Award Mechanism Eligibility Key Mechanism Elements Funding

Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09) Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRP)
Reference Table of Award Mechanisms and Submission Requirements
Award Mechanism
All Investigators
Key Mechanism Elements
Concept Award
Go to:
Program Announcement
Application Instructions
and General Information Funding
Opportunity Number:
Clinical Fellow Research
Must be a physician
(M.D., M.D./Ph.D.
or D.O.) with
clinical duties
Is in an accredited
medical residency or
medical fellowship
Supports the exploration of a highly
innovative new concept or untested
theory that addresses an important
problem relevant to lung cancer.
Presentation of preliminary data is not
consistent with the intent of the Concept
Award mechanism and is discouraged.
Projects involving human subjects or
human biological substances must be
exempt under 32 CFR 219.101(b) or
eligible for expedited review under
32CFR 219.110 or 21 CFR 56.110.
Supports a research project performed by
a clinical fellow under the guidance of a
designated mentor having an established
lung cancer research program.
This award is intended to prepare fellows
with clinical duties and/or responsibilities
for a career in lung cancer research.
Funds from this award are intended to
provide aggressive protection, of at least
40%, of the clinical fellow’s time for
The maximum period of
performance is 1 year.
The maximum allowable
funding for the entire period
of performance is $75,000
in direct costs.
Indirect costs may be
proposed in accordance
with your institution’s
negotiated rate agreement.
The maximum period of
performance is 2 years.
The maximum allowable
funding for the entire period
of performance is $200,000
in direct costs.
Indirect costs may be
proposed in accordance with
your institution’s negotiated
rate agreement.
Award Mechanism
Key Mechanism Elements
Must be an M.D.,
M.D./Ph.D., or D.O
Supports a research project performed by
promising physician-researchers.
The maximum period of
performance is 3 years.
Must be within the
first 5 years of
his/her first faculty
position (or
equivalent) at the
time of award
This award is intended to prepare
physicians with clinical duties and/or
responsibilities for an independent and
active career in lung cancer research.
The maximum allowable
funding for the entire period
of performance is $375,000
in direct costs.
Previous experience in lung cancer
research is allowed, but not required.
Indirect costs may be
proposed in accordance with
your institution’s negotiated
rate agreement.
Supports partnerships between clinicians
and laboratory scientists at multiple
institutions to conduct translational
research in lung cancer.
The maximum period of
performance is 4 years.
The maximum allowable
funding for the entire period
of performance is $800,000
in direct costs per PI.
Indirect costs may be
proposed in accordance with
your institution’s negotiated
rate agreement.
Lung Cancer Promising
Clinician Research Award
Have not received
more than $300,000
in direct costs for
lung cancer research
as a PI of a federally
funded, nonmentored peer
reviewed grant
Collaborative Translational
Research Award
The CTRA supports the development of
translational research collaborations
among four independent investigators
(known as partners).
The four partners, consisting of an
Initiating Principal Investigator (PI) and
three Partnering PIs, must be from at least
two distinct institutions.
At least one partner must be a clinician,
and at least two partners must have
experience either in lung cancer research
or lung cancer patient care.
Award Mechanism
Lung Cancer Biospecimen
Resource Network Award
An independent
investigator with
access to
facilities, and
At or above the
level of an Assistant
Professor (or
Key Mechanism Elements
Provide infrastructure support for the
development of a lung cancer
biorepository resource consortium that
will facilitate the collection, processing,
annotation, storage, and distribution of
high-quality human lung cancer
biospecimens through a collaborative
network across multiple institutions.
The Network will consist of a
Coordinating Center and two additional
Biospecimen Resource Sites (the
Coordinating Center will also act as a
Biospcimen Resource Site) that will be
jointly responsible for developing the
biospecimen repository for lung cancer
The period of performance
for this award is 4 years.
The maximum allowable
funding for the entire period
of performance is
$3,800,000 inclusive of
direct and indirect costs.