take part in the seminar? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Briefly state your expectations for the seminar: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Your main training needs in the field of human rights: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ How will your organisation benefit if you attend the seminar: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ If your application is accepted for this course, do you have any special practical requirements (special dietary needs, disability, etc)? _______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Please feel free to add your own comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Please send your application to the Association of Young Azerbaijani Friends of Europe by email The Deadline for applications: 12 September 2005 6