Papers Tinker 2007-8 - Confluence

Tinker Papers and Presentations 2007-2008
Bannasch, S., & Tinker, R. (2008). A Brief Description of the SAIL Environment
(Monograph). Concord, MA: The Concord Consortium.
Berenfeld, B., & Tinker, R. (2007). Molecular Literacy Project (DUE-0402553): Final Report
to the National Science Foundation. Concord, MA: The Concord Consortium.
Levy, D., & Tinker, R. (2008). Links between dynamic representations of atomic-scale
phenomena and molecular reasoning Paper presented at the Chais Conference on
Instructional Technologies Research.
Tinker, R. (2007). Current Research at CC. Paper presented at the NSF Principal
Investigators Meeting for the DRK12 Program.
Tinker, R. (2007). Exploring Atoms and Molecules Using the Molecular Workbench. Paper
presented at the AAPT 2008 Summer Meeting.
Tinker, R. (2007). How do students learn from models? Case studies in guided inquiry.
@Concord, 11(1), 14-15.
Tinker, R. (2007). How technology will revolutionize STEM learning. Paper presented at the
NESDEC Annual Meeting.
Tinker, R. (2007). Learning and Technology: Expanding Opportunities. Paper presented at
the National Value of Science Education Conference.
Tinker, R. (2007). Potholes in the road to proving technology. @Concord, 11(1), 2-5.
Tinker, R. (2007). Teaching and learning with the Molecular Workbench system. Paper
presented at the Gordon Research Conference: Chemistry Education Research
and Practice.
Tinker, R. (2007). The Color of light. @Concord, 11(2), 8-9.
Tinker, R. (2007). The Educational Accelerator: A virtual facility for educational R&D. Paper
presented at the Enabling science discoveries through visual exploration.
Tinker, R. (2007). The Molecular Workbench: Testing faith in chemical models. Paper
presented at the AAAS Annual Meeting.
Tinker, R. (2007). The Power of Plumbing: Infrastructure Supports Electronic Activities.
@Concord, 11(2), 2-3.
Tinker, R. (2007). The science of atoms and molecules. @Concord, 11(1), 10-11.
Tinker, R. (2007). Ultra Light Portable Devices in K-12: the Quest for a $100 Device,
CoSN Emerging Technologies Committee Webcast: CoSN.
Tinker, R. (2007, January). Understanding the atomic-scale world with the Molecular
Workbench. Paper presented at the Winter Meeting of the American Association
of Physics Teachers, Seattle, WA.
Tinker, R. (2007). Unifying Science with Fundamental Concepts Enabled by Technology.
Paper presented at the NSF Principal Investigators Meeting for the DRK12
Tinker, R. (2007). Visualizing chemical reactions one step at a time. @Concord, 11(2), 1415.
Tinker, R. (2008). Exploring the Science of Atoms and Molecules
Using the Molecular Workbench. Paper presented at the AAPT Annual Winter Meeting.
Tinker, R. (2008). Learning What Students Are Thinking Paper presented at the AAPT
Winter Meeting.
Tinker, R. (2008). Perspective: The Concord Consorium vision. @Concord, 12(1), 2-3.
Tinker, R. (2008d). The Molecular Workbench. Paper presented at the Meeting at the
Jackson Lab.
Tinker, R., & Bell, K. (2008). The Center for Enhanced Learning of Science. @Concord,
12(1), 10-11.
Tinker, R., Galvis, A. H., & Zucker, A. (2007). 1:1 computing in support of science and
mathematics education: Recommendations for large-scale implementations. Concord,
MA: The Concord Consortium.
Tinker, R., & Palant, A. (2008). Understanding heat and temperature: Can atoms help?
@Concord, 12(1), 6-7.
Tinker, R., Palant, A., & Damelin, D. (2008). Frontier uses of the Molecular Workbench in the
classroom. Paper presented at the NSTA National Meeting.
Tinker, R., & Pallant, A. (submitted 2007). Stepping stones to molecular literacy:
Enhancing high school biology with dynamic molecular models. Journal of Science
Education and Technology.
Tinker, R., Pallant, A., Xie, Q., & O'Sullivan, E. (2007). Using Molecular Dynamics Models
to Help Students Understand Light-Matter Interactions. Paper presented at the
Tinker, R., Pallant, A., Xie, Q., & O'Sullivan, E. (submitted 2007). Using molecular
dynamics models to help students understand light-matter interactions. Journal of
Science Education and Technology.
Tinker, R., & Staudt, C. (2008a). The Molecular Workbench: Linking the Micro and Macro.
Paper presented at the NSTA National Conference.
Tinker, R., & Staudt, C. (2008b). The Science of Atoms and Molecules. Paper presented at
the NSTA National Conference.
Tinker, R., Staudt, C., & Hazzard, E. (2008). Probes and Models in the High School. Paper
presented at the NSTA National Conference.
Tinker, R., & Xie, Q. (2007). Roving around molecules. @Concord, 11(1), 8-9.
Tinker, R., & Xie, Q. (2008). Applying computational science to education: the Molecular
Workbench paradigm. Computing in Science and Engineering, 10(5), 24-27.
Tinker, R., & Xie, Q. (Invited for 2009). Infusing Science into Science Education. Science.
Tinker, R., Xie, Q., O'Brian, E., & Pallant, A. (2007). Chemistry visualization and student
learning: Light-matter interactions using Molecular Workbench models. Paper
presented at the AERA Annual Meeting.
Zucker, A., Galvis, A. H., & Tinker, R. (2007). Probeware and the XO. @Concord, 11(1), 1,
Zucker, A., Tinker, R., Staudt, C., Mansfield, A., & Metcalf, S. (2008). Learning science in
grades 3-8 using probeware and computers: Findings from the TEEMSS II
project. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17(1), 42-48.