Top 5 Grammar - RS Central High School

Top 5 Grammar
Sentence Combining
Correct these sentences on the line underneath or write correct if the sentence is fine the
way it is.
1. The Internet is a collection of computer networks, it’s often shortened to “The Net.”
2. The World Wide Web is one of the networks on the Internet.
3. Computers make contact with other computers on the Net by phone wires or cable, they
read out through special computers called servers.
4. Every Web user has an address the address has two parts.
5. Today, over 60 million people tap into the Internet; the most popular network is the World
Wide Web.
6. Tornadoes or rotating storms can be extremely destructive; tornado winds 200 to 300 miles
per hour.
7. The diameter of a tornado can be as little as a few feet, or as much as a mile.
8. The surface of the earth is broken into plates and their shifting causes earthquakes.
9. Although over 40,000 earth quakes occur in a typical year, only about 40 of them cause
10. After long training in the many skills required in medieval warfare.
Subject Verb Agreement
In each sentence, underline the subject and the verb. On the line, write whether the two
parts of the sentence Agree or Disagree in number.
_____1. At first horses were used only for hunting and war.
_____2. Now horses serves us in many other ways.
_____3. Ancient horse fossils have been excavated near the Mississippi River.
_____4. Zebras and donkeys belongs to the horse family also.
_____5. Young horses are known as foals.
_____6. The necklace, as well as the matching earrings, are silver.
_____7. Most diamonds for jewelry is tinged with yellow.
_____8. Earth’s hardest substance, the diamond, originates 75 miles under the earth.
_____9. The rich diamond mines of Africa remains the world’s major diamond producers.
_____10. The beads on the string reflects the light.
_____11. The golden dome on that church between blocks of office buildings glow at
dawn and sunset.
_____12. Pure gold, without alloys, bear the carat stamp of “24.”
_____13. A woman with warm skin undertones looks good in gold jewelry.
_____14. In China, the golden gabled roofs of the ancient imperial palace creates a city of
_____15. A simple necklace of fine silver create an elegant accent.
Circle the verb that agrees with the subject.
16. The term “quarter horse” (identify, identifies) a special American breed of horse.
17. Diamonds of every color, cut, and size (sparkle, sparkles) under neon lights.
18. Korean amethysts, the world’s clearest variety, (glow, glows) pure and translucent.
19. Smooth jade of milky green (are, is) set off ina ring by tiny, flashing diamonds.
20. Armed guards, each in a strategic position, (keep, keeps) watchful guard.
Pronoun / Antecedent Agreement
Underline the pronoun that correctly completes each sentence. Then underline the
antecedent of the pronoun.
1. Two cardinals make (its, their) home in that tree every spring.
2. Juan and Lois compared (his, their) collections of rare coins.
3. Flower lovers prize the rose of (its, their) delicate scent.
4. George Bernard Shaw didn’t become a successful playwright until the publication of a
collection of (its, his) plays.
5. Like other gifted child performers, Shirley Temple was known for learning (her, their) lines
6. Those directors shot (his, their) films on location in Australia.
7. Katie and Abbie are both in (her, their) first year of high school.
8. That mother seal lost (her, their) pup during the ice storm.
9. Brazilians celebrate (its, their) independence day on September 7.
10. The panther is quite beautiful; (its, their) coat is jet black.
11. The team is excited about (its, their) new uniforms.
12. Neither the ticket-taker nor the ushers have any of (his, their) programs left.
13. All you student staking the test will need (their, your) identification cards.
14. The southbound flock of geese made (their, its) characteristic V in the fall sky.
15. Marilyn and her brother pooled (his, their) money for the party.
In each sentence, underline the indefinite pronoun used as the subject. Then underline the verb
form in parentheses that agrees with the subject.
17. Most of the student council candidates (write, writes) their own speeches.
18. Many of the students (is, are) curious about the upcoming campaign.
19. None of the information (has, have) arrived yet.
20. Few of the students (has, have) declared their support for any candidates.
21. Most of the wall (is, are) available for notices.
22. Each of the horses (is, are) beautifully groomed.
23. Few of the senators (approve, approves) of the bill.
Comma Rules
Place commas in the following sentences where they are needed.
1. Dickens’s character Ebenezer Scrooge was a mean stingy old man.
2. Emily’s favorite poets are Alice Walker Gwendolyn Brookes and Anne Sexton.
3. Yes I would be delighted to come to your party.
4. Picnickers brought sandwiches potato salad lemonade and fruit.
5. After the concert ended the audience asked for three encores.
6. In our tent beside the river we enjoyed a peaceful night’s sleep.
7. Pay close attention Carolyn while I show you how to crochet.
8. Examining the ground for shells we slowly made our way down the beach.
9. “I’d like to help” she said “by decorating the float.”
10. The high school band which performed at the state fair will march.
11. The best parade was on July 14 1995 when the Governor joined our celebration.
12. On the morning of the parade organizers meet early in the school gym.
13. I know that parades are held all over the country but this one will be special to us.
14. Curling which is played on ice probably began in Scotland.
15. After the storm ended I examined the damage to my crops.
16. Tending a garden I believe improves my mental health.
17. I hope to make healthful nutritious meals from my garden produce.
18. When my garden is finally in I will just sit back and relax.
19. Kathy when is the best time to plant peas?
20. Did Deborah resign from the organization or has she decided to stay?
21. Sulfur has a strong unpleasant smell.
22. At the break of day I water my flowers.
23. They grow beans peas and squash in their garden.
24. I will wait for the fresh delicious vegetables to make their appearance.
25. Kirsten asked “Who is the Grand Marshal of this parade?”
26. The parade begins at noon on July 15 which happens to be my birthday.
27. The parade begins at the town square and it ends at the War Memorial.
Verb Tense
Rewrite each of the following sentences to correct the unnecessary shift in tense.
1. Charlie likes tennis and practiced his backhand stroke for many hours.
2. Marita will draw the still life, and I am painting a self-portrait.
3. We will play charades now, and we are having a snack later.
4. Matt had been late as usual, but Eva was prompt.
5. We won the first-place trophy, and Joy will win an honorary medal.
6. Archaeologists were excavating a site in Bawiti, Egypt, when they are uncovering at least 200
7. Archaeologists had unearthed Ninevah, a capital of the Asyrian Empire, when they were
finding a library containing letters and documents.
8. Howard Carter is searching for Tutankhamen’s tomb for ten years before he discovered the
Identifying Active and Passive Voice
Identify each sentence as either in active or passive voice.
1. This summer the Jordan family took a camping trip.
2. The Jordan’s considered the tent their temporary home.
3. A small A-frame tent is assembled easily by campers.
4. At the campground, a suitable spot for the tent was found by Mr. Jordan.
5. The family discovered the difficulties in pitching a tent.
6. The tent stakes were hammered into the ground.
7. The campground is surrounded by a thick round fence.
8. Mrs. Jordan found a hole in the tent.
9. After dark, the campsite is invaded by bears.
10. Next time, the Jordan family will borrow a friend’s trailer.
Rewrite three of the passive voice sentences from above.