Communicators Group, NHS Scotland Library Service Development Notes from meeting 30th March 2004 Timbury Room, NHS Education for Scotland Offices, 2 Central Quay, 89 Hydepark Street, GLASGOW, G3 8BW Present: Gerry MacLean (GM - State Hospital), Jennifer MacLaine (JM - NHS Borders), Janette Boynton (JB - NHS QIS), Mhairi McMillan (MM - NHS Ayrshire and Arran), Sharon Jamieson (SJ - Health Scotland), Isla Imrie (II -NHS Grampian), Cathy Smith (CS - NHS Fife), Sandra Ladd (SL - NHS Lothian), Sue Hothersall (SH - NHS Lanarkshire), Anne Gillespie (AG NHS Highland) Ann Wales (AW- NHS Education) 1. Apologies for absence: Andy Jackson (NHS Tayside), Lottie McKie (NHS Forth Valley), Gill Earl (Common Services Agency), Judith Anderson (NHS Dumfries and Galloway), Catriona Denoon (NHS Glasgow) 2. Notes of previous meeting These were accepted. 3. Matters arising 3.1 Amendments to notes of December meeting - accepted. 3.2 Circulation of notes to librarian networks – Communicators confirmed that notes of meetings were circulated to all members of librarian networks within their local NHS Boards. 3.3 e-Library User Groups: NHS QIS confirmed that members of a user group had been identified to provide feedback on e-Library development. 3.4 Patient Information Strategy Workshops: Annette Thain from the Knowledge Services Group and a small group of NHS librarians had met with Sushee Dunn, the Project Lead for the Patient Information Strategy. It had been agreed that a workshop would be organised at some time in the future to help to define the potential contribution of the NHS librarian and NHS library services to patient information provision. 3.5 Local design and production of e-Library promotional material. A range of new promotional material (posters, bookmarks, wallet folders, internal envelopes, pens) would be distributed via Marketing Links to mark the launch of the new e-Library interface. A poster “shell” with e-Library graphics would also be distributed, available for customisation to promote local services and events. The graphic designer employed by the e-Library Team can be contracted to produce additional promotional material for local services. Contact details: (Susan Anderson, Eikon Graphics) 3.6 Health Management Library training: Update deferred in Gill Earl’s absence. 3.7 Vignettes of e-Library usage AW stressed that evidence of value and impact of the e-Library was essential to the business case for its long term continuation. Real-life scenarios of usage and impact were a powerful tool. Only a few vignettes had been received from the last time of asking. She asked Communicators to seek further examples from their librarian networks. Action: all 3.8 RGU/QMUC training programme for NHS librarians The two components of the proposal for piloting this training programme were discussed. The proposal was approved in principle, with the following issues to be explored further: 1 Requirement to validate the user needs analysis element of the 4-module “librarian-only” pilot, since it forms the basis of all the subsequent modules. For example, if GP’s are to be used as the user group to form the focus of the pilot, a GP tutor or 2-3 practitioners might be asked to participate in the workshop on user needs or to validate the conclusions reached by the librarian group. Suggested that a group of 5-6 librarians, including paraprofessionals, would be more realistic and helpful than 3-4. Cost and commitment from participants and course providers in order to produce a fully accredited course and to offer online tutoring as well as or instead of workgroups and selfdirected learning.. Agreed that the ideal would be a flexible approach, with participants able to “cherry pick” elements of the course, and to opt for acthcreditation or simply a certificate of completion according to individual preference. The pilots would need to investigate thoroughly the options available for course delivery format and potential accrediation, considering issues of finance, time, personal commitment and potential market. The principle was approved of involving healthcare practitioners as well as librarians in the workshop on retrieving and evaluating health information on the Internet. It was agreed that this broadening of interests would help with developing mutual understanding of roles and responsibilities. It could also help to broaden the market and therefore the viability of the course. Agreed that participants in the librarian pilot group would be drawn from the East regional librarian network (NHS Fife, NHS Borders, NHS Lothian). Gerry MacLean was congratulated on her imminent secondment to role of NHS Librarian Staff Development Manager within NHS Education. Gerry will be working 2.5 days per week with the Knowledge Services Group in this capacity from the beginning of May, and will take on primary responsibility for the RGU/QMUC course. Communicators to feed back to Gerry and to Ann any additional comments on the proposed pilot or ideas for the fully fledged course by 14th April 2004. Action: All AW to relay feedback to course developers at RGU / QMUC and to introduce Gerry as the new lead on this work. Action: AW 4. Freedom of Information Act Lucy Scharbert and Cathy Sclater, Freedom of Information Officers from the Office of the Information Commissioner, gave a presentation on the Act and its implications for NHS Librarians. A copy of the presentation is attached. Issues highlighted in discussion included: Role of the NHS librarian as recipient of information requests, in analysing and assisting with enquiries, networking with other information providers, and in promoting the principle of freedom of access to information. Material held by the library is covered by the Act and information about holdings and the catalogue should be published in the FOI schedules. The Act requires public sector bodies to meet requests for information they hold from anywhere in the world. 2 Where Copyright Law applies this takes precedence over FOI. Frequently Asked Questions for librarians ( A health sector area will shortly be launched within the FOI website, containing model publication schemes. Librarians raised some concerns over the categories system schedules. Work emails are covered by FOI. Data protection concerns relating to naming of individuals within minutes etc had been raised; initial legal test case indicates that naming of individuals in this way as part of the work of public sector bodies will not be regarded as a data protection issue. Some of the group were actively involved in the networks implementing FOI locally; others were not directly involved and were concerned about how the Act might affect them. Overall there seems to be a need to support and further define the NHS Librarian role in relation to FOI. are available on the FOI website currently used for the 5. Demonstration of redesigned NHS Scotland e-Library Sandra Davies (e-Library Team Leader) and Annette Thain (Project Manager, Managed Knowledge Networks) demonstrated the following features of the redesigned e-Library: Simple and Advanced Search and Browse functionality Cross-searching of Resource Discovery Network and Health Scotland databases, plus incorporation of metadata from TRIP and Scottish Executive databases Search Limits, including filtering output by Resource Type and limiting to systematic reviews and trials Subject indexing, including natural language mapping to MESH Directory access to websites organised by broad categories Personalisation – My Knowledge Space, including Profiling, Favourites, Alerts Service and ability to set up “My Specialist Homepage” Keeping up to date – including RSS Newsfeeds from the SHOW media monitoring service; current awareness bulletins and SDI’s on bibliographic databases such as MEDLINE Portals providing quick access to selected resources for Cancer, Coronary Heart Disease and Mental Health Pre-defined MEDLINE Expert Searches in these priority areas Directory of health and social care library and information services from NHS, Higher and Further Education, Voluntary Sector and local authorities Discussion forums Platform for development of Knowledge Exchanges, to facilitate knowledge sharing within virtual Communities of Practice. The team was congratulated on its work to date. Comments included the fact that the design with the central search box for keywords perhaps makes users less likely to go to the bibliographic databases for subject searching. 3 6. Updates: Regional Librarian Networks and Local Strategies 6.1 Regional Librarian Networks Northern Region Librarian Network: Met on 1st March; discussed suggested agenda, OVID training and Northern Region project. Need to encourage involvement by the Islands discussed; videoconferencing would be used as much as possible; NES had agreed to fund one visit by Island representative to a regional meeting; AW to videoconference with Island Communicators and Steering Group reps to update on national strategy and Northern Region project . Schedule of future meetings agreed. Outer West Region Librarian Network: Meeting held at Boswell House. Discussion of suggested agenda; distribution of national strategy; concerns over Freedom of Information Act and implications for librarian workload. Some Argyll and Clyde librarians feel that the “natural” link for this Board is with NHS Glasgow. On the other hand, Argyll and Clyde, Ayrshire and Arran and Dumfries and Galloway all share a common focus on improving services to remote and rural areas. Possibility of a network encompassing all West of Scotland boards discussed (the model used by NES and by regional planning teams) – but would this allow the voices of the smaller boards to be heard? Agreed that this issue would be discussed further at the next regional and national meetings. Action: MM East Region Librarian Network: Discussed suggested agenda. Librarians agreed to produce a briefing note on local strategies to accompany submission of the national strategy to CEO’s and senior managers. Inner West Region Librarian Network: No report received. Special NHS Board Librarian Network: Had held a positive meeting at end of February; agreed on 3 meetings per year; next meeting scheduled for June. Common issues of complexity and organisational change making rapid progress on Board-wide strategies difficult. CSA had taken up offer of OVID training in March for end-users. 6.2 Board-wide strategies NHS Borders: A draft strategy had been produced by Russell Taylor, Head of ICT, who is now on sick leave. Library Services now fall within the remit of the Training Department. Discussions are taking place between NHS Borders and Napier University to review the Service Level Agreement. NHS QIS: New management structure will come into place on 1 April, enabling the library service to move forward with its unified strategy. Information staff will be in the Knowledge Management area of the new structure. NHS Lothian: Latest round of negotiations on Service Level Agreement underway; new proposals put forward by NHS, with all three Trusts now participating. User Needs Analysis results now coming in from Primary Care; same questionnaire to be sent to acute Trust and possibly to West Lothian Trust. Mini-report on user needs analysis to be produced by Clinical Governance Department (expected around April). SL would make this report available on the Librarians’ Area of the e-Library Website. It would also be distributed locally to local information providers, Board etc. NHS Grampian: Strategy has been in place since October 2003. New manager of IT Training and Library Services (Duncan McArthur)now appointed for merged service. An Implementation Plan is now being developed and the strategy evolved. Interlibrary loans 4 system has now passed the evaluation stage, and operates as a unified service throughout NHS Grampian. Services are working towards other objectives in the Strategy. A Marketing Plan is currently in production. NHS Fife: Strategy process has recommended a single unified Library Service. Negotiations taking place regarding final structure to be recommended for NHS Library Services. Arguments are based on principles of equity, access and cost effectiveness but implementation is not cost-neutral. Hope to be ready for consultation on strategy by start of May. State Hospital: Principles of strategy are clear, but waiting for appropriate political moment to start formal development. Plans for a Forensic Network need to be clarified as this will affect the steer of the strategy. NHS Lanarkshire: Library Services (apart from Health Promotion) now under single manager. Librarians are working on individual sections of strategy and seeking management sponsorship. NHS Highland: Costings for a service for full range of NHS staff submitted to Chief Executive. NHS Ayrshire and Arran: Strategy accepted by the Corporate Team and will be presented to the Board on 14th April. Ten objectives identified, including: Unified Catalogue system Marketing Plan Improved Services to Primary Care Collaboration with Local Authority partners, eg providing services in partnership with public libraries and making use of mobile library service to deliver training. Information Skills Training Programme Development of skills of library staff Development of a financial plan for NHS Library Services Recommendation has been made that Library Services should sit within the Knowledge Management Directorate, which also includes Records Management, IT and Health Intelligence. Agreed that strategies and other relevant work should be shared as widely as possible within the librarian community, so that we all benefit from best practice and learning experiences of others. Action: AW to request permission to upload Dumfries and Galloway and Grampian strategies to Librarians’ Area of e-Library 7. Suppliers’ Training for Librarians and End-users ProQuest training for librarians – PQ had commented that uptake was less than expected. This is partly due to their expectations being based on the more highly populated public library sector. However it was agreed that problem of organising training venues, invitations, finding time etc, complicated the process of setting up training for NHS librarians on a board-by-board basis. It was also observed that suppliers did not always appreciate the distance between towns and cities in Scotland and would try to create unrealistic training schedules within a limited timeframe. Overall preference was expressed for NES organising librarian training as 4-5 venues across the country and inviting librarians from all areas to attend, rather than attempting to organise on an individual Board basis through direct liaison between Supplier and local librarians. 5 OVID training for end-users: Discussed common problems of identifying suitable venues, workload associated with organising promotion, restricted time for NHS staff to be released for training, reaching staff in remote areas. Agreed that primary need was to focus on delivery of virtual training. Highland still willing to pilot WebEx training further. NELH model of 10-minute Web and conference-call based sessions was advocated. Web delivery for remote areas and also CD production recommended for those with poor Internet access. Action: AW to liaise with OVID about implementation of WebEx training and customisation of OVID online tutorial Other recommendations: Involvement of Training Departments in organising and facilitating events Production of a template for invitations to be distributed by NES Production of a checklist of actions required to set up a training event. Some comments had been received about librarians not being comfortable with the prospect of delivery of training by non-librarians from outside the organisation, but it was agreed that this was not a widespread concern. 8. Promotion and Outreach 8.1 CCI Bus Tour Itinerary had been circulated. Communicators were asked to facilitate local library service participation, liaising with local contacts as appropriate. Action: All 8.2 Health Libraries Awareness Week UK-wide event, scheduled for 29 November - 3 December Planning meeting to be held at end of April. 8.3 Promotional material for redesigned e-Library New A4 posters, bookmarks, pens, wallet folders and internal envelopes were in production. Lynn Allan would be in touch with Marketing Links to determine requirements for local libraries. 8.4 Update from Promotion and Outreach Group Checklist and template for local Marketing Plan would be distributed shortly. Upon completion of either of these forms, £100 would be made available to each Board support a local promotional event . 9. Update from Coordinator 9.1 Seminar to launch “Exploiting the Power of Knowledge in NHS Scotland” – to be held on 6 April at Scottish Health Service Centre. A good response had been received, with over 60 senior managers signed up to participate. Guest speakers to include Ann Markham (Chair of NES) and Dr Kenneth Roberston (Clinical Lead on e-Health strategy). 9.2 Focus group sessions in the afternoon on each of the 6 development themes identified in the strategy would form the basis of a service development plan for 2004/5. 9.3 2004/5 will see work start on three new Knowledge Portals within the e-Library: for Healthcare Associated Infections, Stroke Therapy and Remote and Rural Healthcare. All projects are externally funded. 6 9.4 Knowledge Management Forum on 30th April at Stirling Royal Infirmary will provide the platform for launch of the enhanced NHS Scotland e-Library. Workgroup sessions will focus on opportunities for development of “Knowledge Exchanges” as forums for sharing of knowledge and supporting Communities of Practice. The key facilitating role potentially available for NHS librarians within such Communities of Practice, working closely with healthcare practitioners to improve access to knowledge resources, was briefly discussed. The Forum is seen as an opportunity to promote the developing role of the NHS librarian, and active participation would be warmly welcomed. 9.5 e-Library Business Case: June Andrews (Centre for Change and Innovation) and Dr Kenneth Robertson (Clinical Lead, eHealth Strategy) have agreed to join the three NHS Board Chief Executives on this working group. A Steering Group has also been drawn together within NES to lead the development process, and a Business Manager assigned to this project. Project plan has been drawn up and target date of August 2004 set for reaching agreement on the case within NES and the Working Group. 10. Date of next meeting: 21 May 2004, 10.30 am at the Lister Institute, Hill Square, Edinburgh. 7