Queen Scouts Award Guide/Note Book

Your information:
Email Address:
Contact number:
The Queen’s Scout Award is the highest award you can achieve in
You can start this award from being 16 and you have to fulfil all
requirements before your 25th birthday, including your presentation
and sending your form off.
This guide book gives you all the relevant information and gives you
ideas for the Queen’s Scout Award. It also allows you to record all
the info you will need for your evidence.
As a method of recording and also as a bit of encouragement Bass
has had some Network badges designed to be awarded when you
complete each section of the award. The badges are to be worn on
the Network hoodie or t-shirt NOT your uniform. On completion of
each section of the award contact Lee Brooks and he will confirm
with the Scout Network Commissioner and then he will sign it off and
give you the relevant badge.
So what do you need to do for the award?
Be a Scout for 18 months
You have to be aged between 16 and 25 and have been in either Explorers, Network or
both for 18 months. This can include time counted towards the Chief Scout’s Platinum or
Diamond Awards.
Section/ Unit/ LSN:
Date joined Explorer
Scouts and or Scout
Date after 18 months:
Date achieved:
Lee’s signature:
Date Network badge awarded:
Complete 18 nights away (12 of the 18 have to be camping i.e. tent or
This may include nights counted towards the Chief Scout’s Platinum or Diamond
Date achieved:
Lee’s signature:
Date Network badge awarded:
What was the camp?
Was it under
Complete 2 activities from the international, environmental, and values
These should be different activities from the Chief Scout’s Platinum and Diamond
Awards, and from two different areas. Note; Double counting is not allowed i.e. these
must be separate from any activities counted towards other sections of your Queen’s
Scout Award.
The list of suggestions from HQ can be found here:
This list is just some ideas to get you on your way. However, just think about the things
you do in your every day scouting activities and everyday life, it all counts!
Are you a member of the Service Crew at Waddecar?
Did you help staff Red Rose 2010?
Have you helped produce a programme for other units based on a trip you are going on?
Do you help run the Sunday bible study group at the church?
Activity 1:
What did you do?
Activity 2:
What did you do?
Date achieved:
Lee’s signature:
Date Network badge awarded:
Now you have completed the first 3 stages of the award!
Have you got your gold D of E?
If yes then you need to:
1. Download a Queen’s Scout certificate application form and get it filled
You need to send your form to the County Scout Network Commissioner at
least 2 weeks before your presentation
2. Do a presentation, in full uniform, to your peers on how you achieved
each section of the award
3. Meet your Queen’s Scout Award Assessor and get the award signed off.
This is to be done in full uniform
4. Have your presentation of the award and wear it with pride
If no you have two options;
1) Register for your Queen’s Scout Award via the West Lancs Scout
Network website and complete the following 5 Queen’s Scout
To register for the Queen’s Scout Award visit:
2) Register for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award via the West Lancs
website (highly recommended as the two awards are interlinked).
To register for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award visit:
If you are a direct entrant to the Queen’s Scout Award (If you do not hold the
Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award or the Chief Scout’s Diamond Award)
Then you must:
 Complete 12 months in either the skill or the physical activity sections
 Complete an extra 6 months in either the service or the longer of the
skills or physical recreation challenges.
1. Skill
Take up a skill for 6 or 12* months, and show progress and lasting interest. The skill can
be an existing interest or something entirely new. Click here for some ideas
This has to be a full 6/12 months eg: 1st January-1St July, 1st January-1st January. It
cannot be dates such as 15th January-2nd July as this is not a full 6 months.
Start Date:
Skill chosen:
Where are you going to do
What are your goals?
What do you want to achieve?
Who is going to support and
assess you?
Use the table below to record your progress:
Any notes you may have from this month
Date achieved:
Lee’s signature:
Date Network badge awarded:
2. Physical activity
Take up a physical activity for 6 or 12* months, completing an agreed programme by
taking part and achieving your objectives. Click here for some ideas
This has to be a full 6/12 months eg: 1st January-1St July, 1st January-1st January. It
cannot be dates such as 15th January-2nd July as this is not a full 6 months
Start Date:
Activity chosen:
Where are you going to do
What are your goals?
What do you want to achieve?
Who is going to support and
assess you?
Use the table below to record your progress:
Any notes you may have from this month
Date achieved:
Lee’s signature:
Date Network badge awarded:
3. Service
Provide service to an individual or the community for 12 months. Briefing and training
should be given in order to gain the necessary skills. Click here for some ideas
This may include helping with another section of the movement as an Explorer Scout
Young Leader or adult volunteer. If you are using a leadership role then you need to fill
out the following form to record your training: click here for training form
This has to be a full 12 months such as 1st January – 1st January
Start Date:
Service chosen:
Where are you going to do it?
What are your goals?
What do you want to achieve?
What training (if any) will you
need to fulfil your goal?
Who is going to support and
assess you?
Use the table below to record your progress:
Month Date
Any notes you may have from this month
Date achieved:
Lee’s signature:
Date Network badge awarded:
4. Expedition
Undertake a 4-day and 3-night expedition in open or adventurous country by foot, cycle,
horse, canoe, boat or dinghy. Click here for some ideas and relevant forms
The expedition should involve careful preparation, training, responsibility and review.
Click here for full list of requirements, timescales, essential forms and other resources.
Start Date:
Mode of transport:
Expedition location:
What is the aim of
your expedition?
What are your goals?
What do you want to
achieve from your
Who approved your expedition?
Training in the following fields should be undertaken before going on any expedition to
ensure all those who are going are capable to do so:
First aid and emergency procedures
Awareness of risk and health/safety issues
Navigation and route planning
Campcraft, equipment and hygiene
Food and cooking
Countryside, Highway and Water Sports Codes
Observation, recording and presentation
Proficiency in the mode of travel
Previously the Explorer Belt expedition has been allowed to count for this section, HQ
considers this to be double counting so it no longer can count for your expedition.
Date achieved:
Lee’s signature:
Date Network badge awarded:
5. Residential
Undertake a 5-day and 4-night residential project in an unfamiliar environment with
people who are not known to you. This project could be environmental work, activitybased, service to others or personal training. Click here for some ideas
If for any reason someone has to drop out then it is not possible for a non-Member to
take their place in the expedition
Start date:
End Date:
Activity chosen:
Where are you going to do it?
What are your goals, what
do you want to achieve?
Who is going to support
and assess you?
Date achieved:
Lee’s signature:
Date Network badge awarded:
Now you have completed the 5 QSA challenges you will need to:
1. Download a Queen’s Scout certificate application form and get it filled out:
You need to send your form to the County Scout Network Commissioner at least 2
weeks before your presentation
2. Do a presentation, in full uniform, to your peers on how you achieved each section
of the award
3. Meet your Queen’s Scout Award Assessor and get the award signed off. This is to be
done in full uniform
4. Have your presentation of the award and wear it with pride
The final part of the award is to do a presentation to a suitable audience, of your
achievements in working towards the Queen’s Scout Award. Presentations should be
presented in uniform!
Hopefully this record book will have helped you note down everything you will need for
the presentation.
Ensure your presentation is full of evidence such as nice pictures. Remember this is for
your Queen’s Scout so make sure it is of a decent quality, i.e. 20/40 minutes. No one
likes one that only lasts for a couple of minutes.
I hope this booklet has been useful in outlining the requirements for the award and to give
you some ideas of what to do.
If you have used this booklet and recorded your activities, could you please send me a copy
so I can either add or change the case studies to give people a wider range of things covered
by other people working towards their awards?
If you have any comments on this booklet, or ideas of what could be changed to benefit
those using it please let me know.
To give you some ideas on what others have done for their award why don’t you check out
the case studies on the website:
If you have any questions or want some advice please feel free to contact me, I’ll be happy
to help:
Lee Brooks: