Working Practice Product Set (WPPS) Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 November 2007 Document Reference : WPPS 1998 MRA Service Company Limited, 7th Floor, Centurion House, 24 Monument Street, London EC3R 8AJ. Tel: +44-(0)20-7090-1004. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium, by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use or publication) without the permission of MRA Service Company Limited, whose address is set out above. Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Change History Details of changes incorporated in this version are provided in the summary below and in the version history on individual Working Practices. For details on the related Change Proposals please refer to the appropriate Change Proposal form or contact the MRA Helpdesk on 020 7090 1029 or email: Version Number Status Date of Issue Reason for Change 1.0 Approved 19 Feb 99 Addition of changes approved at CCG Meeting 26 1.1 Approved 19 Mar 99 Addition of changes approved at CCG Meeting 27 1.2 Approved 23 Apr 99 Addition of changes approved at CCG Meeting 28 1.3 Approved 15 June 99 Addition of changes approved at CCG Meeting 29 1.4 Approved 20 July 99 Addition of changes approved at CCG Meeting 30 1.5 Approved 29 Oct 99 Addition of changes approved at CCG Meeting 31 2.0 Approved 01 Apr 00 Addition of changes approved at MDB_00_01 and_00_02 & MEC_00_01 and_00_02 2.1 Approved 01 Jul 00 Addition of changes approved at MDB_00_03 and_00_05 & MEC_00_03 2.2 Approved 01 Oct 00 Addition of changes accepted at MDB_00_06 and MDB_00_08 2.3 Approved 25 Jan 01 Addition of changes accepted at MDB_00_10 and MDB_00_11 3.0 Approved 01 Apr 01 NETA ‘Go Live’ version and addition of changes accepted at MDB_01_02 and MDB_01_03 4.0 Approved 29 Nov 01 Addition of changes accepted at MDB_01_08 and MDB_01_10 4.1 Approved 28 Feb 02 Addition of changes accepted at MDB_01_10 and MDB_02_01 4.2 Approved 29 Aug 02 Addition of changes accepted at MDB_02_04 and MDB_02_06 4.3 Approved 30 Nov 02 Addition of change accepted at MDB_02_08 4.4 Approved 29 May 03 Addition of changes accepted at MDB_03_01, MDB_03_02, MDB_03_03 and MDB_03_04 4.5 Approved 28 Aug 03 Addition of changes accepted at MDB_03_05 and MDB_03_08 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 2 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Version Number Status Date of Issue Reason for Change 4.6 Approved 26 Feb 04 Addition of changes approved at MDB_03_11 For implementation on 26/02/04 WPPS CP 71 – New WP142 4.7 Approved 24 Jun 04 Referencing Updates. Addition of changes agreed at MDB_04_05 For implementation on 24/06/04 – WPPS CP 0072 4.8 Approved 24 Feb 05 Addition of changes agreed at MDB_04_11 For implementation on 24/02/05 – WPPS CP 0073 4.9 Approved 30 Jun 05 Addition of changes agreed at MDB_05_03 For implementation on 25/4/05 – WPPS CP0074 v1.1 – new WP143 5.0 Approved 23 Feb 06 Addition of changes agreed at MDB 05_03 For implementation on 23/2/06 – WPPS CP0075 v1.1 – revised WP6 Addition of changes agreed at MDB 05_10 For implementation on 23/2/06 – WPPS CP0077 – revised WP141 5.1 Approved 29 Jun 06 Addition of changes agreed at MDB 05_10 For implementation on 29/6/06 – WPPS CP0078 v1.0 – revised WP59 Addition of changes agreed at MDB 05_11 For implementation on 29/6/06 – WPPS CP0079 v1.0 – removal of WP10 Addition of changes agreed at MDB 06_01 For implementation on 29/6/06 – WPPS CP0080 v1.1 – revised WP99 Addition of changes agreed at MDB 06_02 For implementation on 29/6/06 – WPPS CP0081 v1.0 Addition of changes agreed at MDB 06_04 For implementation on 29/6/06 – WPPS CP0082 v1.0 – revised WP99 5.2 Approved 22 Feb 07 Addition of changes agreed at MDB 06_07 For implementation on 22/2/07 – WPPS CP0083 v1.1 – new WP144 5.3 Approved 28 Jun 07 Addition of changes agreed at MDB 07_04 For implementation on 28/6/07 – WPPS Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 3 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Version Number Status Date of Issue Reason for Change CP0084 v1.1 – revised WP140 5.4 Approved 01 Nov 07 Addition of changes approved at MDB_07_06 For implementation on 23/8/07 – WPPS CO0086 v1.0 – revised WP116 in line with BSC Approved Modification P197 (SVA Qualification Processes Review) Quality Assurance Name Role & Responsibility Signature Date Custodian: MRASCo Reviewer: MRA Delivery Team Approved: MRA Delivery Manager Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 4 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 1. 2. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................ 7 1.1 SCOPE AND PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................. 7 1.2 W ORKING PRACTICE TYPES ....................................................................................................................... 7 1.3 W ORKING PRACTICE STATUS ..................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 APPROVED W ORKING PRACTICES W ITHDRAWN FROM OPERATION ......................................................... 8 1.5 W ORKING PRACTICES BY BUSINESS AREA ................................................................................................ 9 1.6 DTC FLOWS REFERENCED IN WORKING PRACTICES ............................................................................... 10 THE WORKING PRACTICES........................................................................................................................ 16 WP 6. DETERMINING THE METER READING ON CHANGE OF SUPPLIER (MROCOS) .......................................... 16 WP 7. CHECKSUM TO CONFIRM SUCCESSFUL E2E TRANSFER TO POOL DEVELOPED APPLICATIONS ............... 21 WP 9. RELATED METERING POINTS ...................................................................................................................... 23 WP 16. MPAS - DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN SUPPLIER FULL OR PARTIAL REFRESH (D0204) ........................ 26 WP 20. USE OF CHECKSUM WITH UFF FLOWS .................................................................................................... 28 WP 21. PROVISION OF METERING POINT CHANGES TO AGENTS ........................................................................ 29 WP 28. USAGE OF SERVICE REFERENCE AND SERVICE LEVEL REFERENCE ..................................................... 30 WP 30. NHH METER READINGS FOLLOWING A SITE VISIT - METER OPERATOR AND DISTRIBUTOR ................. 32 WP 33. PROVIDING CUSTOMER DETAILS TO THE DISTRIBUTOR DURING REGISTRATION ................................... 35 WP 34. TERMINATION OF NEW SUPPLIER AGENTS DURING THE OBJECTION PROCESS .................................... 36 WP 35. PREPAYMENT METERING - CLARIFICATION OF USE OF ITEM J0582 IN D0188 ....................................... 39 WP 36. NHH DA REQUIREMENT AND MPAS USAGE OF FILE AND INSTRUCTION NUMBER ................................. 41 WP 37. MPAS INPUT AND OUTPUT FILE PROCESSING ........................................................................................ 42 WP 38. PROCESSING MPAS CHANGES WITH FUTURE EFFECTIVE DATES .......................................................... 43 WP 39. AMENDMENTS TO MPAS DURING OBJECTION PERIOD ........................................................................... 45 WP 45. NHH METERING - TIMING OF WHEN D0052 MAY BE SENT ...................................................................... 46 WP 52. BULK TARIFF CHANGES - TOKEN METERS .............................................................................................. 48 WP 53. CHANGE OF NHH METERING TYPE (CREDIT AND PREPAYMENT METERS)............................................ 49 WP 55. USE OF TARIFF CODE FOR NOTIFYING THE MOP OF TOKEN METER AND SMARTCARD SETUP ............. 50 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENT FOR WP 55. USE OF PPM TARIFF AND CONFIGURATION DATA ................................. 51 WP 56. PAN NUMBER FORMAT (USED FOR TOKEN METERS)............................................................................. 54 WP 57. ERROR HANDLING - NOTIFICATION .......................................................................................................... 58 WP 58. ERROR HANDLING - W HOLE FILE RETRANSMISSION............................................................................... 60 WP 59. ERROR HANDLING - CORRECTION OF ERRORS ....................................................................................... 61 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENT FOR WP 59. DATA FLOWS FOR SPECIFIC ERROR HANDLING ..................................... 63 WP 60. BULK TARIFF CHANGES - SMARTCARD AND KEY METERS ...................................................................... 66 WP 61. CONTENT OF D0148 BETWEEN A SUPPLIER AND ITS AGENTS................................................................ 67 WP 63. USE OF PROFILE CLASS AND SSC FOR HH METERS IN MPAS FLOWS ................................................ 73 WP 66. CHANGE OF MEASUREMENT CLASS - NHH TO HH ................................................................................. 76 WP 69. USE OF D0221, D0139 OR D0179 TO SUPPLIER RE FAILURE TO ENERGISE A METER ......................... 81 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 5 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 71. NEED TO ENSURE MOP HAS DETAILS OF A CHANGE TO KEYS OR SMARTCARD METER SSC .............. 83 WP 73. VALUE OF J0171 'READING TYPE' TAKEN ON A CHANGE TO ENERGISATION STATUS ........................... 85 WP 74. USE OF D0010 AND J0171 ON A CHANGE TO METERING SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ............................ 86 WP 75. USE OF ‘DATE AND TIME’ IN D0010 FOR HH MARKET ............................................................................. 88 WP 76. DISTRIBUTION BUSINESS ALLOCATION OF NHH METER SERIAL NOS. (J0004) .................................... 89 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENT FOR WP 76. TABLE OF USAGE OF METER ID (SERIAL NUMBER) (J0004) ................. 91 WP 77. IDENTIFICATION OF NEW AGENT ON FLOW D0170 .................................................................................. 95 WP 94. TOKEN METER CUSTOMER ID CARD - LAYOUT OF EMBOSSED AREA .................................................... 96 WP 99. SHUTTING DOWN A KEY METER ............................................................................................................... 98 WP 100. TERMINATION/CANCELLATION DATES ON AGENT APPOINTMENT ....................................................... 100 WP 102. GUIDELINE FOR IDENTIFYING ANY METER REGISTER IN THE HH MARKET ......................................... 102 WP 104. POPULATION OF D0086 FOR NON SETTLEMENT REGISTERS ............................................................. 106 WP 106. KNOWING THE DATE FOR LIVENING UP A KEY METER AFTER SHUTDOWN ......................................... 109 WP 107. CHANGES TO EXISTING AGENT APPOINTMENT DETAILS ..................................................................... 111 WP 108. VALIDATION OF STANDING DATA IN MPAS SYSTEMS ......................................................................... 113 WP 109. USE OF D0012 IN CONJUNCTION WITH SMARTCARD AND KEY METERS ............................................ 115 WP 111. OLD SUPPLIER CHANGES TO MPAD PRIOR TO COS .......................................................................... 117 WP 113. POSITIONING OF KEY METER SERIAL NUMBER IN DTC METER ID .................................................... 119 WP 116. CHANGE OF MEASUREMENT CLASS FROM NHH TO HH COINCIDENT WITH COS.............................. 121 WP 119. CHANGE OF SUPPLIER WITH SHORTENED REGISTRATION .................................................................. 126 WP 122. NHH NEW CONNECTION OBLIGATIONS ............................................................................................... 131 WP 123. TRANSFERENCE OF NON SETTLEMENT HISTORICAL INFORMATION .............................................. 145 WP 124. ALLOCATION OF PREPAYMENT METER PAYMENTS FOLLOWING COS ................................................ 147 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENT TO WP 124 - ANNEX 1 TO W ORKING PRACTICE 124 ................................................ 153 WP 125. MTC FOR NO METER PRESENT ........................................................................................................... 162 WP 126. SUPPLY CONTRACT CANCELLATION FORMS ....................................................................................... 165 WP 129. USAGE OF DTC FLOW D0290 “INSTRUCTION TO READ METER” (DP TO DR)................................... 168 WP 131. USE OF NOTIFICATION OF REGISTER READINGS ON COMC COINCIDENT WITH COS ........................ 169 WP 132. LOGICAL VS PHYSICAL DISCONNECTION AND NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRIBUTOR THEREOF .......... 175 WP 134. COMPLETION OF D0142 IN HH AND NHH MARKETS .......................................................................... 178 WP 137. PASSING OF HISTORICAL DATA USING THE D0010 AND D0152 ......................................................... 181 WP 140. CONVENTIONS FOR THE COMPLETION OF METER REGISTER ID (J0010) ........................................... 191 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENT TO WP 140 – TABLE OF METER REGISTER ID (J0010) CONVENTIONS ................... 192 WP 141. HH MTD – CLARIFICATION OF USE OF SPECIFIC DATA ITEMS IN D0268. ........................................... 200 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENT FOR WP 141 - EXAMPLES .......................................................................................... 203 WP 142. THE CO-OPERATIVE OBJECTIONS PROCESS ...................................................................................... 219 WP 143. LARGE SCALE DISCONNECTIONS INITIATED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES................................................. 223 WP 144. THE USE OF SITE VISIT CHECK CODES 02 AND 20 .............................................................................. 225 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 6 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope and Purpose This document includes all Working Practices (WPs) and their associated documents that have been approved by industry through the MRA Change Co-ordination Procedure. This Product Set is issued and maintained by the MRA Service Management Team. 1.2 Working Practice Types Working Practices are classified as follows: Type Working Practice Type S Statement of Operation – Where participants’ processes vary, but the variation is not sufficiently material to require a wholly consistent approach, the participants’ modes of operation are described. In general there is no acceptable alternative. W Working Practice – Where participants’ processes could vary significantly, and a common approach is necessary to ensure robust inter-operation. A Workarounds - Where Industry agrees that a Working Practice is preferable to changing another Design Baseline product. It is planned to remove these in due course. G Guideline – Where participants either elect to make use of a nonmandatory aspect of market operation; or seek clarification or improved understanding of some mandatory aspect. 1.3 Working Practice Status Working Practices are developed as a result of the MRA Issue resolution process (MAP07) and are then passed through the MRA Change Co-ordination procedure (MAP06) for approval and implementation. The status of a Working Practice within this document is classified as follows: Status Description Approved for Implementation The Working Practice & Implementation Date have been approved via the MRA Change Co-ordination Procedure. The implementation date for the Working Practice set by MDB is after the date of issue of the WP Product Set. Implemented by Industry The implementation date for the Working Practice is on or prior to the date of issue of this document. To be withdrawn from operation The Working Practice has been withdrawn from operation and the withdrawal date has not yet passed. When MDB approve a WP an implementation date is also agreed. A Working Practice remains in the Product Set until it is withdrawn from operation and the implementation date for withdrawal has passed. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 7 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 1.4 Approved Working Practices Withdrawn From Operation The following Working Practices have been withdrawn from operation. The reason for withdrawal is included. No Title (withdrawal reason in italics) Type WP CR At CC/MDB Meeting 4 Restricted use of the ‘Underscore’ character (Notes added to Annex A of the DTC) W 24 MDB_00_06 10 Format of MPAN Address file (CD-ROM) (The sourcing S of MPAN addresses now comes from ECOES) 79 MDB_05_11 15 Format and Medium of Full (or Selective) Data Aggregator Refresh (D0209) (DA Refresh details outlined in the MRA) W 24 MDB_00_06 17 Processing of Meter Timeswitch Codes with an SSC of S “0000” (replaced by MOP document 20016 handed over to the Pool) 20 27 18 Meter Time Switch Code Reference Table Format S (replaced by MOP document 20016 handed over to the Pool) 20 27 19 Printing the Supply Number (Incorporated into Schedule 5 of the MRA – MCP 96) W 50 MDB_02_01 27 Forwarding Meter Technical and Mapping Details W (Incorporated into Annex C of the DTC – DTC CP3093) 37 MDB_01_03 29 Setting Communications Method (J0386) for Non Half Hourly Meters (CR 2730 accepted in Version 4.0 of DTC makes J0386 optional) A 21 27 32 Inability to Transmit EAC in D0052 in HH Market A (HHDC instance of D0052 removed from DTC and E2E diagrams by CRs 2956 and 20001 respectively) 17 26 40 Data Content of D0148 between a Supplier and its W Agents in the HH Market (Population of D0148 is now documented in Annex C of the DTC (DTC CP3082), and WP61 now incorporates the HH aspects previously covered by WP40) 35 MDB_00_11 47 NHH Meter Technical Details Effective Date W (Incorporated into Annex C of the DTC – DTC CP3093) 37 MDB_01_03 48 Treatment of CT and VT Ratio in flow D0150 A (Incorporated into Annex C of the DTC – DTC CP3105) 37 MDB_01_03 50 Sending of D0149 in conjunction with D0150 W (Incorporated into Annex C of the DTC – DTC CP3093) 37 MDB_01_03 64 Resolution of a Meter Reading on Change of Supplier Dispute (The relevant information has been agreed to be incorporated into the MRA and MAP_08) W 38 MDB_01_03 68 Default Values for Key Transaction Details on D0188 (Notes added to D0188 - DTC CP 3114) W 44 MDB_01_10 78 Sending the Metering Point Address (Notes added/amended to all flows containing Metering Point Address DTC CP 3145). W 54 MDB_02_06 80 Sending D0149/D0150 on Change of Supplier (WP becomes redundant following changes to WP 61 and the introduction of Agent Competition in April 2000) W 45 30 82 Gateway Configuration for Scottish Variant D0276 (CR A 2978 added new instance of D0276 IARA to Supplier) 22 27 83 Gateway Configuration for Scottish MDD flows (CR 22 27 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved A Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 8 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) No Title (withdrawal reason in italics) Type WP CR At CC/MDB Meeting 2975 added MDD flows to/from IARA) 87 Amending the MPAN address (WP becomes redundant W following work to develop Standard Address Format – MRA 24.19 and MAP09) 62 MDB_03_03 88 Measurement Units for “Within Area Transfers” in A Scotland (CR 2977 changed units of J0982 and J1057 from MWh to MW) 22 27 89 D0255 will not be sent to “Scottish Company” (CR 2976 removed flow D0255 from GA Agent to Scottish Company) A 22 27 98 Reading Type to be used with D0010 flows following a S PSU reset (CR 2951 introduces 2 new reading types to the DTC valid set for the data item J0171). 25 28 114 Initial Credit and Total Debt on a Key Meter (Notes added to data items J0554,J0544,& J0539 – DTC CP 3115) W 43 MDB_01_10 118 Use of Contract Reference for Customer Mop appointments (Notes added to ContractReference J0048 – DTC CP 3120) W 46 MDB_02_01 127 Usage of Measurement Class Id in D0268 W (Measurement Claas Id deleted from D0268 – DTC CP 3188) 59 MDB_03_01 133 Token Meter Debt (Logical format and physical length amended of data item J0554 – DTC CP 3035) A 47 MDB_02_01 139 Timescales for the Old Supplier to Re-register Erroneous Transfers (The relevant information has been agreed to be included into the MRA and MAP_10) W 51 MDB_02_01 1.5 Working Practices by Business Area The following table categorises the Working Practices by Business Area. It should be noted that some Working Practices appear in more than one category. This table is intended as an indicative guide and should not be considered to be an exhaustive list. Business Area WPs Pre-Payment Meter and PPMIP activity 35, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60, 71, 94, 99, 106, 109, 113, 124, 134 Exclusively HH Market 63, 75, 102, 141 Supplier/Agent Communication not relating to Meter functionality 21, 28, 34, 61, 77, 100, 107, 122, 144 DTC Flow Population relating to Metering details and CoMC 9, 30, 45, 53, 63, 66, 69, 73, 74, 76, 102, 116, 123, 125, 132, 134, 140, 141 MPAS functionality and Address/Customer Details 16, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 63, 108, 111, 119, 122 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 9 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Business Area WPs Change of Supplier 6, 104, 111, 116, 119, 123, 124, 131, 137, 142 Meter Readings 6, 73, 74, 75, 123, 129, 131, 137 DTC File format and Error Handling 7, 20, 57, 58, 59 Supplier/Customer communication 122, 126, 142 1.6 DTC Flows referenced in working Practices The following table lists all those flows in the DTC that are referenced in a Working Practice. It should be noted that some DTC flows are referenced in the context section of a Working Practice and therefore may not necessarily contain any practice for population of that flow. Flow Flow Name WPs D0001 Request Metering System Investigation 76, 113 D0002 Fault Resolution Report or Request for Decision on Further Action 30, 76, 113 D0003 Half Hourly Advances 76, 113 D0004 Notification of Failure to Obtain Reading 76, 113 D0005 Instruction on Action 71, 76, 106, 113, 129 D0008 Meter Advance Reconciliation Report 76, 113 D0010 Meter Readings 6, 30, 52, 66, 73, 74, 75, 76, 102, 109, 113, 116, 119, 123, 137 D0011 Agreement of Contractual Terms 28, 66, 107, 109, 116, 119, 122 D0012 Confirmation of the Inclusion of the Metering Point in the Reading Schedules 107, 109, 116 D0018 Daily Profile Data Report 59 D0019 Metering System EAC/AA Data 36, 45, 59, 106, 109 D0023 Failed Instructions 59 D0028 Standing Profile Data Report 59 D0029 Standard Settlement Configuration Report 59 D0030 Non Half Hourly DUoS Report 59 D0036 Validated Half Hourly Advances for Inclusion in Aggregated Supplier Matrix 59 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 10 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Flow Flow Name WPs D0039 Daily Profile Coefficient File 59 D0040 Aggregated Half Hour Data File 59 D0041 Supplier Purchase Matrix Data File 59 D0043 Supplier Deemed Take Report 59 D0051 Affirmation of Half Hour Data Retrieval Method and Associated Details 116 D0052 Affirmation of Metering System Settlement Details 45 D0055 Registration of Supplier to Specified Metering Point 36, 38, 59, 63, 108, 116, 119, 122 D0057 Rejection of Registration 36, 108 D0058 Notification of Termination of Supply Registration 34, 36, 116 D0064 Notification of an Objection to Change of Supplier Made By the Old Supplier 36, 59 D0065 Confirmation of Receipt of a Registration Objection 36 D0066 Rejection of a Registration Objection 36 D0067 Notification of an Objection to Change of Supplier Sent to the New Supplier 36 D0068 Removal of Registration Objection 36, 59 D0069 Rejection of Registration Objection Removal 36 D0071 Customer Own Reading on Change of Supplier 6, 76, 113, 119 D0072 Instruction to Obtain Change of Supplier Reading 6, 129 D0079 Supplier Purchase Report 59 D0081 Supplier Half Hourly Demand Report 59 D0082 Supplier - Supplier Purchase Matrix Report 59 D0083 TUoS Report 59 D0086 Notification of Change of Supplier Readings 6, 76, 104, 113, 116, 119 D0089 Notification from MPAS of Changed Metering Point Details 36, 39, 111 D0090 Confirmation of the Removal of a Registration Objection 36 D0091 Notification of Removal of a Registration Objection 36 D0092 Advice to an Old Supplier of a Change of Supply Registration Deletion 36 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 11 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Flow Flow Name WPs D0093 Advice to a New Supplier of a Change of Supply Registration Deletion 36 D0095 Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation Exception Report 59 D0125 Confirmation of Disconnection of Supply 132 D0131 Notification of Customer Details 21, 33, 66, 116 D0132 Request for Disconnection of Supply 9, 132, 143 D0134 Request to Change Energisation Status 69, 76, 113, 122 D0135 Report Possible Safety Problem 76, 113 D0136 Report to Supplier of Possible Irregularity 76, 113 D0139 Confirmation or Rejection of Energisation Status Change 30, 69, 73, 76, 106, 113, 122 D0142 Request for Installation or Change to a Metering System Functionality or the Removal of All Meters 9, 45, 53, 66, 74, 116, 134 D0148 Notification of Change to Other Parties 61, 66, 116, 119 D0149 Notification of Mapping Details 9, 45, 71, 74, 76, 102, 113, 119, 122, 123 D0150 Non Half-hourly Meter Technical Details 45, 66, 71, 74, 76, 102, 113, 116, 119, 122, 123 D0151 Termination of Appointment or Contract by Supplier 34, 66, 100, 116 D0152 Metering System EAC/AA Historical Data 119, 123, 137 D0153 Notification of Data Aggregator Appointment and Terms 21, 28, 66, 100, 107, 116, 122 D0155 Notification of Meter Operator or Data Collector Appointment and Terms 21, 28, 34, 66, 100, 107, 109, 116, 122 D0168 Request for Additional/New MPAN Core(s) 122 D0170 Request for Metering System Related Details 45, 61, 77, 116, 119 D0171 Notification of Distributor Changes to Metering Point Details 36, 87, 116, 132 D0172 Confirmation of Changes 36 D0173 Token Transaction Data 56 D0174 Issue Identity Card for Token Meter Customer 56, 94 D0176 Request Tariff/Debt Change on Token Meter 55, 76, 113 D0178 Confirmation of Token Meter Installation 55, 76, 113 D0179 Confirmation of Energisation/De-Energisation of Prepayment Meter 55, 69, 76, 99, 106, 113, 122 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 12 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Flow Flow Name WPs D0180 Request to Energise/De-Energise/Shut Down Prepayment Meter 55, 69, 76, 99, 113, 122 D0182 Smart Card Meter Readings 76, 113 D0183 Issue New Customer Smart Card 55, 71 D0184 Issue Replacement Smart Card 76, 113 D0187 Status Message for Tariff Update, Mode Change, Tariff Change or Debt Clearance 71 D0188 Key Transaction Details 35, 60, 71, 76, 106, 113, D0189 Adjust Key Meter Debt/Recovery Rate at Specific Locations 35, 60, 76, 113 D0190 Issue Customer Key 35, 71, 76, 113 D0191 Request Special Visit to Read/Reset Key Meter 76, 113 D0192 Readings and Settings from a Token or Key Meter 76, 113 D0193 Confirmation of Key Meter Installation 76, 113 D0194 Request for Installation of Key Meter 53 D0197 Smart Card Commands to Remote Terminals 55, 60, 71 D0199 Status Message Report for Previous Card/Security Event Report or Previous Customer/Requested Snapshot 60 D0200 Request Installation of Smart Card Meter 53, 55 D0201 Confirmation of Smart Card Meter Installation 55, 76, 113 D0202 Readings and Settings from a Removed Smart Card Meter 76, 113 D0203 Rejection of Changes to Metering Point Details 36, 63 D0204 Selective or Full Refresh of MPAS Details 16, 36, 59 D0205 Update Registration Details 36, 38, 39, 45, 59, 63, 66, 106, 108, 111, 116, 122 D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator 36, 45, 59, 111, 116 D0213 Advice from MPAS of Changed Metering Point Details 36, 111 D0214 Confirmation of Proving Tests 116 D0215 Provision of Site Technical Details 116 D0216 Request Installation of Token Meter 53, 55 D0217 Confirmation of the Registration of a Metering Point 36, 116, 122 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 13 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Flow Flow Name WPs D0221 Notification of Failure to Install or Energise Metering System 30, 69 D0222 Change in Customer Details 129 D0223 Request to Install Check Meter or Carry Out Accuracy 76, 113 Tests D0225 Customer Special Needs 33 D0227 BSCCo Market Domain Data File 59 D0238 Request and Information for Revenue Protection Investigation 76, 113 D0239 Revenue Protection Report on Action Taken 76, 113 D0242 Supercustomer DUoS Daily Statement 59 D0259 Notification to New Supplier of Future Changes 36, 39 D0260 Notification from MPAS of Old Supplier Registration Details 36, 108, 116, 119 D0261 Rejection of Agent Appointment 28, 107 D0262 Rejection of Disconnection 76, 113 D0265 Line Loss Factor Data File 59 D0266 Supplier Settlement Header Report 59 D0268 Half Hourly Meter Technical Details 66, 76, 102, 116, 141 D0269 Market Domain Data Complete Set 59 D0270 Market Domain Data Incremental Set 59 D0271 Request Contact Notice 36, 59 D0272 Reject Contact Notice Request 36 D0273 Contact Notice to Suppliers 36 D0289 Notification of MC/EAC/PC 116 D0290 Instruction to Read Meter 76, 113, 129 D0291 Notification of Register Readings on Change of Measurement Class coincident with Change of Supplier 76, 113, 116, 131 D0294 Confirmation of BM Unit Allocation 36 D0295 Rejection of BM Unit Allocation 36 D0297 Notification of BM Unit Allocation 36 D0300 Disputed Readings on Change of Supplier 76, 113 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 14 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Flow Flow Name WPs D0302 Notification of Customer Details 33, 66, 116 D0303 Notification of Meter Operator, Supplier and Metering Assets installed / removed by the MOP to the MAP 34 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 15 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2. THE WORKING PRACTICES WP 6. Determining the Meter Reading on Change of Supplier (MRoCoS) WP no: Status: 6 Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/03/2001 Title: Determining the Meter Reading on Change of Supplier (MRoCoS) Version: 8 Originator: NHHDC DRG WP type: W Originator Ref: MRoCoS v1.1 Date raised: 18 Nov 97 DST Ref: Issue 33 Product Area: NHHDC Parties Affected: NHHDCs Baseline Products Impacted: E2E’s - NHH Meters: Obtain Readings, New NHH DC Obtain and Generate Change of Supplier meter reading, Meter Reading on Change of Supplier Dispute. DTC, BSCP502, BSCP504, PSL120, PSL110, MRA (Clause 29) Date last amended 23/2/06 Change History: V1 approved at CCG 16 on 05/06/98 – see Design Note: 12 V2 with WP CR 12 approved at CCG 24 on 09/11/98 – see DN 20 V3 with WP CR 24 approved at CCG 28 on 16/04/99 – see DN 24. V5 with WP CR 23 and WP CR 29 approved at CCG 29 on 21/05/99 – see DN 25 and with WP CR 35 approved at CCG 30 on 9/07/99 – see DN 26 V6 with WPPS CP 18 at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 V7 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 V8 with WPPS CP 75 accepted modified at MDB 05_03 on 31/3/05 Context: Determining the Meter Reading to be used on Change of Supply (MRoCoS) is an important activity governed by a small number of rules (set by the MRA, OFGEM and the BSC), but affected by a wide range of scenarios. The NHH DC Design Review Group has established a Working Practice to be used to establish the MRoCoS that is robust against all scenarios tested and meets the following objectives: 1. Multiple site visits by different agents should be avoided, both on grounds of customer confusion and supplier cost. 2. The procedure should encourage the obtaining of actual reads and discourage the use of deemed reads unless unavoidable. 3. The amount of Data Collector to Supplier interaction during the CoS process should be kept to a minimum, consistent with contractual obligations. 4. Procedures should recognise the time delays inherent in the following transactions: between obtaining a read in the field and returning it to base; passing readings/data between Old and New Agents. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 16 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 5. Procedures should handle readings taken during the Change of Supplier process, including those taken by the old DC, by customers, by the old MOp (e.g. on a Periodic Meter Change (PMC)), or in limited circumstances agreed between Suppliers. 6. It is more important to pass all CoS EAC/AAs to the NHH DA by Initial Settlement (SF) than it is to have these readings endorsed by old and new Suppliers, though it should be noted that, wherever possible, Supplier billing and Settlements readings should be aligned. 7. The Working Practice is consistent with BSCP504, PSL120 and PSL110, the E2E, the DTC, and the MRA. Working Practice: The following logical procedure, which is ‘overlaid over’ old and new NHHDCs routine data collection procedures, should be used to determine the MRoCoS. Note all days and day windows refer to working days. 1. The New Supplier (NS) should appoint the new NHHDC to the MPAN (as defined in the E2E’s, NHH ONLY Appoint Agents to the Metering Point (new supplier – CoS) and by BSCP504). 2. The NS should advise the New NHHDC of other agents on a D0148 (as defined on page 46 of the E2E’s, WP 61 and BSCP504). Once the New NHHDC has requested historical data from the old NHHDC, the Old NHHDC should forward the historical data as soon as practically possible (as defined by BSCP504 and PSL120) to allow for receipt by the New NHHDC of all cyclic/special reads for the SSD-5 to SSD time period. 3. The NS should initiate the MRoCoS process by instructing the New NHHDC. In accordance with BSCP504, the NS must send either: a D0071 (of which the NS should ensure receipt by the new NHHDC, as soon as possible, but by the operational end of day on SSD +7).Where the NS has more than one reading or type of reading, they should submit the reading based upon the following rules of precedence: 1. a meter reading taken from the meter closest to (ignoring sign) or on SSD (irrespective of whether this reading is captured before or during the meter read window). A NS may choose not to submit the Meter Reading if it believes it has been reported inaccurately. If two reads fall equally either side of SSD, then the +SSD read is used. The read should be submitted using the “C” Reading Type; or 2. an Old Supplier Estimated CoS Reading. or a D0072 (containing a request to collect / await a reading). Note 1: Where the NS expects a CoR from the Customer but one does not become available, it should be recognised that the subsequent D0072 sent to the New NHHDC will probably be received by the New NHHDC outside of the +/- 5 day window for obtaining an actual read by NHHDC site visit. Note 2: Where the NS sends a D0072 requesting an actual reading, Appointment information (Group 28B) should be populated only where the NS has made an appointment with the Customer for the New NHHDC to make a site visit. Where the New NHHDC is unable to make this appointment, or has an alternative reading available, then they should contact the NS outwith the DTC to enable the NS to contact the Customer. Where Group 28B is not populated, then the New NHHDC can interpret this as authorisation to make an appointment with the Customer, where one is required - unless the NS specifically withholds authorisation, for example, by a bilateral agreement. It should also be noted that some NHHDCs, especially for business customers, interpret the absence of Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 17 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) appointment date as a requirement to attempt to visit the site within the CoS window without making a customer appointment, as none is required. Note 3: Where submitting a Customer Read, the earliest date permitted should be no earlier than the point at which the contract was signed by the customer. 4. On receipt of a D0071 (when the NS has agreed a COR with the customer or in the absence of an agreed COR, where both Suppliers have agreed the supplier estimate) the new NHHDC should use that reading (if valid) as a candidate for the MRoCoS. Go to step 6. 5. On receipt of a D0072 (when a COR is not available from the NS and/or the NS wants a NHHDC read) the new NHHDC should check the reading type value (A, D, F or S) and take the appropriate action: A - use existing actual read or obtain one if required: The NHHDC should check to see if there is a previous reading within the CoS reading window that can be re-used as the MRoCoS. If there is no previous reading (or no history has been received) then the new NHHDC should arrange to obtain an actual read in accordance with standing instructions from the NS. This might entail a site visit or, at the discretion of bilateral commercial agreements between the Supplier and its NHHDC, entail other options such as the NHHDC contacting the customer to obtain a COR. Go to step 6. D - deem CoS reading: (instructed by the Supplier in unusual circumstances, e.g. known that Customer is away for extended period). Go to step 6. F - expect Final read from MOp / Supplier: (instructed by the Supplier when the MOp has been instructed to change meter functionality, and thus will furnish a final reading). Go to step 6. S - obtain ‘special’ read: The new NHHDC should obtain an actual read in accordance with standing instructions from the Supplier. Go to step 6. 6. By the operational end of day on SSD +7 all field readings to SSD+5 should have been received by the new NHHDC (from field staff or the new MOp), previous data should have been obtained from the old NHHDC or new Supplier, and the Daily Profile Coefficients should now be firm. By the end of day on SSD +8 the new NHHDC should take the following action, considering as candidates all remote, MOp, NHHDC and Customer Own, or Old Supplier’s Estimated reads taken within the SSD 5 day window: a) if no valid meter reading is available by the operational end of day on SSD +7 then the new NHHDC should determine the MRoCoS based on a deemed read at SSD (then go to step 7). This deemed read should be based upon meter reading history received from the old NHHDC and any validated readings (Customer own) received that fall outside the ±5 day window: (then go to step 7). b) In all other cases the new NHHDC should determine the MRoCoS based on the following rules: 1. All valid actual (remote, MOp, NHHDC, and Customer Own) readings are potential candidates for the MRoCoS, provided they were read within the SSD ±5 days. 2. The reading closest to (ignoring sign) or on SSD is used to determine the MRoCoS, unless the reading on SSD or the first reading after SSD is a Final read in which case the Final read should be used (irrespective of the proximity of other reads prior to SSD). 3. If two reads fall equally either side of SSD, then the +SSD read is used. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 18 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 4. If there are multiple reads on the same day then the precedence (if systems can cope), is remote(1st choice), MOp Final NHHDC, Customer Own reading (last choice). 5. If no remote, MOp, NHHDC, and Customer Own readings exist within the SSD ±5 days, the Old Supplier’s Estimated Read is used. 6. Having determined which of the readings is to be used, the new NHHDC creates D0086 as MroCoS using all the values from the reading, excluding Reading Date, which it sets to SSD, but including Reading Type. Where the Old Supplier’s Estimated Reading is used, the Read Type on the D0086 shall be “D”. Where a historical read was available (see Step 5) then the reading type from the historical read should be used. Therefore where a NS sent a D0072 with a request for an actual reading, 'A', and they receive a D0086 with a reading type other than 'A' or 'D', this indicates the use of a historical reading, specifically: 'R', this indicates that an historical routine read (taken by the Old NHHDC for the OS) was available. 'S', this indicates that an historical special read (taken by the Old NHHDC for the OS) was available. Where the Old Supplier does not receive a D0086 from their NHHDC within 30 Working Days of SSD or the New Supplier does not receive a D0086 from their NHHDC within 32 Working Days of SSD, they may attempt to progress through management of their Supplier hub or through the use of MAP 08 (“The Procedure for Agreement of Change of Supplier Readings and resolution of Disputed Change of Supplier Readings”) 7. The new NHHDC should pass the D0086 so determined to the old NHHDC, new Supplier and Distributor. Once received, the old NHHDC should pass the D0086 to the Old Supplier and use the D0086 to calculate an AA using the profile coefficients received from the SVAA/ISRA/ IARA for the SSD and pass it into Settlements (i.e. to the old DA). 8. The new NHHDC should then calculate an EAC for the MRoCoS dated SSD using the profile coefficients received from the SVAA/ISRA/ IARA for the SSD and pass it into Settlements (i.e. to the new DA). 9. As part of its routine processing, the new NHHDC creates D0010 flows for all readings available which were received on or after SSD. Such readings should be validated, and passed to the appropriate parties as D0010s with Reading Types , of ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘R’, or ‘S’ (but not ‘A’) as soon as possible. They should be processed for Settlement in date order as normal, subject to the receipt of Daily Profile Coefficients for their Reading Dates (i.e., after SSD+7). Impact of not implementing WP: Settlement Requirements as set out in BSCP502 and BSCP504 and MRA Requirements as set out in Section 29 related to determining the most appropriate Meter Reading on CoS will not be honoured. Notes to WP 6: 1. Handling of reads that fail validation should be consistent with BSCP504 2. Due to the tight timescales involved and the need to keep new NHHDC to NS interaction to a minimum (see Objective 3), the handling of potential CoS reads that fail validation is subject to bilateral arrangements between the NHHDC and NS. In the absence of such bilateral arrangements the new NHHDC should wait until the end of SSD+8 and deem the CoS reading. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 19 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 3. A COR passed to the new DC on a D71 may have a read date between SSD-5 and SSD+5. Readings dated prior to SSD will not be processed for Settlement or passed back to the NS on a D0010, but will be validated and may be used in the determination of the MRoCoS (reads prior to SSD are outside the registration period of the new Supplier). 4. Where it is agreed that the MRoCoS provided on the D0086 should contain readings for both Settlement and Non Settlement registers, the New NHHDC should populate readings for Non Settlement Registers in accordance with WP104. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 20 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 7. Checksum to confirm successful E2E transfer to Pool Developed Applications WP no: Status: 7 Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/03/2001 Title: Use of Checksum for confirmation of successful end to end data communication to Pool Developed Applications Version: 3 Originator: DST WP type: S Originator Ref: Pool CR337V2a Date raised: 12/11/97 DST Doc. Ref: Product Area: UFDS; Common Subsystem Technical Specification (Logica ref. 101PZT) Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: None Last Amended: 30/06/00 Change History Approved at CCG 10 on 31/03/98 – see Design Note 5 Participants transmitting flows to Pool Developed Applications V3 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: The BSC Auditor requires detection of corruption of data transmitted across the data network; he has accepted that Checksum creation and validation is an appropriate method. In line with this understanding, the Pool Developed Applications (PDAs) expect files to be accompanied by a checksum which spans all preceding data in the file as set out in Common Subsystem Technical Specification (CSTS) and will reject any file where the checksum accompanying the file does not match that derivable from the data. The point at which a checksum is applied is tightly restricted by the introduction of Test Flags to flows sent to Pool developed applications introduced by CR337 v2a and UFDS 1.5. In practice, unless the file has been written from the outset as a Pool Format File structured precisely as set out the rules of Common Subsystem Technical Specification the checksum derived from that file, the file will be rejected by the PDA. In consequence Participants have no option but to meet the following Statement of Operation. Statement of Operation: The MDNS capability for converting UFF to PTFF flows cannot be used for flows to PDAs as conversion leads to the checksum being incompatible with the data. The strict sequencing of checksum generation within overall file creation process is to be followed to ensure that the checksum does remain compatible with the data when received by the PDA. On the Participant side: Generate Flow Data add UFDS Pool PFF header (CSTS Chapter 11), delimiters etc. Calculate Checksum Convert PFF Header to PTFF Header (version 1.5 Table 3) and include Test Data Flags Transmit to PDA. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 21 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Implications of Statement of Operation: Failure to follow this operation will lead to a Pool Developed Application rejecting, with checksum error, any file sent to it from a non Pool Developed Application. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 22 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 9. Related Metering Points WP no: Status: 9 Implemented by Industry Title: Related Metering Points Version: 4 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Date raised: 22/10/97 DST Doc. Ref: Product Area: NHH Meters Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: MRA, E2E Last Amended: Change History Implementation Date: 01/07/2000 NHH MOp DRG Supplier, NHH MOp, NHHDC 09/12/99 Approved at CCG 10 on 31/03/98 – see Design Note 5 V3 with WP CR 36 approved at CCG 30 on 9/07/99 - see Design Note 26 V4 with WPPS CP 2 approved at MDB_00_01 Context: Many Suppliers currently supply Metering Systems where there is one or more associated MPAN. For example metering systems that require two SSCs to describe their consumption in settlements such as Economy 9, Warmwise, Heatwise etc. As there can only be one SSC per MPAN at any given time two MPANs are required for each of these Metering Systems. Each MPAN has an SSC allocated to it. The SSCs each consist of one or more TPRs. Both the MPANs relate to the same physical meter, and hence should always be supplied by one supplier. These Metering Points are an example of Related Metering Points. For more guidance on metering systems and Related Metering Points refer to the MRA. This Working Practice details the procedures to be followed in dealing with Related Metering Points in the Non Half Hourly market. Working Practice: Where the Supplier is maintaining one or more related MPANs they should utilise whatever method they deem most appropriate to ensure that there is only one “Main” MPAN for the metering point. This “Main” MPAN is always retained through the metering point lifecycle with that Supplier, thus ensuring consistency with the MPAN for the metering point. Installation of Related Metering Points 1. All Agents (MOp, NHH DC and NHH DA) are appointed to all MPANs in the normal way – e.g. one MPAN for the normal register and one for the switched register(s), or one for each meter present at a site 2. The Supplier requests that the relevant metering is installed by sending D0142 for each MPAN. 3. Having carried out the necessary work, the MOp sends MTDs in the normal way. A D0150 and D0149 is sent for each MPAN. (Switched heating load meters, where the physical Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 23 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) registers are mapped across two MPANs, is thought to be the only time that all physical registers are not reported together). Change to Metering System Where the metering system is replaced or re-configured in such a way as to remove one or more SSCs, the associated MPAN(s) becomes redundant. The Supplier should: Identify the requirement for change of tariff / metering system, usually from Customer considerations; Determine the required new Standard Settlement Configuration(s) (SSC); Determine the “Main” MPAN that it wishes to maintain – this should be the MPAN used for normal operation as set out above; Determine any other MPANs that are to remain. The Supplier should request the change to SSC by sending D0142(s) for the MPAN(s) to be retained to the NHH MOp with Group 267 as follows: Group 267 for retained MPANs: MPAN Core Metering Point Address and Postcode Retrieval Method Requested Energisation Status Standard Settlement Configuration Id Additional Information Remove Metering Point Meters MPANs for Metering Points to be retained Must be populated ‘N’ – Not known ‘E’ – Energised or ‘D’ – De-energised as appropriate New SSC for new Tariff Text stating that this is a change to the metering system configuration requiring a change to the SSC and the number of MPANs. Include the related MPAN(s) that is(are) affected. In particular identify the MPAN(s) that is (are) no longer required. ‘F’ – indicating that the metering should remain The Supplier should also provide another D0142(s) to the MOp instructing it to remove the other MPAN(s) as follows: Group 267 for removed MPAN(s) MPAN Core Metering Point Address and Postcode Retrieval Method Requested Energisation Status Standard Settlement Configuration Id Additional Information Remove Metering Point Meters Version : 5.4 Status : Approved MPAN for the Metering Point to be removed Must be populated ‘N’ – Not known ‘D’ – De-energised - indicating that it is no longer required Null or Blank – indicating that there is no associated SSC Text stating that this is a change to metering configuration requiring removal of an MPAN, also include details of the other related MPANs ‘T’ – True – indicating that effectively there is to be no metering for this MPAN Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 24 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) The Supplier should attempt to send the D0142s in the same file/flow. In any case the MOp should wait for all the relevant information before carrying out a Site Visit. It is the circumstance of the receipt of all D0142s together that will ensure the MOp is aware of the process to be followed and avoid misinterpretation over what is to be done with the metering for the MPAN to be removed. The MOP should carry out a Site Visit to either: Replace or re-configure the Economy 9 meter with a single tariff meter e.g. single rate or Economy 7; or Remove the Meter associated with the MPAN to be removed. Once the MOp has reconfigured the Metering Point against the main MPAN, they should send to the Supplier, NHH DC and Distributor: D0150/D0149 for the main MPAN (and all other remaining related MPANs) containing the new SSC(s) and new EFSD {SCON} / EFSD {MSMTD} and MTD / mapping details appropriate to the new configuration. If in the example of the Economy 9 meter the MOp chooses to use the existing Economy 9 meter it will need to report the Economy 9 specific register as a Non Settlement Register; and A D0150 only for each removed MPAN(s) with Group 08A populated, indicating the discontinuation of the meter technical details for that MPAN, from the Date of Meter Removal. (This also means that the Distributor will have information on the metering point – MPAN, that they can, if they choose, cross reference with the request for disconnection from the Supplier – see WP132). On receipt of these flows, the Supplier can infer that the requested change to configuration / metering system was successful and that the MPAN(s) is (are) now redundant. The Supplier should then request the Distributor to remove the MPAN(s) from MPAS, using an appropriately populated D0132 as detailed in WP132. Impact of not implementing WP: The procedures relevant to Related Metering Points (MPANs) will remain unclear and the “Main” MPAN may not be retained through the metering point lifecycle with that Supplier. Consistency with the MPAN(s) for the metering point may not be ensured. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 25 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 16. MPAS - Differentiation between Supplier Full or Partial Refresh (D0204) WP no: 16 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 05/06/2002 Title: MPAS - Differentiation between Supplier Full or Partial Refresh (D0204) Version: 2 Originator: MPAS Workshop WP type: S Originator Ref: 44 Date raised: 4/12/97 DST Doc. Ref: Product Area: MPAS Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: DTC D0204 - Selective or Full Refresh of MPAS Details J0723 – Instruction Type MRA – Clauses 22 and 23 Last Amended: 05th June 2002 Change History Approved at CCG 10 on 31/03/98 – see Design Note 5 Suppliers, MPAS V2 with WPPS CP 51 agreed at MDB_02_52 on 25/04/02 Context: Flow D0204 MPAS to Supplier is used for both Full and Partial Refresh. Within the file there is no mandated way of differentiating between the two types. A Supplier needs a clear and simple method for determining whether the Refresh received from MPAS is Full or Selective. If selective, the Supplier needs to take account of the MPAS source as file layout depends on the particular MPAS Service Provider source. The procedures and mode of communication for full and selective refreshes are covered in the MRA (clauses 22 & 23). Statement of Operation: Whilst it is assumed that the Supplier who requests the refresh would know when they receive it what type it is, the following structures are proposed to aid differentiation, utilising the existing Instruction Type structure, as detailed below. For Full Refresh, issue all MPANs within a single Instruction Type, in a dedicated file i.e.: Instruction Type ‘SP84’ MPAN 1 MPAN 2 etc. For Partial Refresh the MPAS systems generate the following: 1. EELC MPAS and St. Clement’s Services (SCS) MPRS (provided to the following participants: LOND, SOUT, NEEB, NORW, EMEB, MIDE, HYDE, YELG, SWEB and SWAE) support one MPAN per instruction per file i.e.: Instruction Type ‘SP84’ MPAN 1 2. SEEB supports each MPAN under an individual Instruction, many instructions to a file –i.e.: Instruction Type ‘SP84’ MPAN 1 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 26 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Instruction Type ‘SP84’ MPAN 2 Instruction Type ‘SP84’ etc. 3. SPOW & MANW supports up to 20 MPANs within a single Instruction, in a dedicated file i.e.: Instruction Type ‘SP84’ MPAN 1 MPAN 2 etc. Note that this Working Practice does not require any amendment to the MDNS software. Implications of Statement of Operation: There is a risk of a Supplier deleting data for a full refresh and populating only with a partial refresh. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 27 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 20. Use of Checksum with UFF flows WP no: 20 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: Title: Use of Checksum with User File Format (UFF) flows Version: 3 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Date raised: 15/1/98 DST Doc. Ref: Product Area: None Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: UFDS Last Amended: 30/6/00 Change History Approved at CCG 9 on 06/03/98 - see Design Note 3 27/03/2001 DST Participants transmitting UFF flows V3 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: the UFDS defines the use of checksum with MRA flows (i.e. in UFF) as optional; where a checksum is calculated using the current checksum algorithm, the checksum will no longer be correct for a UFF flow if the MDNS translates the file between variable to fixed formats. In consequence, if a sender and receiver wish to use the checksum to validate a particular instance of a flow they need to agree to use the same format. Working Practice: For UFF flows : 1. checksums should only be used with bilateral agreement between the two Participants and with the agreement that both will structure the files in either fixed or variable format 2. otherwise, flows should be sent without checksums. For MPAS - Supplier interface checksums should be ignored on input. Impact of not implementing WP: Without this Working Practice the receiver will reject UFF files as they will have incorrect checksums. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 28 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 21. Provision of Metering Point Changes to Agents WP no: 21 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 29/08/2002 Title: Provision of Metering Point Changes to Agents Version: 3 Originator: NHH MOp DRG, NHH DC DRG WP type: W Originator Ref: WA001/3.4.3 Date raised: 20/10/97 Related WPs: 28, 61, 87 and 107 Product Area: Agent Appointments Parties Affected: Supplier, DC, Distributor, Mop Baseline Products Impacted: DTC D0131 – Metering Point Address Details; D0155 – Notification of new MOp or DC Appointment & Terms; D0153 – Notification of Data Aggregator Appointment & Terms. E2E’s - Appoint/De-appoint NHH MO, Appoint/De-appoint NHH DC, Appoint/De-appoint HH MO, Appoint/De-appoint HH DC Last Amended: 28/02/02 Change History Approved at CCG 10 on 31/03/98 - see Design Note 5 V2 with WP CR 37 approved at CCG 30 on 9/07/99 - see Design Note 26 V3 with WPPS CP 49 approved at MDB_02_01 on 31/01/02 Context: Where a Metering Point address is required for a new connection, or a change of details is identified for an existing MPAN, there is no clear instruction as to how this information is provided to Agents. Supplier notifications to Agents need to be precise and unambiguous. Working Practice: A Supplier should use a D0153 (Data Aggregator) or D0155 (DC or MOp) to notify agents of changes in contractual arrangements, service references, service levels and reading schedules. (Note that this does not preclude the need for a Supplier to negotiate contractual terms in advance of providing these flows - see E2E p53, p55, p60, p61 & Working Practice 28). When sending a D0155, Metering Point Address and Postcode (J1036-J1044 incl. & J0263) should be sent in all cases. D0131 should be used to notify a change of Metering Point Address for a given MPAN core. Impact of not implementing WP: There has been significant concerns regarding Participants ability to guarantee that the correct MPAN is referenced when undertaking transactions between participants. It has been agreed that using address information to check MPANs will significantly improve the chances that participants will reference the correct customer when inter-operating. Clearly, the ability to ensure relevant participants are referencing the same customer, as addressed by this WP will reduce industry error rates and enhance customer perception. The use of D0131 to correct address information, and D0153 and D0155 to confirm contractual arrangements will help to ensure Agents are able to undertake their contractual obligations. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 29 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 28. Usage of Service Reference and Service Level Reference WP no: 28 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: Version: Usage of Service Reference and Service Level Reference NHH MOPP/DC DRG Originator: 1 WP type: W Originator Ref: WA002/WA026 2.2.3/2.4.1 Date raised: 20/10/97 Related WPs: 107 Product Area: Agent Appointments Parties Affected: MOPs, Suppliers, DCs, DAs, Baseline Products Impacted: DTC J0275 - Service Level Reference & J0274 - Service Reference; Relevant flows - D0176, D0178, D0180, D0194, D0216, and specifically: D0011 – Agreement of Contractual terms; D0153 – Notification of Data Aggregator Appointment & Terms; D0155 – Notification of New MOp or DC Appointment & Terms. E2E NHH MOp A1034,A422,A423 - Diagram Appoint/De-appoint NHH MO DA (HH & NHH) A1008,A168,G701 Diagram Appoint/De-appoint DA (NHH & HH); NHH DC A1032,A400,A401 Diagram Appoint/De-appoint NHH DC HH MOp A1130,A425,A426 Diagram Appoint/De-appoint HH MO HHDC A1136, A447, A448 Diagram Appoint/De-appoint HH DC Last Amended: 31/03/98 Change History: Approved at CCG 10 on 31/03/98 - see Design Note 5 Context: These data items are mandatory in all flows in which they appear but their use is unclear. Working Practice: Where they have been specified in Participants’ Commercial Agreements, and are used within the DTC flows (D0153, D0155 & D0011) when appointing agents and agreeing contractual terms, the fields are not to be used to negotiate contractual terms, and hence should not be amended. They should be reproduced (on D0011) exactly as per the incoming flow (D0153, D0155). Negotiation should occur outside the DTC, and the DTC flows should reflect the results of negotiation. If the Service Level Reference & Service Reference are different on the incoming flows (D0153, D0155) to those agreed by negotiation, the agent should reject the appointment using a D0261 - Rejection of Agent Appointment, using Rejection of Agent Appointment Code (J1016) of ‘N’ - No Contract. Note: DTC CR 2982 which introduces new Rejection Codes has been approved since this WP was agreed. Impact of not implementing WP: Allowing the Supplier and its Agents to negotiate contractual terms each time the Agent is appointed to an MPAN is unduly complex, error prone and time consuming potentially requiring Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 30 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) process repetition. If negotiation was permitted, a new flow would be required to allow Suppliers to accept counter proposals. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 31 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 30. NHH Meter Readings following a Site Visit - Meter Operator and Distributor WP no: 30 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/03/2001 Title: Reporting findings and providing Meter Readings in the NHH Market following a Site Visit - Meter Operator and Distributor Version: 2 Originator: MOP DRG WP type: W Originator Ref: WA019, WA020 Date raised: 20/10/97 DST Ref: WoPr MOP11 Parties Affected: Suppliers, MOps, NHHDCs, Distributors Product Area: Baseline Products Impacted: D0010 - Meter Readings; D0002 - Fault Resolution Report or Request for Decision on Further Action; D0139 - Confirmation or Rejection of Energisation Change; E2E - various, including De-energisation, NHH Meters: Process Meter Readings BSCP504 para Related Working Practices: WP69 Last Amended: 30/06/00 Change History: Approved at CCG 16 on 05/06/98 - see Design Note: 12 V3 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: The MOp and to a lesser extent the Distributor make visits to a Customer’s site for the purpose of meter installation, change of functionality and removal, for energisation and de-energisation and for disconnection. The choice of meter reading data flows provided by the Meter Operator and the Distributor, on obtaining access to a customer’s premises or not and the data they contain, need to be precisely defined. Working Practice: This Working Practice specifically refers only to the Non Half Hourly Market. General - MOp and Distributor: SVCs will only be provided on D0010 when used to report exceptions; e.g. an SVC will be provided when a meter which is expected to be energised is found to be de-energised. Meter Readings are only sent via D0010; D0139 is not used for this purpose (see Note 1). Meter Operator:. General If the job required an installation, change of functionality or energisation, it is assumed that the initial read supplied via a D0010 will have been obtained if the job is successful as the job cannot be considered completed without a read. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 32 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) If a job fails: failed change of energisation status for credit meter (i.e. energisation/re/de-energisation) either the MPAN level J1253 in D0139 or an appropriate SVCC (J0024) set in D0221 will be sent to the Supplier only as appropriate (see WP 69) failure of other jobs - D0002 will be used If no meter readings are obtained the NHHDC will not be notified If meter readings are obtained but the job failed the readings will be sent to the NHHDC using D0010 with Reading Type = ‘S'. If a job is successful but a meter reading is not obtained: where the job required replacement of a meter or change of functionality, the MOp sends D0002 to advise the Supplier and the NHHDC that the final read has not been obtained for the old meter (as could occur with meter ‘burn-out’) in addition to the D0010 sent with initial reading for the new meter. where the job required de-energisation, the MPAN level SVC in D0139 (Group 261) is used to indicate why the readings have not been obtained. where the job required removal of all meters, the MOp sends a D0002 to advise the Supplier and the NHHDC that final readings were not obtained. Thereafter, NHHDC may calculate appropriate deemed reads in line with relevant BSCPs and instruction from the Supplier. Distributor: When a Distributor undertakes a (de-)energisation, whether successful or not, either the MPAN level J1253 in D0139 or an appropriate SVCC (J0024) set in D0221 will be sent to the Supplier only as appropriate (see WP 69). If the (de-)energisation fails and no meter readings are obtained then the NHHDC is not notified. If meter readings are obtained but the job failed, the readings must be sent to the NHHDC using D0010 with a Reading Type =’S’. If the job succeeds but no meter readings are obtained, the NHHDC will be notified outwith the DTC (see Notes 2 & 3). Thereafter NHHDC may calculate appropriate deemed reads in line with relevant BSCPs and instruction from the Supplier. Impact of not implementing WP: This Working Practice ensures that recipients of the relevant flows share the same understanding regarding the use of these flows. Without this WP in place, Suppliers, Distributors and Meter Operators as Supplier Agents may misinterpret or ignore the flows, and hence fail to meet their obligations. Notes: 1. In the Half Hourly Market, readings may be sent on D0139. 2. The DTC does not provide for D0002 to be sent by the Distributor to the NHHDC; this is in contrast with the MOp which may provide a D0002. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 33 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 3. The failure to obtain a reading cannot be indicated as the DTC stands, by the omission of a meter reading from the D0010 alone, as register readings are mandated if a date of reading is to be provided in Group 030. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 34 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 33. Providing Customer Details to the Distributor during Registration WP no: 33 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 29/08/2002 Title: Providing Customer Details to the Distributor during Registration Version: 2 Originator: JTCC WP type: W Originator Ref: 76, 156, 186 Date raised: 26/1/98 Related WP: 21 Product Area: MPAS Parties Affected: Suppliers, MPAS, Distributor Baseline Products Impacted: DTC – D0302 – Notification of Customer Details Last Amended: 28/02/02 Change History: Approved at CCG 9 on 06/03/98 – see Design Note 3 E2E - A160 – Supply Quote accepted (Register MPAN and Appoint Agents (inc Change of Agent and generation of additional/new MPAN Core(s)) V2 with WPPS CP 49 approved at MDB_02_01 on 31/01/02 Context: The E2E show that: On acceptance of a quote by a Customer, the New Supplier attempts Registration and, independently of whether Registration is accepted or not, informs the Distributor of Customer Details – E2E flow F2831. Whereas the business practices of some Participants is that: The New Supplier waits till the Registration is accepted and, where it is Change of Supplier, any Objection resolved before informing the Distributor of Customer Details. Working Practice: Both practices, as portrayed by the E2E and as currently exercised by some Participants, are acceptable, provided only in the latter case that data flows D0302 and (where relevant) D0225 are transmitted to the Distributor within the Change of Supplier process. Impact of not implementing WP: Acceptable business practices within Competitive Supply are prevented. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 35 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 34. Termination of New Supplier Agents during the Objection Process WP no: 34 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 29/05/2003 Title: Termination of New Supplier Agents during the Objection process Version: 4 Originator: JTCC WP type: W Originator Ref: 76, 209 Date raised: 06/02/98 Related WP: 100 Product Area: MPAS Parties Affected: Suppliers, MPAS, Agents Baseline Products Impacted: DTC D0151 – Termination of Appointment or Contract by Supplier D0155 – Notification of New Meter Operator or Data Collector Appointment and Terms D0303 – Notification of Meter Operator, Supplier and Metering Assets installed / removed by the MOP to the MAP E2Es A604 – Receive Notification of objection, cancel agents and update records A836 – Resolve Objections (Diagram E2E CoS Objection Process) Last Amended: 03/03/03 Change History: Approved at CCG 9 on 06/03/98 - see Design Note 3 Approved at CCG 31 on 13/8/99 – see Design Note 27 Approved at CCG 32 on 05/11/99 – see Design Note 28 V4 with WPPS CP 61 approved at MDB_03_03 on 27/03/03 Context: The purpose of this Working Practice is to clarify the processes and sequences required to be followed by Suppliers for the appointment and de-appointment of agents during a Change of Supplier. In particular, the appointment (D0155) of agents by the New Supplier and any subsequent termination /cancellation (D0151) on change of supplier failure and the deappointment/re-appointment of agents by the Old Supplier. This Working Practice will also clarify the processes required to be followed by MOPs regarding the D0303 flow (Notification of Meter Operator, Supplier and Metering Assets installed / removed by the MOP to the MAP). Also clarified are the effective dates of the agent appointments and de-appointments that should be used following the objection process. These are given in the scenario table which follows the Working Practice. There are two variations in the understanding and responsibility of Suppliers regarding the appointment/de-appointment of their agents following objection. 1. The E2E diagrams show that following acceptance of a Notice of Objection from the Old Supplier, MPAS informs the New Supplier of the Objection, thereupon the New Supplier cancels appointments with DC, MOp and DA without waiting until it knows whether or not the Objection is sustained – E2E flows F2793, F2894, F2954 using D0151. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 36 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2. The business practice of at least two Participants is that following notification of the Objection, the New Supplier waits until it is clear that the Objection is sustained before cancelling appointments for the MPAN with DC, MOp and DA. Working Practice: Both practices, as portrayed by the E2E and currently exercised by some Participants, are acceptable, provided only that in the latter case data flow D0151 is transmitted to the three Agents once any Objection is sustained. The attached table clarifies both of these alternative approaches for both the case where the objection is upheld and where the objection is removed. The table also specifies the obligations on the Suppliers with regard to sending appointment and de-appointment flows and the effective to date to be included in any termination flow. Beneath the table are the rules for the MO when sending the D0303 to the MAP following receipt of the appointment/de-appointment flows. Impact of not implementing WP: Acceptable business practices within Competitive Supply between the Supplier and its Agents are prevented. Scenario table follows: Scenario Supplier Approach 1 New Supplier appoints agents wef SSD (D0155); Old and New Supplier wait for resolution of objection; Objection is removed; Old Supplier terminates agents (D0151). 2 New Supplier appoints agents wef SSD (D0155); Old and New Suppliers wait for resolution of objection; Objection is upheld; New Supplier terminates agents (D0151). 3 New Supplier appoints agents wef SSD (D0155); On notification of objection New Supplier cancels agents (D0151); Objection is removed; New Supplier re-appoints agents (D0155). Old Supplier terminates agents (D0151). Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Supplier Obligation As soon as is reasonably practicable following objection removal/ resolution, the Old Supplier should send a D0151 to the agent with an Effective to Date {Agent} of the New Supplier’s SSD minus one day, and a termination reason of ‘LC’, regardless of the amount of time which has passed between the New Supplier’s SSD and the objection resolution date. As soon as is reasonably practicable following the upholding of the objection, the New Supplier should send a D0151 with an Effective to Date {Agent} of the New Supplier’s SSD minus one day, to cancel the appointment, and a termination reason of ‘OB’. Where an agent receives such notification, its previous appointment (with the Old Supplier) remains in effect because the Old Supplier has not terminated the appointment. The Effective From {Agents} dates supplied by the New Supplier in the two D0155's (initial and then reappointment) should both be the New Supplier’s SSD. The Effective to Date {Agent} date contained within the New Supplier’s D0151 should be the New Supplier’s SSD minus one calendar day and the Termination reason should be ‘OB’. Note that the Old Supplier is required to send a D0151 to terminate agents upon removal of objection, with Effective to Date {Agent} = the New Supplier’s SSD1 and a Termination Reason of ‘LC’. Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 37 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 4 New Supplier appoints agents wef SSD (D0155); On notification of objection New Supplier cancels agents (D0151); Objection is upheld. The Effective From {Agents} date supplied by the New Supplier in the D0155 should be the New Supplier’s SSD and the Effective To Date {Agent} contained within the New Supplier’s D0151 should be the New Supplier’s SSD minus one calendar day. The Termination Reason included in the D0151 should be ‘OB’ Where an agent receives such notification, its previous appointment (with the Old Supplier) remains in effect because the Old Supplier has not terminated the appointment. Rules for populating the D0303: On receipt of a D0155, (it may be necessary to wait for receipt of the D0150 to determine MAP id), MO sends a D0303 with the Effective from Date {MOA} populated with the same date as that contained in the D0155 from the Supplier. On receipt of a D0151, MO sends a D0303 with the Effective to Date {MOA} populated with the same date as that contained in the D0151 from the Supplier. Notes: 1. The Supplier is responsible for the action of its agents. Any work undertaken by the agent during a period of liability which is then retrospectively cancelled should be the subject of contractual terms and conditions, agreed between the supplier and their agent in the knowledge of the above obligations. 2. The “Effective To Settlement Date {REGI} for Old Supplier” (J0928) provided on the D0058 is the New Supplier SSD minus one calendar day. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 38 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 35. Prepayment Metering - Clarification of use of item J0582 in D0188 WP no: 35 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: Prepayment Metering – Clarification of use of item J0582 in D0188 Version: 1 Originator: LE/Seeboard WP type: W Originator Ref: DTC CR 2905 Date raised: 27/1/98 DST Ref: Product Area: PPM Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: D0188 - Key Transaction Details; D0189 - Adjust Key Meter Debt/Recovery Rate at Specific Locations; D0190 - Issue Customer Key; Supplier, PPMIP J0038 – Customer Reference Number; J0582 - Key Meter Supplier/Customer Id; E2E A1040 - Polling of Vendor Data, A124 - Supplier Processes the PPM Readings and passes them on to NHHDC, Diagram - Prepayment Meter Infrastructure Polling Last Amended: 9/3/98 Change History Approved at CCG 9 on 06/03/98 - see Design Note 3 Context: Flow D0188 represents transaction data from a PPMIP to Suppliers. It is the Supplier’s only means of obtaining meter reading and financial data from their customer without a visit to the premises and will take place every time a customer charges a key. The Supplier, at pre-agreed frequencies will pass meter reading data to the NHH DC for settlement purposes. There are currently approx. 1.3 million key meter customers in the UK. Based on mean transaction frequencies each 2T customer will generate, on average, between 40 and 50 D0188 flows every year. Assuming a 5% churn this represents between 2.6 million and 3.2 million individual D0188 flows every year. The DTC flow consists of 17 Data Items arranged in two Groups (386 Customer Payment Details and 387 Meter Register Detail per Meter). One of these, J0582 Key Meter Supplier/Customer ID is unique to this flow and consists of a number of separate items which are also Data Items within the DTC in their own right. It also includes an item which, in its present state, cannot be populated. J0582 (Key meter supplier / Customer ID), 20 characters is defined as: Positions EXACT Length Name 1, 2 2 Key Meter Supplier ID (J1285) 3, 4 2 Distribution Business ID 5 – 17 13 Supplier Customer Reference No. 18, 19 2 Tariff Reference 20 1 Check digit Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 39 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Working Practice: The valid sets are: Key Meter Supplier ID As assigned by the Tariff Management Forum Distribution Business ID As used within the current key meter supplier system (e.g. Schlumberger) Supplier Customer Reference Number As generated/used by the supplier Tariff Reference Space or ASCII character filled. Check digit Space or ASCII character filled. The fields Tariff Reference and Check Digit must be set up as shown, but their values ignored in processing. Note that tariff reference is not related to Tariff Setting’ (J0591), a 3 character field, or ‘Tariff Code’ (J0685). Where the Supplier Customer Reference Number field in D0188 (13 digits) is copied to J0389 (20 digits) in flows D0190 and D0189, J0389 should be left justified and the field filled with trailing blanks. Impact of not implementing WP: A PPMIP will be unable to construct the D0188 message and therefore cannot provide the necessary information about Key Meter ownership and properties to its Supplier. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 40 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 36. NHH DA requirement and MPAS usage of file and instruction number WP no: 36 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: NHH DA requirement and MPAS usage of file number and instruction number Version: 1 Originator: MPAS Workshop WP type: S Originator Ref: 11/12 Date raised: 10/02/98 DST Doc. Ref: Product Area: MPAS, NHHDA Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: J0109 - Instruction Number; Suppliers, MPAS, NHHDA, NHHDC J0330 - File Sequence Number; on flows: D0019, D0055, D0057, D0058, D0064-D0069, D0089-D0093, D0171, D0172, D0203-D0205, D0209, D0213, D0217, D0259, D0260, D0271D0273. Last Amended: 31/03/98 Change History: Approved at CCG 10 on 31/03/98 - see Design Note 5 Context: When sending flows from MPAS and NHHDC to Pool developed NHHDA systems the sender is required to ensure that file number and instruction number are sequential and contiguous to each recipient. It is unclear how these fields should be used on other inter role flows. Statement of Operation: MPAS operators provide file sequence numbering and instruction sequence numbering to each individual Supplier, which they may utilise if they wish. Files will be sequenced with contiguous increments, while instructions will be sequenced with increments (but may not be contiguous) created at time of instruction generation. However these will be distributed across the individual flow files. MPAS does not check incoming file and instruction sequence numbers from Suppliers, however provision by Suppliers of sequence numbering may assist in problem diagnosis. NHHDC systems do not support file and instruction sequence numbering with roles other than NHHDA. Implications of Statement of Operation: Significant extra processing would be required on behalf of the MPAS and NHHDC systems to track and maintain sequential/contiguous file and instruction numbers for each supplier. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 41 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 37. MPAS Input and Output File Processing WP no: 37 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: Title: MPAS Input and Output File Processing Version: 2 Originator: MPAS Workshop WP type: S Originator Ref: 5/9/13/14 Date raised: 10/2/98 DST Doc. Ref: Product Area: MPAS Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: UFDS; 27/06/200 2 Suppliers, MPAS Operators J0280 - File Creation Timestamp; J1065 - File Completion Timestamp. Last Amended: 24/05/2002 Change History Approved at CCG 10 on 31/03/98 - see Design Note: 5 V2 with WPPS CP 55 agreed at MDB_02_06 on 27/06/02 Context: MPAS operators process input and output files in batches either once or many times a day, but not based on time of file creation. Participants should take this into account when scheduling their file handling. Statement of Operation: Header and trailer time-stamp fields are set by MPAS at output file creation but are not used by MPAS to determine the order of input processing. Instead, the order in which MPAS operators process files available for each input batch is based on the time of receipt by the Service Provider, rather than time of file creation. Each MPAS processes any files available to the batch process at the end of the working day as defined in the MRA, i.e. received by the Service Provider by 18:00. Consequential notifications are transmitted as a batch at the end of processing. SEEB1 processes any files available to the system during the working day as and when they arrive. Consequential notifications are transmitted in batches at scheduled periods during the day. Implications of Statement of Operation: Some participants have assumed that time-stamps indicate that files will be processed in timestamp order. This is not the case. Participants who interface with MPAS need to be aware of this Statement of Operation so that they can schedule their MPAS interfaces accordingly. 1 Refer to MDD for a mapping of MPID to Company name Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 42 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 38. Processing MPAS Changes with future effective dates WP no: 38 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/06/200 2 Title: Processing MPAS Changes with future effective dates Version: 3 Originator: MPAS Workshop WP type: S Originator Ref: 25 Date raised: 10/2/98 DST Doc. Ref: Product Area: MPAS Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: D0055 – Registration of Supplier to Specified Metering Point; D0205 - Update Registration Details; E2E - A574 – Process CoS (Diagram – Registration on Change of Supplier); A969 - Update MPAS Diagram – (Diagram - Updates to Supplier held MPAD Items) Last Amended: 24/05/2002 Change History: Approved at CCG at 11 on 16/04/98 - see Design Note 6 Suppliers, MPAS Operators V2 with WPPS CP 42 approved at MDB_01_10 on 25/10/01 V3 with WPPS CP 55 agreed at MDB_02_06 on 27/06/02 Context: What number of changes to MPAS information (particularly appointments) can be made which are effective at a future date, and how are they handled? A lot of issues have arisen with reference to correcting future changes (especially where “future” includes the retrospective amendment time window). Statement of Operation: Only one future appointment/meter point amendment is allowed by MPAS. When a change to a registration appointment or attribute is made with an effective from date, which is determined by the Supplier to be in error, each MPAS Service Provider will allow the following adjustments to be made through standard flows. 1. EELC: any change to an appointment or attribute, within the time window allowed for change (i.e. between the allowed retrospective time limit and the future), will remove ALL changes to that appointment or attribute with the same or subsequent effective from date. This practice is in line with MRA Clause 24.3 which permits a change with an effective date up to 13 months in the past to remove any effective change to that item since that effective date. 2. MPRS, developed by SCS (St. Clements Services), provided to the following participants (shown by their Market Participant Id 1) – LOND, SOUT, NEEB, NORW, EMEB, HYDE, SWEB, SWAE and YELG: any change to an appointment or attribute must have an effective from date equal to, or greater than, the latest effective from date for each data item and be within the registration period. The retrospective change period should not exceed 14 months. 3. SEEB and MANW/SPOW: these systems follow the same approach as that for MPRS. 1 Refer to MDD for a mapping of MPID to Company name Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 43 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Implications of Statement of Operation: Suppliers need to be aware of how to resolve erroneous appointments/amendments for the different MPAS Service Providers. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 44 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 39. Amendments to MPAS during Objection Period WP no: 39 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: Amendments to MPAS during Objection Period Version: 1 Originator: ScottishPower/ Manweb WP type: S Originator Ref: MPAS/WoPr1 Date raised: 13/2/98 DST Ref: MPAS Workshop 37 Product Area: MPAS Parties Affected: Suppliers, MPAS Baseline Products Impacted: D0089 - Notification from MPAS of Changed Metering Point Details D0205 - Update Registration Details; D0259 - Rejection of Scottish Allocation Schedule. Last Amended: 31/03/98 Change History: Approved at CCG 10 on 31/03/98 - see Design Note 5 Context: During the MPAS differences workshops one of the differences identified was that the ScottishPower/Manweb MPAS validation rules (as published to all Suppliers) mean that an Old Supplier may not make amendments to MPAS whilst an objection is outstanding and a New Supplier may not make more than one amendment to data prior to the objection window passing. The frequency of such amendments in these situations is considered to be very low volume, particularly due to the fact that, where an objection does take place, then any changes to metering point data made by the New Supplier are backed out by MPAS and so the Old Supplier will have the same metering point data held on MPAS as it did prior to the Change of Supplier taking place. Statement of Operation: If the situation does arise where there is a requirement to amend MPAN data then the Supplier should contact the Scottish Power/ Manweb MPAS Operations who will ensure that the required parties are kept informed and will then carry out the amendment once the objection window/period has passed. (Note that if a Supplier does send such an amendment via the MDNS to MPAS then this will be rejected. The Supplier should then contact the Scottish Power/ Manweb MPAS Operations who will manage the situation as above and there will be no charge for the rejection). Implications of Statement of Operation: Suppliers need to know how to interface with ScottishPower/Manweb’s MPAS system if they wish to amend MPAN data during the objection window/period. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 45 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 45. NHH Metering - Timing of when D0052 may be sent WP no: 45 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: NHH Metering - Timing of when D0052 may be sent Version: 1 Originator: WP type: S Originator Ref: Date raised: 24/2/98 DST Ref: Issue 65 & 66 Product Area: NHH market Parties Affected: Supplier, NHHDC, MOp Baseline Products Impacted: E2E - F3533, F3856, F3536, F3534, F3535, F3761, F4054, F3859 Last Amended: 07/05/98 Change History: Approved at CCG 12 on 07/05/98 - see Design Note 8 DSC DTC - D0052 Affirmation of Metering System Settlement Details Context: The DTC provides a flow definition for D0052 from the Supplier to the NHHDC to: ‘Establish the settlement details and EAC applied for a specified metering point and unmetered supply. Used for new metering points, change in settlement details or change in Profile Class’. D0052 also provides the ‘Effective from Settlement Dates’ from which the changes in settlement details are to be taken account of by the NHHDC and communicated to the NHHDA as supporting information for the EAC calculation. It is essential that these Effective from Settlement Dates are correct and the same in both MPAS and NHH DC systems as they are compared within NHHDA using the data provided in flows D0019 and D0209. If they do not match precisely the NHHDA system will report the mismatches as errors and will ignore the associated values of EAC and AA. In situations where the Supplier instructs the MOp via D0142 in such a way that the SSC of the metering system is changed, the Effective from Settlement Dates need to be aligned to the actual date that the MOp was able to complete the work. This date may be different from the appointment date in D0142 and in consequence from a specific Supplier desired Settlement date. Statement of Operation: The Supplier has two choices for informing the NHHDC of new connections and changes to a metering system which affect the system’s SSC. 1. It can choose to wait until the MOp has completed the meter work and the MOp has indicated this by providing a D0149 and D0150 to the Supplier and NHHDC before sending D0052. When the Supplier is satisfied with the work done, it will by D+8 send a D0052 to the NHHDC with SSC and Effective from Settlement Dates consistent with the date that the MOp actually completed the work and a D0205 to the appropriate MPAS. 2. It can choose to send the D0052 and corresponding D0205 at the same time as sending the D0142. If the MOp is unable for any reason to carry out the work on the Appointment day or should the Supplier not have provided an Appointment Date then the Supplier will have to correct any inconsistency between its intended date and the date that the MOp actually completed the work as indicated in the MOp’s D0149 and D0150. This may include the Supplier resending the D0052 and D0205. Details of the process to be followed by the NHHDC to obtain a coherent set of Effective From Settlement Dates between the Supplier, MOp and the NHHDC is provided in the accompanying flow diagram. It is necessary for the Supplier to resolve with the NHHDC a mismatch of dates when these occur. The D+ days are indicative of the shortest time that may be achievable - they could be relaxed by a number of days without Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 46 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) materially affecting the process. In either choice, the Supplier shall ensure that there is no inconsistency between its desired SSC for the metering system and that which the MOp set up as indicated in the D0149 and D0150. Receive D0052 from Supplier Matching Details available Receive D0150 / D0149 from MOp No Wait until Date Match or number of days No Matching Details available Wait until D+4 Yes Yes Do Details match Yes Save & Process Yes Await Response for resolution from Supplier No D+5 Send D0170 to Supplier with detail in Additional Information item No Has mis-match been reported to Supplier by MOp Suggested fastest achievable D+7 D+8 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Supplier communicates instructions on resolution Apply Resolution & Process Diagram NHHDC process for resolving EFSDs between D0052 and D0150/ D0149 for WP45 Option 2 Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 47 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 52. Bulk Tariff Changes - Token Meters WP no: 52 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: Bulk Tariff Changes – Token Meters Version: 1 Originator: Type: S Originator Ref: Date raised: 23/03/98 DST Ref: PP Issue 15 (98/159) Product Area: Prepayment Parties Affected: Supplier, MOp, NHHDC Baseline Products Impacted: E2E - A1054 (Diagram – Operate PPMs including the recharging of smartcards/key and the sale of tokens) A115 (Diagram – NHH Meters: Process Meter Readings) Last Amended: 20/04/98 Change History: Approved at CCG 12 on 07/05/98 - see Design Note 8 DSC Context: There is a requirement from time to time for the MOp to carry out bulk changes on token meters in tariff and price per unit. Currently this is not fully modelled in the E2E nor is it intended to be. The work is required to be carried out by the MOp or the NHHDC acting as the MOp’s surrogate. However it is expected that completion of the work for each meter may be signalled using DTC flows. There are two possible approaches: 1. The MOp notifies the Supplier by invoking A1054 on p. 41 to change debt/recovery rate and tariff setting on token meters on a per MPAN basis and signals completion to the Supplier via flow F3033. 2. The NHHDC as surrogate MOp by invoking A115 on p. 36 and signalling completion of each change in debt/recovery rate and tariff setting to the Supplier via F2662 using D0010 with SVC set to 24 (Token Meter Reset). Statement of Operation: A Supplier and its MOp agree bilaterally in a localised MOp standard agreement: 1. The scope of any bulk tariff change 2. How the Supplier identifies the tariff / price changes and the MPANs affected to the MOp 3. What degree of confirmation the MOp, either directly or through the NHHDC acting as surrogate MOp, is to provide the Supplier. This may vary from individual reporting on change to each MPAN as set out in the two approaches above or as a simple overall completion summary of the MPANs changed. The actual choice of flows and their sequencing is outwith the End-to-End Diagrams. Implications of Statement of Operation: The purpose of the Statement of Operation is to make it clear that bulk tariff and other changes are the Supplier’s responsibility to agree to with its MOp albeit within the Supplier/MOp Standard Agreement framework. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 48 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 53. Change of NHH Metering Type (Credit and Prepayment Meters) WP no: 53 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: Change of NHH Metering Type (Credit and Prepayment Meters) Version: 1 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Date raised: 23/03/98 DST Ref: PP Issue 1 (98/159) Product Area: NHH operations Parties Affected: Supplier, MOp Baseline Products Impacted: D0142, D0194, D0200, D0216 Last Amended: 02/04/98 Change History: Approved at CCG 11 on 16/04/98 - see Design Note 6 DSC Context: It is currently unclear how flows D0142, D0194, D0200 and D0216 should be used in conjunction with Meter Installation and Change, particularly when a change of type from credit to prepayment or vice versa is requested by the Supplier of the MOp. Working Practice: The following practice is proposed: Installation and replacement of credit meter Use D0142 Installation and replacement of prepayment meter Use D0194, D0200 or D0216 Replace credit meter by prepayment meter Use D0194, D0200 or D0216 Replace prepayment meter by credit meter Use D0142 Remove all meters, credit or prepayment Use D0142 It is assumed that there is no need to install multiple prepayment meters to meet any prepayment meter requirement at the same MPAN with one exception. This exception is where a token meter requirement is met by the addition of a token acceptor to a credit meter. Whilst the decision as to whether to use a token acceptor in conjunction with a credit meter is determined by the MOp in its contract with the Supplier, it is assumed that a request for replacement of a credit meter plus token acceptor by a credit meter will result in the MOp removing the token acceptor. This request will be initiated by use of D0142. Note: the WP does not cater for replacement of one type of prepayment meter by another. This can be achieved by removing the current prepayment meter before installing the new type. Impact of not implementing WP: There will be no consistent treatment between MOps on receipt of any one of these data flows and hence inconsistent meter installation. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 49 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 55. Use of Tariff Code for notifying the MOp of Token Meter and Smartcard setup WP no: 55 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: Use of Tariff Code for notifying the MOp of Token Meter and Smartcard setup Version: 1 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Date raised: 23/3/98 DST Ref: PP Issue 5 (98/159) Product Area: Prepayment Token and Smartcard Meters Parties Affected: Supplier, MOp, PPMIP Baseline Products Impacted: D0197, D0200, D0216 etc. Last Amended: 02/04/98 Change History: Approved at CCG 11 on 16/04/98 - see Design Note 6 DSC J0685 Context: It is necessary for the Supplier to inform the MOp or PPMIP of the SSC and hence TPRs to be able to choose the appropriate meter, time switching settings and prices to set up on the prepayment meter on installation or replacement or change of tariff. The method for informing the MOp or PPMIP is by using a Tariff Code, J0685. The actual values for the code are defined between a Supplier and its MOp bilaterally but the format of the code is required to be standardised across the industry. Working Practice: The Associated Document ‘originally developed by ScottishPower defines for Token Meters the table structure for Tariff Code (alias Tariff Scheme) and its corresponding data items. A similar schema document is available for Smartcard Meters. The structure allows for a Tariff Code to identify corresponding values of SSC, and any of Debt Recovery Rates, Standing Charge, Rental and Supplier Global Setting. Impact of not implementing WP: Other approaches would be required for the Supplier to inform the MOp or PPMIP of SSC, TPRs and prices etc. This approach was deemed the most efficacious by the Prepayment DRG. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 50 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Associated Document for WP 55. Use of PPM Tariff and Configuration Data 1 Introduction This document, (originally DST 98/153 and based on an earlier paper developed by ScottishPower), describes the proposed Industry standard method of managing prepayment tariff and configuration data for Token prepayment meters. This document refers only to Token prepayment meters but the principles can be applied to both Smartcard and Key meters. Prepayment meters are more complex than credit meters because they contain tariff information and several programmable operating variations. Currently the Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) does not support this additional functionality and guidelines do not exist to explain the use of prepayment meters. This document is intended to address these problems by proposing a storage structure and referencing mechanism for the necessary data. This document assumes that as few changes as is practicable will be made to the DTC. 2 Summary Two sets of data are required to install a prepayment meter: Tariff and pricing information Meter Configuration Data The only method currently available for referencing this data is using the Service Reference and Service Level Reference, which appear in the prepayment meter flows in the DTC. These contract references are more commonly associated with the provision of a service to an agreed level. This is a significant abstraction from what is actually required in these flows i.e. the tariff and configuration of a prepayment meter. It is therefore proposed that these are replaced with a simple reference to a table of Tariff Codes and configurations that have been previously agreed between the MOp and their Supplier. When the tariff rate changes the Supplier and the MOp will agree a new table of Tariff Codes. In this way, tariff changes are reflected in the new agreed Tariff Code tables. The MOp now knows the new tariff for all meters so there is no need for the Supplier to send a tariff change flow for each prepayment meter. Each Tariff Code will be given a unique key so that it can be referenced in the DTC flows with DTC data item J0685 Tariff Code. There are many permutations for configuring prepayment meters. The number of options available will be reduced to a few agreed configurations that the Supplier may choose. There are currently no DTC items for selecting configuration options. This document describes a method of linking this to a Tariff Code. 2.1 Detailed Description The data required by prepayment meters can be divided up into two areas configuration and tariff. The configuration data will comprise of a choice of meter operation modes and their default settings. The tariff information comprises of the unit rates that are set and the time patterns at which they are operational. 2.2 Tariff Codes Standard Settlement Configurations (SSC) are required on every prepayment meter. The SSC specifies the time patterns that registers record consumption. It will therefore be necessary to choose an SSC and then choose unit rates to apply to the settlement registers that the SSC defines. The DTC does not contain SSCs in prepayment flows so they will be linked to the meter tariffs and will form the basis of the Tariff Code table. E.g. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 51 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Tariff Code SSC 0001 0393 0002 0070 0003 0092 In addition, the tariff table will contain charging information for each settlement register in a prepayment meter. A number of charging schemes may be agreed between the Supplier and the MO. The table below shows a list of example Tariff Codes. Tariff Code SSC Rate A Rate B Rate C 0001 0393 0.055 - - 0002 0070 0.011 0.022 - 0003 0092 0.023 0.012 0.024 : : : : : Some Suppliers may vary their Rental and Standing Charges and will include these in their tariff tables. e.g. Tariff Code Standing SSC Rate A Rate B Rate C charge Rental 0001 0393 0.055 - - £2 £5 0002 0393 0.011 - - £3 £5 0003 0070 0.011 0.022 - £3 £5 0004 0070 0.010 0.020 - £2 £4 0005 0005 0.023 0.012 0.024 £4 £5 0006 0005 0.023 0.012 0.024 £4 £6 : : : : : : : The Tariff Codes in the rows of the table will be selected by the Supplier using the DTC Data Item J0685 Tariff Code. The tariff table will be maintained by the MO and the Supplier and updated when tariff rates change. All meters will be associated with a Tariff Code and will be reset if the Tariff Code changes. When stored in a database the tariff table will be normalised so that maintenance is simplified and tariff information is localised. 2.3 Supplier Global Data The DTC contains only a few of the programmable configuration options available in most prepayment meters. The configuration will have to be linked to the Tariff Codes, fortunately settings of prepayment meters tend to be the same for all customers for any given Supplier. It is proposed that the tariff table is repeated for each configuration option that a Supplier requires. A settings table should be created for each set-up that a Supplier wants so that it can be referenced from the tariff table. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 52 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) For example: Supplier Global Settings 0001 Required Value Economy Rate No £2 Display Cycle Option Yes - Low credit buzzer Yes £3 Set real time clocks No - Display Advance Yes - Wide Tokens Yes - £5 Pound Tokens Yes - Pound Sign No - Emergency Credit Yes £15 Initial Credit No £0 Note. The exact contents and options of the Supplier Global Setting table are unimportant and can be agreed by the MOp and Supplier during appointment. 2.4 Tariff Table An example Tariff Table is shown below: Tariff Code Standing Supplier Global Setting SSC Rate A Rate B Rate C charge Rental 0001 0393 0.055 - - £2 £5 0001 0002 0393 0.011 - - £3 £5 0001 0003 0070 0.011 0.022 - £3 £5 0001 0004 0070 0.010 0.020 - £2 £4 0001 0005 0005 0.023 0.012 0.024 £4 £5 0001 0006 0005 0.023 0.012 0.024 £4 £6 0001 0501 0393 0.055 - - £2 £5 0002 0502 0393 0.011 - - £3 £5 0002 0503 0070 0.011 0.022 - £3 £5 0002 0504 0070 0.010 0.020 - £2 £4 0002 0505 0005 0.023 0.012 0.024 £4 £5 0002 0506 0005 0.023 0.012 0.024 £4 £6 0002 : : : : : : : : The linking of Supplier settings to the tariff table complicates tariff maintenance and increases the size of the Tariff table significantly. It is the only option available that imposes minimum change to the DTC. In practice, this should not be an issue because it is assumed that Suppliers will not require many different settings. The Tariff Code in the DTC is 4 digits which will allow 9999 different Tariff Codes. As shown on the table above, ranges of schemes may be set aside to allow for expansion of the number of tariffs. For example 1-500 for Supplier Global Setting 0001, 501-100 for Supplier Global Setting 0002. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 53 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 56. PAN Number Format (Used for Token Meters) WP no: 56 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 29/11/2001 Title: PAN Number format (used for Token Meters) Version: 3 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Date raised: 18/03/98 DST Ref: Issues 71 and 175, CR2918 Product Area: PPMIP Parties Affected: PPMIP/Supplier/Vendors Baseline Products: J0525 - PAN Number used in D0173, D0174 Last Amended: 25/10/01 Change History: V1 approved at CCG12 on 07/05/98 - see Design Note 8 SWALEC V2 with WP CR5, approved at CCG 22 on 11/09/98 - see Design Note 17 V3 with WPPS CP 45 approved at MDB_01_10 on 25/10/01 Context: The PAN number (J0525) is held on the Customer’s ID Card and is used in the purchase of tokens from Token Meter Vendors such as Post Office Counters Ltd. (POCL), De la Rue, Pay Point. It identifies the Customer and supports the distribution of information related to token purchase transactions. PAN is defined in the DTC as a 19 character string and is made up of a number of fields which identify: 1. the Customer - this is done through Customer Account Number 2. the Customer’s Supplier - this is done through an IIN - a unique number issued by APACS 3. the PPMIP through whom any Payment Transaction will be routed between the Vendor and the Supplier. The PPMIP is the one whose Authorised Area the Customer’s Metering Point is in. The string also includes a check digit whose purpose is to ensure that errors incurred when reading the string from an ID Card by a Vendor Payment Machine are detected. The need for this check digit was confirmed at a prepayment business group chaired by OFFER 14 July 1998 and referenced in OFFER paper, SUPPLY/98/47. The information including PAN to be written to the Customer ID Card is provided by the Supplier to the Customer either directly or through the services of the PPMIP using flow D0174. In these cases the check digit is required. When the PAN is read by the Vendor it is included in flow D0173 from the PPMIP to the Supplier but the check digit has little value and may be omitted (in line with the original specification of PAN in the DTC where the check digit was optional). Note that: the structure of PAN has been chosen to be compatible with the pre-competitive Supply market; a customer remaining with its original Supplier can continue to use its existing card which can be handled by existing Vendors working with the in-area Supplier. Only when a customer changes to a new Supplier is it required to be issued with a new card; the Supplier ID is an identifier from pre-competition business practice (i.e. the Agent ID) and is not the Market Participant ID in a Supplier role in the 1998 context. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 54 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Working Practice: The PAN Number (J0525) when used in flows D0174 and D0173 and when held on a Customer’s ID Token Meter ID Card are to be populated as follows: Character positions Use 1 to 6 Supplier ID (IIN allocated by APACS) 7,8 Agent ID (the PPMIP) identified by an ID agreed across the Electricity Industry and listed in Annex B of OFFER letter SUPPLY/98/47 (DST ref.98/471) (Annex B, Distribution No. column highlighted below) 9 to18 Customer Account Number 19 Check digit (D0174 only) The Check Digit: when provided needs to be calculated according to the ISO 7812 (luhn) algorithm, described in Annex A of OFFER letter SUPPLY/98/47 (DST ref. 98/471), dated 15/7/98 (Annex A highlighted below); is required to be written by the Supplier to the Customer ID Card; the card will be rejected by current known Vendor Payment Machines if omitted or incorrect; is required to be sent by the Supplier to the PPMIP as part of the PAN number in flow D0174; but may be omitted in flow D0173 from the PPMIP to the Supplier. If omitted the digit needs to be null or space according to user file format. Notes: 1. The structure of the new PAN is compatible with existing numbering systems thereby avoiding the need to replace Customers’ ID cards until a Customer changes to a another Supplier for the first time. 2. Suppliers choosing not to make use of the in-area PPMIP should be aware that digits 7 and 8 of the PAN may contain an Agent ID. Impact of not implementing WP: Suppliers will not receive the correct cash payments made by their customers nor will the PPMIPs be correctly charged for Token transactions. Customers cards may be rejected by Vendors’ machines and they will therefore be unable to purchase tokens for their meters. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 55 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Annex A of OFFER letter SUPPLY/98/47 (DST ref. 98/471) EEB (DEREGULATION SERVICES) Luhn formula for computing modulus 10 “double-add-double” check digit The following steps are involved in this calculation. Step 1 Double the value of alternative digits beginning with the first right hand digit (low order). Step 2 Add the individual digits comprising the products obtained in step 1 to each of the unaffected digits in the original number. Step 3 Subtract the total obtained in step 2 from the next higher number ending in 0 (this is equivalent to calculation the “tens complement” of the low order digit (unit digit) of the total). If the total obtained in step 2 is a number ending in zero (30, 40 etc.), the luhn check digit is 0. Example PAN without luhn check digit 872560021439746445 8 7 2 x2 8 14 5 6 x2 2 10 0 0 x2 6 0 2 1 x2 0 4 4 3 x2 1 8 9 7 x2 3 18 4 6 x2 7 8 4 4 x2 6 8 5 x2 4 10 8+1+4+2+1+0+6+0+0+4+1+8+3+1+8+7+8+6+8+4+1+0=81 90-81=9 PAN with luhn check digit is 8725600214397464459 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 56 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Annex B of OFFER letter SUPPLY/98/47 (DST ref. 98/471) PES CODE Distribution No. Eastern EE 10 East Midlands EME 11 London 12 Manweb MAN 13 Midlands MEB 14 Northern NE 15 Norweb NOR 16 Seeboard SEE 19 Southern 20 SWALEC SWA 21 SWEB SWE 22 Yorkshire YEG 23 ScottishPower SP 18 Hydro-Electric SHE 17 London and Southern have not requested alphabetic code as they do not use token meter technology. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 57 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 57. Error Handling - Notification WP no: 57 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/03/2001 Title: Error Handling - Notification. Version: 2 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Date raised: 30 March 1998 DST Ref: Issue 52 Product Area: DTC flows Parties Affected: Participants receiving flows Baseline Products Impacted: DTC flows Last Amended: 30/06/00 Change History: Approved at CCG 12 on 07/05/98 - see Design Note 8 DST V2 with WPPS CP 24 at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: This WP covers flows between all Participants where the Recipient has received data files or flows within files containing errors. Working Practice: Once a Recipient (R) is aware that a file or an individual flow is unacceptable to R, R should contact the Originator (O) outwith the DTC process and provide details of: 1. the User File ‘file identifier’ of the file that is unacceptable, including application specific information such as file sequence number or instruction number wherever possible to aid O, and time/date of receipt 2. the reason(s) the file is unacceptable (and whether or not validation stopped on 1st error found) including where appropriate: Group Id, group instance number, flow instance number, J numbers, complete User File header information (included in cases of corruption of file id where O can still be identified) 3. the action(s) R has taken if any 4. the action(s) R requests O to take. (The options include whole file re-transmission, retransmission of corrected flows and method of re-transmission of corrected flows.) This manual procedure should be used unless there is a more appropriate method in the DTC setting out established flows for the reporting of errors - one example is the interoperation of MPAS and Suppliers, e.g. for the following flow pairs: D0055/D0057, D0064/D0066, D0068/D0069, D0205/D0203, D0271/D0272. R & O to maintain log of error handling events for later review, consistent with best practice and at least as comprehensive as their logging of other data transfer events. Manual Flows which are in error should be subject to the same structured processes. The implementation of this WP by both O and R should be consistent with national and local agreements. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 58 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Impact of not implementing WP: Without this Working Practice, the Originator of a file that is unacceptable to its Recipient will not have enough information to analyse and correct the problem. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 59 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 58. Error Handling - Whole File Retransmission WP no: 58 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: Error Handling - Whole File Retransmission. Version: 1 Originator: DST WP type: W Originator Ref: DST Issue 52 Date raised: 30 March 1998 Related WPs: 57, 59 Product Area: DTC flows Parties Affected: Participants transmitting flows between all Participants Baseline Products Impacted: DTC flows Last Amended: 07/05/98 Change History: Approved at CCG 12 on 07/05/98 - see Design Note: 8 Context: This WP cross refers to WP 57 and assumes that the Originator has received notification that the Recipient has rejected the whole file, eg has received a data file containing data and/or structural errors. The file may have failed a checksum validation, or some data validation causing whole file rejection. Working Practice: As soon as a Recipient (R) has advised - in line with WP 57 - an Originator (O) that O’s file is in error or is unacceptable and R has requested the re-transmission of a corrected file, O shall: 1. Determine what if any data or structure needs to be changed 2. Advise R manually of the ID of the re-transmission if changed as the same file ID may be appropriate if the file has not been used at all by R, and 3. Liaise with R to re-transmit the appropriately corrected file(s). The default medium for re-transmission will be the same as the original transmission unless mutually agreed between O and R. R & O to maintain log of error handling events for later review, consistent with best practice and at least as comprehensive as their logging of other data transfer events. Manual Flows which are in error should be subject to the same structured processes. The implementation of this WP by both O and R should be consistent with national and local agreements. Impact of not implementing WP: Without this Working Practice an Originator who has sent a data file containing data or structural errors may not be able to meet a Recipient’s legitimate requirements for re-transmission of correct(ed) file(s). Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 60 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 59. Error Handling - Correction of Errors WP no: 59 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 28/02/2002 Title: Error Handling - Correction of Errors. Version: 4 Originator: DST WP type: W Originator Ref: Issue 52 Date raised: 01 April 1998 Related WPs: 57, 58 Product Area: DTC flows Parties Affected: All Participants Baseline Products Impacted: DTC flows Last Amended: 28/02/02 Change History: V1 approved at CCG 12 on 07/05/98 – see Design Note 8. V2 with WP CR 2 to update the Associated Document (no change to WP 59 itself) approved at CCG 18 on 10/07/98 - see Design Note 13. V3 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 V4 with WPPS CP 48 accepted at MDB_02_01 on 31/01/02 Context: This WP covers the correction of flows between Participants where the Originator (O) has been informed that a file already sent by it to a Recipient (R) is in R’s opinion in error or unacceptable. Working Practice: When correcting errors found in flows, the Originator (O) must be prepared to use reasonable endeavours to provide corrections in a way acceptable to the Recipient (R). This may include: either whole file re-transmission; or re-transmission of corrected flows, using either manual (e.g. fax, e-mail, diskette); or electronic re-transmission of corrected files/flows. An exception to this is in relation to the data flows for which there is agreement between all Participants to a single correction method. These are as set out in Data Flows For Specific Error Handling, V 2.0 (attached). Another exception is where O provides R, in advance, with auditable authority to make specific data changes to resolve the problem and R subsequently makes the data changes. Manual notifications for retransmissions should reference notifications for original transmissions (and if a problem still exists, notification of this new problem will be raised as before). If O on inspection remains convinced of the validity of its flows, then O shall advise R. R & O to maintain a log of error handling events for later review, consistent with best practice and at least as comprehensive as their logging of other data transfer events. Manual Flows which are in error should be subject to the same structured processes. The implementation of this WP by both O and R should be consistent with national and local agreements. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 61 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Impact of not implementing WP: Without this Working Practice an Originator who has sent a data file that is unacceptable to its Recipient may not be able to meet a Recipient’s legitimate requirements for retransmission of the correct data. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 62 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Associated Document for WP 59. Data Flows for Specific Error Handling 1. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to identify the DTC data flows for which special treatment is required in relation to error handling. The paper also defines the special treatment required in each case, in terms of retransmission of the complete original file or retransmission of corrected next instructions only. Errors found in any flow where Error Handling is defined in BSCP’s, PSL’s or the MRA will be handled according to these procedures. Errors not specifically covered by the BSCP’s, PSL’s or the MRA will be subject to this Working Practice. The reason for identifying specific data flows for special treatment is to reduce the potential overhead for Participants of having to make provision in their error handling processes for both types of retransmission, “whole file” and “corrected instructions”. 2. Data Flows for Special Treatment The following table lists the data flows for which there is a single correction method for instruction data errors. Resolution of file level errors, as opposed to instruction data errors, would normally involve file retransmission as defined in WP58 Error Handling - Whole File Retransmission. In the table below, “Whole file” means that the Originator should resend the complete original file containing corrections. “Corrected instructions” means that the Originator should send corrected instructions only, although the corrections could be sent with other additional instructions. The Reason column indicates why the flow has been identified for special treatment. Flows have been selected because they are associated with systems in which there is a high degree of commonality between Participants. This is because they relate to new business processes generally, but not exclusively, supported by newer consortium-developed systems rather than by older legacy systems. Table of Data Flows for Special Treatment Flow Name Originator Resends Reason D0018 Daily Profile Data Report Whole file Receiving Settlement output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) D0019 Metering System EAC/AA Data Corrected instructions Receiving Settlement data or output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) D0023 Failed Instructions Whole file Includes NHHDA common system output D0028 Standing Profile Data Report Whole file Receiving Settlement output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) D0029 Standard Settlement Configuration Report Whole file Receiving Settlement output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) D0030 Non Half Hourly DUoS Report Whole file Receiving Settlement output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) D0036 Validated Half Hourly Advances for Inclusion in Aggregated Supplier Matrix Whole file Receiving Settlement data or output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 63 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Flow Name Originator Resends Reason D0039 Daily Profile Coefficient Extract Whole file Receiving Settlement systems output D0040 Aggregated Half Hour Data File Whole file Receiving Settlement data or output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) D0041 Supplier Purchase Matrix Data File Whole file NHHDA common system output D0043 Supplier Deemed Take Report Whole file Receiving Settlement output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) D0055 Registration of Supplier to specified Metering Point Corrected instructions MPAS systems related. O notified via D0057 D0064 Notification of an Objection to Change of Supplier Made By the Old Supplier Corrected instructions MPAS systems related. O notified via D0066. D0068 Removal of Registration Objection Corrected instructions MPAS systems related. O notified via D0069. D0079 Supplier Purchase Report Whole file Receiving Settlement output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) D0081 Supplier Half Hourly Demand Report Whole file Receiving Settlement output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) D0082 Supplier – Supplier Purchase Matrix Report Whole file Receiving Settlement output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) D0083 TUoS Report Whole file Receiving Settlement output D0095 Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation Exception Report Whole file NHHDA common system output D0204 Selective or Full Refresh of MPAS Details Corrected instructions MPAS systems related. Option for subsequent selective refresh D0205 Update Registration Details Corrected instructions MPAS systems related. O notified via D0203 D0209 Instructions to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator Corrected instructions MPAS systems related. D0227 Pool Market Domain Data File Whole file MDD system related D0242 Supercustomer DUoS Daily Statement Whole file Consortium developed DUoS system. Similar processing by recipient (e.g. ECMS, SPS) D0265 Line Loss Factor Data File Whole file Consortium developed Distributor system. D0266 Supplier Settlement Header Report Whole file Receiving Settlement output (e.g. ECMS, SPS) Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 64 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Flow Name Originator Resends Reason D0269 Market Domain Data Complete Set Whole file MDD system related D0270 Market Domain Data Incremental Set Corrected instructions MDD system related D0271 Request Contact Notice Corrected instructions MPAS systems. O notified via D0272 In addition to the data flows in the above table, the general rule for resending any report flow is to resend the whole file. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 65 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 60. Bulk Tariff Changes - Smartcard and Key Meters WP no: 60 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: Bulk Tariff Changes - Smartcard and Key Meters Version: 1 Originator: Type: S Originator Ref: Date raised: 07/04/98 DST Ref: PP Issue 15 (98/159) Product Area: Prepayment Parties Affected: Supplier, PPMIP Baseline Products Impacted: E2E - Operate PPMs including the recharging of smartcards/key and the sale of tokens and Prepayment Meter Infrastructure Polling Last Amended: 07/05/98 Change History: Approved at CCG 12 on 07/05/98 – see Design Note 8 DSC Context: There is a requirement from time to time for the PPMIP to carry out bulk changes of tariff and price per unit for Smartcard and Key holders on behalf of the Supplier. Currently this process is only partially modelled in the E2E. It appears from the E2E Diagram Operate PPMs including the recharging of smartcards/key and the sale of tokens that a Supplier could request the PPMIP to undertake a global change of tariffs using process A1051 or could invoke the same process for individual MPANs using flow F2091/F920 (D0189 for Key Meters and D0197 for Smartcard Meters) from A124 diagram Prepayment Meter Infrastructure Polling. However the use of this process, A1051, for bulk change would be very heavy as MPANs are individually addressed and changed and the new statuses are returned in flow instances F3054 (D0188 for Key Meters) and F3058 (D0199 for Smartcard Meters). Statement of Operation: A Supplier and its PPMIP agree bilaterally outside scope of the End to End Diagrams: 1. The scope of any bulk tariff / price per unit change; 2. How the Supplier identifies to the PPMIP the tariff / price changes and the MPANs/ meters affected; 3. What degree of confirmation the PPMIP is to provide the Supplier; this may vary from individual reporting on change to each MPAN / meter to a simple overall summary of all MPANs / meters on completion. The Statement of Operation is consistent with the Standard Agreements on use of Smartcard and Key Meters. It is expected that there will be an equivalent back-to-back agreement between the PPMIP and the Vendors it works with. Implications of Statement of Operation: The purpose of the Statement of Operation is to make it clear that bulk tariff and price changes are the Supplier’s responsibility to agree to with its PPMIP. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 66 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 61. Content of D0148 between a Supplier and its Agents WP no: 61 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 10/05/2001 Title: Data content of D0148 between a Supplier and its Agents in the NHH and HH Markets Version: 5 Originator: British Gas WP type: W Related WPs 21, 66, 77 and 116 Date raised: 6/5/98 Ref: Issue 99: 98/275 WP 40 Product Area: NHH and HH Markets Parties Affected: Suppliers, MOps,DCs Baseline Products Impacted: D0148 - Notification of Change to Other Parties Last Amended: 30/11/00 Change History: V1 Approved at CCG 16 on 05/06/98 – see Design Note 12 V2 Approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 – see Design Note 26 V3 agreed at MDB_00_03 V4 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 V5 with WPPS CP 35 accepted at MDB_00_11 on 30/11/00 Context: A Supplier will be required to notify its DC and MOp Agents using D0148 of any change to the other of its Agents for the metering point for the three functional processes: New Connection, Change of Supplier and Change of Agents. It is unclear from the Supplier’s viewpoint what information the Agent has or can derive from data within the flow and what data it explicitly needs to be informed about. This lack of clarity may result in flows being rejected as the Supplier and Agent may have different views on what each is expecting to send and receive in the flow in the three functional processes. From the agent’s perspective, the receipt of the D0148 should trigger them to take appropriate further action, as the content of the D0148 indicates the context in which it is being sent and therefore the action required to be taken on receipt. Therefore the purpose of this Working Practice is to define the required data items in each of the three different uses of the flow: New Connection, Change of Supplier and Change of Agents and to indicate what further action the agent should take. This WP should be reviewed in conjunction with the D0148 notes held under DTC Annex C. This WP is written to support Agent Competition in both the NHH and HH markets. Working Practice: Flow D0148 is used for the identification of other Agents with which an Agent will need to communicate. It is not used in the transmission of information to an Agent concerning its own appointment. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 67 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) A D0148 must be sent by the Supplier on all Meter Operator, Data Collector and Data Aggregator appointments (as defined in this WP and DTC Annex C). This ensures that, for the recipient, there is no confusion over the context, and therefore intention, of the flow and the agent’s subsequent obligations. The content of this flow will depend on which Agents have changed, and which Agent is the recipient of the information. Where an existing Agent is informed about the appointment of a new agent they should already know the identity of the old Agent, and can derive the termination date from the appointment date of the new Agent, these items are therefore not sent/required. For example, in the case of the Supplier changing its Data Collector only, the MOp is not sent the Old Data Collector termination details and Effective to Date. The D0148 should be used to update and supersede only that information which the agent needs to know and is currently unaware of. The new appointee receiving the flow may not need an accurate original appointment date for an existing Agent. This is only the case for an existing Data Collector Appointment sent to the new MOp and the existing Meter Operator Appointment sent to the new Data Collector. The date of the existing appointment sent should be the same or earlier than the new appointee’s appointment date. Wherever possible the Supplier should send the actual appointment date. If not sending the correct appointment date results in the MOp or DC not being able to perform their duties accurately then this shall be the responsibility of the Supplier and therefore it is recommended that correct information is sent in all circumstances. Where several Agents are changed, the date of change may vary between the Agents. This may cause multiple occurrences of certain data items in order to provide the Agent being informed by D0148 of the information it requires. The examples assume that where more than one agent has changed within a particular scenario, the Effective from Dates of the new agent appointments are on the same day. If more than one agent is changed, but the effective from dates of those appointments are different, then the scenarios for changing each agent separately should be followed in order of their appointment dates. If the Non Half Hourly DA has been changed during the period that the Supplier has held the registration, it would be necessary to send multiple occurrences of Groups 277 and 278 to the NHH DC to cover the DA history, in line with BSC Party Service Line 120 (NHH). There is no requirement to pass DA history to a Half Hourly Data Collector. The effective from dates for the Data Aggregator appointments need to be accurate as this determines where the Data Collector sends consumption information for Settlement Days. In cases where an Agent is changed, the Supplier should ensure that the Effective to and Effective from Dates sent for those Agents are contiguous. The examples shown in DTC Annex C detail the data which needs to be sent; this information is also summarised in the table attached to this Working Practice. The Supplier must not send more data than that documented in the examples because the Agent will not be able to determine in what context they are receiving the flow and their resultant next action. The only exception to this is that whereas the examples assume that a Supplier will not send its Half Hourly Data Collector the DA history, it may choose to do so. The examples provide guidance on how the flow should be populated in this instance. Should the Agent require more data than this, e.g. to save deriving Effective to Dates, this would need to be subject to bilateral agreement. It is recommended that the Supplier sends all required information in the D0148 in a single occurrence of the flow. However, where the situation permits and where a Supplier judges that it needs to send incremental versions, it must do so in a way that the context of the flow is not ambiguous to the recipient and any follow-on action that should be taken is clear. For each of the business events that will trigger a D0148, Annex C of the DTC shows how the D0148 should be populated for a single occurrence of the flow and also, where appropriate, how the flow should be populated if sent in incremental versions. Consequently, whenever a D0148 is sent it must conform to the examples shown in Annex C of the DTC. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 68 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) From the perspective of the recipient Agent, the content of the D0148 should be used as a trigger for further action, as detailed: 1. Where the content of the D0148 indicates that this is a Change of Supplier event– i.e. the Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} of the New Supplier matches the Effective from Dates of the Agents and information relating to the Old Agents is present: The New Agent should request information from the Old Agent as defined in the E2E’s NHH ONLY Appoint Agents to the metering point and HH ONLY Appoint Agents to the metering point. Where the change of supplier is coincident with a change of measurement class (NHH to HH), the usage of D0148 is defined by WP 116. 2. Where the content of the D0148 indicates a New Connection no action is required other than to record who the associated agents are – i.e. there is no information relating to Old Agents in the D0148. 3. Where the content of the D0148 indicates a change of agent – i.e. The Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} of the Supplier is earlier than the Effective from Dates of the Agents: Where the DC has changed, the incumbent MOp should send meter technical details to the New DC, E2Es Appoint/De-appoint NHH DC or Appoint/De-appoint HH DC Where the MOp has changed, there is no requirement on the incumbent DC to take any further action other than to record who the associated agents are, E2E’s Appoint/De-appoint NHH MO or Appoint/De-appoint HH MO Where the DA has changed, the incumbent DC should send settlement information as defined in BSCPs 502 and 504 to the appropriate DA’s,E2E’s HH Meters: Process Meter Readings and NHH Meters: Process Meter Readings. On a change of agent within measurement class, the incumbent Supplier will request that the old agent transfer the relevant metering point history to the new, E2E’s Appoint/Deappoint NHH MO, Appoint/De-appoint NHH DC, Appoint/De-appoint HH MO, Appoint/Deappoint HH DC. Therefore, the New Agent need take no action other than to wait on this information. However, where the information has not arrived with the New Agent by 10 WD after receipt of the D0148, the New NHHDC should take the appropriate course of action as dictated by the agreement with the Supplier. Where there is a change of agent due to a change of measurement class (NHH to HH), the usage of D0148 is defined by WP 66. It should be noted that Old Agents do not receive a D0148 to inform them of the identity of the New Agents for sending on metering point history. The Ids of the New Agents are provided in the D0170, as per WP 77. Where the Agent cannot process the D0148 (where it conforms to this WP), or believes that the information contained therein is incorrect, then they should contact their Supplier outwith the DTC to resolve the problem. Impact of not implementing WP: Without this WP, a Supplier and its Agents’ views of what should be sent by the Supplier and received by its Agents using D0148 may differ. This could result in unacceptable flow rejection. This, in turn, would impact on the New Connection, Change of Supplier and Change of Agent functional processes as there are other time critical activities which have to be completed by Agents after receiving the information in D0148. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 69 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) In order to unambiguously define the required data exchange in the three different circumstances, an alternative to the WP would be to have three separate DTC flows defined. Following the examples in DTC Annex C and this WP avoids this need. Associated Document: D0148 in Annex C of the DTC Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 70 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Attachment to Working Practice 61 The following table summarises the rules to be applied to the population of D0148 in each scenario. This should be read in conjunction with DTC Annex C. This table only covers cases where the information is sent in a single instance of D0148. If multiple instances are sent, refer to Annex C of the DTC. Scenario Sent to Data Groups 271 Data Collector 272 1. Change of MOp 1.1 New MOp E 274 273 EFD 3. Change of DA 2.1 Incumbent MOp N 2.2 New DC O 275 O 1.2 Incumbent DC 2. Change of DC Meter Operator 276 5. Change of MOp and DA 9. New Connection Version : 5.4 Status : Approved 279 N EFD CoDC-1 E EFD *O/E *EFD *CoDA-1 N EFD *O/E *EFD 3.1 Incumbent Mop** 4.1 New MOp N 4.2 New DC O 5.1 New MOp E 6.1 Incumbent MOp N 6.2 New DC O 7. Change of MOp, DC & DA 7.1 New MOp 8. Change of Supplier 278 EFD EFD O CoDC-1 EFD N 7.2 New DC O 8.1 New MOp N 8.2 New DC O 9.1 New MOp N N CoMOp-1 EFD O 5.2 Incumbent DC 6. Change of DC and DA Data Aggregator CoMOp-1 3.2 Incumbent DC 4. Change of MOp and DC 277 *CoDA-1 CoMOp-1 N EFD N EFD E EFD *O/N *EFD *CoDA-1 *O/N *EFD *CoDA-1 N SSD EFD CoDC-1 EFD O CoDC-1 SSD N CoMOp-1 EFD O SSD-1 N SSD-1 SSD SSD Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 71 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 9.2 New DC 10. CoMC NHH to HH 10.1 New MOp 10.2 New DC N N CoMC SSD O N N SSD N CoMC CoMC-1 CoMC Notes: * For NHH MPANs, these details are repeated for each DA during the current Supplier’s registration. In NHH Market only ** No D0148 sent Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 72 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 63. Use of Profile Class and SSC for HH Meters in MPAS flows WP no: 63 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/06/2002 Title: Use of Profile Class and SSC for HH Meters in MPAS flows Version: 4 Originator: WP type: S Originator Ref: Date raised: 24 April 1998 DST Doc. Ref: Issue 85, PRs 1720, 1721 Product Area: MPAS Parties Affected: Suppliers, MPAS Baseline Products Impacted: D0055 - Register Supplier; Related WP: 19, 66, 116 Last Amended: 24/05/2002 Change History: Approved at CCG 20 on 04/08/98 – see Design Note 15 K Moss SEEBOARD D0205 - Update Registration Details V2 with WP CR 48 approved at CCG 30 on 9/07/99 - see Design Note 26 V3 with WPPS CP 41 approved at MDB_01_10 on 25/10/01 V4 with WPPS CP 55 agreed at MDB_02_06 on 27/06/02 Context: Clarification of the Profile Class and SSC requirements is needed for: 1. Initial registration for a new HH metering point; 2. Ongoing data changes for a HH metering point; and 3. A change of metering point from NHH to HH within a Suppliers registration. 4. A change of metering point from NHH to HH coincident with a change of Supplier. In the context of a HH metering point, Profile Class and SSC are processed by the four MPAS Service Providers differently as shown below: 1. SPOW/MANW 1 for both Profile Class and SSC Will only accept Profile Class / SSC and change Effective From Date both set to either null or blank. 2. MPRS (developed by St. Clement’s Services and provided to LOND, SOUT, NEEB, NORW, EMEB, MIDE, HYDE, SWEB SWAE and YELG and EELC for both Profile Class and SSC Will accept a null or blank Profile Class / SSC with or without a non-null or non-blank change Effective From Date 3. SEEB for Profile Class Will accept a null or blank Profile Class with or without a non-null or non-blank change Effective From Date 4. SEEB for SSC Will only accept a null or blank SSC with a null or blank change Effective From Date. 1 Refer to MDD for a mapping of MPID to Company name Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 73 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) In contrast certain Supplier registration systems, notably those using the CARE system will provide an Effective From Date for all changes of Profile Class and SSC whether or not these data items become null following the change. MRA clause 24.3. states that any change to MPAD data needs to be accompanied by an Effective From Date. This could be interpreted as when moving from the NHH Market to the HH Market: Effective From Dates (J308 and J300) are required for Profile Class and for SSC even though the data items themselves become null or an Effective From Date for Measurement Class or other data item signifying the HH Market would suffice to determine a change of Profile Class or SSC. It is clear that there is incompatibility between some of the MPAS Service Providers and some of the Supplier Registration systems and arguably either may be an acceptable interpretation of the MRA Working Practice: Notification of a change of type from NHH to HH (within a registration) is achieved by a Supplier providing D0205 to MPAS with the relevant data-items (i.e. DA & type, DC & type, MO & type, Measurement Class) set to their new HH values. Similarly, initial registration for a metering point identifies that it is a HH metering point through the appropriate setting of the same data items. 1. Any D0055 for initial registration of a new HH metering point should have SSC and Profile Class set to blank or null. 2. Any D0205 for an ongoing data change to a metering point in the HH market should have SSC, Profile Class and their Effective from Settlement Dates set to blank or null except when initiating a CoMC to the NHH market when both need to contain appropriate values. 3. Any D0205 which initiates a CoMC of a metering point from the NHH to HH market (WP66) should have SSC, Profile Class set to blank or null and: either their Effective from Settlement Dates set either to null or blank; or set to the date of the change. 4. Any D0055 for a change of Supplier registration coincident with change of measurement class (NHH to HH – WP 116) with the measurement class set to HH should have SSC and Profile Class set to blank or null. It should be noted that other data (such as Agent Id and Types) may be required in accordance with MPAS Validation Procedures. Where the New Supplier submits a minimal D0055 on a CoMC coincident with CoS, as D0205 in accordance with that detailed at (3) should be sent to update the measurement class from NHH to HH (WP116) as determined by ‘Supplier Registration’ software in use by the Supplier. Where the MPAS receiving software rejects the D0205 in the second case, it will reply with a D0203 (Rejection Reason Code set appropriately). It will be the responsibility of the Supplier to instruct the Distribution Business, through its MPAS Operator, to set the correct values of the data items in the relevant MPAS. Impact of not implementing the Working Practice: Unless the approach described above is followed, it will not be possible to establish Profile Class and SSC correctly for a Metering Point in the HH Market. Notes to WP 63: 1. ‘Blank’ should be interpreted as the required number of space characters when sending the optional data item in fixed format messages. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 74 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2. ‘Null’ should be interpreted, in variable length message format, as a terminating delimiter without any preceding characters. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 75 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 66. Change of Measurement Class - NHH to HH WP no: 66 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 29/08/2002 Title: Change of Measurement Class - NHH to HH not coincident with CoS Version: 4 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Related WP(s) 63 Issue No: Date raised: 18/05/98 DST Doc Ref: Product Area: All Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: End to End Diagrams Install, Replace, Energise, Remove, and Sale of a HH Meter, Change of Measurement Class, Change of Measurement Class: NHH to HH, Same Supplier, Change of Measurement Class: NHH to HH, Coincident with CoS BSCP502 Sections 2.3 and 3.3 Last Amended: 28/02/02 Change History Approved at CCG 24 on 6/11/98 - see Design Note 20 103 Supplier, MPAS, old and new DCs, MOps, DAs V2 with WPPS CP 5 accepted at MDB_00_02 on 24/02/00 V3 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 V4 with WPPS CP 49 approved at MDB_02_01 on 31/01/02 Context: Change of Measurement Class (CoMC) from NHH to HH and from HH to NHH markets were both out ruled out of scope for Initial Market Opening. However, CoMC from the NHH to HH market is considered to have material importance from the time that the market is fully open and a defined and practical set of procedures to carry out this function in a consistent way is considered to be valuable. The End to End diagrams defined the expected process at market opening. However, the position has changed since the market opened. At CCG 22 it was agreed that a Working Practice was necessary but it should provide only a guideline as to how the Supplier and HH MOp should interoperate, leaving the detail and, in particular, the method of and medium for passing information between the two parties largely open. The CCG did stipulate however that inter-operation with the NHH MOp should be prescriptive. The rationale of this formulation of the CoMC practice is that the effective date of the CoMC is the date when the HH MOp transfers power from the NHH meter to HH meter, and this date is used by the Supplier to retrospectively de-appoint and appoint its NHH and HH agents. To achieve orderly implementation of the CoMC, the Supplier will make all agents aware of the impending CoMC and its prospective date at the outset of the procedure. The role and scope of the HH MOp has been of major concern in considering acceptable procedures so far. It is noted that unlike the DA and DC roles, there is no BSC Procedure to define its inter-operation with other parties, only a Party Service Line. The Working Practice as presented here is based on the following business premises: 1. There will be a change of MOp at CoMC and the HH MOp is qualified to work not only in the HH Market but also in the NHH market of the Distribution Area concerned; Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 76 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2. There is agreement between the HH MOp and the NHH MOp that the HH MOp can act on the NHH MOp’s behalf in reading and removing the NHH meter; the potential for such agreement is underwritten by the MOp Party Service Line. If the HH MOp and the NHH MOp are the same agent then the practice between HH MOp and NHH MOp becomes an internal matter for the MOp. The need for following the Practice is significantly simplified if the Supplier is the same organisation as the two MOps. If the new MOp is not qualified to work in the NHH market in the Distribution Area then the Supplier will be obliged to contract the NHH MOp to work alongside of the HH MOp to read and remove the NHH meter whilst the latter installs the HH meter. The same Practice can be used if the Supplier has sufficient confidence that its HH MOp will install the metering system on the date planned; however, in this case the Supplier may choose to notify MPAS of the appointment date of its agents in advance, being the Date of Change of Measurement Class. The Working Practice can be read in conjunction with E2EChange of Measurement Class; although, for the reasons given above, the Practice is less prescriptive. A more radical procedure of disconnecting the old NHH meter and connecting a new HH meter was considered but not pursued as this requires creating a new MPAN Core. Working Practice: The Working Practice is restricted to Change of Measurement Class (CoMC) with no coincident Change of Supplier event. It is based on the assumption that the new HH MOp is also qualified to operate in the NHH market in the Authorised Area. The inter-operation between parties to the CoMC is complex and the flows involved need to follow a defined sequence. To aid comprehension, a flow chart is attached to support the Practice and the reference numbers used in the text below corresponds to the numbering of the processes in the flow chart. It is assumed that the Supplier has already set up contracts with HH Agents willing to operate in the Authorised Area of the Metering Point in question. 1. The Supplier recognises a need to change the market regime of the Metering Point from NHH to HH. This can result from a customer request or because the maximum power taken at the Metering Point is deemed to be rated as 100kW or greater. 2. The Supplier communicates to its HH agents that a CoMC is required for the Metering Point and liaises with them on details of the metering required and the prospective date of installation. This communication itself is not contractually binding at this stage. 3. The Supplier can choose to appoint the HH MOp to the metering point by bilateral agreement or electronically via a D0155 flow (as required by some Participants’ HH MOp using Wheatley System at this point) and, in this case: 8. The HH MOp will acknowledge the D0155 flow with a D0011 flow. 3. (continued) Where the Supplier and HH MOp have confidence that the prospective installation date can be met, the Supplier can choose to forward the installation date as the HH Agent date for all three agents to MPAS using D0205 (contents of the D0205 should be consistent with WP63). 4. The Supplier will pass to the HH MOp: Meter Serial Numbers of the NHH Meters to be removed; The functional requirements of the HH Metering System to be installed (see note 1); The method and medium for providing these information is to be agreed bilaterally and may include the use of Flow D0142 electronically. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 77 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 9. Where required, the HH MOp requests site technical details from the Distributor using the transmission method specified in the Distributor’s DUoS agreement. 10. The HH MOp notes all readings on the NHH meters and passes these readings to the NHH MOp by a method and medium to be agreed bilaterally. Note the HH Mop cannot identify DTN meter register Ids on site but is able to record the meter Ids together with any of the NHH metering system’s mechanical registers and with any labels and/or their position on the meter and/or their purpose or, in the case of electronic registers will scroll through the whole display noting all the displays in the sequence that they appear. It will then disconnect the meters. 15. Once disconnected, the HH MOp negotiates with the NHH MOp for their return or disposal. 11. The HH MOp installs the HH metering system and configures it in line with the Supplier’s requirements as set out in 4. The HH MOp informs the Supplier by a bilaterally agreed method of successful installation and the date completed. 5. The Supplier formally appoints, via flows D0155 and D0153, the HH MOp, the HH DC and the HH DA to the Metering Point if not appointed earlier at 3. The day of the installation of the HH meter will be taken as the Effective From Date ‘D’. On reception of D0011 from all three agents, the Supplier will pass Customer Identification to the agents via D0302 and informs each of them of the other agents via flow D0148. 6. The Supplier retrospectively terminates the NHH agents for the metering point with Effective To Date ‘D-1’ (Calendar Day ‘D’ -1). The Supplier completes the ‘Termination Reason Code’ on the D0151 to the NHH MOp and NHH DC with the value ‘MC’ (Change of Measurement Class non coincident with CoS) (see note 2). 7. The Supplier updates MPAS with the new agent IDs and the new measurement class via a D0205 with Effective From Date of ‘D’. For the avoidance of doubt, Effective From Settlement Date {REGI} needs to remain as the SSD of the NHH Metering System. See Working Practice 63 for a fuller description of data item settings on CoMC, and, in particular, the handling of SSC and Profile Class. 12. The HH MOp on receiving the D0148 from the Supplier informs the HH DC, the Supplier and the Distributor of the Meter Technical Details (MTD) for the installed HH metering system using flow D0268. The Distributor then updates MPAS with any changes to Distributor responsible MPAD items (for example - Line Loss Factor). 13. The HH MOp informs the HH DC of the initial read (D0010) of the HH metering system. 14. The HH MOp initiates proving the HH metering system in the normal manner and informs the Supplier, Distributor and HH DC of the result. 16. The NHH MOp promptly informs (see note 3) the Supplier, the Distributor and the NHH DC of the removal of the NHH metering system using flow D0150. 17. The NHH MOp promptly informs the NHH DC of the Final meter readings using a D0010. The NHH MOp is responsible for interpreting the meter readings taken by the HH MOp and relating them to meter register IDs for transmission via D0010 to the NHH DC. 18. The NHH DC processes the Final reading and submits it to the Supplier. Note the NHH DC system would normally expect a corresponding Initial reading. However, in this situation, the next event for the NHH DC is the receipt of the Termination of Appointment (D0151) from the Supplier. Impact of not implementing WP: Without a commonly agreed procedure for Change of Measurement Class, Suppliers will derive their own procedures with their agents on a bilateral basis. This is not only wasteful but is error prone and markedly so in an area which is complex commercially and critical for Settlements. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 78 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Notes: 1. There will be cases where the NHH Meter may be re-programmed to meet the HH metering requirements; however in the majority of these cases it is expected that there will be no change in MOp and therefore the practice followed in such an instance can be simplified - see Context. 2. If the Change of Measurement Class fails and the Supplier has already appointed HH agents, these agents appointments will be terminated with a Termination Reason Code of ‘FC’ (Failed Change of Measurement Class). 3. Party Service Line 110 section states that “the Meter Operator shall prepare and maintain plans that will enable its Associate Supplier’s obligations under the BSC to continue to be met notwithstanding the expiry or termination of the Meter Operator’s appointment as the Meter Operator”. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 79 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) CoMC as revised by Expert Group DST 98/584 NB: 1. Procedure assumes that Supplier has: - already established agent contracts with HH Agents and NHHMOp - established that NHHMOp will work with HHMOp as required by MOp Party Service Line Supplier needs to change the Measurement Class of Metering system to HH market 1 2. HHMOp has permission to operate on NHH meters in Distribution Area 2 Supplier liaises with HH Agents on requirement for CoMC and its prospective date 3 Supplier initiates an HH MOp appointment using D0155 if required by HHMOp system MOp formally acknowledges appointment using D0011 if required by HHMOp system 8 4 Supplier requests HHMOp to carry out CoMC of Metering Point and provides relevant details of NHH meters to be removed and metering functionality of required HH system using D0142 and / or other means If required HHMOp requests Site Technical Details from Distributor in accordance with DUoS Agreement 9 3. Dashed procedures are optional but may need to be invoked when using certain MOp systems 10 HHMOp reads NHH meters and passes readings to NHHMOp outside DTN and removes meters if required HH MOp installs HH Meter on Day D and informs Supplier outside DTN Supplier appoints HH Agents as of Effective Date D using D0155, D0153; 1. awaits D0011from agents 2. informs agents of the other agents using D0148 and of Customer details using D0xxx HHMOp informs Supplier, Distributor and HHDC of MTD of HH Metering System using D0268 6 Supplier terminates all NHH Agent appointments with Effective Date D-1 using D0151 HHMOp informs HHDC of Initial Read using D0010 7 Supplier updates MPAS of CoMC details using D0205 HHMOp Initiates proving of HH Metering System and inform Supplier, Distributor and HHDC of outcome 5 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved 11 12 13 14 HHMOp negotiates with NHHMOp for the disposal of NHH meters 15 NHHMOp informs Supplier, Distributor and NHHDC of de-installation of NHH metering system using D0150 16 NHHMOp informs NHHDC of Final Readings using D0010 17 NHHDC passes Final Readings to Supplier 18 Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 80 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 69. Use of D0221, D0139 or D0179 to Supplier re failure to energise a Meter WP no: 69 Title: Version: Type: Date raised: Product Area: Baseline Products Impacted: Related WP: Last Amended: Change History: Status: Implemented Implementation 01/01/2001 by Industry Date: Use of D0221, D0139 and D0179 to signal to Supplier a failure to change the energisation status of a Metering Point Originator: Southern, SWEB 6 W 20/05/98 Originator Ref: DST Ref: Issue 106 Parties MO, Supplier, Distributor Affected: DTC Flows D0221, D0139, D0179, D0180 DTC Data Items J1253, J0691, J0174, J0014 30 31 August 2000 V1 approved at CCG 16 on 12/06/98 - see Design Note 12 V2 with WP CR 10 approved at CCG 21 on 21/08/98 - see Design Note 16 V3 with WP CR 40 approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 - see Design Note 26 V4 with WP CR 28 approved at CCG 31 on 13/08/99 - see Design Note 27 V5 with WP CR 24 approved at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 V6 with WP CP 26 approved at MDB_00_11 on 30/11/00 Context: DTC flow D0139 can be used to notify that a requested change to energisation status (either deenergisation or energisation) has failed; flow D0221 can be used to notify a failure to energise a metering system. There is therefore some confusion regarding which of these flows should be used in the specific instance of a failure to energise a metering system. AP/BSCP504 mandates the use of D0139 to report a failure to change the energisation status of a metering point. Some MOs as participants are also using D0221 as this indicates a failure through its title, whilst others are solely using the D0139 even though they need to rely on J1253 (Failure to Energise, De-energise or Disconnect Reason Code) to signal failure. Some software which is used by a number of MOs uses D0221 although some do not use it exclusively. For prepayment meters, D0179 may also be used to signify a failure to energise a meter as this flow may be populated with a Failure Reason Code (J0691). This Statement of Operation aims to set out all possible responses to a failure to energise a meter. Working Practice: The MO and Distributor should always respond to the Supplier with a D0139 with an appropriate value of J1253 where there is a failure to de-energise. The Date of Action (J0014) should be the date of the attempt to change. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 81 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 1. MO fails to Energise a Credit Meter Suppliers should be able to accept either flows D0221 or D0139 as a failure response to energise a Credit Metering System using a D0134. The MO must send a D0139 and may also send a D0221: a) the D0139, should have J1253, Failure to Energise, De-EnergiseDisconnect Reason Code, populated with an appropriate value. The Date of Action (J0014) should be the date of the attempt to change. b) the D0221 should have an appropriate Site Visit Check Code (J0024). The Appointment Date (J0174) should be the date of the attempt to change. A Meter Operator must adopt option (a), but may also adopt alternative (b). 2. MO fails to Energise a Prepayment Meter Suppliers should be able to accept either flows D0221 or D0139 or D0179 as a failure response to a request to energise a Prepayment Metering System using a D0134 or D0180. (Use of D0134 to request energisation of a prepayment meter is mandated by the BSC Procedures; additional use of D0180 is by bilateral agreement between the Supplier and the MO). A MO must send the D0139 and may also send a D0221 or D0179: a) the D0139 should have J1253, Failure to Energise, De-Energise or Disconnect Reason Code, populated with an appropriate value. The Date of Action (J0014) should be the date of the attempt to change. b) the D0221 should have an appropriate Site Visit Check Code (J0024). The Appointment Date (J0174) should be the date of the attempt to change. c) the D0179 should have an appropriate value for J0691, Failure Reason Code and the Date of Action (J0014) should be the date of the attempted change. (The D0179 should not be sent to the Data Collector) 3. Distributor fails to Energise a Credit Meter Where a Distributor has been unable to energise a credit meter, it must report this to the Supplier using D0139 (there are no flow instances of D0221 from the Distributor). J1253, Failure to Energise, De-Energise or Disconnect Reason Code, should be populated with an appropriate value. The Date of Action (J0014) should be the date of the attempt to change. 4. Distributor fails to Energise a Prepayment Meter Where a Distributor has been unable to energise a prepayment meter, it must report this to the Supplier using D0139. It may also send a D0179: a) the D0139, should have J1253, Failure to Energise, De-Energise orDisconnect Reason Code, with an appropriate value. The Date of Action (J0014) should be the date of the attempt to change. b) the D0179 should have an appropriate value for J0691, Failure Reason Code and the Date of Action (J0014) should be the date of the attempted change. The choice in any particular Supplier / Agent relationship needs to be agreed bilaterally. Implications of Statement of Operation: If Supplier systems are designed in a way that ignores any of the above possible mechanisms for reporting a failure to energise, Suppliers may not be able to process notifications of failed energisations. This may delay when these metering systems are eventually energised. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 82 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 71. Need to ensure MOp has details of a change to Keys or Smartcard Meter SSC WP no: 71 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 01/04/2000 Title: Need to ensure that the MOp has details of a change to a Key or Smartcard Meter SSC Version: 3 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Date raised: 08/05/98 DST Ref: Issue 125 Product Area: Prepayment Parties Affected: Suppliers, Mops, PPMIPs Baseline Products Impacted: DTC flows D0190 D0183 D0197 Last Amended: 09/07/99 Change History: V1 approved at CCG 16 on 12/06/98 - see Design Note 12 David Leck: LE Issue Customer Key Issue New Customer Smart Card Smart Card Commands to Remote Terminals V2 with WP CR 7 approved at CCG 21 on 21/08/98 – see Design Note 16 V3 with WP CR 41 approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 - see Design Note 26 Context: It is possible for a Supplier to instruct the PPMIP to issue a Key with a Tariff Setting (J0591) or a new Smartcard or Tariff Code (J0685) which will change the SSC associated with the meter system. It was identified that the date of such a change would not be known to the MOp who would not know to instruct the NHHDC with a D0150 and D0149. Two options were proposed for its resolution (a) being to inform the MOp once the date of the change of configuration is known and (b) to disallow such a means of changing SSC without a MOp site visit. Option (a) could be engineered in a number of ways; however all would require significant change to Supplier / MOp systems. The DST therefore agreed that option (b) be adopted even though this could restrict a Supplier’s scope of action and would require a MOp visit. Subsequent to the acceptance of Version 1 of this WP by Industry, MEB reported that it and other Smartcard operators had already engineered a mechanism for informing the MOp on what date the Customer had inserted the Smartcard to initiate the change. MEB therefore sought a change to this WP to allow its approach to be an acceptable alternative to requiring a MOp visit to change an SSC of a Smartcard meter. It was agreed at CCG 21 that the actual MEB solution, whilst an acceptable standard way forward, should not constrain other technical solutions to avoid a MOp visit and these could be agreed bilaterally between the Supplier and its Agents. Technical solutions for Key Meters could be such cases. Working Practice: It is essential that the MOp is informed of changes to the SSC of a Key or Smartcard meter and the dates of such changes from what ever source they occur. Flows D0190 for Key Meter or D0183 or D0197 for Smartcard Meter allow the Supplier to instruct the PPMIP to update meter technical details including SSC of a Key or Smartcard Meter using the key or card. However the update of the meter details takes place at the happenstance of the Customer and therefore is not Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 83 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) directly known by the Supplier or the MOp. In consequence, where the Supplier wishes to change the SSC of a key or Smartcard meter, the Supplier may choose either of the following two approaches (but not both): 1. request a MOp site visit to change a MPAN Standard Settlement Configuration (SSC) or; 2. implement the necessary Supplier software which will instruct the MOp to update its records in line with the change already made by Key or Smartcard insertion but will exclude the need for a MOp visit. In this approach the standard sequence of flows to be implemented is: the Supplier receives a D0188 for a Key meter or a D187 for a Smartcard Meter from its PPMIP detailing the meter changes made; if these changes include a change to the SSC then the Supplier sends a D0005 to the MOp which will include J0007, Requested Action Code, set to 7 (Transfer meter technical and commissioning details and meter reading history to new Data Collector); it is recognised that in this case the Data Collector is not ‘new’ but MEB consider that this is the most appropriate value in the set. The Supplier may choose to augment the flow by suitable wording in J0012 or J0173; the MOp updates its database and sends a D149/D150 to NHHDC (and Supplier) (this requires the MOp to have implemented this mode of operation). This standard sequence does not preclude an individual Supplier and its Agent entering into a bilateral agreement to adopt a different technical solution if this is advantageous to both parties, therefore the Supplier will determine with its agent which approach is to be applied. Impact of not implementing WP: The Supplier should not be required to introduce a relatively significant software change should it wish to supply a customer with a Key or Smartcard Meter, unless it has already done so or intends to do so. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 84 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 73. Value of J0171 'Reading Type' taken on a Change to Energisation Status WP no: 73 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 01/04/2000 Title: Value of J0171 'Reading Type' assigned to Meter Readings taken on a Change to Energisation Status Version: 3 Originator: JTCC WP type: S Originator Ref: PRs 850, 960, 1162, 1170 Date raised: 26/02/98 DST Ref: Issue 124, CR2476 Product Area: NHH Market Parties Affected: NHH DC, MOp, Supplier Baseline Products Impacted: E2E's DTC flows D0010, D0139 Related Working Practices: WP30, WP74 Last Amended: 09/07/99 Change History: V1.0 approved at CCG 16 on 12/06/98 - see Design Note 12 V2.0 with WP CR4 approved at CCG 19 on 24/07/98 - see Design Note 14 V3 with WP CR 42 approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 - see Design Note 26 Context: The valid set of Reading Type (J0171) does not currently include a value for either deenergisation or re-energisation, either of which may be reported on a D0010. A consequence is that Participants have taken existing values of the set to workaround the deficiency; the values taken however are not same across the whole industry and a practice is needed to help participants inter-operate. Reading Types on D0010 and D0139 flows from the MOp need to be expressly defined to ensure inter-operation. The NHH DRG has publicised its decision that the MOp should not include meter readings in the D0139 sent to the NHHDC and Supplier on changes to energisation status in the NHH market (see also WP30), but should send them in a D0010 in parallel. There therefore remains a need to flag D0010 with a Reading Type which will allow recipients to associate the D0010 unambiguously with the D0139. Statement of Operation: When the MOp takes the reading on a change of energisation status, it will send a D0010 flow to the NHHDC with Reading Type, J0171 where type is: set to 'F' for final, or ‘S’ for Special or ‘Z’ for CoT on a de-energisation set to 'I' for initial or ‘S’ for Special or ‘Z’ for CoT on a re-energisation. Whilst the choice of values F / I or S or Z is to be decided between the Supplier and its Agent by bilateral agreement, the Supplier is expected to be able to handle either combination. Implications of Statement of Operation: In the absence of an extended valid set for Reading Type, there needs to be an agreed convention for the MOp to set a Reading Type which allows it to signal to Supplier and NHHDC, that the meter readings arise from the MOp changing the energisation status of a metering system. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 85 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 74. Use of D0010 and J0171 on a Change to Metering System Configuration WP no: 74 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 01/10/2000 Title: Number of D0010s and value of J0171 'Reading Type' assigned to these flows on a Change to Metering System Configuration. Version: 3 Originator: JTCC WP type: W Originator Ref: PRs 850, 960, 1162, 1170 Date raised: 26/02/98 DST Ref: Issue 124/229 Product Area: NHH Parties Affected: NHH DC, MOp, Supplier Baseline Products Impacted: E2E's Last Amended: 30/06/00 Change History: Approved at CCG 28 on 16/04/99 – see Design Note 24 DTC flow D0010 V2 with WP CR 43 approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 - see Design Note 26 V3 with WPPS CP 17 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: The valid set of Reading Type (J0171) is currently inadequate to describe the types of reading that may be reported on a D0010. A consequence is that Participants have taken existing values of the set to work around the deficiency in uses not specifically catered for. Two such uses are Metering System re-configuration and meter replacement (ie no change of configuration) within a multimeter MPAN. Reading Types on D0010 flows from the MOp need to be expressly defined and the number of flow instances to be agreed to ensure interoperation. Two approaches are currently in place; send readings with reading type ‘F’ for all registers before the re-configuration/ replacement and send another set of readings with reading type ‘I’ for all registers after the reconfiguration/replacement, or send readings with reading type ‘F’ for all of the meter registers that are to be removed and a set of readings with reading type ‘I’ for all the new meter registers. Additionally, send a set of readings with reading type ‘S’ (Special) for all registers that have not been replaced. The CCG 16 meeting considered metering system re-configurations and determined that having two different approaches is not conducive to good business inter-operation. CCG recommended that the whole Industry should move to the former approach as this is better in line with the Annex C entry for the D0150 which specifies that the treatment of a Metering System as a whole rather than as a set of discrete meters. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 86 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Working Practice: When the MOp changes the Metering System configuration in response to a D0142 from the Supplier, or makes a meter replacement without a change in meter configuration it may achieve this without replacing the Metering System as a whole as the MOp may choose to change or replace individual meters and their settings. The MOp will send D0150 and D0149 flows to the Supplier and NHHDC setting out the new configuration and register mappings in line with Annex C. These flows will be accompanied by: One D0010 to the NHHDC for all the registers in the old configuration, with Reading Type flagged as 'F'; One D0010 to the NHHDC for all the registers in the new configuration, with Reading Type flagged as 'I'. Impact of not implementing this WP: Without this Working Practice, Suppliers would need to handle two approaches for receiving meter readings associated with meter replacement and/or the de-configuration and the subsequent re-configuration of a Meter System. It is believed that this is not acceptable; one of the approaches should be adopted. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 87 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 75. Use of ‘Date and Time’ in D0010 for HH market WP no: 75 Title: Use of ‘Date and Time’ in D0010 for HH market Version: 1 Originator: DSC WP type: W Originator Ref: PRs 1087, 1509 DST Issue No: 126 Related WP(s) Date raised: 4 June 1998 Product Area (s): Status: Implemented by Industry DST Doc Ref: Parties Affected: HHDC, Suppliers, Distributors Baseline Products Impacted: DTC D0010 and J0016 Last Amended: 12/06/98 Change History: Approved at CCG 16 on 12/06/98 - see Design Note 12 Context: The majority of HH register readings are not an issue. The HHDC starts its collection cycle just after midnight and most of the cumulative registers will have the actual Reading Date and Time (J0016) sent on the D0010, usually between 010000 and 070000. However, many metering systems have one meter register configured to record the Maximum Demand. These meters can be reset at predetermined intervals (e.g. monthly) and the value stored for later retrieval. This register reading has a date and time associated with it. Depending on the type of meter and the data retrieval mechanism, the time recorded as midnight will be one of 235959, 240000 or 000000. The time of 240000 is not accepted by all participants as it is considered outside the valid set for the domain time. For example, in the HH market for MD readings taken when the meter is reset at midnight between the 2nd Feb 98 and 3rd Feb 98, the Reading Date and Time (J0016) could be sent as 1998 02 03 000000. This is interpreted on receipt by different Suppliers and Distributors as having taken place at either point A or point B. (i.e. this value is ambiguous). A B 2nd Feb 98 3rd Feb 98 4th Feb 98 An unambiguous representation of midnight is therefore required. Working Practice: When using the D0010 in the HH market, the Reading Date and Time (J0016) sent by HHDC to Supplier and Distributor for readings taken at midnight should be set to YYYY MM DD 235959. This corresponds to a moment before point A in the above diagram. Impact of not implementing WP: Unless this WP is implemented certain D0010s used in the HH market will be rejected by recipients. Instead of the time 240000 an unambiguous alternative needs to be provided. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 88 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 76. Distribution Business Allocation of NHH Meter Serial Nos. (J0004) WP no: 76 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/03/2001 Title: Distribution Business Allocation of NHH Meter Serial Nos. (J0004) Version: 7 Originator: DSC WP type: S Originator Ref: DST Issues 118 & 172 Date raised: 08/06/98 DST Doc. Ref: 98.356 Product Area: NHH Parties Affected: Suppliers, MOps, NHH DCs Baseline Products Impacted: None Last Amended: 01/10/99 Change History: V1 approved at CCG 18 on 10/07/98 - see Design Note 13 V2, with WP CR 9, approved at CCG 23 on 22/09/98 – see Design Note 18 V3, with WP CR 33, approved at CCG 29 on 21/05/99 – see Design Note 25 (change to Associated Document only re SP/Manweb formats). V4 with WP CR 27, approved at CCG 31 on 13/08/99 – see Design Note 27 V5 with WP CR 49 and WP CR 52, approved at CCG 32 – see Design Note 28 V6 with WPPS CP 28 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 V7 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: Processing steps involving the use of data item J0004, Meter Id (Serial Number), when relating to NHH Metering Points, may involve Participants’ legacy systems. In such systems, assumptions may be made about the format and uniqueness of the data item. In the DTC, data item J0004 is specified as having format CHAR(10). But there are no further specifications within the MRA Product Set which address the uniqueness or internal format of the data item. Engineering Recommendation M10/4, published by the Electricity Association in 1991, provides a recommended standard format for meter serial numbers. However, it is not included in the current MRA Product Set. The Distribution Business’s exclusive contract for providing MOp services within their own Authorised Areas implies that they will maintain ownership of meter serial numbers at least until MOp competition is introduced. Hence, MOps will, at least initially, follow the Distribution Business local practice for loading data item J0004. Data Collectors may be faced with the situation when reading a meter, where the serial number actually on the meter does not exactly match the contents of J0004 due to formatting or truncation issues. The DC would need to take account of local practice relating to meter serial numbering and to J0004 data entry in order to validate the readings, as required by BSCP 504 4.2 1. Problems may also arise in Suppliers’ billing systems, in which the meter serial number Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 89 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) may be used as a database key. Such systems may also make assumptions about the format of the data item. For MRA purposes, the data consistency between a meter’s serial number and the data loaded into J0004 by the MOp is seen as an MOp’s internal process and not an interoperational issue. Hence it is outside the scope of Supplier Entry Testing. Similarly, a DC’s validation of meter readings against J0004, and the Supplier’s use of J0004 in its customer billing systems, are seen as internal processing for each Participant and are hence also outside the scope of MRA testing. Statement of Operation: The purpose of this Statement of Operation is to provide a reference list of how Distribution Businesses format J0004 for NHH Metering Points and what assumptions should be made about uniqueness, so that Suppliers and NHH DCs can pre-empt any processing problems they may have as outlined above. In general, Participants should not assume that data item J0004 for NHH Metering Points has any additional properties, such as uniqueness or standardised internal format, other than any established locally between Participants. When responding to a flow containing Distribution Business provided meter IDs, they should be re-quoted, within the constraints of the appropriate flow. All alphabetic characters used in J0004 are in upper case only. Distribution Businesses have reported that they allocate data item J0004 for NHH Metering Points as set out in the attached table, Table of Distribution Business Allocation of NHH Meter Serial Nos. (J0004). Implications of Statement of Operation: DCs may fail to validate meter readings correctly due to meter serial number matching problems. Suppliers may encounter unforeseen problems with their customer billing systems, possibly resulting in invalid processing or systems failures. Table follows Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 90 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Associated Document for WP 76. Table of Usage of Meter Id (Serial Number) (J0004) Participant J0004 Allocation Eastern Group The following 10 character format is followed: L YY P 12345(6), where L = Manufacturer YY = Year of delivery P = Distribution Business identifier for Eastern Electricity 12345(6) = Manufacturer’s serial number. The manufacturer’s serial number is screened to ensure uniqueness within the Distribution Business Authorised Area. EME The following 10 character format has been followed for all meters delivered since 1968: L YY P T 12345, where L = Manufacturer identifier, with different codes used for certain metering devices such as for timeswitching YY = Year of delivery P = Distribution Business identifier F for EME T = Manufacturer’s meter type 12345 = Manufacturer’s serial number. Meters delivered before 1968 have either “30”, “41”, “42”, “43”, “44” or “45” in the YY position. The J0004s will not be unique in all instances within the EME Authorised Area due to some historical exceptions in the allocation of coding. London Electricity The following 9 or 10 character formats are used: LYYQ^12345 LYYQ12345 LYYQ123456 where: ^ represents a space L = Manufacturer YY = Year of delivery Q = Either the Distribution Business identifier ‘A’ for London Electricity, or the identifier of a third party Meter Operator that installed the meter. 12345 and 123456 = 5 and 6 digit Manufacturer’s serial numbers respectively. All prepayment meters have meter ids of the format LYYQ^12345 There are known to be duplicate manufacturer’s serial numbers in existence. Manweb The following 9 character format is followed: (existing meters) L XX P 12345, where L = Manufacturer XX = Year of manufacture P = Purchaser (i.e. J for Manweb) 12345 = Manufacturer’s serial number. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 91 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Participant J0004 Allocation MEB The following 9 or 10 character format is followed: L XX P 12345(6), where: L = the meter manufacturer's Id code XX = the year of manufacture P = code ‘G’ for MEB 12345(6) is an alpha-numeric character string which is normally 5 characters in length but can be 6 characters in some cases. Any alphabetic characters included would be in upper case. The J0004s are allocated to be unique. This format applies in the majority of cases, but there are exceptions. Northern Electric The following 10 character format is followed: L XX P 12345 n, where: L = manufacturer XX = year of manufacture P = Distribution Business identifier (L = Northern) 12345 = meter serial number n = null Norweb The following 9 character format is generally followed, but there are some exceptions: L YY P 12345, where L = Manufacturer YY = Year of delivery P = Distribution Business identifier for Norweb 12345 = Manufacturer’s serial number. The manufacturer’s serial number is screened to ensure uniqueness within the Authorised Area. Scottish Hydro If 7 character the following format is followed: WW 12345, where WW = the purchase year which form digits 1 and 2 of the serial number stamped on the meter 12345 = digits 3 to 7 of the serial number stamped on the meter itself J0004s may not be unique at any data level within the Scottish Hydro Authorised Area. OR If 9 character the following format is followed (all the characters being included in the meter serial number stamped on the meter itself): L YY P 12345, where: L = the meter manufacturer YY = the purchase year P = the purchaser. Scottish & Southern Energy plc is “C” or “R” 12345 = the meter serial number. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 92 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Participant J0004 Allocation ScottishPower The following 10 character format is followed: (existing meters) P MM ZZ 12345, where: P = Scottish Power MM = Manufacturer and type ZZ = Certification year 12345 = serial number The following practice should be adopted for translating a 12 character meter id stamped onto a physical meter to 10 character Meter Id (Serial Number) as per the definition in the DTC: Remove characters 4 and 5 (counted from the left hand end of the meter id) from the 12 character meter id to reduce it to a 10 character Meter Id (Serial Number). The resultant J0004 remains unique within the Scottish Power Authorised Area. ScottishPower/ Manweb The following 10 character format is followed: XxxxYnnnnn where (new meters) xxxx - four characters, no effective coding Y – set to J or P for Manweb or ScottishPower respectively nnnnn –five digit serial number Seeboard The following 8 character format is followed: L YY 12345, where L = Manufacturer YY = Year of delivery 12345 = Manufacturer’s serial number. For meters which existed before the Electricity Association recommendation was followed, a range of formats exist. Hence it may be that not all J0004s are unique. Southern Electric The following 9 character format is followed (all the characters being included in the meter serial number stamped on the meter itself): L YY P 12345, where: L = the meter manufacturer YY = the purchase year P = the purchaser. Scottish & Southern Energy plc is “C” or “R” 12345 = the meter serial number. OR If 7 character the following format is followed: WW 12345, where WW = the purchase year which form digits 1 and 2 of the serial number stamped on the meter 12345 = digits 3 to 7 of the serial number stamped on the meter itself J0004s may not be unique at any data level within Southern Electric Authorised Area. The manufacturer’s serial number is entered. This is a 7 or 8 digit number, with no alphabetic characters. SWALEC Meter J0004s are checked to ensure uniqueness within MPAN only. J0004s may not be unique within the SWALEC Authorised Area. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 93 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Participant J0004 Allocation SWEB The following 10 character format is followed for the majority: L YY P 12345 B, where L = Manufacturer YY = Year of manufacture/certification P = Distribution Business identifier ‘D’ for SWEB 12345 = Manufacturer’s serial number. B = 1 blank character There are also a significant number other formats, such as A12345. A J0004 may not be unique, for example, due to truncation of the manufacturer’s serial numbers. For meters which existed before the Electricity Association recommendation was followed, a range of formats exist. Yorkshire Electricity The following 10 character format is followed: MM XX P 12345, where: MM = Manufacture make and type XX = Year of manufacture P = Distribution Business code (K for YE) 12345 = Manufacturer’s serial number Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 94 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 77. Identification of New Agent on flow D0170 WP no: 77 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 01/04/2000 Title: Identification of New Agent on flow D0170 Version: 2 Originator: JTCC WP type: W Originator Ref: PRs 1035c/1045c Date raised: 23/04/98 DST Ref: Issue 142 Product Area: All Parties Affected: All Baseline Products Impacted: DTC: flow D0170 Last Amended: 09/07/99 Change History: Approved at CCG 18 on 10/07/98 - see Design Note 13 E2E’s NHH ONLY Appoint agents to the metering point (new supplier - CoS), Appoint/De-appoint NHH MO, Appoint/De-appoint DA (NHH & HH), Appoint/De-appoint NHH DC, HH ONLY Appoint Agents to the metering point (new supplier – CoS), Appoint De-appoint HH MO, Appoint/De-appoint HH DC V2 with WP CR 44 approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 - see Design Note 26 Context: New Agent identity is labelled as ‘optional’ in flow D0170 sent to the Old Agent. In practice there is a requirement for the data item to be mandated in the context in which it is sent. i.e. where information is requested to be sent to the New MOp, then the identity of the New MOp should be populated. Where information is requested to be sent to the New DC, then the identity of the New DC should be populated. This approach is supported in favour of the other considered option by determination of new MOp/DC from the record header, as the above approach is required when the request comes from the Supplier to the old MOp/DC during Change of Agent and is wholly in line with DTC intentions. Working Practice: When a new agent or Supplier requests information from an old agent or Distributor using flow D0170, it identifies the new agent in J0926 (New MOp) or J0927 (New DC) as appropriate. Impact of not implementing WP: The Old Agents/Distributor will not know the identity of the New Agents and will therefore be unable to send meter system details to them; this would have major impact on agent support if not corrected. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 95 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 94. Token Meter Customer ID Card - Layout of Embossed Area WP no: 94 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: Token Meter Customer ID Card - Layout of Embossed Area Version: 1 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Date raised: 14 August 1998 DST Ref: 98/471 Issue 183 Product Area: PPM Parties Affected: Suppliers; PPMIP Baseline Products Impacted: DTC flow D0174, Issue Identity Card for Token Meter Customer Data item J0536, Embossed Area Data Related Working Practices WP56 Last Amended 10/11/98 Change History: Approved at CCG24 on 06/11/98 – see Design Note 20 Kevin Woollard Context: A meeting chaired by OFFER on 15/07/98 of Token Meter Operators set out the required common layout of the Embossed Area (Area 2) of the Customer Token Meter ID Cards. No specification has yet been defined for DTC flow D0174 from Supplier to PPMIP but this needs to provide the content for the Embossed Area as agreed at this meeting. It is therefore desirable to give the layout agreed at this meeting a wider and formal standing to avoid possible incompatibility between D0174 and the Embossed Area. Already Eastern has made use of Line 1 rather than it being left blank. Working Practice: In line with the OFFER Memo ref: SUPPLY/98/47 (DST 98/471), the data item Embossed Area Data (J0536) of 200 character maximum is to be allocated to a character string made up of 3 logical lines each of precisely 27 characters. The remainder of the string is either 119 spaces if the flow containing the item is in fixed length format or is omitted if the flow is in variable format as defined in the UFDS. There are 4 lines on the card but the Line 1 is to be skipped with the first line of data provided in J0536 being assigned to Line 2 of the card. Thereafter: Characters 1 to 27 and 28 to 54 of J0536, corresponding to Lines 2 and 3 of the card, may be completed by the Supplier as it chooses. Characters 55 to 81 of J0536 corresponding to Line 4 and to be standard across all cards as follows: PPMIP<space>AAA<space>99<space>P<spaces><Customer Ref No> where: PPMIP is a 3 character literal ‘PPP’, is always to be present and is in character positions 55 to 57. AAA (Code) and 99 (Distribution Number) identify the specific Agent operating as PPMIP and are defined in Annex B of the OFFER letter. Note that code AAA will need to be dropped once the existing stock of cards has been used up. (It is unclear how the Supplier will get to know this). AAA is contained in character positions 59 to 61 and 99 in character positions 63 and 64. P is either the literal ‘P’ or is omitted dependent on the PPMIP (understood required by MEB and YEB). If present it is in character position 66. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 96 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Customer Ref No is optional - if present is to be right justified with the last character being in character position 81. Impact of not implementing WP: Suppliers need to emboss Customer ID Cards in line with the agreement at the OFFER meeting. To do this, data item J0536 in flow D0174 needs to be in line with this agreement so that PPMIPs may produce correctly embossed cards for Customers as required without need for specific bilateral agreements with individual Suppliers. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 97 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP no: Status: 99 Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/03/2001 Title: Shutting down a Key Meter Version: 3 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Related WP(s) WP 106 DST Issue No: 187 Date raised: 06/10/1998 DST Doc Ref: (99/043); (99/086); (99/116) 99/154 Product Area (s): PPM - Key Meters Parties Affected: Supplier, MOp D Leck/M Vickers Baseline Products Impacted: Last Amended: 09/07/99 Change History: Approved at CCG28 on 16/04/99 - see Design Note 24 V2 with WP CR 47 approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 – see Design Note 26 V3 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: Key Meters are designed to be put into a state of ‘Shutdown’. In this state the meter output is isolated from the Distribution network and will not deliver electricity to the consumer however it will still be classified as energised. Key meters may be truly de-energised by removal of the fuse. Energisation and Shutdown status is notified to the Supplier on a D0179 from the MOp, with the appropriate 'Prepayment Meter Shutdown Status' (J1022) and 'Energisation Status' (J0080) set. Provided the appropriate input is made by the MOp, shutting down a key meter powers up a coil in the meter that physically moves a contractor in the meter that is then locked open. No current can flow to meter output. On ‘livening up’ a second coil is powered and this unlatches the contractor and closes the circuit; current can flow. In consequence a meter which is shut down is not de-energised within the definition of de-energisation in the BSC, which is: ‘Means in relation to any Boundary Point or Systems Connection Point (or the Plant or Apparatus connected to any System at such a point) the movement of any isolator, breaker or switch or the removal of any fuse whereby no electricity can flow at such point to and from a System; and ‘de-energised’ shall be construed accordingly’ The Boundary Point or Systems Connection Point relates to a connection to or between a distribution system or the transmission system; therefore in order for a meter to be de-energised it must be isolated from the Distributor. With shutdown the meter is only isolated from the customer, therefore it is not de-energised. To put the meter into a normal operating state following shutdown the meter needs to be ‘livened up’. This may be done by the MOp by instructing the meter using a PSU or by the Customer inserting a new key into the meter - see WP106. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 98 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Some Key Meter Operators choose not to shutdown their key meters as they consider the cost of getting a MOp to do the work and potentially having to liven-up the meters later as being greater than the illegal abstraction at risk. The purpose of this Working Practice is to give new entrants a proper understanding of the options open to them, particularly how they need and may choose to work with the Key Meter MOps regarding shutdown. Working Practice: Suppliers should be aware that two scenarios exist: 1. - Request Shutdown. Supplier populates ‘Prepayment Meter Shutdown Requested’ in the D0180 with T for Shutdown Requested. Note that ‘Requested Energisation Status’ should be populated with E (as the Energisation status will not be changing to de-energised). - MOp Shuts down the meter (note that not all MOps support shutdown). This will incur the cost of at least one MOp visit to Shutdown; with the subsequent option of 'livening up' by MOp visit, or by Key insertion by the Customer (see WP 106). 2. - Request De-energisation. Supplier populates ‘Requested Energisation Status’ in the D0180 as D for De-energise. - MOp De-energises by removing the fuse. This will incur the cost of two MOp visits, one to de-energise, one to re-energise. Impact of not implementing the Working Practice: Shutdown meters do not adhere to the BSC definition and so must not be classified as de-energised. There are safety implications in classifying shutdown meters as de-energised, since if the meter is de-energised in MPAS a distributor may be under the impression that the meter is not connected to the System and can be worked upon with no danger. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 99 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 100. Termination/Cancellation Dates on Agent Appointment WP no: 100 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: Termination/Cancellation Dates on Agent Appointment Version: 2 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Related WP(s) WP34, WP66 DST Issue No: Date raised: 15/10/98 DST Doc Ref: Product Area (s): NHH, HH Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: D0151, D0153, D0155 Last Amended: 30/05/2002 Change History: Approved at CCG25 on 20/11/98 – see Design Note 21 Simon Sanford 181, 214 Suppliers, Agents V2 with WPPS CP52 agreed at MDB_02_06 on 27/06/2002 Context: During testing and subsequent investigation of participant assumptions and expectations, it was recognised that there exists significant variations in understanding on how to set and/or interpret effective dates on Agent Termination/Cancellation. To ensure Suppliers and their Agents have a common understanding of the dates on which they are appointed, terminated or cancelled, a standard practice is required. Most participants are consistent with regard to appointment and supply start dates. In the context of this Working Practice, termination is deemed to mean the ending of an existing contract for services; cancellation is deemed to mean the notification that an appointment is deemed to have never existed (such as on a failed CoS). This Working Practice only considers Agent cancellations where the Supplier cancels the appointment prior to the first effective date of the appointment. Working Practice: When appointing an Agent using a D0155 or D0153 flow, the EFD{Agent} should be the date on which the Agent is to take responsibility for the metering point. The appointment takes effect from midnight at the beginning of the day specified in the EFD{Agent}. On CoS, this will normally be SSD. When terminating an Agent appointment using D0151, the ETD{Agent} should be the last calendar day on which the Agent has responsibility for the metering point. The termination takes effect at midnight at the end of the day specified in the ETD{Agent}. On CoS, this will normally be SSD-1 calendar day. When cancelling an Agent appointment with an EFD{Agent} in the future, again using D0151, the ETD{Agent} should be the calendar day before the EFD{Agent} provided on the original D0155/D0153. The Agent is to interpret a D0151 which contains an ETD{Agent} one calendar day before the EFD{Agent} received on an earlier D0155 as a cancellation of appointment. (Note that the ‘Termination Reason’ shall be ‘LC’ where the Supplier loses the supply contract, ‘CA’ where the Supplier has appointed the Agent in error). If an Agent acted as the Agent for the previous Supplier for the relevant metering point, the Agent should treat the notification of cancellation, where ‘Termination Reason’ = ‘LC’, as a reinstatement Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 100 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) of its appointment with the previous Supplier, unless a D0151 has been received from the previous Supplier. (Note that the previous Supplier must re-appoint an Agent if it has earlier terminated the Agent. Such re-appointment (D0155) must ensure continuity of appointment to the metering point, and hence should have an EFD{Agent} = (cancellation D0151) ETD{Agent}+1 (calendar) day) and an EFSD{REGI} = the original EFSD{REGI}). This Working Practice does not apply to CoMC, which is the subject of Working Practices 66 and 116. Impact of not implementing WP: Suppliers and their Agents will not have a common understanding of the duration of their appointments, and hence their contractual and licence obligations. Suppliers and Agents will misunderstand communications between each other and may fail to undertake contractual actions required of them. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 101 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 102. Guideline for identifying any Meter Register in the HH Market WP no: 102 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 01/04/2000 Title: Guideline for identifying any Meter Register in the HH Market Version: 1 Originator: WP type: G Originator Ref: Related WP(s) DST Issue No: S Champion, PGen 131 and 190 Date raised: 23/11/98 DST Doc Ref: Product Area (s): Half Hourly Market Parties Affected: Relevant Baseline Products: Usage of D0268, D0010 Last Amended: 24/02/99 Change History: Approved at CCG 28 on 16/04/99 - see Design Note 24 Supplier, MOp, HHDC Context: Certain Suppliers wish to be able to receive readings from the meter registers associated with Half Hourly Meters in order to have the identical values available to them as are available to their customers. The readings they wish to be provided with include not only those available for the ‘defined set of registers’ (for which no specification needs to be provided in D0268) available from Data Collectors such as UKDCS/Datum Solutions etc. (e.g. Cumulative reactive import (kVArh), Maximum import in the Last Billing Period (kVA)), but any of those available from any type of HH metering system installed. A number of options have been considered as to how to identify these registers. They have included: 1. A new DTC Flow; 2. An addition to D0268 based upon D0149 as used in the NHH Market; 3. Additions and modifications to the usage of the D149/D150 to allow these NHH flows to be used in the HH marketplace. Some MOps will have difficulty supplying a NHH flow to be used as an HH flow; 4. The use of an agreed set of Register Identifiers in flow D0010 with the Identifiers of the Registers to be read being given in D0268 within Group 04A. Analysis has shown that the first three solutions would be complex, expensive and timeconsuming to implement and that there is a preference for a low cost, low impact, and quickly implementable solution for those Suppliers who wish to get access to register information. This is achievable only through option 4, which originally stemmed from a proposal developed by the Half Hourly Focus Group. This option would allow the HHDC to map the registers found in the metering system to those specified within the D0268 flow, without the need to include ‘Meter Register Type’ and ‘Time Pattern Regimes’ in the flow. Similarly, when a reading is received via D0010, it should be possible to interpret the ‘Meter Register Id’ and map it directly onto the Supplier’s own code. However, there may be instances when the Supplier will still need to refer to the TPRs to obtain the original mappings. Whilst the approach is different from that provided by D0149 and D0150 in the NHH market (options 2 and 3), for what in many case is the same meter asset, Distribution Business’s Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 102 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) canvassed are prepared to accept this situation. The approach is in line with MOp practice of specifying all the registers available on the Metering System rather than just those required by the Supplier. This WP applies as a guideline only to Suppliers who contract with their MOps and HHDCs to provide readings from all cumulative and maximum demand registers associated with a HH metering System (and which are generally visible to the customer). It does not apply to Suppliers who elect to be restricted to readings that can be provided through: the standard HH metering channels; or the limited set of registers that can be obtained using other register Id schemes adopted by such organisations as UKDCS, Datum Systems and ScottishPower. Working Practice Guideline: When a MOp working in the Half Hourly Market wishes to identify the existence of such Meter Registers to the Supplier and HHDC, it is recommended it makes use of the following Meter Register naming scheme and practices for all available registers provided by the Metering System. The guideline identifies: How Meter Registers are distinguished from registers providing Half Hourly values; The coding scheme to be used for the actual Meter Registers themselves; The completion of D0268 to provide the Register IDs to the Supplier and the HHDC; Incorporation of Register readings in flow D0010. Distinguishing between IDs for Meter Registers and IDs for registers providing Half Hourly Readings Alpha character Ids should be used to identify Meter Registers; Numeric character Ids should be used to identify standard HH channels. Meter Register Coding Scheme Four groups are proposed to cover cumulative / maximum value registers, and make use of the first characters of A-X. The second character should be used to indicate the sequence of the particular register within the designated category. It is assumed that Registers will embrace readings captured to given time patterns e.g. STOD and therefore separate TPR designation of each Id is not required. Current Unit Registers: First character: 2nd character: A B C D kWhI kWhE kVArhI kVArhE E F kVAhI kVAhE A-Y 25 possible programmed registers Z cumulative register Billing (i.e. month-end stored) Unit Registers: First character: G H I J K L Version : 5.4 Status : Approved kWhI kWhE kVArhI kVArhE kVAhI kVAhE Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 103 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2nd character: A-Y 25 possible programmed registers Z cumulative register Current Maximum Demand Registers: First character: M N O P Q R kW I kW E kVArI kVArE kVAI kVAE 2nd character: A-Y 25 possible programmed registers Z cumulative register Billing (i.e. month-end stored) Maximum Demand Registers: First character: S T U V W X kW I kW E kVArI kVArE kVAI kVAE 2nd character: A-Y 25 possible programmed registers Z cumulative register Group 04A set up in conjunction with Register usage The MOp should specify all Meter Registers within the existing D0268 structure as additional groups of Group 04A. Group 04A requirements are for a set of data items including Meter Register Id that need to be set up correctly when used for Register specification. Those data items in the set which are mandated should be set as follows. Meter Register Id - as set out above Outstation Id, Channel Number, Pulse Multiplier set to default values - values yet to be agreed Meter Register Multiplier and Number of Register Digits to be set up in line with the registers to be reported Measurement Quantity Id to a value that is consistent with the first character of the Meter Register Id. Incorporation of Register Id and readings in D0010 Meter Readings from all the registers specified within the D0268 should be passed to the Supplier by the HHDC and where required from the MOp to the HHDC using D0010. Group 030 should be completed as per NHH readings with: Meter Register Id as above; Reading Date and Time as corresponding to the Register group as above; Meter reading for the register. Set up of MV90 or other electronic reading devices Where the HHDC uses a MV90 or similar reading device, the guideline recommends the HHDC to set up, for each meter type, a cross-reference table between the data stream provided by the reading device and the Register IDs specified above. This may be done as a one-off exercise. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 104 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Impact of not implementing the Working Practice Guideline: Without the guideline, the details supplied by those suppliers who choose to make all the information visible will not be consistent - leading to greater cost and development effort for all parties concerned. Other Suppliers and their agents who do not wish to utilise this guideline remain unaffected. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 105 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 104. Population of D0086 for Non Settlement Registers WP no: 104 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/03/2001 Title: Population of D0086 for Non Settlement Registers Version: 2 Originator: Eastern WP type: G Originator Ref: Issue 215, 2 & 3. Related WP(s) WP 6, 64 DST Issue No: 6/232 Date raised: 10/11/1998 DST Doc Ref: (98/744) (99/090), (99/126), 99/136 Product Area (s): NHH DC Parties Affected: NHH DC / Supplier Baseline Products Impacted: BSCP 504 2.2.6; E2E's NHH Meters: Obtain Readings, New NHH DC Obtain and Generate Change of Supplier meter reading, Meter Reading on Change of Supplier Dispute; DTC D0086 and WP 6 Last Amended: 30/06/00 Change History: V1 approved at CCG 32 on 05/11/99 V2 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: During operational processing of change of supplier (CoS) processes, the D0086 - Notification of Change of Supplier Readings - has not always included readings for non-settlement registers included at the metering point. Settlement obligations do not mandate the inclusion of nonsettlement registers in the MRoCoS. The submission of the MRoCoS to initial reconciliation must not be delayed by the absence of the non-settlement register readings. However, Old Suppliers cannot bill the Customer correctly without readings from some nonsettlement registers in addition to the settlement registers. Therefore when instructed to do so by the New Supplier the New NHHDC should make every attempt to provide a set of actual readings for all registers within settlement timescales. Failing this, the New NHHDC is required to estimate readings for settlement registers using the defined deeming process set out by the Elexon in BSCP504. The required handling of non-settlement registers varies according to the register types and measurement quantities. Note: the Meter Register Type for all month end registers whether they are also cumulative or maximum demand are covered under section 3 (e.g. the Meter Register Type for month end cumulative reactive registers is listed under month end registers): 1. For cumulative reactive registers (Meter Register Type = C) the Old Supplier’s closing reading and the New Supplier’s opening read need to agree. 2. For maximum demand registers (Meter Register Type = M) the Old Supplier needs all readings but these are of no use to the New Supplier as maximum demand registers are not cumulative. Maximum demand registers should ideally be reset. If they are not reset the New Supplier will receive a maximum demand reading following the next routine read that may have been recorded during the period when the customer was supplied by the Old Supplier. 3. For month end registers (Meter Register Type = 2, 3 or 4) readings are not important as they are not used as CoS readings. Suppliers will close and open their customer’s account on the instantaneous readings even if they used/intend to use the month end registers for routine billing. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 106 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) As the reads are not used on CoS it is unimportant whether or not they are re-dated. However it is logically incorrect to re-date them. 4. For cumulative maximum demand registers (Meter Register Type 1) readings are not used as CoS readings as their primary purpose is as a check to maximum demand readings This working practice describes the handling of non-settlement registers on CoS. Note: This WP should be read in conjunction with WP6, WP64 and BSCP504. Note: The new NHH DC should estimate CoS readings for Non Settlement registers in accordance with any agreement they have with their Supplier. Working Practice: Readings for Settlement Registers should be handled in accordance with WP 6 and BSCP 504. The New NHHDC should populate readings for non-settlement registers in D0086 as follows: All readings provided in flow D0086, except month end register readings, must be re-dated to SSD. Month end registers should not be re-dated. The Reading Types for both settlement and non-settlement registers should be populated in accordance with the procedures described in WP6 and BSCP504. Actual Readings are available Where actual readings are available they are to be used by the New NHHDC to populate the D0086 Actual Readings for Non Settlement Registers are not available Where values for settlement registers are available or can be deemed any estimating of nonsettlement registers must not be allowed to delay the CoS process for settlement purposes. Where a partial read has occurred and readings are only available for settlement registers the Supplier and Old NHHDC should be notified of any estimated readings for non-settlement registers outwith the DTC. (This is necessary because a single D0086 cannot be used to convey multiple readings with different reading types). Where it has been agreed between the New NHHDC and the Supplier that the New NHHDC will estimate non-settlement registers and where the Old NHHDC has provided historical data enabling the New NHHDC to do so, the New NHHDC should estimate readings for cumulative non-settlement registers (Meter Register Type C). Estimated readings should have a reading type of 'D.’ Care should be taken when estimating total registers that are the sum of deemed settlement registers as the estimated total should ideally equal the sum of the deemed registers The NHHDC should not estimate readings for maximum demand registers (Meter Register Type M). The NHHDC should not estimate readings for month end registers (Meter Register Types 2 or 3). The NHHDC should not estimate readings for cumulative maximum demand registers (Meter Register Types 1 or 4). Suppliers Responsibilities The suppliers should act as follows: Where the Old Supplier is not satisfied with the readings on the D0086 and wishes to dispute the MRoCoS, then Clause 29.3 of the MRA becomes relevant. However, the process described in this Clause cannot be used for disputing readings from non settlement registers – in such circumstances, a process similar to that described in Clause 29.3 could be used. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 107 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Where estimated cumulative readings are provided for non-settlement registers by the New NHHDC they are to be used for billing by both Suppliers where applicable. If either supplier wishes to use any other estimated cumulative readings they may do so as long as there is no risk of the customer being billed for the same consumption by both Suppliers. Specifically, if the Old Supplier wishes to terminate an account using a higher cumulative reading than has been estimated by the New NHHDC they must resolve the discrepancy with the New Supplier in line with WP64. Where values for settlement registers are available or can be deemed the New NHHDC must proceed with the CoS process for settlement purposes. Where there is no agreement between the New Supplier and the New NNHDC to estimate cumulative non-settlement registers, it is assumed that the New Supplier will not bill any cumulative non-settlement registers (e.g. reactive power) when producing the customer’s first routine bill after the CoS. In these circumstances the Old Supplier will estimate for their termination bill using the historic data available to them. Impact on Distributors Where no readings are provided for maximum demand registers on the D0086 flow, a Distributor will be expected to estimate these readings in line with its historical data and to bill the Old Supplier accordingly Where the Old Supplier is not satisfied with the estimate and wishes to dispute the reading its UoS agreement with the Distributor becomes relevant. Impact of not implementing WP: The Old Supplier will not have available that information needed to bill the customer and close that customer’s account. Settlement timetables may be impacted if the NHHDC waits on non-settlement readings for generation of the D0086. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 108 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 106. Knowing the date for Livening up a Key Meter after Shutdown WP no: 106 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 01/04/2000 Title: Knowing the date of Livening Up a Key Meter after Shutdown Version: 1 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Related WP(s) WP71, WP99 DST Issue No: 187 Date raised: 28/01/99 DST Doc Ref: 99/087 Product Area (s): PPM - Key Meters Parties Affected: Supplier, MOp Baseline Products Impacted: None Last Amended: 09/02/99 Change History: Version 1.0 approved at CCG 28 on 16/04/99 – see Design Note 24 David Leck (LE) Context: A Key PPM may be de-energised in a number of ways, as detailed in WP 99. However, this WP applies specifically where the Key PPM was de-energised by putting the Key meter into a Shutdown state. A Supplier may initiate the issue of a new key to the Customer. The customer is then able to insert the key and liven up the meter on an unspecified date. The Supplier will eventually get to know the exact date the livening up occurred via the PPMIP on a D0188 but there are no procedures/systems within the existing baseline by which the MOp and the NHHDC are informed. However it is essential that the MOp and therefore NHHDC and Distributor are informed of the date the livening up occurred. Specifically the NHH DC, as they have an obligation to provide details of the change to energisation status to the NHH DA in D0019 - Group IES: Effective from Settlement Date (J1096) and Energisation Status Id (J1099). Working Practice: 1. The preferred method is for the Supplier to request the MOp to carry out a site visit to liven up the metering system directly. The Supplier can instruct the MOp to liven up the meter. However this incurs the cost of a MOp visit. (The process and flows sent are therefore the same as that for a MOp re-energisation by site visit); or 2. The Supplier may enter into a bilateral agreement with its MOp to allow the Supplier to instruct the Mop to update its records in line with the livening up date received by the Supplier from its PPMIP and without the need for a MOp visit. Supplier and MOp applications can therefore be augmented to allow the date collected on the D0188 from the PPMIP to be passed to the MOp and thence on to the NHH DC and Distributor. In this approach, a valid sequence of flows to be implemented would be: The Supplier receives a D0188 for a Key meter from its PPMIP from which the Supplier can deduce the date of key insertion and hence the date of livening up. The Supplier sends a D0005 to the MOp which will include J0007, Requested Action Code, set to 11 (PP Register readings and settings). The Supplier may choose to augment the flow Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 109 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) by suitable wording in J0012 or J0173. The date of the livening up of the meter should be included in the 'Date Action Required By' (J0028) field. The MOp updates its database and sends a D0139 to NHH DC and Distributor confirming the change of energisation status to energised with the 'Date of Action' (J0014) set to the date provided by the Supplier on the D0005. The MOp should also confirm the change to energisation status to the Supplier using a D0179 (ensuring that the information on this is consistent with that on the D0139's). The Supplier informs MPAS that the meter is energised on the date specified using a D0205. Impact of Not Implementing WP: The Shutdown of a Key Meter by three of the current Key Meter MOps acting under the instructions of their Suppliers is not an infrequent event and an effective solution needs to be found as to when the meter is livened up if the MOp, NHHDC and Distributor are to be properly informed and allowing consistent inter-operation between them and their Supplier. Further the NHHDA needs to receive a consistent re-energisation date from the NHHDC and MPAS on flows D0019 and D0205 respectively if it is not to generate spurious error messages on DA Validation processing. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 110 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 107. Changes to Existing Agent Appointment Details WP no: 107 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 01/04/2000 Title: Changes to Existing Agent Appointment Details Version: 2 Originator: ScottishPower WP type: W Originator Ref: N/A Related WPs: WP 21, 28, 100 DST Issue No: 221 Date raised: 09/02/1999 DST Doc Ref: (99/027), 99/084 Product Area (s): DC and MOp Parties Affected: DC, MOp and Supplier Baseline Products Impacted: DTC D0011, D0012, D0153, D0155 and D0261. Last Amended: 24/02/1999 Change History Version 1 approved at CCG 29 on 21/05/99 - see Design Note 25 E2E's Appoint/De-appoint NHH MO, Appoint/De-appoint DA (NHH & HH), Appoint/De-appoint NHH DC, Appoint/De-appoint HH MO, Appoint/De-appoint HH DC. Version 2 accepted at MEC_00_03 on 28/03/00 Context: There is a recognised requirement for a Supplier to be able to change the appointment details for their agents during an appointment term. The details that may change are: Contract Reference (J0048) Service Reference (J0274) Service Level Reference (J0275) Regular Reading Cycle (DC only) (J0277). This effectively constitutes a new appointment for the same Supplier and MPAN and therefore both Suppliers and agents should utilise a common process. This WP does not currently scope bulk changes, but applies to small scale 'one off's'. Working Practice: Where a Supplier wishes to change the details of their agent appointment during the agent's appointment term, then the following procedure should be followed: The Supplier should send a D0155 / D0153 with the relevant data items updated (see above), ensuring that all necessary values are provided and correct (taking note of WP 21). The Effective from Date {MOA}/{DCA}/ Effective from Settlement Date {DAA} (J0210, J0219 and J0334 respectively) should be populated with the date that the supplier wishes the changed appointment details to become effective from (see WP 100). The Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} (J0049) should be populated with the SSD of the supplier (this should not have changed from the original appointment flow). On receipt of the updated appointment details, the agent should either: Confirm the details to the Supplier via a D0011 and (in the case of the DC where Regular Reading Cycle is changed D0012) where the updated details are accepted/supported by the Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 111 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) agent (the values on the D0011/D0012 should match those provided on the D0155). Therefore the D0155 received supersedes the existing appointment and the agent should update their details accordingly, or Reject the changed details to the Supplier via a D0261 where the updated details are not accepted/supported by the agent, using appropriate valid set values. In this scenario the agent will continue to work to the existing appointment details until an 'acceptable' D0155 is received and processed. Impact of not implementing WP: Inconsistent processing which may lead to agents not being appointed to a metering point with the Supplier therefore not conforming to Settlement/MRA obligations. 'Over processing' may lead to unnecessary costs in provision of the required functionality, therefore streamlining the process should be encouraged. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 112 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 108. Validation of Standing Data in MPAS Systems WP no: 108 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: Title: Validation of Standing Data in MPAS Systems Version: 3 Originator: T Marquand (EE) WP type: W Originator Ref: E3, DST 76 DST Issue No: 246 Related WP(s) 29/11/2001 Date raised: 09/02/1999 DST Doc Ref: (99/082), 99/135 Product Area (s): MPAS Parties Affected: MPAS, Supplier Baseline Products Impacted: MRA Clause 15 and 24. Last Amended: 20/09/01 Change History: Version 1.0 approved at CCG 28 on 16/04/99 - see Design Note 24 V2 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 V3 with WPPS CP 42 accepted at MDB_01_10 on 25/10/01 Context: Most MPAS operators: maintain tables of standing data including data received via the MDD Agent. validate Supplier registrations (via flow D0055) against such standing data and reject these registrations if the data as present for the affected Metering Point is invalid. This validation includes checking existing MPAS data if this is to be used following the registration by default. However no MPAS system automatically updates individual Metering Points affected by changes in standing data nor is it possible for them to do so. Note: there is a minimum set of data that needs to be present for a registration to be acceptable. This is defined in MRA Clause 15.6 and in Distribution Business Validation Procedures. As a consequence of this practice, if a new Supplier attempts to register itself as Supplier to a Metering Point, but does not provide all standing data e.g. MTC but relies on the data provided by the previous Supplier and this is now obsolete or deleted, then the registration will be rejected. This situation has occurred in practice: an MTC has been withdrawn by the Distribution Business but the incumbent Supplier has not updated the Metering Points referring to this MTC in the related MPAS a New Supplier who has attempted to take over the Metering Point containing the withdrawn MTC has had its registration rejected. This situation is considered unsatisfactory to a New Supplier. The obligation as set out in the BSC and MRA (Clause 24.5) is on the incumbent Supplier to maintain standing data for each Metering Point it supplies in line with that published by the MDD Agent. The standing data is published as and when required by the MDD Agent. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 113 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) On receiving a new edition of the published data the incumbent Supplier should identify changes in the published data and update accordingly any Metering Points referring to the changed data using D0205. However, it is recognised that a "work-around" may be needed to assist a New Supplier if the incumbent Supplier has not discharged his responsibility. It should be noted that no such validation is carried out against the standing data of data items: held against the Metering Point when the Supplier updates the other data items in MPAS using a flow D0205. Only the data provided on the D0205 is validated against standing data. Therefore inconsistent data could remain undetected in MPAD for a Metering Point in this way; provided to Suppliers as part of full and partial refreshes - therefore inconsistent MPAD data could be passed back to the Supplier in this way. Working Practice: For most MPAS Operators where standing data held against a Metering Point has become invalid in this way and a New Supplier attempts a registration, the New Supplier will receive a D0057 with Rejection Reason Code(s) indicating the data which is invalid. The New Supplier should then determine the appropriate value of the missing data item (or make an informed guess) by questioning the Customer, and include it in a revised D0055. The New Supplier will be notified of the actual (invalid) value for the data item by a D0260 sent on acceptance of the D0055. If this indicates that the data value quoted on the D0055 was incorrect, the Supplier can amend the value by sending a D0205 with an effective date of SSD. Note: The ScottishPower/Manweb MPAS will accept the registration. Impact of not implementing WP: The New Supplier will not be able to register successfully for a metering point, through no fault of their own. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 114 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 109. Use of D0012 in conjunction with Smartcard and Key Meters WP no: 109 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/03/2001 Title: Use of D0012 in conjunction with Smartcard and Key Meters Version: 2 Originator: Matthew Cole; MEB WP type: W Originator Ref: N/A Related WP(s) WP 107 Issue No: 228 Date raised: 09/02/99 Doc Ref: 4/012 Product Area (s): PPM, NHH DC Parties Affected: NHH DC & Supplier Baseline Products Impacted: DTC - D0155 and D0012 E2E Diagram Appoint/De-appoint NHH DC, A1032, F2925, A400 and F2877. E2E Diagram NHH ONLY Appoint agents to the metering point (new supplier CoS), A608, F2928, A420 and F3328. Last Amended: 30/06/00 Change History: Version 1.0 approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 – see Design Note 26 V2 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: D0012 (Confirmation of the inclusion of the Metering Point in the Reading Schedule) for credit meters is used by the Data Collector to confirm to its Supplier that it has included the metering point in its reading schedule at a frequency required by the Supplier. The DC may optionally provide a Meter Reading Schedule Date being the date it intends to take meter reading from the metering point (this is assumed to be the first of the set of scheduled dates). Where the metering point is a Smartcard or Key metering system, readings from this metering are routinely collected by the PPMIP as a by-product of the customer recharging its Smartcard or Key. Therefore, the meter does not need to be included in the Data Collectors ‘walk order’ as it does not need to be read. As a D0012 notifies the Supplier that the Data Collector has included the metering point in their meter reading schedules, the question has arisen as to whether flow D0012 is a ‘courtesy’ flow when used in conjunction with an installed Smartcard or Key meter or has it a more purposeful use. Industry has been canvassed and it is clear from their responses that participants do make use of the flow in a purposeful manner. Suppliers and their Data Collectors treat D0012 as an expected response to D0155 for Smartcard and Key meters in the same way as for credit or token meters; in this respect they make no distinction. As a consequence : DCs use D0012 as one of the responses to the D0155 appointment flow (the other being the D0011). The D0012 should contain the same ‘Regular Reading Cycle’ – J0277 as that provided by the Supplier in the D0155. Some DCs will use Meter Reading Schedule Date to provide the ‘default’ date of the first readings it would have passed to the Suppliers if the meter was read quarterly. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 115 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) However, it should be noted that BSCP504states that the Supplier is expected to pass PPM readings obtained remotely to the NHH DC as follows: “The meter reading will be sent to the NHHDC in accordance with a meter reading cycle but this cycle must not exceed a three month period. If the MS is remote the meter reading cycle must not exceed a three month period”. Note that some DCs will maintain the Metering Point in their walk orders so that the point can be reinstated for data collection should the meter be replaced by a credit or token meter. However, it is recommended that where the Key or Smartcard Meter is replaced by a credit or token meter, the Supplier should update the Data Collector appointment, using a D0155 (WP 107), to indicate that the Data Collector is expected to include the meter in its walk orders. Working Practice: D0155 and D0012 should be used in the same way, by both the NHH DC and the Supplier, whatever metering is installed at the metering point. Where a Key or Smartcard Meter is present, the Regular Reading Cycle value on D0155 should be set to ‘N’ (No read required) to indicate to the NHH DC that they are not required to read the meter / include the meter in their walk order(s). The NHH DC should return the same value for ‘Regular Reading Cycle’ as that provided by the Supplier in the D0155 – i.e. a value of ‘N’, in the D0012 to the Supplier. Where the Regular Reading Cycle is populated with ‘N’, the Supplier should ignore the ‘Meter Reading Schedule Date’ as it will not be relevant The Supplier is responsible for complying with BSCP504 requirements for passing the Smartcard/Key meter readings to the NHH DC at least quarterly. However, the Supplier should note that the NHH DC will process readings received as and when they arrive, generating the required D0010’s and D0019’s to the Supplier and Settlements. Therefore the Supplier can determine their own schedule for passing readings to the NHH DC (in agreement with the NHH DC, if appropriate). Where the Smartcard / Key meter reverts to a credit meter, the Supplier should follow the process described in WP 107 to update the NHH DC’s appointment to indicate to the NHH DC that they are required to include the meter in their walk order / read the meter. Impact of not implementing WP: A consistent approach is required to ensure that all Supplier's and Data Collectors meet their settlement obligations regarding readings from Smartcard and Key metering and to ensure that both the Supplier and NHH DC have the same understanding of their appointments. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 116 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 111. Old Supplier Changes to MPAD prior to CoS WP no: 111 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: Title: Old Supplier Changes to MPAD Prior to CoS Version: 3 Originator: MOP WP type: W Originator Ref: Design BP 62 Related WP(s) 29/11/2001 Issue No: Date raised: 01 March 1999 Doc Ref: Product Area (s): MRA Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: DTC – D0205, D0209, D0089, D0259 and D0213 Last amended: 20/09/01 Change History: Approved at CCG32 on 05/11/99 Supplier, MPAS, DA V2 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 V3 with WPPS CP 42 accepted at MDB_01_10 on 25/10/01 Context: Data Aggregation (DA) and MPAS software has been developed on the basis that: ‘An Old Supplier cannot change a New Suppliers data’. This effectively means that a Supplier can only update their MPAD effective during their registration. This is significant where there has been a change of Supplier registration by a New Supplier and there is a period of time between the New Suppliers registration and their actual Supply Start Date. MPAS holds two registrations simultaneously– the Old (current) Supplier’s registration, effective to and including SSD-1 calendar day and the New (pending) Supplier’s registration, effective from and including SSD. Where the Old (current) Supplier makes any changes to their MPAD in this period (using a D0205 into MPAS), MPAS updates the Old Suppliers registrations and instructs any affected Old DAs only (D0209). The New Suppliers registration is not updated and neither is any affected New DA informed. It is very likely that the New Supplier will be impacted by the change – i.e. if the Old Supplier de-energises the metering point, then the New Supplier is potentially (as they have the choice to reverse any such change on SSD, NOT before) taking over a de-energised meter on SSD. In recognition of this process, outside of an objection, MPAS sends a D0213 to any pending Supplier on receipt of the Old Suppliers update, containing the information that the Old Supplier has provided. Although this is not the case during the Objection Resolution Period, when the objection is removed, the New Supplier receives a D0089 informing them of any changes the Old Supplier made during this period. Working Practice: Where the New Supplier is informed of changes to the Metering Point made by the Old (current) Supplier they should either: 1. Where the change(s) to the Metering Point will exist past the SSD of the New Supplier, the New Supplier should update MPAS, using a D0205, with the change(s) to the Metering Point to ensure that the information held by both MPAS and any affected New DA is consistent with the actual metering point. Or, Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 117 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2. Where the New Supplier does not wish to support the changes made by a previous Supplier and does not intend the change(s) to exist past their SSD, the New Supplier should reverse the change on SSD. Where this requires a change to the actual metering system the MOP should be instructed to reverse the change on SSD. This will ensure that the information held by both MPAS and any affected New DA is consistent with the actual metering point. Where the New Supplier undertakes this course of action, they do not have to update MPAS, as the information held by MPAS for the New Suppliers MPAD will reflect the original registration details provided by the New Supplier (and / or defaulted by MPAS). It should be noted for (2) that where the New Supplier is unable to make the change on SSD, then they should update their registration on MPAS with the changes made by the Old Supplier until they can make the change, therefore ensuring that they have met their obligations under the MRA, Clause 24.5. Impact of not implementing WP: The New Supplier may not be able to meet MRA and BSC Obligations regarding ensuring the correct information for the metering point is registered on MPAS at all times and that the correct information is being submitted to settlement via the DA. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 118 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 113. Positioning of Key Meter Serial Number in DTC Meter ID WP no: 113 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 01/04/2000 Title: Positioning of Key Meter Serial Number in DTC Meter ID Version: 1 Originator: MOP WP type: W Originator Ref: Design BP 86 Related WP(s) 76 DST Issue No: 219 Date raised: 24/02/99 DST Doc Ref: Product Area (s): PPM Parties Affected: Retail Design Products Impacted: DTC Data item J0004 - Meter ID (Serial Number) Last Amended: 24/0999 Change History: Approved at CCG31 on 13/08/99 – see Design Note 27 MOps, PPMIPs, Suppliers Context: The expected format of J0004 (Meter Id (Serial Number)) in the NHH Market provided by each of the Distribution Business is set out in Working Practice 76. Whilst there are significant differences between formats in general, all provide 5 or 6 digits for the serial number within manufacturer. J0004 is defined as logical format CHAR(10) meaning that it has a maximum of 10 characters left justified. Key Meters are allocated a six digit serial number. However, it is possible to hold on the Key itself the least significant five digits only, i.e. the most significant digit of the Key meter six digit serial number is discarded. It is important that Key meter numbering within the DTC abides by the general formats provided by each Distribution Business as a whole and that the number used for any Key meter is the same for the Distribution Business MOp as it is for the PPMIP. The material contained within this Working Practice is taken from Design Briefing Paper 86 which is to be withdrawn as part of the rationalisation of the retail design. Working Practice: Distribution Businesses shall abide by the format for their Meter Id (Serial Number)s (J0004) as published in WP 76 for all flows sent to Suppliers. Specifically: 1. Meter Id (Serial Number) in flows from MOp and PPMIP for the same metering system shall be identical. 2. Whether or not the number stamped on the Key meter is five or six digits, only the least significant five digits will be used in J0004. 3. For those Key Meter Operators that provide for a five digit serial number (Northern, Seeboard, Southern, SWEB), the MOp shall transcribe the digits from the meter directly to the five digits allocated to serial number in J0004 (for all except Seeboard the number starts at digit 5; for Seeboard the number starts at digit 4 (ms digit being 1)). The PPMIP shall transcribe (the five digits of) the meter serial no digits received from the Vendor (e.g. POCL, PayPoint, Schlumberger) to these five digits in J0004. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 119 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 4. (Eastern Group, LE), the MOp and PPMIP shall agree to which of the six digits of J0004 they will transcribe the five digits read from the meter: If the agreement is to transcribe to the last five digits then the undefined most significant digit of the serial number within J0004 shall be set to a published valid character – Eastern use ‘0’, LE use embedded space; Otherwise the least significant digit shall be set to null / space according to the specific flow containing J0004 being variable or fixed format. It is essential that: 1. The MOp transcribes the five digits read from the meter to the agreed five digits of the meter serial number in flows such as D0150. 2. The PPMIP transcribes the meter serial number digits received from the Vendor (POCL, PayPoint, Schlumberger) to the same agreed five digits in J0004 of D0188. This procedure will ensure that the Supplier gets the same value of Meter Id (serial number) in MOp flows such as D0150 and in PPMIP flows such as D0188. Impact of not implementing WP: Without this Working Practice, Key meter numbering within the DTC may not abide by the general formats provided by each Distribution Business and number used for any Key meter may not be the same for the Distribution Business’s MOp as it is for the PPMIP. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 120 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 116. Change of Measurement Class from NHH to HH Coincident with CoS WP no: 116 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 29/08/2002 Title: Change of Measurement Class from NHH to HH Coincident with Change of Supplier Version: 5 Originator: Steve Watson WP type: W Originator Ref: 98/143 Related WP(s) WP 63, 66 and 131 OIF Issue No: 12 Date raised: 28 April 1999 Doc Ref: 3-020, 4-014 Product Area (s): All Parties Affected: All Baseline Products Impacted: BSCP 504, BSCP 502 Last Amended: 28/02/02 Change History: Version 1 approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 - see Design Note 26 E2E, DTC, MRA Version 2 approved at CCG 32 on 05/11/99 – see Design Note 28 Version 3 with WPPS CP 4 accepted at MDB_00_05 on 25/05/00 Version 4 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Version 5 with WPPS CP 49 accepted at MDB_02_01 on 31/01/02 Context: Currently, there is no comprehensive industry defined process for Change of Measurement Class coincident with Change of Supplier. Therefore, there is a requirement to define the process to ensure that the CoMC occurs within very tight timescales – aimed at achieving the CoMC on SSD. It should be noted that once an SSD has been registered it cannot be changed (MRA Clause 24.5 and MAP04). This Working Practice assumes that the process runs reasonably smoothly – i.e. the MOp can change measurement class within the specified timescales and that the change of Supplier goes ahead unopposed. (Note: It is assumed that the metering point is non-designated and therefore the only valid reasons for objection are erroneous registration, where both the Old and New Supplier have to agree before any objection is raised, or where the New Supplier has not registered for all of the related MPANs). This Working Practice details the steps required in approximate order and does not reflect that a number of the steps could be carried out in parallel: This level of detail is provided in the End to End Diagrams. Working Practice: All references to days are working days unless it is stated otherwise. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 121 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) New Supplier and Agent Process: 1. Before registration, the New Supplier should manually (and outwith the DTC) ensure that the New HH Agents to be appointed will accept the appointment. The New Supplier should also confirm the intended CoMC date with the HH MOp (and Customer). It is recommended that the New Supplier use that date as their Effective from Settlement Date {REGI}. 2. The New Supplier can then register on MPAS, (as defined in MRA Clause 15) using a D0055. It is recommended that the EFSD {REGI} be as far in advance as is possible (preferably at SSD minus 28 calendar days). Before completion of the CoMC CoS, the Supplier will need to update the registration details with the Change of Measurement Class and the details of the new half hourly agents. This could be done on the D0055 sent at this point or could be performed through a subsequent D0205. It should be noted that, since the agents appointed by the old supplier will be non half hourly agents and the registration of the new supplier will default to these if the details of the half hourly agents are not provided, the Supplier cannot include the new measurement class on the D0055 unless the details of the new HH agents are also provided. Similarly, any subsequent D0205 updating the registration details must contain both the new measurement class and the details of the half hourly agents. WP 66 details the requirements regarding the registration and updating of registration on a change to measurement class from NHH to HH. 3. Once the registration is accepted on MPAS and confirmed with a D0217 and the New Supplier has received the Old Supplier’s metering point details on the D0260 (including the Ids of the Old Agents) , the New Supplier can appoint their New HH MOp using a D0155. The New HH MOp should receive their appointment and acknowledge acceptance via a D0011. At the same time as MPAS confirms the New Supplier’s registration, they will notify the Old Supplier of the pending loss of supply – D0058. [For Old Supplier and Agents, see step 10.] 4. The New Supplier should then inform the New HH MOp of the identity of the associated agents - New HH DC, Old NHH DC and Old NHH MOp, using D0148 (see Working Practice 40 for details on how this instance of D0148 should be populated) and provide Customer details (Customer Name) using D0131. In time to ensure receipt prior to the planned CoMC date, the New HH MOp should request (using a D0170) the Site Technical details from the Distribution Business, who should provide them on a D0215. 5. The New Supplier appoints their HH DC (via D0155) and HH DA (via D0153), and manually informs them of the pending CoMC, thereby ensuring they are aware that the meter is to become HH. The HH DA and HH DC should confirm their appointment on the D0011. The appointment of the HH DC and HH DA can be done at any point in this process before the change of metering. The appointments must be effective from the SSD of the New Supplier, both in MPAS, and on Agents/Supplier systems. 6. The New Supplier can then update MPAS with their Agent details and the details of the change of measurement class, if they have not done so already using a D0205. MPAS will process the update and inform the HH DA of their appointment – D0209. The HH DA may match this to their appointment details from the New Supplier. 7. The New Supplier should inform the New HH DC of the identity of the proposed associated agents - New HH DA and New HH MOp, using D0148 (WP 40) and provide Customer Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 122 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) details (Customer Name) D0302. The New Supplier can, at this point, send the New HH DC notification of the Settlement Details (MC/EAC/PC) for the Metering Point, using D0289. However, the New Supplier may wish to wait until they have received the Meter Technical Details (D0268) from the New HH MOp to ensure the sending of correct settlement information to the New HH DC. It should be noted that where the Supplier chooses to send settlement information at this point, any errors highlighted/uncovered by the receipt of the meter technical details must be corrected with a resend of the D0289 by the Supplier. The New HH DC will hold their appointment information pending receipt of Meter Technical Details from the New HH MOp. 8. As far in advance as is possible, the New Supplier should instruct the New HH MOp to change the measurement class of the metering point – D0142 to HH. 9. The New HH MOp should make appropriate arrangements for the change of measurement class; which should include communication with the Old NHH MOp regarding meter removal and / or transferral of relevant meter technical details (such as meter serial Id) if required. The New HH MOp must ensure that the Old NHH MOp is aware of the pending CoMC, who in turn must notify the old NHH DC either via fax, phone or email. The New HH MOp should contact the New Supplier, manually outwith the DTC, to confirm the intended CoMC date, therefore allowing the New Supplier to appoint their HH DC and HH DA, if they have not done so already (See step 5). Old Supplier and Agents: 10. On receipt of the notification of loss of supply from MPAS, the Old Supplier will determine whether they are to object to the change of Supplier . This working practice assumes that the Old Supplier does not object, as the likelihood of there being an objection is minimal. 11. The Old Supplier will then terminate their Agents – NHH MOp, NHH DA and NHH DC. The Old Supplier should send a D0151 to each of the NHH DA, NHH DC and NHH MOp. The Effective to Agent date should be SSD minus one and the ‘Termination Reason Code’ should be set as ‘LC’, as the Old Supplier must be assumed to be unaware of the pending change of measurement class. As far as the Old Supplier hub is concerned, this is a change of supplier. 12. On receipt of the appointment termination flows, both the Old NHH DC and Old NHH MOp may not be aware that this is not a NHH to NHH change of Supplier. (However, the old NHH MOp may have received the notification of the CoMC from the new HH MOp and the old NHH DC may have received notification of the CoMC from the old NHH MOp, as indicated in step 9.) In cases where the old agents are unaware of the CoMC/CoS on receipt of the appointment termination flow, they will expect either, the new agent to contact them to obtain the metering point history, or for the New Supplier to appoint them. This is not an issue, as they will be informed of the CoMC/CoS later in the process. 13. On SSD, or within 4 WD of SSD, the HH MOp should change the meter from NHH to HH, in accordance with any agreement with the Old NHH MOp (it should be noted that where the HH MOp is to remove the NHH meter, they must be appropriately Qualified). The New HH MOp should record all available readings from the removed/reconfigured meter. The HH MOp then confirms the installation of the HH metering to the HHDC, Supplier and Distributor on a D0268. Note: All effective from dates (Agents, Measurement Class etc) should be set to the New Supplier’s SSD, regardless of the actual date of the CoMC (providing the CoMC occurred within the time period specified above). Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 123 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 14. By end of day SSD +4 WD, the New HH MOp should have provided the Old NHH MOp with the flow ‘Notification of Register Readings on Change of Measurement Class coincident with Change of Supplier’, D0291 - and either: All readings displayed on the NHH meter together with the meter register description, or Notification that no read was obtained. Details of how the D0291 should be populated in these circumstances is provided in Working Practice 131. 15. By end of day SSD +5 WD, the Old NHH MOp should have mapped the final reading(s) to the correct registers and redated it to SSD-1*. The mapped final reading for SSD-1 or notification that no reading was obtained (referencing SSD-1) should be sent to the Old NHH DC – D0010, containing notification of the CoMC/CoS . (The Old NHH MOp must ensure that the Old NHH DC is aware of the CoMC and SSD-1). Where the Old NHH meter was removed, the Old NHH MOp should send a D0150 with Group 08A populated with the details of the removed meter (WP 50) to the Old NHH DC, Distributor and Old Supplier . Where a final reading was obtained, the D0010 from the Old NHH MOp should have a reading date of SSD-1, a reading type of ‘F’, Site Visit Check Code(s) (J0024) of ‘10’ – Change of Meter and Additional Information (J0012) indicating the change of measurement class. * SSD minus one is used here, as it has been defined as such in BSCP 504. However, it should be recognised that this is a temporary workaround required where the Agents cannot process a reading dated at SSD under these circumstances. It should be noted that using a NHH meter removal / meter reading date of SSD-1 leaves a 24 hour settlement gap between the removal of the NHH meter and installation of the HH meter / start of HH data collection (on SSD of the New Supplier). This contravenes the PSL 120 obligation for dating the CoS reading at SSD. However, the intention is that SSD will be used as the reading date once the Agent system(s) problem has been addressed and resolved. 16. By end of day SSD +8 WD (when the final DPCs) are received, the Old NHH DC should have processed the reading sent by the Old NHH MOp. Where no read was obtained, or the read was invalid, then the Old NHH DC should deem the reading. [The Old NHH DC could contact the Old Supplier manually and outwith the DTC to notify them of the CoMC .] By end of day SSD +8 WD, the Old NHH DC will generate and send a D0086 (as they are generating the Change of Supplier Meter Reading) to the Old Supplier and the Distributor , populated as follows: Where a read was obtained and found to be valid – a reading date of SSD-1, a reading type of ‘F’, Site Visit Check Code(s) (J0024) of ‘10’ – Change of Meter and Additional Information (J0012) indicating the change of measurement class. Where no read was obtained - reading date of SSD-1, a reading type of ‘D’, Site Visit Check Code(s) (J0024) of ‘10’ – Change of Meter and Additional Information (J0012) indicating the change of measurement class. The Old NHH DC may choose to indicate why no read was taken from the old metering. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 124 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Where a read was obtained but found to be invalid – a D0010 should be sent (as per BSCP 504) containing the invalid data and Site Visit Check Code(s) (J0024) of ‘10’ – Change of Meter and Additional Information (J0012) indicating the change of measurement class. A final read should be deemed (generated and populated as indicated for the scenario where no read was obtained). The Old NHH DC may also generate an associated D0010 for the final meter reading as part of their background processing. 17. By end of day SSD +5 WD, the New HH MOp should have informed the New Supplier, the Distributor and the New HH DC of the meter technical details of the new metering configuration via D0268. In addition, the New HH MOp should have provided the start reading(s) from the HH meter to the HH DC, with the start reading date and time. If the New Supplier has not already done so, then they must send the HH DC notification of the Settlement details (MC/EAC/PC) for the metering point, using D0289. 18. The HH DC will match these MTD and settlement information to their appointment details. The HHDC will start collecting data from SSD - readings from midnight at SSD to the date and time of the initial reading should be populated with zeroes (in line with BSCP 502). The HH DC should then confirm the reading schedules to the Distributor - D0012 and should confirm reading schedules and retrieval method to the New Supplier – D0012 and D0051. 19. On receipt of the MTD, the New Supplier should update MPAS – D0205 with any changes to Supplier held MPAD. 20. MPAS will inform the Distributor of these changes and where this necessitates the Distributor updating the Line Loss Factor for the metering point, the Distributor will update MPAS with the changes and MPAS will notify the New Supplier on a D0171. 21. As soon as is possible, the HH DC and HH MOp should prove the HH Meter . The HH MOp should inform the HH DC, New Supplier and Distributor of the confirmation of the proving tests – D0214. Impact of not implementing WP: Change of Measurement Class could not occur coincident with CoS and therefore participants would be unable to meet Ofgem requirements. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 125 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 119. Change of Supplier with Shortened Registration WP no: 119 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: Title: Change of Supplier with Shortened Registration Version: 2 Originator: AC EG WP type: G Originator Ref: AC EG 22 Issue No: Agent Competition Related WP(s) 27/03/2001 Date raised: 25 May 99 Doc Ref: Product Area (s): All Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: DTC, E2E and BSCP 504, PSL 110 and 120 Last Amended: 30/06/00 Change History: Version 1 approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 - see Design Note 26 All MRA Clauses 15, 16 and 29 V2 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: For a change of Supplier registration, the New Supplier is able to register, where MPAS receives the application for registration (D0055), ‘no later than the last Operational Working Day before the Supply Start Date included in the Supplier’s application under Clause 15.5.1 and no more than 28 days in advance of that date;’ (MRA Clause 15.5.2). The design (E2E’s, BSCP501etc.) also supports this timeframe for registration. The New Supplier may choose to submit an SSD which is relatively immediate (or is forced to by circumstances / the Customer, for example, on a CoT). However, as a result of commercial constraints, in the form of service level agreements between Suppliers and Agents, there are a detrimental implications on the Agents, and therefore Supplier, meeting their obligations. Specifically in areas such as the transfer of Metering Point Historical information and the generation of the change of Supplier meter reading, within the required timescales, especially where the Agents change over the CoS. In order to provide a solution to any problems posed by shortened timescales, the process dependencies within a change of Supplier have been identified, in order to determine where the ‘bottlenecks’ or areas of concern lie. The following table defines the dependencies in the change of Supplier process. Those dependencies which cannot be influenced by the agreement of service levels between the New Supplier and its agents – i.e. those controlled by existing service levels with the Old Agents, have been shaded: Process Step: Dependencies: New Supplier confirms associated and old agents to their New MOp and New DC (D0148). Dependent upon receipt of D0260 from MPAS and D0011s from the New Agents New MOp requests Old MOp for Metering Point history (D0170) Dependent upon receipt of D0148 from the New Supplier New DC requests Old DC for metering point history (D0170) Dependent upon receipt of D0148 from the New Supplier Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 126 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Process Step: Dependencies: Old MOp sends metering point technical details history to the new MOp Dependent upon receipt of D0170 from the New MOp Old DC sends metering point history to the New DC Dependent upon receipt of D0170 from the New DC New MOp sends metering point technical details to the New DC and the New Supplier Dependent upon receipt of information (D0149 and D0150) from the Old MOp New DC sends notification of inclusion of reading schedules to the New Supplier and the Distributor Dependent upon receipt of information (D0149/D0150) from the New MOp and (D0010/D0152) from the Old DC New Supplier sends a CoR to the New DC (D0071) Dependent upon receipt of information (D0149/D0150) from the New MOp New DC processes the reading as per WP 6 and BSCP504 and generates D0086 for New Supplier, Old DC and Distributor. Dependent upon receipt of information (D0149/D0150) from the New MOp and (D0010/D0152) from the Old DC, and must occur BY SSD+8 The process can be represented by the associated schematic. The working days referenced are: Either, the maximum allowed by the BSC and MRA requirements (where the BSC and MRA specify timings), Or, represent the recommendations from Service level agreements. Therefore the dependencies upon the receipt of information in the change of Supplier process, for the fulfilment of certain obligations, were specified and used to determine a maximum and minimum time frame for completing the process – i.e. finishing with the New NHH DC generating the change of supplier reading at SSD +8. It was determined that: Where the maximum allowed time frames were utilised, that the New Supplier would have to register between 11 and 9 working days prior to their SSD in order to have the change of Supplier meter reading generated at SSD+8 by the New NHH DC. Where the minimal time frames were applied, the New Supplier would have to register between 5 and 3 working days prior to their SSD in order to have the change of Supplier meter reading generated at SSD +8 by the New NHH DC. This therefore appears to restrict Suppliers wishing to offer a shorter SSD, especially where the Customer requires it. It should be noted that the timings detailed are those that apply to the current Agent Service Level Agreements, applicable to the Distribution Business monopoly. However, a Supplier can determine their required response times for any new agents in their appropriate commercial agreements and therefore specifically shorten timescales where required. However, in the meantime, the problems come where the Supplier is changing away from the Distribution Business, as they have no control over the timescales the Old Agents are working under. Therefore, it can be seen that registration within such shortened timescales presents a New Supplier with a commercial risk as regards the meeting of the change of Supplier obligations. This Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 127 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Guideline Working Practice has been drafted to indicate to New Suppliers the areas over the change of Supplier process that they can control by determining appropriate service levels with their Agents, and those that are dependent upon service levels defined between the Old Supplier and their Agents. It also attempts to define the most appropriate way to meet obligations, where the New Supplier chooses to take the commercial risk of a shortened registration. Working Practice Where the New Supplier needs to register for an SSD within a short period of the submission of their registration to MPAS (D0055), the following ‘shortcuts’ can be used to ensure that the New Supplier and Agents have the information required to generate the Change of Supplier reading on SSD +8. However, it is recommended that these steps be used only where there is real potential for the timescales not to be met, as they are resource intensive and therefore not be encouraged for every change of Supplier. (1). The dependency upon the sending of the D0148 to the New MOp and New NHH DC, from the New Supplier (on the receipt of the D0260 from MPAS after registration) is fixed. The New Supplier cannot obtain this information any quicker than MPAS sends it and therefore, to counter this, the New Supplier should endeavour to ensure the D0148’s are with the New Agents as soon as is possible. (2). The New Supplier should ensure (for example, via commercial agreements) that the New Agents send the request for metering point information to the Old Agents as soon as is practicably possible. (3). The New Agents should confirm with the Old Agents the intended timeframes for the passing of the information. BSCP504 and PSL120 detail the obligation on the Old Agent for the passing of metering point history. The New Agent may request (either via the ‘Date Action required by’ in the D0170, or outwith the DTC) that the historical information be passed to them as soon as possible, this is acceptable only where the Old Agent agrees to this. If not, then agreed service level timeframes apply. (4). Where the New NHH DC has not received Meter Technical details in time to obtain an actual read (if the New Supplier has requested one), the NHH DC should be able to determine the meter to be read from the Customer’s address (however, this may be of limited value) and should be able to make a site visit in accordance with the New Suppliers instructions. The meter can be read and the readings interpreted and processed when the MTD and meter reading history arrives. (5). Where the New Supplier obtains a Customer own Read from their Customer, the New Supplier should ensure that this read is with the New DC by SSD+7 (as defined in WP 6 and BSCP 504). However, the D0071 requires metering information obtained from the Meter Technical Details (D0150/D0149). However, if these have not yet arrived from the New MOp, the New Supplier can either: Confirm with the New MOp whether this information has arrived from the Old MOp and if so, can request the pertinent information for inclusion in the D0071, with the MTD following from the New MOp. The New Supplier should also confirm with the New MOp that the MTD be sent to the New NHH DC to ensure they are able to process the CoR. Or, Where the MTD are not yet with the New Mop, the New Supplier can send the information they have the New NHH DC (ensuring that the New NHH DC is aware that the D0071, or equivalent, is not populated correctly). The New NHH DC is then able to manually amend the CoR in accordance with BSC requirements when the MTD and meter reading history arrives with them. (6). Where the New NHH DC has not received the meter reading history or the MTD by SSD+7, then they may be able to agree the sending of these details from the Old Agents (via the New MOp where necessary) to ensure their receipt with the New NHH DC in time to process the change of Supplier meter reading. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 128 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Impact of not implementing the Working Practice: A Supplier will not be able to comply with OFGEM and MRA requirements for changes to Supplier where they are required to utilise a ‘shortened’ registration, nor will they meet BSC requirements re: settlements. Therefore inter-operation will fail. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 129 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Schematic for Dependency Timings The working days referenced are: Either, the maximum allowed by BSC and MRA requirements (where the BSC and MRA specify timings), Or, represent the recommendations from Party Service Level agreements. + 2WD D0148 New MOp + 5WD D0170 Old MOp + 5WD D0149/ D0150 MPAS D0055 D0260 + 2WD D0149/ D0150 + 2WD D0149/D0150 + 2WD New Supplier New MOp New Supplier New Supplier D0071 By SSD + 7 + 2WD D0148 New DC + 5WD D0170 Old + 5WD DC D0010/ D0152 New Supplier Version : 5.4 Status : Approved By SSD + 8 New DC D0086 By SSD to SSD + 2 D0072 Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 130 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 122. NHH New Connection Obligations WP no: 122 Title: Version: WP type: Related WP(s) Date raised: Product Area (s): Baseline Products Impacted: Last Amended: Change History: Status: Implemented by Industry NHH New Connection Obligations Originator: 3 W Originator Ref: Issue No: 26 May 99 Doc Ref: New Parties Affected: Connections Implementation Date: 29/05/2003 OIF OIF NC EG OIF NHH MOp, Distributor and Supplier 24/2/05 Version 1 approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 - see Design Note 26 V2 with WPPS CP 66 approved at MDB_03_04 on 24/04/03 Version 3 amended with CP0073 approved at MDB_04_11 on 25/11/04 Background Version 1 of this Working Practice related to non Half Hourly Metering Points only, and it was proposed that a review should be undertaken to provide a wider synopsis of the New Connections process. MDB consequently convened a Working Group, the Supply Distribution Inter-operational Group (SDIG), whose Terms of Reference included the review and re-issue of this Working Practice. In addition, a New Connections Workshop was held to identify which key areas/issues of the New Connections process participants required to be clarified and these have also been incorporated into this Working Practice. Context It has been recognised that any breakdown in inter-operability between Distribution Businesses and Suppliers, due to lack of visibility or consistency in processes, impacts the New Connection process. To provide clarity for market participants, WP122v2 outlines the operational responsibilities and highlights key areas of communication throughout the sequence of events to establish and, ultimately, register a New Connection. In addition, it incorporates areas where a customer is involved so that the customer’s expectation can be better managed, although it is recognised that this Working Practice is not intended for use by customers. Introduction In order to establish early communication channels, this Working Practice acknowledges that a customer may appoint a Supplier, and that Supplier may register the Skeleton Record, as far in advance as is reasonably practicable. However, a number of outstanding operational issues were highlighted which impact this principle. These include; Customer’s awareness of the need to appoint a Supplier; the sequencing of events for a New Connection; misaligned Supply Start Date (EFD{Regi}) and meter installation date; differing Validation rules applied by MPAS Service Providers; instructions to Distribution Businesses for Metering Point energisation; Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 131 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) customer appointed MOps. Therefore this Working Practice seeks to provide clarity on these issues, whilst recognising there are diverse factors to be considered in the New Connections process and one solution/process cannot be applied for all scenarios. Scope and Purpose This Working Practice is not intended for use in Emergency situations and therefore factors to be considered for emergency connections/re-connections are excluded. This Working Practice does not cover New Connections that are to be registered in CMRS. Connections arranged through independent connections contractors are out of the scope of this Working Practice, since the extent of activities they may undertake is determined by the contestable restrictions established by Ofgem. The purpose of this Working Practice is to provide an overview of, and to highlight the key areas involved in, the New Connections process - from the application to a Distributor for a connection to the network through to the Registration and Trading of the MPAN for that connection. For clarity and ease of use, this Working Practice has been split into 3 sections Section 1 New Connections Overview high level diagram highlighting different stages of the New Connection Process (refer to associated table, at the end of this Working Practice, for supporting information) Section 2a Registration Timeline highlighting key steps dates throughout the Registration Process for Suppliers Section 2b MPAS Validation and Supplier Clarifies MPAS Validation rules regarding Updates regarding the Registration Supplier updates to the MPAN Timeline Supplementary data for ‘partial’ Registrations and aligning EFD {Regi}(SSD) and Effective From Dates for MPAD Section 3- Energisation. Associated New Connections Overview Supporting Information Table Distinguishes between network connection and meter energisation for a New Connection – Section 1 – Supporting Information In addition, a Contact Matrix was established to provide dedicated contact details for all MRA parties in relation to enquiries regarding specific Supplier/Distributor operational areas. These details can be viewed on the MRA website, Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 132 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 1. New Connections Overview - a diagrammatical guideline for a new connection to demonstrate ‘best practice’ Please refer to the associated table at the end of this Working Practice for supporting information regarding each step. Applicant Applicant Apply for New Connection Supplier Applicant Approve or reject Quote Appoint Supplier Supplier Process Supply Contract signed contract Register Skeleton Record MPAN Known Receive confirmation. Appoint Agents Arrange Installatio n Send Details MPAN Unknown / Required Quote Accepted Distribution Supply Number Notify Applic ant of MPAN MPAS Online MPAS Enquiry Service Business Process Meter Technical Details & Energisation Status Energisatio n Status & MTD D0217 Supply Number Details Distribution Request for Meter Installatio n / Energisatio n Process Request & Confirm Change in Energisation Status & MTD D0055 Business Administer Request and Send Service Quote / Connection Agreement. Highlight need to appoint a Supplier Supplier Distribution Business Instruct Installation of Meter and Energisation. N.B MOp should only act on instruction from the Supplier Further Info Liaise with Distributio n Business MO Supplier Supplier Notify Supple mentary Data for Regi (D0205) Receive Connection Agreement Notify Supple mentary Data for Regi (D0205) Notify Supple mentary Data for Regi (D0205) MPAS Process Registration MPAS Update MPAS w ith missing Supplementary Data . Until energisatio n status received MPAS Generate MPAN and Skeleton Record Notify MPAS Create Skeleton Record MPAS Update Reg System Include in CD Rom Distribution Business Schedule Works Install Cabling / Jointing, CT / Cut Out Monitor incomplete Registartions (Untraded MPANs) Distribution Business Independent Connection Contractors Schedule W ork MPAS cabling installe d Liven Service - Notify Supplier of proposed livening date **** Developments undertaken by Independent Connection Contractors would be reliant on: The independent contractor providing the standard letter(s) published by the Distribution Businesses, or The end user understanding the New Connection process. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 133 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2a. Registration Timeline In order to promote early communication within the New Connection process, the Supplier should register as early as possible. It has been recognised that it is not always possible or necessary for the Effective From Date {Regi}, Meter Installation and Meter Energisation dates to be the same and Suppliers are reminded of the option of registering a ‘Skeleton Record’ at the outset of their appointment by a Customer, and then updating information to MPAS via the D0205. The following timeline highlights prominent milestones throughout the Registration processes for a New Connection. This timeline should be read in conjunction with the MPAS Validation rules outlined in Section 2b. Suppliers Registration Process for New Connections Submit D0055 no more than 28 days in advance of SSD D0055 Registration of MPAN Must contain a minimum of Supplier ID, EFD{REGI} and MPAN Core. Where ‘Energisation Status’ is not populated on the D0055 for a NC, this is a partial Registration ***Maximum period of time between EFD {REGI} and Energisation date date is not defined, other then the 14 month Final Reconciliation Run During this period, MPAS classifies the Metering Point as ‘Untraded’ ‘Untraded’ until a value is provided for the Energisation Status Effective From Date {REGI} (Supply Start Date- SSD) ‘The first inclusive settlement date of a Suppliers registration to a metering point’ Metering Installed Metering Energised D0205 Where the Registration (D0055) is incomplete, the Supplier must update MPAS to complete the Registration details (in accordance with MRA 24.8) and set Energisation Status This timeline does not preclude Meter installation and energisation on the same day, which could also be the same date as the Effective From Date {Regi} (SSD) The following points should be noted in conjunction with the indicative timeline shown above: A Skeleton Record (refer to MRA for definition) for a Metering Point can be Registered in advance of completion of connection work undertaken by the Distribution Business or Independent Connections Contractor. However, Suppliers should be mindful of the MPAS Validation rules under clause 24.13.5 of the MRA such that no updates can be made to Metering Points in MPAS after 14 months in accordance with the Final Reconciliation Run for Settlements. Effective From Date {REGI} establishes the point at which a Supplier assumes responsibility for the Metering Point. The status of a Skeleton Record will remain ‘Untraded’ in MPAS until the Supplier updates Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 134 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) the Energisation status with a value (see section 2b for more details regarding this aspect), which will consequently require all MPAD (as noted in Schedule 2 of the MRA) to be present, failing which the notification of the Energisation Status to MPAS will be rejected. A Supplier is responsible for updating Trading data on a Metering Point as soon as possible, but in any event within 5 Working Days of either a change becoming effective or being notified of a change (MRA Clause 24.8) and he should meet this obligation as a priority. In addition, Distribution Businesses monitor ‘Untraded’ Metering Points as recorded on their MPAS Registration System and, where a Supplier receives such a report, they should ensure that they review this report and undertake the appropriate action in a timely manner. Differing MPAS procedures may result in a Supplier being required to align the Effective From Dates (EFDs) for all Metering Points supplementary data under the Supplier’s responsibility (see Schedule 2 of the MRA), with the EFD {Regi} (SSD). Further detail regarding this issue is noted in Section 2(b). 2b.***MPAS Validation and Supplier Updates Regarding the Timeline in 2(a) Where an incomplete D0055 (i.e where all the Metering Point Administration Data (MPAD) for which a Supplier is responsible has not been included in the Registration flow) has been submitted and accepted by MPAS, Suppliers can ‘drip-feed’ the missing Supplier data via the D0205 to complete the ‘partial’ Registration1. Suppliers should be aware of the processing applied to ‘partial’ Registrations by the MPAS Registration Systems, as noted below. St Clements Consortium The MPAS Registration System developed and maintained by the St Clements Consortium (provided to the following Service Providers, [referenced by their MPID] LOND, SOUT, NEEB, YELG, NORW, EMEB, MIDE, HYDE, SEEB, EELC, IPNL, SWEB and SWAE) does not impose any validation (other than ‘valid combinations’2 validations) on ‘partial’ Registrations. Thus, the initial Registration for the Skeleton Record may provide values for only the Supplier Id and EFD {Regi} (SSD). The MPAD can then be subsequently updated to MPAS (subject to valid combination rules) until the Energisation status is updated from null to Energised or De-energised, (which establishes the MPAN as ‘Traded’). At this time all the Trading data required from the Supplier or Distribution Business (MPAD as defined in Schedule 2 of the MRA but excluding the Change of Tenancy Indicator and Disconnection Date data items) must be present3. However, there is no requirement in these MPAS systems for the supplementary Trading data to align with Regi EFD. Thus the ‘Trading’ Status is separate from the EFD {Regi}, allowing differing Effective From Dates (EFDs) for the EFD {Regi} (SSD) and supplementary data. A Change of Supplier (CoS) will not be rejected by these MPAS systems even though all the supplementary data related to the Registration has not yet been updated to MPAS. Where a CoS has taken place in this circumstance, the old Supplier may still update MPAS with change/s with EFDs for a period between a date equal to the Effective From Date {Regi} up to their Effective To Date {Regi}. NOTE, this is the maximum period available for updates, and at no time can a Supplier update/amend a data item for an earlier EFD than that already held on the MPAS Registration System. Where a Supplier wishes to change the EFD {Regi} (other than through a 1 This is covered in Notes 6 and 7 of Schedule 3 of the MRA 2 Refer to the Validation procedures published (as required under MRA Clause 20.10) by the MPAS Service Providers 3 It should be noted that, where the Energisation Status has a null value, it will not be possible to update MPAS with DA details. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 135 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) CoS) or to insert a change to a data item for an EFD before that held on MPAS, such changes shall be undertaken in accordance with MRA Clause 19 and the Retrospective Amendment procedures (MAP04). Independent MPAS Service Providers - MANW & SPOW The validation requirements for the non-consortium MPAS Registration systems (as noted above by their MPID) also allow Suppliers to initially Register a Skeleton Record. However, Suppliers would then be required to align the EFDs for all supplementary data items with the EFD {Regi} (SSD), regardless of actual installation / energisation dates. In addition, where a ‘partial’ Registration is held for a New Connection by these MPAS systems; o SPOW and MANW will allow a CoS provided that the CoS (D0055) is fully populated. When the old Supplier subsequently updates MPAS to complete the Registration details, the EFDs will have to be aligned with their EFD {Regi}. With the above in mind, Suppliers are reminded that this does not preclude the Energisation status for the MPAN being notified to MPAS as De-energised with an EFD equal to EFD {Regi} and a D0205 update can then be sent to MPAS when the meter is energised, with an Energisation Status EFD equal to the actual energisation date eg: Illustration : (this is not intended as a timeline, and is indicative of effective dates for Registration only) 01/04/01 EFD {Regi}, either for a D0055 initial Registration for a Skeleton Record and the Energisation Status can be updated later via a D0205 with the Energisation Status populated as De-energised for the same EFD as EFD {Regi}; OR a complete D0055 may be sent, including the Energisation Status, with a value of De-energised’ The Registration now reflects a De-energised status with the same EFD as EFD{Regi} 30/04/01 MOp (installs and) energises a meter on instruction from Supplier and confirms this to the Supplier (D0139). The Supplier then notifies MPAS with a D0205 updating the Energisation Status as Energised with an EFD of 30/04/01 MPAS accepts the update. The Registration record for that Metering Point will reflect De-energised for a period from 01/04/01 (EFD {Regi}) up to 29/04/01, then Energised with effect from 30/04/01. This will ensure that MPAS holds a contiguous and accurate record for the Metering Point and satisfies the MPAS Validation requirements. Populating the Energisation Status will require all Trading Data for the MPAN to be present in MPAS. Therefore Suppliers may wish to consider what data they would utilise at the outset when the technical details for the Metering Point may not yet be known. A specific combination of data could be employed, which would provide a means of monitoring that the installation is not yet complete, for instance, MTC 800 (no meter present)4 could be utilised, which would provide a discrete identifier. This Working Practice does not attempt to prescribe what data should be used, and Suppliers remain responsible for the accuracy and timely update of data items for which they are responsible. Additional Processing 4 MTC800 is not valid for all Distribution Businesses, refer to WP125 for further details regarding the use of MTC 800 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 136 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) The implementation of the ‘day+0’ change functionality in all MPAS Registration Systems enables Suppliers to correct Metering Point Administration Data held in MPAS (for which they are responsible, and subject to MAP04) for the same effective date as that already held in MPAS. This will of course be subject to any update being a valid combination (where applicable) and meeting any Validation Rules noted in the Service Provider’s published validation rules and BSC validation rules as noted in Schedule 10 of the MRA. Whilst this will alleviate data errors in MPAS, when undertaking such a change, Suppliers should have in mind their Supplier Hub performance responsibilities for Settlements and the 14 month Settlements timetable. 3. Energisation Site and/or Meter There is a distinction in operational responsibilities between energising a network connection and energising a meter. Contractually, a Distribution Business will have the responsibility for ensuring its network will be enabled to support the New Connection, and a Supplier will have the responsibility for enabling the customer to receive energy. New Connections presents a challenge for Market participants in meeting their specific obligations and responsibilities, whilst attempting to manage the customer’s expectation. Hence, interoperability between Distribution Businesses and Suppliers is central to the success of this process and therefore the following principles should be applied. Site Connection to network In meeting its obligations under a Connection Agreement, a Distribution Business should ensure that, when completing the network connection, delivery of energy to any metering point/s is disabled via an isolator/cut out. Where the identity of the customer’s Supplier is known, acquainting that Supplier with proposed site connection schedules/dates will improve the New Connections process for all participants. Where a Supplier has already registered the MPAN, the Distribution Business may have received authorisation for the meter to be energised at the time that the site connection is completed, in which case the process noted below under meter energisation should be followed. Where an Independent Connections Contractor has been engaged, there shall be adequate assurance that the delivery of energy to a metering point shall not be enabled unless a Supplier has registered responsibility for that metering point. Meter energisation A Supplier must authorise the energisation of a meter and it is assumed that, in order for a Supplier to instruct energisation, all registration and settlement obligations have been met. This includes situations where a customer has appointed the MOp, since the Supplier is deemed to be responsible for that agent and the Supplier undertakes the Settlement liability for that Metering Point. The Supplier’s MOp would undertake energisation on instruction from the Supplier, however, in certain circumstances, particularly in the HH market, a Distribution Business may receive a D0134 ‘Request to Change Energisation Status’ from a Supplier to energise the ‘meter’ that is to say that the receipt of a D0134 instructs the Distribution Business to energise a ‘site’ such that energy can be delivered to the site/metering points and the meter/s can record consumption for Settlement purposes. Where a D0134 instruction is received, a Distribution Business shall notify the Supplier (and MOp) via a D0139 of the date of energisation, or of a failure to energise the meter. Suppliers may choose to instruct a DB direct, or they may have a contractual arrangement such that their MOp undertakes liaison with the DB to achieve energisation of a meter; this is likely to be dependent on whether the Supplier’s MOp, or the MOp appointed by the Supplier on behalf of the customer, is authorised to work on the DB’s network. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 137 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Upon receiving confirmation of energisation, Suppliers shall ensure that their Registration details are updated accordingly on the MPAS Registration System. If the Energisation Status has already been Registered for the Metering Point these details – and any associated MPAD - shall be updated to the correct values. This may include the use of the Day+0 facility in MPAS Registration Systems to ensure that correct Settlement data is recorded for a Settlement Day. Impact of not implementing the Working Practice: It is a key principle of the competitive Electricity market that a Supplier should be responsible for consumption of energy on a Metering Point at any given time, and that measurement of that consumption should be accurate for Settlement purposes. Errors in the processes of updating registration data and inaccurate consumption data impact on all Suppliers in their B&SC participation and the consequences of these errors are borne by all Suppliers through the GSPG Correction Factor. Therefore it is an essential objective that accurate information is reflected in Registration and Settlement data. If the requirements detailed in this Working Practice are not followed, key communication points will be missed with operational consequences upon Distribution Businesses, Independent Connections Contractors, Suppliers, MOps and Customers. Metering points may be energised without a Supplier being appointed or Registered. Where a Supplier has Registered the Metering Point, a failure to notify the change to the Energisation Status will prevent a timely and accurate update to MPAS by the responsible Supplier. Inaccurate energisation records will have safety implications for operatives who attend the premise, which is particularly relevant where the site is expected to be in a de-energised condition and is actually live. Unregistered Sites or an inaccurate Trading/Energisation status in MPAS impact on all Suppliers within each GSP Group, as the demand will be attributed within GSP Group Correction Factors. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 138 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Associated Table - New Connections Overview The table below is intended to provide a guideline to those involved in a New Connection. It is intended as a high-level representation of the discrete steps that need to be achieved, with indications of the consequences of a failure to complete these steps. It is not intended to be indicative of an order of events. Following the principles included in the notes should assist in resolving or avoiding the majority of difficulties that may arise. For additional clarity, this table should be read in conjunction with the New Connection Overview in Section 1 of this Working Practice. It should be noted that this representation takes no account of the relationship between MOp and MAP. Area of Work Responsibility Apply for New Connection applicant Associated Notes The applicant who applies to the Distribution Business for the connection to their network may, at this stage be a Developer/Builder or independent connections contractor, and is therefore unlikely to be the end-user ‘Consumer’ at the Metering Point. It should be noted that this application may also arise from a request for additional capacity for an existing Metering Point where that capacity increase results in an additional (new) connection to the Distribution network. Administer Request and send Distribution Business Service Quote / Connection Agreement Approve or Reject Quote applicant A Distribution Business will review the connection application in light of their network capacity and security. Distribution Businesses are required to provide an indication to the customer that they must choose and contact a Supplier (Letter to include list of qualified Suppliers and/or the Ofgem / energywatch website details where this information can be viewed.) As stated previously, the applicant at this stage may not be the end-user. It should be noted that the connection agreement relates to the connection point(s) to the Distributor’s network as defined in the plans. Distributor’s have different terms and conditions for these agreements, especially where specified availability is required for the connection. Connection Agreement Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Distribution Business/applicant Highlighting the New Connection requirements to the applicant at this time will improve the process, especially the requirement to appoint a Supplier prior to energisation of the meter, and that failure to have an appointed Supplier who has registered the Metering Point may adversely affect the timely supply of electricity to the premise. This reminder is also relevant to a connection provided for additional capacity at a site – especially as it would be expected that a customer in this situation would already have a preferred Supplier appointed for the existing connection/s. Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 139 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Area of Work Responsibility Generate MPAN and Skeleton Distribution Business Record Notification of MPAN Distribution Business Associated Notes Some Distribution Businesses create the MPAN for the new Metering Point and include this in the Connection Agreement. However, some Distribution Businesses do not create an MPAN for the new Metering Point until the network connection of that exit point has a final completion date. This may be especially relevant where an Independent Connections Contractor is undertaking the connection, since the Distributor may not have complete visibility of the progress of the connection work. As noted above, the MPAN may be included in the Connection Agreement, however, this document may not be made available to the end-user. It would speed the Registration process if the applicant was notified of the relevant MPAN as early as possible, and it would be advisable for the MPAN to be included in all correspondence with the applicant. At this stage, the requirement to appoint a Supplier to ensure that all Connection and Registration processes can be completed satisfactorily should also be highlighted. The Supply Number Enquiry Service for the relevant MPAS can be contacted for assistance in locating the MPAN, or a Supplier may request a new MPAN (e.g. using a D0168), or locate a contact from the Supplier/Distribution Matrix ( in order to obtain information regarding the Metering Point. Where the New Connection is to provide additional capacity for an existing premise, it would be expected that the Customer already has a Supplier registered for the existing Metering Point(s). In this case, a courtesy notification to the Supplier of the additional MPAN would be beneficial to the process. Notify Skeleton Record to MPAS Distribution and create on MPAS system. and MPAS Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Business It is the responsibility of the Distribution Business to ensure that a Skeleton Record is created on the MPAS Registration System within the timescales noted in MRA Clause 20. A definition of a Skeleton Record is incorporated in the MRA (Part 1, Definitions). Date : 01 Nov2007 Page 140 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Area of Work Responsibility Associated Notes Install Cabling / Cutout / CT / VT Distribution Business / A follow up letter to the Connection Agreement party regarding the requirement for a Supplier to (as appropriate to the Connection Independent be appointed should be initiated so that the Registration requirements can be commenced and Agreement) Connections Contractor the appropriate Supplier Agents can be appointed. The implications of insufficient timescales for Suppliers to complete Registration, and the subsequent Energisation processes, should be highlighted so that the customer has visibility of this dependency. Independent Connections Contractors should be made aware that Energisation of the Metering Point should not be permitted until a Supplier has registered responsibility for that Metering Point and that their customer should be suitably informed of this to prevent undue delays. It is strongly advised that Distribution Businesses obtain an undertaking to that effect from any Independent Connections Contractor working on their Distribution System. A Meter Operator might perform CT installation where they are authorised to work on the Distribution Business’ assets. In any event, communicating the intended CT/VT installation date to the Supplier, if appointed, will speed up the synchronisation of Energisation processes. Please refer to Section 3 ‘Energisation’ for more detail. Liven Service – Distribution Business / Check Supplier appointed and notify Supplier of proposed ‘service-live’ date, if a Supplier has yet to be appointed the Distribution Business should send a follow up letter to the Customer (or If no Supplier has been appointed, Independent isolate connection to site to ensure Connections Contractor applicant for connection) highlighting the requirement to appoint a Supplier so that energy can be supplied to the premise.. no consumption can be delivered until a Supplier has been appointed and Registered to the Metering Point. Connect to Network A Distribution Business may have also received a D0134 instruction to energise the meter. Where this is so, and the Distribution Business undertakes the meter energisation, this shall be conveyed to the relevant participants via a D0139. Note, a failure to energise the meter should also be conveyed via a D0139 (Refer to Section 3 ‘Energisation’ for more details). Distribution Business This is presently the sole responsibility of Distribution Businesses. Ofgem are undertaking a full review of Competition in Connections and will be identifying a full list of ‘contestable’ areas of work. This may impact Network connection activity as stated herein. Register MPAN Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Supplier The Supplier can register the Skeleton Record at any time after the customer has appointed that Supplier, providing the Skeleton Record has been notified to MPAS. (refer to sections 2a [Registration Timeline] and 2b [MPAS Validation and Supplier Updates] in managing the considerations noted therein) Suppliers should refrain from requesting agents to carry out work until the metering point is in a Traded state. eg de-energised. Date : 01 Nov2007 Page 141 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Area of Work Responsibility Request Meter Installation Supplier / Customer Associated Notes A MOp should only install a meter where appropriate instructions have been received from a Supplier who has duly contracted with that MOp for that Metering Point. The Customer may request the meter installation where they also have a contractual relationship with the MOp. In this circumstance, a MOp shall ensure that they have the appropriate contract with a Supplier for the Metering Point so that the Supplier can confirm the instruction to install the meter. The Customer’s MOp should ensure that the Customer is aware that a Supplier must be appointed and that the Supplier and MOp are required to comply with Industry agreed procedures to issue and act upon the appropriate instructions for the installation of a meter. Install Metering Equipment MOp Distribution Businesses and Suppliers should be aware that this step can be completed by a Customer appointed MOp. In all instances, a MOp must not install a meter without the authority of the Supplier. The installation of a meter should not, of itself, enable consumption of energy at a premise. The appropriate Registration and Settlement conditions should be satisfied before a premise is capable of receiving a supply of electricity, notwithstanding emergency situations. This step does not preclude the energisation of the meter at the time of installation, providing the MOp has received the appropriate instruction from the Supplier to energise the meter (see below). Request Energisation of meter5 Supplier Only a Supplier shall instruct that a meter may be energised, notwithstanding emergency situations. If energisation is requested by the Customer, operatives must be aware that a Metering Point may only be energised (i.e. enable the flow of energy to the premise/part of the premise) if a Supplier has been appointed and requested energisation of that Metering Point, please see notes under ‘Energise Meter’. 5 See section 3 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov2007 Page 142 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Area of Work Responsibility Energise Meter MOp (and Distributor) Associated Notes Upon receipt of a Supplier’s instruction to so do, the meter can be energised and the duly measured consumption of energy can commence to the premise. Attention is drawn to the following extract from the Party Service Line for Meter Operators PSL110 Ref ‘ The Meter Operator shall only energise a SVA Metering System if requested to do so by its Associated Supplier.’ Confirmation of the Energisation status, including a failure to complete the energisation or a rejection of the instruction to energise, shall be notified by a D0139 unless otherwise agreed between the Supplier and MOp/Distributor. In a New Connection scenario, the actual energisation date of a meter does not have to align with the EFD {Regi} (SSD) of the Supplier. However, Section 2b of this Working Practice documents the impact of this aspect in certain MPAS Registration systems. Enable fuse in cutout /CT/VT- Distribution Business / The installation of a cutout/CT/VT should not of itself enable consumption of energy at a thus energising the Metering MOp premise (notwithstanding emergency situations). Under the New Connections process, the Point. appropriate Registration and Settlement conditions should be satisfied before a premise is capable of receiving a supply of electricity. This does not preclude the energisation of the meter at the time of installation of the cutout/CT/VT, providing the appropriate instruction has been received from the Supplier. Where energisation of the meter is carried out separately to meter installation, participants are reminded of the requirement to update appropriate parties (e.g. with a D0139 unless otherwise agreed between the participants, and the MPAS Registration details). Some MOps may have authority to work on the Distribution Business’ assets, in which case they may be able to undertake the cutout/CT work. VT energisation requires the attendance of the Distribution Business. Where MOps are not authorised to work on the Distributors assets, arrangements will need to be in place to synchronise energisation events. The Supplier must be informed when energisation has been completed. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov2007 Page 143 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Area of Work Notify MPAS Status Responsibility of Energisation Supplier Associated Notes Notifying the energisation status for a Skeleton Record or partial registration will require completion of all other Trading data for that MPAN in MPAS (refer to Section 2a Registration Timeline). This may be a change of Energisation status where the MPAN has been registered as deenergised (refer to Section 2b MPAS Validation and Supplier Updates). Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov2007 Page 144 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 123. Transference of Non Settlement Historical Information WP no: 123 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/03/2001 Title: Transference of Non Settlement Historical Information Version: 3 Originator: ACEG WP type: W Originator Ref: AC 07 Related WP(s) WP 6, WP 104 OIF Issue No: Date raised: 08/06/1999 Doc Ref: 4/019 Product Area (s): NHH Parties Affected: NHH Baseline Products Impacted: BSCP 504, PSL 110,120 and 140 DTC D0010, D0149, D0150 and D0152 E2E’s diagrams – NHH ONLY Appoint agents to the metering point (new supplier CoS), Appoint/De-appoint NHH MO, and Appoint/De-appoint NHH DC Last amended: 30/06/00 Change History: Version 1 approved at CCG 30 on 09/07/99 - see Design Note 26 V2 with WPPS CP 12 accepted at MDB_00_02 V3 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: In the NHH market, BSC Procedures and Party Service Lines detail the requirements and obligations for the transference of metering point historical data on Change of Supplier and Change of Agent. However, these obligations apply only to settlement information and therefore there is no obligation on Agents to pass Non Settlement information. The E2Es specify only those flows required to pass such information, not the content. Therefore a requirement has been identified to define the obligations upon Agents with regards to the passing of non settlement information. It is recognised that wherever possible, such obligations should mirror those for settlement information, thus ensuring the lowest impact solution. Working Practice: NHH Data Collector: The responsibilities and obligations for the transfer of settlement information by an outgoing NHHDC are stated in BSCP 504 and PSL 120. These responsibilities and obligations should also be applied to non-settlement information. This therefore effectively means that all information for the metering point should be transferred to the incoming (New) NHH DC to allow them to meet their obligations to both the Supplier and to Settlements. Specifically, the rules for determining the minimum content of historical information that the outgoing NHHDC should pass to the new NHHDC for non-settlement registers, should be those rules applicable to settlement registers as stated in BSCP504. The transfer of information should be undertaken as described in the E2E’s Diagram NHH ONLY Appoint agents to the metering point (new supplier CoS), Appoint/de-appoint NHH MO, and Appoint/De-appoint NHH DC. The Data Collector should use D0152 and D0010, as described in Version : 5.3 Status : Approved Date : 28 June 2007 Page 145 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) BSCP504 and the E2E’s. These should support both the settlement and non- settlement aspects of the information being passed. Any information deemed to be required by the incoming (New) NHH DC which is not supported by these flows should be passed to the new NHH DC either by another applicable DTC flow, or outwith the DTC as appropriate. NHH Meter Operator: The responsibilities and obligations for the transfer of metering equipment technical details by an outgoing NHHMOp are stated in BSCP504 and PSL110. These responsibilities and obligations should also be applied to non-settlement information. This therefore effectively means that all information for the metering point should be transferred to the incoming (New) NHH MOp to allow them to meet their obligations to both the Supplier and to Settlements. The transfer of information should be undertaken as described on page 46, page 53 and page 55 of the E2E’s (Change of Supplier, Change of NHH Data Collector and Change of NHH Meter Operator respectively). The Meter Operator should use D0149 and D0150, as described in BSCP 504, PSL110 and the E2E’s. These should support both the settlement and non settlement aspects of the information being passed. Any information deemed to be required by the incoming (New) NHH MOp and/or incoming (New) Data Collector which is not supported by these flows should be passed to the new NHH MOp/NHH DC either by another applicable DTC flow, or outwith the DTC, as appropriate. Impact of not implementing WP: New Agents will not receive the information necessary to meet their obligations to their Suppliers and this may have detrimental impact on service levels, such as billing, offered by the Supplier to the Customer. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 146 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 124. Allocation of PrePayment Meter Payments following CoS WP no: 124 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: Title: Allocation of PrePayment Meter Payments following CoS Version: 3 Originator: Steve Watson WP type: G Originator Ref: Operational Issue Related WP(s) 01/10/2002 to 28/02/2003* OIF Issue No: Date raised: 12/06/99 Doc Ref: IDEG 4/015 Product Area (s): All Parties Affected: All Baseline Products Impacted: Last Amended: 05/09/02 Change History: Version 1 approved with WPPS CP 1 at MDB_99_02 on 16/12/99 Version 2 approved with WPPS CP39 at MDB_01_08 on 30/08/01 Version 3 approved with WPPS CP56 at MDB_02_08 on 29/08/01 * The implementation date for Version 3 of WP 124 is 1st October 2002, with a phased implementation approach, as it is recognised that a number of parties may not be able to populate one or two of the fields on the schedule until system changes have taken place. Therefore by 28th February 2003 all parties will have fully implemented the revised WP124. Context: Since the opening of Supply competition in the domestic market, considerable sums of prepayment funds have been misdirected and sent to the wrong Supplier. The purpose of this Working Practice is to offer a process that can be used to resolve any existing cases of misdirected payments. Whilst this Working Practice is intended to cover all such circumstances, it is acknowledged that there may be exceptional situations not covered within this document and in such instances it is expected that these would be resolved by appropriate bilateral agreements. However, since bilateral agreements between Suppliers can be cumbersome and costly to maintain, Suppliers are encouraged to adopt the process described in this Working Practice wherever possible. Following a Change of Supplier, it is the Gaining Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that a new prepayment device is issued to a Customer. However, the potential exists within the current market arrangements for prepayment Customers to continue to use the prepayment device (Card/Key/Smartcard) issued by the Old Supplier. Other than for devices that can be reprogrammed off-site (for example, Smartcards) the only potential mechanism available to the Gaining Supplier to ensure the Customer uses the new device issued with the Gaining Supplier details rather than their old device issued by the Old Supplier, is to request a site visit. During the site visit, readings can be taken and the prepayment meter reset and at the same time the Agent can be instructed to recover or prevent the further use of the old device(s). However, it must be recognised that a site visit often results in no access adding cost to the maintenance of the prepayment Customer and alternative measures should be considered prior to requesting a site visit. The Gaining Supplier should take every opportunity to encourage the Customer to use the new device. However, it is recognised that there will be occasions where the Customer will continue to use the old device, despite all efforts being made by the Gaining Supplier. This continued nonuse of the correct device could result in misdirected payments being made for a considerable Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 147 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) period. Although this Working Practice was originally devised to handle the reallocation of misdirected payments once the Customer has started to use the new device, the process also needs to allow for those exceptional cases where the Customer has yet to use the new device many months after it has been issued. However, claims should only be made in these circumstances when the Gaining Supplier can demonstrate that reasonable endeavours have been used to persuade the Customer to use the correct device. This situation is also addressed in this Working Practice. Working Practice: The following principles should be considered when following the process described in this Working Practice: Principles: 1. It is the Gaining Supplier’s responsibility to determine whether the Customer they are gaining is a prepayment Customer or not. The Gaining Supplier’s Customer acquisition and registration processes and procedures should support this principle. 2. Payments for the purchase of meter Tokens or the charging of Keys or Smartcards belong to the Supplier registered to the metering point at the time of the credit purchase. The PPMIP should always allocate payments as per the vending details; they must not hold on to any payment received. 3. Payments received for meter Tokens or the charging of Keys or Smartcards on or after the Supplier Start Date (SSD) of the Gaining Supplier shall not be used by the Old Supplier to reduce outstanding debts. 4. Suppliers should make any claims for misdirected payments on a regular basis and, where possible, should notify the Suppliers receiving such claims, in advance, if they anticipate a substantial increase in the volume of claims that will be made. A substantial increase is one where the number of claims in a period is expected to increase by more than 50% compared to the last period or if the total number of claims is to increase by more than 1000 in any given month (or 250 in any given week if claims are made on a weekly basis). Where there is a substantial increase, the two Suppliers shall enter a bilateral agreement for the handling of the excess. 5. It is recommended that a Supplier endeavours to make a claim for any period of misdirected payments within two months of: The Customer commencing to use the correct device; There being a change of meter technology following which, the old device is no longer used; The Gaining Supplier losing the Customer via a subsequent Change of Supplier event: There being a Change of Tenancy. 6. Under normal circumstances the Supplier receiving a claim should not charge for passing misallocated payments to the Supplier making the claim (the ‘initiating Supplier’). However, where a subsequent claim is made for a site where there has already been a successful claim covering part of the same registration period, it is acceptable for the Supplier receiving the subsequent claim to charge for passing-on any further misallocated payments. 7. Suppliers should issue claims for misdirected payments on either a weekly or monthly basis; the exact frequency should be as agreed between the initiator and recipient of such claims. If the initiator of a claim determines that any particular claim is going to be issued later than the agreed date for such claims, it is recommended that the initiating Supplier notifies the Supplier receiving the claims of this fact. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 148 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 8. If the initiating Supplier forecasts there to be a change in the frequency of issuing claims, the initiating Supplier should provide the receiving Supplier with 20 Working Days’ notice of the change. 9. Claims for the reallocation of misdirected payments should be submitted using the Schedules described in this Working Practice. However, it is recommended that claims should not be made for misdirected payments covering less then 14 calendar days’ supply. 10. Where the Gaining Supplier is able to demonstrate that reasonable endeavours have been applied to encourage the Customer to use the new device but after a period of 12 months (or some other period of time as mutually agreed between the Suppliers), the Customer continues to use the old device then a claim may be submitted to the Old Supplier. Schedules consisting of such claims should be separate from Schedules consisting of claims where the Customer has started to use the new device and should also indicate the types of actions that have been taken by the Gaining Supplier to encourage the use of the new device. A minimum of 3 different approaches must have been taken during the last 12 months (or whatever period is agreed between the Suppliers) and at least one of those should have been a site visit, in order for it to be deemed that reasonable endeavours have taken place. Possible methods that could be used by a Supplier are: Phone call to the Customer to explain the need to use correct device. Letter sent to the Customer to explain the need to use correct device. Replacement device sent to the Customer Visit to premises 11. If a Supplier has no claims for a particular month (or week) then a zero claim should be submitted for that period. 12. Note: Claims for payments prior to 01 January 2001 should not be issued on a separate schedule to those post 01 January 2001. (In version 2.0 of this Working Practice claims prior to 01 January 2001 were treated differently.) Procedures: Detailed below are the procedures that are considered to be best practice when dealing with prepayment meter customers. 1. During a Change of Supplier, the Gaining Supplier’s customer acquisition and registration processes and procedures should determine if the Customer is a prepayment Customer. (At present, the meter timeswitch code or meter technical details, should indicate the type of metering - prepayment or credit - installed at a premise, but meter timeswitch code cannot be relied upon since it is recognised that in some cases the details held on MPAS may be incorrect). 2. When a prepayment meter Customer has been gained, the Gaining Supplier should always clearly explain to the Customer the implications of using an old device. Sufficient time in the registration process should be allowed by the Gaining Supplier to permit the issue of a new prepayment device for use from SSD. 3. The Old Supplier should record and retain all payments received from a Customer on or after the SSD of the Gaining Supplier. The Old Supplier should not automatically refund any payments received after SSD to the Customer but should instead allocate all related payments to the Gaining Supplier once requested to do so and refer all enquiries to the Gaining Supplier. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 149 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 4. It is the Gaining Supplier’s responsibility to manage the income received from their Customers and as such should be able to identify when no or insufficient payments have been received from a prepayment meter Customer. When the Gaining Supplier believes that payments are missing, that Supplier should contact the Customer and/or the Old Supplier who may have a record of payments received. When contacted, the Old Supplier should respond in a timely fashion (preferably by e-mail) to enable the Gaining Supplier to validate monies held. If following a request from the Gaining Supplier the Old Supplier confirms that no payments have been received since the Gaining Supplier’s SSD, the Gaining Supplier should pursue the claim with the previous, previous Supplier. This is discussed at step 18 below. 5. Where payments have been received by the Old Supplier due to the Customer’s use of the old device, the Gaining Supplier should remind the Customer of the need to use the correct Key/Card/Smartcard, to ensure that payments are allocated correctly. Attempts should be made by the Gaining Supplier to encourage the Customer to use the correct device and to obtain the old device from the Customer. See Principle 11 for a list of methods the Supplier could adopt to achieve this. 6. When a Supplier issues a claim for the reallocation of misdirected payment(s), the Supplier (the ‘initiating Supplier’) should issue such claims in the form of the Schedule attached to Annex 1 of this Working Practice preferably in Excel compatible format. The initiating Supplier should issue Schedules as soon as reasonably possible. 7. The Supplier receiving a claim for the reallocation of misdirected payments (the ‘receiving Supplier’) may reject any claims where the ‘Claim Request From Date’ or the ‘Claim Request To Date’ is not included. 8. The receiving Supplier must return the Schedule in the same format in which it was sent. 9. Provided that the ‘Claim Request From Date’ of the claim period contained in the Schedule is after the Supply End Date of the receiving Supplier’s registration, then the receiving Supplier should process the Schedule. The initiating Supplier should ensure that the Schedule only includes claims for periods for which that Supplier was registered for the MPANs concerned. 10. Once the Schedule has been processed and the receiving Supplier determines that misdirected payments should be forwarded to the initiating Supplier, this transfer should be completed in a “one-off” transaction that includes the completed Schedule. The Schedule should be returned with the following additional information Amount to be returned; Any suitable comments. If there is no payment to be returned or only part payment, the Previous Supplier ID field should be completed where possible. (This information will enable the Gaining Supplier to contact the previous, previous Supplier, as the Customer may be still using the device of that Supplier.) The Supplier receiving the money can then correctly allocate it to the appropriate Customer accounts. 11. The “one-off” claim of the misdirected payments should be initiated when there is confidence that the Customer is correctly using the new device 12. Where the Customer continues not to use the correct device for a period of 12 months after the SSD of the Gaining Supplier or continues to use the old device beyond a date Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 150 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) agreed between the Suppliers, then the Gaining Supplier may make a claim for misdirected payments. These claims for “non-users” should be submitted on a separate Schedule to those claims being made for Customers where the correct device is now being used. A claim for “non-users” should only be made if the initiating Supplier has made at least 3 different attempts using 3 or more different methods, including at least one site visit to encourage the Customer to use the correct device in the last 12 months (or during the period agreed between the Suppliers). The methods used should be shown on the Schedule – a list of possible methods is shown in Principle 10. 13. The Schedule should be clearly marked to show that the schedule covers “non-users”. Prior to the first non-user schedule being sent, the initiating Supplier should contact the receiving supplier in order to negiotate the bilateral agreement for handling these schedules. A further claim for continued “non-users” should not be submitted for a further 12 months or period agreed between Suppliers or until the Customer starts to use the correct device. 14. In exceptional circumstances if required, the Gaining Supplier can request an individual breakdown of payments, subsequent to the return of the Schedule. 15. The processed Schedule should be returned to a named contact within 30 working days of receipt in cases where the Schedule does not include claims for “non-users”. Please note from 1st January 2003 the processed Schedule should be returned to a named contact within 25 working days of receipt in cases where the Schedule does not include claims for “non-users”. From the 1st May 2003 the processed Schedule should be returned to a named contact within 20 working days of receipt in cases where the Schedule does not include claims for “non-users”. The misdirected payments should be sent out within 10 working days of return of the Schedule. When a Schedule includes claims for payments where the ‘Claim Request To Date’ is more than twelve months prior to the date of the Schedule, then it may not be possible to meet this 10-day timescale. In such cases the Suppliers should reach agreement on the timescales for settling such claims. 16. Where the Schedule relates to “non-users” these schedules should be returned within 40 working days subject to bilateral agreement. 17. Where the number of claims in a period has increased by more than 50% compared to the last period or if the total number of claims has increased by more than 1000 in any given month (or pro rata if claims are made on a weekly basis) then it may not be possible to meet these timescales. In such cases the initiating and receiving Suppliers should enter a bilateral agreement for the handling of the excess. 18. Where the Supplier who initiated the claim, receives a returned Schedule indicating that no payment or only a partial payment has been made by the Customer, this may be due to the payment being held by the Supplier registered immediately prior to the Supplier to whom the claim was originally sent (the ‘previous, previous Supplier’). The returned Schedule should include the ID of the previous, previous Supplier where possible and in this circumstance, the initiating Supplier should issue a Schedule to that Supplier. 19. The receiving Supplier should not make any charges for receiving, holding or transferring payments to the initiating Supplier. However, this does not preclude charges being made for subsequent transfers covering part of the same registration period. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 151 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 20. Where any disputes arise between an initiating Supplier and a receiving Supplier regarding the issue or return of payment claim Schedules, the following table summarises the escalation procedure that should be followed: Process Timescale Responsibility Level of Contacts Issue Schedule Day of Issue Operational Staff Initial Follow Up Day of Issue + 20 working days (or 40 working days for Schedules for “nonusers”) Supervisor of Operational Staff Second Follow Up Day of Issue + 25 working days (or 45 working days for Schedules for “nonusers”) Senior manager of Operational staff Final Follow Up Day of Issue + 30 working days (or 50 working days for Schedules for “non-users”) MRA Supplier Contract Manager Impact of not implementing WP: Without a common solution or best practice process there is no agreed way for Suppliers to reclaim monies due to them. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 152 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Associated Document to WP 124 - Annex 1 to Working Practice 124 The annex contains: A Copy of the Spreadsheet A Copy of the list of scenarios The following table shows the Reason Codes to be used in the attached spreadsheet: Description Reason Code 01 No payments held for MPAN for period of Schedule 02 Wrong PPMIP/Supplier /Invalid SSD 03 Invalid MPAN 04 Total refunded to Customer 05 Partial refunded to Customer 06 Already settled same period in previous claim 07 Settled part of same period in previous claim 08 Settled to other Supplier- 09 Contact previous Supplier 10 Payments ceased at loss. 11 PAN missing (Token Only) 12 Meter serial number missing (Key Only) 13 Credit meter at time of loss 14 Erroneous transfer 15 Meter Serial is incorrect 16 Customer still supplied by us 17 Customer still using our device Notes: If reason code 01, 08 or 09 is used then the Supplier ID of the ‘other’ Supplier should be provided. Reason code 09 should be used when the Supplier receiving the Schedule has not received any money. Reason code 10 should be used in the instance when all the money for a particular account has been received but there are no additional funds. Reason Code 17 is an advisory note to the initiating Supplier indicating that the Customer is still using the device of the old Supplier after the ‘Claim Request To Date’ included in the Schedule. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 153 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Spreadsheet for use in conjuction with WP 124. Suppliers NAME and or logo A ID B MPAN C Property No D Street Road Name E F G CLAIM REQUEST DATE Post Code FROM TO H AMOUNT I J REASON PREVIOUS K L M N O P Meter COMMENT LEB PAN CUSTOME Reading CODES SUPPLIER S AMOUNT METER ID NUMBER R REF Day Q R Date Meter Reading Night /Low Column A is used for suppliers with DATABASES Column B is a MPAN used by all suppliers Column C Property No Column D Street Road Name Column E Post Code Column F replaces SSD date Column G replaces SED date or first use of device Column H payments should be given in two decimal places and reconcile to total cheque Column I reason code 1-17(see reason code list) Column J previous suppliers Column K comments field for additional info (NOT SPECIFIED UNDER CODES) Column L Used By London only.Should be given as two decimal places and reconcile with the total payment made Column M used by key suppliers Column N required by Powergen only Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 154 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Column O should not be released to other suppliers. (Used in order to process payments ONLY) Column P meter reading single rate or day rate/low Column Q date of meter reading for single rate/ low Column R meter reading night rate/high Column S date of meter reading night rate/high Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 155 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) A series of examples is provided with the intent to illustrate how to populate the schedule in the particular circumstance. Scenario One The ‘Gaining Supplier’ has taken over responsibility for the MPAN but does not receive payments after their supply start date. SSD – SED = No Payments for period of owning site. Supplier A provided electricity to Customer. Supplier B gains Customer on the 25/04/2002, but loses customer on the 28/06/02 to Supplier C COLUMN NUMBER COLUMN NAME VALUE A ID B MPAN 11111111111 C Property No 89 D Street/Road Name Sundorne Crescent E Post Code SY1 4JG F Claim Request Date From 25/04/2002 G Claim Request Date To 28/06/2002 H Amount 15.00 I Reason Codes 5 J Previous Supplier SPOW K Comments Refunded 75.08 L LEB Amount M Meter Id K929 65279 N Pan Number 63357412345678 O Customer Reference 24517415321 P Meter Reading Day 2587 Q Date 26/06/2002 R Meter Reading Night S Date For Use of Supplier Scenario Two Similar to the Scenario One, however the Customer has started to use the device, the Gaining Supplier nevertheless has not received money for the period of non-usage. SSD - First Payment Date = Customer now using device since last payment date Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 156 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Supplier A provided electricity to Customer. Supplier B gains Customer: 25/04/02. The Customer continues to use Supplier A device after CoS. On 20/06/02, Customer starts to use Supplier B device. Payment from 25/04/02 to 20/06/02 needs to be transferred from Supplier A to Supplier B. COLUMN NUMBER COLUMN NAME VALUE A ID B MPAN 11111111111 C Property No 89 D Street/Road Name Sundorne Crescent E Post Code SY1 4JG F Claim Request Date From 25/04/2002 G Claim Request Date To 20/06/2002 H Amount 40 I Reason Codes 5 J Previous Supplier SPOW K Comments Refunded 75.08 L LEB Amount M Meter Id K929 65279 N Pan Number 63357412345678 O Customer Reference 24517415321 P Meter Reading Day 3455 Q Date R Meter Reading Night S Date For Use of Supplier Scenario Three The Customer alternates between using two devices - one which is for the correct Supplier and another that of a previous Supplier. Start Payment Date – First Payment Date = Intermittent Usage between two devices Supplier A provided electricity to Customer. Supplier B gains Customer: 20/04/02. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 157 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Customer commences using the new device (Supplier B device) on the 20/04/02 but then alternates between Supplier A device and Supplier B device for the period 16/06/02 to 28/09/02. Misdirected Payments need to be transferred from Supplier A to Supplier B. Method of deterring/preventing the Customer from using the wrong device needs to be implemented. COLUMN NUMBER COLUMN NAME VALUE A ID B MPAN 11111111111 C Property No 89 D Street/Road Name Sundorne Crescent E Post Code SY1 4JG F Claim Request Date From 16/06/2002 G Claim Request Date To 28/09/2002 H Amount 25.5 I Reason Codes J Previous Supplier K Comments L LEB Amount 3434 M Meter Id K929 65279 N Pan Number 63357412345678 O Customer Reference P Meter Reading Day Q Date R Meter Reading Night S Date SPOW 3688 9342 For Use of Supplier Scenario Four This relates to Change of Tenancy (CoT) SSD Payment Date – Last Payment Date = Multiple COT Supplier A provided electricity to Site. Supplier B gains Site: 25/04/02. Site is rented accommodation; COT takes place 27/07/02 but customer continues to use old device. A further COT takes place on 28/09/02 and this customer starts to use correct device on 15/10/02 Payments need to be transferred from Supplier A to Supplier B. Response shows that Supplier A does not hold any payment for the first customer, but does hold payments for the COT Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 158 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) customers. Method of deterring/preventing Customer from using the wrong device needs to be implemented. COLUMN NUMBER COLUMN NAME VALUE VALUE VALUE A ID B MPAN 11111111111 11111111111 11111111111 C Property No 89 89 89 D Street/Road Name Sundorne Cres Sundorne Cres Sundorne Cres E Post Code SY1 4JG SY1 4JG SY1 4JG F Claim Request 25/04/2002 Date From 27/07/2002 28/09/2002 G Claim Request 26/07/2002 Date To 27/09/2002 15/10/2002 H Amount 15 5 I Reason Codes 1 J Previous Supplier SPOW K Comments L LEB Amount M Meter Id K929 65279 K929 65279 K929 65279 N Pan Number 63357412345678 63357412345678 63357412345678 O Customer Reference 24517415321 P Meter Reading Day Q Date R Meter Reading Night S Date 24517415321 24517415321 For Use of Supplier Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 159 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Scenario Five The Customer uses the new Supplier device before the SSD. This claim is made by the old Supplier to the new Supplier Supplier A provided electricity to Site. Supplier B gains Site: 20/04/02 but customer uses device 02/04//02. The new device is sent to the Customer before the SSD and the Customer starts to use it. Payments need to be transferred from Supplier B to Supplier A. Method of deterring/preventing Customer from using the wrong device needs to be implemented. COLUMN NUMBER COLUMN NAME VALUE A ID B MPAN 11111111111 C Property No 89 D Street/Road Name Sundorne Crescent E Post Code SY1 4JG F Claim Request Date From 02/04/2002 G Claim Request Date To 20/04/2002 H Amount 20 I Reason Codes J Previous Supplier K Comments L LEB Amount M Meter Id K929 65279 N Pan Number 63357412345678 O Customer Reference 24517415321 P Meter Reading Day 3688 Q Date R Meter Reading Night S Date 9342 For Use of Supplier Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 160 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Scenario Six This is the same as Scenario 1 or 2, but the old Supplier has partially refunded to the Customer but has also passed payments to another Suppliers claim Supplier A provided electricity to Site. Supplier B gains Site: 25/04/02. Customer starts to use device on 28/08/02 COLUMN NUMBER COLUMN NAME VALUE A ID B MPAN 11111111111 C Property No 89 D Street/Road Name Sundorne Crescent E Post Code SY1 4JG F Claim Request Date From 25/04/2002 G Claim Request Date To 28/08/2002 H Amount 0 I Reason Codes 5,8 J Previous Supplier Settled £30 to BGAS K Comments L LEB Amount M Meter Id K929 65279 N Pan Number 63357412345678 O Customer Reference P Meter Reading Day Q Date R Meter Reading Night S Date 3688 9342 For Use of Supplier Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 161 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 125. MTC for No Meter Present WP no: 125 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: Title: MTC for No Meter Present Version: 2 Originator: Steve Watson WP type: W Originator Ref: Operational Issue Related WP(s) 29/05/2003 OIF Issue No: Date raised: 09/06/1999 Doc Ref: IDEG 4/016 Product Area (s): All Parties Affected: All Baseline Products Impacted: DTC – J0220 Last amended: 24/04/03 Change History: Version 1 approved at CCG 31 on 13/08/99 - see Design Note 27 V2 with WPPS CP 67 approved at MDB_03_04 on 24/04/03 Context: The Supply Number (MPAN) is a key element of the de-regulated electricity market arrangements. It provides a unique reference number for each metering point and additional information to enable Suppliers to operate effectively. The Meter Timeswitch Code (MTC) is a three digit code which forms part of the Supply Number. There are two types of MTC: common codes, which have a common definition within all Distribution Businesses and specific codes which are defined independently for use with a specific Distribution Business. The definition of a Metering Point is an exit point at which supply to or from a) is or is intended to be measured; or b) was or was intended to be measured; or c) is deemed to be measured in the case of Unmetered Supply. It is generally accepted that the existence of a Metering Point implies that supply will be measured as above. However, in certain situations for a) and b) above, there may be a need to record the information in the registration data that no meter is currently fitted. For example a de-energised metering point that has power supplied up to the point of the cut-out fuse, but which has no meter on site as it has either not yet been installed or has been removed because the site is disused. There is consequently a general concern that the absence of an installed meter needs to be indicated in the registration data as i) an absence of any MTC, in the case of a New Metering Point, for example, is only indicative of an absence of data related to the meter, whilst awaiting meter-specific data delays completion of the registration details; and ii) an inability to update the MTC where it reflects Metering Equipment that has been removed is not in keeping with the Suppliers responsibility under the MRA to maintain registration data that accurately reflects the circumstances for the Metering Point (Clause 28.1) The ability to be able to identify where there is no meter present is beneficial because: Suppliers need to be aware of the configuration of the metering equipment (including the absence of metering) at a customer’s premises in order to provide good service to the customer from the outset in quoting well-founded tariffs or in timely awareness of complications. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 162 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) From a safety perspective, both Suppliers and Distribution Businesses need to be able to identify, with certainty, where there is no meter present. It enables both Suppliers and Distribution Businesses to undertake monitoring of sites registered as being without meters. A consistent practice regarding the use of MTC800 for Metering Points other than Unmetered 1 Supplies would achieve data accuracy and enable clear identification of sites without meters. Working Practice: Use of MTC 800 Where no meter exists for a Metering Point this should be indicated using the common MTC code of 800 defined in MDD as “temporary – no meter”. MTC 800 is one of a handful of MTCs assigned an MTC Type Indicator of 'X' in MDD, meaning that they are anomalous codes, only to be used under special circumstances. MTC Type X means that the MTC is not constrained to Measurement Class HH or NHH, therefore MDD does not define the valid SSC or LLFC combinations for such codes as they are valid with any LLFC/SSC values. Thus, if the MTC is populated with a value of 800 this alone should be taken as an indication that there is no meter present. The Profile Class and Standard Settlement Class can be populated with any values, although the combination of PC/SSC must be valid as specified in MDD. Assigning MTC 800 to Metering Points It is intended that this MTC only be used for circumstances where either: the network connection has been completed up to the cut-out or CT/VT but is isolated, and the Metering Point is awaiting meter installation; the meter has been removed but the network connection has not been disconnected; the Metering Point is a New Connection where supply to or from is intended to be measured and a Supplier wishes to register and populate a Skeleton Record – please refer to WP122. In these circumstances, it would be expected that the energisation status of the Metering Point would be de-energised. However attention is drawn to the fact that there may be exceptional circumstances where, for example, an isolator/fuse has been enabled (thus allowing energy to flow) when there is no meter installed. This Working Practice is not intended for use in correcting such situations Note: At present, MTC800 is not supported by all Distribution Businesses. The latest version of MDD will identify which MTCs are valid for which Distribution Businesses. Guidance for updating this information can be found in BSCP509. Suppliers wishing to utilise this MTC where it is not currently supported by the Distributor should liaise with that Distribution Business (appropriate contact details can be found in the Contact Matrix held on the MRASCo website, N.B. An operator visiting a site with such an MTC code should make no assumptions regarding the safety or security of the metering point at that site. 1 MTC 800 is unsuitable for use with Unmetered Supplies since the description of this MTC is that the absence of a meter is temporary, whereas Unmetered Supplies are permanently without a meter. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 163 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Impact of not implementing WP: A range of differing approaches across the industry may result in adverse safety/cost implications. Utilising MTC 800 consistently to identify Metering Points which do not have meters will enable easy identification of such situations for all Market Participants. Suppliers will not meet their MRA responsibility to ensure that the data in MPAS for which they are deemed responsible (which includes MTC) accurately reflects the circumstance related to the Metering Point. The CoS process may be impacted if sites without meters cannot be identified by Suppliers. This could result in Suppliers waiting for Meter Readings on sites where no meters exist, and thereby stalling the CoS process. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 164 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 126. Supply Contract Cancellation Forms WP no: 126 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 01/04/2000 Title: Supply Contract Cancellation Forms Version: 1 Originator: Pat Lawrence WP type: G Originator Ref: Operational Issue Related WP(s) OIF Issue No: Date raised: 09/06/1999 Doc Ref: 4/017 Product Area (s): All Parties Affected: All Baseline Products Impacted: Last amended: 08/06/1999 Change History: Version 1 approved at CCG 31 on 13/08/99 - see Design Note 27 Context: If the Old Supplier believes that their contract to supply a designated premises will neither expire nor be terminated by the New Suppliers Supply Start Date, the Old Supplier may object to the registration (MRA Clause 16.1.1). Suppliers are currently passing third party cancellation forms to other Suppliers on behalf of the Customer to aid the Change of Supplier process. Experience to date has shown that a number of such forms, although being of reasonably common format, are incomplete and ambiguous due to the quality of information that has been requested/received. Several Suppliers use the same cancellation form for both gas and/or electricity supply contract cancellations. Many of the forms which are sent do not clearly indicate which fuel contract is being cancelled (or indeed if both are being cancelled). The failure of Suppliers in the provision of key data items and the failure to clearly indicate which contract is due for cancellation, may delay the cancellation process and lead to Customer confusion. It will therefore assist all Suppliers to agree that a number of standard items will be shown on all fuel cancellation forms, thus allowing ease of processing. Note: This WP documents the contents of the Supply Contract Cancellation Form and is not intended to define the processes to be followed. Working Practice: To facilitate processing a standard number of data items should be documented on each Supply Contract Cancellation form. It is recognised that Customers are not obliged to complete the data, and may not provide the information, but the details should be requested in line with each individual company’s policy. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 165 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) The following information should be requested on the fuel contract cancellation form: Customer Name and Address; Customer Telephone Number (optional); Core Supply Number (or M number for Gas contracts); Clear indication whether the contract to be cancelled is for Electricity or Gas , or both (dual fuel). A cancellation instruction should be stated against each particular contract being cancelled; Customer Signature and Date Signed; and New Supplier details (optional – to be used to facilitate contact between the Old and New supplier if there are any queries) (e.g. headed paper) Impact of not implementing WP: Suppliers who receive notification of a contract cancellation may be unable to process the cancellation if insufficient details are provided. The ‘Old Supplier’ can not inform the customer or ‘New Supplier’ of the problems as these details may not be provided. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 166 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 129. Usage of DTC flow D0290 “Instruction to Read Meter” (DP to DR) WP no: 129 Title: Usage of DTC flow D0290 “Instruction to Read Meter” (DP to DR) Version: 1 Originator: MRG EG WP type: W Originator Ref: DTC CR 3025 OIF Issue No: N/A Related WP(s) Status: Implemented by Industry Date raised: 15/06/1999 Associated WPs: Product Area (s): NHH Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: DTC flow D0290 Last amended: 1st October 1999 Change History: Version 1 approved at CCG 31 on 16/09/99 - see Design Note 27 NHH DP / NHH DR /Supplier Context: At the Metering Review Group (MRG) meeting on 23 March 1999 it was agreed that an Expert Group would be set up to define the boundaries of the last resort NHH Data Retriever (DR) and Data Processor (DP) resulting from the proposals to split the existing Data Collector Agency Services from 1 April 2000. Under this approach, the DP will provide the DR with all the information the DR requires to take a reading for a specified MPAN. (This includes site, customer, meter details, and validation criteria for the reading). The DR will not be appointed using DTC flows (although a contractual arrangement will be required – this is outside the scope of this WP), but will respond to a request to take a reading on receipt of the D0290. Once the reading has been taken or missed, the DR provides the details to the DP, and then is not required to retain any information relating to that reading. The DP is responsible for maintaining the reading cycle details, informing the DR of the need to take a site reading, and subsequently informing the Supplier of the results. D0290 is used by the DP to inform the DR of all relevant details that are required to take a reading for a specified MPAN. This Working Practice is designed to inform the NHH DP how to complete the flow with the required data by the NHHDR. It will also allow the NHH DR to correctly interpret the information he receives. Working Practice: The groups and Data Items within the flow are structured similarly to existing DTC flow structures and therefore should be populated in a manner consistent with these flows/items. 1. Metering Point address lines are shown as optional, however, the inclusion of the address itself is mandatory. All the following Data Items in Group 86B “MPAN Cores”, should be completed when known/applicable (this will allow the details to be confirmed and amended if necessary by the DR on a D0222). Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 167 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2a. Reading Window Details – This Group must be completed if no specific appointment has been agreed – i.e. on routine visits when the DR has a window of +/- 5 working days (from the Target Read Date) in which to obtain a reading. The Target Read Date is the date for which all tolerance calculations will be generated. The regular reading cycle may be used by the DP if he wishes to inform the DR when the next request to read (routine) may be issued. It can not be guaranteed that the DR will receive a request as per the next reading cycle date, and the DR must not assume this to be the case, however, the DR may wish to use this information to schedule work. The Reason for Request field should be completed as per an equivalent D0005 or D0072 flow received by the DP. 2b. Appointment Details – This Group should be completed if an appointment date has been agreed by the Supplier (either with the DR direct or the Customer). Where a timeframe has been agreed this should also be indicated. If the appointment is for a 2-hour time slot then the Supplier must have agreed this with the DR (by Fax/Phone) prior to sending the flow. In this instance the D0290 must be sent as confirmation of the request. The Reason for Request field should be completed as per D0005 or D0072 flow received by the DP. The above two groups are mutually exclusive. One and only should be completed for any one MPAN. 3. Expected Readings – The Expected Register Reading is the reading value which the DP has estimated will be the reading on the meter at either the appointment date, or the target read date. The DR should use this expected value, together with the tolerance information in order to verify the meter reading obtained on site. Impact of not implementing WP: The flow may be completed inconsistently resulting in misinterpretation by the DR and DP. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 168 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 131. Use of Notification of Register Readings on CoMC coincident with CoS WP no: 131 Title: Status: Implemented by Implementation 27/03/2001 Industry Date: Use of ‘Notification of Register Readings on Change of Measurement Class coincident with change of Supplier’ Version: WP type: 2 W Originator: Originator Ref: SIR 1454 DTC CR 3007 Related WP(s) Date raised: WP 116 18 June 1999 OIF Issue No: Doc Ref: 12 Product Area (s): Baseline Products Impacted: Last amended: CoMC Parties Affected: Change History: Version 1 approved at CCG 32 on 05/11/99 5/003 HH MOp, NHH MOp DTC D0291 (Notification of Register Readings on CoMC coincident with CoS) BSCP 504, BSCP 502, PSL 110 and PSL 120 30/06/00 V2 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: Working Practice 116 defines the process of Change of Measurement Class coincident with change of Supplier (CoMC CoS). WP 116 (point 12) describes the requirement for the New HH MOp to inform the Old NHH MOp of the CoMC CoS and of the final meter readings from the NHH metering configuration, where obtained. The flow used to meet this requirement will be added to the DTC as flow D0291, Notification of Register Readings on CoMC coincident with CoS. The flow is defined such that the New HH MOp is able to: Describe meter registers and readings, thus enabling the Old NHH MOp to translate these into mapped register readings suitable for the Old NHH DC. Notify that no reading(s) were obtained and the reason for the lack of reading(s). Inform the Old NHH MOp of the actual change of Supplier date, allowing them to re-date the final NHH meter readings for the Old NHH DC. Notify the Old NHH MOp that the Old NHH meter has been removed or reconfigured. Notify the Old NHH MOp, in exceptional circumstances, that the CoMC has not occurred and that there are therefore no readings available. Therefore the following WP addresses the population of this flow for the circumstances described overleaf. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 169 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Working Practice: 1. HH MOp changes Measurement Class by SSD +4 and removes Old NHH Meter, final reading(s) obtained: Grou Description Item Name p Non Half Hourly Metering System 10C MPAN Core CoS and Coincident CoMC Indicator Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} for New Supplier Metering Point Address Line 1 Metering Point Address Line 2 Metering Point Address Line 3 Metering Point Address Line 4 Metering Point Address Line 5 Metering Point Address Line 6 Metering Point Address Line 7 Metering Point Address Line 8 Metering Point Address Line 9 Metering Point Postcode NHH Meter not present 11C Site Visit Check Code Additional Information Non Half Hourly Meter details 12C Meter Id (Serial Number) Date of Meter Removal Site Visit Check Code Additional Information Non Half Hourly Meter Registers 13C These two data items are Register Description related, as the description applies to the reading for that register. Therefore these should be repeated Register Reading to detail all registers and their readings. Reading Date and Time Notes Always required Should be set to ‘T’ – True Should be that of the New Supplier. Although all the address items are optional, the address itself is mandatory and should be populated accordingly. This group should not be populated, as the HH MOp removed the NHH meter. Meter Id of the removed NHH meter Actual date that the HH MOp removed the NHH meter Any the HH MOp feels are relevant Any information the HH MOp feels is relevant, for example, what has been done with the NHH meter. Should be populated with enough information for the receiving NHH MOp to be able to identify the meter register and map it to the register reading. Reading from the register identified in the description above. Actual date and time the reading was taken by the HH MOp Notes: The Old NHH MOp should use the Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} for New Supplier as the SSD. It is this date that will provide the Old NHH MOp with the date for redating the reading to be sent to the Old NHH DC (WP 116). The Old NHH MOp should interpret a populated ‘Date of Meter Removal’, plus the absence of Group 11C as indication that the NHH meter was removed by the New HH MOp. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 170 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2. HH MOp changes Measurement Class by SSD +4 and removes Old NHH Meter, final reading(s) not obtained: Grou Description Item Name p Non Half Hourly Metering System 10C MPAN Core CoS and Coincident CoMC Indicator Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} for New Supplier Metering Point Address Line 1 Metering Point Address Line 2 Metering Point Address Line 3 Metering Point Address Line 4 Metering Point Address Line 5 Metering Point Address Line 6 Metering Point Address Line 7 Metering Point Address Line 8 Metering Point Address Line 9 Metering Point Postcode NHH Meter not present 11C Site Visit Check Code Additional Information Non Half Hourly Meter details 12C Meter Id (Serial Number) Date of Meter Removal Site Visit Check Code Additional Information 13C Non Half Hourly Meter Registers Register Description Register Reading Reading Date and Time Notes Always required Should be set to ‘T’ – True Should be that of the New Supplier. Although all the address items are optional, the address itself is mandatory and should be populated accordingly. This group should not be populated, as the HH MOp removed the NHH meter. Meter Id of the removed NHH meter Actual date that the HH MOp removed the NHH meter Any the HH MOp feels are relevant, which should indicate the reason that no read was obtained. Any information the HH MOp feels is relevant, for example, what has been done with the NHH meter and why (in more detail) no final read was obtained. This group will not be populated as no final readings were obtained. Notes: The Old NHH MOp should use the Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} for New Supplier as the SSD. It is this date that will provide the Old NHH MOp with the appropriate date for passing to the Old NHH DC (WP 116), with notification of no reading obtained, therefore allowing the Old NHH DC to deem the MRoCoS. The Old NHH MOp should interpret a populated ‘Date of Meter Removal’, plus the absence of Group 11C as indication that the NHH meter was removed by the New HH MOp. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 171 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 3. HH MOp changes Measurement Class by SSD +4 and reconfigures Old NHH Meter (i.e. the meter is not removed), final reading(s) obtained: Grou Description Item Name p Non Half Hourly Metering System 10C MPAN Core CoS and Coincident CoMC Indicator Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} for New Supplier Metering Point Address Line 1 Metering Point Address Line 2 Metering Point Address Line 3 Metering Point Address Line 4 Metering Point Address Line 5 Metering Point Address Line 6 Metering Point Address Line 7 Metering Point Address Line 8 Metering Point Address Line 9 Metering Point Postcode NHH Meter not present 11C Site Visit Check Code Additional Information Non Half Hourly Meter details 12C Meter Id (Serial Number) Date of Meter Removal Site Visit Check Code Additional Information Non Half Hourly Meter Registers 13C These two data items are Register Description related, as the description applies to the reading for that register. Therefore these should be repeated Register Reading to detail all registers and their readings. Reading Date and Time Notes Always required Should be set to ‘T’ – True Should be that of the New Supplier. Although all the address items are optional, the address itself is mandatory and should be populated accordingly. This group should not be populated, as the HH MOp reconfigured the NHH meter. Meter Id of the reconfigured NHH meter Should not be populated as meter was not removed. Any the HH MOp feels are relevant Any information the HH MOp feels is relevant, for example, that the NHH meter has been reconfigured, not removed. Should be populated with enough information for the receiving NHH MOp to be able to identify the meter register and map it to the register reading. Reading from the register identified in the description above. Actual date and time the reading was taken by the HH MOp Notes: The Old NHH MOp should use the Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} for New Supplier as the SSD. It is this date that will provide the Old NHH MOp with the date for re-dating the reading to be sent to the Old NHH DC (WP 116). The Old NHH MOp should interpret the lack of the ‘Date of Meter Removal’, plus the absence of information in Group 11C as indication that the NHH meter has been reconfigured to HH. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 172 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 4. HH MOp changes Measurement Class by SSD +4 and reconfigures Old NHH Meter (i.e. the meter is not removed), final reading(s) not obtained: Grou Description Item Name p Non Half Hourly Metering System 10C MPAN Core CoS and Coincident CoMC Indicator Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} for New Supplier Metering Point Address Line 1 Metering Point Address Line 2 Metering Point Address Line 3 Metering Point Address Line 4 Metering Point Address Line 5 Metering Point Address Line 6 Metering Point Address Line 7 Metering Point Address Line 8 Metering Point Address Line 9 Metering Point Postcode NHH Meter not present 11C Site Visit Check Code Additional Information Non Half Hourly Meter details 12C Meter Id (Serial Number) Date of Meter Removal Site Visit Check Code Additional Information 13C Non Half Hourly Meter Registers Register Description Register Reading Reading Date and Time Notes Always required Should be set to ‘T’ - True Should be that of the New Supplier. Although all the address items are optional, the address itself is mandatory and should be populated accordingly. This group should not be populated, as the HH MOp reconfigured the NHH meter. Meter Id of the reconfigured NHH meter Should not be populated as meter was not removed. Any the HH MOp feels are relevant Any information the HH MOp feels is relevant, for example, that the NHH meter has been reconfigured, not removed and the reason for there being no final readings. This group will not be populated as no final readings were obtained. Notes: The Old NHH MOp should use the Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} for New Supplier as the SSD. It is this date that will provide the Old NHH MOp with the appropriate date for passing to the Old NHH DC (WP 116), with notification of no reading obtained, therefore allowing the Old NHH DC to deem the MRoCoS. The Old NHH MOp should interpret the lack of the ‘Date of Meter Removal’, plus the absence of information in Group 11C as indication that the NHH meter has been reconfigured to HH. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 173 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 5. HH MOp changes Measurement Class by SSD +4, the old NHH Meter is not present and therefore the final reading(s) not obtained: Grou Description Item Name p Non Half Hourly Metering System 10C MPAN Core CoS and Coincident CoMC Indicator Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} for New Supplier Metering Point Address Line 1 Metering Point Address Line 2 Metering Point Address Line 3 Metering Point Address Line 4 Metering Point Address Line 5 Metering Point Address Line 6 Metering Point Address Line 7 Metering Point Address Line 8 Metering Point Address Line 9 Metering Point Postcode NHH Meter not present 11C Site Visit Check Code Additional Information 12C 13C Non Half Hourly Meter details Meter Id (Serial Number) Date of Meter Removal Site Visit Check Code Additional Information Non Half Hourly Meter Registers Register Description Register Reading Reading Date and Time Notes Always required Should be set to ‘T’ - True Should be that of the New Supplier. Although all the address items are optional, the address itself is mandatory and should be populated accordingly. Any the HH MOp feels are relevant Any information the HH MOp feels is relevant, for example, that the NHH meter was not present and the date the HH MOp went on site. This group will not be populated as the NHH meter was not present This group will not be populated as no final readings were obtained. Notes: The Old NHH MOp should use the Effective from Settlement Date {REGI} for New Supplier as the SSD. It is this date that will provide the Old NHH MOp with the appropriate date for passing to the Old NHH DC (WP 116), with notification of no reading obtained, therefore allowing the Old NHH DC to deem the MRoCoS. The Old NHH MOp should interpret the absence of Group 12C and 13C, plus the populated Group 11C as indication that the NHH meter was not present when the HH MOp went on site to change measurement class. Impact of not implementing WP: Both the HH and NHH MOp will have differing interpretations and therefore implementation of this flow. As the D0291 is imparting important information for the Old Suppliers hub, which will impact settlements, it is essential that all parties using the flow have a clear understanding of how to populate and interpret it. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 174 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 132. Logical vs Physical Disconnection and Notification to the Distributor thereof WP no: 132 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: 27/03/2001 Title: Logical Versus Physical Disconnection and Notification to the Distributor thereof Version: 2 Originator: OIF WP type: W Originator Ref: D0132 Related WP(s) Issue No: Date raised: 23 September 1999 Doc Ref: Product Area (s): NHH Parties Affected: Baseline Products Impacted: E2E Disconnection Last amended: 30/06/00 Change History: Version 1 approved at CCG 32 on 05/11/99 Distributor, Supplier, NHH MOp DTC –D0132 V2 with WPPS CP 24 accepted at MDB_00_06 on 30/06/00 Context: This Working Practice details the use of the D0132 for notifying the Distributor of a request for disconnection of supply – specifically to ensure that the Supplier and Distributor are made aware of their responsibilities regarding the physical and / or logical disconnection of the metering point. The Supplier may request a disconnection of a metering point from the Distributor for a number of reasons: 1. Metering point(s) that do not require current or future service, requiring physical disconnection and removal of the MPAN(s). 2. Change to the metering system configuration requiring removal of one or more additional MPANs e.g. Economy 9 to General Domestic tariff. 3. UMS Inventory change requiring removal of one or more UMS MPAN. In all three cases the Supplier would send a D0132 to the Distributor in order to request the removal of the main service cable (where appropriate) and request the removal of the MPAN by sending a De-Registration notice to MPAS. This WP describes how data items J1648 Disconnection Type, and Additional Information (J0012) on the D0132 should be populated by the Supplier and interpreted by the Distributor so that correct action is taken. The process to be followed by the MOp and Supplier preceding a disconnection request of type 2 is detailed in WP9. The process to be followed by the UMSO to amend a UMS inventory is detailed in BSCP 520. The use of the D0132 should be considered to be equivalent to the “Disconnection Notice” as defined in the DUoS Agreement. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 175 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Working Practice: Where there is a requirement for the disconnection of a metering point and/or removal of the MPAN for any of the three reasons detailed in the Context, the Supplier should send a D0132 to the Distributor. Where any request for disconnection is sent to the Distributor the Supplier must first ensure that there is no reasonably foreseeable future use for the Metering Point. The ‘Disconnection Type’ (J1648) should be populated with the required type: P – Physical disconnection (main service cable to be severed via site visit); A - Logical disconnection (redundancy of an additional MPAN); or U – Logical disconnection (changes to the UMS Inventory). This will enable the Distributor to undertake the required action with no potential for misinterpretation. Any information required under the DUoS Agreement that will enable the Distributor to undertake their responsibilities, including the reason for the request; details of de-energisation works (where appropriate); and an explanation of why there is no foreseeable future use for the Metering Point, should be detailed in Additional Information (J0012). Where the Disconnection Type is P – Physical disconnection, the Appointment Date (J0174) should only be populated by the Supplier if it knows the date the disconnection is required, or if they have agreed a date with the Distributor and/or Customer. The Distributor should endeavour where appropriate to disconnect the mains cable on the date provided. Where no Appointment Date is included the Distributor should act in accordance with any standard agreement they have with the Supplier. Where any request for physical disconnection is sent to the Distributor the Supplier must first ensure that the Metering Point has been de-energised, and metering equipment removed where appropriate. Where the Disconnection Type is A - Logical disconnection due to redundancy of an additional MPAN the Appointment Date should be the date that any secondary MPAN was made redundant. The Distributor should use this date as the date of disconnection of the MPAN. Where the Disconnection Type is U - logical disconnection due to changes to UMS Inventory, the Disconnection Date should be the date the UMS Inventory is changed. In line with E2E Diagram Disconnection - The Distributor should confirm that the MPAN has been disconnected by sending a D0125 to the Supplier. The Distributor shall also notify MPAS of the disconnection and request that MPAS de-registers the metering point. MPAS will then notify the Supplier (and any pending Supplier, where appropriate) of the disconnection of the MPAN using a D0171. The Supplier shall terminate their agents for the disconnected MPAN using a D0151. The Termination Reason (J0279) is to be populated with ‘DE’ – Disconnection. The Effective to Date {Agent} should either be the Date of Action (J0014) provided by the Distributor on the D0125, or the Disconnection Date (J0473) provided to the Supplier on the D0171. The flow chosen is dependent on where in the process the Supplier decides to terminate its agents; the two dates should be the same. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 176 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Impact of not implementing WP: Where it is unclear as to what type of disconnection the Distributor will have to undertake on receipt of the D0132 from the Supplier, the Distributor will have to maintain manual resource intensive procedures for confirming the disconnection type required from Suppliers outwith the DTC. Where these manual procedures fail, or are not implemented, the Distributors lack of confirmation regarding the type of disconnection required could lead to misinterpretations of action required and may even have safety implications where incorrect action is taken. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 177 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 134. Completion of D0142 in HH and NHH Markets WP no: 134 Status: Implemented by Industry Title: Completion of D0142 in HH and NHH Markets Version: 1 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Related WP(s) WP53 WP132 Issue No: Date raised: 26/04/99 Doc Ref: Product Area (s): DTC Parties Affected: Implementation Date: 01/04/2000 ScottishPower / Manweb ID 257 Supplier, Mop Baseline Products Impacted: Last amended: 21/10/99 Change History: Version 1 approved at CCG 32 on 05/11/99 Context: D0142 as specified has generally been agreed to be deficient, however so far no one has sponsored a change to improve it. Recently ScottishPower / Manweb has raised ID 257, the main purpose of which was to specify how to use the flow within its current structure and DTC specification. This WP is to formalise how D0142 should be completed in both HH and NHH Markets without need for a DTC change. Note that D0142 is only to be used for credit meters except where all meters are to be removed from a Metering Point or where a Metering Point is to be changed from prepayment to credit usage. Where prepayment meters are to be installed or re-configured then the appropriate prepayment flow needs to be selected – see WP53. There are essentially three different required metering system configurations to be signalled by the Supplier where D0142 is appropriate: Removal all Meters from the Metering Point – distinguished by Remove Metering Point Meters (J1020) set to True Install / reconfigure Half Hourly Meter – distinguished by J1020 set to False AND Standard Settlement Configuration being Null Install / reconfigure Non Half Hourly Meter– distinguished by J1020 set to False AND Standard Settlement Configuration set to a valid SSC number Considering the use of D0142 in the two markets: Half Hourly Market A major area of deficiency was identified as to the flow’s ability to specify HH metering requirements. But at a meeting of HH operators under DST auspices, there was general agreement that the data content and media required to be transferred from Supplier to MOp is such that it is very likely, however complete the flow, there would always be a need for some data transferred manually. The recommendation of that meeting was that D0142 should be left unchanged and the sending of D0142 being used as a flag to the MOp. On receiving a D0142 the MOp would recognise that the Supplier has a need for meter installation / reconfiguration and will contact the Supplier by telephone to determine its detailed requirements. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 178 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Non Half Hourly Market In contrast to the low volume highly specific half hourly metering requirements it is essential that D0142 is made to work for the high volume generally simple requirements of the nonhalf hourly market. Working Practice: D0142 is to be used to install and reconfigure credit Metering Points in both the Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Markets; this includes the change of usage of a Metering Point from prepayment to credit. Where prepayment meters are to be installed or reconfigured the appropriate prepayment meter flows are to be used – their use is not subject to this WP. The one exception is where all meters are to be removed from a metering point even if the Metering Point has been used for prepayment: in this case this Working Practice applies. Completion of D0142 in either Market: The following rules should be adhered to in completing the data items within D0142 for a Metering System in all the circumstances as set out above: 1. Metering Point Address is mandated within the definition of multi-line address. Postcode is also to be treated as mandatory 2. Requested Energisation Status is mandatory; Thereafter the rest of the flow is to be completed first by determining whether All meters are to be removed and then completed as appropriate for the Half Hourly or Non Half Hourly Market. Thus: Remove all meters If all meters within a Metering System are to be removed then D0142 is to be completed as follows 1. Remove Metering Point Meters (J1020) is set to True and SSC is set to Null Else a Metering System is to be installed or reconfigured and 2. Remove Metering Point Meters is set to False Completion of D0142 in the HH Market 1. Standard Settlement Configuration is left null 2. Retrieval Method (J0098) is mandated 3. Communications Method needs to be completed although it is optional in the DTC 4. J0012 (Additional Information) may be used to pass the information as for any other flow However it is considered that this set of information will be insufficient for the MOp to install the Metering system or reconfigure it and the MOp will contact the Supplier by telephone to determine its complete requirements on receiving D0142 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 179 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Completion of D0142 in the NHH Market The following rules are to be adhered to: 1. Standard Settlement Configuration (J0076) is treated as mandatory 2. Metering System Non-Settlement Functionality Code (J1267) is used to define non settlement requirements where required Appointment Date (J0174) is to be treated as the installation / reconfiguration date and is to be mandated where an appointment date has been agreed/determined. If it is blank the MOp should act in accordance with any bi-lateral agreement with the Supplier. Other dates remain optional. Of the other items in the flow: Additional Information (J0012) is optional and the Supplier can provide any additional information it considers the MOp should be aware of Retrieval Method (J0098) is mandated and needs to be completed for adherence to the DTC Communications Method is optional. Note that the data item is ‘null’ in the D0150 return flow. Impact of not implementing WP: Without some clear understanding by Suppliers of how they should complete D0142 there will continue to be questions arising by the MOp on how the flow should be interpreted and consequential concern as to what metering configuration the Supplier wishes it to install. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 180 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 137. Passing of Historical Data using the D0010 and D0152 WP no: Title: Implemented by Implementation Industry Date: Passing of Historical Data using the D0010 and D0152 Version: 1 WP type: S Related WP(s) None Date raised: 09/08/2000 Parties Affected: Old and New NHHDC Baseline Products Impacted: D0010, D0152 Last amended: 27/10/2000 Change History: V1 with WPPS CP 30 approved at MDB_00_10 on 27/10/00 137 Status: 21/11/2000 Context: The BSC does not constrain Participants into a mandated method of packaging data in the D0010/D0152; instead it allows a number of ways by which the same data may be packaged. Although this provides flexibility for the sender it is important that the recipient must be able to interpret, and subsequently process, the data correctly. The BSC states that ‘Each Supplier shall ensure that there are appropriate arrangements in place in compliance with the relevant Party Service Lines with each Supplier Agent for which it is responsible to take over the functions of a Supplier Agent whose appointment has expired or been terminated, including arrangements for the transfer of relevant data to such replacement agent.’ Statement of Operation: The purpose of this Statement of Operation is to provide participants with the formats in which each Participant NHHDC intend to populate the D0010/D0152. Examples follow Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 181 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Sending of the D0152 – Metering System EAC/AA Historical Data 1. 1 MPAN per D0152, 1 D0152 per MPAN The following participants have indicated that they populate the D0152 in this manner:EELC SWAE SWEB MIDE ACCU LOND YELG 2 examples of populating the D0152 in this manner follow:D0152 FLOW1 301 MPAN1 302 AA/SETTLEMENT PERIOD1 303 AA/TPR1 303 AA/TPR2 302 AA/SETTLEMENT PERIOD2 303 AA/TPR1 303 AA/TPR2 304 EAC/SETTLEMENT DATE1 305 EAC/TPR1 305 EAC/TPR2 304 EAC/SETTLEMENT DATE2 305 EAC/TPR1 305 EAC/TPR2 306 SSC/SETTLEMENT DATE1 307 SUPPLIER/SETTLEMENT DATE1 308 PROFILE CLASS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 309 GSP GROUP/SETTLEMENT DATE1 310 MEASUREMENT CLASS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 311 ENERGISATION STATUS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 182 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) D0152 FLOW2 301 MPAN4 302 AA/SETTLEMENT PERIOD1 303 AA/TPR1 303 AA/TPR2 302 AA/SETTLEMENT PERIOD2 303 AA/TPR1 303 AA/TPR2 302 AA/SETTLEMENT PERIOD3 303 AA/TPR1 303 AA/TPR2 304 EAC/SETTLEMENT DATE1 305 EAC/TPR1 305 EAC/TPR2 304 EAC/SETTLEMENT DATE2 305 EAC/TPR1 305 EAC/TPR2 304 EAC/SETTLEMENT DATE3 305 EAC/TPR1 305 EAC/TPR2 306 SSC/SETTLEMENT DATE1 307 SUPPLIER/SETTLEMENT DATE1 308 PROFILE CLASS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 309 GSP GROUP/SETTLEMENT DATE1 310 MEASUREMENT CLASS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 311 ENERGISATION STATUS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 183 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2. Multiple MPANs per D0152, 1 D0152 per MPAN The following participants have indicated that they populate the D0152 in this manner:- SPOW EMEB MANW SEEB NEEB NORW SOUT HYDE An example of populating the D0152 in this manner follow:D0152 FLOW1 301 MPAN1 302 AA/SETTLEMENT PERIOD1 303 AA/TPR1 303 AA/TPR2 302 AA/SETTLEMENT PERIOD2 303 AA/TPR1 303 AA/TPR2 304 EAC/SETTLEMENT DATE1 305 EAC/TPR1 305 EAC/TPR2 304 EAC/SETTLEMENT DATE2 305 EAC/TPR1 305 EAC/TPR2 306 SSC/SETTLEMENT DATE1 307 SUPPLIER/SETTLEMENT DATE1 308 PROFILE CLASS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 309 GSP GROUP/SETTLEMENT DATE1 310 MEASUREMENT CLASS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 311 ENERGISATION STATUS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 301 MPAN2 302 AA/SETTLEMENT PERIOD1 303 AA/TPR1 303 AA/TPR2 302 AA/SETTLEMENT PERIOD2 303 AA/TPR1 303 AA/TPR2 302 AA/SETTLEMENT PERIOD3 303 AA/TPR1 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 184 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 303 AA/TPR2 304 EAC/SETTLEMENT DATE1 305 EAC/TPR1 305 EAC/TPR2 304 EAC/SETTLEMENT DATE2 305 EAC/TPR1 305 EAC/TPR2 304 EAC/SETTLEMENT DATE3 305 EAC/TPR1 305 EAC/TPR2 306 SSC/SETTLEMENT DATE1 307 SUPPLIER/SETTLEMENT DATE1 308 PROFILE CLASS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 309 GSP GROUP/SETTLEMENT DATE1 310 MEASUREMENT CLASS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 311 ENERGISATION STATUS/SETTLEMENT DATE1 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 185 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Sending of the D0010 – Meter Readings, for historical data 1. 1 MPAN per D0010, 1 D0010 per MPAN with repeating group 026 per flow instance The following participants have indicated that they populate the D0010 in this manner:MIDE SWAE EELC SWEB ACCU 2 examples of populating the D0010 in this manner follow:D0010 FLOW1 026 MPAN1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 030 REGISTER2/READING DATE1 028 METER2 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 026 MPAN1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 030 REGISTER2/READING DATE2 028 METER2 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 D0010 FLOW2 026 MPAN2 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 026 MPAN2 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 026 MPAN2 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE3 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 186 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2. Multiple MPANs per D0010, 1 D0010 per MPAN with single group 026 per flow instance The following participants have indicated that they populate the D0010 in this manner:SOUT HYDE 2 examples of populating the D0010 in this manner follow:D0010 FLOW1 026 MPAN1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 030 REGISTER2/READING DATE1 028 METER2 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 030 REGISTER2/READING DATE2 028 METER2 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 026 MPAN2 028 METER1 (Reading type same for all reading dates) 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE3 026 MPAN3 028 METER1 (Reading Type ‘I’) 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 028 METER1 (reading Type ‘R’) 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE3 028 METER2 (Reading Type ‘S’) 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE4 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 187 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 3. Multiple MPANs per D0010, 1 D0010 per MPAN The following participants have indicated that they populate the D0010 in this manner:SPOW SEEB MANW YELG LOND NEEB NORW – NFB System generated for non Mass Market Customers An example of populating the D0010 in this manner follow:D0010 FLOW1 026 MPAN1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 030 REGISTER2/READING DATE1 028 METER2 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 026 MPAN1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 030 REGISTER2/READING DATE2 028 METER2 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 026 MPAN2 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 026 MPAN2 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 026 MPAN2 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE3 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 188 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 4. Multiple MPANs per D0010, 1 D0010 per MPAN where multi register meters have separate groups 028 and 030 The following participant has indicated that they populate the D0010 in this manner:NORW – Customer 1 System generated for Mass Market Customers An example of populating the D0010 in this manner follow:D0010 FLOW1 026 MPAN1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER2/READING DATE1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 028 METER1 030 REGISTER2/READING DATE2 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 026 MPAN2 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE2 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 189 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 5. Multiple MPANs per D0010, Multiple D0010s per MPAN The following participant has indicated that they populate the D0010 in this manner:EMEB 2 examples of populating the D0010 in this manner follow:D0010 FLOW1 026 MPAN1 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 030 REGISTER2/READING DATE1 028 METER2 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 026 MPAN2 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 026 MPAN3 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 030 REGISTER2/READING DATE1 028 METER2 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 026 MPAN4 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE1 D0010 FLOW2 026 MPAN2 028 METER1 030 REGISTER1/READING DATE4 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 190 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 140. Conventions for the completion of Meter Register Id (J0010) WP no: Title: Implemented by Implementation 29/05/2003 Industry Date: Conventions for the completion of Meter Register Id (J0010) Version: 1.1 WP type: S Related WP(s) None Date raised: 13/03/2000 Parties Affected: NHHDC, MOP, Supplier, Distributor Baseline Products Impacted: None Last amended: 28/06/2007 Change History: V1 with WPPS CP 60 approved at MDB_03_02 on 27/02/03 140 Status: V1.1 with WPPS CP 84 approved at MDB_07_04 on 26/04/07 Context: In the DTC, Data Item J0010 Meter Register Id is specified as CHAR (2). There are no further specifications that address the internal format or conventions for populating this item. Meter Register Id can therefore be populated with both alpha and numeric characters, and different values can be used by other organisations to indicate the same thing. Meter Register Id allows meter readings to be correctly allocated to the appropriate meter register. With Agent Competition, it has been identified that NHHDC’s receive various combinations of Meter Register Id configurations, and often have difficulty establishing the conventions used in populating this field. This can in turn result in readings not being settled correctly. Working Practice: The purpose of this Working Practice is to provide a reference list of how agents populate J0010 for NHH Metering Points and what assumptions should be made about any conventions that are used. The Meter Operator is able to allocate any two character code for the Data Item, however, this should only be done on Meter Installation or Meter Reconfiguration. The conventions used by the MOP in the completion of Meter Register Id should be maintained wherever possible i.e. the codes should not be changed on a change of MOP or retrospectively as the Supplier and NHHDC will not be able to reconcile future readings with the New Register Ids. MOP’s have reported that they complete data item J0010 as set out in the attached table, “Table of Meter Register Id (J0010) Conventions”. Impact of not implementing Working Practice: DCs may fail to map the Meter Register Id with the physical registers which could result in readings not entering settlements. Suppliers also may encounter billing problems. Table follows Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 191 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Associated Document to WP 140 – Table of Meter Register Id (J0010) Conventions Participant J0010 Conventions Siemens 1 Rate Tariff 2 Rate Tariff 3 Rate Tariff 01 = All Day 01 = Low / Night 02 = Normal / Day 2 MPANs 01 = Low / Night 02 – Normal / Day 01 – Heating (EELC) R1 = Low / Night R2 = Normal / Day 1 = Low / Night 2 = Normal / Day L = Low N = Normal Key Prepayment: 01 = Normal / Day 02 = Low / Night Other or 01 = Low / Night 02 – Normal / Day 03 – Heating 1MPAN 01 = Low / Night 02 = Normal / Day 03 = Evening / Weekend Wherever possible the two-digit J0010 Meter Register ID data item will be consistent with and reflective of the identifiers or markings of the registers on the meters. Siemens (EELC) New, replacement and reconfigured meters (labels) Where the two-digit J0010 Meter Register ID data item cannot represent the identifier of the registers on the meters, a label will match the meter register identifier to the appropriate Meter Register Id using the following convention. EDF Customer Field Services EDF Energy within the London and SE area does not apply labels in any situation where the register identification is obvious. Such circumstances are as follows: Any meter with only one register, in such circumstances the register mapping is irrefutably mapped. Electromechanical and electronic meters with mechanical registers where the register identifiers are clearly aligned to the data item J0010. EG L and N will be identified as such in the D0149 data flow. Similarly rate 1 and rate 2 will be identified as 01 and 02 in the D0149 data flow. Register Type Unrestricted Maximum Demand Restricted Maximum Demand Cumulative Unrestricted Maximum Demand Cumulative Restricted Maximum Demand (LOND & SEEB) Two-digit ‘Meter Register Id’ Reference S1 S2 S3 S4 For more complex metering where the mapping is not so obvious EDF Energy within the London and SE is intending to use the J0010 meter register identifiers identified in the table below. Many of the meters in use do not have clear display identifiers and to overcome this situation labels displaying a cross reference table will be applied advising the meter reader of which registers need to be recorded. Function Rate 1 kWh Rate 2 kWh Rate 3 kWh Rate 4 kWh Rate 5 kWh Rate 6 kWh MD kW kWh Total Units kVArh J0010 Meter Register Identifier 01 02 03 04 05 06 MD TU TR It should be noted that no temporal relationship with TPR will be provided since it is assumed that such mapping will be taken from the D0149 dataflow. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 192 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Participant J0010 Conventions Metering Services (MIDE) 1 Rate Tariff 2 Rate Tariff 00 = All Day 01 = Low (Night) 03 = 1 Rate Meter with integral MD / kWh settlement 02 = Normal (Day) 04 = 1 Rate Meter with integral MD / kW Maximum Demand (MD) 1R + kVA MD (old) 3 Rate Tariff Other 4 Rate PPA 13=TOTAL 15=NIGHT 2R + kVA MD 21= DAY Day kWh = 11 Night kWh = 21 23= DAY MD kVA= 24 25= DAY Day kWh = 0 MD kVA = 4 or 31=REACTIVE Radio TeleMeter, Register - Rate 1 = Normal (or day), 33=MD 41=MD 1R + kVA MD (new) Day kWh = 1 4 Rate PXA Register -Rate 4 = Low ( or night) 13= TOTAL MD kVA=4 15= NIGHT 1R + kW MD Smart Power Meter, 21= DAY Day kWh= 11 Register - Rate 1 = Normal (or day), 23= DAY Register - 31=REACTIVE MD kVA=12 1R + kVA MD (tariff M) (old) Day kWh= 3 25= DAY 33= MD Rate 2 = Low (or night) 41= MD MD k VA= 4 or 1R + kVA MD (tariff M) (new) 43= MD CBA card/token meters, 6 Rate PPM- Last Dial 1 Register - Rate 1 = Normal (or day), 15= NIGHT Register - Rate 2 = Low (or night) 25= DAY 13= TOTAL Day kWh= 0 MD kVA=4 21= DAY 23= DAY 31= DAY 33= DAY Other Token Meters, 35=REACTIVE 41= MD Register - Rate 1 = Normal (or day), 43= MD 51= MD Register Rate 2 = Low (or night) Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 193 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Participant J0010 Conventions Northern Electric Distribution Ltd/Yorkshire Electric Distribution Ltd 1 Rate Tariff 2 Rate Tariff 3 Rate Tariff A1 = Standard / Unrestricted A7 = Economy 7 (Heating on) A8 = Economy 7 (Heating off) B2 = Seasonal Time of Day (Peak Period) D7 = Budget Warmth (Heating on) A9 = Dynamic (Heating on) B1 = Dynamic (Heating off) (NEEB) Other B3 = Seasonal Time of Day ((Day Period) B4 = Seasonal Time of Day (Night Period) C8 = Economy 8 (Heating on) B6 = Economy 8 (Heating off) Credit Meters: "00" (total) Northern Electric Distribution Ltd/Yorkshire Electric Distribution Electric Key Meters: "H" (total) Token Meters: "t" (total) (YELG) For all new, replacement or reconfigured meters fitted on or after the 2nd November 2006 for both our NEEB and YELG identifiers D5 = Boiler Tariff (Heating on) D6 = Boiler Tariff (Heating off) "01" (low) "02" (normal) For where the meter holds 4 or a 6 Rate SToD the registers are numbered sequentially. For example a 6 Rate SToD meter (see below) may have the following registers, the number to the right of this shall be the Reg Id held within Mop. "2" (low) "1" (normal) "2" (low) "1" (normal) Note: Where a Token Acceptor is fitted the meter shall be recorded as Credit, therefore the defaults are "00" or"01/02" Demand: 01 R01 07 Total: 02 R02 08 Max Demand: 03 R03 09 Reactive 04 R04 : 10 Cumulative Max Demand: 05 R05 11 Reset Counter: 06 R06 12 United Utilities 01 = All Day (NORW) Version : 5.4 Status : Approved 02 = Normal / Day 01 = Low / Night 02 = Weekday 03 = Low 04 = Weekend Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 194 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Participant J0010 Conventions Scottish and Southern 1 Rate Tariff 2 Rate Tariff 3 Rate Tariff Other "01" = Single Rate 2 rate "old type" meter "L " = Low Rate; "N " = Normal Rate or "01" = Low Rate; "02" = Normal Rate "01","1 ",R1" = Weekday "02","2 ","R2" = Evening/Weekend "03","3 ","R3" = Night "HYDE" For multi rate meters with MD's, the Register Id map to the sequence they are displayed on the Meter. eg. "02" = Day KWh "03" = Night KWh "04" = Total KVArh "07" = Day KW "08" = Night KW (SOUT & HYDE) 2 rate electronic meter "01","1 ","R1" = Day "02","2 ",R2" = Night or "02" = Day "03" = Night "SOUT" For multi rate meters with MD's, the first Register Id maps to the first MD or KWh Register shown in the display sequence followed by subsequent Register Ids to subsequent MD or KWh Registers that are displayed on the Meter. ie. "01" = Maximum Demand "02" = Day KWh "03" = Night KWh Registers are numbered sequentially ‘01’, ‘02’, ’03’ etc until all the operational registers contained on the meter are numbered. Dataserve (SPOW & MANW) IMServ Europe (SEEB) TO = Standard / Unrestricted OP = Off Peak / Resticted NT = Low / Night WD = Weekday DY = Normal / Day EW = Evening / Weekend NT = Low / Night MD = Maximum Demand RD = Reactive Demand CT = Check Total CD = Check Demand HT = Warmwise (Heating) TR = Total Reactive HI = Seasonal Time of Day (Perk Period Winter) 11 = Seasonal Time of Day (Intermediate Winter use) 12 = Seasonal Time of Day (Summer and all other times) NT = Seasonal Time of Day (Low/Night) Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 195 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Participant Western Power Distribution J0010 Conventions 1 Rate Tariff 2 Rate Tariff 3 Rate Tariff Historically “01” Historically, "02" = low rate; "01" = normal rate R1 Day Currently "S " or “R1” (SWAE) The following is a general guide only-meter technical details must be used to determine the true nature of any register. Current, very recently introduced, convention is to populate the meter register ID field with the same register ID that is present on the actual physical meter. Previously, a register ID of 01 would indicate normal, or higher, rate and a 02 would typically indicate low rate. Other For multi rate meters there may be "R3", "R4" or "03 or "04" etc. R2 Evening R3 Night Currently, 2 rate "old type" meter "L " = low rate; "N " = normal rate For multi rate registers there can also be "05" or "06" or "07" or "08" but there is no consistent mapping whereby one register ID always indicates a particular register type. 2 rate electronic meter "R1" = register 1; "R2" = register 2 Historically, Maximum Demand was “05” (and “06” and “07” for On/Off peak) and “02” for kVArh. Maximum Demand can be any of MD D1 D2 Currently, Maximum Demand can be any of D3 MD D1 (On/Off MD – no longer used in the field) D2 “” D3 “” KVArh register "KV” (Normally, MD only applies to 2 rate as shown) N.B. - This were the conventions used by the SWAE NHHMOA up to 30th June 2007 prior to closure of the business. Following this date the convention shown will be applicable to other NHHMOAs who have now been appointed to MPANs in South Wales where the meter was installed prior to 1st July 2007 and where the previous NHHMOA was 5.4 Version SWAE. : Approved Status : Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 196 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Participant J0010 Conventions Western Power Distribution (SWEB) The following is a general guide only-meter technical details must be used to determine the true nature of any register. 1 Rate Tariff 2 Rate Tariff 3 Rate Tariff Other Historically “01” (or “02”, “03”, etc as meters were changed) Historically "01" = low rate; "02" = normal rate or "03" = low rate; "04" = normal rate etc Historically “01” “02” and “03” (or “04”, “05” and “06”) Historically “01” “02”, “03” and “04” (or “05”, “06”, “07” and “06”) Currently R1 Day R2 Evening R3 Night Currently R1 Day R2 Intermediate 1 R3 Intermediate 1 "R4" Night . Currently "S " or “R1”. Separate Off peak “RH” Current convention is to populate the meter register ID field with the same register ID that is present on the actual physical meter. Currently 2 rate "old type" meter "L " = low rate; "N " = normal rate 2 rate electronic meter "R1" = register 1; "R2" = register 2 Previously, a register ID of 01 would typically indicate low rate and an 02 would indicate normal, or higher, rate. Where a meter has register IDs of 03 and 04, or of 05 and 06 etc. then the lower register ID would typically refer to the lower rate and the higher register ID would typically refer to the higher rate. Maximum demand register "MD" and KVArh register "KV”, can apply to any number of rates (Historically “02”, etc used). Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 197 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Participant J0010 Conventions 1 Rate Tariff 2 Rate Tariff Northern Electric Distribution Ltd/Yorkshire Electric Distribution Ltd 3 Rate Tariff Other 01 = 0030 to 0730 (MonFri) A range of Register Ids is adopted. 02 = 1930 to 0030 (Mon – Fri) and 0730 to 0030 (Sat & Sun) 03 = 0730 to 1930 (Mon to Fri) (YELG) Northern Electric Distribution Ltd/Yorkshire Electric Distribution Electric Single Rate Meters; sole kWh register (both restricted and unrestricted hours of operation). (YELG) Please note; mechanical single rate meters do not have a physical register id (it is the sole kWh register). *See note below about mechanical and electronic metering. Credit Meters: "00" (total) "01" (low) "02" (normal) Meter Register Id = 01 Northern Electric Distribution Ltd/Yorkshire Electric Distribution Electric Two rate meters (economy 7 and W/E). Four Rate Meters (W/E7) Night Rate (Rate 1) = 01 Night Rate (Low Rate) = 01 Evening/Weekend (Rate 2) = 02 Day Rate (Normal Rate) = 02 Weekday (Rate 3) = 03 Total (Rate 4) = 04 As with all registers, the TPR describes the specific hours of operation. For where the meter holds 4 or a 6 Rate SToD the registers are numbered sequentially. For example a 6 Rate SToD meter (see below) may have the following registers, the number to the right of this shall be the Reg Id held within Mop. Key Meters: "H" (total) Token Meters: "t" (total) (YELG) For all new, replacement or reconfigured meters fitted on or after the 2nd November 2006 for both our NEEB and YELG identifiers Note: Where a Token Acceptor is fitted the meter shall be recorded as Credit, therefore the defaults are "00" or"01/02" "2" (low) "1" (normal) "2" (low) "1" (normal) Demand: 01 R01 07 Total: 02 R02 08 Max Demand: 03 R03 09 Reactive 04 R04 : 10 Cumulative Max Demand: 05 R05 11 Reset Counter: 06 R06 12 *It is important to appreciate that the actual or physical id (display) is determined according to meter manufacturer and technology. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 198 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) For example 'mechanical' two rate meters show displays of 'Low' and ‘Normal’ but an electronic two rate would typically show displays as 'Rate 1' and 'Rate 2' where Rate 1 is the night rate and Rate 2 is the day rate. We therefore have to declare a common Register id and as you can see from the above these are shown as the values '01' and '02' for both types. The general convention is that the cheapest rate is displayed first working up to the most expensive rate. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 199 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 141. HH MTD – Clarification of use of specific data items in D0268. WP no: Version: Implemented by Implementation 28/08/2003 Industry Date: Half Hourly Meter Technical Details – Clarification of use of specific data items in D0268. 3 WP type: W Related WP(s) None Date raised: 29/05/2003 Parties Affected: HHMOP, HHDC, Supplier, Distributor Baseline Products Impacted: DTC Last amended: 23/2/06 Change History: V1 with WPPS CP 68 approved at MDB_03_05 on 29/05/03 141 Title: Status: V2 with WPPS CP 69 approved at MDB_03_08 on 28/08/03 V3 with WPPS CP 77 approved at MDB 05_10 on 27/10/05 Context: The D0268 flow contains information required by the HHDC to collect readings from the HH metering systems. In order to ensure that the correct information is provided to the HHDC, the various data items in the flow must be populated according to relevant rules. This Working Practice aims to clarify the rules that the HH MOP must follow when filling out the values for specific data items within the D0268 flow. This working practice combined with Annex C of the Data Transfer Catalogue outlines how to appropriately populate all the relevant data items. Working Practice: The following section provides general guidance on the population of data items within the D0268 dataflow. Code of Practice G Example (FERRARIS DISC METER): An issue exists for a CoP G meter where the lag (RI) and lead (RE) channels on the outstation are associated with the same physical meter register, which is a Ferraris disc. This would lead to both outstation channels having the same Meter Register Id. The RI and RE channels should be differentiated by using a different Meter register Id for each i.e 1I (for the RI channel), and 1E (for the RE channel). For some areas in this instance the meter register is populated with ‘_E’ and ‘_I’ respectively to differentiate the same meter, different functions. The following sections refer in greater detail to specific data items and associated relevant values. Outstation Passwords and PIN: If the outstation requires a password (including default passwords) to allow interrogation and timesetting, this shall be populated in the D0268. The following table provides guidelines on the population of outstation passwords and PINs for the various outstation types: Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 200 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Outstation Type PIN Password Level 1 Password Level 2 Outstation Id C10 No No No Yes C11 No No No Yes C12 No No No Yes CEW Yes Yes Yes Yes CLK No No No Yes CMU with PSTN Yes if multi drop – typically “LAN” Yes Yes Yes CMU with Paknet Yes if multi drop – typically “NET LAN” Yes Yes Yes FAF No No No Yes FCL No No No Yes FCM No No No Yes GE5 No Yes Yes Yes GOP No Yes Yes Yes GP1 Yes Yes Yes Yes GP2 Yes Yes Yes Yes INP Yes Yes Yes Yes KME Yes No No Yes KMO Yes No No Yes NGL No Yes Yes Yes PRM with PSTN Yes if multi drop – typically “LAN” Yes Yes Yes PRM with Paknet Yes if multi drop – typically “NET LAN” Yes Yes Yes PXA No Yes Yes Yes S4S Yes if multi drop Yes Yes Yes SPR No Yes No Yes VIS Yes Yes Yes Yes Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 201 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Reader Passwords for PXA and INDP meters shall be populated in the data item ‘Outstation Pin’ (J0464) only and the data item ‘Reader Password’ (J1258) shall be left blank. ABB Vision Meter D0268 Population Channel Numbers and Measurement Quantity Id: Unlike the meter it supersedes, the ABB Vision has the potential for 14 profiling channels – the PPM has 5. Reactive demand is recorded differently within the Vision meter, and is split into its capacitive and inductive components. The 14 channels are as follows: Channel Number (J0382) Description 01 Import W 02 Export W 03 Q1 Inductive Import 04 Q2 Capacitive Export 05 Q3 Inductive Export 06 Q4 Capacitive Import 07 Total VA 08 Customer Defined 1 09 Customer Defined 2 10 Customer Defined 3 11 External Input 1 12 External Input 2 13 External Input 3 14 External Input 4 Reactive demand is recorded as above in channels 3 through 6: Total Import kVAr demand is vector sum of Q1 + Q2 Total Export kVAr demand is vector sum of Q3 + Q4 Some MOPs utilise channel 8 as Q1 + Q2 (RI) and channel 9 as Q3 + Q4. In such circumstances the D0268 would look something like: 01A|Mpanxxxxxxxxx|20000328|C|20000328|E|52|S/SHatch|11000/110|100/5|11000|3 02A|N502X03936|VIS|4|6|001|Abcd12|abcd34||PS|01999123456|1200||| 03A|N502X03936|ABB VISION HV (3 PHASE 3 WIRE)|| 04A|01|N502X03936|1|1.000000|10.00|1.0000|AI|6||| 04A|02|N502X03936|2|1.000000|10.00|1.0000|UN|6||| 04A|03|N502X03936|8|1.000000|10.00|1.0000|RI|6||| 04A|04|N502X03936|9|1.000000|10.00|1.0000|RE|6||| Impact of not implementing WP: The impact of not implementing this Working Practice would be to continue facing the problems caused by the current flow format. This Working Practice will ensure that less incorrect data is inputted against D0268 data items, thus reducing the level of error and improving the efficiency of using the flow. This will enable the HHDC to better perform their necessary tasks as they are provided with correct data, and they are provided with workarounds to known deficiencies. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 202 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Associated Document for WP 141 - Examples 1. Calmu with Paknet Communications DTC flow format File Type DTC version File Format File Identifier : : : : D0268 001 DTC 0000000001 ************************************************************** Flow Instance 1 01A M M M O M O M M M O MPAN Cores Range: 1 - 1 J0003 MPAN Core : 1000000000001 J1254 Effective from Settlement Date {MSM : 19971001 J0418 Meter COP : 5 J1686 Meter COP Issue Number : 1 J1687 Complex Site Indicator : F J1025 Meter Equipment/Service Location : In the Switchroom J1255 System Voltage : 415 J0427 Number of Phases : 3 J1689 Event Indicator : L J0012 Additional Information : 02A Outstation Details Range: 1 - * M J0428 Outstation Id : 97X00001 M J0471 Outstation Type : CMU O J1691 Modem Type : M J0469 Outstation Number of Channels : 4 M J1256 Outstation Number of Dials : 6 O J0464 Outstation PIN : O J0470 Outstation Password Level 1 : 000000008259 O J1257 Outstation Password Level 2 : O J1258 Reader Password : M J0386 Communications Method : PK O J1690 Dial In/ Dial Out Indicator : O J0385 Communications Address :23533900123456 O J1260 Baud Rate : 9600 O J1261 Sequence MPAN Core : O J1262 Sequence Outstation Id : 03A Meter Details Range: 1 - * M J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : 97X00001 O J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : O J0501 Meter Current Rating : O J0455 VT Ratio : O J0454 CT Ratio : M J1684 Feeder Status : A M J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 M J1677 Meter Asset Provider : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 97X00001 M J0382 Channel Number : 1 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 5.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 100.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 100.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 2 M J0428 Outstation Id : 97X00001 M J0382 Channel Number : 2 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 5.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 100.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 100.0000 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 203 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : UN M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 3 M J0428 Outstation Id : 97X00001 M J0382 Channel Number : 3 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 5.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 100.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 100.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 4 M J0428 Outstation Id : 97X00001 M J0382 Channel Number : 4 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 5.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 100.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 100.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RE M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : ************************************************************** File Type : D0268 DTC version : 001 Flows in File : 1 Groups in File : 7 File Ends. ************************************************************** DTC UFF file 01A|1000000000001|19971001|5|1|F|In the Switchroom |415|3|L|| 02A|97X00001|CMU||4|6||000000008259|||PK||23533900123456|9600||| 03A|97X00001|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|97X00001|1|5.000000|100.00|100.0000|AI|6||| 04A|2|97X00001|2|5.000000|100.00|100.0000|UN|6||| 04A|3|97X00001|3|5.000000|100.00|100.0000|RI|6||| 04A|4|97X00001|4|5.000000|100.00|100.0000|RE|6||| Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 204 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 2. GEC/ABB PPM Issue 2 With PSTN Communications DTC flow format File Type DTC version File Format File Identifier : : : : D0268 001 DTC 0000000001 ************************************************************** Flow Instance 1 01A M M M O M O M M M O MPAN Cores Range: 1 - 1 J0003 MPAN Core : 1000000000002 J1254 Effective from Settlement Date {MSM : 19971001 J0418 Meter COP : 5 J1686 Meter COP Issue Number : 1 J1687 Complex Site Indicator : F J1025 Meter Equipment/Service Location : Meter room J1255 System Voltage : 415 J0427 Number of Phases : 3 J1689 Event Indicator : L J0012 Additional Information : 02A Outstation Details Range: 1 - * M J0428 Outstation Id : K97XX12345 M J0471 Outstation Type : GP2 O J1691 Modem Type : M J0469 Outstation Number of Channels : 4 M J1256 Outstation Number of Dials : 6 O J0464 Outstation PIN : 001 O J0470 Outstation Password Level 1 : ABC1234 O J1257 Outstation Password Level 2 : ABC5678 O J1258 Reader Password : M J0386 Communications Method : PS O J1690 Dial In/ Dial Out Indicator : O J0385 Communications Address : 01234567890 O J1260 Baud Rate : 1200 O J1261 Sequence MPAN Core : O J1262 Sequence Outstation Id : 03A Meter Details Range: 1 - * M J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : K97XX12345 O J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : O J0501 Meter Current Rating : O J0455 VT Ratio : O J0454 CT Ratio : M J1684 Feeder Status : A M J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 M J1677 Meter Asset Provider : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id :K97XX12345 M J0382 Channel Number : 1 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.050000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 2 M J0428 Outstation Id :K97XX12345 M J0382 Channel Number : 2 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.050000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : UN M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 205 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) M J0010 Meter Register Id : 3 M J0428 Outstation Id :K97XX12345 M J0382 Channel Number : 3 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.050000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 4 M J0428 Outstation Id :K97XX12345 M J0382 Channel Number : 4 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.050000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RE M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : ************************************************************** File Type : D0268 DTC version : 001 Flows in File : 1 Groups in File : 7 File Ends. ************************************************************** DTC UFF file 01A|1000000000002|19971001|5|1|F|Meter room |415|3|L|| 02A|K97XX12345|GP2||4|6|001|ABC1234|ABC5678||PS||01234567890|1200||| 03A|K97XX12345|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|K97XX12345|1|0.050000|10.00|10.0000|AI|6||| 04A|2|K97XX12345|2|0.050000|10.00|10.0000|UN|6||| 04A|3|K97XX12345|3|0.050000|10.00|10.0000|RI|6||| 04A|4|K97XX12345|4|0.050000|10.00|10.0000|RE|6||| Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 206 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 3. CALMU Link With PSTN Communications DTC flow format File Type : D0268 DTC version : 001 File Format : DTC File Identifier : 0000000001 ************************************************************** Flow Instance 1 01A M M M O O M M M O MPAN Cores Range: 1 - 1 J0003 MPAN Core : 2300000000001 J1254 Effective from Settlement Date {MSM : 19980701 J0418 Meter COP : 3 J1686 Meter COP Issue Number : J1025 Meter Equipment/Service Location : J1255 System Voltage : 415 J0427 Number of Phases : 3 J1689 Event Indicator : L J0012 Additional Information : 02A Outstation Details Range: 1 - * M J0428 Outstation Id : 92X00001 M J0471 Outstation Type : CLK O J1691 Modem Type : M J0469 Outstation Number of Channels : 4 M J1256 Outstation Number of Dials : 6 O J0464 Outstation PIN : O J0470 Outstation Password Level 1 : O J1257 Outstation Password Level 2 : O J1258 Reader Password : M J0386 Communications Method : PS O J1690 Dial In/ Dial Out Indicator : O J0385 Communications Address : 01234567890 O J1260 Baud Rate : 1200 O J1261 Sequence MPAN Core : O J1262 Sequence Outstation Id : 02A Outstation Details Range: 1 - * M J0428 Outstation Id : 92X00002 M J0471 Outstation Type : CLK O J1691 Modem Type : M J0469 Outstation Number of Channels : 4 M J1256 Outstation Number of Dials : 6 O J0464 Outstation PIN : O J0470 Outstation Password Level 1 : O J1257 Outstation Password Level 2 : O J1258 Reader Password : M J0386 Communications Method : PS O J1690 Dial In/ Dial Out Indicator : O J0385 Communications Address : 01234567890 O J1260 Baud Rate : 1200 O J1261 Sequence MPAN Core : O J1262 Sequence Outstation Id : 92X00001 03A Meter Details Range: 1 - * M J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : CP92X00001 O J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : O J0501 Meter Current Rating : O J0455 VT Ratio : O J0454 CT Ratio : M J1684 Feeder Status : A M J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 M J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 92X00001 M J0382 Channel Number : 1 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.100000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 207 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 03A M O O O O M M M O J0476 Associated Meter Id :CP92X00002 O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 1 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 2 M J0428 Outstation Id : 92X00001 M J0382 Channel Number : 2 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.100000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id :CP92X00002 O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 2 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 3 M J0428 Outstation Id : 92X00001 M J0382 Channel Number : 3 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.100000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RE M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id :CP92X00002 O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 3 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 4 M J0428 Outstation Id : 92X00001 M J0382 Channel Number : 4 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.100000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : UN M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id :CP92X00002 O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 4 Meter Details Range: 1 - * J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : CP92X00002 J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : J0501 Meter Current Rating : J0455 VT Ratio : J0454 CT Ratio : J1684 Feeder Status : A J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 92X00002 M J0382 Channel Number : 1 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.100000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 2 M J0428 Outstation Id : 92X00002 M J0382 Channel Number : 2 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.100000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 3 M J0428 Outstation Id : 92X00002 M J0382 Channel Number : 3 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.100000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 208 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RE M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 4 M J0428 Outstation Id : 92X00002 M J0382 Channel Number : 4 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.100000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 10.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : UN M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : ************************************************************** File Type : D0268 DTC version : 001 Flows in File : 1 Groups in File : 13 File Ends. ************************************************************** DTC UFF flow 01A|2300000000001|19980701|3|||415|3|L|| 02A|92X00001|CLK||4|6|||||PS||01234567890|1200||| 02A|92X00002|CLK||4|6|||||PS||01234567890|1200||92X00001| 03A|92X00001|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|92X00001|1|0.100000|10.00|10.0000|AI|6|CP92X00002|1| 04A|2|92X00001|2|0.100000|10.00|10.0000|RI|6|CP92X00002|2| 04A|3|92X00001|3|0.100000|10.00|10.0000|RE|6|CP92X00002|3| 04A|4|92X00001|4|0.100000|10.00|10.0000|UN|6|CP92X00002|4| 03A|CP92X00002|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|92X00002|1|0.100000|10.00|10.0000|AI|6||| 04A|2|92X00002|2|0.100000|10.00|10.0000|RI|6||| 04A|3|92X00002|3|0.100000|10.00|10.0000|RE|6||| 04A|4|92X00002|4|0.100000|10.00|10.0000|UN|6||| Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 209 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 4. FCL With PSTN Communications DTC flow format File Type : D0268 DTC version : 001 File Format : DTC File Identifier : 0000000001 ************************************************************** Flow Instance 1 01A M M M O M O M M M O MPAN Cores Range: 1 - 1 J0003 MPAN Core : 1000000000004 J1254 Effective from Settlement Date {MSM : 19971001 J0418 Meter COP : 3 J1686 Meter COP Issue Number : J1687 Complex Site Indicator : F J1025 Meter Equipment/Service Location : Substation J1255 System Voltage : 11000 J0427 Number of Phases : 3 J1689 Event Indicator : L J0012 Additional Information : 02A Outstation Details Range: 1 - * M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0471 Outstation Type : FCL O J1691 Modem Type : M J0469 Outstation Number of Channels : 16 M J1256 Outstation Number of Dials : 8 O J0464 Outstation PIN : O J0470 Outstation Password Level 1 : O J1257 Outstation Password Level 2 : O J1258 Reader Password : M J0386 Communications Method : PS O J1690 Dial In/ Dial Out Indicator : O J0385 Communications Address : 01234567890 O J1260 Baud Rate : 1200 O J1261 Sequence MPAN Core : O J1262 Sequence Outstation Id : 03A Meter Details Range: 1 - * M J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : P99X00001 O J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : O J0501 Meter Current Rating : O J0455 VT Ratio : O J0454 CT Ratio : M J1684 Feeder Status : A M J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 M J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 1 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.500000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 100.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id :P99X00002 O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 1 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 3 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 3 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.500000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 100.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 03A Meter Details Range: 1 - * M J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : P99X00002 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 210 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) O O O O M M M 03A M O O O O M M M 03A M O O O O M M M J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : J0501 Meter Current Rating : J0455 VT Ratio : J0454 CT Ratio : J1684 Feeder Status : A J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 2 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.500000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 100.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 4 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 4 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.500000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 100.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RE M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : Meter Details Range: 1 - * J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : P99X00003 J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : J0501 Meter Current Rating : J0455 VT Ratio : J0454 CT Ratio : J1684 Feeder Status : A J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 5 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 200.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 2000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id :P99X00004 O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 1 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 3 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 7 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 200.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 2000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : Meter Details Range: 1 - * J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : P99X00004 J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : J0501 Meter Current Rating : J0455 VT Ratio : J0454 CT Ratio : J1684 Feeder Status : A J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 6 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 211 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 03A M O O O O M M M 03A M O O O O M M M M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 200.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 2000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 4 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 8 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 200.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 2000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RE M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : Meter Details Range: 1 - * J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : P99X00005 J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : J0501 Meter Current Rating : J0455 VT Ratio : J0454 CT Ratio : J1684 Feeder Status : A J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 9 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id :P99X00006 O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 1 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 3 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 11 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : Meter Details Range: 1 - * J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : P99X00006 J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : J0501 Meter Current Rating : J0455 VT Ratio : J0454 CT Ratio : J1684 Feeder Status : A J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 10 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 4 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 12 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 212 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 03A M O O O O M M M 03A M O O O O M M M M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RE M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : Meter Details Range: 1 - * J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : P99X00007 J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : J0501 Meter Current Rating : J0455 VT Ratio : J0454 CT Ratio : J1684 Feeder Status : A J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 13 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id :P99X00008 O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 1 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 3 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 15 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : Meter Details Range: 1 - * J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : P99X00008 J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : J0501 Meter Current Rating : J0455 VT Ratio : J0454 CT Ratio : J1684 Feeder Status : A J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 14 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 4 M J0428 Outstation Id : 99999 M J0382 Channel Number : 16 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 10.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RE M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : ************************************************************** File Type : D0268 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 213 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) DTC version : 001 Flows in File : 1 Groups in File : 26 File Ends. ************************************************************** DTC UFF file 01A|1000000000004|19971001|3||F|Substation|11000|3|L|| 02A|99999|FCL||16|8|||||PS||01234567890|1200||| 03A|P99X00001|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|99999|1|0.500000|100.00|1000.0000|AI|6|P99X00002|1| 04A|3|99999|3|0.500000|100.00|1000.0000|RI|6||| 03A|P99X00002|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|99999|2|1.000000|200.00|2000.0000|AI|6||| 04A|4|99999|4|1.000000|200.00|2000.0000|RE|6||| 03A|P99X00003|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|99999|5|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|AI|6|P99X00004|1| 04A|3|99999|7|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|RI|6||| 03A|P99X00004|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|99999|6|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|AI|6||| 04A|4|99999|8|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|RE|6||| 03A|P99X00005|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|99999|9|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|AI|6|P99X00006|1| 04A|3|99999|11|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|RI|6||| 03A|P99X00006|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|99999|10|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|AI|6||| 04A|4|99999|12|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|RE|6||| 03A|P99X00007|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|99999|13|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|AI|6|P99X00008|1| 04A|3|99999|15|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|RI|6||| 03A|P99X00008|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|99999|14|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|AI|6||| 04A|4|99999|16|1.000000|10.00|1000.0000|RE|6||| Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 214 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 5. NGL With PSTN Communications DTC flow format File Type : D0268 DTC version : 001 File Format : DTC File Identifier : 0000000001 ************************************************************** Flow Instance 1 01A M M M O M O M M M O MPAN Cores Range: 1 - 1 J0003 MPAN Core : 1000000000005 J1254 Effective from Settlement Date {MSM : 19980301 J0418 Meter COP : 3 J1686 Meter COP Issue Number : J1687 Complex Site Indicator : F J1025 Meter Equipment/Service Location : J1255 System Voltage : 415 J0427 Number of Phases : 3 J1689 Event Indicator : L J0012 Additional Information : 02A Outstation Details Range: 1 - * M J0428 Outstation Id : 9999 M J0471 Outstation Type : NGL O J1691 Modem Type : M J0469 Outstation Number of Channels : 4 M J1256 Outstation Number of Dials : 6 O J0464 Outstation PIN : O J0470 Outstation Password Level 1 : PASS O J1257 Outstation Password Level 2 : O J1258 Reader Password : PASS M J0386 Communications Method : PS O J1690 Dial In/ Dial Out Indicator : O J0385 Communications Address : 01234567890 O J1260 Baud Rate : 1200 O J1261 Sequence MPAN Core : O J1262 Sequence Outstation Id : 03A Meter Details Range: 1 - * M J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : F90X00001 O J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : O J0501 Meter Current Rating : O J0455 VT Ratio : O J0454 CT Ratio : M J1684 Feeder Status : A M J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 M J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id : 9999 M J0382 Channel Number : 1 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 3.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 30.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id :F90X00002 O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 2 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 3 M J0428 Outstation Id : 9999 M J0382 Channel Number : 3 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 3.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 30.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 03A Meter Details Range: 1 - * M J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : F90X00002 O J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 215 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) O O O M M M J0501 Meter Current Rating : J0455 VT Ratio : J0454 CT Ratio : J1684 Feeder Status : A J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 2 M J0428 Outstation Id : 9999 M J0382 Channel Number : 2 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 3.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 30.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 4 M J0428 Outstation Id : 9999 M J0382 Channel Number : 4 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 3.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 30.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1000.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RE M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : ************************************************************** File Type : D0268 DTC version : 001 Flows in File : 1 Groups in File : 8 File Ends. ************************************************************** DTC UFF file 01A|1000000000005|19980301|3||F||415|3|L|| 02A|9999|NGL||4|6||PASS||PASS|PS||01234567890|1200||| 03A|F90X00001|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|9999|1|3.000000|30.00|1000.0000|AI|6|F90X00002|2| 04A|3|9999|3|3.000000|30.00|1000.0000|RI|6||| 03A|F90X00002|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|2|9999|2|3.000000|30.00|1000.0000|AI|6||| 04A|4|9999|4|3.000000|30.00|1000.0000|RE|6||| Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 216 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 6. Schlumberger PXAR With PSTN Communications DTC flow format File Type : D0268 DTC version : 001 File Format : DTC File Identifier : 0000000001 ************************************************************** Flow Instance 1 01A M M M O M O M M M O MPAN Cores Range: 1 - 1 J0003 MPAN Core : 1000000000006 J1254 Effective from Settlement Date {MSM : 19970731 J0418 Meter COP : 5 J1686 Meter COP Issue Number : 1 J1687 Complex Site Indicator : F J1025 Meter Equipment/Service Location : J1255 System Voltage : 415 J0427 Number of Phases : 3 J1689 Event Indicator : L J0012 Additional Information : 02A Outstation Details Range: 1 - * M J0428 Outstation Id : S93X000001 M J0471 Outstation Type : PXA O J1691 Modem Type : M J0469 Outstation Number of Channels : 3 M J1256 Outstation Number of Dials : 6 O J0464 Outstation PIN : O J0470 Outstation Password Level 1 : 1234 O J1257 Outstation Password Level 2 : O J1258 Reader Password : M J0386 Communications Method : PS O J0385 Communications Address : 01234567890 O J1690 Dial In/ Dial Out Indicator : O J1260 Baud Rate : 1200 O J1261 Sequence MPAN Core : O J1262 Sequence Outstation Id : 03A Meter Details Range: 1 - * M J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) : S93X00001 O J0410 Manufacturers Make & Type : O J0501 Meter Current Rating : O J0455 VT Ratio : O J0454 CT Ratio : M J1684 Feeder Status : A M J1685 Feeder Status Effective From Date : 19971001 M J1677 Meter Asset Provider Id : MPID 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 1 M J0428 Outstation Id :S93X000001 M J0382 Channel Number : 1 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.012000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 1.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 2 M J0428 Outstation Id :S93X000001 M J0382 Channel Number : 2 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 0.012000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 1.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : RI M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : 04A Meter Register Details Range: 1 - * M J0010 Meter Register Id : 3 M J0428 Outstation Id :S93X000001 Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 217 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) M J0382 Channel Number : 3 M J0432 Pulse Multiplier : 1.000000 M J0475 Meter Register Multiplier : 1.00 M J1688 Outstation Multiplier : 1.0000 M J0103 Measurement Quantity Id : AL2 M J0478 Number of Register Digits : 6 O J0476 Associated Meter Id : O J0477 Associated Meter Register Id : ************************************************************** File Type : D0268 DTC version : 001 Flows in File : 1 Groups in File : 6 File Ends. ************************************************************** DTC UFF flow 01A|1000000000006|19970731|5|1|F||415|3|L|| 02A|S93X000001|PXA||3|6||1234|||PS|01234567890||1200||| 03A|S93X00001|||||A|19971001|MPID| 04A|1|S93X000001|1|0.012000|1.00|1.0000|AI|6||| 04A|2|S93X000001|2|0.012000|1.00|1.0000|RI|6||| 04A|3|S93X000001|3|1.000000|1.00|1.0000|AL2|6||| 2 AL is alarm - The PXAr/Indigo meter has a separate channel for alarms and this must be registered to enable the HHDC to correctly collect data. (i.e. it is not a misprint, and not to be misinterpreted as AI) Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 218 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 142. The Co-Operative Objections Process WP no: Status: 142 Implemented by Industry Title: Co-Operative Objections Process Version: 1.0 WP type: W Implementation Date: 26/02/04 Related WP(s) Date raised: Nov 2003 Product Area (s): All Parties Affected: Suppliers Baseline Products Impacted: Last amended: 19/02/04 Dinesh Sharma V1 with WPPS CP 71 approved at MDB on 27/11/03 Change History: Context: As a means of improving the overall customer experience, Suppliers have identified an opportunity to reduce Erroneous Transfers (ETs) by utilising the Co-operative Objections process between Suppliers. MAP10 defines an Erroneous Transfer as that occurring when a customer has been transferred to a Supplier without a valid contract being in place and the Application for Registration has been processed in the relevant MPAS Registration System. For Co-operative Objections, the status of the proposed transfer is a suspected Erroneous Registration with the customer notifying the New Supplier that they believe that they have been erroneously registered and the objection window is still open. Working Practice: Principles: The Co-operative Objections Process will follow these principles: Each Co-operative Objection can only be raised by the Old Supplier with the approval of the New Supplier; The Old Supplier should use reasonable endeavours to raise a Co-operative Objection except where: Key data has not been provided to enable the Old Supplier to trace the customer’s record on their systems; The objection window has closed; and Related MPAN (where appropriate). To maximise benefits, the New Supplier should give priority to seeking co-operative objections to those accounts closest to the end of the objection window; Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 219 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Where a Co-operative Objection is agreed and raised the New Supplier shall not resubmit the registration unless the reason for the objection has been resolved; No caps or limitations on daily volumes; Non-domestic sites are out of the scope of these procedures; Where a co-operative objection has been raised to a customers transfer, the old supplier should write to the customer confirming the action that has been taken, in accordance with the requirements of section 16.7 of the MRA. Contact Information: Each Supplier should provide the following information for use during the operation of the CoOperative Objections Process: A designated contact with their telephone numbers for the purpose of co-ordination and feedback; Ideally a single email address and a single point of contact should be nominated from each Supplier to maximise the co-ordination of requests. Procedures: The Co-operative Objections Process will follow those processes outlined below and re-iterated by the flowchart in Appendix 1. Examples of how Co-operative Objections could be presented for inter-supplier communication purposes are contained in Appendix 2. Request Co-operative Objection from New Supplier to Old Supplier The New Supplier should make all reasonable endeavours to send a single spreadsheet (per Supplier MPID) in an agreed format containing Co-operative Objection requests, prior to 12 noon Monday to Friday. This will act as the trigger for agreement to be given for an objection to be raised. All files received by the Old Supplier by 12pm should be treated as received on that day and processed on the same day. All files received after 12pm should be treated as received on the following Working Day and processed by that day, unless otherwise agreed by both suppliers over the phone. On the same Working Day as the file is received (i.e. all files received up to 12pm on that working day), the Old Supplier will process the file received and raise Co-operative Objections where appropriate and by 1pm the following working day, send a response to the New Supplier confirming whether or not an objection has been raised. Any failure to meet this timescale can then be followed up by the New Supplier by telephone. All Suppliers: All Suppliers will use the standard spreadsheet templates for both requesting a co-operative objection and responding to the request. Impact of not implementing WP: The effect of not implementing the WP is that customers are unable to derive the benefit of a smooth and efficient resolution to Erroneous Transfers. The implication, then, is that the level of customer satisfaction does not fulfil its potential. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 220 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Appendix 1: Decision Making Chart New Supplier Contact from Customer to confirm ET has occured Is contact within open objection window? No Follow ETCC process Yes Resolve rejection reason Add customer record to spreasheet No Send spreadsheet to Old Supplier Await file response Has record been accepted ? Yes Await objection notification receipt Send letter to customer to confirm that Coop was successful Old Supplier Telephone handshake Old Supplier receives file Find file records on system Can objection be raised? No Mark record file as 'rejected' Have all records on file been marked as rejected or accepted? Yes Yes Send completed file back to new supplier Mark record file as 'accepted' Raise objection No Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 221 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Appendix 2: Co-Operative Objections Industry Example - Electricity Created Title Initial 01/01/2003 Dr MANDATORY MANDATORY Surname Address1 Address2 Address3 Z Who 13 Nowhere Street Feltham London OPTIONAL MANDATORY MANDATORY MANDATORY MANDATORY Field Notes Created Format is xx/xx/xxxx Title Format is x Surname Full Surname required Address fields Full Address required Postcode Full Postcode is required MPAN Must be 13 digits Address4 OPTIONAL Address5 Objection Window MPAN Number Cancellation_Reason Closure Date Tw13 4XX 1800012345678 MANDATORY MANDATORY E OPTIONAL 02/01/2003 MANDATORY Accepted/ Rejected Reason No Supplier does not own site MANDATORY CONDITIONAL Cancellation Reason As per MAP 10 reason codes Objection window end date Accepted/ rejected Must always be provided in xx/xx/xxxx format to allow prioritisation Accepted = "yes" "no" rejected = rejection reason can only be as per following reasons: Reason · Key data has not been provided to enable the new supplier to trace the customer’s record on their systems · Supplier does not own the site · The objection window has closed · Related MPAN Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 222 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 143. Large Scale Disconnections Initiated by Local Authorities WP no: 143 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: Title: Large Scale Disconnections Initiated by Local Authorities Version: 1.0 WP type: W 25/04/05 Related WP(s) Date raised: Oct 2004 Product Area (s): All Parties Affected: Distribution Suppliers. MOPs Businesses, Baseline Products Impacted: Last amended: Change History: 25/04/05 Gary Morris WPPS CP 74 version 1.1 approved at MDB on 31/3/05 Context: As part of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Sustainable Communities Plan the Market Renewal Pathfinders programme has been established. The purpose of the programme is to regenerate areas of low housing demand and housing market failure. Due to the nature of the pathfinders programme large volumes of clearance and demolition will be undertaken and large-scale disconnections will be required. Current documented processes require all disconnections to be initiated and driven by the Supplier, therefore in order for Local Authorities (working in partnership with the pathfinders programme) to initiate the required works they will have to identify and contact the current Supplier. However, due to the volume of sites (and possibly Suppliers) involved, to date this process has been extremely time consuming. It was therefore agreed that a new process for large-scale disconnections1 should be documented, in which the local authority are able to initiate the process. This process should only be used where the time constraints and volumes involved render the normal disconnection process inappropriate. It is important that Suppliers are kept informed of the Distribution Business’s actions. The Distribution Business involved should ensure that the Supplier/s responsible for the affected Metering Points are identified and informed of the disconnection as soon as possible. Working Practice: It is envisaged that Distribution Businesses will treat each Large Scale Disconnection as an individual project, therefore in order to aid the process a nominated project manager will be responsible for communicating with the Local Authority. Once the MPAN has been disconnected, the Distribution Business should follow the normal process and send all required information. It is recommended that the following steps are taken when undertaking the Large Scale Disconnection process: 1 Large scale disconnections are programmes of disconnections which are initiated by the Local Authority. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 223 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) 1. Local Authority – Compile programme of disconnection works. 2. Local Authority and Distribution Business – liaise in order to agree programme of disconnections and anticipated timescales. Agree responsibility for ensuring that properties are unoccupied. 3. Distribution Business – Schedule works. 4. Distribution Business – Contact MPAS to get MPANs and Supplier names if necessary. If appropriate this step should be carried out before the disconnections, however it may be carried out afterwards. Where time allows the Distribution Business may request a disconnection notice (D0132) from the Supplier. 5. Distribution Business – Disconnect power to premises. Remove meter (if present and if removal is appropriate) and label with address. Notify MOp of removed meter details and final reads. 6. Distribution Business – Issue notice to confirm power disconnected to Local Authority. 7. Distribution Business – Contact Supplier to confirm actions regarding disconnections, and if necessary inform Supplier of requirement for meter asset to be collected. Supplier – arrange for Meter Asset to be retrieved if necessary. 8. Distribution Business – Pass information regarding MPAN disconnection to MPAS. 9. MPAS – Disconnect MPAN and confirm de-registration of MPAN to Supplier (and any pending Supplier). 10. Supplier – Receive and process Disconnection - terminate agents for the disconnected MPAN Impact of not implementing WP: If the Local Authorities are forced to identify every affected Supplier before initiating disconnections, work carried out by the Pathfinders programme will be considerably delayed. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 224 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) WP 144. The use of Site Visit check codes 02 and 20 WP no: 144 Status: Implemented by Industry Implementation Date: Title: The use of Site Visit check codes 02 and 20 Version: 1.1 Originator: WP type: W Originator Ref: Related WP(s) 132 DST Issue No: Date raised: July 2006 DST Doc Ref: Product Area (s): Parties Affected: 22/02/2007 IREG Suppliers, NHHDCs, Meter Operators Retail Design Products Impacted: Last Amended: 22/02/07 Phil Hunt Change History: WPPS CP 83 version 1.1 approved at MDB on 27/7/06 Context: There is a recognised inconsistency in the use of site visit check codes 02 (site not occupied) and 20 (no access) that are sent to the Supplier from agents. Analysis of historic flows shows that sites alternate between 02 and 20. This information is important to Suppliers, particularly in ascertaining if a site is vacant or not. This WP gives guidance on the scenarios in which each code should be used. Working Practice: Use of the 02 (site not occupied) Site Visit Check Code The code 02 should only be used where there is clear evidence that the premise is vacant. Evidence for a site being vacant should include at least one of the following: Property derelict Site boarded up No furniture / fittings Uncollected Post New property that is empty Where possible, the additional information field should be used to give more details such as Estate Agent phone number. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 225 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) The code 02 should not be used if there is evidence of the following; Energy being consumed on the site (including meter advances on a gas meter that is accessible), use code 20 Site has been demolished, use code 35 Site is suspected to be demolished, use code 34 Site appears to be habited, use code 20 Site is an unmanned premise eg mobile phone mast, use code 37 Site is a Holiday let, use code 20 Site is undergoing building works and is uninhabited, use code 20 Use of the 20 (no access) Site Visit Check Code The 20 code should be used when the site appears to be occupied but: There is no answer when calling Site is a Holiday let and nobody is in Site is undergoing building works and is uninhabited The code 20 should not be used in the following circumstances: No access as De-energised use code 04 Property demolished use code 35 Site is suspected to be demolished, use code 34 Site is unmanned premise eg mobile phone mast, use code 37 Meter is blocked and cannot read display, use code 22 Customer will not allow access to meter, use code 21 Premise is locked and there is no key or code to gain access, use code 38 Site is unsafe and unable to access Meter, use code 18 Where possible the additional information field should be used to give more details. Impact of not implementing WP: Sites continue to be identified incorrectly as not occupied or no access and the Supplier is unable to ascertain how to get access to the site to gain a meter reading Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 226 of 227 Working Practices Product Set (WPPS) Also, if a Supplier is unable to reliably identify long term vacant sites then this could lead to potential Settlement inaccuracies if sites are incorrectly reported as such by a Supplier. Version : 5.4 Status : Approved Date : 01 Nov 2007 Page 227 of 227