Biography - The University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Dr Lili Hernández
Lecturer in International Communications
BA Communication Studies, MA Cultural Studies (Nottingham), PhD Cultural Studies
Room 317, Admin Building
199 Taikang East Road
Ningbo, 315100
Tel. +8657488180990
Expertise Summary
I started my job as lecturer, in 2004, in the Department of Hispanic and Latin American
Studies at The University of Nottingham, UK and since 2005, I have been teaching at the
Ningbo Campus. My main research interest is on the field of Everyday Life. I am interested in
the relation between immigration and everyday life, exploring the notion of the Outsider in
contemporary society, particularly in China. Other areas of research include psychology,
creativity in education and meditation.
BA International Communications:
* Psychology of Communications
* Communications Technology
* Contemporary Society and Everyday Life
* Psychology, Communications, and the Self
* Cultures of Everyday Life
* Dissertation Supervision
MA International Communications:
* Approaches to Globalisation and Contemporary Communications
* MA Dissertation supervision
* PhD supervision
Hernández, L. (ed.) China and the West: Encounters in Culture, Arts, Politics and Everyday
Life. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.
Hernández, L. & Krajeswki (eds.) Crossing Cultural Boundaries: Taboo, Bodies and Identities.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
Chapters in books
Hernández, L. China and the West: Wedded in Otherness. In Hernández, L. (ed.) China and
the West: Encounters in Culture, Arts, Politics and Everyday Life. Newcastle upon Tyne:
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.
Hernández, L. Introduction. In Hernández, L. (ed.) China and the West: Encounters in Culture,
Arts, Politics and Everyday Life. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.
Hernández, L. Crossing Boundaries between Body and Mind: Transforming Everyday Life
through the Practice of Meditation. In Hernández, L. & Krajeswki (eds.) Crossing Cultural
Boundaries: Taboo, Bodies and Identities. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, 2009.
Hernández, L. Reviewing the Social: Bringing “Playing” into the Everyday. In Gladston, P.
China and Other Spaces. Viseu: Critical, Cultural and Communications Press, 2009.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Hernández L. Not Understanding Everyday Life: Remaining an Outsider in Enigmatic Modern
China. In peer-reviewed International Journal of the Humanities, Volume 7, Issue 11, pp.119132.
Hernández, L. No Thoughts: Meditation and the Crossing of Boundaries between Body and
Mind. Research Journal of the ooi Junior Academy, Transactions On Body & Mind, vol.8 (1), pg
3- 10, 2008.
Hernández, L. Globalisation of Information Technologies and the Exclusion of Everyday Life. In
The International Journal of Humanities, Volume 1, 2003.
Contributions to Academic Journals and Research Institutes:
Member of the Centre for Contemporary East-Asian Cultural Studies (CEACS). School of
Cultures, Languages and Area Studies. The University of Nottingham, UK.
Associate Editor for the peer-reviewed International Journal of the Humanities, Volume 7,
Issue 11.
Associate Editor for the peer-reviewed International Journal of the Humanities, Volume 1,
Proceedings of Conferences:
Hernández, L. Who is the outsider? Dichotomies in Contemporary Urban China. Proceedings of
the Academic Conference of the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
Dubrovnik, Croatia, June, 2012, p. 166.
Hernández, L. The Outsider as the Self: The Conditioned Mind of Ego and Superego in
Proceeding of Conference on Psychology and Social Harmony, Shanghai, May, 2012, pp. 230233.
Other publications:
Hernández, L. La Vida Cotidiana en el Mundo Contemporáneo. In Querétaro Vivo, issue 10,
Hernández, L. Las Computadoras y el Internet en la Vida Cotiadiana: de los ideales a los
hechos. In Informatec, issue 517, 2002. A journal of Monterrey Institute of Technology and
Higher Education, Campus Queretaro. Mexico.
Conferences and lectures:
June, 2012. Who is the outsider? Dichotomies in Contemporary Urban China. Academic
Conference of the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
May, 2012 The Outsider as the Self: The Conditioned Mind of Ego and Superego. Conference
on Psychology and Social Harmony, Shanghai, China.
March, 2012. The Outsider as the Self: Social Harmony in Question. IC Research Seminar. The
University of Nottingham Ningbo China.
September, 2011. Otherness: Achieving Awareness of Self and Other in Contemporary China.
Conference across Languages and Cultures. Ca' Foscari, University of Venice, Italy.
March, 2011. China and the rest: confronting world-views, the stranger as the self. Videoconference with ITESM, Campus, Queretaro, Mexico.
September, 2009. The Outsider in China. Paper presented at the International Conference
China’s 30 years of ‘Opening up and reform’: Continuities and Change. Division of
International Studies. The University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China.
July 2009. Shock’ Experience in Everyday life: How New Information and Communication
Technologies Challenge Communicable Experiences in Contemporary Societies. Paper
presented at the conference on “Media and Culture”, Zonguldak Karaelmas University,
Zonguldak, Turkey.
June 2009. Not Understanding Everyday Life: Remaining an Outsider in Enigmatic Modern
China. Paper presented at the Seventh International Conference on New Direction in the
Humanities, Beijing.
August 2009. China y el Extranjero: Una Experiencia de Vida. Paper presented at Council for
Culture and Arts. Morelia, Mexico.
July 2008. Cosmopolitanism: Collective Consciousness as Everyday Life. Paper presented at
the Second Biennial Conference of the International Global Ethics Association. Deakin
University, Melbourne, Australia.
May 2007. Convener for the International Conference Crossing Cultural Boundaries. UNNC.
July 2007. La Globalisation y el Mito de las Nuevas Tecnologias. Paper presented at Council for
Culture and Arts. Morelia, Mexico.
May 2007. No thoughts. Meditation and the Crossing of Boundaries Between Body and Mind.
Paper presented at the international conference “Crossing Cultural Boundaries” UNNC.
May 2006. Reviewing the Social: Bringing Playing into the Everyday. Paper presented at
Studying Everyday Life 2006: Symbolic Interaction & Ethnographic Research Conference.
Niagara Falls, Canada.
May 2006. Approximations to the Everyday: the Project of Self-realisation, Creativity and Play.
Paper presented at the Fudan University-UNNC joint research workshop. Ningbo, China.
December 2005 Global Technologies and Everyday Life. Lecture at Zhejiang Normal University,
November 2002. Online Social Communication: Promises and Disappointments. Paper
presented at part of the Critical Theory and Cultural Studies Research Group. The University of
Nottingham. Nottingham, U.K.