
Group on Earth Observations (GEO)
2006 Activities
Task DI-06-05
Building on existing techniques, create a plan for the production in coastal zones
of high resolution (i) near-shore bathymetric maps (ii) land use/land cover maps
and (iii) Digital Elevation Models
Relevant Committee
User Interface
Description of the Work to be Performed
Near-shore bathymetric maps, land cover/land use maps and Digital elevation Models (DEMs) are essential
products needed as inputs for all coastal hazards mitigation. They also contribute to the generation of
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) needed for prevention as well as re-abilitation / reconstruction.
Tasks to be carried out under GEO include:
1) Perform an assessment of existing products (in terms of availability, quality…etc), identify gaps and
needs for updated and/or new products for high priority geographical zones prone to tsunami (and
more generally to coastal hazards)
2) Prepare a “data plan” for the acquisition of required high resolution space optical and radar imagery
and ancillary data
3) Identify service companies/agencies having necessary capabilities and prepared to generate these
4) Identify funding sources (Development aid agencies, regional organizations, international
organizations…) and funding modalities
5) Establish a work programme including product specifications, responsibilities, industrial contributors,
funding requirements and sources, schedule, milestones and deliverables
Output & Deliverables
A comprehensive Work Plan document for the production of bathymetric maps in shallow waters (~30-40 m),
DEMs of DTED1-class for the generation of topographic maps and land use/land cover maps at scale
1/50,000 or 1/100,000
Calendar (incl. milestones)
(1)-(3): 6 months (from second quarter till third quarter 2006)
(4): Fourth quarter 2006
(5): Second quarter 2007
Responsible Entity, Participants
Lead Organization:
GEO Secretariat (secretariat@geosec.org)
Contributing Organizations:
Australia (Adam Lewis, adam.lewis@ga.gov.au);
ISPRS (Karsten Jacobsen, jacobsen@ipi.uni-hannover.de; Peter Reinartz, peter.reinartz@dlr.de; Samantha
Lavender, S.Lavender@plymouth.ac.uk);
Argentina (Manuel Hipólito Picasso Subjefe del Servicio de Hidrografía Naval (SHN), picasso@ara.mil.ar)
Group on Earth Observations (GEO)
2006 Activities
Task DI-06-05
USA tbd;
IOC (Dmitri Travin d.travin@unesco.org, Julian Barbiere j.barbiere@unesco.org);
IGOS (Coastal Theme);
Germany S (Dech, DFD-L, Stefan.Dech@dlr.de);
Portugal (CIMA - Centre for Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Algarve, Tomasz
Boski - tboski@ualg.pt)
Spain (Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO), Juan Acosta, juan.acosta@md.ieo.es);
CEOS/CNES (F. Adragna frederic.adragna@cnes.fr);
GTOS (John Latham, GTOS@fao.org);
Thailand (Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) Thailand: Mrs.
Ramphing SIMKING, e-mail: ramphing@gistda.or.th; Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation,
Thailand: Mr. Suppapimit PAORIK, e-mail: ITDPM@disaster.go.th);
Greece (Hellenic Military Geographic Service, Hellenic Coast Guard, Min. Env.)
Italy (ENEA-Contact point: Dc. Antonio Bruno DELLA ROCCA, email: dellarocca@casaccia.enea.it;
Italian Space Agency (ASI). Contact point: Laura CANDELA, laura.candela@asi.it; Pierluigi SODDU,
Italian Civil Protection Department, pierluigi.soddu@protezionecivile.it);
Contributing Users:
FDSN (Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (Pete Mouginis-Mark, pmm@higp.hawaii.edu);
South Africa (National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), Mmboneni Muofhe,
Portugal (Centro de Geofísica de Évora, University of Évora, Ana Maria Silva - asilva@uevora.pt);
Financial Contributions from GEO operations budget
6 months from contractor
Annex Task DI-06-05
GEO Member Potential Contributions Reported to date:
(i) CIMA research is focused on marine and coastal areas in a multidisciplinary approach, therefore there is
already some work done on coastal hazard identification and also preliminary approaches on hazard
mitigation measures. In this sense, the contribution to the tasks may be in the form of collaborating with
other institutions for knowledge and data sharing and also in the form of efforts to the interoperability of
coastal hazard identification and characterization methodologies.
(ii) Access to near-shore seismic reflection data and high resolution bathymetry; available information of
seasonal volumetric variations from different beaches along a sandy and rocky coast (SW- Portuguese Coast),
before and after storm periods.
The coastal panel of the Global Terrestrial Observing System (C-GTOS), in coordination with GOFC-GOLD,
will contribute as a member of the Coastal Community of Practice and GTOS in this activity, as part of the
coordination plan used to develop the Community of Practice. In particular C-GTOS will aid in obtaining
conditions of resolution for land use/land cover maps and digital elevation maps in assessment of the plan
requirements. C-GTOS will also use these data for long-term assessments and planning, including disaster
- Project CLIM-OSTES: Earth Observation and Geographical Information Systems. OSTES is an operative
Unit of ENEA Special Project “Global Climate” including different projects, programmes, and ENEA
institutional tasks in the fields of Aero-spatial Earth Observation (EO), GIS and GPS. The activities deal
with all the R&TD problems related to the integration of the above mentioned technologies in order to make
them effective to the different user’s objectives to be reached. Those problems include the developing of
processing algorithms for remote sensed images, the developing and implementation of GIS, and so on.
Application objectives include different scientific disciplines as climatology, oceanography, land use and
planning, etc. http://clima.casaccia.enea.it/ostes.
- Project Coastal region: monitoring and risk management. The ASI pilot project on coastal zones, foresees
incremental developments: starting from consolidated techniques, it is developing 4 functionalities to help
decisions in the risk management. High resolution near-shore bathymetric maps, land use and land cover
maps, digital elevation models are fundamental products to construct the a-priori knowledge on which is
based decisions during emergencies.
Relevant EC Projects:
DG-RTD: ARMONIA (T6 Piccola Società Cooperativa a Responsabilità Limitata, Katja Firus, k.firus@t6.it);