PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE SUMMER 2006 EARTH STRUCTURE/COMPOSITION CORE - MANTLE - CRUST Lithosphere? Asthenosphere? Minerals? Formation? Temperature? Depth? Continental Crust - Oceanic Crust - Differences? Minerals? Density? Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift? Mechanism for movement? Plate Tectonics? Evidence for? Hot Spots/Mantle Plumes? Name a feature? Lithospheric Plate Boundaries: Volcanism? Earthquakes? Which boundary type? Convergent: (# of types? Give examples and description of landforms possible) Subduction Zone Features Divergent ( # of types? Description/Examples) Divergent Zone features Transform (Description/Examples) EARTH PROCESSES/LANDFORMS Volcanoes Forms: Shield - Stratovolcano (composite) - Cinder Cone – Plug Dome – Calderas Explosivity controls? Magma rising? Erupting? Rock melting processes? Felsic Magma vs. Mafic Magma - Differences? Controls? Minerals? Calderas? Krakatau? Mt. Mazama (Crater Lake, Oregon)? Diastrophism Isotasy Folding: Anticline? Syncline? Recumbent fold? Overturned fold Faulting : Scarp? Normal Fault? Reverse Fault? Reverse Thrust? Transform/Transcurrent Fault? Horst and Graben (Give examples) Fault Block Mountains? Folded Mountains? Earthquakes? P-waves, S-waves? Epicenter? Focus? Measurement: Richter vs. Mercalli Significant EQ in recent North American history Tsunami and other earthquake effects WEATHERING Physical Weathering (Mechanical) Frost/Ice Action: Ice Shattering – Ice Heaving - Stone Rings Salt Crystal Growth: salt-wedging - cave-dwellers Unloading: Exfoliation – spalling – susceptible rocks Bioturbation: Animal burrowing - tree roots Chemical Weathering Hydrolysis: adding water molecularly – (susceptible rocks) Oxidation: adding oxygen molecularly - (susceptible rocks) Carbonic Acid dissolution: limestone susceptibility - basalt Factors: Climate - Organisms in soil - Time - Mineral composition MASS WASTING - MASS MOVEMENT Causes/Factors: Gravity - friction - angle of slope - slope composition vegetation - water in/on slope Triggers: Natural: - rains - earthquakes - volcanoes - gravity Human: Mismanagement of soil/water - oversteepening/overburdening slopes – mining consequences Slow: Soil Creep solifluction Fast: Rockfall landslide earthflow slumps Catchment Basins Debris basins Mudflows Lahars Debris flows GROUNDWATER Phreatic Zone (Saturation Zone) Vadose Zone (Aeration Zone) Water Table Aquifer - porosity permeability confined aquifer unconfined aquifer artesian wells aquiclude aquitard perched water table good rock material for aquifers rock material for aquitard Aquitard Management Problems - Land Subsidence Sources of Contamination Salt Water Intrusion Water Table drop Wells: Cone of Depression and Drawdown Overdrawing/overpumping Karst Topography: how forms? Bedrock types? Locations in United States? Globally? SURFACE WATER Hydrologic CycleRunoff Slope Erosion - Rills Stream Flow Channel Overland Flow Gullies Discharge Arroyos Stream Gradient Laminar Flow Turbulent Flow Stream Transportation of material: Dissolved Load Suspended Load Bed Load: Saltation and Traction Stream Capacity Stream Competence Graded Stream - Base Level “Ages” of a Stream - Youth - Maturity - Old Age - Rejuvenation Drainage Basin Drainage Divides Watershed Drainage Patterns - Dendritic Parallel Radial Trellis Stream Meanders Development Floodplain features Stream Terraces Deltas