LIT ALL Assessment-Drop Box Comments

Unit 1 IP - Araby Paper
No assignment submitted for this IP.
No assignment submitted for this IP.
Great job
You did a great job of addressing the three questions about Joyce’s “Araby” in a direct and
organized way. You chose details from the story with care and used them to construct
paragraphs that presented clear answers to the questions. Your insights about the story were
strong and credible. Your prose was good, with only minor errors that did not significantly
distract from your content.
Great job-Awkward Phrasing and grammar
You did a great job of addressing the three questions about Joyce’s “Araby” in a direct and
organized way. You chose details from the story with care and used them to construct
paragraphs that presented clear answers to the questions. Your insights about the story were
strong and credible.
There were some rough spots in your sentence construction that indicate you could benefit from
an additional draft, especially if someone reads it aloud for you to catch the awkward phrasing
that you would never say in real life.
Not Enough Details from Story
You did a great job of addressing the three questions about Joyce’s “Araby” in a direct and
organized way. However, you needed to have chosen details from the story with care and used
them to construct paragraphs that presented clear answers to the questions. Your insights about
the story were strong and credible. Your prose was good, with only minor errors that did not
significantly distract from your content.
Good job ( but some plot summary, indirect answers)
You did a good job of summarizing Joyce’s “Araby." However, your writing needed to have more
clearly addressed the specific questions and contained less plot summary.
You chose details from the story with care. Your prose was good, with only minor errors that did
not significantly distract from your content.
Did not address questions
You chose details from the story with care. Your prose was good, with only minor errors that did
not significantly distract from your content. However, please reread the assignment directions.
You were to provide answers to three specific questions in paragraphs organized around those
specifics questions.
In the future, be sure that you not start writing until you are comfortable that you have a plan
for writing that adequately addresses the assignment that the teacher gives you.
Describe what you consider to be the story's main idea.
Why does the narrator feel so disillusioned at the end? What could account for such a feeling?
What did the narrator learn about himself?
Unit 1 – DB
The things I liked best about your responses: (1) the sensitivity you showed in understanding
and commenting on the strong emotional content in this sad but inspiring story; (2) your
willingness to engage yourself on a personal level with the story and connect with it elements of
your own life; (3) the respect and interest you showed to others in your follow-up responses to
them. Congrats!
Unit 2 – IP – Good/Bad Character Creation
Good JobCongrats. You created two opposities, one likeable and the other definitely not. Most of all, you
realized that having additional details, dialogue or real-time actions are what really bring a
character to life. As readers or viewers we learn the most about someone based upon what they
say or do, not the author’s summary. Your third paragraph contained good insights into the
character creation process.
Mid-Level Not Enough Real Details
You followed assignment directions well to create two paragraphs, each presenting a good and
evil side to the character. Your third paragraph contained good insights into the character
creation process. To improve this effort, having additional details, dialogue or real-time actions
by the character could have helped bring the person to life. Remember, as readers or viewers we
learn the most about someone based upon what they say or do, not the author’s summary.
Missed assignment
I enjoyed reading what you wrote. However, please go back and reread the assignment
instructions. You were to act as a fiction writer and actually create a character. In one paragraph,
your character should be likeable and emphathetic. In the other paragraph, your character
should be created in such a way that he/she arouses dislike, maybe even hatred. In the third
paragraph you were to analyze which of the two characters you created are the more effective.
Unit 2 – DB – A Doll House
You did an excellent job in both phases of this assignment: a paragraph on identifying some of
the major structural points in “The Doll House” and a paragraph on the role of minor characters
like Mrs. Linde and Dr. Rank. Overall I was impressed by your ability to see inside Ibsen’s
dramatic techniques.
Unit 3 – IP – Style Comparison Essay
Didn’t Analyze Style
You provided interesting, intelligent contrasts, almost as good a professor's. However, the
descriptions/summaries/analysis were not successfully related to style. None of the features of
style as discussed in the assignment materials were present.
Not An Essay—not even close
You conveyed some interesting insights and observations about the two stories. Clearly
you had read them in some detail. However, please reread the assignment directions: ”
Compare and contrast Parker's and Bambara's use of style. How do they differ and
why?” And “Submit your 250-350 word essay to your instructor via the Drop Box.” What
you submitted does not conform to the major characteristics of an essay with an intro,
body and conclusion sections, nor are there paragraphs with topic sentences and
quotations from the story, all of which were called for by the assignment.
Decent Job
Congrats on writing an essay that has all the hallmarks of a good essay: intro, body, conclusion;
paragraphs; transitions. You narrowed your essay and stayed focused on a discussion of style
that was intelligent and insightful. Mechanical issues were a concern:
Longman exercise zone --begin with this self test
Decent Job-Too Much Plot Summary
Congrats on writing an essay that has all the hallmarks of a good essay: intro, body, conclusion;
paragraphs; transitions. You narrowed your essay and generally stayed focused on a discussion
of style and had intelligent insights; however, much of the plot summary you provided was not
made relevant to the issue of style.
Outstanding Essay
This was an outstanding essay. You clearly established a solid thesis in the opening. Then your
body paragraphs dissected the stories with great insight and your use of details and quotes
supported those insights directly. Finally, the language and mechanics were almost flawless.
Unit 3 – DB – Create Public/Private Character
You did an excellent job with this character. The contrast between the public and private self was
right on the mark. Thanks for the good read.
Unit 4 – Group Project – Yellow Wallpaper
A Model Response
I thought you did an excellent job on a difficult and diffuse assignment that took you in different
directions with different questions to answer. You very wisely chose to divide the project
according to how it was presented to you. This formatting worked well to enforce organization on
the different parts. The most impressive parts of the content were your contrast of the student
papers and then your own strong interpretation.
Two sections of the paper contained some significant problems with mechanics and sentence
Good but too much plot summary/not all questions addressed
I thought you did a good job on a difficult and diffuse assignment that took you in different
directions with different questions to answer. The most impressive parts of the paper were your
contrast of the student papers and then your own strong interpretation. Overall, I felt like not all
of the questions of the assignment were addressed.
Some grammatical stuff hurt the grade but was not a major concern.
Unit 4 – DB – Beattie’s “Snow” symbols
You had fun with this—letting the symbols mean exactly what you wanted them to. And when it
comes to “interpreting” symbols, they are no right or wrong answers, but just YOUR
Unit 5 – IP – Goodman Brown Analysis
You did a good job on this. You selected one of the five possible interpretations, then you wrote
an analytical essay in support of that point of view. The answered the central questions in a
logical manner with strong support in your paragraphs drawn from the story. You incorporated
information/details/quotes from the story to give your interp more substance and validity.
Only some grammatical issues kept you from the top grade.
Good but too much plot summary
You did a good job on this. You selected one of the five possible interpretations, then you wrote
an analytical essay in support of that point of view. The answered the central questions in a
logical manner with strong support in your paragraphs drawn from the story.
My main concern with the paper is that it contains plot summary that seems unrelated to the
interpretation that you were substantiating.
Not Enough from Story
You did a good job on this. You selected one of the five possible interpretations, then you wrote
an analytical essay in support of that point of view. My main concern with the paper is that it not
enough information/details/quotes from the story were incorporated into your interpretation in
order to give your interp more substance and validity.
Does Not Address Assignment
The assignment was: “write a thematic paper that argues why your choice of interpretation
above is most convincing using evidence from the story itself to support your position.” This
submission certainly provided a good plot summary of Hawthrone’s story, but I did not see the
primary assignment challenge being addressed: pick one of the five interprepations and support
it with a discussion of the story.
Unit 5 – DB – Imagery in “Sometimes in Winter”
I really enjoyed reading your personal impressions of this very personal poem by Linda Cooper. If
nothing else, I hope that you leave this course knowing that ALL OF LITERATURE is open to
YOUR interpretation. The black marks are on the page for you to use to create images in your
mind, to explore emotions that remained sealed off except when we read, to creep into the
minds of characters and thus find out more about other humans and ourselves.
There is NO SUCH THING as a correct or incorrect interpretation. There is only your
interpreation. That applies to ice ponds and ice skates, too.