NORTH TEXAS DIABETES AND ENOCRINOLOGY 190 CIVIC CIRCLE DR. SUITE 272 LEWISVILLE, TEXAS 75067 214-222-2700 214-222-2705 (Fax) MEDICAL HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE DATE: ____/_____/____ NAME: ________________________________________________________________ AGE: ______ HEIGHT:_______ WT:________ INITIAL HISTORY 1. WHY ARE YOU COMING TO THE DOCTOR? ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. HAVE YOU EVER HAD ANY OF THE FOLLOWING (Please check)? ○ DIABETES ○ HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE ○ HIGH CHOLESTEROL ○ HEART ATTACK ○ ANGINA ○ STROKE / MINI STROKE (Please circle) ○ ASTHMA / ALLERGIES (Please circle) ○ LUNG DISEASE ○ CANCER (specify:_________________) ○ GOUT ○ THYROID PROBLEMS ○ OTHERS________________________ 3. LIST ANY SURGERIES THAT YOU HAVE HAD: SURGERY: ___________________________ YEAR: __________________ SURGERY: ___________________________ YEAR: __________________ SURGERY: ___________________________ YEAR: __________________ 4. LIST ANY PAST HOSPITALIZATIONS: WHEN:___________________________ WHY: ________________________ WHEN: ___________________________ WHY:________________________ 5. WHAT MEDICATIONS ARE YOU TAKING (If Diabetic, see Diabetes Questionnaire)? MEDICATION_______________________ MEDICATION ________________________ MEDICATION _______________________ MEDICATION ________________________ MEDICATION _______________________ MEDICATION ________________________ MEDICATION ________________________ MEDICATION ________________________ MEDICATION ________________________ MEDICATION ________________________ MEDICATION ________________________ DOSE________________________ DOSE________________________ DOSE ________________________ DOSE________________________ DOSE ________________________ DOSE________________________ DOSE________________________ DOSE________________________ DOSE________________________ DOSE________________________ DOSE________________________ 1 6. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANY MEDICATIONS? YES NO IF YES, WHICH ONES? _____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. FAMILY HISTORY: A) DO YOU HAVE FAMILY MEMBERS WITH DIABETES? YES NO IF YES, WHO HAS DIABETES? _________________________________ B) DO YOU HAVE FAMILY MEMBERS WITH A THYROID PROBLEM? YES NO IF YES, WHO HAS THYROID PROBLEM?_______________________ C) PLEASE CHECK IF BLOOD RELATED MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY HAVE HAD ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: _____ HEART DISEASE _____ KIDNEY DISEASE _____ OBESITY _____STROKE _____ CANCER _____ HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE _____ HORMONE PROBLEMS _____ HIGH CHOLESTEROL 8. IMMUNIZATION: WHEN FLU SHOT PNEUMO VACC 9. ______________ ______________ SOCIAL HISTORY: MARITAL STATUS: Single Married Divorced Separated Widowed DO YOU SMOKE CIGARETTES?________ HOW MANY PACKS /DAY?_____ DO YOU DRINK ALCOHOL?________HOW MANY PER DAY/WEEK?_________ EDUCATION COMPLETED: GRADE SCHOOL____ HIGH SCHOOL___ COLLEGE_______ 10. CURRENT SYMPTOMS (Review of Systems): General: Weight Gain Weight Loss Weakness Fatigue YES YES YES YES OR OR OR OR NO (How much? ________________) NO (How much? ________________) NO NO Skin: Hair Loss Itching Dryness YES OR NO YES OR NO YES OR NO Eyes, Ear, Nose & Throat: Blurred vision (recent) Cataract Laser Treatment (not LASIK) YES OR NO YES OR NO YES OR NO (when? __________________) Chest: Cough Shortness of breath YES OR NO YES OR NO Cardiovascular: Chest pain Palpitations Shortness of breath with exertion Shortness of breath while lying flat YES OR YES OR YES OR YES OR NO NO NO NO 2 Swelling of the legs/ ankles Painful legs while walking Foot ulcers YES OR NO YES OR NO YES OR NO Gastrointestinal: Loss of appetite Excessive hunger Heartburn Nausea Abdominal pain Constipation Loose bowel movements (diarrhea) YES OR YES OR YES OR YES OR YES OR YES OR YES OR NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Urinary: Frequent urination Problem starting stream Incontinence YES OR NO YES OR NO YES OR NO Genital: Libido (desire) Men: Erection problems Women: Regular periods No. of pregnancies: ___________ Menopause If yes: natural or surgical Age, periods started: ___________ Last menstrual period: __________ Normal or Low YES OR NO YES OR NO YES OR NO (age at menopause:___________) Musculoskeletal: Arthritis YES OR NO If yes: what joints bother you the most: __________________ Tendonitis/ Bursitis YES OR NO Back or neck pain YES OR NO Neurological: Frequent headaches Burning sensation in the feet & hands Numbness in the feet & hands Depressed Mood swings YES OR YES OR YES OR YES OR YES OR NO NO NO NO NO If you are seeing Dr. Haque for Diabetes, please fill out the Diabetes 1st visit Questionnaire as well. ____________________ Patient Signature ___________ Date ________________________________ Wasim A. Haque, M.D. (Reviewed with the patient) ___________ Date 3