What`s a story that you`ve heard that still gives you chills to this day

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this post was submitted on 10 Jul 2013
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What's a story that you've heard that still gives you chills to this day? (self.AskReddit)
submitted 2 years ago by Mawhkf
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[–]Pterodactyl_eyes 1522 points1523 points1524 points 2 years ago (69 children)
My friend told me about something that happened to her when she was younger, about 8 or 9.
She was walking home from school and got her key out to let herself in to the house. Her single
mum worked and came home later on weekdays. As she reached up to put her key in the door her
mum opened it, in dressing gown having left home sick. Instead of greeting her, she looked
straight past my friend and immediately said "who are you?" My friend turned around and a man
in a long coat hurried back down the path and down the street. Being ill that day had potentially
saved her daughter from something potentially horrible happening to her.
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[–]AllisViolet22 117 points118 points119 points 2 years ago (0 children)
Shit, this one got me.
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[–]qyll 3345 points3346 points3347 points 2 years ago (305 children)
Very short one.
Was talking to someone who was first on scene to the Virginia Tech massacre. He told me that
although the sight of dead bodies was disturbing, what really stays with him was the sound of all
the cell phones ringing from people trying to contact them.
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[–]ColossalKnight 2004 points2005 points2006 points 2 years ago (135 children)
...That's incredibly sad to imagine :(
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[–]destinys_parent 1989 points1990 points1991 points 2 years ago* (130 children)
You know whats worse?
Firefighthers have an alarm on them that rings out loud if they haven't changed location in a
period of time (ie. 30 seconds). This is to alert other firefighters that he/she may be unconscious
or dead.
Well there is a clip on youtube from the WTC site on 9/11. At a certain point after the towers
collapse, ALL the alarms in the rubble start ringing at once. Its really creepy/sad.
EDIT: Searching for the clip.
EDIT: Here it is, thank you user u/ptrc003
Edit: Thank you user u/winnix for finding a better first person video. Its even more chilling.
Makes you really appreciate the firefighters and doctors who threw themselves into the rubble to
save lives
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[–][deleted] 172 points173 points174 points 2 years ago (20 children)
Is it this?
First search result...
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[–]laststandman 996 points997 points998 points 2 years ago (4 children)
Jesus, I never considered that
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[+][deleted] 2 years ago (10 children)
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[–][deleted] 441 points442 points443 points 2 years ago (21 children)
There was a big fire in a night club in the city I live, I think 240 dead. A fire fighter gave a
testimony to the news paper saying this exact same thing. In addition, he said he grabbed the
phone of a young girl's dead body and there were like over a hundred missed calls, from "Mom".
And this was by the time the night club fire was all over the news.
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[–]Greenskull_RUL 1058 points1059 points1060 points 2 years ago* (97 children)
My uncle is a firefighter. He always has horrific tales to tell. One still sticks with me.
He was first on the scene of a car accident. A log fell off a big transport truck and hit the car
following it. The log sheared off the top of the car. Inside was a mom, dad, and child in the back
seat. The child was lying down and sleeping when the accident happened. He awoke to the
crashing of the car, only to see his parents' lifeless bodies still in their seats with no heads.
That child will never be the same.
EDIT: I was told this as though it was true, but for all I know it could be a tale passed around
firefighters. As some people pointed out, situations very similar to this one HAVE occurred. He
has told me other messed up things though, such as the misconception that bodies splatter when
they leap from the window of a building.
They actually bounce a little bit. Cannot unsee in my mind.
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[–]TrebleTreble 464 points465 points466 points 2 years ago (23 children)
My brother is also a firefighter/paramedic. He said that there are two paramedics who tell a story
about responding to a car crash in which a married couple had been decapitated, but are still
seated upright in the driver and passenger seats, holding hands. He says he's not sure if this is
true but has seen so much horrible and creepy stuff that he doesn't completely discount it. He
says that blood and guts don't bother him much anymore. What he hates is responding to single
vehicle, fatal car accidents (typically drunk drivers). It's the middle of the night in the middle of
nowhere and my brother has to climb into a ditch and peer into a vehicle he knows contains a
dead body, but the radio still works and is blasting. He says that mariachi music is the creepiest.
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[–]staticfox 67 points68 points69 points 2 years ago (7 children)
Former EMT here. One of the guys I worked with said his first collision call was to a fatal drunk
driving accident. Single car, managed to shear off the top and decapitate the driver. Said the head
was sitting upright on the passenger seat next to the body.
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[–]KotWmike 271 points272 points273 points 2 years ago (22 children)
My Uncle is also a firefighter / emergency responder. My father told me the story of a hostage
situation my uncle arrived at. It's been a while since I heard the story, so I'm not sure how my
Uncle got into the position but he was inside the house, talking to the man who was holding his
baby hostage with a knife. Whatever was going on did not go well, and the man cut the babies
head off in front of my Uncle. His life was a mess for sometime after; though he remained a
responder and has had a decorated career.
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[–]TrebleTreble 63 points64 points65 points 2 years ago (0 children)
Oh. My. God.
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[–]iceshard32 1153 points1154 points1155 points 2 years ago (71 children)
I worked as a vet tech a couple of years ago, and this man came in to put down his old dog.
Standard euthanasia protocol was used: get a basic history, ask if they want to be present, etc.
As a coworker of mine asked the do you want to be present part, he responded with "yes,
because I lost both of my boys last week and I wasn't there for them, and I'll be damned if I'm not
there to send off my last living family member."
Both of his boys we later found out died overseas. After hearing this, our whole staff went into
that our euthanasia room and just hugged this man and his dog several minutes past his dog
moving on.
Out of my years in the field, I've never heard such a heartbroken man to lose his animal.
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[+][deleted] 2 years ago (33 children)
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[–]youngappleby 2133 points2134 points2135 points 2 years ago (160 children)
When I was 13 my Dad was taken to hospital and my mother joined him leaving me in the house
alone sleeping. When they came back they noticed hand print on all the downstairs windows of
the house and snow trodden in the porch. They searched the house an nobody was there. The
next day we find out our next door neighbour was murdered. I know its not tat scary but when I
think how close I came to possibly being murdered or worse it sends chills down my spine.
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[–]classybroad19 1185 points1186 points1187 points 2 years ago (5 children)
that's pretty fucking scary.
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[–]ASigIAm213 1937 points1938 points1939 points 2 years ago (8 children)
You have an insanely high bar for "that scary".
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[–]hasitcometothis 385 points386 points387 points 2 years ago (47 children)
When I was about seventeen I had gone out back to take some trash out and heard a noise in my
backyard that spooked me so I ran inside. Everyone was laughing at me until my mom thought
she heard something in the basement, then we all had the heebie jeebies because we knew the
outside door to the basement was open. My mother decided to call the cops because she was so
certain of the noise she heard, which was frightening because she is always the one that says
people are overreacting.
After about an hour and a half (at this point it's maybe 2 am) the cops still haven't arrived and
we've kind of moved on since we hadn't heard anything else. We were sitting on the front porch
off to the side out of the light when this car came down the block slowly, turned their lights off
two houses down, then stopped just after passing our driveway. We all sat there for a moment
afraid to move when the driver got out, retrieved something from his trunk, and took off walking
down the block.
At that point we decide we've had enough of this creepy night and go inside to lock the doors.
The car immediately left after we got back inside and about an hour later an officer finally shows
up. We tell them everything that happened, saying we probably just heard raccoons in our
backyard but that the random car was what we were worried about now. He left, we went to bed,
all was quite outside the rest of the night.
The next evening around 11 or 12 my mom burst into my room saying there were a bunch of
emergency vehicles outside of our house. We all go outside and of course all we can talk about is
what happened the night before. After a few minutes my mom decided to walk down and talk to
the news crews to see what information they had. Turns out my neighbor had a man kick in their
door, shoot the husband dead, and robbed the wife.
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[–][deleted] 375 points376 points377 points 2 years ago (42 children)
Where the fuck did you live so that it takes two and a half hours for a cop to show up at peak
night crime time? Detroit?
[–]TheRealJai 65 points66 points67 points 2 years ago* (6 children)
Not the person you originally responded to, but I live in Flint, MI. My best friend lives around
the corner from me with his partner. A couple months ago, they were startled by an enormous
guy banging on their door for fifteen minutes. They called the cops and hid out behind a couch.
The guy ends up in their backyard (accessible at that point only by jumping a fence). Luckily,
their back windows are too high for him to look inside. He eventually gives up and leaves, only
to stand in the road for another ten minutes staring at their house. AN HOUR LATER, cops
finally show up, find footprints all over the backyard (it had been raining), but no sign of the
guy. The cops basically said "Oh well, try not to get murdered." Say what you want about pit
bulls, but I was happy as fuck to have my scary looking beast of a dog around after he told me
what happened. Still didn't sleep that night.
edit: I feel like I may come off critical of cops in my post. I am not. We are a struggling city with
a police force that is stretched thin, and I in no way hold them responsible for their slow response
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[–]RileyJohnGibbs 2107 points2108 points2109 points 2 years ago (171 children)
My grandfather's second wife was a sleepwalker, the kind that would get out of bed and do
things like make a sandwich in the kitchen. My grandfather became used to it, and whenever he
woke up in the middle of the night and she wasn't in bed beside him, he would find her and
gently lead her back to bed without waking her up, just as he had been advised.
But one night he wakes up and she isn't lying in bed, but instead sitting on the edge of the bed,
her back turned to him. He calls her name to ask what's wrong, but she doesn't answer, and he
realizes she must be asleep. He can tell that she's doing something, holding something in her lap,
but he can't see what it is.
He sits up, looks over her shoulder, and sees what she's doing, still in her sleep: loading his
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[–]NecroGod 1487 points1488 points1489 points 2 years ago (14 children)
"What would you like for your anniversary this year, sweetheart?"
::dead stare:: "A gun safe."
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[–][deleted] 296 points297 points298 points 2 years ago (39 children)
Not sure if this is real, fake-real, or creepypasta, but I can definitely believe it. I sleepwalk
myself, and I can do well-practiced manual tasks, like making a crappy PB&J sandwich or
loading a gun. My sister has found me standing in our livingroom "watching" the tv that was off.
[–]Luckcat13 253 points254 points255 points 2 years ago (12 children)
My friend's dad was a sleepwalker. Once she had a bunch of girls sleeping over and her dad
sleepwalked in with a tray of sandwiches for them. The sandwiches were just anything he found,
one was like a still wrapped pack of Poptarts in between two slices of bread.
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[–]fattyboombaladee 464 points465 points466 points 2 years ago (17 children)
when I was maybe 4 and my sister was almost 1, my parents had been divorced a few months,
and my mother was driving us from Las Vegas to Wichita to see our grandparents. At one gas
station on the way, this man came up to the car and told my mother "I hate to see a single mother
travelling alone and I noticed we are headed in the same direction, do you want me to follow you
for awhile to make sure you are safe?" She politely said, no thanks and drove off. at our next stop
for gas, he again came up under the guise of "checking" on us, he had been following us since
the last stop. While he was talking to my mother, his sport coat blew open and I saw a gun
tucked in his pants. After she again told the man we were fine, she left and I told her what I saw.
While she was driving, she wrote a note to give to the next gas station attendant saying who we
were, where we were planning on spending the night, and that this creepy dude was following us
and what he looked like. Could you please call the law in (i don't remember what town it was)
and have them waiting at the hotel?
When we got to the next stop, mom raced in and handed the clerk the note and sped off with us.
We got to the hotel and the manager had the cops waiting in one room and gave us another room
with a pizza and pop. the man showed up and asked if his "wife and kids" had checked in yet and
what room were they in. The manager gave him the key to the one with the police in it. They
questioned him and found out he was a convicted rapist and also had a warrant out, so he was
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[–]honeybadga 163 points164 points165 points 2 years ago (1 child)
Smart mom: 1 Rapist: 0
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[–]transglutaminase 119 points120 points121 points 2 years ago (7 children)
I read this story in another thread here but now I can't find it. Found it reported to another site but
it didn't credit the author, just a "reddit user"
‘My parents bought their first house back in 1972. It was a fixer-upper, but they decided to move
in right away and fix things as time/money permitted.
‘Within a few days of moving in, the new neighbours came over to introduce themselves. They
also let my parents know that the previous owners had moved out after a nasty divorce. They had
lost their second baby from SIDS, and their relationship went downhill from there.
‘My parents were horrified, more so because they were newly pregnant and couldn’t imagine
going through such a thing.
‘They eventually pretty much forgot all about it. Life went on. They were in love with their new
life and their new house.
‘In preparation for the baby, they decided to wallpaper the nursery. Now, my Dad told my mom
there was no need in wallpapering the inside of the closet, but she insisted. She was kneeling
down, scraping off old paint inside of the closet when her eyes fell upon something that made her
blood turn to ice.
‘Written in crayon, at about eye level for a kindergardner, in childish scrawl was: I KILLED
THE BABY.’ – Reddit user
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[–]prettyugly1 1836 points1837 points1838 points 2 years ago (66 children)
When Chinese flag bearer and basketball phenom Yao Ming walked through the National
Stadium during the opening ceremony of the Olympics, there was so much commotion where I
was that I neglected to find out more about the little boy was that he was walking with.
It was Lin Hao, a nine-year-old who survived the deadly earthquake in Sichuan in May. It's
interesting how this tribute to the earthquake by opening ceremony director Zhang Yimou has
been covered by the international press.
Many Western news outlets reported that Lin was an earthquake survivor, but they failed to
mention that the little boy, who was attending the Yuzixi Primary School in quake-epicenterWenchuan County, not only survived, but after getting out of his classroom, went back into the
rubble to pull two classmates out to safety.
During his rescue, he was hit by falling rubble and suffered injuries on his head and arms. It's
also been reported that while his classmates (10 survivors out of 32 students) were waiting for
help, he encouraged them to sing songs to keep their spirits up. When he was asked why he
risked his life, he said: "I was the hall monitor, it was my job to look after my classmates."
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[–]UtopianFir 209 points210 points211 points 2 years ago (2 children)
Somehow… this is the story that gave me the chills. Good chills, but real chills.
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[–]dickvandike 422 points423 points424 points 2 years ago (6 children)
I was the hall monitor, it was my job to look after my classmates
fuck man, felt that right in the fucking heart.
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[–]rtpout 590 points591 points592 points 2 years ago (31 children)
A friend of mine was a bike messenger in Chicago. He was rowdy even for that line of work
(known to kick cars that cut him off and the like). He apparently got into a confrontation with
someone in an SUV about ten years ago. The driver literally runs him down and plows right over
him. The guy drove off and nobody managed to get the license plate number or a good
description of the vehicle or the driver. The EMTs roll my dead friend over and he's cradling the
guy's front plate in both arms like a football. I got chills even writing it.
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[–]BJinandtonic 240 points241 points242 points 2 years ago (1 child)
Damn dude even when he was dying he wanted to make sure that asshole got caught.
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[–]rattlemebones 1914 points1915 points1916 points 2 years ago (162 children)
The Challenger crew were very possibly alive and conscious for their nearly 3 minute fall back
to the Atlantic Ocean
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[–]NotQuiteVoltaire 1308 points1309 points1310 points 2 years ago (36 children)
"Scob fought for any and every edge to survive. He flew that ship without wings all the way
down....they were alive."
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[–]AzraelDirge 572 points573 points574 points 2 years ago (10 children)
This is among the most badass things I've ever read about a real person.
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[–][deleted] 918 points919 points920 points 2 years ago (51 children)
The Challenger crew were very possibly alive and conscious for their [1] nearly 3
minute fall back to the Atlantic Ocean
Having witnessed the Challenger explosion from across the state this truly gives me the chills.
For those unfamiliar with Florida on clear days (or better clear nights) you could see the shuttle's
exhaust from Tampa (and probably other parts of the state). On that day I was eating lunch in the
open area next to the lunch room and I was waiting because I knew the shuttle was launching
around then. I saw the exhaust change from the normal line to the puff and then a odd Y shape. I
said to my girlfriend, "That looks strange," and continued to eat my lunch. I only found out about
the disaster at my next class.
So as I ate my lunch mulling over why the exhaust looked strange they were falling to their
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[–]Eleminohp 608 points609 points610 points 2 years ago* (60 children)
When I was in elementary school a student at my school was involved in a triple homicide
suicide. His father murdered his mother, his brother, then him, then finally himself. For awhile
after that I imagined being in that house during that event. It happened in the middle of the night
while they were sleeping, according to the news story, but I know that after the first murder
everyone in that house was awake. Everyone you knew and spent your entire life with is being
killed all around you by someone you looked up to, and you have no where to go...it's extremely
terrifying to me. The child was like 10 or 11...very sad.
What makes it worse is that in highschool, the exact same scenario happened again in my city. I
don't think the child was at my school, but the house it happened in was within a mile from my
house. Pretty crazy stuff.
Edit: Both happened in Southern Arizona. I'm sure it has happened elsewhere too.
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[–]kinky_kate 1962 points1963 points1964 points 2 years ago (54 children)
I wish there was a 'Not Safe For Bedtime' tag.
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[–][deleted] 1150 points1151 points1152 points 2 years ago (21 children)
"Not safe for bedtime" is far and away the cutest thing in this thread.
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[–]Shady6669 748 points749 points750 points 2 years ago (22 children)
My grandma during ww2 used to steal potatoes and coal from nazis for her family. She was
young between 12 and 16 I'm not sure. One day she noticed a few men standing near a fence a
but paid them no mind since she had just stolen coal and potatoes. This happened for a few
weeks her taking the same route and she noticed the men getting frail and weak so she snuck
back later that evening and gave them some food. And continued to fore awhile ended up saving
their lives and that is how my grandmother met my grand father who was a Russian solder being
held prisoner. Camp was possibly breendonk but I'm not sure she passed a few years ago so I
can't ask. On a side note on her death bed the priest asked my grandmom what she wanted to be
known as and she said a thief because of this story
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[–]amarie1011 984 points985 points986 points 2 years ago (77 children)
My mom was a city housing manager. I remember her telling me about a little boy who had peed
his pants at chuck e cheese. His parents had taken him home gave him a bath and while his
mother scrubbed him raw, his father kept turning the water hotter and hotter. The poor boy was
burned and scared all over his body. I believe he was 4 at the time. I have heard many horrible
stories in my lifetime, but this one still makes me shudder.
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[–]Lito13 600 points601 points602 points 2 years ago (26 children)
Had a physical anthropology professor, who was also a forensic scientist, tell us about a story
similar to that..the mother claimed the kid was only in the hot water for a few seconds. But in an
effort to test that claim, one of the professors colleagues tested the amount of time it would take
to get burned as badly as the kid had been burned. So the guy gave himself a local anesthetic and
used his arm to test it. Did the same thing with cigar/cigarette burns.
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[–]mightybonk 517 points518 points519 points 2 years ago (12 children)
And he proved the kid was abused to aid the process of removal and prosecution of the parents??
I want the story to end that way.
That's pretty awesome dedication.
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[–]cahooter11 165 points166 points167 points 2 years ago (7 children)
Two years ago in 6 days I was in a car wreck and almost died. I was driving home late at night,
fell asleep at the wheel and slammed into a tree on my driver side front door. I have no memory
of what happened for the next couple of days, but I woke up in the ICU strapped to a bed with a
respirator and feeding tube in me. I had broken bones in my skull, my collar bone, collapsed both
lungs and ruptured my diaphragm. Every doctor I have seen since then looks at me in shock and
tells be I shouldn't be here. The chilling part of the story is how I was found. Some neighbors of
mine were driving home late from dropping their daughter off at a bus that she was taking to
camp where she was a counselor. The bus left late. It was delayed because another couple
counselors were an hour and a half late. One of them was my best friend from elementary school.
After they finally dropped their daughter off, they headed home and were driving down a
secluded road near our neighborhood. The wife saw a car parked on the wrong side of the road,
but couldn't that there was any damage, because it was dark and on the opposite side of the car.
They kept driving, until she thought she heard honking and convinced her husband to turn
around. I was unconscious. The car was dead and the horn was found to not be working later.
They didn't know it was me until two days later. They saved my life.
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[–]coleabaius 221 points222 points223 points 2 years ago* (12 children)
When I was a boy scout, I got the filmmaking merit badge while at winter camp one year. In
order to earn it, you have to complete a short film (no matter how terrible). It's luck of the draw
(naturally) when it comes to who is in your merit badge class, but since we were all in the
woods, we decided a slasher flick would be a lot of fun. We wrote a script where a masked killer
goes around stabbing people at a boy scout camp (we weren't, you know, creative geniuses or
There was a kid named Paul in the group who was pretty cool, got along great with everyone. He
was one of those guy's who is just naturally likable, but we unanimously voted to make him play
the killer because he had this really creepy Peter Lorre eye thing going on. He did great, fakestabbing a bunch of victims and being menacing enough for a movie produced by 12 and 13 year
We edited the thing (buckets of fake blood, bad acting and all), and I forgot about it completely
until 6 years later when I was a freshman at college and recognized Paul walking between
buildings. I jogged over, we made small talk about each other's Spring Break plans (since it was
a week away), and that was that. Not like we'd kept in touch or anything.
Fast-forward a week, and I'm back home watching the news when I see a report about a young
man who's killed his mother, father and two family dogs and then lit their house on fire over the
break. The police already had a suspect in custody, so the newscast flashed his picture and sure
enough, it's Paul.
You can guess how he did it. He stabbed them to death.
EDIT: Here's a link to a news article about the murders with "Paul"'s real name -http://www.kwtx.com/home/headlines/852042.html
I also remembered it being spring break, but apparently it was just before winter break. The
weather was probably the same at any rate.
TL;DR -- I made a slasher short film with a kid playing the killer who went on to murder his own
family in real life.
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[–]prettysoitworks 278 points279 points280 points 2 years ago (18 children)
I was 16/17, and it was very common for my friends and I to go camping in the mountains, bring
weed, beer, acid, whatever. I was always a big fraidy cat when it came to getting fucked up, so I
usually abstained, parents warnings took to heart I guess.
This particular night most of my friends were tripping acid, while I was sipping a beer, enjoying
the fire and whatnot, and a bunch of us girls decided to go off somewhere to pee. We were still
pretty young and quite squeamish about the boys seeing us squat. (Hell I still am)
We stumble off into the woods and end up walking for quite some time, one girl was searching
for the perfect spot, and she was super high, but we all just went along. We finally come to a
small clearing and decide to pee there. Everyone pees and we set off back to camp.
One of my friends hears a low moan coming from the other side of the clearing, tells us to shhh,
but we don't hear it so we urge her to come on. She is intent on investigating, so I decide to go
with her . It was really dark out. You could only see as far as the lanterns light hit, so we were
off into the unknown.
Our light finally revealed a car. A brand new lookin Subaru, it was really sudden like, and kinda
freaked us out so we scamper back to our friends screeching like lil 16/17 yo girls and set off
back to our camp all freaked out.
We tell the boys about it when we get there and they convince us we had happened upon another
camp site and make fun of us for freaking out.
5 years later, I am in nursing school and working as an admin asst in a labor and delivery
hospital. I have made a really good friend at work and she and I hang out all the time. One night
she comes over and we are drinking and she tells me her dad has been missing since ahe was in
high school. She says he had tried to commit suicide a few times and her family figured that he
succeeded, but no one ever found him. She secretly was hoping he just ran off to start a new life
and maybe she would see him again someday.
Not very long after that, a man was found in a stolen subaru up on the mt where we used to
camp, he had been there for years, through every season, freezing to hot, there was a hose from
the tail pipe to the window, the man had commited suicide.
It made the news, and one of the guys from highschool called and reminded me of that night in
the woods, the car was found not far from our usual spot, wasn't that nuts? That was what we
At work, my friend got a call,from her mother, the guy in the car was her dad.
We heard him moaning. We saw the car. If we weren't such dumb shit little kids we could have
done something. I watched my friend fall apart over it, but didn't tell her about my experience in
the woods. I have always felt so bad.
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[–]Mjs157 41 points42 points43 points 2 years ago (2 children)
Nothing you should have done... don't approach strangers in the dark at night.
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[–]bluescape 146 points147 points148 points 2 years ago (19 children)
Probably the story about the girl that got lost in the Odessa Catacombs back in 2005.
I can only imagine that grim realization that you are lost and alone in a giant series of tunnels.
Eventually the battery on your phone gives out and you're in complete darkness feeling along the
cold damp walls. An eerie silence surrounds you, broken only by your footfalls and sobs. You
have no company but your fears, regrets, and the question of how you came to this when only a
few hours prior you were drunkenly partying with friends.
One day bleeds into the next and your calls into the darkness go unanswered. Your hope of
rescue begins to wane. No one is listening to your prayers. You're parched, scared, hungry, tired,
and you slowly realize that this is where you're going to die.
You choke on every bit of your existence. You've gone through the anger, the denial, the
bargaining. But now you're too tired, too dizzy, and your head won't stop throbbing. Eventually
you collapse from dehydration and your body isn't found for another two years.
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[–]TurtlesDontLikePB 1438 points1439 points1440 points 2 years ago (95 children)
Oh gosh so many. My Oma (grandmother in German) grew up in a small town called Wiesloch,
Germany during the Holocaust and WWII. She rarely talks about that period of her life but when
we ask she would say things like "Ya, I had friends who just disappeared. But we were raised not
to ask questions." However, the most horrific story I heard was when she told me she was
playing by a railroad track near her home with some friends. At one point, a large freight train
came by. She heard what she thought to be scratching and screaming, but not those of an animal
because she had heard that many times before when the train had passed. This time it was
different. So she ran home and asked her mom what that could have been or meant. She said that
her mom just yelled at her to never ask questions like that again and to stay away from the tracks
and talk to no one.
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[–]NurseAngela 689 points690 points691 points 2 years ago (29 children)
I've worked with a number of elderly people who either lived through the holocaust or lived in
Germany during WW2.
One woman who was 5 at the time (early 1940's when Germany was "winning" the war) told me
a story about how she used to wear newspapers as shoes to go to school. She lived in a small
town, that had a significant Nazi/SS presence (she lived in a town close to one of the smaller
concentration camps or processing camp) and on her walk to school one day her uncle (17 or 18
at the time, younger probably) was in the middle of the town square. She later learned that he
was questioning what was happening up the road and why the train cars were always full when
they went, and empty when they came back, so why didn't they have any food/supplies. So the
Nazi/SS publicly called him a traitor and shot him in the middle of the town square as school
children passed. Her mother who was walking her to school watched her youngest brother be
murdered for asking questions. She cried but didn't dare run to his side as she feared she would
be shot too.
The Nazi/SS (she was too young to remember exactly which, but she thinks it was a higher
ranking SS member) came to her school and reminded everyone that they what they were doing
was the best for Germany etc, etc, etc.
Her Uncle's body remained in the town square for several days until an undertaker took it away
in the middle of the night so that the family could bury him in peace.
Her family had been sympathetic to the Nazi's before that, afterwards her mother became part of
a resistance, even though her husband fought (and died) for the Nazi's. Eventually her mother
would meet a Canadian that helped liberate the area, and they would fall in love and move to
Canada and live happily ever after.
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[–][deleted] 132 points133 points134 points 2 years ago* (6 children)
Wow its amazing that people actually had to endure that stuff. Its all very well reading about it
put stories like this really but the enormity of the holocaust into perspective.
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[–]oodie1127 575 points576 points577 points 2 years ago (33 children)
A Vietnam veteran came to speak to my English class, and told us this story: So it was during
one of the town raids where everybody is shooting everything. He walked into a bar, and behind
the bar he saw two women, who he went over to try and help. He heard a crunching noise behind
him, turned around, and a third woman with a machine gun shot him in the chest. He said he
remembered hearing another gun shot as he was falling over. So he goes to a hospital, gets all
fixed up, and comes back home. Fast forward 18 years, he's in line buying coffee, and he hears a
woman in front of him speaking Vietnamese. He could also speak Vietnamese, so he understood
her, and he responded to one of her comments with some snarky pun. She turns around, it's the
same woman that shot him in the bar, with one of her friends who was behind the bar. He
insisted to buy her coffee, and as they say together, he asked why she did it. She said "I was
being hunted on both sides, everyone wanted to kill me, so I just shot. Didn't matter who it was."
They talked more and discovered that the gun shot he heard was his friend who tried to save him
by shooting her. She was in the exact same hospital as him, but one level up, and then she moved
to the same suburb he lived in in America. He was crying by the end. I always get the chills.
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[–]shaggy814 62 points63 points64 points 2 years ago (1 child)
This is the small world story of the century right there.
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[–]deepseaforme 253 points254 points255 points 2 years ago (26 children)
A woman I dated who went to school in Missouri had some friends who went cave diving a lot.
While diving one day, their line "fell from the ceiling" as she put it, and they were lost.
She said when their bodies were recovered, it was apparent they'd fought over the last of the air
in their tanks.
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[–]IAmAkpftw 84 points85 points86 points 2 years ago (1 child)
That is the stuff of nightmares.
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[–]SlamDunx 66 points67 points68 points 2 years ago (7 children)
True story that happened to me.
Five years ago I responded to a call for a respiratory emergency. As we're pulling out of the
station, we get an update from dispatch to expedite, and that the person has gone unresponsive.
We arrive to this dilapidated, SUPER-creepy house. What was so unsettling about the house was
the layout. It was a very strange family that lived in there. They were all very pale and dirty, and
would keep going in doors and exiting out of other doors. It was all very, very unsettling.
Anyway, after a bit of confusion, someone tells us that the patient is at the top of the stairs. We
get to the top, and there she is, half-underneath the bed, completely naked, looking almost like
that girl in the closet at the beginning of "The Ring."
We begin CPR and I'm trying not to get sick (I'm a rookie), but, as I'm looking around, more and
more things are completely wigging me out. Odd things written on the walls, the smell of cat shit
and urine (there were cats everywhere), and the shit and blood on the mattress on the bed that our
patient was under. It was a puzzling scene to say the least. Anyway, she didn't make it, so we had
to gather the family up along with the Police and Paramedics and inform them that she wasn't
going to make it. What makes it so strange was that her daughter was right around my age (I was
23) and she was obviously very strange and on top of all of it, was almost completely naked. She
REALLY freaked me out, the way she was staring at the room that her mother was in.
Fast forward to a few days later, I'm taking my then-girlfriend out to dinner. First, I need to stop
by work and get my paycheck before the bank closes. We're heading out and it's beginning to get
dark. I realize that we are about to pass the house, and I say "remember that CPR call I told you
about that was really creepy? We're about to pass the house." As we pass, I notice the mattress
on the curb, with the stains of blood and shit on it. She notes that that in and of itself is really
fucking creepy, and probably illegal. I tell her that the family is literally the creepiest group of
people that I've ever encountered.
We stop in, I get the paycheck, and we're off to the bank. Now, here comes the part that will
haunt me for the rest of my life: as we're approaching the house, I notice the daughter standing
on the sidewalk, staring at the mattress. As we pass by, her head cocks up and she locks her eyes
on me driving my car. She gives me the eeriest, scariest look. I swear it happened in slow
motion. The only way I can describe it is that she looked… hungry.
I have no idea how she knew it was me. I was driving my personal vehicle with no distinguishing
markings or anything. Also, there was a steady stream of traffic, so, it's not like I was the only
car on the road and would just break her concentration.
I knew I wasn't imagining it, either, because it scared the fuck out of my then-GF, also.
Months later, the family moved.
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[–]archiface 137 points138 points139 points 2 years ago (4 children)
My grandfather was in the Vietnam War. I remember he told me his unit was walking thru a
dense forest, and he dropped his map. Bent over to pick it up, and the solider walking behind him
took a bullet to the face. If he hadn't dropped his map that would be him, and I wouldn't be here.
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[–]ashleighlynn 1068 points1069 points1070 points 2 years ago (42 children)
This is probably going to get buried but another user mentioned Karla Homolka and I
remembered a story about my mom.
In her early twenties, my mom managed a photography studio in a mall in Scarborough, Ontario.
One day my mom is working alone and this guy comes in asking for a photo but he's being a
little weird about it, saying he needs a picture taken of his hip. They did a lot of injury photos for
court cases so my mom assumes this is what he needs and starts loading up the camera. When
she looks up, he's got his pants totally off and he's exposing himself. My mom starts laughing
hysterically and tells him to get out, she doesn't have time for this nonsense. About an hour later,
a girl that was working at the denim store down the hall comes down to tell her about this pervert
that took off his pants in the middle of the store, trying to expose himself to the female
customers. They both have a laugh, he didn't seem all that menacing, just (obviously) not all
there. Two days later the girl comes running into my mom's studio, pale as a ghost. On the front
page of the paper is a sketch of the guy, with the title "Scarborough Rapist". It's pretty crazy to
think that she was that close to getting attacked by Paul Bernardo in the peak of his rapist crime
TL;DR My mom laughed at Paul Bernardo's dick, didn't get murdered.
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[–]man_with_a_big_gun 1014 points1015 points1016 points 2 years ago (87 children)
When I was in my early teens, my parents used to go out dancing and left me alone on Friday
nights. We lived in a rustic, soporific house, surrounded only by a desolate sawmill and a defunct
car garage. The closest neighbor was about a mile away. I used this opportunity to throw heavy
metal albums in their fantastic stereo and play them at an enormous volume. One evening, I put
in Metallica's ... And Justice For All and went to the restroom in a small corner in the house.
"Blackened" was blaring in the distance and it seemed as if the floor was shaking. I walked back
into the living room and looked at the front door and I could see the chain on the door pulsating
in rapid rhythms. I remember thinking "the bass on this system is incredible!" Then, during the
middle of the song, the chain stopped moving.
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[–]cvtopher12 293 points294 points295 points 2 years ago (11 children)
Less terrifying explanation: the bass hit a resonant frequency that caused the door to vibrate, and
then when the pitch changed it stopped.
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[–]spymachine 178 points179 points180 points 2 years ago (9 children)
When my uncle was four he visited his aunts home for the summer. There were really no kids
around that were his age so he mainly just rode his bike around the neighbourhood to amuse
himself. One day he rode a little too far and got lost, but luckily a car pulled over and told him
that it was okay, he would take him back to his aunts house. So my uncle loaded his bike in the
car and got in. The man started to drive, and my uncle, thinking it was one of his aunts friends,
asked no questions. It wasn't until they turned onto the highway that my uncle started to ask the
man where they were going, that his aunts house wasn't near the highway. The man didn't say
anything to him and kept driving until suddenly he pulled over to the side of the road and seemed
to think really hard on something. He then turned the car around and dropped my uncle off at the
entrance to the neighbourhood. My uncle realized years later that this man had attempted to
kidnap him and at the last minute changed his mind. Pretty fucking chilling.
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[–]KazamaSmokers 59 points60 points61 points 2 years ago (1 child)
The story takes place one July morning in 1982.
I was late for my job as a fry cook at a country club on Cape Cod. As I raced my jeep over back
roads in a rural part of town, I came around a tight bend in heavy morning fog. And there,
standing in the middle of the road, was a man. Pale, and sweaty, he was wearing only a pair of
shorts and a backpack.
I saw him only for a split-second, before I swerved and went off the road. But I'll never forget
the face. He stared straight ahead, looking me right in the eyes with a wide-eyed, maniacal look
on his face. His mouth was open as if he was screaming, but there was no sound. I got out of the
jeep and ran back looking to take a swing at the guy, but he was gone.
It wasn't until ten years later that I saw him again. On TV. His name is Hadden Clark and he's a
serial killer. He's the man I saw that morning in Woods Hole. I have zero doubt about it.
You don't forget a face like that.
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[–]Nuova 686 points687 points688 points 2 years ago (80 children)
This is a story that happened to my dad several years ago. My family runs and lives on a large
farm, and around summer each year we are often forced to work longer hours than normal in
order to harvest hay for the livestock in addition to the other routine duties. Well, my dad was
finishing up one of our neighboring fields and had just a few more bales of hay to go, so he
decided to work through the night and be done with it. Around 2am he finished the last hay bale
but noticed that it didn't come out properly from the baler. He raises the arm of the tractor up as
high as it would go, hitting about 10ft, to cast light on the bale. He exists the tractor and begins
to approach the bale about 7ft from the tractors headlights. As he is removing excess twine from
the bale he suddenly can't see. Then the realization of what was happening started to creep into
his mind. Something was standing between him and the headlights of the tractor. Waiting.
He came home several hours later, early in the morning, clearly disheveled. He told me the story,
concluding that eventually it decided to leave. My dad said he stood in the newly restored light
with his back against the hay bale for the rest of the night, unsure what to do. When the sun
began to come up he circled the tractor and made his way home. He followed that by saying, "I
knew almost immediately something wasn't right. My mind wanted me to believe that a deer or
one of our cow's wandered in front of the tractor, but the lights were 12ft high."
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[–]rolypolyman 200 points201 points202 points 2 years ago (4 children)
Man, why doesn't this kind of cool stuff happen in Farming Simulator.
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[–]fuckUredditors 2877 points2878 points2879 points 2 years ago* (370 children)
This is a story about my dad:
One day when he was young, about 10 to 12 maybe, he was playing outside near a small river
with a friend. He lived in southern Wisconsin, so it was probably cold as fuck. While playing,
they notice something strange in the water; it's a capsized canoe, with 2 guys who were probably
fishing, hanging on for dear life in the freezing water. He says they had already turned sort of
blue-ish and could barely talk. So the 2 kids get the men out of there and essentially save their
lives. It's a big thing in their town, there's a story about it in the local paper and everything.
Everyone is happy.
Fast forward about 5 years.
My dad is on his way to a concert in Chicago with one of his buddies (the same kid as above) in
his new car. Of course they were young and stupid and it was the 70's, so who the fuck wears a
seatbelt, right? Well as they were driving past some bar, where there was some big party going
on, a mobile home comes flying out of the parking lot out into the street. The driver obviously
didn't look at all and was probably drunk. My dad crashes his car head on into this trailer and
totals his car. The fact that they weren't wearing seatbelts saved their lives; the bottom half of the
car was crushed (the crash propelled them forward/upward). Luckily nothing happens to him or
his friend. Not a scratch, only shock. Just as they get out of the car and try and catch their breath,
the propane tank on the trailer explodes and the whole thing catches on fire. Stumbling out of the
trailer come 2 guys in flames, screaming/moaning, skin bubbling, they die right there on the spot
in frint of everyone (people from the bar had gathered round). Turns out these 2 guys were the
exact same fishermen he and his friend saved 5 years ago.
This is all true by the way. I didn't believe him at first, but he showed me the articles in the paper
and his parents confirmed.
Tl;dr My dad experienced Final Destination IRL
Edit: wow this blew up! I don't know exactly where it was, but my dad grew up in Beloit.
I'll be going to my parents house tomorrow to see if I can take a pic of the article
Edit 2: I'll post the article tomorrow in r/pics (he has an article franed at home)
If you guys want to I'm sure he'd do an AMA, but he's on vacation until next wednesday and
with the average attention span of todays youth, I doubt anyone will remember this by then ;)
Edit 3: made a post in /r/pics boom
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[–]Plotting_Seduction 2110 points2111 points2112 points 2 years ago (66 children)
Capsizing while out fishing in freezing water in a canoe, riding around in the back of a trailer
while it's being driven madly by a drunk.... did these guys need supernatural forces to number
their days?
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[–]Captain_Archeantus 2081 points2082 points2083 points 2 years ago (46 children)
Damn it, freaking die!
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[–]LavisCannon 817 points818 points819 points 2 years ago (30 children)
God taking note - "water... not effective. Next time... try fire!"
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[–]stopthelegos 1171 points1172 points1173 points 2 years ago (23 children)
"Fire...not effective. Hmm...what next...?"
God turns "What? Who are-"
interrupts God by sliding him a note
"It's both a liquid and a gas."
"...this is foolproof! What is your name, child?"
"Hill. Hank Hill."
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[–]serendipitousevent 1541 points1542 points1543 points 2 years ago* (46 children)
Just a note to y'all reddit:
Wear a seat-belt, cars are way safer now, and the 0.01 percent chance of being saved because
you were 'thrown-clear' or some bullshit isn't worth the free asphalt faceshave you'll get the other
99.99 percent of the time.
Edit: Someone gave me gold! Your anonymous commitment to my constant and unabating
procrastination is appreciated.
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[–]I_have_no_ear 1542 points1543 points1544 points 2 years ago* (141 children)
definitely this from u/Sparkiran:
Late at night on a highway in Northern Ontario, a woman driving her car is
reliieved to finally find a gas station that's still open, so she pulls in. The attendant
comes out and walks up to the driver's side. He stands there, waiting until she
rolls down her window. She slips it down just a crack.
"How much?" he asks. She tells him to fill it up.
The attendant walks towards the back of the car and stands there a minute. The
woman waits, then looks into the side-view mirror. The attendant is just standing
there, facing her. She's feeling pretty nervous, wondering why he's not pumping
gas. Then he walks back up to the window and taps on it. "You need to open the
flap ma'am."
Feeling stupid, the woman reaches down and clicks the gas flap open. The
attendant walks back and starts pumping the gas. A minute or so later he finishes,
and clicks the nozzle back into place on the pump. Then he stands there for a
moment. The woman keeps looking at him in the side-view mirror, feeling quite
ill-at-ease. She doesn't like this: being alone at a tiny gas station in the middle of
nowhere with only this stranger.
The attendant then walks back up to the window and taps on it. She reaches into
her purse and takes out her credit card, rolls open the window just a crack again,
and as she passes the card through looks up at the attendant. He's staring down at
her with wide, frightful eyes. She looks away quickly, really creeped out, and she
rolls the window back up as soon as the attendant grasps the card. But he doesn't
go to the cash booth, he just stands there a moment. The woman can't bear to look
at him again.
Finally he says, with a voice muffled through the closed window: "Ma'am, there's
a problem with your card. Could you please step inside the cash booth?"
"What's wrong with the card?" she asks loudly, with a definite strain in her voice.
"Something's wrong with the barcode. I'll need you to come over to the cash so
we can make a call to the company."
There's no way she is getting outside her car, on an empty, dark highway, late at
night, with only that weirdo around. Besides, she realizes, as a sudden chill
overcomes her, how could he know if there was a problem with the barcode if he
hadn't even been to the cash desk to swipe it? The woman's breathing suddenly
increases as she feels panic creep upon her.
She summons up a note of restraint in her voice: "Please, can you just call them
"Sorry, but I'll need to see some I.D. Could you please just step over to the booth?
It'll only take a minute."
Realizing he won't let it be, she whispers a prayer and reaches into her purse to
check for cash. Yes! She has a fifty dollar bill. Clutching it in her hand she unrolls
the window just a crack yet again and passes it through.
"Nevermind, I'll just pay cash."
"Ma'am, are you sure?" he asks.
"What?" she almost yells, as she accidentally looks up at him again. The same
wide, fearful eyes staring down at her. She looks away. "Yes! Cash!"
"I can fix the card problem, you just need to come over to the phone with me," he
says. She's really terrified now, and half-screams at the man: "Listen asshole, it's
cash! That's all your getting from me!"
"Alright, alright," he responds, "Now you just wait right here and I'll go get your
change. Don't move. I'll be right back."
She can see him out of her peripheral vision, walking backwards towards the
booth, always facing her. She can't bear to look his way. She can't imagine what
he has in the booth. What if he brings it back with him?
Fuck the change, she thinks, just as she realizes he also still has her credit card.
She can't take this anymore: Fuck the card, I'll cancel it!
She starts up the car and as soon as it hums to life she tears away and off into the
dark night.
The attendant is in his booth on the phone, breathing heavily. An officialsounding voice on the other end asks: "Did you tell her?"
"No," the attendant responds, "I couldn't."
"Why not?"
"He had a knife and a finger to his lips. I tried to get her out of there, but the
whole time he was watching me from the floor behind her seat."
EDIT: Link to the original post HERE
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[–]classybroad19 269 points270 points271 points 2 years ago (2 children)
This is the last one on the thread before clicking on more replies, and it makes me want to curl
into a ball.
Zombieland Rule #31: Always check the back seat
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[–]TheGloriousTurd 132 points133 points134 points 2 years ago (14 children)
If memory serves they used this in one of the urban legend movies, probably the most chilling 5
minutes of those films.
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[–]woodyreturns 87 points88 points89 points 2 years ago (5 children)
The original one is a trucker flashing their lights and the woman being scared. Eventually she
pulls over and the trucker screams, "There's an ax murderer in your backseat!"
The twist in this one is that the woman actually gets away. Theres a shitload of tales like these on
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[–]PurpleChyGuy 121 points122 points123 points 2 years ago (8 children)
I know I'm late to the party, but here goes. I took genocide as a class in my senior year of high
school. We were lucky enough at the end to have a bunch of holocaust survivors come and speak
to us.
One story stood out in particular. A man told us of how his life was saved by another prisoner.
He was ruffling through some garbage to try and find something edible when a guard caught
him. The guard forced him to kneel and he remembers the cold feeling of the guard's pistol
poking the back of his neck. All of a sudden, a thick fog rolls in out of no where. The guard is
distracted for a moment and then the man heard a loud clang and rapid footsteps. The fog cleared
as quickly as it came and the man saw a bloody shovel on the ground while another prisoner was
running away at full speed. He then told us how he is broken and will never be whole until he
sees the man again and thanks him.
Fast forward three stories. A man comes in and tells of all about a night where he went to go
rummage through some garbage to find something edible. He sees another man doing the same
in the distance and then sees him being found out by a guard and almost executed. He was afraid,
but when a thick fog rolled in he saw a shovel near him and knew it was his only chance. He hit
the guard on the head and ran back to his bunk without any spoils to hide. He then laments how
he never saw the man again.
Needless to say, we all freaked out and started screaming that that the man he saved spoke only
30 minutes ago. The two men were brought together after nearly 70 years and break down crying
while sharing a long embrace. Turns out they've been living only 4 miles from each other for the
past 40 years.
I love a happy ending.
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[–][deleted] 849 points850 points851 points 2 years ago* (51 children)
m a funeral director, and one day we had a man come in who lost his teenage daughter. She was
a daddy's girl through and through, so he was pretty torn up about her passing. He bought her the
beat that money could buy- nice casket, a good vault, etc. But after she was interred he kept
having these nightmares that his daughter was drowning. In a bathtub, in the ocean, when a car
she was in careened off of a bridge. They were a bit different every time, but the message was
always the same. In every dream he could hear her screaming "daddy help me i'm drowning."
Now keep in mind, drowning had NOTHING to do with her cause of death. At first he thought
he was just grieving, but the nightmares wouldn't let up. He came back to us and after explaining
the situation, we got a permit to disinter her and move her to another cemetery. When the diggers
removed the lid off of her vault (which, by the way, is supposed to keep water OUT) it was filled
to the brim with water. After she was moved he stopped having nightmares.
Edit: i have only been working here for 3 years and i was TOLD this story by one of the directors
here so im not sure how much truth is in it, but whenever i think of it it gives me chills
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[–]DeHart666 628 points629 points630 points 2 years ago (111 children)
I still don't know if this story is true or not but, my brother's old soccer coach had a college aged
son who was kind of crazy. One night, he had a few friends over for some drinks and someone
tried to break in to his house. The guy grabs his shotgun and fires a round in the air to scare the
robber off. After that, the guy says to his friends "Do you guys want to see something crazy?",
cocks the shotgun, puts the barrel to his head and pulls the trigger, while thinking he only had
one shell left in the gun. I heard this story when I was 8 or 9 and it still freaks me out today.
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[–]Spangel 268 points269 points270 points 2 years ago (20 children)
Always treat a gun like it's loaded and ready to be fired.
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[–][deleted] 248 points249 points250 points 2 years ago (28 children)
I still won't read any stories in here, but some asshole told me this one yesterday while we were
sailing. I can't stop thinking about it.
One time a sailboat was found floating abandoned in the Mediterranean Sea. When the people
who found the ship inspected it, everything was working and left on, but there was nobody on
the ship. Then they saw fingernail scratches along the side of the hull. The people on the boat
had stopped for a swim, jumped off, but forgot to put the swim ladder down. They were stuck in
the water in the middle of the ocean because the floor of the ship was barely out of reach. They
drowned from their own mild/stupid mistake.
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[–]R_B_Kazenzakis 2041 points2042 points2043 points 2 years ago* (505 children)
My Dad claims this happened to one of his Marines in the early 80s, and I've seen it repeated a
lot. I'll just copy and paste it from other sources on the Internet.
(He likes to expand on the story by saying that, at the time, you could frequently see activity
going on in Amboy Crater while you were out on night ops. Also, the way he heard the story told
it was a M1911, not a 9mm, perhaps because Berettas had not been issued to the USMC at the
I was driving a shortcut from Twentynine Palms, CA to Albuquerque, NM.
Twentynine Palms is located in the desolate high desert east of LA. The shortcut
was all two lane road through total nothingness, except for passing through
Amboy, CA. Amboy is a nearly abandoned town nearly as far below sea level as
Death Valley, with a dormant volcano and lava field on one side and a salt flat on
the other. It was also, at the time, a hotspot for satanic group activity.
So I was driving by myself in the afternoon. I stopped in Amboy and snapped a
picture of the city sign, just to prove I was there to friends who dared me to take
that route to I-40. I got back in my car and proceeded to drive up into the
mountain range between Amboy and I-40.
Once I reach the top I am driving north through a canyon with high grass on both
sides of the road. Up ahead I see some stuff in the middle of the road. As I
approach I slow down to see a red Pontiac Fiero stopped sideways across both
lanes, a suitcase open with clothes scattered everywhere and two bodies laying
face down in the road, a man and a woman.
I stop a hundred feet or so away and the hair on the back of my neck is standing
up. Being a Marine, I reach under the seat and pull out a 9mm pistol and chamber
a round. Something seemed very wrong, it looked too perfect as if it were staged.
An ambush? Was I being paranoid? Something was just wrong. Getting out of the
car seemed unthinkable, it was the horror movie move.
As I scanned the road I saw a line I could drive. Pass the guy in the road on his
left, swerve to the right side of the woman, behind the Fiero and I'd be on the
other side. I dropped it into first gear, punched it and drove the line I planned.
I passed the back of the Fierro without hitting it or either of the bodies in the road.
I continued forward a couple hundred feet and slowed down so I could breathe
and let my heart slow down. As I looked up into the rearview mirror I saw that the
two bodies had gotten up to their knees and twenty or so people emerged from the
tall grass on either side of the road by the car and bodies.
At that moment my right foot smashed the gas pedal to the floor and did not let up
until I had to slowdown for the I-40 east onramp.
I will never know what would have happened to me had I gotten out of the car to
check on the bodies or stopped my car closer to them. Somehow I do not think it
would have been good. Sometimes real life can be scarier than a movie.
EDIT: Getting some responses from people who didn't read this closely/are over thinking it
No, this wasn't my Dad, this was allegedly one of his Marines. He's been telling the story
since at least the early 90s. It's been repeated all over the Internet and I just cp'ed it from
another source, so yes I know it's likely a Sea Story turned Urban Legend.
Yes, I know that Satanic activity was overblown.
Yes I know there isn't any tall grass in the Eastern Mojave. Chalk it up to climate
change/30 years ago if you aren't willing to chalk it up to creative storytelling
I think we all agree owners of Pontiac Fieros are probably Satanists
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[–]MindEater 936 points937 points938 points 2 years ago (63 children)
Fuckin' people. Who needs monsters?
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[–]falsestone 446 points447 points448 points 2 years ago (42 children)
You might enjoy Supernatural.
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[–]h0ldkaylad0wn 40 points41 points42 points 2 years ago (4 children)
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[–]PopularPulp 357 points358 points359 points 2 years ago (4 children)
You alerted the horde!
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[+][deleted] 2 years ago (47 children)
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[–]trueblue2968 805 points806 points807 points 2 years ago (38 children)
My mom's cousin had a similar experience, driving by herself late night about an hour away
from her destination, she turned around a corner and her lights lit up a line of people dressed in
all black blocking the road. She did the smart thing and punched it, apparently tagged one of the
people, got to the nearest town and drove to the police. Apparently when the cops got there all
they found was a little blood, no one nearby. I'm not writing this for karma, I'm writing this to
confirm that people will try to stop you, they have no good intentions for you or your car, be
wary people.
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[–]Owone 1457 points1458 points1459 points 2 years ago* (143 children)
Here is my almost exact account of said story, I've posted this a couple of times too:
Was visiting my friend who lived in the States (English Dutch here), and went to a party one
night in a place i can only describe as bum fuck nowhere. I wasn't drinking for antibiotical
purposes so I was the designated driver for the night. no big deal, Americans drive automatics,
it's not even driving really.
So as we're about to leave some of the others at the party ask us which way we're going to be
going home, and my friends says whichever what way was the way we were going home. To
which they all reply you should probably go the longer way, but we weren't having any of it.
They then told us to at least not stop until civilization. Slightly curious as to what was going on I
turned to my buddy and asked what that was all about, to which he replied don't worry. I didn't
not worry, but we left all the same.
Driving along this winding road, trees either side and no real lighting asides from what was
coming from our car, the tarmaced road was full of pot holes and was wide enough for the one
car. If and when another did pass, both cars would be off the road if you catch my drift. So as we
round this corner, we see this thing lying accross the width of the road I slow down to get a
better look, and can see that it's a person. Worried it might be dead, or bleeding or something I
slow down next to it, when my friend tells me don't stop drive around. The way he uttered those
words sent chills down my spine. So without saying a word I maneuvered the car off the road,
through the ditch and around the lifeless body. As we pull off and check in the rear view mirror,
the body sits up, stares at the car, as 4 or 5 other people come out of the bushes staring at us as
we drive off, stupidly fast for such a small road.
My friend later told me it was rumored people went missing there, and it was belived to be carjackers stripping any vehicle for profit. Most of the stories are almost certainly woven into myth,
as people exagerate, and make parts up, as in most urban legend esque fables; but the glint of
light that reflected from dudes eyes as he stared at us still sends shivers down my spine. The
police said this was probably a copy cat gang who had heard the story, and acted solely on that
basis. To my knowledge they were never caught.
TL;DR: The exact same story only with me
Let's just say 'dead' dude was wearing glasses. Problem solved.
Whichever what way was the way we were going home = I didn't care/understand which
way (out of a given amount of options) was the way we were going home. Whichever
(of the options put forward we could take) what way (the choice made from the
options/direction chosen) was the way (the direction/method of getting there) we were
going home (big floppy donkey dick)
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[+][deleted] 2 years ago (9 children)
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[+][deleted] 2 years ago (51 children)
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[–]arcile 497 points498 points499 points 2 years ago (52 children)
" a hotspot for satanic group activity " fuck that
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[–]42_Ghabdef 1930 points1931 points1932 points 2 years ago (196 children)
There was this one about 6 people going through a cave. It was very dark, but they knew it was a
straight shot, so they all held hands and walked in together. One of the guys gets seperated from
the main group, and just has one person holding his hand. He sees the light at the end of the
tunnel, with his 5 friends waiting for him there. The hand slips out of his.
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[–]TheDVant 1150 points1151 points1152 points 2 years ago (52 children)
I'm not sure whether this is meant to be chilling, or warming.
Personally, if I were in the situation I would freak out at first, but thank them for guiding me to
my friends.
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[–]FlyingSpaghettiMan 629 points630 points631 points 2 years ago (29 children)
Depends on whether or not the hand was cold and sweaty.
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[–]cupajaffer 627 points628 points629 points 2 years ago (17 children)
knees weak arms spaghetti
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[–][deleted] 1953 points1954 points1955 points 2 years ago (21 children)
I like this but it made me do math.
[–]mightybonk 1736 points1737 points1738 points 2 years ago (15 children)
Why'd you have to do math lol
There's only one cave, dude.
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[–]A_Loki_In_Your_Mind 1696 points1697 points1698 points 2 years ago (19 children)
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[–]87days 668 points669 points670 points 2 years ago (35 children)
That one was sweet though. He was led outside to safety by whatever was in the cave. It's not
creepy, it's heartwarming. :3
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[–]warmrootbeer 1475 points1476 points1477 points 2 years ago (13 children)
Smeagol will show Master the way, yes!
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[–]Garaputo 636 points637 points638 points 2 years ago (48 children)
My mom and step-dads anniversary, after he killed himself with alcohol/vicodin overdose, she
was sleeping on the couch and felt someone grab her head and kiss her on the forehead.
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[–]midlifecrisises 53 points54 points55 points 2 years ago (9 children)
I was playing house at my parents when I was 18 when they went on a summer holiday. I lived
in an outhouse, never locked my room (figured it was safe, and the main entrance was where it
was risky). On day three of being home alone, I visited the local 'haunted' house where a
gruesome family murder took place in the 80's. My friends were having a joke about how weird
it would be something happened to me that night (like most poorly written horror films). I
thought nothing of it...but grabbed my little brothers baseball bat and put it beside my bed
anyway. I went to bed like usual, and pulled the curtain on the window (I can see straight
through it from my bed). Anyway, I was asleep, but have always been a light sleeper. At around
3 am, I just knew someone was watching me and felt it. The silence was deafening, and I was
struggling with trying to emerge out of my sleep. I was drowsy, and a part of me was yelling 'it's
just a cat or something', but was awake the second I heard the creaky front door open. I was
frozen, my eyes open, but unable to move. I was in shock, or still in sleep or something. I saw a
man in my room, stare at me, take two paces towards me...breathe...and after what felt like an
hour, walk out of my room. I crawled off my bed eventually, mustering up the balls to grab the
baseball bat, and crawled to the door.
The door was open. And so was the main house.
Nothing was stolen, but to this day, I have no idea what happened that night or why, but it was
easily the scariest shit i've ever experienced.
TL:DR - lock your doors at night.
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[+][deleted] 2 years ago (4 children)
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[–]Butt_Whisperer 51 points52 points53 points 2 years ago (4 children)
I'm sitting here at my desk at work, at noon, broad daylight outside, surrounded by people, all
while reading this thread... and I've never felt more scared and alone.
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[–]TootyTheFeeble 2943 points2944 points2945 points 2 years ago (679 children)
One of my favourite creepypastas:
In Berlin, after World War II, money was short, supplies were tight, and it seemed
like everyone was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale of a young
woman who saw a blind man picking his way through a crowd. The two started to
talk. The man asked her for a favor: could she deliver the letter to the address on
the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so she agreed. She started out to
deliver the message, when she turned around to see if there was anything else the
blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through the crowd without his
smoked glasses or white cane. She was, naturally, suspicious, so she went to the
police. When the police paid a visit to the address on the envelope, they made a
gruesome discovery- three butchers had been harvesting human flesh and selling
it to the starving people.
And what was in the envelope the man gave to the woman? A note, saying simply
"This is the last one I am sending you today."
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[–]Tomguydude 2065 points2066 points2067 points 2 years ago (198 children)
That's brilliant, but the version that I know is a bit more in depth.
The blind old man asks the little girl to deliver the letter for him, and tells her to hurry, as it's
getting dark out. The little girl runs as fast as she can, but stops halfway realizing something
strange. How did the blind man know that it was getting dark?
The story is the same; just different wording. Also; the story actually originated in the midst of
WW2. Creepy stuff.
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[–]commandakeen 1681 points1682 points1683 points 2 years ago* (126 children)
It gets colder, I think blind people can feel the sunlight too.
edit: Highest rated comment blabla blind people blablabla.
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[–]Lewkylewk 1348 points1349 points1350 points 2 years ago (101 children)
We'll find out when a blind person reads this and jumps in the thread
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[+][deleted] 2 years ago (46 children)
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[–]SlothyTheSloth 389 points390 points391 points 2 years ago (11 children)
A blind person still would know it gets dark at a certain hour depending on the time of year.
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[–]YesWhatHello 969 points970 points971 points 2 years ago (107 children)
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[–]double_O_status 756 points757 points758 points 2 years ago (50 children)
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[–]popeculture 605 points606 points607 points 2 years ago (49 children)
I will just look at the bright side; at least they were feeding starving people.
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[–]SapperInTexas 1325 points1326 points1327 points 2 years ago (36 children)
Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
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[–]devonmac95 510 points511 points512 points 2 years ago (13 children)
We haven't had anything but maggotty bread for THREE STIIINNNKIN DAYS!
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[–]animeman59 368 points369 points370 points 2 years ago (11 children)
What about their legs? They don't need those.
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[–]gb1251 148 points149 points150 points 2 years ago (5 children)
This is my favorite thread in ages.
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[–]Im_Qwinning 1939 points1940 points1941 points 2 years ago (217 children)
A 16 year old girl is house sitting for a family friend. Late one night when she is all alone she
hears a weird noise coming from the basement. The noise won't stop but because she is by
herself she decides not to go down in the basment as fear begins to creep into her mind. She calls
911 and explains her story and tells them not to rush as it is probably nothing. Within two
minutes several cops are at the door. Four cops make their way down into the basement and one
stays with the girl outside. She hears yelling and moments later a deranged looking man is
brought up the police. He was found sitting on the washer banging a machete between the
washer and dryer trying to lure her down. She asks how they knew he was down there and they
said when she called the police and hung up the phone the operator heard a second click. He was
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[–]AjaxTFC 1257 points1258 points1259 points 2 years ago* (85 children)
If he was listening then why did he stick around for the cops to show up?
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[–]MikeOrtiz 2209 points2210 points2211 points 2 years ago (19 children)
He was waiting for his laundry to finish drying
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[–]Peregrine21591 911 points912 points913 points 2 years ago (20 children)
Assuming this story is true...
a) Maybe he thought he still had time
b) He was deranged
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[–][deleted] 105 points106 points107 points 2 years ago (2 children)
He probably thought he had time since she told the police not to rush. I doubt most operators
would pick up on the 2nd click.
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[–]sheep74 730 points731 points732 points 2 years ago (11 children)
and that's how you survive a horror movie
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[–]Enough_with_the_cats 1851 points1852 points1853 points 2 years ago* (301 children)
From /r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix. Poster removed it shortly after posting it:
I've been sitting here for hours trying to find a fitting start to what is ultimately no
point in writing. The only one I'll ever tell is the psychiatrist I have an
appointment with next week, and you.
I have memories of a life I haven't lived, or am living. It's not a past life, or being
another person. It's me, Simon, with my same family, same dad and mom, and all
my brothers. But yet everything is different.
Growing up I thought they we're dreams that I just remembered very well. When
the subject about dreams came up, and how its hard to remember them all, I used
to tell that I remember almost everything I dreamed about. My perception about
what I remembered being dreams changed in my late teens and I never talked
about them again, to anyone.
I used to row, and it was in my local rowing club I meet Claire. She was lovely in
every way and I ended up having a crush for her. She however liked my best
friend as well. Before I was made aware of this we dated for a few weeks, but
when a friend of hers told me about it, I confronted her and she told me it was
true. I was heartbroken and we decided to break it off. She started dating my
friend and I moved on.
Shortly after I meet Elisabeth, who is now my current wife. But before me and
Elisabeth got serious Claire and my friend had broken up and she reached out to
me and asked me for a second chance -- I told her no.
But, I also remember saying yes. I remember our dates. I remember the day I
asked her to be my girlfriend and make it official. I remember borrowing the club
house connected to our rowing club and covering it with candles, and her walking
in. I remember telling her that I love her and that I wanted her to be my girl. I was
18 and she was 17.
These memories or dreams ran parallel as I was dating Elisabeth and I used to feel
horribly guilty about dreaming about Claire. I changed rowing club and started
avoiding places I knew I'd meet Claire, but nothing helped. I was in love with
Elisabeth, and Claire, and experienced dating both of them. I thought I was going
This is the point where my perception started to change: Elisabeth and I were an
official couple and we had been going steady for over a year, we were happy. I
was coping with my feeling and dreams/memories with Claire -- I was probably
crazy/creepy and repressed it all and hadn't seen her in months.
In all honesty should barely know her at this point, but yet I knew everything
about her; her childhood stories, her house, siblings, parents, their cabin 2 hours
from town where I lost my virginity to her, and yet didn't. The cabin with its
stupid toilet door which never locks properly, and caused her mother walking in
when I was wanking (I still feel embarrassed by this! Yet the memory is off -- It
hasn't happened)
Everything changed december 2001: I hadn't been sleeping properly for a long
time but december was the worst. I thought I dreamt the memories, and it had
made me fearful of sleep. I had been working overtime every day of the week for
2 weeks. I was thursday and after 4 hours of overtime, I was beat. I drove home.
Got the keys from the garage, where we hid it under the paint box. Went inside,
and straight to bed.
I woke up with Claire’s dad standing over me. He had found me in Claire’s bed
after the coming home and discovering the keys were missing and the door
unlocked. Horror, disbelief, confusion. This is Claire’s dad. I know him, and I
have never met him. I just rambled; I can't remember saying anything coherent. I
eventually told him I went in to the wrong house, he asked me how I found the
keys.. What could I tell him? I had no reasonable explanation. I had never been to
Claire’s house, yet I knew where they hid the keys and every damn room in the
house -- I basically lived there. I told him I didn't know. He didn't ask me any
questions after that, just that the police were on their way and to sit tight. I kept
quiet until they arrived. When the police came he told them I was probably drunk,
I guess he thought so because of my rambling and confused state. The police took
me to the station for a statement. I lied and told them I had been drinking. I knew
the blood results would be negative but I didn't care, I just wanted to go home.
After a few hours they let me go and I went home. I didn't tell anyone about this.
A few weeks later I received a letter stating that the blood results were negative
and that they wanted me to go back to the station for a new interview, but before
the date arrived I receive another letter saying that they would be dropping the
charges -- Claire’s dad was not pressing.
After this episode I went to the doctors for sleeping pills. I never let myself get
that tiered again. I never drank alcohol after that day either, or do anything that
could cause me to lose focus as to where or who I am.
The different memories follow me throughout each day. And every day there are
new memories, glimpses. Most of the different memories are so different -- or feel
so different -- that I can distinguish between them, and my own. But sometimes I
meet fiends that don't know me or know my way around places I shouldn't really
know -- these memories are much harder to distinguish, almost impossible.
I'll stop here. I have written so much now, and now that I'm at the point of why
I'm writing this -- I see no point in writing it. It's soon 1 AM here; I'm afraid my
wife or kids will wake up and ask me why I'm crying.
I thought I could cope with the memories. I coped with Claire being diagnosed
with pancreatic cancer, the cancer spreading to her liver. I coped with Claire
dying, being at her funeral and carrying her casket, being told she was dead and
not being at her funeral, not visiting her grave yet remember visiting her grave.
I have 2 daughters with Elisabeth; Anna and Jane. And I have Elise. I had Elise
with Claire. Elise has my eyes. I remember her being born shortly after my first
daughter and it changed everything. With my daughters came the sensation of
what real, unconditional and bottomless love was. I can't cope with it anymore. I
have lost a daughter. All I have are memories. I will never ever experience the
first hand sensation of hugging, kissing, just holding her. And every day I have
new memories of her -- making me love her and miss her more and more. I skip
work just to sit outside the apartment we live in. I know the apartment inside and
out -- where she learned to walk, where she learned to go to the potty all alone
and how we went straight to mammas grave to tell her about it. I know it will ruin
my life and there's nothing I can do. I'm in complete and utter conflict: I hope it’s
a mental condition but at the same time I'm afraid of taking pills that will cause
me to lose Elise completely. There is no help and it will ruin me
Edit: Misspelled Matrix.
I also found authors post. He deleted the story and wrote some words for people with from the
same condition, here.
Edit2: Yes, I changed the names, since he regretted writing them.
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[–]frankeneggo 441 points442 points443 points 2 years ago (5 children)
Wow... That is intense. Not so much creepy as just devastating. This is the most emotionally
effective story here.
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[–]imperfect_human 256 points257 points258 points 2 years ago (7 children)
I've often thought that a mental illness where you were unsure of your reality would be one of
the scariest experiences of all. This confirms it. Poor bastard, if true. Either way, very well
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[–]octobereighth 277 points278 points279 points 2 years ago* (48 children)
Something similar, but not so drastic, happened to me about 10 years ago. This is a true story,
not copy-pasta, though I guess I have no way of proving it. :P
I had a bad bout of insomnia - went for a total of 9 days without real sleep, though I experienced
microsleep towards the end.
Around day 4 or so I had hallucinations - silly ones. One I particularly remember was these tiny,
two-dimensional palm trees that showed up everywhere (if you looked at them at the right angle
they vanished, like they were made of paper). Stuff that I, looking back, can tell were
hallucinations because they were irrational things.
A couple of days later, the hallucinations took over and I lived a parallel life.
In real time, it only lasted two or three days. In my mind, it felt like weeks. It never felt like a
dream, or a hallucination. It felt like real life. I can remember it now the way I remember
everything else that actually happened in my life. I don't know if I was actually hallucinating, or
if the lack of sleep caused memory problems and somehow false memories got plugged in there,
or what it was.
Eventually I crashed and the insomnia ended. When I woke up from the first night's sleep, reality
had snapped back into place.
It took a decent physical toll - I missed over a month of school. It started with me just being
unable to function, even after a couple of nights of "normal" sleep, but eventually I got really
sick - the doctor said the lack of sleep might have been the cause.
But the worst part was coming to terms with that two weeks of my life that never really
happened. It wasn't that anything life-changing happened in the hallucination - I didn't find my
soulmate, I didn't change the world - it was that those two weeks felt so real to me that I became
totally unable to convince myself that I had any proof that the hallucination had ended. I had no
way of proving to myself that this was the real world I was in now.
It took years for me to get over it fully. Anxiety and paranoia followed me everywhere in the
beginning- I kept expecting to wake up again, I could never trust my surroundings. I took no joy
in the good things that happened in my life - how was I to know I wouldn't wake up tomorrow,
only to find out they had never happened? I had a hard time interacting with new people - what
was the point if I had just made them up in my mind?
It was a really dark time in my life. And the worst part of it is that I never came up with a way to
convince myself that what I experience everyday is reality. The best I could do was convince
myself that no one, anywhere, at any time, can prove that they're experiencing reality - so there's
no reason to behave as though you're not.
Eventually the anxiety and paranoia went away. I used to joke that I was on a 12-step program to
becoming a recovered solipsist. :P But I can still remember those two weeks as clearly as I can
remember anything else in my past.
TL;DR: get some sleep. If you can't, see a doctor before it goes for too long. :P
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[–]Arylex 1818 points1819 points1820 points 2 years ago (125 children)
Courtesy of /u/Neurotrace from /r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix.
Just started looking through this subreddit and just had to share my story.
About 4 or 5 years ago I worked at a Little Caesars Pizza. Usually I would work
inside on the pizzas but we had just started up this Monday Madness deal where
pizzas were only $4 on Monday so we needed someone to advertise. I was a wild
and weird metalhead so I took up the position on Mondays of just going out there,
throwing around a sign to get attention, and bring people in for pizza. Not exactly
glamorous but I had fun.
One day while I was out there doing my thing I see a van coming straight at me. It
jumps the curb and slams in to me and I feel it crush me against the electrical box
controlling the street lights. I see a quick flash as the traffic lights flick off then
black out.
I gasp and I'm still on the corner and nothing has happened. No van or anything.
Well, I was a little shaken up so I decide to pack it up and walk back to the store
for a break. I walk no more than 15 feet away from the corner when I hear a crash.
I look back and a van just hopped the curb in to the electrical box and I watch the
traffic lights flick off.
Needless to say, I took the day off. Still think about that from time to time.
If you've never checked out /r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix, I highly recommend it.
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[–]mappberg 1021 points1022 points1023 points 2 years ago (67 children)
Suspension of disbelief is difficult in that subreddit.
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[+][deleted] 2 years ago (14 children)
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[–]mrplatypusthe42nd 971 points972 points973 points 2 years ago (48 children)
Interesting story: My grandmother was used to hearing thumps in the night and assuming it was
the cat jumping around, as he tended to do. Cat died, thumps went on unchanged.
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[–]captmonkey 78 points79 points80 points 2 years ago (4 children)
It was raining heavily one night and I woke up about 2am because I was hearing all kinds of
thumping and scratching from the walls and ceiling. I assumed it was my cat and yelled at him to
cut it out. I turned over to try to go back to sleep and that's when I saw my cat in the doorway,
the opposite direction of the sounds, with his fur standing straight out because he was hearing the
same noises. My heart began pounding so hard I could feel my pulse over down to my fingertips.
I got up to investigate and it turned out to just be a raccoon who had managed to climb into my
attic and was tearing up the insulation, but I can still remember that feeling of dread the moment
I saw that it wasn't my cat.
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[–]aliceINchainz 1068 points1069 points1070 points 2 years ago (31 children)
Get a pet, it helps.
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[–]highqpics 565 points566 points567 points 2 years ago (59 children)
I've lurked reddit for a long time but this is the first time I've felt the need to reply to something.
About 15 years ago I was 17 and in high school in Seattle. I hung out a lot with people who
smoke or drank but didn't really join in too often; my parents were ok with it but basically made
me realize I didn't need it. That didn't mean I didn't participate occasionally. One night, I was
with a few friends from our soccer team. They wanted to smoke before we all had to go home
since it was a school night. We went to Volunteer park on Capitol Hill, there are a lot of trees on
the west side of the road there where you can go do things people don't want to be seen doing.
Everything was normal, giggling, excited kids smoking some weed. No big deal. I took a hit off
the blunt but because my parents were picking me up I decided to go cop watch. I just wanted to
hit it once, go home and play some video games, but still be Cool. No big deal. I told them I was
going to go out and make sure no cops came. They might have payed attention or they might
have not. Normal shit no big deal. At the park there are these evergreen trees that have these
really low hanging branches that make it really easy to get 20+ feet up in them. Imagine a really
fat, reasonable sized christmas tree, but without all the branches blocking the view. I climbed up
one of those and relaxed and looked at the Space Needle, what a great night! Then I heard some
branches snapping below me and I saw a guy standing there. He was staring where my friends
were. I looked past him about 25 feet and there was another guy standing there, and a few more.
I looked to my other side and there were more guys standing there, about 15 total in a semi circle
around where I thought my friends were. This was about 11Pm, no reason for a group of them
there. I didn't move, this wasn't some community cop shit, or even cops... I waited for what
seemed like forever, slowly climbed down, and dropped and sprinted as fast as I could towards
the greenhouse. About 50 feet away I saw my friends running out of the woods back where I
thought they were, they said someone tried to grab one of them on the way out. The girl
screamed as the guy grabbed my friend, and they all ran. No reason. So sketchy. I've heard about
people disappearing from Seattle parks before, fuck that shit. Be careful high schoolers in Seattle
just trying to have some fun
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[–]Regime_Change 427 points428 points429 points 2 years ago* (19 children)
I read the memoirs of a North Korean concentration camp survivior. I've read that kind of stuff
before and while I obviously got the chills from reading what they did to him in the camp, what
really got to me though is that he was put in the camp after his own children ratted him out (4
and 6 or something). His crime was being individualistic and not putting the collective first. He
tried to feed his own family with earthworms he collected, he should have shared them with the
collective. The level of indoctrination in those children is what really got to me, to rat out your
own father to the government for trying to save your life. That in my opinion is the height of a
sick society.
EDIT: Oh, it had to be a fictional story? Well nevermind then.
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[–]swimmingmunky 1418 points1419 points1420 points 2 years ago (278 children)
the goat man. fuck that shit.
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[–][deleted] 277 points278 points279 points 2 years ago (8 children)
Holy shit. Most creepypasta/nosleep stories lose their scare factor for me after the first read, but
that's amazing.
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[–]acerya 481 points482 points483 points 2 years ago (35 children)
Not goatman but remember doing bloody marry at friends house in his front door in piece of
glass, its totally dark outside soon as we finish a goat comes running down driveway :( still don't
trust goats
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[–]baben22 459 points460 points461 points 2 years ago* (38 children)
Don't know if someone posted this:
You are home alone, and you hear on the news about the profile of a murderer who is on the
loose. You look out the sliding glass doors to your backyard, and you notice a man standing out
in the snow. He fits the profile of the murderer exactly, and he is smiling at you. You gulp,
picking up the phone to your right and dialing 911. You look back out the glass as you press the
phone to your ear, and notice he is much closer to you now. You then drop the phone in shock.
There are no footprints in the snow.
It’s his reflection.
Read it here some time ago http://www.creepypastaindex.com/creepypasta/home-alone
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[–]zelmerszoetrop 213 points214 points215 points 2 years ago (12 children)
This may get buried, but for the brave souls sorting by new:
A friend of mine lived on Long Island about in 2001. I want to say Brentwood? Anyways, it
doesn't matter. I lived in California back then, still do. I knew one woman who died on
September 11, a flight attendant on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, but that was it. And I
only barely knew her. I figured, as a New Yorker, almost, my friend probably knew more folks.
Or at least had a story about September 11.
I guess I had asked out of a sort of morbid fascination. September 11th always seemed like a
movie. Even when it was happening, in my mind it was happening on CNN, not in a real place
where people lived. So when I asked, I suppose I was hoping for a story of collapsing buildings,
running and panicking, and I could say, "Oh my god, that sounds horrible," but secretly think, "It
would be so cool to have been on the ground that day! How exciting!"
What she said wasn't exciting at all. She told me she didn't know anybody, personally, who had
died that day, and that she hadn't been in Manhattan, and so on and so on. But what she did say is
she went to the train station every day very early for work - far earlier than most people do - and
she noticed that before September 11, there had almost never been any cars in the lot when she
arrived, but afterwards there were always 6 or 7 cars. The same cars, they never moved. And
every day they got more and more tickets and chalk marks on the tire, until eventually the
metermaids figured out who these cars belonged to, and realized they would never return for
Somehow this story of hers got to me more than any of the footage or the jumping man or any of
that did. It all seemed so exciting and unreal on the TV, and then here was this story without any
excitement, without any screams or running or collapsing buildings or tales of heroism. Just a
few cars sitting in a parking lot as silent testimonies to people who would never drive them
again, because they have been murdered.
Suddenly it didn't seem so exciting anymore.
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[–]downhomeokiegirl 47 points48 points49 points 2 years ago* (9 children)
I actually made an account to tell this story...
The neighborhood that I grew up in was on the outskirts of Oklahoma City. My grandparents had
built the house that we lived in and it was the kind of place that we knew all of our neighbors.
We were never afraid to ride our bikes everywhere and everyone looked out for one another.
About three doors down from where I lived, there was a house that we always called "The
Murder House". Before I was born, the man that lived there was brutally murdered and his
girlfriend was horrifically raped. The murder weapon was recovered in the back yard of our
across the street neighbors and it was a machete from a neighborhood green house. The murder
was always thought to be because of a drug deal gone bad. The case remained cold for a long
time and the house sat abandoned for as long as I could remember.
When I was growing up in my house, my bedroom windows faced our street. Sleeping in the
room from the ages of 4 to 11, I would always wake up in the middle of the night after having
really spooky dreams. I always had the feeling that I was being watched and being that young, I
never understood exactly why I felt that way. Quietly one day my parents installed blackout
shutters in my room and I never asked why.
We moved away from that house when I was 11 and shortly after we moved, someone bought
the "Murder House", fixed it up, and the events that happened there were just a distant memory.
Flash forward to two years ago. Now 26, I was sitting in bed one night watching Cold Case Files
on A&E. I picked up the episode in the middle of the story, but something about it seemed really
familiar. Suddenly the water tower of my home town flashed on the screen and an image of that
infamous house came up as Bill Curtis started to describe the crime that had taken place there.
Come to find out the murder had been solved. The murderer wasn't a drug fiend as originally was
suggested. He was a peeping tom that had been terrorizing my neighborhood for nearly 20 years.
He had peeked into the windows of that house on the evening of the murder, seen the man's
girlfriend, and set about attacking her. Her boyfriend, hearing the commotion, came to her
defense and was slaughtered in that house.
The peeping tom escaped and continued to look in the windows of the other houses for years.
The memories of waking up in the middle of the night and the feeling of being watched had been
very real but nobody could catch him! The black out shutters on my bedroom windows were
placed so that he could not look into my room at night.
The man was finally caught because of a peeping tom complaint filed by a woman about three
blocks away from my old home. The man was notorious for not wearing shoes and it was the
imprint of his bare foot in her garden that was matched to a bare foot print at the crime scene.
I still get the creeps thinking about that...
TL;DR: Brutal murder committed in house down the street became a cold case, murderer was
peeping tom that looked in our windows for 20 years.
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[–]samlauk 209 points210 points211 points 2 years ago* (18 children)
someone i used to work with was a former armed police officer in the UK. i asked him what the
most fucked up thing you saw as a police man. after a bit of nagging he finally told me
He was called out the the house of an escaped mental patients ex-wife, they found her
screaming/crying in the front room, he was in the kitchen and their baby was found dead in the
edit: Spelling
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[–]red321red321 656 points657 points658 points 2 years ago (110 children)
These are two of the most chilling and disturbing comments that I've seen in /r/AskReddit since I
made my account.
A redditor's story of how he dated a female sociopath. I read this story when I was new to reddit
and it's still one of the most chilling things that I've ever read anywhere.
The infamous comment by /u/Serial_rapist_thread in the Ask-a-rapist thread from one year ago.
This thread has since been removed and had many of its comments scrubbed yet it was easily
one of reddit's most infamous posts/threads of all time.
The original comment was scrubbed but I found it on this website.
I found the comment in the actual thread and some of the replies are still there to read while
some of the better replies have also been scrubbed.
A girl's response to the rapist's comment made /r/bestof and here is the thread from /r/bestof.
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[–][deleted] 238 points239 points240 points 2 years ago* (17 children)
Reading some parts of the thread made it clear to me that I underestimated some situations in my
life, and maybe just got lucky to have nothing worse happen.
Scary story? There is no such thing as a scary story when you come close to such a situation
yourself. It does not feel like you avoided an accdient, or an unlucky and shaming situation. It
feels like you avoided being eaten alive.
We had a party in a house I share with 5 close friends, two weeks ago. There was this guy. He
got quite drunk and too close to me in a conversation that I felt uncomfortable, fled inside and
went upstairs. He followed me. I heard his steps as he was looking for me. But he caught the
wrong turn and when he couldn't find me, I locked myself in my room, he went to the kitchen. I
don't know, I thought I was overreacting and this guy was simply sticky and drunk. But thinking
back I can recall that he didn't seem drunk at all when coming after me, he was very calm,
focused, quiet. He also didn't call out for me, he just searched me. He was at the party all night
and left as one of the last. I was in the kitchen with two other boys from our house then and after
he left I told them how uncomfortable he made me feel, and how he seems not in control of
himself and dangerous to me. They put it off, said no, not this guy. He's nice! He's fine, just his
kind of way. They would have never felt what I felt. I felt danger, couldn't explain it differently.
But I put it off as being overly sensible.
But when my roommate told be about her incident with him, I got furious. I got really scared.
She said it was her own fault for being flirty or what but hey, she told him no. She had to tell him
no several times. And it didn't make him back up at all. There's the not so ok part. Right there.
Last week my roommate told me about that one guy at the party that got very very close on her
and physically didn't let her go to her room. He really pushed himself upon her and even kissed
and grabbed her. She was so tired and drunk that she could say no, but not physically push him
off her. Her friend then came upstairs to look for her and it took quite some force to pull him
away and verbally shove him downstairs.
She might have been raped, I might have been raped, in our own home, at a party with plenty of
friends around. And reading out of that one thread made it so damn crystal clear to me that it ran
down my spine ice cold.
This could happen anywhere, anytime. I never felt afflicted by the possibility of such a situation
since I don't go around with strangers. But this just leaves me shocked. And I wish for every girl
and boy reading this, just trust your guts and don't go anywhere you could be caught alone.
[Edit: Typos, writing this was really unsettling me]
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[–]Tcry 86 points87 points88 points 2 years ago (3 children)
Pardon my lack of knowledge on this event. As I have not researched it. But a ship capsized in
the Atlantic Ocean not too long ago, (assuming it wasn't very deep where they went down,
probably off the coast of somewhere) and three days later they send a diving team to recover
bodies. They see something moving in the dark, and shine a light to reveal the cook. Alive.
Breathing through air trapped in the overturned boat. He had survived three days in there. And
when they got him out and recovered, he told them it was pitch black, and silent. Except, he
could hear the fish eating the rest of the crew..
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[–]Grantme 428 points429 points430 points 2 years ago (27 children)
So when I was 13 (26now) my mom was dying of a form of liver cancer. We would talk for
hours about what is heaven going to be like etc. I asked her what would be her last meal (stupid
13yr old talk) she told me lemon marrange (sp?) pie. The last few days she lost all will to eat or
drink, and I was crushed because me and my dad brought her lemon marrange pie everyday. A
day before she passed she told me, where even I end up that will be our code word. If it is
possible I will tell someone that I want lemon marrange.
Fast forward to when I am 24, in Sea tac airport and this lady comes over and she explains that
she is a medium, and she has no idea why but a lady wants a slice of the lemon marrange pie. I
explain to her the story she validates some other things and continues moving on her way.
Crazy chills for me.
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[–]Chahles88 124 points125 points126 points 2 years ago (5 children)
This one will (sort of) lift your spirits
My neighbor is retired FDNY/ex-marine. Injured in 9/11. He told us this crazy story about a mob
hit that he responded to:
It was the night before Thanksgiving, and they respond to an apartment fire. The fire was
deemed unsafe to attempt a search and rescue, so they doused it and went in to inspect the
building. They identified the source of the fire which was an apartment doused in accelerant. In
the center of the living room, two bodies, presumably a couple, where stacked on top of one
another. They were shot execution style and then burned.
My neighbor continues to inspect the apartment for more victims, and unfortunately he finds
another tiny corpse in the kitchen sink, presumably the child of the couple, burnt beyond
recognition. He loses his composure and books it outside to vomit. What kind of person murders
a kid like that? He regains his composure and steps back inside, where his chief is updating the
police on the situation. He hears "The two victims were shot..." and he interrupts "Three. there
were three victims. You missed the child in the kitchen sink." He was kind of choked up at this
point. Silence. The EMT walks over to the sink and lets out a nervous chuckle.
"Charlie you idiot you almost gave us a heart attack! Its Thanksgiving that's their fucking turkey
you jackass!"
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[–]injitora 223 points224 points225 points 2 years ago (4 children)
This is the story of how I came to believe in ghosts. When I was 12, my mom dragged me and
my friend along with her to a haircut. We were bored, and decided to take a walk down the main
street we were on and window shop. Just a few stores down there was a gap for a small parking
lot. As we walk past an elderly African American lady waves us over to the car she's sitting in,
with the door open. Being that there are the two of us, and that she's clearly more feeble, we go
inquire what's wrong. The lady seems a little out of it, and is begging us to go across the street to
another salon that her daughter owns. She's having trouble getting out of the car, see, and wants
her daughter's help. She just keeps repeating, even as we're walking away to begin the task,
multiple renditions of 'please just get my daughter' and 'I'm stuck in the car'. We walk over and
inquire to the salon (two small very pale girls wandering into a primarily African American hair
studio), and are greeted with odd looks and silence. We get shown to the manager. She listens to
our story, and goes from inquisitive to white as a sheet in all off 10 seconds. We look to one
another as something is obviously wrong. She starts in on us, asking all these questions, starting
to grow upset. When we inquire what we did wrong, and why we're not going to help her mom,
she tells us this. With a nauseous look, and tears starting down her face, she says her mother just
a few months before had died horribly when she got forced off a bridge and drowned when she
couldn't get herself out of her car. We immediately run back across the street. No car. No lady.
Ask the lot attendant. No, no older lady fitting that description had come through all shift. I never
could question again. We thought it was a prank, but the daughter's reaction was too real and
candid to be anything but the truth.
TL; DR old lady tries to get help from out of car. Turns out old lady had died being unable to get
out of her. Spooky
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[–]ImAVibration 46 points47 points48 points 2 years ago* (10 children)
This is something that happened to me. Not as scary as it is unsettling.
I was living in Eastern Canada in Halifax, Nova Scotia in a very old and creaky house. After I
had been living there for a while, one of my friends from the West Coast came out to visit me
and check out the city. He was staying for 3 weeks and he had brought a lot of bags and
suitcases, at least 5-6 bags and other shit like a squash racket, don't ask me why. I told him he
could sleep on the futon in the front living room.
One morning after a late night of drinking my friend bursts into my room yelling "FIRE! FIRE!".
In my hungover state I am barely even sure of what he had said when I jumped out of bed. The
floor was hot against my feet as I ran out into the hallway, right behind my friend. I couldn't see
the fire anywhere, but as we ran towards the front door I could hear the fire roaring and crackling
all around me, it was inside the walls. We run out onto the front yard and look back at the house
to see black smoke billowing out of the roof.
We were standing there watching the house when I looked down and noticed all of my friends
bags and suitcases neatly lined up on the front lawn, including his squash racket. When he
noticed the house was on fire he had taken all of his luggage in at least two loads and placed it
outside before coming back in to tell me about it. That fire had started in the basement where the
furnace was, it spread up into the walls and was burning the entire foundation of the floor we
were standing on. The entire floor and much of the house collapsed into that fiery pit not long
after we had escaped. The firemen said we were very lucky to have gotten out when we did.
Needless to say, we are not friends anymore.
TL;DR: Friend who is staying with me notices that the house is on fire and decides to haul
his 5 or 6 bags of luggage out to the sidewalk and line it up in a neat pile before coming
back in to tell a sleeping me that the house is burning down.
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[–]Garrettcz 650 points651 points652 points 2 years ago (159 children)
The story of David and Catherine Birnie, an Australian couple who were serial rapists and
killers. The idea that a woman would help her husband rape other women bothers me a lot, and
has stuck with me since hearing the story a long time ago. It makes it so much more disturbing to
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[–]nikizzard 81 points82 points83 points 2 years ago (25 children)
Toybox killer
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[+][deleted] 2 years ago (97 children)
[–][deleted] 394 points395 points396 points 2 years ago (24 children)
Gah! I don't like this one...
[–]NOT_JASON_BATEMAN 1349 points1350 points1351 points 2 years ago (21 children)
It was his husband. Conservative Creepypasta.
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[–]houseofbacon 844 points845 points846 points 2 years ago (10 children)
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[–][deleted] 325 points326 points327 points 2 years ago (4 children)
You're my figurative nightlight. Thank you
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[–][deleted] 1290 points1291 points1292 points 2 years ago (20 children)
Flashlight or Fleshlight?
[–]AzDopefish 677 points678 points679 points 2 years ago (6 children)
The difference one letter can make. From horror story to a lonely mans sexual fantasy with the
change of a single letter.
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[–][deleted] 84 points85 points86 points 2 years ago* (13 children)
I used to live in a suburb of Chicago in a house with a large backyard with a garden. One day
when I was maybe three or four years old, my sister and I were outside playing in the back while
my dad worked in the garden.
This guy was walking his dog along the sidewalk by our yard, and since we were little kids we
went running to pet the dog. The guy stopped and let us play with the dog for a little bit, and then
began walking again as we were playing with it.
We get to the next house over and the guy says, "Do you want to come to my home and play
with my dog?"
We say yes and start following him. When we got two houses down we hear our dad far away
yell our names, and we say, "Oh sorry we have to go."
About seven or eight years later the Megan's Law is passed and we find out that the man is a
registered sex offender.
TL;DR My sister and I almost went home with a child molester, but my dad caught us right
before we were out of earshot.
EDIT: Also, there was a guy in our neighborhood with a vanity plate that said "SANTA." We
aren't sure it was the same guy, but we would joke about it. One night we were playing outside
and his car pulled right up to our yard, stopped, and turned the engine/lights off. He didn't get out
of the car after a few minutes and we got nervous and went inside.
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[–]Renfield_333 2229 points2230 points2231 points 2 years ago (402 children)
My great-grandparents grew up in a small town located in the lower regions of Louisiana. Raised
on a healthy diet of squirrel stew and local folktales, my grandparents were the Cajun stereotype.
When my great grandparents were first married, they lived in a small house near a cane field.
Across the field, there was a Catholic church which ministered to most of the humble, bayou
town. My great grandparents made it a habit to attend church during daylight hours as it was a
long walk to and from church, unless they walked through the cane. Well one night, for one
reason or another, they decided to attend evening mass. They walked to church as the sun was
shifting down below the visible Earth. When they exited the builiding, it was pitch black.
Fatigued from a long day of work, my grandparents decided to walk through the cane and avoid
the long path. The crickets chirped as my grandparents crunched their way through the cane, one
right behind the other. They could barely see through the dim moonlight, leaving them to rely on
sound and touch. Working thier way through the cane was tiring, and my grandfather stopped to
catch his breath. My grandmother bumped into him, and they both froze. Another set of footsteps
had joined theirs. They stood frozen in place, hearing the heavy thud of feet crunch against the
cane. My grandfather began to slowly walk, my grandmother by his side. They were afraid to
enrage the visitor. My grandmother noted its odd walking pattern. Immediatly, fear ran through
her. She began to run, and then the footsteps behind them grew fast-paced. My grandfather took
off after her, not wanting to be caught by the visitor. After about five minutes of sprinting, they
reach the end of the cane field, thier house in sight. They quickly raced to the door, fumbling to
unlock it. A shadow emerged from the cane field, walking on four legs. It begins to run at them
as they manage to unlock the door. As they open it, their dog runs inside. Thier dog, Kaiser
trembles as they lock the door once more. Kaiser was usually a fearless animal, and often
accompanied my grandfather on his hunting trips. His bravery was gone as the door began to
shake. Something was banging and scratching on the door. My grandfater assumed it was some
animal. Then, the doorknob began to jiggle. Somebody was turning it from the outside.
Eventually, it stopped. Shuffling could still be heard outside of the door. My grandfather grabbed
his rifle and stood guard all night as my grandmother slept. When the sun began to rise, the
noises outside ceased. When they opened the door, it was covered in large scratch marks. To her
death, my grandmother claims that she was chased by the Rou Garou (Cajun werewolf).
TL;DR- My grandparets were chased through a cane field at night by an unseen creature that
they believed to be a werewolf.
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[–]fauxscales 1218 points1219 points1220 points 2 years ago (94 children)
Thats so weird! My grandad claims a similar thing happened to him, he swears to god he isnt
fibbing and all his family and neighbours confirmed this at the time. My grandad was walking
through a park late one night on the way back from a friends house (this is about the 1950s,
Newcastle, England) and he started to hear rustling in the trees, at first he thought nothing of it
but when he stopped to tie his shoe lace, the rustling stopped also. Starting to get a little freaked
out, he quickened his pace, as did the rustling which seemed to be following him until he was in
a full blown sprint, he claims to have heard some sort of animal noises but i believe this is his
imagination trying to make sense of what was happening, when he got home he slammed the
door behind him, not taking a chance to look and locked it. The banging on the door started and
lasted for abit five minutes. The next morning he woke up and all the neighbours were out in the
street, looking at their next door neighbours door, there were huge claw marks in the door, to this
day (he's 73 now) he swears down this happened and still gets freaked out when its dark.
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[–]nadylady 453 points454 points455 points 2 years ago (39 children)
Which park in newcastle? I might start getting taxis home
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[–]SeaLeggs 795 points796 points797 points 2 years ago (31 children)
I wouldn't worry, it was probably just some fat, pissed-up Geordie bird.
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[–]nadylady 158 points159 points160 points 2 years ago (12 children)
Aye supose still i'd rather pick a fight with a wolf beast than a pissed up geordie lass
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[–]kagurawinddemon 557 points558 points559 points 2 years ago (17 children)
I thought this was going to end with someone needing a certain amount of change
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[–]whereyat 582 points583 points584 points 2 years ago* (111 children)
Ever seen the exhibit in the Audubon Zoo, its quite creepy. The wolf head looks more like a
demon head.
...Sleep tight
Edit: Added bonus picture I took from last time I was at the zoo.
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[–]Blazeinpain 726 points727 points728 points 2 years ago (11 children)
FUCK it's 5 am and god dammit holy shit
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[–]The_Blind_M0nk 614 points615 points616 points 2 years ago (4 children)
That was beautifully written. Had chills runnin down my spine!
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[–]Paintedlizard 579 points580 points581 points 2 years ago (57 children)
My mom used to bake bread and sell it at farmer's markets. Since we didn't have a large kitchen,
she would rent space at the elementary school down the road. Baking was done after work on
thursday nights, later is better so the bread was fresh the next day. She would bake in the kitchen,
and the rest of the school was dark and locked up. One night the phone rang, and assuming it was
my dad she picked it up. The person on the other end said. "You called?" She said that she didn't,
and told them they must have the wrong number. "Well i was in the shower when the phone
rang, so i *69 when i got out, and the call came from here." She ended up calling my dad and had
him come keep her company, and she wouldn't bake alone for a while after that.
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[–]JustSomeGuyOnTheSt 409 points410 points411 points 2 years ago (20 children)
Was it a cordless phone? Apparently old cordless phones would phantom dial random numbers
when their batteries were low.
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[–]7Raulphie 287 points288 points289 points 2 years ago (17 children)
Before my family and I moved to another state, my father went and visited the area to check on
the progress of our new house which was being built. My father was there for a few days and
was staying at some crappy Motel 6 in a shady area of town. His room was the last room at the
end of the hallway on the top floor. In the middle of the night on the last night he was in town he
is woken by the phone ringing in his room. He groggily answers. It was the front desk and they
say something along the lines "Sorry to wake you, but we've been receiving a couple of reports
about rooms being broken into and some stuff being stolen. We are calling to make sure you lock
your door and are safe." My father replies that he is fine and hangs up. He decides to go double
check that he locked the door. As he sits up in bed he notices that the door to his room is ajar.
Being spooked, he cautiously checks the room and finds that nothing is missing and no one else
is in the room. He creeps to the door and peaks out. Sitting right outside his room on the window
sill of the hallway window is his shaving kit. Creeped out of his mind, he quickly grabs it and
locks the door. After he calms down a bit he calls down to the front desk and says "Hey, you just
called me about the break ins around the hotel, and I just want to report that my room was broken
into when I was sleeping, nothing stolen and I am fine. Figured you would like to know" The
front desk replies, "You must be mistaken, we never called your room and we haven't received
any reports of breaks ins"
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[+][deleted] 2 years ago (180 children)
[–]IRtej 1004 points1005 points1006 points 2 years ago* (43 children)
My cousins friend actually experienced this. She came home around 9 in the evening. Enters her
appartment like she usually do, nothing suspicious going on. She's been at work for like 12 hours
or something and is dead tired. She turns straight to her bedroom, when she walks into the
bedroom she noticed something under her bed, she stops and says to herself out loud. "Damn, i
forgot to lock my bike."
She leaves the apartment, calls the cops. The cops arrives and finds a man (Previous convicted
rapist apparently) hiding under her bed.
edit: Clarification!
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[–][deleted] 252 points253 points254 points 2 years ago (45 children)
I have several empty rooms in my house that I rarely visit. I have a habit of visiting them during
a regular (once a year) perimeter check. Whenever I approach empty room I got excited and
adrenalized of the thought that some thug is in there shacking up and using up my AC, and when
I open the door with a swift foot kick, I am always disappointed that nobody is there only dust
bunnies and residual faint smell of the hair conditioner of infrequent guest from the past.
[–]layendecker 296 points297 points298 points 2 years ago (26 children)
An old work colleague of mine used to work doing AV for private parties- Mainly hyper rich
Jewish gatherings and the occasional 'Super Sweet 16' type.
Anyway, he was working at a bar-mitzvah just outside London in a very large house- at least 15
bedrooms and acres of land. The night before the party they were rigging a marquee, stage,
projectors and lights all around the grounds, this included a giant high output projector, which
was programmed to beam art and slideshows onto the side of the house, like a lower budget
version of this.
To get it to work, they needed to put white boards on the inside of some of the windows- mainly
in the unused rooms on the side of the house. All the rooms were pretty ordinary, beds were
made- but there was plenty of dust around and the windows were clearly rarely used.
Upon entering one room they noticed a difference, it was less dusty and there were signs of use,
the bed was disrupted and there were dinner plates behind the curtains... Nothing out of the
ordinary though, the family probably just had visitors recently.
Upon checking with the owners, to make sure the guests were not going to be irritated with
having their windows boarded up- they were informed that the family had not had visitors
staying there for the past several years, nobody even went up to that level as it was not heated.
Clearly concerned with the news, they contacted the security firm who do patrols, locked the
house down and began a search.
Although they never found the person, a CCTV camera picked up a hooded figure escaping from
the house shortly before the AV crew made their discovery- it seemed as though he had been
living in the house for at least the past 6 months (they found food wrappers from that date). The
most creepy thing about this story though is that it is almost impossible that he had left the house
in the past 3 weeks- we can only guess far longer.
The outside of the house is under constant surveillance from CCTV cameras, and as long as the
logs go back (3 weeks) there was no suspicious entry or exit. He must have lived in the unused
room, gone down when the family were out and ate from their kitchen and god knows what else.
To this day they have no idea who it was, how he got in, and how he knew there was a free room
that was unused- So yea.. Check those rooms you don't use.
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[–]thecelestialteapot 339 points340 points341 points 2 years ago (22 children)
A few years ago, a friend's girlfriend at the time was driving home from seeing him. He lives in
the country, and she lives in the suburbs. There was a truck next to her with a cattle trailer on it,
and she looked up and saw a human female hand dangling out of one of the air slots near the top.
She said she called the cops, and that they said she wasn't the first person to call about it.
i don't know if it was bullshit or if it was a prank or what ever happened, but it gives me chills
thinking about it.
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[–]MrTastey 214 points215 points216 points 2 years ago (31 children)
This isn't a story I heard but one that I experienced myself. I was 7 years old and we (my mom
and sister) moved into our new house in Florida. My father had died the year before from
complications during a triple bypass. My sister and I slept upstairs, in between our rooms was a
pretty open area loft, one night I woke up sometime really late and for some reason I got up and
looked across the loft towards my sisters room and clear as day I saw a shadow in the shape of a
man standing at the edge of the stairs the house was pitch black there were no lights to cast a
shadow. Being 7 years old I freaked the fuck out thinking it was a burglar and jumped back in
bed and cried myself to sleep. I woke up a short period of time later maybe 15-30min, I got up
and checked the stairs again and the shadow was gone so I grabbed my littletikes flashlight and
headed down stairs towards my moms room. Her door was cracked a little bit so I peeked
through and I saw a shadow figure walk around my mothers bed then bend over her, I shined my
light on the floor in front of her door and the figure juts to an upright position seems to look at
me then turns and walks into her bathroom. I'm an atheist and i'm not sure if I believe in spirits
but to this day I have no explanation for what happened other than it being my father checking
up on us and then bending over to kiss my mom goodbye perhaps one last time, just recalling
and typing this out sends shivers down my spine.
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[–][deleted] 1454 points1455 points1456 points 2 years ago* (119 children)
edit: fixed some words.
a hunter is walking through the woods, it raining and storming out, and he soon sees a cabin in
the distance. he knocks a few times, no one answers, so he eventually pushes open the door, and
sees that that the cabin is empty, save for a bed and paintings hanging all over the walls, all of
them being old faded caricatures.
quite exhausted, he falls asleep on the bed, figuring that since no one is home, no one is going to
mind if he sleeps. in the morning he wakes, and as the sunlight streams in through every
direction he now sees that there is no pictures on the walls, only windows.
[–]Beegee7730 925 points926 points927 points 2 years ago (18 children)
Different from what I expected, I thought that he'd wake up and see his caricature on the wall.
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[–]BigODetroit 301 points302 points303 points 2 years ago (31 children)
I work as a nurse. While I was training to become a nurse, a group of my friends and I were
having a discussion as to whether there is some sort of an afterlife. I stated that I didn't think so,
and a few of my friends disagreed. My instructor looked at me and said, "well, I used to be like
you, but I have seen some strange things in the hospital that made me change my mind." She
proceeded to tell us a story about a friend of hers (who was a nurse) whose daughter had terminal
cancer. The daughter was in her late 20's early 30's. She had a husband and two small children.
This was a devastating situation, and she was about to pass any day. She knew this and kept
telling her friends and family how afraid she was of dying. Even though she would be
surrounded by her family in her last hours, she knew that she would die alone. Her parents were
taking turns spending the night with her in the hospital room along with her husband. It was her
father's turn to go home for the evening and take care of the grandkids. She ended up dying that
night and her last words were, "I'm not afraid anymore. Dad is here with me." As nurses and
other health professionals can attest, people have some strange last words that may or may not
mean anything. After the body had been processed and taken to the morgue, the mother went
home and found her husband dead on the couch. She anticipated having one funeral, and she now
had to plan for two. It was really creepy. Also, there is a ghost in my hospital of a 10 year old
little girl who was the first child to die in my hospital. Many patients report seeing her in a white
hospital gown. Several patients have been noted to yell, "get that little girl out of here!"
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[–]Thehealeroftri 709 points710 points711 points 2 years ago (232 children)
A lot of those stories in the "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" books still give me chills to this
Those were some creepy stories... especially for young kids.
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[–]grindyoursoul 421 points422 points423 points 2 years ago (60 children)
I always got laughed at, but the one with the scarecrow coming to life terrified me, especially the
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[–]thesadstoner 487 points488 points489 points 2 years ago (29 children)
Fucking Harold.
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[–]qthesun 228 points229 points230 points 2 years ago (84 children)
Those stories were not for kids. The one about the spiders hatching out of your face still freaks
20 year old me out.
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[–]mrsalty1 81 points82 points83 points 2 years ago (5 children)
The summer before my sophomore year in college, I had surgery on both legs, and the recovery
took way longer than expected. It got to the point where I had to withdraw from school in order
to fully recover, so I went home for the rest of the year.
Anyway, after about 4 months at home, and my legs working, I figured I'd get a job and make
some money, so I applied and got a job waiting at a popular chain restaurant. I quickly became
friends with two of my fellow servers, Oscar and Louie. Oscar was a really friendly Hispanic
guy, and Louie was this kid from New York with the typical cocky attitude.
Anyway, fast forward another couple months, and we all head to Oscar's house to watch one of
the NBA playoff games. He lives with his parents, so we make sure to introduce ourselves to
them and thank them for letting us hang out there. Neither of his parents knew who we were, so
we introduced ourselves. Both his mom and dad were really kind, and welcomed me as I
introduced myself. But when Louie introduced himself, Oscar's mom had an uneasy look on her
face, and asked to talked to Oscar in private.
We're watching the game when Oscar comes back, and we ask what that was about, and he says
not to worry about it, so we brush it off and just continue watching the game.
It ends up going into overtime, but Louie can't stay for some reason or another, so he heads out,
and I end up staying and watching the game with Oscar. After Louie leaves, Oscar tells me why
his mom pulled him aside earlier. Apparently, she had a nightmare the night before, and in the
dream, Oscar had met somebody named Luis, and nothing good came out of it. She warned him
to be careful around Louie, as she didn't trust him. We kind of laughed it off, but it still hung in
the back of our minds.
A couple weeks later, I get a call from a female coworker of mine, crying, asking me to meet her
at another mutual friend's place, so I hop in my car and head over. I meet her and Oscar at this
guy's house, and she told us Louie had raped her the night before. Oscar and I looked at each
other, but said nothing.
It could have been a coincidence, but I still get chills thinking about it, and how Oscar's mom
warned him that Louie would be trouble.
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[–]musicandlyrics1993 36 points37 points38 points 2 years ago (10 children)
My piano teacher's (and close family friend) niece (Laura) was in a massive car accident with 9
other college students. She was in a coma for months with her family doting on her/talking to her
etc etc. Well-there was another girl (Whitney) who died in the car accident, and was buried and
her family mourned. Well, Laura and Whitney looked a lot alike and turns out that in the chaos
of the accident they didn't do dental records on the seriously banged up laura when she entered
the hospital. And as Laura began to emerge from the coma she was asked to write her name and
wrote "Whitney Cerak." Turns out they had been switched and Laura's family had been sitting
with Whitney for months while their daughter was dead and buried under another's name-and the
Cerak's got a phone call one day that their daughter that they had buried and mourned was alive.
(Look up Laura Van Ryn/Whitney Cerak accident)
tl;dr: 2 girls were switched after an accident. One was dead, the other in a coma and the family
didn't realize the mistake till months later.
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[–]Ewics 111 points112 points113 points 2 years ago* (1 child)
This is a true story, I witnessed it first-hand and I am probably the most logic driven/need-solidproof skeptical type of guy you'll meet.
My mother always claimed that her dreams had meanings (she is about 62 and grew up in Syria,
which had more than its share of myths and nonsense like that), and being the skeptic I am, never
took her claim seriously and always replied with a "for every dream that somewhat comes true,
there are probably hundreds that don't, which human nature makes us conveniently forget.
Anyway, when I was about 15, some 10 years ago, one morning just before midday my mother
came in to the kitchen and was visibly shaken. She started to cry and we asked her what was
wrong. She said she had a bad dream about her elderly mother (who lived in Syra, and we live in
Australia). She had never actually cried about a dream before, and while she claimed her dreams
had meanings, she kind of went about it lightheartedly and it didn't really affect her emotionally
at all. So we kind of laughed it off and said, "oh is that all, we thought something actually
happened. What was the dream?"
She said she dreamed that her mother was holding her head with her hands, like she was hurt.
That's all the dream was, simply my grandmother holding her head in her hands, as if in some
kind of pain.
So anyway, we decided to call up overseas a bit later that afternoon and see if everything was
OK, as my mother continued to feel upset and worried. We knew that grandma would be fine, we
just wanted our mother to hear her voice so she would stop being sad and worried. So we call,
and my uncle whom lives with my grandma answers and as expected, it turns out granda is fine.
But he said that morning she had kind of tripped and bumped her face and eye on a cupboard,
and she was a bit bruised but otherwise she was absolutely fine.
As you can imagine, we were quite surprised by this, as my mom's dream kind of had some
meaning after-all, and it was pretty damn accurate. So Mom speaks to grandma about all sorts of
things, sees how she is, gossips etc and says she loves her and all that and gets off the phone.
So afterwards, my Mom is still sad and continues to be worried, as if something is very wrong.
We thought she would be fine after speaking to her Mom and seeing that she is fine, but for some
reason, my Mom starts crying again, this time even worse. We reassure her and tell her its fine,
we all just spoke to grandma and saw that shes fine, so stop worrying etc. She is silent the whole
time and just weeping.
Few hours go by, Mom kind of stays in her room weeping alone. Later that evening, the phone
rings, my dad answers. It's my uncle. My granda had just passed away from a stroke, literally a
few minutes ago.
We go in all together to my mothers room, she looks at us, still weeping, and simply says shakes
her head and says she already knows. We all hug her.
I would never have believed it if I wasn't there the entire time.
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[–]JamesRenner 115 points116 points117 points 2 years ago (22 children)
I've never told this story publicly before because I'm a journalist and it's an effing crazy story and
I need my credibility. But here it is.
When I was a kid, I lived on a farm in NE Ohio, near a bunch of rock mounds that were
supposedly Indian burial mounds. At the time, I lived with my father and stepmother and stepbrother, Kyle. He and I used to pick berries in the woods that his mother would turn into pies.
One day, we were picking berries out by the mounds when we both get the feeling we're being
watched. All of a sudden, something jumps out of the bushes and screams at us. Now, as I recall
it looked like a midget, dressed in filthy clothes. Like a little old midget man. And I got the
feeling it was trying to catch me.
We dropped the bowls of berries and ran home.
Flash forward thirty years. I hadn't seen Kyle in a long time, because our parents got divorced
over a decade ago. We got back together for our sister's birthday party. By then, I'd decided that
the whole scary little man in the woods story was just something I had dreamt or made up or
something. My wife was there and I told her, 'I'm going to find out for sure about this damn
I walked over to Kyle and said, "You know, I have this weird memory I don't know if it's a
dream or not. But, we were picking berries..."
"... and a little man jumped out of the bushes?" he said.
Did a little research on this in the last year. The Indians that lived in the area had a legend of a
creature known as a Pukwudgie. It looked like a little man and liked to scare/kill little kids.
Seriously, wtf?
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[–]Wolfinite 555 points556 points557 points 2 years ago (70 children)
Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl.
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[–]soupface2 102 points103 points104 points 2 years ago (27 children)
He has so many insanely great stories that are NOT for kids. William and Mary is another great
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[–]elbowstoopointy 35 points36 points37 points 2 years ago (2 children)
It isn't a story I heard, but it happened to me and it still creeps me out.
I was driving through west Texas on my way to California and take a detour on 41 to see a friend
out studying bats in Devil's Sinkhole. I stop at the only gas station for about a zillion miles to top
off my tank, use the bathroom and get a snack and it's one of those rickety old gas stations from
the 70s with old pumps where you have to prepay inside.
While I'm inside looking around at the snacks I see all the bags of chips and candybars are dusty
and expired by about two years; the refrigerators holding the soda don't even sound like they're
on and it's absolutely sweltering inside, no A/C. I look up out the window and see one of the only
two employees there circling my car, running his fingers along the edge of the trunk. Then he
reaches over and tries the driver-side door handle.
I turn to the guy behind the counter and get pissed, "He's trying to get in to my car!" He looks out
at the guy now pulling on the passenger side door, looks me right in the eyes and says in a flat,
matter of fact tone, "I don't see him doing anything." Then he stoops just enough for me to see
him reach under the counter for something, and that's when I felt myself click in to autopilot.
I flipped around and banged open the door, screamed at the other guy outside to get the fuck
away from my car or I'd break his face, then somehow managed to work my keys fast enough to
get in and peel out before the other guy could get out the door behind me with something in his
hand. I floored it for the next 50 miles freaking out because I know I looked in the rear view
mirror to check if they were getting in to the truck in the parking lot to follow me, but I couldn't
remember what I saw because my head was swimming from the adrenaline.
I called the police about 20 min later and they told me since nothing had actually happened that
they weren't going to "waste the gas driving out there." I still shudder when I think about how the
man in the convenience store never broke eye contact with me while he was reaching under the
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[–]staybig 3466 points3467 points3468 points 2 years ago (622 children)
When I was in 11th grade, my math teacher went off on a tangent about everything happening
for a reason and why it is always important to be kind. At first I was only half listening, then
things got interesting. When he was a senior in University he decided that in his last days he
would go around to students sitting alone in the cafeteria and strike up a conversation. He
approached a girl sitting alone and asked if he could have lunch with her. She seemed hesitant at
first but then agreed. They struck up a conversation and ended up talking for a while. She
eventually asked him, in a startled way, why he came and sat with her. He explained to her that it
had become his goal to sit with people he didn't know. She told him that this wasn't the first time
someone had randomly asked her to have lunch with them. Apparently when she was in high
school she was very shy and unpopular and usually spent her lunch breaks in the library.
Towards the end of the year a group of popular girls asked her to have lunch with them. She was
shocked and and said no at first, they persisted and she eventually agreed. They got in one of the
girls cars and drove off school property headed to a restaurant. As they were driving down the
road dozens of cop cars whizzed past them.
She went to Columbine High School. It was April 20th/1999. She escaped being in the library,
where the majority of the shootings took place, because a group of girls decided to reach out to
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[–]osnapitsjoey 1850 points1851 points1852 points 2 years ago (33 children)
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[–]_Bullshit_Man 1262 points1263 points1264 points 2 years ago (24 children)
instant goosebumps
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[–]DementedWendigo 332 points333 points334 points 2 years ago* (32 children)
I hope this doesn't get buried. (I'm writing on a mobile device, forgive my mistakes). My friend
Jacob told me this about a month ago.
Back story, for a little bit of context; Jacob's mother is a drug addict, and his father really didn't
have much wrong with him, outside of being with his mother.
One night, when Jacob and his father were asleep (They slept in the same room) they heard a
series of loud banging, scratching, and moving noises come from the mother's room.
Jacob's father jumped out of bed and ran down the hall and started slamming on the door. His
mother opened it, yelling at him to quite down, and that he woke her up. He asked her about the
sounds. She hadn't been awake to hear them. Jacob's dad would have assumed that she was on
something, again, but something was wrong. The window was open all the way, and the TV was
moved across the room, still plugged in, and had the screen facing outside. Jacob's dad was
reasonably scared; he shut the window, got his bat, locked the mother's room from the outside
and made her sleep in the living room. He stayed up most of the night. He woke up Jacob at five.
It was still dark out.
Jacob went out to the kitchen, where his mother already was. He ate cereal. A couple minutes
later, his dad walked in, wide eyed. He pointed at Jacob and his mother and held his finger to his
lips. They both quieted down. They heard something shuffling around on the roof, going from
edge to edge. Jacob's dad had the bat. They sat together in the room, quiet.
Minutes later, the sound went away. Jacob's grandmother was called. She was asked if
everybody could stay over there for a little while. She said yes, and told them she'd come pick
them up. Jacob finished eating and went to go sit on the couch. There was no TV in that room, so
he sat in silence. He looked over at a door to an empty room, in the hallway. The door was open.
There was a finger wrapped around the side of it.
Jacob screamed and pointed to it, and his dad grabbed him and ran out. Jacob's mother followed
behind. They went to a gas station and sat out front until they saw Jacob's grandmother's truck.
Jacob described how unnatural the finger looked to me. He said it reminded him a little bit of a
foam finger, in length and width. It was wrapped clear around the door frame, the door itself
being latched on to the opposite side.
They didn't go back to that house much after that. Once they'd gotten everything out of it they
never went back again. Nothing was stolen, and the window in the empty room was open.
Edit: Spelling, making it into paragraphs, slight information update. Paragraph format provided
by /u/TastyBrainMeats
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[–]Melodic_692 1949 points1950 points1951 points 2 years ago* (306 children)
A girl is playing in her room, when she hears her mother call her from the kitchen. She puts
down her toys and rushes to meet her mother, when suddenly a hand reaches out of a cupboard
and pulls her inside, while another hand is wrapped around her mouth to stop her from
screaming. "Shh, please be quiet angel," whispers her mother's voice in her ear, "I heard it as
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[–]CoyoteTheFatal 1026 points1027 points1028 points 2 years ago (143 children)
The version I read was something like this: "A girl is playing upstairs when she heard her mother
call from the kitchen. She starts to head downstairs when she hears her mother's voice from the
bedroom upstairs: 'Don't go down there, honey. I heard it too'". What would you do?
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[–]khafra 1954 points1955 points1956 points 2 years ago (57 children)
Jump out a fuckin' window and find a responsible adult.
Twist: Everybody outside is also my mother.
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