Second Sunday after Christmas – Epiphany Sunday January 4, 2015 CELEBRATION OF THE LORD’S DAY In consideration of other worshipers, please turn cell phones and mobile devices off or to silent mode. Thank you. WE GATHER IN GOD’S PRESENCE MUSIC FOR THE GATHERING OF THE WORSHIPERS We Three Kings arr. Jim Brickman (lighting of the candles, Max Hagel) As the pastor and acolyte enter the sanctuary, let us pause in thoughtful silence and begin our worship. OUR LIFE TOGETHER… (During the announcements, please fill out the fellowship pad and pass it back and forth through your pew in order that we may greet one another by name after worship.) GATHERING SONG (sung by all) Rosie Hagel, Liturgist One: Arise! Shine! All: God's light has come to reveal The Way in this New Year. One: Arise! Shine! All: The glory of the Lord has risen upon us. One: Arise! Shine! All: God's light penetrates the darkness that covers the world. One: Arise! Shine! All: Nations shall come to God's light and kings to the brightness of God's dawn. One: Arise! Shine! All: For the Glory of the Lord has risen upon us. *HYMN No. 28 Good Christian Friends, Rejoice -1- Liturgist One: Lord, this year, we will follow the Star of Bethlehem. All: Too long we've gone the wrong way: Followed the wrong stars! One: We went South following movie stars, greed, and lust. All: Star of Wonder... One: We went East following stars of militarism, nationalism, and war. All: Star of Light... One: We even went North following our own visions, our own intuition, and our own way. All: Star with Royal Beauty Bright... One: Lord, this year, we will follow the Star of Bethlehem. All: The Star of Hope. The Star of Peace. The Star of Joy. The Star of Love. The Star that is You. Amen *PASSING THE PEACE WE GROW AS WE LISTEN TO GOD’S WORD O star of wonder, star of night, star with royal beauty bright; Westward leading, still proceeding, guide us to thy perfect light! CALL TO WORSHIP *PRAYER OF PRAISE MESSAGE FOR OUR CHILDREN (Following the message, children may go with their teachers to children’s church on the second floor of the education building where they may be picked up after worship. Nursery care is available for our youngest children.) ANTHEM - Bring We the Frankincense of Our Love H. Kenn Carmichael arr. Clayton D. Lein & John Weaver In Dulci Jubilo Bring we the frankincense of our love to the feet of the holy Child, Ever remembering God’s great gift of a love that is undefiled. Holy the Infant and holy the mother and holy and precious the gifts that we bring: Praise to our Maker and praise to the Spirit and praise to Christ Jesus our king. Bring we the myrrh of humility to the throne of the son of God, Ever recalling the purity of his life when the earth he trod. Holy the Infant and holy the mother and holy and precious the gifts that we bring: Praise to our Maker and praise to the Spirit and praise to Christ Jesus our king. Ever secure in his changelessness, though the kingdoms of earth may fall, Bring we the gold of our faithfulness to the king who is Lord of all. Holy the Infant and holy the mother and holy and precious the gifts that we bring: Praise to our Maker and praise to the Spirit and praise to Christ Jesus our king. -2- READING: Matthew 2:1-12 Page 2 in the pew Bibles (N.T.) SERMON The Reverend Robert Hagel *HYMN OF THE DAY No. 66 We Three Kings of Orient Are Three Kings of Orient WE GIVE IN RESPONSE TO GOD’S LOVE PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY ANTHEM - Boy-Child of Mary arr. Austin C. Lovelace Boy-Child of Mary, born in a stable, a manger his cradle, in Bethlehem. What shall we call him, Savior of all men? What name is given, in Bethlehem? Boy-Child… His name is Jesus, God ever with us, God given for us, in Bethlehem. Boy-Child… How can he save us? How can he help us? Born here among us, in Bethlehem. Boy-Child… Gift of the Father, to human mother, makes him our brother, in Bethlehem. Boy-Child… One with the Father, he is our Savior, heavenly brother of Bethlehem. Boy-Child… All: Holy, holy, holy God, sovereign of all creation. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is the one who comes in your name! Hosanna in the highest. One: You are holy, O God of majesty, and blessed is Jesus Christ… …When fear and mistrust try to overtake us, we are bold to proclaim: All: The light of Christ shines and cannot be put out. One: When we are overwhelmed by powers we cannot control we find comfort in these words: All: The light of Christ shines and cannot be put out. One: As God’s people we offer witness to a hurting world, and proclaim to all the nations of the world: All: The light of Christ shines and cannot be put out. One: And so we gather here, in this place… … As we share in this sacred meal, may we be reminded of Christ’s presence, always, in our world and in our hearts. All: Amen Gladly we praise him, love and adore him, give ourselves to him, of Bethlehem. Boy-Child… OUR LORD’S PRAYER *Doxology (No.592 in the hymnal) SHARING THE MEAL *PRAYER OF THE CHURCH Liturgist PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION INVITATION TO THE TABLE THE GREAT THANKSGIVING WE GO TO SERVE GOD’S WORLD One: God has come to be with us: Emmanuel. All: God is with us all. One: Lift up your hearts to glorify God! All: We lift our hearts in praise. One: Let us give thanks to God. All: It is right always to give God thanks and praise. One: It is a good and joyous thing in this holy season to offer thanks and praise to you, loving God... … And so with all the crowd of creation we proclaim: -3- *CLOSING HYMN No. 56 The First Nowell The First Nowell *BENEDICTION POSTLUDE – Trumpet Tune on March of the Kings *Those who are able, please stand -4- Gordon Young Sunday, January 11, 2015 Angel Ringers 9:00 a.m. Children/Adult Ed 9:30 a.m. Chancel Choir 9:45 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Bob Hagel, preaching Children’s Church 10:45 a.m. Mission Committee 11:30 a.m. Youth Group 5:30 p.m. Website: ANNOUNCEMENTS WE WELCOME everyone, especially our visitors, to our service today. Please sign the pew pads. If you are new to First Presbyterian Church, introduce yourself to the pastor. Prayer request cards are available in the back of the Chapel. If you desire your prayer concern to be shared during worship today with the congregation, please give your completed card to an usher prior to worship. Remember, our worship services are broadcast on Access Channel 19 on Time Warner Cable, everyday at 10:30 a.m. There is also live streaming of our Sunday service which can be reached via our website as well as past services. The bulletin for that Sunday is also put on the worship page of THERE IS CHILDCARE available for infants through 2-year-old children in the nursery. The nursery attendants are well-qualified and a vibrating monitor will be given to you in case the nursery attendants need to be in touch with you about your child. THE FLOWERS this morning are given to the Glory of God. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK: MONDAY 6:00 p.m. Stephen Ministers Gathering at the Rays’ 7:00 p.m. Jamestown Chamber Singers TUESDAY 5:30 p.m. ACP Training 6:30 p.m Painters’ Workshop 7:15 p.m. Barbershoppers WEDNESDAY 10:15 a.m. Staff Meeting 12:00 p.m. Staff Holiday Lunch 7:00 p.m. Jamestown Chamber Singers THURSDAY 12:00 noon Aging & Saging 5:30 p.m. Worship Committee 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir 7:00 p.m. SCA FRIDAY 7:30 p.m. Jamestown Chamber Singers Twelfth Night Concert SATURDAY SCA This Sunday, January 4, 2015 Liturgist: Rosie Hagel Acolyte: Max Hagel Ushers: Donna Beal, Becky Colburn, Jetta Wilson, Mark Wilson Greeter: Barb Potter Church School Teacher: Peggy Hallberg Next Sunday, January 11, 2015 Liturgist: Mark Wilson Acolyte: Lydia Kushmaul Ushers: Julie Dudgeon, Brian Kushmaul, Deborah Moore-Kushmaul, Betsy Shepherd Greeter: Elaine Gallup REMINDER: Don’t file your 2014 income tax return until you have received a written acknowledgment of your contributions from the church. Some of your contributions may not be tax deductible if you file before receiving a final year end statement. These statements will be mailed sometime during the last two weeks of this month of January, 2015. AN EPIPHANY RECEPTION will follow directly after worship today in the Sandra J. Merwin Fellowship Hall. Cheese and crackers, some fruit and appetizers to enjoy, conversation and fellowship around the table, the Hospitality Committee hopes you will come and have a good time. -5- -6-