Functional Testing for Abundant Health

Functional Testing for Abundant Health
Our team at the Nutrition and Health Center is dedicated to getting you off on the right
foot with natural health care. Functional testing is non invasive and very low cost in
comparison to medical tests that typically look only for disease and don’t address
necessary functional links that may be missing for the body systems.
We look forward to getting you the answers that will define the proper direction to
address the causes of dysfunction and promote health restoration. Please take time to
review the links provided below for your education on how to find answers to your health
needs. Please call our office at 281-440-0024 to order testing.
Amino Acid Analysis; Protein building blocks are the essentials for every cell in the
body. A simple finger prick and you can know if your 8 essential amino acids are getting
in your body to make hair, bone, muscle, organs nails and all tissue. Go to:
NHC price: $199 A finger prick test kit is provided.
Fatty Acid Analysis: Just about Everyone is taking fish oils these days, great idea but
are you getting too much? Too little? What is your fatty acid balance of these essential
fatty acids and the arachadonic acid in your body. See this test, it is exciting:
NHC price: $249
A finger prick test kit is provided
Organix Test: This is considered the master test of all functional testing as it brings you
specific deficiency information associated with vitamins, minerals, oxidation status,
amino acids, methyl factors, Lipoic acid, CoQ 10 status, B vitamin markers,
detoxification markers and cellular energy function. The best test yet:
NHC price: $399
Urine analysis collection kit is provided
Food Allergy Test: Delayed food antibodies IgG can cause everything from intestinal
pain, fatigue, nervous disorders such as ADHD and many more. A simple finger prick
will give you the 30 top food allergens and how sensitive you are to them. Go to:
NHC price: $199 A finger prick test kit is provided
Female Hormone Panel: Hormones have become a part everyday conversation in so
many homes today. But what is real accurate in determining available free hormone with
accuracy. Saliva Hormone testing can be done in your own home with convenience and
ease. Read the depth of information in determining a woman’s delicate hormone balance
over her 28 day cycle. The variable levels during the month are easily understood with
this test: click on tests and panels on the left.
NHC price: $329 A saliva test kit is provided
Lipid Peroxide Test: In its efforts to produce the chemical energy to power your cells
and fight infection, your body makes harmful chemicals called free radicals. Breakdown
of your body’s cell membranes by free radicals leads to the formation of lipid peroxides.
High levels of lipid peroxides are associated with cancer, heart disease, stroke, and aging.
NHC price: $99 A urine sample is needed for this test
Post Menopause Hormone Panel: Like the Female hormone panel this test is a one time
reading to determine the delicate levels of hormones that may be contributing to the
discomfort of women as they transition and move into the changes of their hormone life.
A saliva test with accuracy is easy and effective: :
click on tests and panels on the left and overview for patients. NHC price: $199
A saliva test kit is provided
Adrenal Stress Index: So you know you are under stress but do you know what is
happening to your body as a result of it. Without the proper nourishment and support a
stressed individual may see the grave many years prematurely. Learn from this test the
effect on your body systems such as energy, muscle and joint, bone health, immune
health, sleep, skin, thyroid and grain intolerance. These are all measured in a specific
way to determine how much stress you can handle. We will show you how you can
handle it better. See this link: Go to tests and
panels and click on overview for patients. NHC price: $199 A saliva test kit is provided
Comprehensive Organix Profile: For whole body evaluation of specific nutritional
markers in body chemistry. For Those who want answers in a detailed level of
physiology this test panel is for you. We offer this package with a significant discount of
This panel includes each of the tests listed below: NHC price: $695 regular price $947
Organix Test:
Fatty Acid test:
Lipid Peroxides: In its efforts to produce the chemical energy to power your cells
and fight infection, your body makes harmful chemicals called free radicals. Breakdown
of your body’s cell membranes by free radicals leads to the formation of lipid peroxides.
High levels of lipid peroxides are associated with cancer, heart disease, stroke, and aging.
Food Allergy Profile:
Blood Chemistry Analysis: Usual blood test ranges are obtained by testing volunteers.
These ranges are usually computed as the middle 95% of these results. The volunteers
are usually picked at random. The volunteer is considered healthy if free of evidence of
disease. Much controversy surrounds the understanding of the term “normal and
healthy." One researcher defines the “normal” person as one that has not been
sufficiently investigated! In accepting this 95% middle range as “reference” one assumes
that 5% of those tested are considered unhealthy. It is also possible for all laboratory
results to fall within the reference ranges (considered disease free) and yet be a long way
from ideal function or optimal health. We provide excellent evaluation of standard blood
chemistry panels for optimal function. This test must be performed at an outside lab
located in your area. NHC price: $179
Blood Type Test: Eat Right for Your Type has become famous by Dr. Peter Adamo. A
must to know for everyone who has blood. A dietary recommendation will be provided
with the results. A finger prick kit is provided.
NHC price: $29
Lipid Panel: Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL and LDL cholesterol
NHC price: $ 29
Hair Analysis: What is a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?
Trace mineral analysis is a test which measures the mineral content of your hair. If a mineral
deficiency or excess exists in the hair, it usually indicates a mineral deficiency or excess within
the body, or biounavailability.
Various mineral imbalances, as revealed by hair analysis, frequently lead to metabolic
dysfunctions before any symptoms become manifest.
Conditions Which May Result or be Aggravated by a Mineral Imbalance Include:
Hair Loss
Hypoglycemia Anemia
Cardiovascular Disease
Hyperactivity Thyroid disorders
Skin Rashes
Prostate disorders
Emotional Problems
Digestive disturbance Allergies
Hypertension Diabetes
NHC price: $119 A hair sample kit will be mailed to you
Biological Terrain Assessment: A simple low cost in office urine test to evaluate the following:
Adrenal Stress Urine Test
This test monitors the level of excessive urinary chloride. This indicates the level of adrenal
fatigue and excess stress. As the adrenals are very important for all hormone functions, it is very
important to maintain proper adrenal functioning. See section 3 on adrenal function in the body.
Elevated scores (26+) indicate adrenal fatigue. Low scores (1-16) indicate hyper adrenal function
due to excessive stress and lack of relief. Normal scores are (17-25)
Vitamin C Urine Test
This test monitors the body’s absorption and utilization of this powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C
is now known to be important to the production of collagen and connective tissue, antibody
production, white blood cell activity, the manufacture of neurotransmitters (important for brain
function), and the transport of iron across cell membranes. It also reduces the risks for cataracts,
supports the immune system, and protects against high blood pressure.
Calcium Urine Test
Test to see if the calcium you are taking is being used by the body, or is being excreted. While
everyone is aware of the benefits of calcium, calcium absorption is decreased by a lack of
exercise, Vitamin D, and hydrochloric acid. It is also decreased by eating too many grains, meats
and oxalic acid vegetables foods that are too acidic. (see chart on pH foods in section 2) Scores
range from normal, low and high.
Urinary Free Radical Test (Oxidation test)
Free radicals are molecules that have an unpaired electron. This is a very unstable state, causing
these molecules to be highly reactive and leading to damage to cells. Many chronic diseases are
implicated with free radical damage. Score values range from 0 at best and 5 which is most
severe levels of free radical damage.
Malabsorption Urine Test
This is an easy screening for elevated anaerobic bacterial activity in the small and large intestines.
Elevated levels are considered an indicator of intestinal toxemia, and indicate yeast and bacteria
overgrowth. This is a condition known as dysbiosis. BTA test scores range from no dysbiosis @
0 and most severe dysbiosis @ 4
Urine Chemstrip test
A multitude of tests provided by a dipstick test to determine the following readings:
Light amber
Transparency Clear
Spec. gravity 1.020
Urobilinogen Negative
Any test results which show abnormal on the chemstrip will be highlighted and a description will
be provided below for each.