
Minutes: Executive Board Meeting
June 19, 2015
Presiding: David Richmond, President
Submitted by Debra Baker, Secretary
Call to order: 4:10 PM
MEMBERS PRESENT: Richmond, Dowd, Swanson, Orfei, Sikora, Jaffary, Horan,
Vanlandingham, Cadero, Doulas, Porod, DeCourcey, Jones, Mattox, Cabrera, Held, Regan,
Hankins, Essien, Silverman, Ciaveretta, Jaskot-Inclan, Radtke, Robinson-Dukes, Jones, Sakanis,
Baker, Johnston, Ruggeri, Cox, Noonan, O’Connell, Lakin, Kidwell, Couto, Fitzgerald, Shorter,
STAFF PRESENT: Rowney, Pryor, Poulos
President’s Report: President Richmond announced that the Norman G. Swenson Scholarship
winners will arrive at 5:30, and they will receive their scholarship checks and plaques. A
reception will follow. Richmond thanked Social Chairperson Elena Couto for her outstanding
work in planning the outing at Arlington Park. He also thanked Kathleen DeCourcey, Kaitlyn,
and Zack for their work on the event. Richmond announced that Linda Murphy has stepped
down from the Chapter Chair position at Wright College, and thanked her for her efforts. Maria
Jaskot-Inclan is now the Chapter Chair. Richmond presented a plaque for Murphy which JaskotInclan accepted on her behalf.
Motion 6-15-1: Baker: I move that we authorize up to $1,300 for an appraisal of the Local
1600 office. Second. President Richmond spoke to the motion explaining that while we are not
planning a move right now; knowing the value of the property will be helpful in future planning.
The CTU meeting space will no longer be available as of 2017 so we need to begin planning for
that change. A hire rise building will be constructed behind our building, and the value our
building is expected to rise. Motion Carried.
Officer Reports:
Debra Baker, Secretary:
Motion 6-15-2: Baker: Move that the Executive Board approve the April 2015 Executive
Board Meeting Minutes. Second. Motion Carried.
Tony Johnston, Legislative Chairperson: Report distributed. Johnston thanked everyone
participated in Lobby Day. More than 1200 red envelope letters were given to legislative
members. Johnston discussed the various issues and concerns facing us in Springfield.
Everyone must continue to exert pressure on the legislators. A major issue now concerns dual
credit qualification changes. Johnston encourages all to stay alert and informed on all issues in
the event that political action is necessary.
Delwyn Jones, Vice-President Suburban Faculty: Report distributed. Jones discussed the
need for the union to continue to provide training opportunities for the chapter leaders. A fall
training program is being planned. A major priority for Jones is to fight the “Right to Work”
movement. Jones encouraged all chapter chairs to move their Fair Share members to full
membership. Jones congratulated Abbas Jaffary on the MVCC Adjunct Faculty contract.
Rose Sakanis, Vice-President Suburban Classified: Report distributed. Sakanis reported that
she and Attorney Pryor have been working w/ several chapters as they negotiate their contracts.
The administrations have notified the unions that they will not pay the tax imposed by the
government for the ACA Cadillac Tax. There are a variety of ways to address what is likely
going to be increases in employee contributions to health insurance. One option is a Health
Savings Account but that can come with large increases in deductible costs. Sakanis encourages
everyone to be careful, and most importantly, educated on this issue.
Motion 6-15-3: Sakanis: I move that the CCCTU Executive Board congratulate the Triton
Classified Chapter and the Prairie State Support Staff Chapter on the ratification of their
contracts. Second. Motion Carried.
Rochelle Robinson-Dukes, Vice-President City Colleges: Report distributed. RobinsonDukes reported that a City Colleges Division meeting was held today, and she thanked everyone
for attending and tackling a lengthy agenda. A key issue on the agenda was the ARC. The
group discussed that the seven chapter chairs want language changes related to the assignment of
ARC classes based on hire date which would eliminate the issue of seniority and rotation points.
The language must also state that faculty are in charge of the professional development required
to teach ARC in order to prevent the administration from taking control of credentialing in the
future. Student Success Pay was discussed and it was noted that the committee related to it must
have one faculty and one professional serving. An MOU related to online learning was
discussed, and it is the consensus of the group that those who have taken 3 ION courses and have
the ION online teaching certificate should be grandfathered in. This must be added to the MOU.
VP Robinson-Dukes reported that President Richmond sent a request for Impact Bargaining on
the extended registration period. Robinson-Dukes will participate in the Father’s Day
Alzheimer’s Longest Day Walk this year, and asks for support. She will walk in memory of her
late mother who lost her life to this terrible disease.
President Richmond announced that CM! was unable to attend the meeting and he updated the
group on the status of various grievances and arbitrations. The SURS, termination, and
Biometric cases have gone to arbitration and we are waiting for decisions. This usually takes
about 90 days.
Motion: 6-15-4: I move that the Step II for Local 1600 Case ARBO6152015-FACMX
regarding excessive discipline be advanced to arbitration. Second. This is an EEOC
complaint and the college wants to terminate the employee. The faculty member is tenured, and
there are no other discipline incidents in his/her file. There was no progressive discipline process
followed. Motion Carried.
President Richmond announced that Rashid is running late. Richmond reviewed the balance
sheet, and discussed the increases in legal fees. He also noted that we are paying too much to the
AFT with many instances of dues being paid for those who are no longer in our union. We have
to get better about processing members who leave. The union gives a small bonus to those
removing such names from the rosters; this must be done to reduce our losses.
Motion 6-15-5: Baker: I move that we admit the new members as listed on page 33 of the
meeting packet. Second. Motion Carried.
Motion 6-15-6: Baker: I move that we authorize up to $2,500 for a condo association
special assessment fee for elevator repairs. Second. President Richmond explains that we are
legally bound to pay our share of special assessments approved by the condo association.
Motion Carried.
Todd Lakin, Chairperson Membership Committee: Lakin reported big reduction in the
numbers of Fair Share members in the union. The Membership Committee is working on a
variety of ideas that will help chapter leaders to move them to full membership status. Lakin is
willing to offer his support to anyone who needs help with the membership drive. More
information will be available at the July meeting.
Motion 6-15-7: Ruggeri: I move to congratulate Todd Lakin and the Membership
Committee for their tremendous efforts. Second. Motion Carried.
Sean Noonan: Chairperson Political Education Committee: Noonan asked everyone to
review the COPE report in the meeting packet. He discussed the plans for a COPE drive in the
fall semester.
Chapter Reports:
Cadero, Triton MM: Cadero thanked Brenda and CM! who have helped him with issues he is
having with his supervisor.
Sikora, Triton Faculty: Sikora announced that the Triton faculty settled their contract. It is a 3
year, 4% wage increase deal.
Orfei, Morton Faculty: Morton College’s President resigned last week. Faculty was
considering a “no confidence” vote, but that is no longer necessary.
Cabrera, Triton Classified: Cabrera announced that the Triton board ratified their contract.
Jones, PS Support: Jones announced that the chapter ratified their contract, and she thanked
David, Rose, and Brenda for their support.
Porod, Morton Classified: Porod announced that the chapter raised $900 for their scholarship
fund with a commencement day flower sale.
Jaskot-Inclan, Wright: Jaskot-Inclan announced that the Academic Tutors were told that they
do not report to work on the first day of classes. This late start will cost them two days of work,
and will negatively working conditions and student success. This is happening at other CCC
campuses too.
Ciaveretta, Truman: Ciaveretta reported that a Professional member applied for tuition
reimbursement and was denied based on the fact that the degree will not support his specific job
duties. The member doesn’t want to file a grievance.
Silverman, OH: Silverman announced that the chapter has filed several grievances, and all have
been denied at Stage 1. The Taxi Driving program director position has been eliminated. The
director of the program which supports students with special needs has been terminated after 13
years. A member went to HR and requested to see his/her personnel file, and was told she would
have to wait. The contract states that a member can see the file immediately, the wait is for
copies. Silverman asked for an update on the professional development grievance filed for
denial of VP Robinson-Dukes reimbursement for expenses incurred for travel for a conference.
Essien, MX: Essien stated that he was happy to see William Stewart at the meeting. He
reported that members are requesting membership cards to show their union membership status.
Hankins, KK: Hankins reported that three academic advisors who were hired using grant
money will find that funding ending this fall. Two of them are stating that they were not
informed that they were in grant funded positions. Hankins will review the job descriptions to
confirm if hires were notified of the grant status of the job. She is also alerting them to job
openings in the system. Faculty are filing a grievance on a placement points issue.
Radtke, Retirees: Radtke encourages all to sign up members who are retiring for the Retiree
Chapter. He reminded the group that unionism is valuable for all of us; even though the retiree
doesn’t need the union in the same why he/she did while working, they need and want the social
aspects of the chapter. Their experience and expertise is valuable to the current chapter leaders,
and the retirees bring a great deal of enthusiasm to our fight to defend our rights and pensions.
The chapter is waiting to hear the arbitrator’s ruling on the SURS grievance. The chapter will
meet to discuss the Medicare Part B issue, and Radtke thanks President Richmond for his
Staff Reports:
Brenda Pryor: Pryor asks everyone to read her report, and reminds the chapter chairs to keep
her informed on emerging issues.
A moment of silence was observed for the victims of the recent tragedy in North Carolina.
Motion 6-15-8: Robinson-Dukes: Move to adjourn. Second. Motion Carried.