Red in Author’s column denotes “Contact author” for the contribution. Return to Master Document Theme Session on Comparative marine ecosystems structure and function: descriptors and characteristics (D) Conveners: Bernard A. Megrey, USA, Jason Link, USA, Webjørn Melle, Norway and Ian Perry, Canada Code Number Title Author(s) Keywords ICES CM 2007/D:01 – Abstract Which forcing factors fit? Relative influence of climate and fishing on the dynamics of gadoids in marine ecosystems Environmental forcing of life history strategies: Multi-trophic level response at ocean basin scales Ecosystem state and trophic interactions between phytoplankton, micro- and mesozooplankton and planktivorous fish in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea The Eastern Bering Sea shelf: a highly productive seasonally ice-covered sea Comparative analysis of trophic webs of South New England and Northern Adriatic Sea Comparison of 4 Northern Hemisphere regions: Physical oceanographic responses to recent climate variability Comparison of 4 Northern Hemisphere regions: Ecosystem responses to recent oceanographic variability Trophic structure of the Barents Sea fish community with the special reference to the cod stock recovery ability A comparison of biological trends from four marine ecosystems: synchronies, differences, and commonalities S. Mackinson, G. Daskalov, H. Aranciba, F. Arreguin-Sanchez, and L. Shannon climate, fishing, ecosystem models, gadoids. R. Suryan, M. Frederiksen, S. Wanless, B. Wallace, V. Saba, and S. Hatch basin scale processes, food webs, life history strategies, population dynamics Jari-Pekka Pääkkönen, H. Peltonen, J. Flinkman, M. Karjalainen, and Markku Viitasalo zooplankton, phytoplankton, Baltic Sea, trophic levels Franz J. Mueter, George L. Hunt, Jr and Michael A. Litzow Fabio Pranovi, and Jason Link Bering Sea, sea ice, productivity, fish community, warming trophic structure, EwE, MTI, keystoneness index, South New England, Northern Adriatic Sea. ICES CM 2007/D:02 ICES CM 2007/D:03 – Abstract ICES CM 2007/D:04 ICES CM 2007/D:05 – Abstract ICES CM 2007/D:06 ICES CM 2007/D:07 – Extended Abstract ICES CM 2007/D:08 ICES CM 2007/D:09 – Abstract & PowerPoint Presentation Top of the Document Ken Drinkwater, Cecilie Broms, Kevin Friedland, Jon Hare, George Hunt, Webjørn Melle, Franz Mueter, and Maureen Taylor Franz Mueter, Cecilie Broms, Ken Drinkwater, Kevin Friedland, Jon Hare, George Hunt, Webjørn Melle, and Maureen Taylor A. V. Dolgov Jason S. Link, et al. Red in Author’s column denotes “Contact author” for the contribution. Code Number Title Author(s) Keywords ICES CM 2007/D:10 – Abstract A cross-ecosystem comparison of temporal variability in recruitment of functionally analogous fish stocks A comparison of community and trophic structure in four marine ecosystems based on energy budgets and system metrics Bernard A. Megrey et al. Ecosystem, recruitment, trophodynamics, variation ICES CM 2007/D:11Extended Abstract ICES CM 2007/D:12 – Extended Abstract ICES CM 2007/D:13 – Abstract ICES CM 2007/D:14 – Abstract ICES CM 2007/D:15 ICES CM 2007 /D:16 ICES CM 2007/D:17 ICES CM 2007/D:18 Top of the Document The Gulf of Alaska Continental Shelf: Physics, Food Webs, and Fisheries The climate variations in the North Atlantic and North Pacific in 20002007 compared with the 2nd half of the XX century Comparative analysis of Canadian Pacific North Coast and Strait of Georgia marine ecosystems Seals, cod and forage fish: a comparative exploration of variations in the theme of stock collapse and ecosystem change in NW Atlantic ecosystems Do population and community metrics tell the same story about recent changes in Western Mediterranean fish communities? Inter-regional comparison of climate effects on marine fish populations facilitated through classification of mechanisms Comparing pristine and depleted ecosystems : the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada vs. the Soerfjord, Norway. Effects of intense fisheries on marine ecosystems. Sarah Gaichas, Georg Skaret, Jannike FalkPetersen, Jason S. Link, Wiliam Overholtz, Bernard A. Megrey, Harald Gjoesaeter, William Stockhausen, Are Dommasnes Sarah Gaichas, Bernard A. Megrey, and Franz Mueter Andrei S. Krovnin, and George P. Moury R. Ian Perry, William R. Crawford, and Alan F. Sinclair North Atlantic, North Pacific, climatic system state, regime shift, zonal and meridional atmospheric circulation, biological characteristics of the main fish stocks ecosystem structure, ecosystem function, productivity, fisheries yields, food-webs, resilience, vulnerability. Alida Bundy, Sheila J. J. Heymans, Lyne Morissette, and Claude Savenkoff Marie-Joëlle Rochet, Verena M. Trenkel, Luis Gil de Sola, Chrissi-Yianna Politou, George Tserpes and Jacques A. Bertrand Community metrics; ecosystem approach to fisheries; fish community; length-based metrics; Mediterranean; survey data Geir Ottersen, and Nils Chr. Stenseth Climate, fish, population dynamics, mechanism, comparative approach Lyne Morissette, Torstein Pedersen, and Marianne Nilsen Red in Author’s column denotes “Contact author” for the contribution. Code Number Title Author(s) Keywords ICES CM 2007/D:19 – Abstract Fishing effects on fish species diversity in different environmental scenarios: a comparison of case-studies in Scottish, French and Italian waters Variability of Large marine Ecosystems in response to global climate change Fronts in the World Ocean’s Large Marine Ecosystems Structure and function of three marine ecosystems in Korea: A comparative study Climate variability and the ecosystems of the Barents and Norwegian Seas A Light in Murky Waters: Bivalve Filtration Facilitates Growth of Eelgrass in a Eutrophied Environment Examining the relative significance of ocean climate forcing, fishing pressure, fish landings, and TACs on the status of commercial fish populations in the southern North Sea Estimation of fecundity in Nephrops norvegicus (L.) from the Irish Sea An Orientation to the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank Ecosystem Catherine S. Longo, Marie-Joëlle Rochet, Francesco Colloca, Graham J. Pierce, Fabrizio Serena, and Simon P. R. Greenstreet K. Sherman, I. Belkin, and J. O'Reiilly biodiversity; demersal fish; fisheries; trophic interactions; size-spectra; Tyrrhenian Sea; Celtic Sea; Biscay Bay; North Sea. Igor M. Belkin, and Peter C. Cornillon Fronts; Large Marine Ecosystems; World Ocean; sea surface temperature. ICES CM 2007/D:20 ICES CM 2007/D:21 ICES CM 2007/D:22 ICES CM 2007/D:23 ICES CM 2007/D:24 – Poster ICES CM 2007/D:25 – Poster ICES CM 2007/D:26 – Poster – Extended Abstract ICES CM 2007/D:27 – Abstract & PowerPoint Presentation ICES CM 2007/D:28 – Poster ICES CM 2007/D:29 – Poster ICES CM 2007/D:30 – Poster ICES CM 2007/D:31 – Poster Top of the Document Chang Ik Zhang, Jae Bong Lee, Sun Kil Lee, and Bernard A. Megrey K. Drinkwater, W. Melle, and H. Loeng Bradley J. Peterson, Charles C. Wall, and Christopher J. Gobler A.J. Kenny, and G.H. Engelhard N. McQuaid, R. P. Briggs, and D. Roberts Jason Link, Kevin Friedland, Jon Hare, William Overholtz, and Maureen Taylor Withdrawn Ecosystem of the Vistula Lagoon in the light of results obtained in mathematical modelling Structure and function of pelagic and benthic food webs at 3 ecohydrodynamically distinct sites in the North Sea Food web structure at 3 contrasting sites in the North Sea Mariusz Zalewski, Zbigniew Witek, and Magdalena WielgatRychert Suzanne Painting, R. Forster, N. Greenwood, O. Mikkelsen, R. Parker, L. Fernand, and P. Kershaw Benjamin Kürten, S. Painting, U. Strück, and N. Polunin crustaceans, reproduction, maturity. Red in Author’s column denotes “Contact author” for the contribution. Code Number Title Author(s) ICES CM 2007/D:32 – Poster Satellite Climatology of SST and Chlorophyll Fronts in the Northeast U.S. Large Marine Ecosystem Propagation of Temperature-Salinity Anomalies along North America’s Eastern Seaboard Igor M. Belkin, and John E. O'Reilly ICES CM 2007/D:33 – Poster Top of the Document Igor M. Belkin, and John E. O’Reilly Keywords