Day 1 Journey to Bethlehem

Begin – In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Dear Lord
How dark the days are outside!
but see there is a star in the sky;
Mary and Joseph are passing by.
So let's light a candle to welcome them
as they go on their way to Bethlehem.
We'll light a candle in school each day,
We'll light one candle each day and pray.
Light the Candle
As we begin this final week of Advent, we find ourselves on a journey
towards Christmas. Mary and Joseph are about to set out on a very
special journey after which their lives would never be the same. (Place
Mary Joseph and the donkey on the table heading towards the stable.)
Let us listen to that story now.
A Reading from the Holy Gospel According to St Luke
Augustus, Emperor of Rome wanted to know how many subjects he had.
He also wanted to know if they were all paying their taxes! He sent an
order out across the Roman Empire commanding everyone to return to
the town where their family had come from, so that their names could be
written down and recorded.
Joseph’s family came from Bethlehem in Judea and so he and Mary had
to go there. It was a long and tiring journey with Mary sitting on a donkey
and Joseph walking alongside.
Mary was exhausted. Her baby was due to be born very soon. At last,
after travelling for many days and nights, she and Joseph arrived in
Bethlehem .
The Gospel of the Lord
Have you ever been on a long journey?
What do you need to take with you?
How do you get ready for the journey?
How would you travel?
Mary and Joseph had nothing but a donkey and their two feet. The roads
were rough and dangerous. The daytime was very hot and the nights
were very cold. They had to travel about 80 miles which would have
taken them about 5 days as they could only go very slowly.
(Insert image of Mary and Joseph travelling)
Let us spend some time quietly thinking about that difficult journey of
Mary and Joseph – (show children labyrinth) put quiet music on and
spend a couple of minutes praying for anyone travelling at this time, as
they trace their finger around the labyrinth.
Finish with ‘Come Lord Jesus’