SURFACE WATER QUALITY MODELS APPLIED IN THE TAMPA BAY BASIN Model Name (date developed) Agency/ Source TBEP Watershed loading model – “Best estimate” Tampa Bay Estuary Program Waterbody Applied to Model Purpose and Use Tampa Bay Empirical data used for gaged areas. Model used for ungaged areas to estimate monthly and annual average loadings of TN as input to empirical WQ model. Used in both urban and non-urban basins. Statistical (regression) for hydrologic loading; spreadsheet for TN concentration (1994) TBEP Watershed loading model – “Model based” Model Type (Spreadsheet, process model, statistical approach) Tampa Bay Estuary Program Tampa Bay To estimate monthly and annual average loadings of TN from jurisdictions and sub-basins for load apportionment . Urban & non-urban basins Statistical (regression) for hydrologic loading; spreadsheet for TN concentration TBEP Tampa Bay Estimating chlorophyll a concentrations by bay segment on a monthly and annual time scale Statistical/box model approach that accounts for water and nitrogen movement among segments (1994) Tampa Bay Empirical Model 1996 Processes simulated, if applicable N/A 2/15/2016 Scale (baywide, bay segment, stream or lake segment, etc) Basins defined by Foose polygons in ungaged areas. Major basins 17 to 675 sq mi N/A Sub-basins in ungaged areas: 0.05 to 101 sq mi Basins defined by Foose polygons. Major basins 17 to 675 sq mi Sub-basins: 0.05 to 101 sq mi Bay segment Required input including time scale. 1 Model output including time scale Model calibrated and validated? (Y/N) Rainfall Dryfall/Wetfall AD USGS streamflow & WQ Soil series and EMCs for 21 categories of land use in ungaged basins; Monthly avg. point source loads in ungaged basins Monthly average hydrologic loads; Monthly and annual average loading estimates for TN, TP, TSS from major basins. Yes Rainfall Dryfall/Wetfall AD Soil series and EMCs for 21 categories of land use in all basins; Monthly avg. point source loads Monthly average hydrologic loads; Monthly and annual average loading estimates for TN, TP, TSS for Foose polygons subbasins. Monthly chlorophyll a concentrations Yes, in gaged basins 1) 2) 3) Nitrogen loading on a monthly time scale Salinity and chlorophyll a concentration data by bay segment on a monthly time scale Bay bathymetric data CWM NPS Pollutant Screening SWFWMD ?????? This is an ArcView toolset used to develop a NPS pollutant-load-surface, evaluate potential pollutant load levels on a subwatershed basis and evaluate the pollutant load reduction of various BMPs Spreadsheet implemented in ArcView (Avenue script) N/A Can use basins of any size for evaluation; however, underlying USEPA Simple Method Model works best on small individual (< 640 acre) basins Rainfall for wet and dry period, SWFWMD landuse, soils, defined basins, EMC and BMP tables Watershed Management Model (WMM) FDEP/CDM ??? Urban and non-urban basins Simple Model for nutrient and metal loads N/A Small to large WAM View FDEP/ SWET ???? Urban and non-urban basins GIS based process model for flow and pollutant loads Flow routing, pollutant attenuation Small to large Annual rainfall, annual baseflow, EMCs, 12 land use types, soil types, pervious/impervious area Daily rainfall, land use, soils, topography, hydrography including channel morphology, point sources Validation-Yes Can output on any time scale based on the rainfall period used, runoff volume, area of calculation cell, gross pollution load based on input EMC table, net pollution load if BMC is used. Annual load for nutrients and metals No Daily time series of flows and pollutants Yes, in gaged basins Yes, in gaged basins SURFACE WATER QUALITY MODELS APPLIED IN THE TAMPA BAY BASIN Model Name (date developed) Agency/ Source Waterbody Applied to Model Purpose and Use Model Type (Spreadsheet, process model, statistical approach) Hillsborough Co. Basins To estimate annual and seasonal pollutant loads for 12 parameters. Both urban and non-urban basins Spreadsheet model developed for Hillsborough County by Parsons N/A 17 watersheds, 0.8 sq miles to 279 square miles EMCs, seasonal data, BMPs, coverage of BMPs, rainfall, soils, and landuse IHM is a part of Tampa Bay Water’s Optimizated Regional Operations Program used to manage ground water production facilities; model captures short-term response of the hydrologic system to changes in stress under dry, normal, and wet conditions. Includes urban and non-urban areas. Integrated watershed and groundwater hydrology, simulated with HSPF and MODFLOW HSPF: runoff, infiltration, recharge,surfac e ET, storage. MODFLOW: water levels, flow directions and velocities and GW-ET HSPF: 172 basins, 320K landuse polygons, 172 nonconnected reaches; 163 connected reaches MODFLOW: 1/8 to 1 mi grid cells, 150,000 river reaches, 3 aquifer levels At present it is only a water budget model and cannot be used directly as a loading model. However, since it provides time series of discharges to the bay, a loading factor can be assigned (estimated by monitoring water quality) to calculate loadings to the bay (rough estimates!) This model is an application of SWFWMD’s CWM model described above. Continuous simulation in SWMM used to establish runoff coefficients Estimating chlorophyll a and DO concentrations and salinity in response to discharges from Piney Point Spreadsheet implemented in ArcView N/A Sub-basins <1 to 1,000 acres Rainfall, land use, soils, basins, EMC and BMP tables CE-QUAL-ICM Process model Nutrient uptake, algal growth and metabolism, mineralization, nitrification, denitrification, sediment interactions, grazing Hourly estimates for assessment Hydrodynamic model output, nutrient and BOD loading, ambient initial conditions, meteorology Estimating chlorophyll a and DO concentrations and salinity in response to discharges from TBC, point sources, and ungaged NPS, and atmospheric deposition; evaluate potential impacts due to Downstream Augmentation Project CE-QUAL-ICM Process model Nutrient uptake, algal growth and metabolism, mineralization, nitrification, denitrification, sediment interactions, grazing Hourly estimates for assessment Hydrodynamic model output, nutrient and BOD loading, ambient initial conditions, meteorology Hillsborough County pollutant loading model (Based on SWMM??) Hillsborough County Integrated Hydrologic Model Tampa Bay Water Alafia Watershed NPS Model (2003) Tampa Bay Water Alafia River Watershed Bishop Harbor Water Quality Model DEP Bishop Harbor McKay BayPalm River Water Quality Model Tampa Bay Water 2/15/2016 McKay Bay/Palm River Processes simulated, if applicable Scale (baywide, bay segment, stream or lake segment, etc) Required input including time scale. 2 Model output including time scale Model calibrated and validated? (Y/N) Seasonal, and annual gross and net loads for TSS, TN, TKN, NO3+NO2, TDP, TP, BOD, O&G, Cd, Pb, Zn Time series of surface water discharges and groundwater levels, soil moisture profiles and various fluxes (ET, recharge, etc). Model extent is about 4000 mi2, covering most of Tampa Bay watershed. Seasonal, and annual gross and net loads for TSS, TN, TKN, NO3 +NO2, TDP, TP, BOD, O&G, Cd, Pb, Zn Hourly No Hourly Yes/Yes Completed for Northern TB WUCA? Yes, for flow volume Yes/Yes SURFACE WATER QUALITY MODELS APPLIED IN THE TAMPA BAY BASIN Model Name (date developed) Model Type (Spreadsheet, process model, statistical approach) Processes simulated, if applicable 2/15/2016 Scale (baywide, bay segment, stream or lake segment, etc) Agency/ Source Waterbody Applied to Model Purpose and Use Required input including time scale. Load Duration Curve (2004) Florida DEP Delaney Creek, Blackwater Creek Spreadsheet Percent Load Reduction Analysis Stream segment Fecal coliform counts, total coliform counts, stream flow Empirical Water Quality Model (2004) Florida DEP Thirty Mile Creek Spreadsheet Regression Analysis Stream segment DO, temp, chl a, NO3+NO2-N, TKN, Flow, point source data for discharge flow and nutrients Empirical Water Quality Model (2004) Florida DEP Lake Hunter Identify loads needed to achieve coliform bacterial surface water criteria; used for TMDL for coliform bacteria Identify total nitrogen concentration needed to achieve Chl. A threshold target and DO surface water criteria; used for TMDL for DO and nutrients Identify total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads needed to achieve TSI threshold target; use for TMDL for nutrients Spreadsheet Regression Analyses Watershed runoff and whole lake analysis EUTROMOD: Watershed and Lake Modeling Procedure (1996) SWFWMD Lake Thonotosassa Spreadsheet nutrient loading and lake response model Watershed runoff and whole lake analysis QUAL2E: the Enhanced Stream Water Quality Model (1997) Florida DEP Ichepackesassa Creek Identify total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads needed to achieve TSI target; TMDL and PLRG for nutrients Identify CBOD and NBOD loads needed to achieve DO surface water criteria; used for WQBEL for DO Steady state mathematical process model DO-BOD Interactions WASP: Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (2004) EPA/Florida DEP Streams in Hillsborough River basin Identify CBOD, nitrogen and phosphorus loads needed to achieve Do and Chl a threshold targets; used for TMDL for DO and nutrients Time varying (dynamic) mathematical process model WASP-EUTRO TBEP/ SWFWMD Tampa Bay Simulate and quantify relationships among external nutrient loadings, phytoplankton kinetics, internal nutrient cycling and Chl a concentrations Time varying (dynamic) mathematical process model 3 Model output including time scale Model calibrated and validated? (Y/N) Sampling event percent load reduction needed to meet coliform bacteria criteria Monthly total nitrogen concentration N/A Chl a, NO3+NO2-N, TKN, Ortho-P, Total P, secchi disk depth, flow, lake level, rainfall, land use, EMCs, lake surface area and mean depth NO3+NO2-N, TKN, Total P, stream flow, lake mean depth, lake surface area Annual lake concentrations Yes Stream segment DO, temp, CBOD5/CBODu, NH3-N, TKN, stream flow, sediment oxygen demand, channel cross section dimensions, point source data Single event water quality concentrations under critical flow conditions Yes/yes DO-BOD and nutrientsphytoplankton interactions Tributary streams of Hillsborough River DO, temp, CBOD5/CBODu, Chl a, NO3+NO2, NH3-N, TKN, Ortho-P, Total P, stream flow, sediment oxygen demand, control structure water level, rainfall, land use, point source data, flow transfer data, channel cross section dimensions Hourly water quality concentrations Yes, calibrated Phytoplankton kinetics, phosphorus & nitrogen cycling, dissolved oxygen Main bay segments of Tampa Bay DO, temp, CBOD5/ CBODu, Chl a, NO3+ NO2, NH3-N, TKN,OrthoP, Total P, FW inflow, sediment O demand, rainfall, land use, point source data, atmospheric deposition, bathymetry Hourly water quality concentrations Yes, calibrated N/A Annual lake concentrations SURFACE WATER QUALITY MODELS APPLIED IN THE TAMPA BAY BASIN Model Name (date developed) Agency/ Source Waterbody Applied to Model Purpose and Use Determine changes in salinity associated with operation of desalination plant adjacent to Big Bend Power Station Developed as part of the NOAA PORT System. Hindcast, nowcast, and forecast physical oceanographic parameters. POM EPCHC/Hyd roqual Hillsborough Bay ECOM-3D USF/Luther Tampa Bay EFDC USF/Luther Tampa Bay EFDCHillsborough Bay Janicki Environment al Inc./USF Hillsborough Bay FVCOM USF/Weisbe rg Tampa Bay/Adjacent GOM Enhance water quality model estimates coupled to Luther’s circulation model for Tampa Bay Better predict water quality associated with future management scenarios (e.g., FW diversions, MFLs, TMDL requirements) Improve available bay circulation models and couple outputs with regional Gulf of Mexico circulation models Model Type (Spreadsheet, process model, statistical approach) 2/15/2016 Processes simulated, if applicable Scale (baywide, bay segment, stream or lake segment, etc) 3-d, densitydependent circulation model Physical oceanographic parameters Hillsborough and Middle Tampa Bay 3-d, densitydependent circulation model Physical oceanographic parameters Baywide 3-d, hydrodynamic 3-d, hydrodynamic 3-d, density-dependent, finite volume coastal ocean model (FVCOM) Simulate circulation and transport of materials Simulate circulation and transport of materials Baywide Physical oceanographic parameters Baywide and adjacent Gulf of Mexico Hillsborough Bay including Hillsborough River, TBC/McKay Bay, & Alafia Rivers Required input including time scale. Salinity, temp, tidal velocity, sea level, FW inputs, Wind (speed, direction), air pressure, bathymetry/topography Salinity, temp, tidal velocity, sea level, FW inputs, Wind (speed, direction), air pressure, bathymetry/topography Hourly observations (meterological) Constituent loads, fw inflows, physical wq parameters, bathymetry, atmospheric conditions Constituent loads, fw inflows, physical wq parameters, bathymetry, atmospheric conditions Salinity, temp, tidal velocity, sea level, FW inputs, Wind (speed, direction), air pressure, bathymetry/topography Hourly Observations (meteorological) Alafia River Hydrodynamic Model (HSPF) Hillsborough River Hydrodynamic Model (HSPF?) SWFWMD/ Chen Alafia River SWFWMD/ Chen Hillsborough River Aid in the development of Minimum Flows and Levels Aid in the development of Minimum Flows and Levels Salinity, flow, river level Alafia River Channel Salinity, flow, river level Hillsborough River Channel G:\SWFWMD Old Tampa Bay -FY2010-2011\Subject Matter Expert\TB_Known_Model_Availability.doc 4 Model output including time scale Model calibrated and validated? (Y/N) Hourly physical oceanographic parameters Yes, Calibrated and validated? Hourly transport fields for water quality constituents Hourly transport fields for water quality constituents Unknown Hourly physical oceanographic parameters Yes, Calibrated and validated? Unknown