Walkability/bikability Checklist

Safe Routes to School Checklist
Questions about the school route for children & adults
1. How do you usually get…
a. TO school?
b. home FROM school?
(please circle the answer for the longest part of your trip.)
2. Which of the following things would allow you to walk/bike to and from school more often?
Mark all the answers that apply (if you mark “i” or “j”, please go to #8 & #9).
Put an X by the most important things.
a)  More parents and other adults walking or biking;
b)  More help crossing the street at this location: ___________________________
(for example: crossing guard, traffic signal, or painted crosswalk;)
c)  Sidewalk or path at this location: ______________________________________
d)  A drop-off place closer to school so I can walk part of the way;
e)  Fewer books to carry;
f)  Sidewalks are clean and not broken
g)  Slower traffic speeds
h)  More considerate drivers
i)  Nothing, we prefer to drive for: (circle your answer) safety convenience
j)  Nothing, we live too far from school
k)  Other: _______________________________
On your walk (or bike or scooter ride) to school today…
3. Did you have a sidewalk or path for the whole trip?  Yes  No
b. How many times did you have to walk off the sidewalk or path because something was in
your way?
_____ times
c. Bicyclist only: Is there a part of your trip that is hard or unpleasant? If so, where?
4. a. How many streets did you cross to get to school? _____ streets
b. Who or what helped you across the busiest street? Circle all that apply.
Crossing guard
Stop Sign
Traffic Light
Other people crossing the street Nothing Other: ________________
(More on Back)
5. Put an X over one box in each row to show us how many drivers:
No drivers Some drivers
a. Drove slowly and safely
b. Waited for you to cross the street
c. Blocked the crosswalk
Many drivers
d. Sped through an intersection
e. What else did drivers do? ___________________________________________
6. Circle (or write) what you liked best about your walk/bike ride today:
 Getting exercise
 Being outside
 Being with friends/family
 Helping the environment
 Something else? _____________________
7. Were cars or buses dropping off other kids in your way, making it hard for you to enter
the school grounds?
 No
8. a. What grade are you in? ______ b. What is your home zip code? _____________
9. If you had a choice, how would you like to get to and from school?
Circle only one answer.
10. When you walk or bike, where do you enter the school?
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
Is there anything else you would like to say about how you get to school?
Thanks for your feedback! Please return this checklist to your teacher.
This checklist can help your school improve the quality and safety of your school route.
For more information contact:____________________________________________________
or visit the following websites:
Coalition for Sustainable Transportation at www.coast-santabarbara.org
Safe Routes to School at www.dhs.ca.gov/routes2school