Yan liuling 个人简历 工作单位 Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University 教育背景 2000 年 澳大利亚 Victoria University 植物分子生物学博士 1987 年 扬州大学 小麦应用生理学 硕士 1984 年 扬州大学 农学 学士 科研经历 2011 至今 Professor 美国 Oklahoma State University, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences 2006-2011 Assistant Professor 美国 Oklahoma State University, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences 2005-2006 Assistant Project Scientist, 美 国 University of California at Davis, Department of Plant Sciences 1999-2004 博士后 美国 University of California at Davis, Department of Plant Sciences 1995-1996 访问学者 澳大利亚 University of Melbourne 1987-1995 副教授 扬州大学农学院 承担科研项目 1.OCAST-Oklahoma Applied Research Support (OARS) Rapid deployment of a unique gene in wheat 'Duster' for resistance against multiple foliar disease pathogens, PI: L. Yan, 2013-2014. 2. USDA-AFRI, Improving barley and wheat germplasm for changing environments. CoPIs: L. Yan, B. Arnall & B. Carver at OSU, PI. Dubcovsky at UC Davis. 2/2011-1/2015. 3. Oklahoma Wheat Research Foundation (OWRF), QTL Discovery & Genomic Technology. PI: L. Yan, 2006-2013. 4. OSU-CASNR Academic Programs, Sitlington Enriched Graduate Scholarships, PI: L. Yan, 2011-2016. 5. OCAST-Plant Science-Basic, A genetic locus improving nitrogen use efficiency in wheat. PI: L. Yan, 2009-2011. 6. OCAST-Plant Science-Applied, Molecular breeding of agronomically important traits for dual purpose wheat in Oklahoma. PI: L. Yan, 2007-2010 7. USDA-CSREE-NRI, Wheat Applied Genomics in Coordinated Agricultural Project (CAP). Co-PI: L. Yan & B. Carver, PI. J. Dubcovsky at UC-Davis, 7/2006-11/2009. 8. USDA-CSREE-NRI, Functional characterization of the VRN3 vernalization gene in wheat and barley. Co-PI: L. Yan, PI. J. Dubcovsky in UC-Davis, 9/2007-8/2010. 9. USDA-CSREES-NRI, Regulation of barley flowering time by vernalization genes. CoPI: L. Yan, PI. J. Dubcovsky at UC-Davis, 2005-2007. 10. Oklahoma Wheat Commission (OWC), Genetic Improvement of Winter Wheat. PI: L. Yan, 2007-2009. 11. Oklahoma Biofuels Center (OBC), Development of delayed or never flowering grasses for sustainable feedstock of biofuels. PI: L. Yan, 2008-2009. 12. USDA-Hatch Project, Development of molecular markers for the developmental phase transition and their application in breeding of winter wheat. PI: L. Yan, 2007-2013. 13. USDA-Hatch Project, Development of molecular markers for the seed germination and their application in breeding of winter wheat, USDA-Hatch project. PI: L. Yan, 20092013. 14. OSU-DASNR, Team Improvement Project, Genetic mapping of genes for nitrogen use efficiency and their application in breeding of winter wheat. PI: L. Yan, 2008-2009. 已选育的小麦品种 利用分子标记对育种材料进行重要基因的鉴定,协助发掘了5个小麦新品种。 1. 2012 HRW wheat cultivar, ‘Iba’. 2. 2012 HRW wheat cultivar, ‘Gallagher’ 3. 2011 HRW wheat cultivar, ‘Ruby Lee’. 4. 2011 HRW wheat cultivar, ‘Garrison’. 5. 2009 HRW wheat cultivar, ‘Pete’. 6. 2009 HRW wheat cultivar, ‘Billings’. 7. 2008 HW winter wheat cultivar, ‘OK Rising’. 专利 Dubcovsky, Jorge, Liuling Yan, and Artem Loukoianov. 2003. Genes responsible for vernalization regulation temperate grasses and uses thereof. UC Davis Reference No. 2003-297-2. 发表文章 1. Li, G., M. Yu, T. Fang, S. Cao, BF. Carver, L. Yan*, 2013. Vernalization requirement duration in winter wheat is controlled by TaVRN-A1 at the protein level. The Plant Journal. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12326. 2. Yu, M., BC. Caver, L. Yan*, 2013 TamiR1123 originated from a family of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITE) including one inserted in the Vrn-A1a promoter in wheat. Plant Science (in press). 3. Tan, CT, BF. Carver, M. Chen, Y. Gu, L. Yan*, 2013. Genetic association of OPR and LOX genes with resistance to Hessian fly in hexaploid wheat. BMC Genomics 14:369. 4. Lei, L., X. Zhu, S, Wang, M. Zhu, B.F. Carver, L. Yan*, 2013. TaMFT-A1 is associated with seed germination sensitive to temperature in winter wheat. PLoS One PLoS ONE 8(9): e73330. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073330. 5. Cao, S., L. Yan. 2013. Construction of a high-quality Yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) library and its application in identification of interacting proteins with key vernalization regulator TaVRN-A1 in wheat. BMC Research Note 6: 81-86. 6. Zhu, X., L. Yan, H. Zhang. 2013. Morphological and physiological responses of winter wheat seedlings to nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition 36:1234–1246. 7. Nitcher, R, A. Distelfeld, C. Tan, L. Yan, J. Dubcovsky, 2013. Increased copy number at the FT-H1 locus is associated with accelerated flowering time in barley. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 288:261-275. 8. Hunger, RM, JT. Edwards, RL. Bowden, L. Yan, P. Rayas-Duarte, G. Bai, GW. Horn, JA. Kolmer, KL. Giles, M. Chen, Y. Jin, RD. Osburn, M B. Bayles, BW. Seabourn, AR. Klatt, BF. Carver. 2013. ‘Billings’ Wheat Combines Early Maturity, Disease Resistance, and Desirable Grain Quality for the Southern Great Plains of the USA. Journal of Plant Registrations (in press). 9. Edwards, JT., RM. Hunger, EL. Smith, GW. Horn, MS. Chen, L. Yan, G. Bai, RL. Bowden, AR. Klatt, P. Rayas-Duarte, RD. Osburn, KL. Giles, JA. Kolmer, Y. Jin, DR. Porter, BW. Seabourn, MB. Bayles, and BF. Carver 2012 ‘Duster’ Wheat: A durable, dual-purpose cultivar adapted to the southern Great Plains of the USA. Journal of Plant Registrations. 6:37–48. 10. Chu, C.-G., C.T. Tan, S. Zhong, S.S. Xu*, L. Yan* 2011. A novel retrotranspon inserted in the dominant Vrn-B1 allele confers spring growth habit in tetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum L.). Genes, Genomes, and Genetics. 1:637-645. 11. Fang, T., K.G. Campbell, Z. Liu, X. Chen, A. Wan, S. Li, S. Liu, S. Cao, Y. Chen, Robert L. Bowden, B.F. Carver, L. Yan* 2011. Stripe rust resistance in the wheat cultivar Jagger is due to Yr17 and a novel resistance gene. Crop Science 51:2455–2465. 12. Zhu, X., C.T. Tan, L. Yan*. 2011. Molecular identification of null alleles at VRN-2 genes on A, B, and D genomes of hexaploid wheat. Molecular Breeding. 27:501–510. 13. Zhu, X., H. Zhang, L. Yan*. 2011. Variation and interrelations in mineral concentrations in wheat leaves used for forage. Journal of Plant Nutrition 34:1321-1329. 14. Chen, Y., B. Carver, S. Wang, S. Cao, L. Yan*. 2010. Genetic regulation of developmental phases in winter wheat. Molecular Breeding. 26:573-582. 15. Edwards, JT., RM. Hunger, EL. Smith, GW. Horn, MS. Chen, L. Yan, G. Bai, RL. Bowden, AR. Klatt, P. Rayas-Duarte, RD. Osburn, KL. Giles, JA. Kolmer, Y. Jin, DR. Porter, BW. Seabourn, MB. Bayles, and BF. Carver* 2011 ‘Duster’ Wheat: A durable, dual-purpose cultivar adapted to the southern Great Plains of the USA. Journal of Plant Registrations. 6:1-12. 16. Cao, S., B.F. Carver, X. Zhu, T. Fang, Y. Chen, R.M. Hunger, L. Yan*. 2010. A single-nucleotide polymorphism that accounts for allelic variation in the Lr34 gene and leaf rust reaction in hard winter wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 121:385-392. 17. Chen, Y., BF. Carver, S. Wang, F. Zhang, L. Yan*. 2009. Genetic loci associated with stem elongation and dormancy release in winter wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 118:881-889. 18. Chen, Y., R.M. Hunger, B.F. Carver, H. Zhang, L. Yan*. 2009. Genetic characterization of powdery mildew resistance in U.S. hard winter wheat. Molecular Breeding. 24:141-152. 19. Wang, S., B. Carver, L. Yan*. 2009. Genetic loci in the photoperiod pathway interactively modulate reproductive development of winter wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 118:1139-1149. 20. Pidal, B., L. Yan, D. Fu, F. Zhang, G. Tranquilli, J. Dubcovsky. 2009. The CArG-box in the promoter region of wheat vernalization gene VRN1 is not necessary to mediate the vernalization response. J. Heredity 100:355-364. 21. Distelfeld, A., G. Tranquilli, C. Li, L. Yan, J. Dubcovsky. 2009. Genetic and molecular characterization of the VRN2 loci in tetraploid wheat. Plant Physiology 2009, 149:245-257. 22. Yan, L. 2009. Wheat genomic research: Genetic regulation of developmental processes in winter wheat. Ann. Wheat Newsl. 55:233-236. 23. Carver, B., R. Hunger, E. Jeffery; R.D. Patricia, A. Klatt, D. Porter, B. Seabourn, G. Bai, F. Dowell, L. Yan, B. Martin. 2008. “Registration of ‘Guymon’ Wheat”. Journal of Plant Registrations. 2:33-35. 24. Yan, L., D. Fu, C. Li, A. Blechl, G. Tranquilli, M. Bonafede, A. Sanchez, M. Valarik, and J. Dubcovsky. 2006. The wheat and barley vernalization gene VRN3 is an orthologue of FT. The cover story in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103:19581-19586. Comments on this research (http://www.f1000biology.com/article/id/1054689). The cover story in PNAS (Yan et al, 2006) was one of “The 50 Most-Frequently Read Articles in PNAS” updated in January 2007. 25. Dubcovsky, J, A. Loukoianov, D. Fu, M. Valarik, A. Sanchez, L. Yan. 2006. Effect of photoperiod on the regulation of wheat vernalization genes VRN1 and VRN2. Plant Molecular Biology 60:469-480. 26. Yan, L, J. Zitzewitz, J. Skinner, P. Hayes, and J. Dubcovsky. 2005. Molecular characterization of the duplicated AP1 genes in barley Genome 48:905-912. 27. Loukoianov, A, L. Yan, A. Blechl, A. Sanchez, and J. Dubcovsky. 2005. Regulation of VRN-1 vernalization genes in natural and transgenic wheat. Plant Physiology 138: 1364-1373. 28. Zitzewitz, J, P. Szűcs, J. Dubcovsky, L. Yan, E. Francia, N. Pecchioni, A. Casas, T. Chen. P. Hayes, J. Skinner. 2005. Structural and functional characterization of barley vernalization genes. Plant Molecular Biology 59:449-467. 29. Dubcovsky, J, C. Chen, and L. Yan. 2005. Molecular characterization of the allelic variation at the VRN-H2 vernalization locus in barley. Molecular Breeding 15:395-407. 30. Fu, D, P. Szűcs, L. Yan, M. Helguera, J. Skinner, J. Zitzewitz, P. Hayes, and J. Dubcovsky. 2005. Large deletions within the VRN-1 first intron are associated with spring growth habit in barley and wheat. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 75:54-65. 31. Yan, L, A. Loukoianov, A. Blechl, G. Tranquilli, P. SanMiguel, W. Ramakrishna, J. Bennetzen, V. Echenique, and J. Dubcovsky. 2004. The wheat VRN2 gene is a flowering repressor down-regulated by vernalization. Science 303: 1640-1644. This is a full size of research article and is commented by Jean Marx, 2004. Remembrance of Winter Past. Science 303:1607. 32. Yan, L, M. Helguera, K. Kato, S. Fukuyama, J. Sherman, and J. Dubcovsky. 2004. Allelic variation at the VRN-1 promoter region in polyploid wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 109:1677-1686. 33. Sherman, J. D, L. Yan, L. Talbert and J. Dubcovsky. 2004. A PCR marker for growth habit in common wheat based on allelic variation at the Vrn-A1 gene. Crop Science 44:1832-1838. 34. Yan, L, A. Loukoianov, G. Tranquilli, M. Helguera, T. Fahima. , and J. Dubcovsky. 2003. Positional cloning of wheat vernalization gene VRN1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100: 6263-6268. Comments on this research (http://www.f1000biology.com/article/id/1013447/evaluation). 35. Yan, L, V. Echenique, C. Busso, P. SanMiguel, W. Ramakrishna, J. Bennetzen, S. Harrington, and J. Dubcovsky. 2002. Cereal genes similar to Snf2 define a new subfamily that includes human and mouse genes. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 268:488-499. 36. Dubcovsky, J, W. Ramakrishna, P. SanMiguel, C. Busso, L. Yan, B. Shiloff, and J. Bennetzen. 2001. Comparative sequence analysis of colinear barley and rice bacterial artificial chromosomes. Plant Physiology. 125:1342-1253. 37. Yan, L, R. Fairclough, and M. Bhave. 2001. Characterization of waxy proteins and waxy genes of T. timopheevi and T. zhukovskyi and implications for evolution of wheat. Genome. 44:582-588. 38. Yan, L, M. Bhave, R. Fairclough, C. Konik, S. Rahman, and R. Appels, 2000 The genes encoding granule-bound starch synthases at the waxy loci of the A, B and D progenitors of common wheat. Genome. 43:264-272. 39. Yan, L, and M. Bhave. 2000. Sequences of the waxy loci of wheat: Utility in analysis of waxy proteins and developing molecular markers. Biochemical Genetics. 38:391-411. 40. Yan, L, R. Fairclough, and M. Bhave. 2000. A novel starch granule-bound protein in endosperm of wheat. Journal of Cereal Science. 32:245-258. 41. Li, Z, X. Chu, G. Mouille, L. Yan, B. Kosar-Hashemi, S. Hey, J. Napier, P. Shewry, B. Clarke, R. Appels, M. Morell, and S. Rahman. 1999 The localization and expression of the class II starch synthases of wheat. Plant Physiology. 120:1147-1155.