Title: Header Compression for BCMCS Abstract: This contribution proposes the adoption of an improved ROHC unidirectional mode of operation for header compression in BCMCS. Existing unidirectional mode of operation in ROHC does not work efficiently when used over broadcast links with significant error rates and scarce bandwidth. In our proposed improvement, static context information will be sent in advance to the decompressor via BCMCS information acquisition. The original ROHC compressor states and decompressor states can still be used but with minor simplifications; less information need to be sent over the unidirectional link to initialize or periodically update the context, enabling shorter refreshing period, which, in turn, leads to faster context damage recovery and shorter user tune-in time. Source: Haipeng Jin and Jun Wang QUALCOMM Incorporated {haipengj, jwang}@qualcomm.com Date: September 15, 2003 Recommendation: Review and adopt Notice QUALCOMM Incorporated grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organization Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner’s name any Organizational Partner’s standards publication even though it may include portions of the contribution; and at the Organization Partner’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contributions or the resulting Organizational Partner’s standards publication. QUALCOMM Incorporated is also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner’s standard which incorporates this contribution. This document has been prepared by QUALCOMM Incorporated to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on QUALCOMM Incorporated. QUALCOMM Incorporated specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and nothing herein shall be construed as conferring or offering licenses or rights with respect to any intellectual property of QUALCOMM Incorporated other than provided in the copyright statement above. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 INTRODUCTION This contribution proposes the use of an improved unidirectional (U) mode of ROHC for header compression in BCMCS. When used over error prone unidirectional links such as wireless broadcast links, the ROHC U mode compression faces a very important tradeoff between efficiency and reliability. When the periodic transition to initialization and refresh (IR) state in the compressor is set to a long interval, fewer large IR packets are transmitted, leading to higher bandwidth efficiency. However, since the wireless links have high error rate, it is highly probable for the transmitted packets to be corrupted and cause repeated decompression failures at the decompressor. Once it is forced back to no context (NC) state by the failures, the decompressor will have to wait for a long time to receive the periodic IR packets from the compressor in order to re-establish the context. All packets received during this interval have to be discarded, causing disruption in services. In addition, the long IR refresh interval will lead to long acquisition time when a MS initially tunes to or switches back to the broadcast channel because the decompressor in the MS cannot be updated as soon as possible. On the other hand, if the periodic transition to IR state in the compressor is set to happen with a short interval, the decompressor will be able to recover from context loss promptly, achieving higher reliability, and the tuning time for the MS will also be short. However, the large number of IR packets sent will lead to much lower efficiency. Therefore, there is tradeoff for sending frequent IR packet and bandwidth efficiency. In this contribution, we propose improvements to ROHC U mode in the initialization procedure and the compression/decompression state machine to alleviate the dilemma in setting the periodic update period and to make it more suitable for BCMCS. With our proposed changes, less information need to be transmitted during periodic refresh while the decompressor can still recover from context damage quickly and the MS can tune in faster. 1 1 2 BACKGROUND ON ROHC OA OA IR OA FO SO Timeout Timeout/ Update Timeout /Update 2 3 Figure 1 Compressor States and Logic (ROHC U Mode) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 In ROHC, when there is no return path available from the decompressor to the compressor, U mode is used to perform header compression. The three compressor states, Initialization and Refresh (IR) state, First Order (FO) state, and Second Order (SO) state, for ROHC compression are shown in Figure 1. The compressor starts in IR state and transits gradually to higher compression states. The purpose of the IR state is to initialize the context at the decompressor or to refresh the context. In the IR state, the compressor sends complete header information using IR packets. The purpose of the FO state is to efficiently communicate irregularities in the packet stream. The compressor rarely sends information about all dynamic fields, and the information sent is usually compressed. The compressor enters SO state when the header to be compressed is completely predictable given the RTP sequence number. In U mode, the transition logic for compression states is based on three principles: the optimistic approach, timeouts, and the need for update. Transition to a higher compression state is carried out according to the optimistic approach principle. The compressor transits to a higher state when it is fairly confident that the decompressor has received enough information to correctly decompress packets according to the higher compression state. The compressor stays in the IR state until it assumes that the decompressor has received the static context information. Similarly, the compressor transit from FO state to SO state after it has confident that the decompressor has all parameters needed to decompress according to a fixed pattern. The compressor normally obtains its confidence about decompressor status by sending several packets with the same information according to the lower compression state. While in SO state, the compressor must immediately transit back 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to the FO state when the header to be compressed does not conform to the established pattern. The decompressor states and logic are shown in Figure 2. The decompressor starts in the lowest state, No Context (NC) state. Successful decompression will always move the decompressor to the Full Context (FC) state. Repeated failed decompression will force the decompressor to transit downwards to a lower state. In the NC state only IR packets, which carry the static information fields, may be decompressed. All other packets received in the NC state will be discarded. To protect against decompressor failures, the compressor must periodically transit to lower compression states. Particularly, periodic transition to the IR state is needed to refresh the static context. Periodic transition to the IR state should be carried out less often than periodic transition to the FO state. 13 Success No Static Success No Dynamic NC SC K2 out of N2 failures FC K1 out of N1 failures 14 Figure 2 Decompressor States and Logic (ROHC U Mode) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3 PROPOSED ROHC U MODE IMPROVEMENTS FOR BCMCS We propose the following improved ROHC U mode to be used for BCMCS to improve efficiency and reduce tuning delay without reducing reliability. Instead of using the IR packets sent during the IR state to establish and refresh the static context, the BCMCS information acquisition procedure between the BCMCS controller and the MS is used to convey the static information. Typical static fields in RTP/UDP/IP protocol headers are listed as follows. IPv4 static fields 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 o Version o Protocol o Source Address o Destination Address UDP static fields o Source Port o Destination Port RTP static fields o SSRC (Synchronization Source) Besides static header fields, the controller also needs to send some configuration information to the MS via BCMCS information acquisition, for example, whether large CID is being used, which profile is used, whether there is segmentation and what is the expected maximum reconstruction unit. Once the MS receives the header configuration information and static information, the MS will keep it for the lifetime of the session. In the event of context damage, the decompressor only needs to receive the dynamic information to re-establish the context. As a result, the static context does not need to be sent periodically again. Both the compressor states machine and decompressor states machine can be simplified as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. In both figures, the states in ROHC U mode are still used with some minor changes in the state transition logic. Dotted lines in Figure 3 and Figure 4 indicate the state transitions that are no longer used; red lines indicate the state transitions that remain to be used. OA OA Initial Packet Received IR FO SO Timeout/ Update Timeout /Update Timeout 23 24 Figure 3 Improved Compressor States Machine 4 Success No Static No Dynamic NC Success SC static info received FC K1 out of N1 failures K2 out of N2 failures 1 Figure 4 Improved Decompressor States Machine 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 After initially sending the static context via signaling messages, the compressor enters the FO state and sends IR-DYN packets which contain the dynamic part of the context and other necessary information. Once it has confidence about the decompressor status by following the optimistic approach principle, the compressor can transit to SO state and perform optimal compression. To help the decompressor to quickly reach the FC state (with small tuning or re-tuning time) and recover from context damage, the compressor must periodically transit to FO state to refresh the dynamic context. 15 The decompressor still starts from the IR state. Once it receives the static context through the initial acquisition process, the decompressor enters the SC state. In the SC state, the decompressor only attempts decompression on packets carrying seven or eight bits CRC as specified by ROHC. Upon successful decompression, the decompressor transits to the FC state. The decompressor performs decompression attempts until repeated failures force it back to the SC state. 16 4 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SUMMARY Our contribution achieves the following improvements when used for header compression in BCMCS: The header compression configuration information and static context are transmitted to the decompressor reliably during the BCMCS information acquisition process. There is no more need to periodically refresh the static context using large IR packets, thus leading to lower overhead. The compressor can periodically update the dynamic context with a higher frequency. As a result, the decompressor can recover from context damage quickly from the frequently transmitted dynamic context updates. High reliability is achieved without severely sacrificing the efficiency. In addition, a new user joining the broadcast service is also able to acquire the full context with a shorter delay. 5 1 2 3 Note that the proposed improvements are not limited to RTP profile in ROHC U mode of operation; they can be easily extended to other profiles as well as other header compression algorithms. 6