Curriculum Outline for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards and Competencies Domain: Academic Academic Standard A: Students will be able to acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the lifespan. Competency 1: Improve Academic Self-Concept ASCA Indicators: A:A1.1 A1.5 Competency 2: Acquire Skills for Improving Learning ASCA Indicators: A:A2.1 A2.4 Competency 3: Achieve School Success ASCA Indicators: A:A3.1 A3.5 Curriculum Timeline Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Indicators Colorado Springs School District 11 Goals and Strategic Plan Correlation Goals: Grade Level and Content See ‘Curriculum Descriptors’ pages for further delineation Process, Perception, and Results Data as it relates to increases in the overall goals of both the district and the individual school. As measured by: Process: referrals to alternatives Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluation Results: graduation rate, credit deficiency/failing grades rate, drop-out rate, longitudinal standardized tests data, and High Risk Indicator Report Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend Documented by: Process/Results: the number of students that take college entrance/vocational/military aptitude exams (i.e. PSAT, ACT, ASVAB) Perception: pre-post tests As measured by: Process: referrals to alternatives Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluation Results: graduation rate, credit deficiency/failing grades rate, drop-out rate, longitudinal standardized tests data, and High Risk Indicator Report 6-9 Guidance Ongoing 10 Post-Secondary Focus and Investigation First Semester 9-12 Coordination and Disaggregation of Required Assessment Ongoing 6-9 Guidance Ongoing 6-7 School to Career Link Second Semester Documented by: Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluations 7 Introduction to Secondary First Semester Documented by: Perception: pre-post tests Results: grades, High Risk Indicator Report 6-9 Guidance Ongoing 9 Introduction to PostSecondary First Semester As measured by: Process: referrals to alternatives Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluation Results: graduation rate, credit deficiency/failing grades rate, drop-out rate, longitudinal standardized tests data, and High Risk Indicator Report Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report 1. Student Achievement 2. Safety 3. High Performing Workforce 4. Community 5. Effective and Efficient Use of Resources 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 4.1 An environment will exist where all parents/guardians are involved in their child's education. 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.4 All students will meet or exceed graduation requirements. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 1.2 All students will perform at or above a proficient level in state-assessed academic subjects, as defined by Colorado. 1.4 All students will meet or exceed graduation requirements. 10 Curriculum Outline for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards and Competencies Domain: Academic Academic Standard B: Students will complete school with the academic preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial postsecondary options, including college. Competency 1: Improve Learning ASCA Indicators: A:B1.1 B1.7 Curriculum Timeline Grade Level and Content See ‘Curriculum Descriptors’ pages for further delineation 10 Post-Secondary Focus and Investigation Second Semester 6-8 Guidance Ongoing Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Indicators Colorado Springs School District 11 Goals and Strategic Plan Correlation Process, Perception, and Results Data as it relates to increases in the overall goals of both the district and the individual school. Goals: 1. Student Achievement 2. Safety 3. High Performing Workforce 4. Community 5. Effective and Efficient Use of Resources Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.4 All students will meet or exceed graduation requirements. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 4.1 An environment will exist where all parents/guardians are involved in their child's education. As measured by: Perception: pre-post tests, student/parent surveys Results: grades, High Risk Indicator Report Ongoing… 6 Orientation 5 to 6 Transition Competency 2: Plan to Achieve Goals ASCA Indicators: A:B2.1 B2.7 8 Orientation 8 to 9 Transition 9 Orientation 6-12 Secondary to Post-Secondary begins third quarter of 5th grade year, emphasis first quarter of 6th grade Ongoing… begins second quarter of 8th grade year, emphasis first quarter of 9th grade Ongoing As measured by: Perception: pre-post tests, student/parent surveys Results: grades, High Risk Indicator Report As measured by: Perception: student/parent surveys Results: credit deficiency rate, drop-out rate, High Risk Indicator Report Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.4 All students will meet or exceed graduation requirements. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 4.1 An environment will exist where all parents/guardians are involved in their child's education. 11 Curriculum Outline for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards and Competencies Domain: Academic Academic Standard B: Students will complete school with the academic preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial postsecondary options, including college. CONTINUED Competency 2: Plan to Achieve Goals ASCA Indicators: A:B2.1 B2.7 Curriculum Timeline Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Indicators Grade Level and Content See ‘Curriculum Descriptors’ pages for further delineation Process, Perception, and Results Data as it relates to increases in the overall goals of both the district and the individual school. 11-12 Guidance As measured by: Process: referrals to alternatives Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluation Results: graduation rate, credit deficiency/failing grades rate, drop-out rate, longitudinal standardized tests data, and High Risk Indicator Report 6-11 Course Selection 6-12 Coordination and Disaggregation of Required Assessment Ongoing Second Semester Documented by: Process/Results: the numbers of students that meet or exceed The Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) requirements (*see addendum 1), the number of students in the most rigorous coursework possible Perception: pre-post tests Ongoing Documented 6-12 by: Process/Results: longitudinal standardized test data Documented 9-12 by: Process/Results: the number of students that take college entrance/vocational/military aptitude exams (i.e. PSAT, ACT, ASVAB) Perception: pre-post tests Colorado Springs School District 11 Goals and Strategic Plan Correlation Goals: 1. Student Achievement 2. Safety 3. High Performing Workforce 4. Community 5. Effective and Efficient Use of Resources 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.4 All students will meet or exceed graduation requirements. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 4.1 An environment will exist where all parents/guardians are involved in their child's education. 12 Curriculum Outline for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards and Competencies Domain: Academic Academic Standard C: Students will understand the relationship of academics to the world of work, and to life at home and in the community. Curriculum Grade Level and Content See ‘Curriculum Descriptors’ pages for further delineation 6-8 Guidance 6-12 Secondary to Post-Secondary Competency 1: Relate School to Life Experiences ASCA Indicators: A:C1.1 C1.6 Timeline 6 School to Career Link Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Indicators Process, Perception, and Results Data as it relates to increases in the overall goals of both the district and the individual school. Ongoing As measured by: Perception: pre-post tests, student/parent surveys Results: grades, High Risk Indicator Report Ongoing Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend postsecondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report Second Semester Documented by: Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluations 10 Guidance Ongoing As measured by: Process: referrals to alternatives Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluation Results: graduation rate, credit deficiency/failing grades rate, drop-out rate, longitudinal standardized tests data, and High Risk Indicator Report 8-12 Leadership Opportunities Ongoing Measured by: Process: the number and variety of opportunities for leadership in school community Second Semester Documented by: Process/Results: the numbers of students that meet or exceed The Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) requirements (*see addendum 1), the number of students in the most rigorous coursework possible Perception: pre-post tests 9-11 Course Selection Colorado Springs School District 11 Goals and Strategic Plan Correlation Goals: 1. Student Achievement 2. Safety 3. High Performing Workforce 4. Community 5. Effective and Efficient Use of Resources 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 1.6 All students will integrate technology and information literacy skills into learning. 4.1 An environment will exist where all parents/guardians are involved in their child's education. 4.2 The percentage and quality of community/school partnerships will be maximized. 13 Curriculum Outline for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards and Competencies Domain: Career Career Standard A: Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions. Curriculum Grade Level and Content See ‘Curriculum Descriptors’ pages for further delineation 6-8 Guidance Competency 1: Develop Career Awareness ASCA Indicators: C:A1.1 A1.10 Competency 2: Develop Employment Readiness ASCA Indicators: C:A2.1 A2.9 Timeline 8-9 Career Awareness 10 Career Focus 8 Link Between Secondary and PostSecondary 9 Introduction to PostSecondary 10 Post-Secondary Focus and Investigation 11 Post-Secondary Investigation and Planning 12 Post-Secondary Planning and Execution 11-12 Leadership Opportunities Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Indicators Process, Perception, and Results Data as it relates to increases in the overall goals of both the district and the individual school. Ongoing Colorado Springs School District 11 Goals and Strategic Plan Correlation Goals: 1. Student Achievement 2. Safety 3. High Performing Workforce 4. Community 5. Effective and Efficient Use of Resources As measured by: Perception: pre-post tests, student/parent surveys Results: grades, High Risk Indicator Report Second Semester Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report Ongoing Documented by: Perception: pre-post tests Results: grades, High Risk Indicator Report First Semester Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report Ongoing Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report Ongoing Measured by: Process: the number and variety of opportunities for leadership in school community 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.4 All students will meet or exceed graduation requirements. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 14 Curriculum Outline for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards and Competencies Curriculum Domain: Career Career Standard B: Students will employ strategies to achieve future career goals with success and satisfaction. Grade Level and Content See ‘Curriculum Descriptors’ pages for further delineation 11-12 Career Investigation Competency 1: Acquire Career Information ASCA Indicators: C:B1.1 B1.8 10 Post-Secondary Focus and Investigation 6-11 Course Selection 11 Coordination and Disaggregation of Required Assessment Competency 2: Identify Career Goals ASCA Indicators: C:B2.1 B2.5 11-12 Career Investigation Timeline Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Indicators Process, Perception, and Results Data as it relates to increases in the overall goals of both the district and the individual school. Ongoing Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report First Semester Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report Second Semester Documented by: Process/Results: the numbers of students that meet or exceed The Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) requirements (*see addendum 1), the number of students in the most rigorous coursework possible Perception: pre-post tests Ongoing Documented by: Process/Results: the number of students that take college entrance/vocational/military aptitude exams (i.e. PSAT, ACT, ASVAB) Perception: pre-post tests Ongoing Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report Colorado Springs School District 11 Goals and Strategic Plan Correlation Goals: 1. Student Achievement 2. Safety 3. High Performing Workforce 4. Community 5. Effective and Efficient Use of Resources 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 1.6 All students will integrate technology and information literacy skills into learning. 3.4 All staff will use technology to acquire, analyze, and present information to enhance work performance. 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.4 All students will meet or exceed graduation requirements. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 1.6 All students will integrate technology and information literacy skills into learning. 15 Curriculum Outline for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards and Competencies Curriculum Domain: Career Career Standard C: Students will understand the relationship between personal qualities, education, training, and the world of work. Grade Level and Content See ‘Curriculum Descriptors’ pages for further delineation 6-7 School to Career Link 8-9 Career Awareness 10 Career Focus Competency 1: Acquire Knowledge to Achieve Career Goals ASCA Indicators: C:C1.1 C1.7 11-12 Guidance 9-11 Course Selection Competency 2: Apply Skills to Achieve Career Goals ASCA Indicators: C:C2.1 C2.4 11-12 Career Investigation 11-12 Guidance Timeline Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Indicators Process, Perception, and Results Data as it relates to increases in the overall goals of both the district and the individual school. Second Semester Documented by: Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluations Second Semester Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report Ongoing As measured by: Process: referrals to alternatives Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluation Results: graduation rate, credit deficiency/failing grades rate, drop-out rate, longitudinal standardized tests data, and High Risk Indicator Report Second Semester Documented by: Process/Results: the numbers of students that meet or exceed The Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) requirements (*see addendum 1), the number of students in the most rigorous coursework possible Perception: pre-post tests Ongoing Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report Ongoing As measured by: Process: referrals to alternatives Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluation Results: graduation rate, credit deficiency/failing grades rate, drop-out rate, longitudinal standardized tests data, and High Risk Indicator Report Colorado Springs School District 11 Goals and Strategic Plan Correlation Goals: 1. Student Achievement 2. Safety 3. High Performing Workforce 4. Community 5. Effective and Efficient Use of Resources 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 1.6 All students will integrate technology and information literacy skills into learning. 3.4 All staff will use technology to acquire, analyze, and present information to enhance work performance. 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.4 All students will meet or exceed graduation requirements. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 1.6 All students will integrate technology and information literacy skills into learning. 16 Curriculum Outline for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards and Competencies Curriculum Domain: Personal/Social Development Personal/Social Development Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others. Grade Level and Content See ‘Curriculum Descriptors’ pages for further delineation Process, Perception, and Results Data as it relates to increases in the overall goals of both the district and the individual school. As measured by: Perception: pre-post tests, student/parent surveys Results: grades, High Risk Indicator Report First Semester Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report 10 Guidance Ongoing As measured by: Process: referrals to alternatives Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluation Results: graduation rate, credit deficiency/failing grades rate, drop-out rate, longitudinal standardized tests data, and High Risk Indicator Report 6-9 Orientation Ongoing… emphasis first quarter As measured by: Perception: pre-post tests, student/parent surveys Results: credit deficiency rate, drop-out rate, High Risk Indicator Report Ongoing As measured by: Process: referrals to alternatives Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluation Results: graduation rate, credit deficiency/failing grades rate, drop-out rate, longitudinal standardized tests data, and High Risk Indicator Report 9 Introduction to PostSecondary 10 Post-Secondary Focus and Investigation 6-12 Guidance Competency 2: Acquire Interpersonal Skills ASCA Indicators: PS:A2.1 A2.8 Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Indicators Ongoing 6-8 Guidance Competency 1: Acquire Self-Knowledge ASCA Indicators: PS:A1.1 A1.12 Timeline 12 Post-Secondary Planning and Execution Ongoing Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report Colorado Springs School District 11 Goals and Strategic Plan Correlation Goals: 1. Student Achievement 2. Safety 3. High Performing Workforce 4. Community 5. Effective and Efficient Use of Resources 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 2.1 The learning and working environment in all District 11 facilities and activities will be (a) physically and (b) emotionally safe. 4.1 An environment will exist where all parents/guardians are involved in their child's education. 4.2 The percentage and quality of community/school partnerships will be maximized. 17 Curriculum Outline for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards and Competencies Curriculum Domain: Personal/Social Development Personal/Social Development Standard B: Students will make decisions, set goals, and take necessary action to achieve goals. Grade Level and Content See ‘Curriculum Descriptors’ pages for further delineation 11 Post-Secondary Investigation and Planning 12 Post-Secondary Planning and Execution Competency 1: SelfKnowledge Applications ASCA Indicators: PS:B1.1 B1.12 Timeline Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Indicators Process, Perception, and Results Data as it relates to increases in the overall goals of both the district and the individual school. Ongoing Documented by: Perception: student survey, pre-post tests Process/Results: the number of students that have a realistic, documented secondary and post-secondary plan, and the numbers of students that attend post-secondary education, and where those students attend, longitudinal standardized test data, and High Risk Indicator Report Ongoing As measured by: Process: referrals to alternatives Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluation Results: graduation rate, credit deficiency/failing grades rate, drop-out rate, longitudinal standardized tests data, and High Risk Indicator Report 9-11 Course Selection Second Semester Documented by: Process/Results: the numbers of students that meet or exceed The Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) requirements (*see addendum 1), the number of students in the most rigorous coursework possible Perception: pre-post tests 6-9 Orientation Ongoing… emphasis first quarter As measured by: Perception: pre-post tests, student/parent surveys Results: credit deficiency rate, drop-out rate, High Risk Indicator Report 6-12 Guidance Colorado Springs School District 11 Goals and Strategic Plan Correlation Goals: 1. Student Achievement 2. Safety 3. High Performing Workforce 4. Community 5. Effective and Efficient Use of Resources 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 2.1 The learning and working environment in all District 11 facilities and activities will be (a) physically and (b) emotionally safe. 4.1 An environment will exist where all parents/guardians are involved in their child's education. 4.2 The percentage and quality of community/school partnerships will be maximized. 18 Curriculum Outline for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Standards and Competencies Curriculum Domain: Personal/Social Development Personal/Social Development Standard C: Students will understand safety and survival skills. Grade Level and Content See ‘Curriculum Descriptors’ pages for further delineation 6-8 Guidance Timeline Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Indicators Process, Perception, and Results Data as it relates to increases in the overall goals of both the district and the individual school. Ongoing As measured by: Perception: pre-post tests, student/parent surveys Results: grades, High Risk Indicator Report Competency 1: Acquire Personal Safety Skills ASCA Indicators: PS:C1.1 C1.11 9 Guidance Ongoing As measured by: Process: referrals to alternatives Perception: pre-post tests, student evaluation Results: graduation rate, credit deficiency/failing grades rate, drop-out rate, longitudinal standardized tests data, and High Risk Indicator Report Colorado Springs School District 11 Goals and Strategic Plan Correlation Goals: 1. Student Achievement 2. Safety 3. High Performing Workforce 4. Community 5. Effective and Efficient Use of Resources 1.3 All schools will offer a comprehensive instructional program. 1.5 All classrooms and schools will demonstrate an orderly environment that promotes the skills needed both for society and the workplace. 2.1 The learning and working environment in all District 11 facilities and activities will be (a) physically and (b) emotionally safe. 4.1 An environment will exist where all parents/guardians are involved in their child's education. 4.2 The percentage and quality of community/school partnerships will be maximized. 19