Zoning District - City of Laurens

Sec. 46-91. Establishment .
The following zone districts are hereby established in the City of Laurens:
R-1, Rural residential and agricultural district
R-2, Suburban residential district
R-3, Urban residential district
RM, Residential manufactured/site-built housing district
RP, Residential-professional district
B-1, Neighborhood convenience center district
B-2, Central business district
B-3, Highway service center district
B-4, General commercial and distribution district
M, Manufacturing district
PUD, Planned unit development district
FHO, Flood Hazard Overlay district
HPO, Historic Preservation Overlay district
Sec. 46-92. Purpose.
Collectively, these districts are intended to advance the purpose of this chapter, as stated
in section 46-3. Individually, each district is designed and intended to accomplish the
following more specific objectives:
R-1, Rural residential and agricultural district. The purpose of the
R-1 district is to maintain and protect open spaces and natural
resources, and to permit agricultural operations in certain areas of the
city, together with low-density residential development and support
R-2, Suburban residential district. The purpose of the R-2 district is
to foster, preserve and protect areas of the community in which the
principal use of land is for detached, single-family dwellings and
related support facilities.
R-3, Urban residential district. The purpose of the R-3 district is to
accommodate higher density residential development and a variety
of housing types on small lots or in project settings.
RM, Residential manufactured/site built housing district. The
purpose of the RM district is to accommodate manufactured home
development in concert with site-built single-family housing and
duplexes, or in planned parks or courts. It is further intended to foster
manufactured home development as an economic alternative to
conventional site-built housing.
RP, Residential-professional district. The purpose of the RP district is to accommodate
office, institutional and residential uses in areas whose character is neither exclusively
business nor residential in nature. It is designed principally for areas in transition from
residential to business, along major streets and for the purpose of ameliorating the
consequences of change impacting established residential areas.
B-1, Neighborhood convenience center district. The purpose of the B-1 district is to
meet the commercial and service needs generated by nearby residential areas. Goods and
services normally available in the B-1 district are of the convenience variety. The size of
any such B-1 district should relate to surrounding residential markets and the locations
should be at or near major intersections.
B-2, Central business district. The purpose of the B-2 district is to promote the
concentration and vitality of commercial and business uses in downtown Laurens. This
B-2 district is characterized by wall-to-wall development and pedestrian walkways.
B-3, Highway service center district. The purposes of this B-3 district are to serve the
automobile and its passengers, to accommodate change of existing land uses precipitated
by economics and major street use, and to provide services and goods outside the central
business district. For these reasons, open space, off-street parking and building setbacks
are prerequisite to new construction.
B-4, General commercial and distribution district. The purpose of the B-4 district is to
provide for the development and maintenance of commercial and distribution facilities
requiring relatively large sites and buildings, outdoor storage and display area.
M, Manufacturing district. The purpose of the M district is to accommodate
wholesaling, distribution, storage, processing and manufacturing in an environment
suited to such uses and operations while promoting land use compatibility both within
and beyond the boundaries of such districts. Toward these ends, residential development
is not permitted, nor is the establishment of this district on other than a collector or
arterial street.
PUD, Planned unit development district. The intent of the planned unit development
district is to encourage flexibility in the development of land in order to promote its
most appropriate use; and to do so in a manner that will enhance the public health,
safety, morals and general welfare. Within the PUD zones, regulations adapted to such
unified planning and development are intended to accomplish the purposes of zoning
and other applicable regulations to an equivalent or higher degree than where such
regulations are designed to control unscheduled development on individual lots, to
promote economical and efficient land use, provide an improved level of amenities,
foster a harmonious variety of uses, encourage creative design, and promote a better
environment. In view of the substantial public advantage of planned unit development,
it is the intent of this chapter to promote and encourage or require development in this
form where appropriate in location, character and timing.