JS0360 - Mormon Polygamy Documents

Joseph Smith Affidavits—from the LDS Church Archives—Ms 3423—Folder 1
Transcriber’s notes:
The documents in this folder are unbound loose sheets.
Within the limits of what a careful transcriber can ensure, errors of spelling,
punctuation, grammar, and usage are those of the original author or scribe.
This transcription has been compared against available published versions of
these documents and is more accurate, the published versions having frequently
been misread and standardized.
Some of the affidavits in these folders are handwritten copies of the originals;
others are the originals. In either case, they are the versions that appear to be the
earliest and most reliable. I have noted only significant variations in other copies.
Italicizing and underlining in the transcription indicate underlining in the originals.
Key to Transcription Symbols:
Folder #x
Folder number indicates the folder of the collection Ms 3423 in
which the document was found.
Image #x
The image numbers are numbers that were assigned to each
document page when it was put into digital form. They do not
reflect page numbers on the documents themselves, which are
generally unpaginated.
Lines like this above and below text mark off separate documents.
Words set off like this were added above the line.
Letters within brackets, where a “/” divides them indicate that the
first letter was written over the second.
[text here]
Bracketed text in any form other than [x/y] was added to clarify
meaning, indicate omissions, and supply document titles and dates.
[Affidavit of X]
Document titles written in brackets were added by me.
Affidavit of X
Document titles written without brackets are internal to the
document, generally having been written on the back of the
original. These titles were usually added by the Church Historian.
Book 2, page #X
Notations like “copied to Book 2, page #X” indicate where the
document was copied into the bound Joseph Smith Affidavits.
Folder 1, images 3-6
[Affidavit of Almera Johnson]
Territory of Utah, } ss.
County of Iron.}
Be it remembered on this first day of August A. D. 1883, personally appeared
before me John W. Brown a notary public in and for said County, Alm[e/i]ra \W./
Johnson Smith Barton, who was by me sworn in due form of law, and upon her oath says,
I am a citizen in the Territory of Utah, over the age of twenty-one years; that I am the
daughter of Ezekiel Johnson and Julia Hills Johnson his wife, that I was born at Westford,
in the State of Vermont on the 22nd day of October A. D. 1813; that I had nine brothers
who were named respectively Joel H., Seth, David, Benjamin F., Joseph E., Elmer,
George W., William D. and Amos; and six sisters named respectively Nancy, Dulcena,
Julia, Susan, Mary and Esther, all of whom, with myself, were baptized into the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with the exception of Elmer who died in infancy.
Deponent further says: That in the years 1842 and 1843, I resided most of the time
at Macedonia, in the County of Hancock, State of Illinois, sometimes with my sister who
was the wife of Almon W. Babbitt, and sometimes with my brother Benjamin F. Johnson.
During that time the Prophet Joseph Smith taught me the principle of Celestial Marriage
including plurality of wives and asked me to become his wife. He first spoke to me on
this subject at the house of my brother Benjamin F. I also lived a portion of the time at
Brother Joseph Smith’s in Nauvoo, when many conversations passed between him and
myself on this subject. On a certain occasion in the spring of the year 1843, the exact date
\of/ which I do not now recollect, I went from Macedonia to Nauvoo to visit another of
my sisters, the one who was the widow of Lyman R. Sherman, deceased, at which time I
was sealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith. At the time this took place Hyrum Smith,
Joseph’s brother, came to me and said, I need not be afraid. I had been fearing and
doubting about the principle and so had he, but he now knew it was true. After this time I
lived with the Prophet Joseph Smith as his wife, and he visited me at the home of my
brother Benjamin F. at Macedonia.
Deponent further says that I had many conversations with Eliza Beaman who was
also a wife of Joseph Smith, and who was present when I was sealed to him, on the
subject of plurality of wives, both before and after the performance of that ceremony.
And also that since the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith I was married for time
to Reuben Barton of Nauvoo Hancock Co. Ill., by whom I have had five daughters, one
only of whom is now living.
Almera W. Johnson
Smith Barton
Subscribed and sworn to by the said }
Alm[e/i]ra W. Johnson Smith Barton the day and }
year first above written. }
John W. Brown
Notary Public.
Folder 1, images 7-8
Affidavit of Adeline Brooks Andrus Benson
Sealed to Ezra Taft Benson
Copied in Book 2. pa.43
Territory of Utah}SS.
County of Cache}
Be it remembered that on this fifth day of September A. D.
1869 personally appeared before me David Crockett, a Justice of the Peace in and for said
County, Adeline Brooks Andrus Benson, who was by me sworn in due form of law, and
upon her oath saith, that on the twenty-seventh day of April, A.D. 1844 in the City of
Nauvoo, County of Hancock State of Illinois, She was married or sealed to Ezra T.
Benson, for time and all eternity, (he already having one wife), by President Hyrum
Smith; in the Presence of Pamelia A. Benson, and also that her sister, Pamelia, was sealed
to E. T. Benson Nov. 19. ‘43
Subscribed and sworn to by}
the said Adeline Brooks Andrus Benson} Adeline B. A. Benson
the day and year first above written}
[SEAL] David Crockett J.P.
Folder 1, images 9-10
[The above is followed by an additional handwritten copy of Adeline Benson affidavit
that varies in its final sentence:]
[…] and also that she witnessed the sealing of her sister to E. T. Benson. Nov 19-1843
Folder 1, images 11-12
Affidavit of Pamelia Andrus.
Sealed to Ezra Taft Benson
Copied in book 2. p. 44
Territory of Utah}SS.
County of Cache}
Be it remembered that on this sixth day of September A. D.
1869 personally appeared before me David Crockett a Justice of the Peace in and for said
County, Pamelia Andrus Benson who was by me sworn in due form of Law, and upon
her oath saith that on the nineteenth day of November A.D. 1843 she was married or
sealed to Ezra T. Benson, for time and all eternity by President Hyrum Smith in the
presence of Adeline B. Andrus her sister, which was done in the City of Nauvoo—
County of Hancock, State of Illinois, and further on the twenty seventh day of April A.D.
1844 at the same place, she was present and witnessed the marrying or sealing of her
sister Adeline to her Husband E. T. Benson by President Hyrum Smith
Pamelia A Benson
Subscribed and sworn to by}
the said Pamelia Andrus Benson
the day and year \first/ above written}
[SEAL] David Crockett, J.P.
Folder 1, images 13-14
[Above followed by handwritten duplicate—no significant variation; not transcribed]
Folder 1, images15-27
Statement of Gideon Carter [taken by B. H. Roberts, 1903]
State of California.}
San Bernardino County.}ss.
I am Gideon Carter, son of Gideon H. Carter [***]
[Carter provides some biographical information, reports having lived with Orange
Wight—Lyman Wight’s son and having lived in Lyman Wight’s Texas colony, and
recounts much of relevance to Lyman Wight’s claim to succession and his alienation
from Brigham Young. He also discusses the practice of polygamy in Wight’s colony—
who married whom, etc. I have not transcribed these portions of the statement. Note that
Carter was born August 9, 1831.]
Question By B. H. Roberts: Mr Carter, did Lyman Wight say that Joseph Smith taught
plural marriage, and did he practice it by virtue of the prophet Joseph Smith having
introduced it?
Answer: He did. He said that he saw and heard read the revelation establishing plural
marriage before Joseph Smith’s death. I have heard Lyman Wight relate many times how
Joseph Smith announced the revelation to his brother Hyrum. Hyrum did not at first
receive it \with/ favor.able His whole nature revolted against it. He said to Joseph that if
he attempted to introduce the practice of that doctrine as a tenet of the church it would
break up the church and cost him his life. “Well”, Joseph replied, “it is a commandment
from God, brother Hyrum, and if you don’t believe it, if you will ask the Lord He will
make it known to you. The matter caused Hyrum much distress and anguish of heart, he
well nigh sweat blood over it, so repugnant was it to his feelings, and such his dread of
seeing it introduced into the Church; but he inquired of God according to Wight’s
statement, and he himself received from the Lord the same revelation that Joseph had that
it was a true doctrine, and a commandment from God.
That revelation was made known to \some/ [of] the Twelve before Joseph Smith’s
death; and after it was read in one of their counsel meetings \with some of the Twelve/
Joseph said he bore testimony that it was of God, and that it was a principle where in
there was wisdom, truth, and virtue and capable of bring\ing/ great good to the world; but
owing to the sinfulness of men and the lusts and their weaknesses it would damn more
men than it would save. This is the explaination that Lyman Wight gave for the existence
of polygamy in that branch of the church over which he held a jurisdiction; the
explaination given to the younger members of his following who found no warrant for the
practice in the Book of Mormon or in the Doctrine and Covenants.
Lyman Wight also said that Joseph Smith had given him authority to perform
these plural marriage ceremonies in connection with other ceremonies in the church. Mr
Wight and his followers af [also?] to meet the inquires of some of his followers, in a
pamphlet that was published gotten out published what was purported to be a copy of the
revelation received by Joseph Smith, but in connection with it there was many rules to be
observed by those entering into those plural marriage relations which I do not find in the
revelation published by the Mormons in Utah. There were things in that revelation that
caused some dissatisfaction, and they \pamphlets/ were withdrawn from circulation, and
soon afterwards the practice of plural marriages in what may be called his branch of the
church was discontinued. Mr Wight gave as a reason for this step the prejudice of the
world against it; and said the people were not pure enough to live up to that order of
marriage. After this there were no more plural marriages among his followers, though
those who all already had entered into that order maintained the wives they had taken.
Question by B H Roberts: What standing relation do you sustain to the Mormon Church in Utah Mr Carter?
Answer. No relation whatever. I am not a member of that church.
Gideon Carter.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of February AD 1844.
J C Christy.
Notary Public in and for
County of San Bernardino,
State of California.
Folder 1, images 28a, 28b, 29a, 29b
[William Clayton letter to Madison M. Scott, from Salt Lake City, 11 November 1871]
[Note that the entire lengthy italicized section in the middle of the letter is underlined in
the original.]
Madison M. Scott, Esq.
Dear Sir:
Your letter of 23rd of June last, was received by due course of mail, but owing to
my being so very closely confined with public duties, which has almost destroyed my
health, I have not answered your letter so promptly as is my practice. My health is yet
very poor, but I have resigned the office which was bearing so heavy upon me, and am in
hopes to regain my usual sound health.
Now, in regard to the subject matter of your letter, it appears to me the principal
topic is what is commonly called polygamy, but which I prefer to call Celestial marriage.
As to young Joseph Smith saying that the church here have apostatized; that we have
introduced polygamy, denying bitterly that his father ever had a revelation on the subject,
that is all mere bosh! I believe he knows better, and I have often felt sorry to learn that the
sons of the prophet should spend their time in contending against a pure and holy
principle which their father had his blood shed to establish. They will have a heavy
atonement to make when they meet their father in the next world. They are in the hands
of God, and my respect for their father will not permit me to say much about the wicked
course of his sons.
Now, I say to you, as I am ready to testify to all the world, and on which testimony
I am most willing to meet all the Latter Day Saints and all apostates, in time and through
all eternity, I did write the Revelation on Celestial marriage given through the Prophet
Joseph Smith on the 12th of July 1843. When the Revelation was written there was no
one present except the Prophet Joseph, his brother Hyrum and myself. It was written in
the small office upstairs in the rear of the brick store which stood on the banks of the
Mississippi river. It took some three hours to write it. Joseph dictated sentence by
sentence and I wrote it as he dictated. After the whole was written Joseph requested me to
read it slowly and carefully, which I did, and he then pronounced it correct. The same
night a copy was taken by Bishop Whitney, which copy is now here, and which I know
and testify is correct. The original was destroyed by Emma Smith.
I again testify that the revelation on polygamy was given through the prophet
Joseph on the 12th July 1843, and that the prophet Joseph both taught and practised
polygamy I do positively know, and bear testimony to the fact. In April 1843 he sealed to
me my second wife, my first wife being then living. By my said second wife I had two
sons born in Nauvoo. The first died; the second one is here now, and is married. I had the
honor to seal one woman to Joseph under his direction. I could name, ten or a dozen of
his wives who are living now in this Territory, so that for any man to tell me that Joseph
did not teach polygamy, he is losing his time, for I know better. It is not hearsay, nor
opinion with me, for I positively know of what I speak, and I testify to the truth and shall
be willing to meet all opponents on the subject through all eternity. As to the Church
here having apostatized that is all a mere matter of assertion, destitute of truth. Prest.
Young and his associates are, and have been doing everything they can to carry out the
plans and instructions of the prophet Joseph, and so eternity will prove to the
condemnation and confusion of all their enemies. Any one that says to the contrary does
not know Joseph nor the mission the Lord gave him to fulfil. Polygamy is a Celestial
order, the most sacred and holy that was ever revealed from Heaven to man. The
Revelation of July 12th 1843 says plainly, “to whomsoever this law is revealed they must
and shall obey the same, or they shall be damned saith the Lord God.” How any man
who pretends to believe the bible can fight against polygamy, is a mystery to me.
Abraham and Jacob polygamists. One is called the “father of the faithful.” Of the other it
is said, “In thee and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;” so that there
can be no blessings for the human family only through a polygamist. I do not know
where I could get a copy of the revelation or I would send you one. You may rest assured
that no main that fights against polygamy will have the privilege of sitting down with
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven. I must now close. I could say
much on this subject did time allow.
Truly yours,
Wm Clayton.
[William Clayton Statement, 1874]
Folder 1, images 30-36
[Marginal note, probably by Joseph Fielding Smith:]
This copy of this statement was handed to me by my father this day, November 18, 1914,
to be filed in the Historian’s Office. It has been filed with his papers since it was written.
Inasmuch as it may be interesting to future generations of the members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, to learn something of the first teachings of
the principle of plural marriage by President Joseph Smith, the Prophet, Seer, Revelator
and Translator of said Church, I will give a short relation of facts which occurred within
my personal knowledge, and also matters related to me by President Joseph Smith.
I was employed as a clerk in President Joseph Smith's office, under Elder Willard
Richards, and commenced to labor in the office on the 10th day of February, 1842. I
continued to labor with Elder Richards until he went east to fetch his wife to Nauvoo.
After Elder Richards started east I was necessarily thrown constantly into the
company of President Smith, having to attend to his public and private business,
receiving and recording tithings and donations, attending to land, and other matters of
business. During this period I necessarily became well acquainted with Emma Smith, the
wife of the Prophet Joseph, and also with the children—Julia M. (an adopted daughter),
Joseph, Frederick and Alexander, very much of the business being transacted at the
residence of the Prophet.
On the 7th of October 1842, in presence of Bishop Newel K. Whitney and his
wife Elizabeth Ann, President Joseph Smith appointed me Temple Recorder, and also his
private clerk, placing all records, books, papers, &c. in my care, and requiring me to take
charge \of/ and preserve them, his closing words being, “when I have any Revelations to
write, you are the one to write them.[”]
During this period the Prophet Joseph frequently visited my house in my
company, and became well acquainted with my wife Ruth, to whom I had been married
five years. One day in the month of February 1843, date not remembered, the Prophet
invited me to walk with him. During our walk, he said he had he said he had learned that
there was a sister back in England to whom I was very much attached. I replied there
was, but nothing farther than an attachment such as a brother and sister in the church
might rightfully entertain for each other. He then said, “Why don't you send for her?” I
replied, “in the first place, I have no authority to send for her, and if I had, I have not the
means to pay expenses.” To this he answered, “I give you authority to send for her, and I
will furnish you the means,” which he did. This was the first time the Prophet Joseph
talked with me on the subject of plural marriage. He informed me that the doctrine and
principle was right in the sight of our Heavenly Father, and that it was a doctrine which
pertained to Celestial order and glory. After giving me lengthy instructions and
information concerning the doctrine of celestial or plural marriage, he concluded his
remarks by the words, “It is your privilege to have all the wives you want.”
After this introduction, our conversations on the subject of plural marriage were
very frequent, and he appeared to take particular pains to inform and instruct me in
respect to the principle. He also informed me that he had other wives living, besides his
first wife Emma, and in particular gave me to understand that Eliza R. Snow, Louisa
Beman, Desdamona C. Fullmer, and others were his lawful wives in the sight of Heaven.
On the 27th of April 1843 the Prophet Joseph Smith married to me Margaret
Moon, for time and eternity, at the residence of Elder Heber C. Kimball; and on the 22nd
of July 1843, he married to me, according to the order of the church, my first wife Ruth.
On the 1st day of May, 1843, I officiated in the office of an Elder by marrying
Lucy Walker to the Prophet Joseph Smith, at his own residence.
During this period the Prophet Joseph took several other wives. Amongst the
number I well remember Eliza Partridge, Emily Partridge, Sarah Ann Whitney, Helen
Kimball and Flora Woodworth. These all, he acknowledged to me, were his lawful,
wedded wives, according to the celestial order. His wife Emma was cognizant of the fact
of some, if not all, of these being his wives, and she generally treated them very kindly.
On the morning of the 12th of July, 1843, Joseph and Hyrum Smith came into the
office, in the upper story of the brick store, on the bank of the Mississippi River. They
were talking on the subject of plural marriage. Hyrum said to Joseph, “if you will write
the revelation on Celestial marriage, I will take and read it to Emma, and I believe I can
convince her of its truth, and you will hereafter have peace.” Joseph smiled, and
remarked, “you do not know Emma as well as I do.” Hyrum repeated his opinion and
further remarked, “the doctrine is so plain, I can convince any reasonable man or woman
of its truth, purity and heavenly origin,” or words to their effect. Joseph then said, “well,
I will write the revelation, and we will see.” He then requested me to get paper and
prepare to write. Hyrum very urgently requested Joseph to write the revelation by means
of the Urim and Thummim, but Joseph, in reply, said he did not need to, for he knew the
revelation perfectly from beginning to end.
Joseph and Hyrum then sat down, and Joseph commenced to dictate the Revelation on
Celestial marriage, and I wrote it, sentence by sentence as he dictated. After the whole
was written, Joseph asked me to read it through, slowly and carefully, which I did, and he
pronounced it correct. He then remarked that there was much more that he could write,
on the same subject, but what was written was sufficient for the present.
Hyrum then took the revelation to read to Emma. Joseph remained with me in the
office until Hyrum returned. When he came back, Joseph asked him how he had
succeeded. Hyrum replied that he had never received a more severe talking to in his life,
that Emma was very bitter and full of resentment and anger.
Joseph quietly remarked, “I told you, you did not know Emma as well as I did.”
Joseph then put the Revelation in his pocket and they both left the office.
The revelation was read to several of the authorities during the day. Towards evening
Bishop Newel K. Whitney asked Joseph if he had any objections to his taking a copy of
the revelation; Joseph replied that he had not, and handed it to him. It was carefully
copied the following day by Joseph C. Kingsbury.
Two or three days after the Revelation was written, Joseph related to me and
several others, that Emma had so teased, and urgently entreated him for the privilege of
destroying it, that he became so weary of her teasing, and to get rid of her annoyance, he
told her she might destroy it and she had done so, but he had consented to her wish in this
matter to pacify her, realizing that he knew the Revelation perfectly, and could rewrite it
at any time, if necessary.
The copy made by Joseph C. Kingsbury is a true and correct copy of the original in
every respect. The copy was carefully preserved by Bishop Whitney, and but few knew
of its existence until the temporary location of the Camp of Israel at Winter Quarters, on
the Missouri River, in 1846.
After the revelation on Celestial marriage was written Joseph continued his
instructions, privately, on the doctrine, to myself and others, and during the last year of
his life we were scarcely every together, alone, but he was talking on the subject, and
explaining that doctrine and principles connected with it. He appeared to enjoy great
liberty and freedom in his teachings, and also to find great relief in having a few to whom
he could unbosom his feelings on that great and glorious subject. From him I learned that
the doctrine of plural and celestial marriage is the most holy and important doctrine ever
revealed to man on the earth, and that without obedience to that principle no man can
ever attain to the fullness of exaltation in Celestial glory.
William Clayton.
Salt Lake City.
February 16th, 1874.
Territory of Utah}
County of Salt Lake} ss
On this sixteenth day of February A.D. 1874, before the
undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said county and
Territory, personally came, Wm Clayton, who, being sworn
in due form of law, says, that the foregoing statement is
true in every particular, where the facts are related as
coming under his own personal observation, and where the
language of others is quoted the exact sentiments, and as
near as possible the exact words, are given in every
[His seal]
In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed
my name, and affixed my Notarial seal, at my office in Salt
Lake City, Utah Territory, the day and year aforesaid;
John T. Caine
Notary Public
Folder 1, images 37-37a
[Historian’s office brief note only, about Sarah M. Cleveland being mentioned in the
Times and Seasons and having been sealed to Joseph Smith in 1846—not transcribed.]
Folder 1, images 38-41
Affidavit [of] Howard Coray pertaining to Plural Marriage
Territory of Utah,
County of Salt Lake. }ss.
Before me James Jack a notary public in and for said County personally appeared
Howard Coray who, being by me first duly sworn, on his oath says: I am a resident of
Provo City, in the County of Utah and Territory of Utah, over the age of twenty-one years;
that [as] many false statements have been made in relation to the authorship of the
revelation on Celestial marriage, I deem it but justice to all lovers of truth for me to
express what I know concerning this very important matter:
On the 22nd day of July, A. D. 1843, Hyrum Smith, the martyred Patriarch, came in a
carriage to my house in Nauvoo; he invited me and my wife to take a ride with him;
accordingly, as soon as we could make ourselves ready, we got into the carriage, and he
set off in the direction of Carthage. Having gone a short distance, he observed to us, that
his brother Joseph Smith, the Prophet, had received a revelation on marriage, that was not
for the public yet, which he would rehearse to us, as he had taken pains to commit it to
memory. He then commenced rehearsing the revelation on Celestial marriage, not
stopping till he had gone quite through with the matter.
After which he reviewed that part pertaining to plurality of wives, dwelling at
some length upon the same in order that we might clearly understand the principle.
And [o/i]n the same day (July 22nd, 1843) he sealed my wife, formerly Martha Jane
Knowlton, to me; and when I heard the revelation on Celestial marriage read on the stand
in Salt Lake City in 1852, I recognized it, as the same as that repeated to me by Brother
Hyrum Smith. Not long after this I was present when Brother David Fullmer and wife
were sealed by Brother Hyrum Smith, the martyred Patriarch, according to the law of
Celestial marriage. And, besides the foregoing, there was quite enough c[a/o]me within
the compass of my observation to have fully satisfied my mind that plural marriage was
practised in the city of Nauvoo.
Subscribed and sworn to before me}
this 12th day of June, A.D. 1882. }
Howard Coray
James Jack
Notary Public
Folder 1, images 42-45
[Handwritten duplicate of the above—no significant variation; not transcribed.]
Folder 1, images 46-47a
[Handwritten duplicate of above, but without prefatory notary identification, etc.—begins
with “As many false statements have been made in relation to the authorship of the
revelation on Celestial Marriage…”; but does not otherwise significantly vary from the
Folder 1, images 48-49
Affidavit of Mrs. Josephine Rosetta Fisher. Febr. 24th 1915
Fisher, Josephine Rosetta, a daughter of Sylvia Porter Sessions Lyon, was born in
Nauvoo, Ill., Feb. 8, 1844, and when Mr. Lyon, he mother’s husband died in Iowa, she
was about five years old. Later her mother married Ezekiel Clark, a non-Mormon, who
remained in the States when the mother migrated to Utah in 1854, taking her daughter
Josephine R and thre[e] children by Clark with her. Josephine was ten years old when
she located in Bountiful, where she grow up and when 19½ years old she was married to
John Fisher Aug. 15, 1863, Bp. John Staker[?—Stokes?] performing the marriage
ceremony. She was \is/ the mother of ten children, five of whom were still living in
1915. Her husband died Oct. 23, 1906 \1905/ at Bountiful. On the 24th of February,
1915, Elder Andrew Jenson, Pres Joseph H. Grant and Irvin Frederick Fisher (son of
Sister Fisher) visited Sister Fisher at her home at Bountiful, on which occasion she gave
the following testimony:
Just prior to my mothers death in 1882 she called me to her bedside and told me
that her days on earth were about numbered and before she passed away from mortality
she desired to tell me something which she had kept as an entire secret from me and from
all others until no but which she now desired to communicate to me. She then told me
that I was the daughter of the Prophet Joseph Smith, she having been sealed to the
Prophet at the time that her husband Mr. Lyon had was out of fellowship with the
Church. She also told me that she was sealed to the Prophet about the same time that
Zina D. Huntington and Eliza R. Snow were thus sealed. In conclusion mother told me
not to make her statement to me too public, as it might cause trouble and arouse
unpleasant curiosity. I have followed her advice, and I am relating the facts to-day
practically the first time, responding to the desire request or desire of one of the assistant
Church Historians.
Signed in the presence of
Jos H Grant. Andrew Jenson
I. F. Fisher.
Josephine R Fisher
Bountiful, Utah, Feb. 24, 1915.