UNIT OF STUDY: Seventh Grade Exploratory Agriculture
Junior High Exploratory Course
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Hunter Responsibility
Hunter Safety
1. Hunter Code of Ethics
2. Hunter Rights and Privileges
3. Five Stages of a Hunter
4. Hunter Responsibility for Land Ethics
Wildlife Conservation and Management
1. Wildlife Habitat
2. Wildlife Carrying Capacity
3. Wildlife Population Dynamics
4. Wildlife Management Tools
5. Principles of Wildlife Management
1. Rifle Safety
2. Firearm Parts
3. Shotgun Safety
4. Ammunition Safety
5. Types of Ammunition
6. Firearms Handling and Safety
7. Transporting Firearms
8. Safe Shooting Zones
9. Firearm Safety in the Home
10. Cleaning and Storing Firearms
11. Vital Areas of Game
Farm Safety
Revised - 2/15/2016
Agricultural Terminology
1. Develop a vocabulary of agricultural terms in the following areas:
Animal Science, Plant Science, Natural Resources, Farm
Management, and Agricultural Mechanics.
General Farm Safety
1. Identify the dangers and risks associated with production farming.
2. Develop an action plan to prevent farm accidents.
Tractor Safety
1. Identify the parts of a tractor.
2. Demonstrate how to start and shut off a tractor.
3. Demonstrate how to drive a tractor in forward and reverse.
ATV Safety
1. Identify the dangers and risks associated with ATVs.
Nebraska Hunter Education
Hunter Education Independent
Study Guide
The Agricultural Dictionary
Farm & Ranch Safety
2. Demonstrate how to start and shut off an ATV.
3. Demonstrate how to drive an ATV in forward and reverse.
4. List protective clothing needed to operate an ATV.
Introduction to Exploring the History and Organization of FFA
1. Explain how, when, and why the FFA was organized.
the National
2. Explain the mission and strategies, colors, motto, parts of the emblem,
and the organizational structure of the FFA.
3. Recite and explain the meaning of the FFA Creed.
Agriculture in
the United
Revised - 2/15/2016
National FFA Handbook
National FFA Manual
4. Explain the purpose of a Program of Activities and its committee
Discovering Opportunities in the FFA
1. Describe how the FFA develops leadership skills, personal growth,
and career success.
2. Identify major state and national activities available to FFA members.
Determining FFA Degrees, Awards, and Career Development Events
1. Explain the four FFA degree areas.
2. Identify the FFA proficiency awards.
3. Explain various team and individual Career Development Events.
Nebraska Agriculture
1. Identify Nebraska’s livestock rankings in Beef, Swine, and Sheep.
2. Identify Nebraska’s crop rankings in Corn, Soybeans, Winter Wheat,
and Grain Sorghum.
3. Understand the importance of agriculture to Nebraska’s Economy.
4. Understand the topography of Nebraska.
United States Agriculture
1. Identify the top five states ranking in beef, dairy, swine, sheep and
poultry products.
2. Identify the top five states ranking in corn, soybeans, wheat, and grain
3. Understand the importance of agriculture to the United States
4. Understand the topography of the United States.
USDA Internet Website
CAERT – Agriscience Lesson
Plan Library
Activity – Create a Power Point
UNIT OF STUDY: Eighth Grade Exploratory Agriculture
Junior High Exploratory Course
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Introduction to Determining the Benefits of an SAE
1. Explain the importance of goals and career ladders.
the National
2. Define supervised agricultural experience.
3. Explain the benefits of supervised agricultural experience
Determining the Kinds of SAE
1. Explain the difference between entrepreneurship and placement
Supervised Agricultural Experience programs.
2. Explain the characteristics of a good SAE program and student
Researching Possible SAE Programs
1. Identify career interest areas in agriculture.
2. Identify skills needed for career success.
3. Explain opportunities for SAE programs.
Planning Your SAE Program
1. Identify the steps in planning an SAE Program.
2. Identify the parts of an annual SAE program plan.
3. Discuss the function of a training plan and /or agreement in an
SAE program
Implementing SAE Programs
1. Discuss the importance of keeping records on an SAE program.
2. Explain the types of financial records needed to support a
chosen SAE program.
3. Identify standards to follow in keeping records on an SAE
Keeping and Using SAE Records
1. Explain how SAE records are organized.
2. Identify the procedures to making entries in the SAE records.
3. Explain how to summarize and analyze the SAE records.
Making Long Range Plans for Expanding SAE Programs
1. Identify the factors that should be considered in expanding an
SAE program.
2. Explain how placement and ownership SAE programs may be
Revised - 2/15/2016
National FFA Handbook
National FFA Official Manual
Nebraska Career Connections
1. Introduce students to career opportunities in agriculture.
2. Discuss the importance of education in career choices.
3. Develop a four year high school educational plan and class
4. Complete interest surveys to help determine a career path.
5. Complete short term, intermediate and long term educational
6. Complete short term, intermediate and long term personal
7. Complete an agricultural career report.
Introduction to Applying Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Techniques
1. Explain the fundamentals and developments of shielded metal
CAERT – Agricultural Mechanics &
Technology Lesson Plan Library
Revised - 2/15/2016
arc welding.
2. Describe how to select shielded metal arc welding equipment
and supplies.
3. Explain how to prepare metal for welding.
4. Describe the procedures and techniques for shielded metal arc
5. Identify the safety practices that should be observed when
working with shielded metal arc welding.
Applying Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding Techniques
1. Explain the advantages of the metal inert gas (MIG) welding
2. Describe the equipment, types of shielding gases, and
electrodes used in the MIG welding process.
3. Describe the types of metal transfer patterns used in MIG
welding and relate their applications.
4. Describe the correct techniques for starting, controlling, and
stopping an MIG bead.
5. Explain how to adjust and maintain the MIG welder.
Identify safety practices that should be observed in MIG welding.
Breeds of Livestock
1. Describe the characteristics of the various breeds of beef cattle,
giving their origin and breed characteristics.
2. Identify the various breeds of beef cattle by viewing pictures or
live animals.
3. Identify the major breeds of swine by body characteristics.
4. Identify the various breeds of swine by viewing pictures or live
5. Identify the common breeds of sheep.
6. Identify the various breeds of sheep by viewing pictures or live
7. Identify the common breeds of horses.
Modern Livestock & Poultry
CAERT – Animal Science Lesson
Plan Library
8. Identify the various breeds of horses by viewing pictures or live
9. Identify the common breeds of poultry.
10. Identify the various breeds of poultry by viewing pictures or live
Revised - 2/15/2016
UNIT OF STUDY: Introduction to Environmental and Agricultural Systems (Agriscience)
CLASS: 9, 10, 11, 12
Foundation Course
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway:
Recognizing the
1. Define agriculture and explain agriculture industry.
Role of
2. Identify important agricultural developments that occurred in early American
Agriculture in
3. Explain the major technological developments that have occurred in
Understanding the Importance of Agriculture to Society
1. Define quality of life.
2. Discuss modern agriculture’s role in basic human nutrition.
3. List agricultural products used to provide food.
4. Identify agricultural products used to provide clothing.
5. Identify agricultural products used to provide human shelter.
Determining Trends in Agriculture
1. Identify current trends in animal agriculture.
2. Identify 20th Century trends in plant agriculture.
3. Explain historical events and trends that have led to the development of
today’s agriculture industry.
Identifying the
Agriculture and
the Environment
Revised - 2/15/2016
Determining the Kinds and Importance of Natural Resources
1. Describe the environment.
2. Explain natural resources and list examples.
3. Contrast and compare renewable and nonrenewable natural resources.
4. Describe the ways natural resources are important to agriculture.
Understanding Ecosystems
1. Explain the role of ecology in the environment.
2. Describe community organization, structure, and food chains.
3. Describe natural selection and succession.
4. Explain homeostasis.
5. Identify population ecology and trends affecting population growth.
6. Identify and distinguish between biomes.
Determining Sources of Environmental Pollution
1. Describe environmental pollution.
2. Identify the major sources of air pollution.
3. Explain the major sources of water pollution.
CAERT – Agriscience
Lesson Plan Library
Agriscience an
Introduction to
Environmental &
Agricultural Science A
Nebraska TeacherDesigned Curriculum for
Agricultural Education
CAERT – Agriscience
Lesson Plan Library
Agriscience an
Introduction to
Environmental &
Agricultural Science A
Nebraska TeacherDesigned Curriculum for
Agricultural Education
4. Describe the major sources of agricultural pollution.
Selecting Methods of Waste Disposal
1. Describe and identify sources of waste.
2. Explain how waste materials may be reduced and/or reused.
3. Assess ways to dispose of solid wastes.
4. Describe wastewater treatment methods.
5. Explain manure management practices.
Determining How to Prevent Agricultural Pollution
1. Explain how agriculture pollutes the environment.
2. Explain how soil conservation can reduce environmental pollution.
3. Describe the role of livestock production in polluting the environment and
the methods used to prevent it.
4. Describe how pesticide damage to the environment can be prevented.
Describing the
World Food and
Fiber System
Recognizing the
Impact of
Technology on
Revised - 2/15/2016
Understanding World Agricultural Production
1. Identify the scope of the food industry.
2. Identify government requirements and other assurances of food quality and
3. Describe various methods of food preservation.
Determining the Use of Technology in World Food and Fiber Production
1. Explain agricultural technology.
2. Describe technology as it relates to machinery, plants, and animals.
3. Describe the role of computers in agriculture/horticulture.
4. Explain precision farming and its impact on agriculture.
Determining the Role of Consumers in World Agriculture
1. Identify the basic needs of humans.
2. Explain the basic economic concepts of supply and demand.
3. Describe factors that influence what people eat and use for clothing and
CAERT – Agriscience
Lesson Plan Library
Determining the Nature of Biotechnology
1. Briefly describe biotechnology and its use throughout history.
2. Describe the capabilities of biotechnology today.
3. Distinguish between the two main areas of biotechnology.
Understanding the Basis for Biotechnology Research
1. Identify and explain terms associated with genetics.
2. Identify the components of DNA and describe its structure.
3. Explain how DNA is replicated when cells divide.
Recognizing the Agricultural Applications of Biotechnology
1. Explain the latest applications of biotechnology in plant, animal, and food
science research.
2. Describe the basic processes of genetic engineering.
3. Explain the basic steps of recombinant DNA technology.
4. Define and describe DNA fingerprinting
5. Explain the steps in basic plant tissue culture.
CAERT – Agriscience
Lesson Plan Library
Agriscience an
Introduction to
Environmental &
Agricultural Science A
Nebraska TeacherDesigned Curriculum for
Agricultural Education
Agriscience an
Introduction to
Environmental &
Agricultural Science A
Nebraska TeacherDesigned Curriculum for
Agricultural Education
Determining Future Impacts of and Concerns Brought About
by Agricultural Biotechnology Research
1. Discuss the degree of progress made in biotechnology research.
2. Identify issues and concerns associated with biotechnology.
3. Discuss the potential beneficial impact biotechnology has on society.
Identifying Career Opportunities in Agricultural Biotechnology
1. Identify career opportunities in agricultural biotechnology.
2. Identify the preparation required to qualify for employment in the agricultural
biotechnology industry.
Determining the Role of Science and Technology in Agricultural Production
1. Describe science and technology.
2. Identify and explain major areas of biological and physical science related to
agriculture production.
3. Describe the role of technology in agriculture production.
Cells, Genetics,
Identifying Basic
Principles of
Plant Science
Revised - 2/15/2016
Exploring Cells
1. Describe the cell’s role as the structural unit.
2. Identify the various components of animal and plant cells and explain their
Exploring Genetics
1. Describe how the gender of offspring is determined.
2. Explain how genotype and phenotype are different.
3. Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative inheritance
Examining Mitosis and Meiosis
1. Define mitosis and discuss its importance.
2. Explain each step of mitosis.
3. Define meiosis and explain its importance.
4. Explain each step of meiosis.
Using Crossbreeding and Hybrids
1. Discuss the importance of improved organisms to agriculture.
2. Identify methods used in agriscience to improve organisms.
3. Identify breeding systems used in animal science
CAERT – Agriscience
Lesson Plan Library
Classifying and Naming Plants
1. Explain the importance of plants.
2. Explain the taxonomic classification of plants.
3. List characteristics that determine the classification of plants.
4. Describe how plants are named.
5. Explain reasons for using the scientific names of plants.
Examining Plant Structures and Functions
1. Describe the cellular structure of plants.
2. Identify the major parts of plants and explain their functions.
3. Distinguish between plants based on seed cotyledons.
4. Explain the absorption and transport systems of plants.
Examining Flowers and Fruits
CAERT – Agriscience
Lesson Plan Library
Agriscience an
Introduction to
Environmental &
Agricultural Science A
Nebraska TeacherDesigned Curriculum for
Agricultural Education
Agriscience an
Introduction to
Environmental &
Agricultural Science A
Nebraska Teacher-
1. Identify the major parts of flowers and explain the functions of the parts.
2. Describe the types of flowers.
3. Explain the processes of pollination and fertilization.
4. Describe the purposes and kinds of fruit.
5. Explain the structure and kinds of seed.
Identifying Plant Types and Uses
1. Describe plant science and its three major areas.
2. Identify common field crops and their uses.
3. Define horticultural crops and describe their uses.
4. Describe forestry and forest products.
Determining the Importance of Photosynthesis and Respiration
1. Explain photosynthesis and its importance.
2. Write the chemical equation for photosynthesis and explain it.
3. Explain how light and dark reactions differ.
4. Define respiration and explain why it is important.
5. List four factors that affect the rate of respiration.
6. Explain the importance of transpiration to plants.
Managing Plant Pests
1. Describe common pests and their major classifications.
2. Explain three conditions needed for pest problems.
3. Describe how pests affect plants and cause losses.
4. Explain Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
5. Describe methods used to control plant pests.
Using Soils and Growing Media
1. Identify the components of soil and soilless media.
2. Describe the differences between soil-based and soilless media.
3. Identify the elements involved in the formation of soil.
4. Describe the process of soil sterilization.
Determining Plant Nutrients and Fertility
1. Identify the essential nutrients for plant growth.
2. Distinguish between micronutrients and macronutrients.
3. Discuss the nitrogen cycle and its affect on plant nutrition.
4. Define pH and discuss its role in plant nutrition.
5. Explain the use of fertilizers.
Propagating Plants Sexually
1. Explain sexual reproduction of plants and its importance in plant survival.
2. Explain how pollination occurs and describe the different types of pollination.
3. Explain fertilization in flowering plants.
4. Explain the structures and formation of seeds.
5. Describe the conditions for seed germination.
Propagating Plants Asexually
1. Explain asexual propagation.
2. Discuss and identify the various methods of stem cutting propagation.
3. Discuss the methods of leaf and leaf-bud cuttings.
4. Describe the various types of growing media used for cuttings.
Revised - 2/15/2016
Designed Curriculum for
Agricultural Education
5. Describe grafting and identify three common methods.
6. Explain layering and the difference between separation and division in plant
7. Explain tissue culture.
Identifying Basic
Principles in
Animal Science
Revised - 2/15/2016
Identifying Differences Between Plants and Animals
1. Explain the meaning of an organism and list its characteristics.
2. Define plant and animal.
3. Name and describe the life processes of living organisms.
4. List the similarities of plants and animals.
5. List and explain differences in the life processes of plants and animals.
Determining the Anatomy and Physiology of Animals
1. Explain the meaning of anatomy and physiology.
2. Explain the role of cell specialization in organisms.
3. Describe the importance of anatomy and physiology in animal production.
4. List the organ systems of mammals and describe the functions, major parts,
and locations of each.
5. Identify the external parts of selected animals.
Understanding Animal Reproduction
1. Describe the importance and process of animal reproduction.
2. List the sexual classification of animals for major species.
3. List the parts and explain the functions of female and male reproductive
4. List and describe the phases of the estrous cycle
5. Explain the reproductive development of animals.
Understanding Blood
1. Define blood and explain its major components.
2. Describe the role of blood in living organisms.
3. Explain how an organism maintains a supply of blood.
4. Identify the uses of blood analysis in animal production.
Understanding Animal Life Span
1. Define life span and relate it to living condition.
2. List and explain the stages of life.
3. Classify things based on living condition.
Exploring the Animal Industry
1. Define the term animal industry and explain important areas of the industry.
2. Describe the uses of animals.
3. Explain animal domestication.
4. List and describe important areas in animal care and production.
CAERT – Agriscience
Lesson Plan Library
Determining the Importance of Natural Resource Conservation
1. Explain the importance of natural resource conservation.
2. Identify major sources of natural resource damage.
3. Trace major events in the history of natural resource conservation.
4. Identify early leaders in the natural resource conservation movement.
CAERT – Agriscience
Lesson Plan Library
Agriscience an
Introduction to
Environmental &
Agricultural Science A
Nebraska TeacherDesigned Curriculum for
Agricultural Education
Agriscience an
Food Science
Revised - 2/15/2016
Conserving Soil
1. Explain how soil is lost and damaged.
2. Describe practices that prevent soil loss.
3. Describe examples of soil conservation practices in urban areas.
Conserving Water
1. Explain why water is important.
2. Describe sources of water and its storage.
3. Identify the factors used to assess water quality.
4. Describe ways in which water is polluted.
5. Explain water conservation practices.
Conserving Wildlife
1. Explain the meaning of wildlife and how it is classified.
2. Identify the benefits and uses of wildlife.
3. Explain the meaning of wildlife habitat.
4. Describe wildlife endangerment and protection.
Conserving Forests
1. Explain forests and their study.
2. Explain the benefits of forests to the environment.
3. Explain forest structure and parts of a tree.
4. Describe silviculture and its major areas.
Exploring Food Science and Its Benefits
1. Define food science.
2. Describe why food science is important and how it improves quality of life.
3. Describe how the study of food science makes people better consumers.
Exploring Food Preservation
1. Describe food preservation and its benefits.
2. Describe the methods of heating used in food preservation.
3. Explain how heating levels used in food preservation destroy
4. Describe the use of refrigeration and freezing in food preservation.
5. Explain other methods of food preservation.
Preventing Food Spoilage
1. Describe how different microbes cause food spoilage.
2. Describe methods used in controlling food contamination.
3. Explain the methods used in preventing the growth of microbes in food.
Food Safety and Sanitation
1. Explain the causes of food-borne illness.
2. Describe methods for preventing food-borne illnesses.
3. Explain procedures used in food sanitation.
4. Explain the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System
The Business of Food Science
1. Explain food product development.
2. Describe the process of food product development.
3. Define and discuss the marketing of food products.
CAERT – Agriscience
Lesson Plan Library
Introduction to
Environmental &
Agricultural Science A
Nebraska TeacherDesigned Curriculum for
Agricultural Education
Agriscience an
Introduction to
Environmental &
Agricultural Science A
Nebraska TeacherDesigned Curriculum for
Agricultural Education
4. Describe the four P’s of marketing.
Food Science and World Food Supply
1. Explain the role of government in the world’s food supply.
2. Explain the role of technology in world food supply.
3. Describe the three economic categories in which countries are classified.
Introduction to
the National FFA
Revised - 2/15/2016
Exploring the History and Organization of FFA
5. Explain how, when, and why the FFA was organized.
6. Explain the mission and strategies, colors, motto, parts of the emblem, and
the organizational structure of the FFA.
7. Recite and explain the meaning of the FFA Creed.
8. Explain the purpose of a Program of Activities and its committee structure.
Discovering Opportunities in the FFA
3. Describe how the FFA develops leadership skills, personal growth, and
career success.
4. Identify major state and national activities available to FFA members.
Determining FFA Degrees, Awards, and Career Development Events
4. Explain the four FFA degree areas.
5. Identify the FFA proficiency awards.
6. Explain various team and individual Career Development Events.
Understanding FFA Officer Duties and Responsibilities
1. Describe the duties and responsibilities of chapter FFA officers.
2. Explain the proper dress and characteristics of a good FFA leader.
Planning and Organizing an FFA Meeting
1. Explain how to plan a meeting and develop the order of business.
2. Describe how to set up the meeting room.
3. Explain the parliamentary procedure used in an FFA meeting.
Developing an Awareness for Your Community
1. Describe the various student clubs and organizations available in schools.
2. Explain the 4-H Youth Program.
Determining the Benefits of an SAE
4. Explain the importance of goals and career ladders.
5. Define supervised agricultural experience.
6. Explain the benefits of supervised agricultural experience programs.
Determining the Kinds of SAE
3. Explain the difference between entrepreneurship and placement Supervised
Agricultural Experience programs.
4. Explain the characteristics of a good SAE program and student
Researching Possible SAE Programs
4. Identify career interest areas in agriculture.
5. Identify skills needed for career success.
6. Explain opportunities for SAE programs.
Planning Your SAE Program
4. Identify the steps in planning an SAE Program.
CAERT – Agriscience
Lesson Plan Library
Agriscience an
Introduction to
Environmental &
Agricultural Science A
Nebraska TeacherDesigned Curriculum for
Agricultural Education
5. Identify the parts of an annual SAE program plan.
6. Discuss the function of a training plan and /or agreement in an SAE program
Implementing SAE Programs
4. Discuss the importance of keeping records on an SAE program.
5. Explain the types of financial records needed to support a chosen SAE
6. Identify standards to follow in keeping records on an SAE program.
Keeping and Using SAE Records
4. Explain how SAE records are organized.
5. Identify the procedures to making entries in the SAE records.
6. Explain how to summarize and analyze the SAE records.
Making Long Range Plans for Expanding SAE Programs
3. Identify the factors that should be considered in expanding an SAE program.
4. Explain how placement and ownership SAE programs may be expanded.
Revised - 2/15/2016
CLASS: 10, 11, 12
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway: Animal Systems
1. Discuss the history of the domestication of farm animals.
The Livestock
2. Explain the functions of livestock.
Animal Breeding
Feeding, and
Revised - 2/15/2016
3. Describe the size of the livestock industry in the United States.
4. Discuss the types of hazards related to livestock production.
5. List safety practices to be followed when working with beef cattle, hogs,
sheep, horses, and poultry.
6. Describe livestock production problems relating to the environment.
7. Discuss methods of handling livestock waste that reduce environmental
8. List employer opportunities that require knowledge of animal science.
9. Identify employer expectations and good worker skills.
1. Explain how genetics relates to improvement in livestock production.
2. Describe how cell division occurs.
3. Diagram and explain how animal characteristics are transmitted.
4. Diagram and explain sex determination, linkage, crossover, and mutation.
5. Identify and describe the male and female reproductive organs.
6. Describe the function of hormones in reproduction.
7. Describe reproductive failures that may occur.
8. Define: fertilization, gestation, parturition, and estrus cycle.
9. Name and explain common breeding systems used in livestock production.
10. Explain the effects, advantages, and disadvantages of using various breeding
11. Identify the factors involved in selecting a breeding system.
1. Name and describe the functions and parts of the following systems: Skeletal,
muscle, respiratory, circulatory, and digestive.
2. Classify farm animals as ruminant or non-ruminant.
3. Explain the relationship of types of digestive systems to the ability of
ruminants and non-ruminants to digest and absorb different classes of feed.
4. Identify the major functions of the basic nutrient groups and identify feeds that
are sources of each.
5. Identify the characteristics of nutrient sources for each basic nutrient group.
6. Discuss the general use and purpose of feed additives and hormone
7. Discuss labeling and regulation of feed additives.
8. Discuss health issues and concerns relating to the use of feed additives.
9. Classify feeds as roughages or concentrates.
Text - Modern Livestock
& Poultry Production,
CAERT – Animal
Science Lesson Plan
Text - Modern Livestock
& Poultry Production,
CAERT – Animal
Science Lesson Plan
Artificial Insemination
Text - Modern Livestock
& Poultry Production,
CAERT – Animal
Science Lesson Plan
Dissection of a Fetal
Beef Production
Revised - 2/15/2016
Describe the six functions of a good ration.
Explain the characteristics of a good ration.
Balance livestock rations using commonly accepted practices.
Describe the characteristics of the beef industry.
Name and describe the various breeds of beef cattle, giving their origin and
breed characteristics.
Describe the different types of beef production systems.
Name the parts of the beef animal.
Plan a feeding program for a cow-calf herd.
List and describe approved practices for managing a cow-calf herd.
Describe systems of cattle feeding and kinds of cattle that may be fed.
Select feeds and develop feeding programs for various kinds of feeder cattle.
Explain the importance of maintaining healthy beef cattle.
Identify and recommend prevention and treatment for beef cattle diseases
and parasites common to the local area.
Recognize and suggest controls for common nutritional health disorders of
beef cattle in the local area.
Describe the facilities and equipment required for beef enterprises.
Describe the various methods of marketing beef cattle.
List the main characteristics of the swine enterprise.
Identify the major breeds of swine by body characteristics.
Give a brief summary of the origin and development of the common breeds of
Identify the parts of the live hog and wholesale cuts of the carcass.
Select high-quality breeding stock using generally accepted criteria.
Describe different types of swine production.
Develop feeding programs for the different stages in the life cycle of hogs.
Describe accepted management practices for the stages in the life cycle of
Explain the importance of maintaining good swine health.
Describe the causes, symptoms, prevention, and control of common swine
diseases and parasites.
List good management practices that help prevent swine disease and
Describe facilities required for swine production.
Describe equipment required for swine production.
Describe three methods of marketing hogs.
List and describe the grades of market hogs.
1. Describe the major characteristics of the sheep enterprise.
2. Give a brief summary of the origin and development of the common breeds of
3. Identify the common breeds of sheep.
4. Describe four systems of raising sheep.
5. Plan feeding programs for sheep.
Text - Modern Livestock
& Poultry Production,
CAERT – Animal
Science Lesson Plan
Pregnancy checking
Feed Sample
Text - Modern Livestock
& Poultry Production,
CAERT – Animal
Science Lesson Plan
Pork Check off
Instructional Materials
Processing Piglets
Judging Market and
Breeding Swine
Feed Identification
Field Trip to CPI Feed
Text - Modern Livestock
& Poultry Production,
CAERT – Animal
Science Lesson Plan
Discuss management practices for sheep.
Describe housing and equipment needs for sheep.
Describe common diseases and parasites of sheep and goats.
List prevention and control practices for common parasites of sheep and
10. Outline a program to reduce losses from disease and parasites.
11. Describe methods of marketing sheep and wool.
12. List the grades of wool and mohair.
Text - Modern Livestock
& Poultry Production,
CAERT – Animal
Science Lesson Plan
Revised - 2/15/2016
Describe the characteristics of the horse industry.
Describe the common breeds of horses.
Describe the selection of a horse.
Develop a feeding program for horses based on commonly accepted
Describe good management practices for horses.
Describe housing and tack required for horses.
Identify common diseases and parasites of horses.
Describe prevention measures for diseases and parasites of horses.
Describe basic horsemanship procedures.
Horse Racing Industry
Power Point
CLASS: 10, 11, 12
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway: Agribusiness Systems
1. Describe the three general organizational business structures.
2. Explain business management and its major areas.
3. Explain business mission and goals.
Management and
4. Explain the size and importance of the agribusiness sector to the
United States.
SS/H 12.4.24
SS/H 12.4.26
Farm and Ranch
Business Management
5. Describe the agribusiness input sector and identify companies
involved in it.
6. Describe the agribusiness output sector and identify companies
involved in it.
7. Explain the agricultural-services sector and describe its two main
8. Understand what business management is and why it is important to
the success of a business.
9. Know the steps to the decision-making process.
10. Be able to set major and minor goals.
Record Keeping
1. Understand why records are important for the planning and continuity
of an agricultural business.
2. Understand the procedure of record keeping.
3. Know the information that needs to be recorded and the types of
records needed for the different levels of record keeping.
4. Understand how to make management decisions based upon records.
5. Identify the two functions of records.
CAERT – Ag Business
Lesson Plan Library
Introduction to
SS.H 12.4.27
CAERT – Ag Business
Lesson Plan Library
Farm and Ranch
Business Management
Introduction to
1. Have a basic understanding of financial terms and ratios.
2. Know the basic components of a balance sheet.
3. Understand how to classify and list assets and liabilities into proper
categories on a balance sheet.
4. Have an understanding of how to analyze a balance sheet.
5. Have an understanding of the concept of profitability.
SS.H 12.4.27
CAERT – Ag Business
Lesson Plan Library
Farm and Ranch
Business Management
Introduction to
Revised - 2/15/2016
Budget Analysis
1. Be able to understand the reasons for budgeting and the methods
used to budget.
2. Understand the three types of budgets.
3. Be able to complete and analyze enterprise budgets and partial
SS.H 12.4.27
CAERT – Ag Business
Lesson Plan Library
Farm and Ranch
Business Management
Introduction to
Cost and Return
1. Be able to understand why input/output relationships are important.
2. Be able to explain opportunity costs.
3. Be able to use the equi-marginal principal.
SS.H 12.4.27
CAERT – Ag Business
Lesson Plan Library
Farm and Ranch
Business Management
Introduction to
Cash Flow
1. Be able to understand why a cash flow is important.
2. Be able to fill out a cash flow statement.
3. Be able to evaluate a cash flow.
SS.H 12.4.27
CAERT – Ag Business
Lesson Plan Library
Farm and Ranch
Business Management
Introduction to
Revised - 2/15/2016
Understand the evolution of the commodity marketplace.
Understand the role the commodity exchanges play in the market.
To learn the four marketing alternatives.
To learn about cash sales and forward contracts.
Understand how fundamental analysis is used to project prices for
To learn how supply and demand determine the market price.
To learn about supply and demand factors affecting crop prices.
To learn about supply and demand factors affecting livestock prices.
Understand how technical analysis is used to project prices for
SS/H 12.4.21
SS/H 12.4.23
Commodity Marketing
Teacher Guide
CAERT – Ag Business
Lesson Plan Library
Introduction to
10. Understand how producers can use the futures market as protection
against price risk.
11. To understand the principles of hedging.
12. To learn the mechanics of short and long hedges.
13. Understand how producers can use options to lock in prices and
benefit from price changes.
14. To learn what options on futures contracts are and the terms
associated with them.
15. To understand how the option premium is determined.
16. To learn the mechanics of using puts and calls.
17. To learn how to use put options to protect a delivery price.
18. To learn how to use put options to protect the price of a stored crop.
19. To learn how to use call options to protect a purchase price.
20. To experience buying put options to lock in a selling price for live
21. To become skilled in the mathematics needed for making marketing
22. To learn about choosing a broker.
23. To learn how to open an account with a broker.
24. To learn how to place an order with your broker.
25. To understand how margin works.
Revised - 2/15/2016
National Commodity
Marketing Contest
DTN Curriculum
CLASS: 10, 11, 12
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway: Agribusiness Systems
Nebraska Leadership Skills Events
1. Participate in a minimum of one leadership skills event on the district level.
2. Leadership skills events include creed speaking, junior public speaking, junior
parliamentary procedure, natural resources speaking, senior public speaking,
extemporaneous speaking, cooperative speaking, job interview, agricultural
demonstration, and senior parliamentary procedure.
Nebraska Career Development Events
3. Participate in a minimum of one career development event on the district
4. Career development events include livestock management, meats judging,
agronomy, farm management, agricultural sales, floriculture, agriscience,
agricultural mechanics, and welding.
Revised - 2/15/2016
Proficiency Awards
1. Each student will complete a minimum of one proficiency award application to
be submitted on the district level for competition.
2. Proficiency Award Areas include:
ï‚· Agricultural Communications - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Agricultural Mechanics Design and Fabrication –
ï‚· Agricultural Education – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Agricultural Mechanics Repair and Maintenance –
ï‚· Agricultural Mechanics Energy Systems – Entrepreneurship/Placemen
ï‚· Agricultural Processing - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Agricultural Sales – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Agricultural Services - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Aquaculture – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Beef Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Dairy Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Diversified Agricultural Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Diversified Crop Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Diversified Horticulture – Entrepreneurship/Placement
R/W 12.1.1
R/W 12.1.2
R/W 12.1.6
R/W 12.2.4
National FFA Handbook
District Leadership
District Career
Development Events
National FFA Handbook
National FFA Manual
District Proficiency
ï‚· Diversified Livestock Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Emerging Agricultural Technology - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Environmental Science and Natural Resources Management Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Equine Science – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Fiber and/or Oil Crop Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Floriculture - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Food Science and Technology - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Forage Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Forest Management and Products - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Fruit Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Grain Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Home and/or Community Development - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Landscape Management - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Nursery Operations - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Outdoor Recreation - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Poultry Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Sheep Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Small Animal Production and Care – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Specialty Animal Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Specialty Crop Production - Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Swine Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Turf Grass Management – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Vegetable Production – Entrepreneurship/Placement
ï‚· Wildlife Management – Entrepreneurship/Placement
SAE Degree
Revised - 2/15/2016
Greenhand Degree Application
1. First year members in FFA will complete this application by November 1st.
2. Greenhand Degree ceremonies will be held during Leadership night on the
Monday before Thanksgiving.
Chapter Degree Application
1. Second year members in FFA will complete this application by November 1st.
2. Chapter Degree ceremonies will be held during leadership night on the
Monday before Thanksgiving.
State FFA Degree Application
1. Seniors members in FFA will complete this application by February 1st.
2. Members will interview and complete the State Degree test on the first
Saturday in February.
Community Development or Service Activities
1. Each member enrolled in the FFA class will be required to actively help plan,
conduct and evaluate a minimum of one community development activity.
2. Community development activities include:
ï‚· Economic activities conducted to improve the economic welfare of the
Activities will be
selected by chapter
members and written in
the Program of Activities
National FFA Handbook
National FFA Official
Leadership Night
State FFA Convention
Environmental activities conducted to preserve natural resources and
develop more environmentally responsible individuals.
Human resources activities conducted to improve the welfare and well
being of members and citizens of the community.
Citizenship activities conducted to encourage members to become
active, involved citizens of their school, community and country.
Agricultural awareness activities conducted to help the public become
better informed about the food system and related agricultural issues.
each year.
Chapter Development Activities
1. Each member enrolled in the FFA class will be required to actively help plan,
conduct and evaluate a minimum of one Chapter development activity.
2. Chapter development activities include:
ï‚· Recruitment activities conducted to increase agricultural education
enrollment and/or FFA membership and encourage greater participation.
ï‚· Financial activities conducted to encourage thrift and good financial
management among members through earnings, savings and
ï‚· Public relations activities conducted to promote a positive image and
inform students, parents, school officials and the community about
chapter and member accomplishments.
ï‚· Leadership activities conducted to develop teamwork and cooperative
skills among chapter officers, committees and members.
ï‚· Support group activities conducted to develop and maintain positive
relations among the FFA, parents, community leaders and industry.
Activities will be
selected by chapter
members and written in
the Program of Activities
each year.
Student Development Activities
1. Each member enrolled in the FFA class will be required to actively help plan,
conduct and evaluate a minimum of one student development activity.
2. Student development activities include:
ï‚· Leadership activities that help the individual develop technical, human
relations and decision-making leadership skills to enhance personal
ï‚· Healthy lifestyle activities that promote the well-being and self-esteem of
the student, either mentally or physically.
ï‚· Supervised agricultural experience activities that promote student
involvement and growth through agriculture-related experience and/or
ï‚· Scholarship activities that develop a positive attitude toward lifelong
learning experiences.
ï‚· Agricultural career skills activities that develop agricultural occupation
and career skills through a progressive learning environment.
Activities will be
selected by chapter
members and written in
the Program of Activities
each year.
Revised - 2/15/2016
UNIT OF STUDY: Introduction to Horticulture
CLASS: 10, 11, 12
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway: Plant Systems
Plant Anatomy Classifying Ornamental Plants
1. Describe the system used for naming and classifying plants.
2. Identify the major groups of plants.
3. Describe the differences between annuals, biennials, and perennials.
Understanding Root Anatomy
1. List the functions of roots in plants.
2. Identify the parts of a root.
3. Identify the two major types of root systems.
4. Recognize a healthy root system
Understanding Stem Anatomy
1. Describe the functions of a stem.
2. Identify the external structures of a stem.
3. Identify the internal structures of a stem.
4. Distinguish between the different types of specialized stems.
Understanding Leaf Anatomy and Morphology
1. Describe the main parts of a leaf.
2. Describe some major types of leaves.
3. Discuss common vein patterns found in leaves.
4. Explain how a leaf is organized.
Understanding Flower Anatomy
1. Describe the parts of a flower.
2. Explain the purpose of a flower.
3. List some different types of flowers.
4. Describe the difference between monocot and dicot flowers.
Understanding Plant Physiology
1. Describe the process of photosynthesis.
2. Describe the process of cellular respiration.
3. Explain why photosynthesis and respiration are important to us as human
Understanding Light, Temperature, Air, and Water Effects on Plant Growth
1. Describe the effect of light on plants.
2. Describe a plant’s temperature needs.
3. Explain how the quality of air affects plants.
4. Describe a plant’s water needs.
Revised - 2/15/2016
CAERT - Horticulture
Lesson Plan Library
Introductory Horticulture
Laboratory Activities
Will Occur in the School
Nutrients, and
Revised - 2/15/2016
Understanding Sexual Reproduction
1. Discuss the importance of plant propagation.
2. Explain the difference between sexual and asexual propagation.
3. Identify the major parts of a seed.
4. List the function of each major part of a seed.
Propagating Plants Sexually
1. Discuss the importance of sexual propagation of plants.
2. Describe the process of seed germination.
3. Describe the factors involved in planting seeds for transplanting.
4. Explain how to successfully direct seed outdoors.
Propagating Plants by Cuttings
1. Explain why plants are propagated asexually.
2. Describe leaf and leaf-bud cuttings and how they are used to propagate
3. Describe the three types of stem cuttings.
4. Explain how root cuttings are prepared for propagation.
5. Identify some of the environmental factors that determine the success of
rooting of cuttings.
Propagating Plants by Division, Separation, and Layering
1. Explain the difference between separation and division in plant propagation.
2. Describe layering and identify four common forms of layering.
CAERT - Horticulture
Lesson Plan Library
Understanding Properties of Growing Media
1. Identify the types of growing media.
2. Describe the functions of growing media.
3. Explain the relationship between growing media and plant growth.
Understanding Growing Media Components
1. Describe the components of soil.
2. List the components of a soilless mix.
3. Compare and contrast the use of soil versus a soilless mix.
Supplying Nutrients to Floriculture Crops
1. Name the nutrients needed for plant growth.
2. Describe pH and how it is modified.
3. Describe the components of a fertilizer.
4. Explain the methods of applying fertilizers to floriculture crops.
Determining the Nature of Soil
1. Explain how the resources soil provides help in supporting life.
2. Explain the contents of soil.
3. Describe the biological nature of soil.
4. Describe the four ways plants use soil.
5. Describe some horticultural uses of soil.
6. Describe some non-horticultural uses of soil.
Understanding Soil Texture and Structure
1. Describe the concept of soil texture and its importance.
2. Determine the texture of a soil sample.
CAERT - Horticulture
Lesson Plan Library
Introductory Horticulture
Laboratory Activities
Will Occur in the School
Introductory Horticulture
Laboratory Activities
Will Occur in the School
3. Describe soil structure, its formation, and importance.
4. Identify various soil structures.
Explaining A Soil Profile
1. Explain the soil profile.
2. Explain how soils within the profile change over time.
3. Distinguish between the major horizons of a soil profile.
Understanding Moisture Holding Capacity
1. Explain moisture holding capacity.
2. Explain what determines a soil’s moisture holding capacity.
3. Determine the moisture holding capacity of a given soil profile.
Understanding Soil Erosion and Management Practices
1. Explain soil erosion.
2. Identify the causes of soil erosion and steps in the erosion process.
3. Explain the ways in which different types of wind erosion occur and the
associated problems.
4. Distinguish between the different types of water erosion.
5. Identify urban management practices that reduce soil erosion.
6. Identify horticultural management practices that will minimize soil erosion.
Revised - 2/15/2016
Understanding Integrated Pest Management
1. Explain integrated pest management.
2. Explain best management practices.
3. Identify the basic elements of an integrated pest management program.
Determining the Kinds of Pesticides
1. Explain plant pests and how they cause losses.
2. Identify the major classifications of pesticides and their use.
3. Identify the major classifications of herbicides and their use.
4. Identify the major classifications of insecticides and their use.
Using Pesticides Safely
1. Explain the way pesticides are classified according to toxicity.
2. Identify the types of pesticide exposure.
3. Explain how toxicity is measured.
4. Identify the safety practices that should be followed when applying pesticides.
Interpreting Pesticide Labels
1. Explain the purpose of the pesticide label.
2. Identify the information that should be included on the pesticide label.
3. Explain when the pesticide label should be read.
Applying Pesticides
1. Identify the categories of pesticides according to time of application.
2. Explain the different areas of application in applying pesticides.
3. Explain how to properly calibrate equipment used in applying pesticides.
Managing Environmental Impact of Pesticides
1. Identify the environmental concerns involved with pesticide use.
2. Explain pesticide persistence and its impact on the environment.
3. Explain proper disposal of surplus pesticides and empty containers.
CAERT - Horticulture
Lesson Plan Library
Introductory Horticulture
Laboratory Activities
Will Occur in the School
Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse
1. Identify the major categories of pests found in the greenhouse.
2. Discuss pest control techniques used in a greenhouse.
3. Describe the different practices of integrated pest management used in the
Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in Fruits and Vegetables
1. List the major destructive plant insects in the landscape.
2. Describe plant disease control techniques used in the landscape.
3. Name weed control techniques used in landscape beds.
Revised - 2/15/2016
Controlling the Greenhouse Climate
1. Describe methods of heating greenhouse structures.
2. Explain major greenhouse cooling and ventilation systems.
3. Discuss how energy curtains are used to maintain greenhouse temperatures.
4. Identify greenhouse climate control systems.
Using Automated Systems in the Greenhouse
1. Discuss the advantages of automated systems.
2. Identify automated systems involved in planting.
3. Identify automated systems involved in moving plants in the greenhouse.
4. Identify automated systems involved in watering plants.
Growing Poinsettias
1. Discuss the history and importance of the poinsettia.
2. Describe how poinsettias are propagated.
3. Schedule a potted poinsettia crop.
4. Identify major poinsettia pests and disorders, as well as controls.
Growing Minor Potted Flowering Crops
1. Identify African violets and cultural requirements for their production.
2. Identify Cyclamen and cultural requirements for their production.
3. Identify holiday cacti and cultural requirements for their production.
4. Identify florist azalea and cultural requirements for their production.
5. Identify Kalanchoe and cultural requirements for their production.
Growing Foliage Plants
1. Describe the importance and scope of the foliage plant industry.
2. Discuss production practices used in growing foliage plants in the greenhouse.
3. Explain practices used in caring for foliage plants in the home or office.
Growing Bedding Plants
1. Describe the importance and scope of the bedding plant industry.
2. Discuss the factors involved in getting bedding plants started.
3. Explain production practices used in growing bedding plants.
Managing the Greenhouse Business
1. Identify types of greenhouse businesses.
2. Recognize costs related to production.
3. Describe career opportunities associated with greenhouse management.
4. Identify skills a plant grower should master.
CAERT - Horticulture
Lesson Plan Library
Introductory Horticulture
Laboratory Activities
Will Occur in the School
Floral Design
Revised - 2/15/2016
Understanding the Principles of Floral Design
1. Define floral design.
2. List the principles of design.
3. Explain the concept of proportion.
4. Explain how the concept of balance is applied to floral design.
5. Describe how rhythm is applied in floral work.
6. Explain how the principles of dominance and focal point are used in floral
Understanding the Design Elements
1. List and describe the major forms (or shapes) used in floral design.
2. Explain how space and depth enhance floral design.
3. Describe the importance of texture in floral design.
4. Explain how color influences floral work.
Designing Corsages and Boutonnieres
1. Identify and describe supplies needed to create a corsage.
2. Describe corsage design mechanics and techniques.
3. Identify and describe styles of corsages and boutonnieres.
4. Discuss proper placement and pinning of corsages and boutonnieres.
Pricing Floral Design Work
1. Explain the importance of effective buying.
2. Explain how to determine the costs for floral arrangements
3. Describe typical pricing strategies.
Managing the Floral Shop
1. Describe the qualifications to be a florist.
2. Describe the types of flower shops.
3. Explain the basics about good location and starting a floral shop.
4. Describe the importance of marketing, promotion, and sales.
5. Describe effective packaging and delivery.
6. Explain the major areas of an effective flower shop floor plan.
CAERT - Horticulture
Lesson Plan Library
Introductory Horticulture
Laboratory Activities
Will Occur in the School
Field Trip to Local Florist
where Laboratory
Activities Will Occur
UNIT OF STUDY: Introduction to Leadership
CLASS: 9, 10, 11, 12
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway: Agribusiness Systems
Defining Leadership
Introduction to
1. Identify characteristics of leadership.
2. Define leadership.
3. Identify leadership opportunities available in daily life.
FFA Life Knowledge
Who Am I as a
Understanding Values, Beliefs, Character and Integrity
1. Define values, beliefs, character, and integrity.
2. Explain how the understanding of values, beliefs, character, and integrity
assists you as a leader.
3. Relate how values, beliefs, character, and integrity affect leaders’ daily
Defining Core Values
1. Define core values.
2. Identify personal values.
3. Identify the benefits of living by personal values.
Understanding Beliefs and Belief Systems
1. Define the terms belief and belief system.
2. Identify personal beliefs and belief system.
3. Identify influencers of beliefs and belief systems.
Practicing Honesty
1. Identify what honesty means.
2. Identify the benefits of being honest.
3. Explain the value of honesty as a human character trait.
Understanding Responsibility and Accountability
1. Define personal responsibility and accountability.
2. Identify the value of personal responsibility and accountability.
Being Responsible and Accountable
1. Evaluate personal behavior regarding responsibility and accountability.
2. Understand how personal decisions affect others.
The Benefits of Character and Integrity
1. Explain the concept of character.
2. Define integrity.
3. List three benefits of character and integrity.
FFA Life Knowledge
How Do I Begin
to Grow
My Decisions and the Opinions of Others
1. Identify decisions made daily.
2. Explain the value of seeking input to aid in one’s decision making.
FFA Life Knowledge
Revised - 2/15/2016
3. Describe how the opinions of others influence your own decisions.
Positive and Negative Influence
1. Differentiate between positive and negative influence.
2. Deter mine how you influence those around you.
3. Demonstrate how influence affects one’s performance as a leader.
Critical Thinking Skills
1. Define critical thinking skills.
2. Examine methods of critical thinking.
3. Classify evidence, argument, and persuasion.
Applying Critical Thinking
1. Develop a critical thinking strategy.
2. Demonstrate a critical thinking strategy.
Factors of Self-image
1. Define “self-image”.
2. List what positively and negatively affects the way people see themselves.
3. Interpret controllable factors that contribute to positive self-image.
Understanding the Importance of Professional Ethics
1. Differentiate between ethical and unethical behavior.
2. List benefits of making ethical decisions in the work place.
3. Define ethics.
The Consequences of Ethics
1. Identify ethical and unethical behavior in the class room.
2. Identify positive and negative consequences of ethical and unethical behavior
in the classroom.
3. Differentiate between restorative justice and retributive justice.
Professional Ethics and Personal Character
1. List characteristics that make up a strong character.
2. Define the 30 most important traits of a strong character.
3. Explain the relationship between personal character and professional ethics.
Life Balance
1. Define balanced life.
2. Describe the benefits of a balanced life.
3. Identify factors that contribute to a balanced life.
The Benefits of Goal Setting
1. Define goal.
2. Differentiate between types of goals.
3. List the benefits of setting goals.
Goal Setting Strategies
1. Identify the time range and life areas of goals.
2. Under stand the requirements for setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals.
3. Apply S.M.A.R.T. goal-set ting steps to personal goals.
Developing a Plan Using Goals
1. Understand how to prioritize personal goals.
2. Identify resources for achieving goals.
3. Develop a written plan for personal goals.
Revised - 2/15/2016
Evaluating Plans and Goals
1. Understand evaluation process for goals.
2. List reasons goals are not achieved.
3. Evaluate and adjust goals.
The Role of Mentors and Coaches
1. Define mentor and describe the role of the mentor.
2. Select a mentor.
3. Communicate with your mentor.
Building a Relationship with a Mentor/Coach
1. Identify qualities of the mentor/protege relationship.
2. Establish the parameters of the mentor/protege relationship.
3. Develop an action plan for the mentor/protege relation hip.
How Do I Build
with Others
The Importance of Building Relationships
First Impressions
Components of the Communication Process
1. Define three components of quality communication.
2. Identify barriers to verbal and non-verbal communication.
3. Develop a two-minute message relating to agriculture with the three
components of quality communication.
Seeking Positive Relationships
1. Identify characteristics of positive relationships.
2. List benefits of positive relationships.
3. Identify locations to find positive relationships.
Earning Trust
1. Define trust.
2. Identify consequences of distrust.
3. Recognize actions that can aid in earning trust.
Collaborative Relationships
1. Define collaboration.
2. Identify three characteristics of collaborative relationships.
Cooperative Relationships
1. Identify three characteristics of a cooperative person.
2. Describe why cooperation is important in relationships.
3. List three benefits of cooperation in regard to competition.
Leader-follower Relationships
1. Describe the core elements of a strong leader/follower relationship.
2. Define ways for both leaders and followers to build the relationship.
3. Assess a current or recent personal leader/follower relationship and
recommend steps to build the relationship.
FFA Life Knowledge
How Do We
Play as a Team
Defining Teamwork
1. Differentiate between a group and a team.
2. Explain the benefits of teamwork.
Defining Roles on Teams
FFA Life Knowledge
Revised - 2/15/2016
1. Identify task-oriented roles in a team.
2. Identify human relations-oriented roles in a team.
3. Identify the roles that students find them selves in when on a team.
The Role of Leader on Teams
1. Identify different leader roles within a team.
2. List qualities that a leader should look for in others when putting together a
3. Assess how effective they are in different leadership roles.
The Value of Diversity on Teams
1. Define diversity.
2. Describe the value of working with a diverse team.
3. Describe the challenges in working with a diverse team.
Appreciating Individual Talents and Strengths
1. Describe the benefits of identifying individual talents and strengths.
2. Assess individual talents and strengths.
3. Identify strategies to capitalize on individual talents within a team.
Strategies to Include Others on Teams
1. Explain the need to include others on teams.
2. Describe the consequences of excluding others from teams.
3. Describe strategies used to include others on teams.
The Importance of Attitude
1. Describe why attitude is important to a team.
2. Identify behaviors demonstrating positive attitudes.
3. Out line ways to boost team attitudes.
Accountability on Teams
1. Define team accountability.
2. Describe the benefits of team accountability.
3. Devise an accountability rating system to accomplish accountability success.
Communication Methods on Teams
1. Identify benefits of effective team communication.
2. Assess effectiveness of communication methods within a team.
3. Demonstrate possible methods to communicate effectively as a team
Setting Team Expectations
1. Define the importance of team expectations.
2. Identify and implement a model for setting team expectations.
3. Explain the advantages of setting team expectations.
Team “Codes of Conduct”
1. Describe a code of conduct and explain its value.
2. List the steps in creating a code of con duct.
3. Apply the process to create a code of conduct with a group.
How Do I Help
Others Grow
Revised - 2/15/2016
Human Potential
1. Define human potential.
2. Identify human potential.
FFA Life Knowledge
How Do I Serve
Revised - 2/15/2016
3. Hypothesize the effect of human potential.
Learning to Assess Others’ Strengths
1. Summarize the benefits of the ability to assess the strengths of another
2. Identify potential strengths to look for, grouped by talent, skill, and/or
character strength.
3. Apply strategies to identify the strengths of others.
Finding Opportunities for Others to Grow and Succeed
1. Describe how to motivate a student to grow.
2. Create a growth plan for a younger member.
3. Plan for evaluating the success of the process.
Gallup Strength’s Finder
Developing a Service-Leadership Attitude
1. Define service-leadership.
2. Illustrate the relationship between serving and leading.
3. Identify behaviors in a person with a service-leadership attitude.
Opportunities to Serve Others
1. Identify four target areas of service activities.
2. List the four ways to contribute through service.
3. Identify barriers to serving.
Involvement in Community
1. Define what a community really is.
2. Identify several ways to be involved in the community.
Involvement in Public Service
1. Define civic leadership.
2. Define public service.
3. Recognize the importance of civic leadership and public service.
A Lifetime of Service to Others
1. Recognize different levels of service.
2. Identify leadership skills needed in lifetime service.
3. Combine skills and interests into a plan for lifetime service.
FFA Life Knowledge
CLASS: 10, 11, 12
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway: Power, Structural, and Technical Systems
Shop Orientation and Procedures
1. Identify major work areas in an agricultural mechanics shop.
2. State school policies regarding shop procedures.
3. State general safety precautions regarding the shop.
4. Inform parents of shop policies and procedures.
Personal Safety in Metal Fabrication
1. State how to create a safe place to work.
2. Recognize hazards in metal fabrication.
3. List the types of parts and areas identified by various safety colors.
4. Describe what each safety color means.
5. Select appropriate protective clothing and devices for personal protection.
Reducing Hazards in Metal Fabrication
1. State the three conditions necessary for combustion.
2. Match appropriate types of fire extinguishers to each class of fire.
3. Use a fire extinguisher.
4. Interpret labels on hazardous materials.
5. Describe appropriate action in case of fire, accident, or other emergency.
Shop Cleanup and Organization
1. Use shop cleaning equipment properly.
2. Clean benches, machines, and floors.
3. Store materials properly.
4. Do Assigned tasks.
5. Work cooperatively with others.
Revised - 2/15/2016
Sketching and Drawing Projects
1. Identify common drawing equipment.
2. Use common drawing techniques to represent ideas.
3. Read and interpret a drawing or plan.
4. Make a three-view drawing of a given plan.
Figuring a Bill of Materials
1. Define terms associated with a bill of materials.
2. Record dimensions of structural metals and lumber.
3. Calculate board feet.
4. Calculate costs included in a bill of materials
5. Prepare a written bill of materials.
Selecting, Planning, and Building a Project
Agricultural Mechanics
Fundamentals &
Agricultural Mechanics
Fundamentals &
Revised - 2/15/2016
Determine the skills you now have in metal fabrication.
Select projects that require the use of metalworking tools.
Select projects that are appropriate for developing basic skills.
Modify plans of projects to meet personal needs.
Metal Fabrication
1. Demonstrate proper safety while in the welding shop.
2. Demonstrate the ability to create project plans.
3. Demonstrate proper use of tools.
4. Demonstrate proper time management skills.
5. Demonstrate proper shop cleaning skills.
6. Demonstrate the ability to create project plans.
UNIT OF STUDY: Natural Resources
CLASS: 9, 10, 11, 12
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway: Natural Resources Systems
Ecology Basics Principles of Ecology
1. Explain the law of conservation of matter.
2. Suggest ways that waste materials can be properly disposed of to reduce or
eliminate damage to the environment.
3. Define the role of energy in the science of ecology.
4. Describe the major events that occur in natural cycles such as the carbon,
nitrogen and water cycles.
5. Explain how a food chain is organized.
6. Distinguish among food chains, food webs, and food pyramids.
Understanding Relationships Between Wildlife and Agriculture
1. Suggest ways that balance might be restored to an ecosystem.
2. Describe the impacts that modern agriculture has had on the ecosystems of
North America.
3. Identify the relationships between farming practices and the environments of
different species of fish and wildlife.
4. Distinguish between primary and secondary biological succession.
Biomes of North America
1. Explain how events in one ecosystem affect events in a neighboring
2. Describe the relationship between an ecosystem and biome.
3. List the distinguishing characteristics of a freshwater biome.
4. Discus ways in which wetland habitats function to cleanse the environment.
5. Design a map of the North American continent that illustrates the location of
the major biomes found there.
Our Wildlife Resources
1. Describe how wild animals have contributed to the survival and comfort of
2. Distinguish between responsible and abusive stewardship of the land and of
the environment.
3. Explain how the U.S. Endangered Species Act provides protection to
organisms that are in danger of becoming extinct.
4. Identify environmental factors that contribute to the extinction of organisms.
Soil and Land
Revised - 2/15/2016
Determining the Nature of Soil
1. Explain how the resources soil provides help in supporting life.
2. Explain the contents of soil.
Fish & Wildlife –
Principles of Zoology and
CAERT – Plant Science
Lesson Plan Library
3. Describe the biological nature of soil.
4. Describe the four ways plants use soil.
5. Describe some agricultural uses of soil.
6. Describe some nonagricultural uses of soil.
Understanding Soil Formation
1. Identify five factors involved in soil formation.
2. Describe different types of parent material.
3. Explain topography and how it affects soil formation.
4. Explain how organisms affect soil development.
5. Describe how time and weathering affect properties of soil.
6. Explain how climate affects the development of soil.
Understanding Soil Color
1. Identify physical features used to differentiate between soils.
2. Identify colors used to describe surface soils.
3. Explain factors that determine surface soil colors.
4. Identify colors used to describe subsoil.
5. Explain factors that determine subsoil colors.
6. Explain how parent material, age, and slope affect soil color.
Understanding Soil Texture and Structure
1. Describe the concept of soil texture and its importance.
2. Determine the texture of a soil sample.
3. Describe soil structure, its formation, and importance.
4. Identify various soil structures.
Explaining a Soil Profile
1. Explain the soil profile.
2. Explain how soils within the profile change over time.
3. Distinguish between the major horizons of a soil profile.
Understanding Moisture-Holding Capacity
1. Explain moisture-holding capacity.
2. Explain what determines a soil’s moisture-holding capacity.
3. Determine the moisture-holding capacity of a given soil profile.
Understanding Soil Degradation
1. Describe soil degradation.
2. Explain how construction can result in soil degradation.
3. Identify sources of contamination and explain how they result in soil
4. Explain soil erosion and how it results in soil degradation.
5. Identify other sources of soil degradation.
Understanding Soil Erosion and Management Practices
1. Explain soil erosion.
2. Identify the causes of soil erosion and steps in the erosion process.
3. Explain the ways in which different types of wind erosion occur and the
associated problems.
4. Distinguish between the different types of water erosion.
5. Identify urban management practices that reduce soil erosion.
Revised - 2/15/2016
6. Identify agriculture management practices that will minimize soil erosion.
Water Supply and Water Users
1. Explain the components of the hydrologic cycle.
2. Explain the main water users.
3. Identify and discuss the common types of irrigation systems.
Water Pollution
1. Identify the three major water pollution groups.
2. Explain the four major categories of industrial pollution.
3. Explain the function of a cooling tower and cooling lagoon.
4. List and explain the major agricultural pollutants.
5. Explain the common water pollution control measures.
Waste Management
1. Identify the three major groups of wastes.
2. Explain how a septic system functions.
3. Explain primary, secondary, and tertiary sewage disposal systems.
4. Identify the main solid waste products.
5. Explain the problem created by asbestos, mercury, and lead.
6. Explain the main disposal methods commonly used.
Water-Use Planning
1. Explain the principle water management techniques.
2. Explain how to remove salt from water.
3. Identify ways to reuse water.
4. Explain how water runoff can be controlled in urban areas.
Managing our Natural
Our Forests and Their Products
1. Explain the differences between commercial and noncommercial forests –
between growing and mature forests.
2. List and describe the major forest regions of the United States.
3. Identify the parts of a tree and describe the functions of each part.
4. Differentiate between pure and mixed forests -- between even-aged and allaged forests.
5. Define forest canopy and explain the importance of shade tolerance in the
1. List and describe some of the most destructive forest fires in United States
2. Draw and explain the fire triangle.
3. Explain how fire can be used as a positive tool in woodland management.
4. Describe the anatomy of a typical forest wildfire.
5. Explain how fire fighters find and attack a forest wildfire.
Managing our Natural
Fish and
Fish and Wildlife in America
1. Explain the difference between extinct and endangered species of wildlife
2. Discuss endangered mammals, birds, and fish species.
Managing our Natural
Revised - 2/15/2016
3. Explain how various species of animals became extinct.
Game Management
1. Identify the habitat requirements of wildlife.
2. Discuss the difference between a euryphagous and stenophagous animal.
3. Explain the most commonly accepted methods of game management.
4. Explain how an individual landowner can employ game management
5. Discuss major legislation affecting game management.
Freshwater Fishery Management
1. Explain the zones of the lake and the habitat of each.
2. Discuss the uses and management of a farm pond.
3. List the characteristics of the common freshwater fish.
4. Explain the main management procedures for freshwater fisheries.
Nebraska Game and
Parks Commission
Zoology and
Ecology of
Gnawing Mammals
1. Identify the physical characteristics that distinguish mammals from other
2. Distinguish between primary and secondary consumers.
3. Define the role of rodents and other gnawing animals in the ecosystems of
North America.
4. Profile the life cycles of specific gnawing mammals.
Hoofed Mammals
1. Name the hoofed mammals that are found in North America.
2. Describe the process by which ruminant animals digest their food.
3. Recognize and describe members of the deer family.
4. Identify similarities and differences between pronghorns and members of the
deer family.
Predatory Mammals
1. Explain the rise or decline of specific animal populations due to food
supplies, diseases, and natural disasters.
2. Describe how predators help to stabilize populations of primary consumers.
3. Evaluate the roles of wild cats and dogs in the ecosystems of North America.
4. Assess the roles of bears in North American ecosystems.
5. Discuss the characteristics of wolves in North American ecosystems.
Fish & Wildlife –
Principles of Zoology and
Responsible Management of Wildlife Resources
1. Describe the ways that private individuals and institutions can contribute to
responsible management of wildlife resources.
2. List some positive and negative effects that farming has had on wildlife
habitats in North America.
3. Suggest ways that farmers and ranchers might improve the environment for
4. Appraise the roles of government agencies in managing and protecting
wildlife habitats and populations.
Conservation of Natural Resources
Fish & Wildlife –
Principles of Zoology and
Revised - 2/15/2016
1. Define conservation and provide examples of conservation practices
affecting natural resources.
2. Distinguish between renewable and non-renewable resources.
3. Suggest some conservation practices that are known to reduce soil losses
due to erosion.
4. Discuss the effect of air pollution on wild animals and the environments in
which they live.
5. Describe some conservation practices that are used to preserve and restore
wildlife population and habitats.
The Human Connection to Wildlife and Natural Resources
1. Explain how the dependence of humans on wild animals and plants became
the basis for modern agriculture.
2. Analyze the importance of natural cycles in renewing and cleansing the
3. Relate the importance of wildlife and outdoor sports to commerce.
4. Explain the principle of stewardship as it relates to outdoor environments and
wild animals.
5. Speculate on the importance of human ethics in maintaining natural
Revised - 2/15/2016
CLASS: 10, 11, 12
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway: Plant Systems
Basic Principles Classifying and Naming Plants
1. Explain the importance of plants.
of Plant Science
2. Explain the taxonomic classification of plants.
3. List characteristics that determine the classification of plants.
4. Describe how plants are named.
5. Explain reasons for using the scientific names of plants.
Examining Plant Structures and Functions
1. Describe the cellular structure of plants.
2. Identify the major parts of plants and explain their functions.
3. Distinguish between plants based on seed cotyledons.
4. Explain the absorption and transport systems of plants.
Identifying Plant Types and Uses
1. Describe plant science and its three major areas.
2. Identify common field crops and their uses.
3. Define horticultural crops and describe their uses.
4. Describe forestry and forest products.
Using Crossbreeding and Hybrids
1. Define plant breeding.
2. Define the processes of selection and hybridization.
3. Explain genetic engineering in plants.
Growth, and
Revised - 2/15/2016
Identifying Seed Germination Processes and Requirements
1. Describe the process of seed germination.
2. Discuss the conditions required for seed germination.
3. Explain the importance of seed quality.
Understanding Plant Life Cycles
1. Define plant life cycle.
2. Discuss the annual life cycle.
3. Explain the biennial life cycle.
4. Recognize the perennial life cycle.
Examining Photosynthesis
1. Discuss the structural unit in which photosynthesis takes place.
2. Describe the processes of photosynthesis.
3. Identify factors that affect photosynthesis.
Understanding Respiration
1. Define cellular respiration.
CAERT – Plant Science
Lesson Plan Library
Plant and Soil Science
and Technology
Introduction to Plant
CAERT – Plant Science
Lesson Plan Library
Plant and Soil Science
and Technology
Introduction to Plant
2. Describe the processes of cellular respiration.
3. Identify factors that affect cellular respiration.
Determining Nutrient Functions and Utilization
1. Discuss the 16 essential nutrients, their functions, and deficiency symptoms.
2. Identify the non-fertilizer nutrients and their functions.
3. Identify the primary macronutrients and their functions, and deficiency
4. Identify the secondary micronutrients and their functions, and deficiency
5. Identify the micronutrients and their functions, and deficiency symptoms.
Effecting Plant
Basic Principles
of Soil Science
Revised - 2/15/2016
Understanding the Importance of Water in Plant Growth
1. Identify important characteristics of water.
2. Describe the functions of water in plant growth.
3. Discuss plant responses to a shortage of water.
4. Explain the effects of too much or too little water on a crop.
Determining the Influence of Temperature on Plants
1. Discuss the effect of temperature on plant growth.
2. Describe plant responses to temperature.
3. Explain hardiness.
4. Explain growing degree days.
Recognizing the Role of Light in Plant Growth
1. Explain the role of light quality on plant growth.
2. Describe the effects of light quantity on plant growth.
3. Discuss the effects of light duration on plant growth.
Examining the Significance of Air in Plant Growth
1. Discuss components of air necessary for plant growth and development.
2. Explain the effects of water vapor on plant growth.
3. Discuss the effects of air pollution on plant growth.
Determining Plant Nutrients and Fertility
1. Identify the essential nutrients for plant growth.
2. Distinguish between micronutrients and macronutrients.
3. Discuss the nitrogen cycle and its affect on plant nutrition.
4. Define pH and discuss its role in plant nutrition.
5. Explain the use of fertilizers.
Determining the Environmental Impacts of Crop Production
1. Discuss the relationship between agriculture and the environment.
2. Describe issues with water associated with crop production.
3. Explain how conservation practices protect the environment.
CAERT – Plant Science
Lesson Plan Library
Determining the Nature of Soil
7. Explain how the resources soil provides help in supporting life.
8. Explain the contents of soil.
9. Describe the biological nature of soil.
10. Describe the four ways plants use soil.
CAERT – Plant Science
Lesson Plan Library
Plant and Soil Science
and Technology
Introduction to Plant
Plant and Soil Science
11. Describe some agricultural uses of soil.
12. Describe some nonagricultural uses of soil.
Understanding Soil Formation
7. Identify five factors involved in soil formation.
8. Describe different types of parent material.
9. Explain topography and how it affects soil formation.
10. Explain how organisms affect soil development.
11. Describe how time and weathering affect properties of soil.
12. Explain how climate affects the development of soil.
Understanding Soil Color
7. Identify physical features used to differentiate between soils.
8. Identify colors used to describe surface soils.
9. Explain factors that determine surface soil colors.
10. Identify colors used to describe subsoil.
11. Explain factors that determine subsoil colors.
12. Explain how parent material, age, and slope affect soil color.
Understanding Soil Texture and Structure
5. Describe the concept of soil texture and its importance.
6. Determine the texture of a soil sample.
7. Describe soil structure, its formation, and importance.
8. Identify various soil structures.
Explaining a Soil Profile
4. Explain the soil profile.
5. Explain how soils within the profile change over time.
6. Distinguish between the major horizons of a soil profile.
Understanding Moisture-Holding Capacity
4. Explain moisture-holding capacity.
5. Explain what determines a soil’s moisture-holding capacity.
6. Determine the moisture-holding capacity of a given soil profile.
Understanding Soil Degradation
6. Describe soil degradation.
7. Explain how construction can result in soil degradation.
8. Identify sources of contamination and explain how they result in soil
9. Explain soil erosion and how it results in soil degradation.
10. Identify other sources of soil degradation.
Understanding Soil Erosion and Management Practices
7. Explain soil erosion.
8. Identify the causes of soil erosion and steps in the erosion process.
9. Explain the ways in which different types of wind erosion occur and the
associated problems.
10. Distinguish between the different types of water erosion.
11. Identify urban management practices that reduce soil erosion.
12. Identify agriculture management practices that will minimize soil erosion.
Revised - 2/15/2016
and Technology
Introduction to Plant
Soil Science &
Soil Fertility and
Revised - 2/15/2016
Understanding Soil Chemistry
1. Describe the meaning and importance of soil fertility.
2. Explain the role of soil reaction (pH) and liming in soil chemistry.
3. Explain the role of soil colloids, ions, and the cation exchange capacity
(CEC) in soil chemistry.
4. Explain the role of organic matter, soil depth, surface slope, soil organisms,
and nutrient balance in soil productivity.
Determining Fertilizer Formulations
1. Explain the development of a nutrient management plan.
2. Describe organic and inorganic fertilizers.
3. Explain fertilizer analysis, grade, and ratio.
4. Explain the mixing of fertilizers.
5. Describe the selection of fertilizers.
Applying Fertilizers to Field Crops
1. Explain the application of fertilizers to field crops.
2. Identify the methods of fertilizer application.
3. Explain the rate of fertilizer application.
Identifying Nutrient Deficiencies in Crops
1. Identify primary macronutrients and their deficiencies.
2. Identify secondary macronutrient and their deficiencies.
3. Identify micronutrients and their deficiencies.
4. Describe environmental conditions that influence nutrient deficiencies.
Using Irrigation
1. Describe the benefits of irrigation.
2. Identify ways of determining the need of irrigation.
3. Describe irrigation scheduling.
4. Explain methods of water application.
5. Describe the efficient use of water.
CAERT – Plant Science
Lesson Plan Library
Growing Field Corn
1. Identify corn and its uses.
2. Identify areas where corn is grown.
3. Describe the different types of corn.
4. Describe the soil and climatic requirements of corn plants.
5. Explain the cultural practices of corn production.
6. Explain the relationships of marketing and technology to corn production.
Growing Soybeans
1. Identify soybeans and their uses.
2. Identify areas where soybeans are grown and their soil and climatic
3. Describe the different types of soybeans.
4. Explain the cultural practices related to soybean production.
Growing Wheat
1. Identify wheat and its uses.
2. Identify areas where wheat is grown.
CAERT – Plant Science
Lesson Plan Library
Plant and Soil Science
and Technology
Introduction to Plant
Soil Science &
Plant and Soil Science
and Technology
Introduction to Plant
3. Describe the different types of wheat.
4. Explain the cultural practices of wheat production.
Growing Sorghum
1. Identify sorghum and its uses.
2. Identify areas where sorghum is grown.
3. Describe the different types of sorghum.
4. Explain the cultural practices of sorghum production.
Growing Forage Crops
1. Define and name examples of grass and legume forages.
2. Define grass and identify parts of the grass plant.
3. Explain how grasses grow.
4. Describe how grass forages are established and maintained.
5. Define legume and explain how legumes grow.
6. Describe how legume forages are established and maintained.
7. Explain how hay is made.
Integrated Pest
Revised - 2/15/2016
Understanding Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
1. Define integrated pest management (IPM) and identify the principles and
concepts associated with it.
2. Identify the benefits of integrated pest management (IPM) to agriculture and
the environment.
3. Identify and describe the types of pests.
4. Describe types of pest control strategies.
Setting up a Crop Scouting Program
1. Explain scouting of field crops for pests.
2. Identify basic principles of crop monitoring.
3. Explain samples and sampling techniques used when monitoring field crops.
4. Identify crop growth stages and plant populations.
Managing Crop Diseases
1. Define plant disease and identify the conditions necessary for a plant
disease to develop.
2. Describe the classification of plant diseases.
3. Explain the scouting, identification, and diagnosis of plant diseases.
4. Explain the control of plant diseases.
5. Identify strategies used in disease management.
Managing Weeds
1. Describe types of weeds based on life cycle and growth.
2. Identify ways weeds are spread.
3. Explain the identification of weeds.
4. Describe methods of weed management.
5. Describe the selection of herbicides.
6. Identify herbicide mode of action families.
Managing Insect Pests
1. Describe the biology of insects.
2. Explain the classification of insects.
CAERT – Plant Science
Lesson Plan Library
Plant and Soil Science
and Technology
Introduction to Plant
3. Classify nematodes and describe their biology.
4. Describe methods of insect and nematode management.
Pesticide Use
Grain and
Forage Quality
Revised - 2/15/2016
Managing Plant Pests
1. Describe common pests and their major classifications.
2. Explain three conditions needed for pest problems.
3. Describe how pests affect plants and cause losses.
4. Explain Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
5. Describe methods used to control plant pests.
Determining the Kinds of Pesticides
1. Explain plant pests and how they cause losses.
2. Identify the major classifications of pesticides and their use.
3. Identify the major classifications of herbicides and their use.
4. Identify the major classifications of insecticides and their use.
Using Pesticides Safely
1. Explain the way pesticides are classified according to toxicity.
2. Identify the types of pesticide exposure.
3. Explain how toxicity is measured.
4. Identify the safety practices that should be followed when applying
Interpreting Pesticide Labels
1. Explain the purpose of the pesticide label.
2. Identify the information that should be included on the pesticide label.
3. Explain when the pesticide label should be read.
Applying Pesticides
1. Identify the categories of pesticides according to time of application.
2. Explain the different areas of application in applying pesticides.
3. Explain how to properly calibrate equipment used in applying pesticides.
Managing Environmental Impact of Pesticides
1. Identify the environmental concerns involved with pesticide use.
2. Explain pesticide persistence and its impact on the environment.
3. Explain proper disposal of surplus pesticides and empty containers.
Obtaining Pesticide Licensing
1. Explain the way pesticides are classified according to toxicity.
2. Identify the types of pesticide licenses.
3. Explain the various pesticide record keeping requirements.
CAERT – Plant Science
Lesson Plan Library
Determining Grain and Forage Quality
1. Explain the importance of grain and forage quality standards.
2. Identify the grain quality standards.
3. Identify the forage quality standards.
4. Describe the methods used to determine grain and forage quality.
Understanding Grain Quality Standards and the Market
1. Explain the importance of grain quality standards.
2. Describe grain quality standards.
CAERT – Plant Science
Lesson Plan Library
Plant and Soil Science
and Technology
Introduction to Plant
Plant and Soil Science
and Technology
Introduction to Plant
3. Describe grain marketing.
4. Explain the marketing alternatives for grain producers.
Handling, Storing, and Transporting Grain and Forage
1. Describe grain and forage handling.
2. Explain the storage of grain and forage.
3. Describe the transporting of grain and forage.
Revised - 2/15/2016
CLASS: 10, 11, 12
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway: Power, Structural, and Technical Systems
Understanding Land Measurement and Legal Descriptions
Soil and
1. Explain the purpose of land measurement and legal descriptions.
2. Identify the systems of land measurement and legal description used in the
United States.
3. Discuss the causes of irregular townships and sections.
Using Surveying Equipment
1. Explain the proper use of the equipment for a taping exercise.
2. Explain the proper use of the hand sighting level.
3. Explain the proper use of the tripod level.
4. Explain the proper way to read a leveling rod.
Applying Profile Leveling Techniques
1. Explain the important aspects of keeping survey notes for a profile survey.
2. Explain the steps involved in completing a profile survey exercise.
3. Explain how to calculate allowable error in a survey exercise.
Applying Differential Leveling Techniques
1. Explain the important aspects of keeping survey notes for a differential
2. Explain the steps involved in completing a differential survey exercise.
3. Explain how to calculate allowable error in a survey exercise.
Understanding the Importance of Managing Soil, Water, and Waste
1. Explain the importance of managing soil.
2. Explain the importance of managing water.
3. Explain the importance of managing waste.
Understanding Soil Drainage Systems
1. Identify the soil characteristics that effect soil drainage.
2. Explain what needs to be considered when designing a drainage system.
3. Identify the different types of soil drainage systems.
Revised - 2/15/2016
Planning and Placing Concrete
1. Describe how to plan the job.
2. Discuss preparation for the concrete pour.
3. Explain placing, finishing, and curing concrete.
Planning, Laying Out, and Tooling Concrete Block
1. Discuss how to plan and lay out a job.
2. Explain how to mix mortar and lay blocks.
3. Explain how to tool joints, patch holes, and clean smears.
CAERT – Agricultural
Mechanics &
Technology Lesson Plan
Agricultural Mechanics
Fundamentals &
Lab Activities
1. Differential
Surveying lab
2. Tripod Level
Setup Lab
3. Rod Reading Lab
CAERT – Agricultural
Mechanics &
Technology Lesson Plan
Agricultural Mechanics
Revised - 2/15/2016
Framing Agricultural Structures
1. Discuss designing for building strength.
2. Discuss and compare building shapes.
3. Discuss and compare framing systems.
4. Explain how to identify building framework components.
5. Explain how to lay out rafters.
Roofing Agricultural Structures
1. Explain the application of asphalt and fiberglass roofing materials.
2. Explain the application of metal roofing materials.
Siding Agricultural Structures
1. Describe the installation of wood-based siding materials.
2. Describe the installation of metal, vinyl, and asphalt siding materials.
Insulating Agricultural Structures
1. Describe how to stop air leaks.
2. Explain how to compare insulating materials.
3. Explain the installation and cost of insulation.
Working with Copper Tubing
1. Discuss how to select copper tubing and fittings.
2. Discuss how to measure, mark, cut, and ream copper tubing.
3. Discuss how to join copper tubing with solder, flare fittings, and compression
Working with Plastic Pipe
1. Discuss how to select plastic pipe and fittings.
2. Discuss how to measure, mark, cut, and join plastic pipe.
Fundamentals &
Introducing Electricity and Electrical Safety
1. Explain electricity and the kinds of electricity.
2. Explain how electrical service is provided.
3. Define the terminology used in electrical work.
4. Identify and use the safety practices that should be observed in doing
electrical work.
Exploring the Science of Electricity
1. Relate electricity to the structure of elements and atoms.
2. Explain conductors, insulators, and semiconductors.
3. Explain the conventional and electron theories of electrical current flow.
4. Describe how electricity can be generated by friction, heat, light, chemical
reactions, and magnetism.
5. Describe the difference between and applications of direct current (DC) and
alternating current (AC) electricity.
Measuring and Calculating Electricity
1. Define and safely measure voltage, amperage, resistance, watts, kilowatts,
and kilowatt-hours.
2. Solve circuit problems using Ohm’s Law.
3. Describe the mathematical relationship between voltage, amperage, and
watts in AC circuits.
CAERT – Agricultural
Mechanics &
Technology Lesson Plan
Lab Activities
1. Brick laying lab
2. Squaring a
building site
3. Soldering lab
Agricultural Mechanics
Fundamentals &
Lab Wiring Activities
1. Switch to Light
2. Three-way switch
to Light to Threeway switch
3. Three-way switch
to Three-way
switch to Light
4. Determine the cost of various electrical devices, knowing their wattage rating
and the cost of electricity.
Identifying Electrical Tools and Equipment
1. Identify and explain the use of service-entrance equipment and conduit.
2. Describe advantages and disadvantages of circuit breakers and fuses.
3. Identify and explain the use of outlet and device boxes.
4. Identify and explain the use of lampholders, switches, and controls.
5. Identify and explain the use of receptacles, wall plates, and box covers.
6. Identify and explain the use of miscellaneous equipment.
Preparing and Using Schematics
1. Identify and draw various symbols used in drawing wiring diagrams or
2. Describe rules to follow in diagramming various circuits.
3. Draw and explain diagrams of circuits using keyless lampholders, pull-chain
lampholders, duplex receptacles, and single-pole switches.
4. Draw and explain diagrams of circuits using lampholders with 3-way and 4way switches.
Wiring Circuits
1. Differentiate between branch and feeder circuits and describe the wiring of
120 volt and 240 volt branch and feeder circuits, including color coding and
polarity requirements.
2. Explain wiring materials and installation methods as well as plan and wire
circuits to function as specified.
3. Describe the use of incandescent, fluorescent, and high intensity discharge
4. Correctly size and use electrical boxes based on NEC requirements.
Selecting and Maintaining Electric Motors and Controls
1. Identify and explain the advantages of electric motors.
2. Describe factors to consider in selecting electric motors.
3. Describe the basic parts of an electric motor.
4. Discuss the basic types of electric motors and their differences.
Power Systems
Revised - 2/15/2016
Understanding Principles of Operation of Internal Combustion Engines
1. Define internal combustion engine and explain its principal parts.
2. Describe the four events of the internal combustion engine.
3. Explain the differences in operation of four-stroke and two stroke internal
combustion engines.
4. Classify internal combustion engines.
Identifying Engine Systems and Their Components
1. Identify the three broad categories of internal combustion engine systems.
2. Identify the components of the primary or compression system.
3. Describe the components of an engine’s operating system.
Using Small Engines
1. Identify the reasons why small engines are widely used.
2. Describe how small engines can be classified.
4. Three-way switch
to Four-way
switch to Threeway switch to
5. Switch to Outlet
6. Combination
to Light
7. Switch to Lights
wired in series
8. Switch to Lights
wired in Parallel
CAERT – Agricultural
Mechanics & Technology
Lesson Plan Library
Agricultural Mechanics
Fundamentals &
Lab Activities
1. Disassembly of a
small gas engine
3. Identify common service jobs performed on small engines.
Using Multiple Cylinder Engines
1. Explain general maintenance guidelines associated with multiple cylinder
2. Describe the concept of power as it relates to multiple cylinder engines.
3. Discuss common maintenance practices associated with multiple cylinder
4. Describe the operating characteristics of a diesel engine.
Revised - 2/15/2016
Understanding Applications of Fluids and Lubricants in Agricultural
1. Identify the fuels that are used in agricultural equipment and their
2. Describe the selection and storage of fuels for agricultural equipment.
3. Identify the lubricants that are used in agricultural equipment and their
Operating, Calibrating, and Maintaining Agricultural Tillage Systems and
1. Explain the purpose of tillage systems and equipment used in agriculture.
2. Describe the operating principles of tillage systems and equipment used in
3. Describe how tillage equipment is calibrated.
4. Explain how tillage equipment is maintained.
Operating, Calibrating, and Maintaining Agricultural Planting Systems
1. Describe the operating principles of planting equipment.
2. Identify the types of planting equipment.
3. Identify the components of row-crop planting equipment.
4. Identify the components of solid planting equipment.
5. Explain the calibration of planting equipment.
6. Identify maintenance procedures for planting equipment.
Operating, Calibrating, and Maintaining Irrigation Systems
1. Describe the irrigation methods used in agriculture.
2. Explain the operating principles of irrigation systems used in agriculture.
3. Describe the calibration of irrigation systems used in agriculture.
4. Explain the maintenance of irrigation systems used in agriculture.
Operating, Calibrating, and Maintaining Spraying Systems
1. Identify the types of sprayers.
2. Describe the selection of sprayers and their components.
3. Explain the operation of a sprayer.
4. Describe the calibration of sprayers.
5. Identify how sprayers are maintained.
Operating, Calibrating, and Maintaining Forage Harvesting and Handling
1. Describe the operating principles of forage harvesting and handling systems.
2. Explain the operation and preparation of cutting equipment used in forage
2. Measure small gas
engine components
3. Reassemble a
small gas engine
CAERT – Agricultural
Mechanics &
Technology Lesson Plan
Agricultural Mechanics
Fundamentals &
Machinery ManagementFundamentals of
Machine Operation
3. Explain the operation and preparation of raking equipment used in forage
4. Explain the operation and preparation of baling equipment used in forage
5. Describe the operation and preparation of forage harvesting equipment.
6. Identify the equipment used for forage handling systems.
Operating, Calibrating, and Maintaining Grain Harvesting and Handling
1. Explain the operating principles of grain harvesting equipment.
2. Explain the calibration of grain harvesting equipment.
3. Identify proper maintenance procedures for grain harvesting equipment.
4. Explain the principles of operating grain drying and handling equipment.
5. Explain the calibration of grain drying and handling equipment.
6. Identify proper maintenance procedures for grain drying and handling
7. Identify the grain quality standards associated with a given crop.
Revised - 2/15/2016
CLASS: 9, 10, 11, 12
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway: Power, Structural, and Technical Systems
Identifying Metals and Their Physical Properties
Arc Welding/Wire
1. Identify and explain the terms associated with metals.
Revised - 2/15/2016
2. Describe the properties and structures of metals.
3. Explain how steel is manufactured.
4. Describe how metal is classified.
5. Describe the characteristics used to identify metals.
Applying Cold Metalworking Techniques
1. Identify the types of steel stock.
2. Identify the tools used in cold metal work.
3. Describe how cold metal stock is marked, bent, shaped, cut, drilled,
filed, and punched.
4. Describe the methods used in tapping, threading, bolting, and riveting
5. Identify safety practices that should be observed in working with cold
Using Metal Cutting Processes and Techniques
1. Identify the equipment used when cutting cold metal.
2. Describe the processes and techniques used when cutting cold metal.
3. Identify the equipment used when cutting hot metal.
4. Describe the processes and techniques used when cutting hot metal.
5. Identify safety practices that should be observed when cutting cold and
hot metal.
Applying Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Techniques
1. Explain the fundamentals and developments of shielded metal arc
2. Describe how to select shielded metal arc welding equipment and
3. Explain how to prepare metal for welding.
4. Describe the procedures and techniques for shielded metal arc welding.
5. Identify the safety practices that should be observed when working with
shielded metal arc welding.
Applying Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding Techniques
1. Explain the advantages of the metal inert gas (MIG) welding process.
2. Describe the equipment, types of shielding gases, and electrodes used
in the MIG welding process.
3. Describe the types of metal transfer patterns used in MIG welding and
CAERT – Agricultural
Mechanics &
Technology Lesson Plan
Welding – FOS
Welding Skills and
Welding Principles and
Applications – Third
Metal Fabrication
Technology for
Welding Lab Activities
1. 6013, 6011, 7014,
and 7018
2. Weld Joints –
Bead, Lap, Butt,
T-Weld, Corner,
and Edge
3. Wire Welding
4. Operation of
Plasma Cutter
5. Operation of Drill
relate their applications.
4. Describe the correct techniques for starting, controlling, and stopping
an MIG bead.
5. Explain how to adjust and maintain the MIG welder.
6. Identify safety practices that should be observed in MIG welding.
Revised - 2/15/2016
6. Operation of Band
7. Operation of Iron
CLASS: 9, 10, 11, 12
Career Field: Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Career Cluster: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Career Pathway: Power, Structural, and Technical Systems
Applying Heat Treating Processes
Arc Welding/Wire
1. Identify the tools and equipment used for hot metal work.
TIG Welding
Plasma Cam
Revised - 2/15/2016
2. Explain the processes of measuring and holding metal.
3. Describe the methods of heating, cutting, squaring, drawing out,
upsetting, bending, twisting, and punching holes in hot metal.
4. Describe the heat treating processes: hardening, tempering, and
5. Identify the safety practices to follow when working with hot metal.
Applying Fuel Gas Welding (FGW) Processes and Techniques
1. Explain the fundamentals of fuel gas welding.
2. Explain how to select fuel gas welding equipment and supplies.
3. Describe how to set-up fuel gas welding equipment.
4. Explain how to operate fuel gas welding equipment.
5. Describe fuel gas welding techniques.
6. Identify safety practices that should be observed in fuel gas welding.
Using Metal Cutting Processes and Techniques
1. Identify the equipment used when cutting cold metal.
2. Describe the processes and techniques used when cutting cold metal.
3. Identify the equipment used when cutting hot metal.
4. Describe the processes and techniques used when cutting hot metal.
5. Identify safety practices that should be observed when cutting cold and
hot metal.
Applying Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Techniques
1. Explain the fundamentals and developments of shielded metal arc
2. Describe how to select shielded metal arc welding equipment and
3. Explain how to prepare metal for welding.
4. Describe the procedures and techniques for shielded metal arc welding.
5. Identify the safety practices that should be observed when working with
shielded metal arc welding.
Applying Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding Techniques
1. Explain the advantages of the metal inert gas (MIG) welding process.
2. Describe the equipment, types of shielding gases, and electrodes used
in the MIG welding process.
3. Describe the types of metal transfer patterns used in MIG welding and
relate their applications.
CAERT – Agricultural
Mechanics &
Technology Lesson Plan
Welding – FOS
Welding Skills and
Welding Principles and
Applications – Third
Metal Fabrication
Technology for
Welding Lab Activities
1. Position Welding
– Vertical Up,
Vertical Down,
and Horizontal
with 6011, 7018
2. Weld Joints –
Bead, Lap, Butt,
and T-Weld,
3. Position Welding
with Wire Welder
4. Operation of
4. Describe the correct techniques for starting, controlling, and stopping
an MIG bead.
5. Explain how to adjust and maintain the MIG welder.
6. Identify safety practices that should be observed in MIG welding.
Applying Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding Techniques
1. Explain the advantages and developments of the Tungsten Inert Gas
(TIG) welding process.
2. Describe applications for the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding process.
3. Explain how the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding process works.
4. Identify the types of Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding equipment and
accessories and relate their function.
5. Identify the types of shielding gases used for Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG)
welding and explain their purposes.
6. Explain the procedures used for Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding.
7. Identify the safety practices that should be observed in TIG welding.
Revised - 2/15/2016
Plasma Cam
Operation of
Band Saw
Operation of Iron
Operation of
Operation of TIG