About Us - edtna/erca

Kate McCarthy
The Renal Education Network
About Us Draft
The Renal Education Network
About Us
History of the Network
Establishment of The Renal Education Network was discussed in
December 2008. A meeting held at The University of Warwick, was
attended by a diverse range of healthcare professionals, patient
representatives, academics, pharmaceutical representatives and
publishing. The meeting was convened with the aim of better
meeting the needs of people living with established renal failure by
developing the evidence base, for structured education, in renal
patients. The current pre-dialysis education situation in the U.K is
diverse, educational methods used are developed locally, and there
is no nationally recognised educational programme. The recent
release of CKD guidelines by the National Institute for Clinical
Excellence (Sept 2008), in addition to the Renal NSF (2004), has
established the imperative.
Chronic Kidney Disease Patients from onset.
Pre-dialysis education & treatment decision making; dialysis,
transplantation & medical management options.
Patient self-efficacy and empowerment through education.
Consistent delivery of educational components by training the
Evaluation of education delivery, content and effect.
The Renal Education Network was set up with the following
1. To support delivery of high quality evidence based education
for established renal failure patients and those caring for
2. To support centres in accessing appropriate staff training.
3. To support research applications and studies, into renal
patient education and empowerment.
Kate McCarthy
The Renal Education Network
About Us Draft
4. To enable centres to share best practice and learn from each
5. To develop common evaluation criteria to facilitate quality
Electronic communication is being utilised to establish the aims and
objectives of the network. A steering group meeting is planned for
Feb/Mar 2010. The Renal Education Network will be launched
nationally at The Renal Education Network 1st Annual Meeting, on
23rd June 2010. To be held at University Hospitals NHS Trust,
Coventry & Warwickshire.
Steering Group
In order to create an increasing interest in and membership of the
Network, a Steering group was set up in 2008. The group will meet
every 6 months to plan regional meetings, the annual conference
and to develop frameworks for curriculum development and quality
development processes.
To reflect diversity in the stakeholder groups will be sought.
Professional Renal Research Interests Groups, Academic
Clinical Groups (Renal Association, Renal Information
Exchange Group (RIX), British Renal Society, British
Transplant Society).
Dept of Health, Renal Networks, Library for Health.
Renal Pharmacy Group
Renal Patient View
National Kidney Federation, Renal Patient Groups, Renal
Patient Charities.
Kidney Research UK
Publishing Industry.
Pharmaceutical Industry.
Primary Care.
Wider membership will be sought from the above groups.
Dependant on the number of participants, a series of regional
meetings will be held each year and an annual national conference.
The regional meetings will be focused on Curriculum Development
Kate McCarthy
The Renal Education Network
About Us Draft
and Quality Development. There are currently 31 healthcare
professionals, Dept of Health, patient representatives, publishing
representatives on the network database, representing 16
The membership will be involved initially in establishing and
developing best practice (or planning to deliver), in structured
education, for adults with established renal failure. A number of
renal centres are currently working on differing aspects of renal
education programmes. The involvement of these centres in the
collaboration of resources and knowledge will help develop an
evidence based renal education programme.
Mission Statement
“To champion, renal patient empowerment through education.
Supporting renal teams in integrating structured education for
adults with established renal failure in their service, by providing a
framework for curriculum development, educator training, quality
assurance and audit which meets the Department of Health criteria”
Vision and Work Plan
In 1 years time we will have an established diverse
membership, launched The Renal Education Network
nationally and held the first annual meeting. Developed a plan
of action to support the aims of the network. Established
funding needs and sources.
In 5 years time we will be a UK wide education network for
renal that ensures the delivery of high quality structured
education programmes.
In order to deliver the vision, a work plan will be developed
which will include:
The first year only will be funded by Coventry Kidney Fund.
Develop funding bids to support network development and
Support collaborative research to develop the evidence base.
Kate McCarthy
The Renal Education Network
About Us Draft
Explore and initiate meetings with long term conditions
stakeholders / networks re sharing good practice in self
management education.
Support researcher funding applications to increase renal
patient education and empowerment knowledge, and
evidence base.
Developing structured established renal failure education tools
and skills via documents and workshops– i.e. curriculum
framework; development of philosophies and identification of
theories for individual programmes; peer review process;
Holding regional meetings which will support the further
development of programmes using the tools developed and
which will also discuss opportunities and barriers to
integrating REN programmes into local care pathways with the
longer term aim of the REN developing an outline model of
Developing a communications strategy which raises the profile
and need for structured renal education in established renal
failure care. It will include a review of current resources and
initiatives. It will explore the different audiences that need to
be communicated with e.g. healthcare professionals, people
living with established renal failure, commissioners, other
potential stakeholders etc.
Develop a web site and discussion forums.
Holding a national conference on structured education.
Explore / develop generic and renal specific competencies for
established renal failure educators.
Explore the provision of appropriate training for educators in
skills such as group facilitation.