UNL Department of Agronomy & Horticulture Curriculum Coordinating Committee Minutes Monday, Jan. 24, 2011, 3 p.m. 375 PLSH I. Call to Order – Lagrimini The meeting was called to order by Dr. Lagrimini at 3 p.m. in 375 PLSH. The minutes were approved as previously e-mailed. Attendees were: Mark Lagrimini, Steve Mason, Ellen Paparozzi, Don Lee, Brian Waters, Dennis McCallister, Richard Ferguson (Dist. Educ.), and Kathy Schindler, recorder. II. HORT 130 – McCallister Dennis McCallister said the HORT 130 class is still in the UNL bulletin even though the class is no longer being offered. On first glance, he thought the Curriculum Coordinating Committee should officially delete the class. But he learned that there are implications for students who transfer from UNO, Curtis, and the community colleges, if there isn’t an equivalent course for them. Another option is to make UNO’s HORT 1300 equivalent to UNL’s HORT 131 and 133. The department is moving toward the direction of having AGRO 131 plus the AGRO 133 lab act as the equal to HORT 130. It was noted that the department has been giving transfer credit based on historical precedence rather than an accurate equivalency. Committee members decided by consensus to leave HORT 130 on the books, thus continuing the equivalence of HORT 1300 from UNO. Dennis McCallister will speak to Dann Husmann in the CASNR Dean’s office about leaving this class in the bulletin. A discussion followed about asking the department representative to the CASNR Curriculum Committee to attend our department Curriculum Coordinating Committee meetings to improve communication. The current representative to the CASNR Curriculum Committee is Martha Mamo. Kathy Schindler said she would send an e-mail invitation to Martha asking that she attend our meetings as her schedule permits. (Follow up: Martha accepted the invitation and said she will try to get to as many meetings as possible.) III. Review of Organic Options proposals – Francis/McCallister (see Appendix A) Dennis McCallister outlined an Organic Option for both the Agronomy & Horticulture majors from Chuck Francis. Committee members reviewed the document that Chuck had proposed There were several suggestions to make that would make the AGRO and HORT options mirror each other better. Those suggestions included adding HORT 352 (2 credits) and then revising the total number of credits. There are 128 credits required for the HORT major (so HORT students have a better opportunity to get into graduate school), and 125 credits for the AGRO major. Dennis said he would make revisions and send them out to everyone on the committee. These options should proceed to the CASNR Curriculum Committee. Dennis will start the CASNR Curriculum form and get the appropriate signatures. IV. Lack of Department Support for HORT Distance Graduate Certificates and Courses Paparozzi Ellen said this is a follow up to previous e-mail and in-person discussions about AG*IDEA and the Horticulture Certification programs. The three certification programs have not moved forward because the CASNR Dean’s Office isn’t convinced that it has the support of the entire Agronomy & Horticulture faculty. Other certificate programs have moved forward while these have not. She asked what could be done to show the Dean’s office that there is support. Committee members agreed that it’s good to have a unified stance from the department. Options include sending a letter of support from the Curriculum Coordinating Committee, sending letters of support from each sub-committee, or sending the 16 courses (reduced from 26) and the certification through the formal curriculum process. If it was decided to go through the formal curriculum process, they would start at Brian Waters’ graduate sub-committee since these are graduate courses. Discussion followed. Ellen said she would like to see more horticulture faculty hired in the next five years. This certificate program would attract faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students to the department. By itself, UNL would not be able to offer as many horticulture classes as it would when working in conjunction with the AG*IDEA program. In additions, the courses would bring in additional tuition to UNL. There is also an industry demand for classes that would advance careers but not require a full master’s degree. A horticulture certificate program would fit that need and offer a competitive advantage to Nebraskans who complete the program. This certificate program would also benefit Extension educators and master gardeners. The department currently does not have a distance master’s program in horticulture. Ellen said that participation in the AG*IDEA program would enhance the department’s abilities to serve Nebraska clientele and would allow the department to keep track of horticulture classes that are offered through AG*IDEA. Committee members said the certificate programs would help fulfill department goals. It was decided to send the certificate programs and courses to Brian Waters’ graduate sub-committee. Ellen said she would e-mail the information to Brian. The information about the courses includes the target audience, objectives, and professors curriculum vitae (for new courses). The graduate sub-committee would approve the certificates and courses and bring them forward to Curriculum Coordinating Committee at either the Feb. 28 or March 28 meetings. V. VI. Topics from the floor None. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 3.58 p.m. The next meeting is Monday, Feb. 28, 2011 at 3 p.m. in 279M PLSH. Appendix A Organic Farming & Food Systems Option: Students selecting the organic farming systems option are concerned about the integrative systems aspects of the food and natural resource system, with emphasis on certified organic production. They focus on long-term production, economics, environmental and social impacts of the food system. There is an option for a one-semester fall study in agroecology at UMB in Norway. Careers include private companies, technical consulting,, natural resource management, government service, nonprofit sector, political or international work, farming, or further graduate study. Organic Option in Agronomy Major College Capstone [select one] AGRO/HORT 436 Or AGRO 405 Or AGRO 445 Plant and Soil Management AGRO 204 AGRO 269 AGRO 366 AGRO/HORT 439 HORT 352 Agroecosystems Analysis Crop Management Strategies Livestock Range Management Resource Efficient Crop Management Principles of Soil Management Soil Nutrient Relationships Organic Farming & Horticulture Production & Physiology of Horticultural Crops Crop Protection 3 15 3 3 4 3 2 AGRO 426 ENTO 308 PPLT 369 Invasive Plants Management of Field Crop Insects Introductory Plant Pathology 9 3 3 3 NRES 220 AGRO 435 Principles of Ecology Agroecology 6 3 3 CHEM 105 and 106 or CHEM 109 and 110 BIOS 109 AGRO/HORT 325 Chem in Context I and II or General Chem I and II Botany Plant Physiology Ecology Natural Science Business and Economics AECN 316 AECN 325 HORT/AGRO 488 Agribusiness Management Marketing Agricultural Commodities Entrepreneurship in Horticulture and Agron 15 8 3 4 9 3 3 3 Option Total 57 Core Requirements Free electives 53-58 10-15 Grand Total 125 College Capstone [select one] Organic Option in Horticulture Major AGRO/HORT 436 Agroecosystems Analysis OR HORT 488 Agricultural Entrepreneurship OR HORT 469 Senior Landscape Design OR HORT 462 Nursery Crop Production Management 3-4 13 Plant and Soil Management Select HORT 352 in core AGRO 204 AGRO 269 AGRO 366 AGRO/HORT 439 Resource Efficient Crop Management Soil Management Soil Nutrient Relationship Organic Farming & Horticulture 3 3 4 3 AGRO 426 ENTO 403 PPLT 369 Invasive Plants Management of Horticultural Crop Insects Introductory Plant Pathology 9 3 3 3 NRES 220 HORT 435 Principles of Ecology Agroecology 6 3 3 Crop Protection Ecology Natural Science 10 Select CHEM 109, BIOS 109, and either MSYM 109 or PHYS 141 in core CHEM 110 CHEM 251 AGRO 325 Business and Economics Select two of following: AECN 316 AECN 325 HORT/AGRO 488 General Chem II Organic chemistry Plant Physiology 4 3 3 6 Agribusiness Management Marketing Agricultural Commodities Entrepreneurship in Horticulture and Agron 3 3 3 Option Total 47-48 Core Req. 65-67 Free Electives Suggest: Grand Total PPLT lab Plant Pathology Laboratory (1cr) 13-16 128