Nombre:______________________ Clase:_____ La Casa de Mis Sueños (The House of my Dreams) Fecha:____________ Tú eres un arquitecto. Quieres construir tu casa ideal. No hay problema con dinero; eres rico. (Imagine that) you are an arquitect, and you want to build your ideal house. Money is not a problem; you are rich. 1. Draw a floor plan or section view of your ideal house. Label the major rooms (atleast 6) and at least 12 items (2 per room) with the correct Spanish Names. Make it as elaborate as possible. Don’t leave anything out that you have always thought you would like to have in a house. It should be more than one story, draw a diagram for each floor, furnish and decorate each room using pictures from magazines, newspaper ads, computer clip art or drawings. (from computer or magazine) of what the house looks like on the outside and some of the rooms from the inside (3-5 pics). 2. Title your poster La Casa de mis Sueños. Write 10 sentences about your ideal house: (Native Speakers will create a paragraph with the same information below but also include what chores or activities you do in each room). 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Location of your house (estar) Mi casa está en… How many rooms it has (tener) Mi casa tiene # cuartos 2 sentences about 2 special features your house has (tener) Mi casa tiene… How many stories it has (tener) Mi casa tiene # pisos. 3 sentences describing your house (ser), Mi casa es… Your favorite room and why (ser), Mi cuarto favorito es… porque… Who lives in your ideal house (vivir), Yo vivo con… Section View Floor Plan Project Due Friday April 17th. Late projects will lose 10 points for each day late. OR Possible Poster Layout Mi Casa Ideal Sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Magazine Pictures Make sure you label everything IN SPANISH!!! Power Point option: You are going to take us on a virtual tour of your home. This includes the inside as well as the outside. Each slide must be labeled and have a brief description of what room / area your showing and some of the items we see. Make sure you include all of the information from the 10 sentences above. You must have 10 slides (including a cover slide with your name and period!). Print or Email to Movie option: You can also your turn your slide show into a movie with audio. Just make sure you cover all the information and that everything is in Spanish. Keep it under 3 minutes and include a text version of all of the words spoken in your video. Here is an example: Projects ARE NOT OPTIONAL and are worth 20% of your grade!!! La Casa de mis Sueños Rubric 5 4 3 2-0 Required Elements The house includes all required elements as well as additional information. 6 or more rooms labeled correctly and 12 items or more identified. The house includes all required elements. 6 or more rooms labeled correctly and 12 items identified. The house includes most required elements. 5 rooms labeled correctly and 10 items identified. The house does not include required elements. Less than 5 rooms labeled correctly and less than 10 items identified. Grammar and Structure There are no grammatical mistakes on the poster. Everything is in Spanish. Used verbs correctly. There are hardly any grammatical mistakes. Everything is in Spanish. Used verbs correctly. There are some grammatical mistakes. Most is done in Spanish. Some verbs were not used correctly. Many grammatical mistakes. Everything is in Spanish. Used verbs correctly. Layout and Design The project is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Student went above and beyond. The project is nice in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Student put time and effort into it. The project lacks neatness and organization. Student did not put much time and/or effort into it. The project is poorly designed. It is very messy. Appears as if done at the last minute. Originality Project reflects an exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display. Project reflects student creativity in their creation and/or display. Project reflects some Project lacks overall student creativity in student creativity. their creation and/or display. CATEGORY Helpful Vocabulary Total Points = _______ x 5 = _______ Remember: Some Spanish words have more than one way of saying it. You don’t have to use the one in the vocabulary list if you say it another way. Example: Cómoda = Gavetero in other countries.