Cell Biology independent study cover sheet

Cell Biology – Independent Study
SLP credit
Students enrolled in this course will comprehend that all living things
are composed of cells, and that the life processes in a cell are based on
molecular interactions.
Objectives: Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:
Explain cell theory
Differentiate between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Explain the roles of cellular structures
Relate cellular structures to their functions
Differentiate between the processes of photosynthesis and respiration in terms of energy
flow, reactants and products
Compare and contrast diffusion, osmosis and active/passive transport
Diagram the cell cycle
compare mitosis and meiosis
Complete a research project on a specific cells topic and present findings
Cell biology packet
Prentice Hall Biology chapters 7 and 10
AGS Biology
Internet Access
Required Assignments:
1. View video clip “Life Science Cells: introduction to cells” and write a 3 minute
reflection on the content and images from the video. As a writing prompt, think about
what you saw in the video and the questions it raised in your mind.
Task 1
Cell Theory
1. Create a poster, booklet or power point presentation about “Cell Theory.” Include:
 The 3 points of cell theory
 A description of the functions of life
 A timeline of events in cell theory
 Background information on experiments vital to cell theory (for example:
disproving spontaneous generation, development of the microscope, etc.)
 Pictures and descriptions of at least 3 people who were important in the
development of cell theory
 Minimum of 3 sources cited (list on back)
Discuss with the teacher: How has the development of cell theory impacted the
way we examine our world?
Task 2
Different Types of Cells
Read or View the “Different Types of Cells” Power point presentation.
Complete the “Prokaryote Review Guide” worksheet
Fill in the Prokaryote / Eukaryote Venn Diagram
Complete the “Prokaryotes” worksheet
Read p172-173 of Prentice Hall Biology; highlight important information
Read p 459 of Prentice Hall Biology; highlight important information
Read p 39 of the AGS Biology textbook; highlight important information
Complete the “Prokaryotes Questions” worksheet
Discuss with the teacher:
1. Why do you think prokaryote cells develop first?
2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the prokaryotes simplicity with
the advantages and disadvantages of eukaryotes complexity.
Task 3
1. View “Understanding Bacteria”
o select the “curriculum clips” option from the DVD Menu
o View each segment
o Write a summary of each segment AND answer the questions provided in the
1. Create a 2 sided poster about bacteria.
o On one side research and provide information on how bacteria are
beneficial to life on Earth. Include: specific examples and pictures.
o On the other side research and provide information on how bacteria are
harmful to life on Earth. Include: specific examples and pictures.
Discuss with the teacher:
1. Why are there such a plethora of bacteria on Earth? How does the size, shape
and motility of bacteria affect their distribution?
2. Describe the relationship between humans and bacteria. Is it positive, negative
or both? Explain
Task 4
Eukaryote Cell Parts
1. Read or View the “A Brief Overview of Organelles” Power point presentation.
2. Answer the questions on slide 23 of the powerpoint
3. Fill in the “Plant and Animal Cell Parts” Venn diagram
4. Read chapter 7 section 2 (p174-181) of the Prentice Hall Biology book and answer the
end of section questions OR go to cellsalive.com explore the site and write a 250 or
more word summary of the site
5. Complete the “Cell structures” Graphic organizer
6. Complete the “Cell Organelles” worksheet
7. Choose one of the following:
 Create your Cell comparison
o Complete the “Cell Comparison” worksheet
o Draw a diagram of the item you compare a cell to
o Label the “organelle” parts on your diagram
o Present your cell comparison and drawing to the instructor
 Create an Organelle Sales pitch
o Complete the “Organelle Sales Product Sheet”
o Create an ad (on 8 ½ x 11 paper)
o Present your sales pitch and ad to the instructor
Discuss with the teacher:
1. Explain how the structure of a cell part is related to its function or job.
2. Compare and contrast the cell parts found in plant and animal cells.
Task 5
Cell Membrane
1. Read p182-189 of the Prentice Hall Biology textbook and answer the end of section
2. Read or View the “Cell Membrane” Power point presentation.
3. Fill in the Branching Diagram for Transport
4. Complete the cell membrane crossword puzzle
5. Conduct the carrot lab – be sure to complete the analysis questions
6. Create a lab or demonstration to show either active or passive transport. Introduce
your lab with a paragraph explaining what you are trying to show, write up a
materials list, record a step by step procedure and generate guiding questions for
your lab/ demonstration.
Discuss with the teacher:
1. Elaborate on the statement: A cell membrane acts as a highly selective barrier
in diffusion, osmosis and active transport.
Task 6
1. Complete the Enzymes worksheet based on information from
2. Complete the Enzymes at Work worksheet based on information from
3. Research and create a poster or paper on enzymes. Topics may include enzymes
critical to the human body, commercial use of enzymes or medical use of enzymes.
Materials must be written in your own words and at least 3 sources are required.
Discuss with the teacher:
1. Describe the role of enzymes as catalysts in metabolism and cellular
synthesis of new molecules.
Task 7
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
1. Create a poster, booklet or powerpoint presentation comparing and contrasting
photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
o A labeled diagram of each cycle
o Reactants
o Products
o Location
o Energy flow
2. create a lab to demonstrate the occurrence of either photosynthesis or cellular
respiration. Include:
o materials list
o procedure
o data and analysis
o reflection
o documentation of conducting the lab
Discuss with the teacher:
1. Explain how photosynthesis and cellular respiration differ in terms of energy flow,
reactants, and products.
2. Could photosynthesis exist without cellular respiration? Could cellular respiration
exist without photosynthesis? Defend your position.
Task 8
Cell cycle
1. Research and create a booklet or poster about the Cell Cycle
2. Do the Cell Cycle online worksheet: Visit two of the websites listed and write a
summary of what you see
3. Complete the Mitosis Cycle Worksheet
4. Complete the Meiosis Cycle Worksheet
5. Complete the Mitosis and Meiosis Branch Diagram
6. Select and Do a Project
 Cancer Project
 Complete the Cancer Warrior Worksheet
 Research a Cancer topic (get instructor’s permission FIRST). Be sure to use a
minimum of 5 sources
 Create a paper or presentation about your research
 Stem Cell Project
o View http://www.umich.edu/stemcell/tutorial/ and summarize each tab
 Stem cells defined , Embryonic stem cells, Cell specialization, Adult
stem cells, Nuclear transfer, Drug testing
o Research the stem cell research debate. Be sure to include a minimum of 5
o Create a paper or presentation summarizing both sides of the stem cell
research debate. Identify the side you agree with the most and explain your
position on stem cell research.
Discuss with the teacher:
How has understanding the cell cycle led to advances in medical treatment?
How has medical treatment changed with new understanding of the cell cycle?