Proposal to

| February 15, 2016
Proposal to
<Customer Name> or Logo
For Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Professional
Sales Rep Name
(123) 456-7890
<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 3
CURRENT STATE...................................................................................................................... 3
OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................ 3
PROPOSED SOLUTION: DRAGON NATURALLYSPEAKING LEGAL ................................................... 3
BACKGROUND......................................................................................................................... 5
NUANCE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. .............................................................................................. 5
SOLUTION OVERVIEW : DRAGON NATURALLYSPEAKING LEGAL .................................................... 5
SOLUTION BENEFITS ................................................................................................................ 6
DEPLOYMENT METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................. 7
ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND MILESTONE DELIVERABLES ........................................................ 8
NEXT STEPS ............................................................................................................................ 9
APPENDIX A: PRICING ...........................................................................................................10
PRICING .................................................................................................................................10
TIMEFRAME ............................................................................................................................10
APPENDIX B: RETURN ON INVESTMENT ANALYSIS ..........................................................11
APPENDIX C: SUPPORT AND TRAINING GUIDELINES........................................................12
SUPPORT ...............................................................................................................................12
TRAINING ...............................................................................................................................12
COMPONENTS OF A DRAGON SOLUTION ...................................................................................13
OPTIONAL HARDWARE: ...........................................................................................................13
APPENDIX E: NUANCE COMMUNICATIONS VENDOR PROFILE ........................................14
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Proposal
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February 15, 2016
<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Executive Summary
Current State
The time and cost involved in documenting case and client information, contracts, briefs and
correspondence is becoming an increasing concern for <Customer>. The current document
creation and transcription processes are lengthy and fraught with inefficiencies. As a result, the
turnaround time on documentation and the cost of outside transcription services drags down
productivity and eats into profits.
Speech recognition has emerged as a proven, viable and much sought after technology for both
lawyers and support staff. <Customer>'s objective is to create a partnership with an
experienced provider of speech recognition solutions with proven technology, a formal services
and training infrastructure, and experience in supporting a large, widely distributed law firm.
<Customer> has a goal of implementing Dragon NaturallySpeaking Legal to streamline
document creation and make applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook,
Hummingbird and [billing software name] faster and easier to use. <Customer> would also
like to use Dragon Legal in conjunction with existing Olympus 4000 digital voice recorders to
eliminate the transcription bottlenecks that hamper productivity, weigh down service and impact
profitability. The goal is to make staff more productive and allow them to focus on more billable
Given the goal of increasing productivity enterprise-wide, it is imperative that Nuance provide a
solution that addresses both technology and training services. The expectation is that Nuance
will provide an experienced implementation and training team to minimize disruption to
<Customer>’s business operations.
Proposed Solution: Dragon NaturallySpeaking Legal
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Legal offers a faster, more efficient way for legal professionals to
create everything from briefs and contracts to case documentation and correspondence.
<Customer> can deploy speech solutions broadly to speed document turnaround, reduce
transcription costs, and streamline repetitive workflows – without having to change current
business processes or existing information systems.
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<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Dragon Legal will enable <Customer> to achieve the following business needs and
Improve productivity of
With Dragon Legal, lawyers and support staff can turn their voices into
attorneys and support staff text with up to 99 percent accuracy using virtually any Windows-based
application. Speech recognition delivers results three times faster than
most people type, speeding the creation of emails, case documents and
client correspondence. The advanced functionality of Dragon Legal also
includes custom voice commands that can be used to automate tasks,
instantly build and populate fields within template documents, and
further streamline the existing document creation process.
Improve documentation
Dragon Legal eliminates document development bottlenecks by
turnaround time; eliminate enabling a more efficient editing and correction process/workflow for
outside transcription costs lawyers working with support staff. Dragon Legal can streamline the
transcription process by as much as 75% for dramatic productivity
increases that deliver bottom-line results. This enables support staff to
be more productive and focus more on billable work. Alternately,
lawyers have the opportunity to dictate and transcribe their own
documents, significantly reducing dependencies on support staff.
Automate transcription
using digital recorders
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Proposal
Using Dragon Legal with a digital voice recorder captures the lawyer’s
audio file and automatically creates a transcript of the file when the
device is synched with a PC. Dragon Legal also offers an advanced
transcription workflow feature so that audio files can be sent with the
transcribed text, enabling more efficient document review and faster
transcription turnaround time.
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<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Nuance Communications, Inc.
Nuance Communications, Inc. is the leading provider of desktop speech and imaging solutions
for businesses and consumers around the world. Our technologies, applications and services
transform the way people interact with information and how they create, share and use
documents. For over a decade, these solutions have been used by business users to reduce
costs, streamline workflow and improve employee productivity.
Headquartered in Burlington, Mass., Nuance employs more than 5,000 staff in 35 offices
worldwide. Publicly traded on NASDAQ (NUAN), Nuance reported fiscal 2008 revenue of $917
million. With approximately 1,000 issued patents and patent applications, Nuance is the leading
provider of speech solutions spanning enterprise speech and customer care; mobile devices
and networks; healthcare dictation and transcription; and desktop dictation for consumers,
corporations and government agencies.
Solution Overview: Dragon NaturallySpeaking Legal
Dragon NaturallySpeaking is the world’s best-selling speech recognition software, with annual
revenue of more than $70 million as a business unit. Many consumers and corporate
professionals rely on Dragon to create documents and email, search the Web and control their
PCs entirely by voice. Designed to meet the specific needs of the legal community, Dragon
Legal is a proven productivity solution deployed by leading law firms and corporate legal
Turn voice into text three times faster than most people type – with up to 99% accuracy
Speech recognition software uses the human voice as the main interface between the user and
the computer. Rather than typing, users speak naturally into a noise-canceling microphone
connected to the computer. The software "recognizes" the spoken words, converts them into
text, and displays them on the screen.
The software "learns" an individual’s voice and continuously improves its understanding of the
way that person speaks. Dragon NaturallySpeaking creates a unique voice profile for each user
of the system that contains information about the unique characteristics of each person's voice
along with a customized vocabulary and personalized voice commands. In this way, the
software accommodates users with varying accents and speech patterns and allows users to
dictate in the same tone and style that they would use to speak to a colleague.
In addition to a core vocabulary of 300,000 words, Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Legal offers a
preconfigured legal vocabulary that includes more than 30,000 legal-specific terms and phrases.
The third type of vocabulary provided is that of a customized vocabulary, which will be built
during and through the discovery and design phases. This custom vocabulary can include other
terminology that may be unique to [Customer]’s environment. This type of vocabulary
customization can significantly increase accuracy and enhance user satisfaction.
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<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Users can complete detailed and accurate reports or documents in a fraction of the time they
spent typing. With hands-free document creation, lawyers can browse through briefs or consult
notes while entering text directly into virtually any Windows-based application. Dictated text can
be simply formatted and corrected – Dragon Legal even automatically formats legal citations.
Completely control the PC by voice
In addition to entering text and data into virtually any Microsoft Windows-based application by
voice, users can also navigate the computer desktop with little or no use of their hands.
Users simply speak standard voice commands that prompt the computer to perform an action.
Voice commands let users control and command most basic applications and navigate screens
and menus by voice. Users can command and control the computer desktop by voice: that
means launch applications, open files, navigate menu items, manage e-mail, or work on the
Web. For example, a user can say, “Open Microsoft Word” or “Create new document.”
Automate even complex workflows with voice commands
Dragon Legal includes more advanced speech recognition capabilities that enable customized
commands. These commands, called macros, automate complex or repetitive activities by
consolidating multiple tasks into simple voice commands. Users can automatically execute
activities such as completing a form, e-mailing a document or cutting and pasting text from one
file to another. By customizing Dragon Legal with customized macros, <Customer> will yield
even further productivity gains.
Streamline transcription workflow
One of the key product features that enables Dragon Legal to significantly reduce transcription
costs and turnaround time is the Auto-Transcribe Folder Agent. This tool enables the audio and
the transcribed text of a digital voice recording to be sent to a transcriptionist for review.
Effectively managing text and synchronized audio flow for third-party review streamlines the
process of correcting another person’s text.
Solution Benefits
With proper implementation and training, Dragon NaturallySpeaking software will provide
<Customer> with the following benefits:
 Improve productivity of attorneys and support staff
 Improve turnaround time on documentation
 Eliminate outside transcription costs
 Record billable time in the system faster
 Streamline the existing document creation process with custom voice commands
 Automate transcription using digital recorders
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<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Deployment Methodology
Based on our 10+ year history of successful enterprise speech deployments, Nuance has
developed an effective deployment methodology that has delivered proven results for
organizations in multiple fields. The methodology covers the four critical areas of a planned
deployment: Discover, Design, Realize and Optimize.
Nuance and <Customer> will kick-off the project with a discovery phase that will focus on
understanding how best to leverage Dragon to enhance the current daily workflow of the legal
The Nuance team will work with <Customer> to design the implementation process for this
project. Nuance will train <Customer> employees to be able to perform installation, training,
application integration via macros, and basic end user support for its legal users.
During the realization phase, Dragon Legal will be rolled out to a small group of users. The
information gained through the discovery and design phases will be deployed to this user group.
Training of the end users is a critical part of this phase to ensure that the users have proper
knowledge to maximize the benefits derived from the software.
Based on knowledge gained throughout the initial stages of the deployment, refinements will be
made to optimize the implementation prior to taking the software out to a larger audience. Ongoing
training and support continues during this phase of the deployment to ensure the long-term success
of end users.
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February 15, 2016
<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Roles, Responsibilities and Milestone Deliverables
Each phase of the Dragon deployment methodology is comprised of specific activities and
deliverables to ensure the overall success of the installation. The table below highlights critical
path tasks and their owners. Although this outline is not intended to be a complete record of the
deployment’s required tasks, it provides a common understanding of each party’s
responsibilities and includes the key actions required for each stage of the deployment.
Task Description
Discovery Meeting
Review Dragon IT Administrator’s Guide and
Checklist with IT contact. Confirm network and
hardware requirements for Dragon NaturallySpeaking,
including digital recorders
Confirm the applications (email/Word/etc.), and
workflows used by the <Customer> and determine
how they will integrate with Dragon; outline the
potential workflows that can be streamlined by Dragon
Identify users and internal support (IT, Trainers);
<Customer> communicates the project and
expectations to the proposed user community
Provide a list of commonly used terminology,
acronyms, and phrases that are particular to
<Customer>’s operations
Provide examples of text (briefs/documents/email)
that are representative of what the users will dictate
Identify the specific goals and success metrics of the
Dragon deployment
Obtain and install any additional required hardware.
(i.e., digital recorder and required software), RAM, etc.
Deliver Dragon Legal software and headsets, as well
as learning materials (workbook, skills checklist,
feedback guidelines)
Install Dragon on all participant computers (laptops
and desktops)
Test Sound Cards on all individual laptops/desktops
Conduct Administration and Training department
Training (include at least one end-user)
Develop, implement and install custom vocabulary
Develop, implement and install custom voice macros
(and document templates, as warranted)
Conduct participant training, by location
Begin production usage
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<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Task Description
Conduct weekly review of participant usage, by
location (specify: by webmeeting? Who attends: users
+ trainers + an IT rep? Who collects the participants’
Report new possible refinements (custom commands,
vocabulary edits, template text, etc.), as well as
difficulties or problems to Nuance
Identify and refine implementation enhancements
(additional macro customization, vocabulary,
templates, etc.)
Consult with internal trainers to help overcome any
barriers to productivity that users may encounter
Conduct review of goals and success metrics each
Next Steps
Nuance looks forward to discussing this proposal with you to help determine the best option for
<Customer>. Nuance’s goal is to be recognized as a partner that is committed to helping
<Customer> reduce the time and cost generally associated with document
creation/transcription and to dramatically improve productivity for both lawyers and support staff.
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<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Appendix A: Pricing
Product Description
Part #
List Price
Per Unit
Total List
Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Legal Solutions V10 OLP
Level B
Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Legal Solutions 1-yr
Technical Support OLP
Level B
Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Legal Solutions 1-yr
Upgrade Assurance OLP
Level B
Dragon Training
Quotation Total
Upon acceptance of this proposal, Nuance and <Customer> will schedule a mutually agreed-on
project kickoff meeting to assist <Customer> in the development of a timeline and project plan.
This proposal is valid and can be accepted by <Customer> until <add 30 days from date
submitted or choose a date by which you require the customer to respond, such as an
end of month or quarter date>.
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<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Appendix B: Return on Investment Analysis
[Insert results of ROI worksheet here]
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<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Appendix C: Support and Training Guidelines
The Technical Support Program yields a dedicated support phone number to call in order to
access Nuance’s top-tier Level 3 support based in the United States. Customers are allowed to
have two named contacts call into the support line for an unlimited number of incidents per year.
This Technical Support component covers all product issues including Network
Deployment/Installation support. This TSUM component may also be renewed on an annual
basis at the then current tier of the program as defined by the number of licensed users.
Upgrade Assurance entitles the <Customer> access to all updates and upgrades to the
licensed software for the term of one year. The cost of upgrade assurance is based upon the
number of licenses purchased for a particular product. Once upgrade assurance is purchased
for a product, it must also be purchased for any additional licenses of that product going
As part of our training offering, Nuance recommends two levels of training to its enterprise
Train-the-trainer/Administrator Training – Organizations with fully-staffed training organizations
can choose to elect a train-the-trainer strategy, whereby Nuance focuses its training resources
on ensuring your internal training team has the skills to broadly work directly with your lawyers
and support staff.
Generally delivered to Help Desk, Field Support and In-house training teams, the train-thetrainer/Administrator training is designed to provide our customers with the necessary Dragon
knowledge to effectively support their Dragon user base on an enterprise level. Training
agendas are customized to fit the specific needs and expected role of the individuals involved.
Topics range from basic best practices for Dragon use to advanced topics covering application
customization, installation and support, etc.
End-User Training
End-user training is Nuance’s recommended approach for ensuring high adoption and
productivity rates of both layers and support staff. Nuance or authorized certified value-added
resellers deliver a one-on-one training experience to each user. Our certified trainers will work
with your lawyers and support staff in a hands-on session (in-person or via webinar) covering
the essential skills needed to incorporate speech into the daily work of the organization.
Training agenda topics include: an overview of Dragon NaturallySpeaking; creating a User
Profile; review of user interface and microphone use; dictation basics, correction, editing and
formatting; vocabulary customization; voice commands; and the creation of basic custom
commands. Digital recorder training is optional.
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<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Appendix D: Hardware Recommendations and System
Components of a Dragon Solution
Client Software: Dragon NaturallySpeaking Legal
Audio Peripherals: Dragon supports multiple dictation sources, including both traditional
microphone headsets and wireless/Bluetooth headsets. The system also supports audio
input from digital voice recorders.
Enterprise Resources: Enterprise resources, including server and storage resources,
back-end system integration, end-user support, and data and profile maintenance
Nuance Professional Services: Includes planning, installation, customization, training, and
Recommended System Requirements for Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Below please find a list of the recommended system requirements for Dragon NaturallySpeaking.
Speech recognition software in general is processor and memory intensive, and, generally
speaking, the faster the processor, the better the performance. User desktops that require multiple
applications running at the same time will also benefit from having more RAM on their system.
(The computer’s sound card is another critical factor that can affect performance.)
1 GHz Processor or greater
1 GB RAM or greater
1 GB free hard disk space
Microsoft® Windows® XP (SP1 or higher) Home and Professional, 2000 (SP4 or higher)
Creative® Labs Sound Blaster® 16 or equivalent sound card supporting 16-bit recording
Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 or higher
CD-ROM drive (required for installation)
Speakers (required for playback of recorded speech and text-to-speech features)
Optional Hardware:
If users already make use of a headset for their telephone, a mixer can be implemented to allow
the user to leverage the same headset for both their telephone and PC rather than switching
headsets when using the phone or dictating to Dragon.
 Andrea Electronics 3-Way Personal Computer Telephone Interface (PCTI)
 Plantronics MX-10 Amplifier
Retail value of these devices is approximately $90/unit.
[Include digital voice recorder information if appropriate]
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<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Appendix E: Nuance Communications Vendor Profile
Nuance is the leading provider of speech, text and imaging solutions for businesses and
consumers around the world. Our technologies, applications and services make the user
experience more compelling by transforming the way people interact with information and how
they create, share and use documents. Every day, millions of users and thousands of
businesses experience Nuance by calling directory assistance, requesting account information,
dictating patient records, searching the mobile web by voice, telling a navigation system their
destination, or digitally reproducing documents that can be shared and searched. Making each
of those experiences productive and compelling is what Nuance is all about.
Key Facts
Nuance has achieved organic growth between 15 and 20 percent, before acquisition, in
each of the last three years
o Estimated FY 2009 revenue: $$1,011 million to $1,135 million (Source: Nuance)
o FY 2008 revenue: $919 million
o FY 2007 revenue: $613 million
o FY 2006 revenue: $401 million
o FY 2005 revenue: $232 million
Nuance has experienced approximately 50 percent compound annual revenue growth
since 2001
Nuance employs more than 6,000 people worldwide
Nuance maintains a strong balance sheet with approximately $235 million in cash and
Nuance has met or exceeded its earnings projections for 13 straight quarters
Pervasive Solutions
More than two-thirds of the Fortune 100 use Nuance solutions
Nuance automates more than 8 billion caller interactions each year
Nuance has deployed more than 3,000 customer care solutions powered by speech
Nuance has delivered mobile speech in more than 250 million devices to date
One billion mobile devices will include Nuance speech technology within 3 years
Nuance has shipped its predictive text in approximately 300 million mobile phones
Each of the 5 largest handset manufactures rely on Nuance solutions
The world’s top 10 carmakers are Nuance customers
Each of the top 10 personal navigation device manufacturers use Nuance speech
More than 21 million consumers and professionals use Nuance Productivity applications
Our dictation solutions put words onto paper faster than 99% of the people that type
More than 3,000 hospitals and 250,000 physicians use our dictation solutions
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<Customer Name>
<Application Name>
Market & Products
Nuance maintains the world’s most comprehensive and pervasive portfolio of speech, text and
imaging products that are backed by the expertise of our professional services organization and
a global partner network.
Nuance speech solutions make the user experience more compelling and expand business
potential. Through its dictation, mobile and call center speech solutions, Nuance offers the
world’s premier portfolio of speech technologies, expertise and solutions that transform the way
people interact with businesses, information and devices. Today, thousands of companies and
millions of users around the world depend on Nuance speech solutions to deliver vital
information, increase productivity and conduct business.
Nuance’s healthcare solutions provide comprehensive dictation and transcription solutions and
services that improve the way patient data is captured, processed and used changing the way
people work with medical information. Nuance’s speech-driven clinical documentation systems
support all physician workflow processes, dramatically reduce operating costs by driving down
transcription and overhead expense, improve patient care via complete documentation and
faster results delivery, and increase revenue by reducing length of stay and maximizing
reimbursement. Today, hundreds of thousands of clinicians in hospital, physician practice and
specialty provider settings rely on systems powered by Nuance to rapidly document electronic
patient records.
Nuance’s imaging solutions, through unrivaled features, accuracy and performance, eliminate
barriers to productivity by automating a range of document processes – increasing productivity,
saving time and reducing costs. With products for enterprises, small-to-medium-sized
businesses and home offices, the company’s imaging solutions are used to put the power of
PDF on every business desktop; convert paper and PDF into documents that can be easily
edited; and simplify scanning and document management using multifunction scanners and
networked digital copiers.
Nuance has grown through a commitment to open solutions and building a partner network that
spans all areas of the business and multiple geographies. Today, through its various channels
and partner programs, the company maintains strategic relationships with hundreds of leading
companies – including Accenture, Avaya, Bosch-Blaupunkt, Cerner, Cisco, Dell, Delphi, GE,
Genesys, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, McKesson, Microsoft, Nortel, Sony, Visteon and Xerox – that
help bring Nuance technologies, applications and solutions to global markets.
Global Presence
Nuance is a truly global organization, with capabilities and a worldwide commitment that can
address a spectrum of customers, lower implementation costs and reinforce leadership in our
communities worldwide. The company has more than 35 regional offices, with a significant
international presence in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Japan
and the United Kingdom. With more than half of the organization residing outside of the United
States and a sales presence in more than 70 countries, the company can deliver solutions to
numerous local markets and bring global perspective and capabilities to its solutions. Nuance
has its corporate headquarters in Burlington, Massachusetts and its international headquarters
in Merelbeke, Belgium.
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