TITLE “When Contentment breeds Discontentment.” TEXT:John 4:1

TITLE “When Contentment breeds Discontentment.”
TEXT:John 4:1-38
Apr. 27, 2008
What does the water pot show us about the Samaritan woman?
Should a type of discontentment be a natural part of a Christian’s life? Matt 6:10, Rev. 22:20
Is there a sinful kind of discontentment?
As the Samaritan woman came to believe in Jesus what evidence did she exhibit?
I. The Cry of ___________________________.
(John 4:28a)
By what two things is a Christian known?
It is good to remember that there are many things that demand our attention, but only a ________ __________ are
___________________. Luke 10:41-42
Are there some things which you are unwilling to ___________________? Luke 18:22-24, Matthew 13:44-46, Psalm 119:57
II. The Cry of ___________________
Example to be __________________. John 4:28, 39-42
What seminary did the woman attend?
How many evangelism courses did she go to?
What made her do it? What were her qualifications? Eph 3:14-21, John 4:38, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21
Example to be _____________________. John 4:31-38
What blinded the disciples to the woman they passed by and the towns people they dealt with?
“Every true Christian should be exceedingly earnest in prayer concerning the souls of the ungodly, and when they are so, how abundantly God blesses them, and how
much the church prospers. But beloved, souls may be damned, yet how few of you care about them! Sinners may sink into the gul of perdition, yet how few tears are
shed over them! The whole world may be swept away by a torrent down the precipice of woe, yet how few really cry to God on its behalf. How few men say, ‘Oh
that my head were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I may weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!’ We do not lament before God
the loss of men’s souls, as it well becomes Christians to do.” Spurgeon