Losses at Extraction 140 140 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 TPSG diluter x (mm) x (mm) The extraction of the CNGS beam from the SPS in LSS4 will result in beam losses in the extraction channel, in particular on the diluter TPSG4 which is designed to protect the MSE septum element from damage in the event of a badly steered or unsynchronised extraction. The loss mechanisms at extraction from SPS LSS4 are the scraping of transverse beam tails in H and V planes, on the tight septum aperture, and particles in the “beam-free” extraction kicker gap, which will be swept across the TPSG4. The settings for the extraction are given in Table [LSS4TAB]. 60 40 40 20 20 MSE septa 1 - 6 0 4029 4033 4037 4041 4045 4049 4053 4057 4061 0 4065 s (m) Figure [LSS4FIG]. Circulating and extracted beam envelopes for the extraction system in LSS4. The ±4 beam envelope is plotted around the orbit/trajectory. Table [LSS4TAB] LSS4 settings for the CNGS extraction at 400 GeV/c. Setting Unit Value MPSH41402.41402[KICK] mrad 0.0000 MPLH41672.41672[KICK] mrad 0.5004 MPLH41994.41994[KICK] mrad 0.3394 MPSH42198.42198[KICK] mrad 0.1438 MKE1.F[KICK] mrad 0.1100 MKE2.F[KICK] mrad 0.1210 MSE418.F[KICK] mrad 2.0828 Bump amplitude at BPCE.41801 mm 31.0500 Bump amplitude at QFA.41810. mm 33.0000 Kicker Voltage kV 50.0000 Opening at TPSG mm 49.4000 Upstream MSE Girder position mm 47.0000 Downstream MSE Girder position mm 110.0000 1 Losses from scraping of tails The losses from scraping of the beam tails are estimated in the following section, by calculating the worst-case horizontal and vertical aperture, and estimating the part of the Gaussian distribution which would be scraped on the aperture limit. The beam emittance was estimated from wire scanner profile measurements made on the CNGS beam, fitted to Gaussian distributions. The normalised emittance was estimated in this way to be 6.15 mm.mrad in the horizontal plane, and 4.25 mm.mrad in the vertical plane, with the energy spread p equal to 0.36 10-3 (1 ) value. For the loss estimations, the values assumed are a factor of 2 above this. The various assumptions made concerning all the tolerances etc. are given in table [LSS4ASS1]. In general a factor 2 is assumed with respect to the measured or specified value. 45 Ex sig 40 Stability 35 Kicker 2E+06 losses [p+] clearance [ ] Table [LSS4ASS1] Assumptions on tolerances etc. for CNGS extraction at 400 GeV/c. Quantity Unit Value Horizontal normalised emittance 12.0 mm.mrad Vertical normalised emittance 10.0 mm.mrad MKE overshoot / ripple % ±1.5 SPS orbit stability (H/V) ± 0.2 TPSG/MSE setting-up precision and mm ± 2.0 dynamic mechanical tolerances Total 30 1E+06 Losses 25 20 8E+05 15 10 4E+05 5 0 4035 4040 4045 4050 4055 s [m] 0E+00 4060 Figure 3.4.8: Horizontal aperture and losses. The minimum aperture after all tolerances is still above 5σ. The total losses is smaller than 2106 p, i.e. smaller than 510-8 level, which seems negligible. The 10-3 loss level is reached for an error in the beam trajectory of ~5.8 mm. 2 Ex Sigma 16 3.2E+02 Stability Total 14 losses [p+] clearance [s] 18 Losses 12 2.4E+02 10 8 1.6E+02 6 4 8.0E+01 2 0 4035 4040 4045 4050 4055 0.0E+00 4060 s [m] Figure 3.4.9: Vertical aperture and losses. The minimum aperture after all tolerances is still above 6σ. The total losses is smaller than 3102 p, which is negligible. The 10-3 loss level is reached for an error in the beam trajectory of ~5.9 mm. The above plots show that, for the parameters indicated, losses due to regular scraping of the transverse beam tails at extraction are expected to be well below the 10-3 level. This value is reached when trajectory excursions / misalignments etc. reach the 5-6 mm level. Losses from particles in the kicker rise time The losses from particles in the kicker rise time are estimated in the following section, for the assumptions listed in Table [LSS4ASS2]. A typical longitudinal beam profile was superimposed on the MKE waveform, and the resulting particle distribution evaluated for the bunches which would be expected to impact the TPSG4 diluter (for a null beam size). Table [LSS4ASS2] Assumptions on particles in kicker rise time. Quantity Unit Gaps between two PS batches μs Nominally empty bunches in each gap Total beam in each gap % MKE kick for TPSG4 impact % Bunches swept across TPSG4 3 Value 1.05 210 0.7 33-77 70-160 k/ko 1.2 p+ 1.E+11 1.0 1.E+10 0.8 0.6 1.E+09 0.4 0.2 1.E+08 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 time us 1.2 p+ 1.E+11 Stay in SPS Hit TPSG k/ko Fig. LSS4loss1. Measurement (2nd October 2005) of the intensity distribution over one SPS turn at top energy (4340 ms from the start of the cycle) in 25 ns time bins. The total beam population was 5.08×1013 p. About 3.1×1011 p were localized in the extraction gaps (a total of about 0.7 % of the beam). The MKE kicker waveform with 10.5 s flat-top is also shown, together with an indication of where particles will impact the TPSG4. Into TT40 1.0 1.E+10 0.8 0.6 1.E+09 0.4 0.2 1.E+08 0.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 time us 1.2 p+ 1.E+11 Into TT40 k/ko 0.5 Stay in SPS Hit TPSG 1.0 1.E+10 0.8 0.6 1.E+09 0.4 0.2 1.E+08 0.0 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 13 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 14 time us Fig. LSS4loss3. CNGS beam population over one SPS turn, normalised MKE kick strength and destination of the particles in the kicker gap in the limit of a beam with null beam size: (a) detail of the rising edge, (b) detail of the falling edge. For the second extraction the losses may be reduced with the choice of a longer pulse. 4 The results of the study (in the limit of a beam with null beam size) are: 1.1×1011 p stay in SPS. These particles oscillate at amplitudes smaller than the machine aperture and the oscillation will be damped by the transverse feedback before the next extraction [Hof1] 9×109 p (2 × 10-4 of the total beam intensity) hit the TPSG4 directly 2×1011 p ‘badly’ extracted into TT40. These have been tracked through the TT40 aperture in a simple model (no errors) and no losses were seen, as a result of the protection provided to the TT40 aperture by the TPSG. The results do not change appreciably even when the finite beam size is taken into account, since to first order the extra beam scraped on the TPSG4 from bunches with an axis outside the diluter are compensated for by the beam from bunches with an axis near the edge of the diluter which escapes the TPSG4. Conclusion The losses in the extraction channel have been estimated for scraping of tails and for beam in the kicker rise time swept across the TPSG4. It seems reasonable to assume that the total losses at the TPSG4 will be at or below the 10-3 level. The largest contribution is expected to come from particles in the MKE rise time, which also causes a significant fraction of the beam (around 510-3) to be kicked but remain in the SPS aperture. 5