Cloud Physics and Dynamic Stratus Forecasting Content grade: 2.5/5 by Erica J. Silva Literature Review Prepared For: Prof. D.M. Sinton Prof. R. D. Bornstein 28 September 2006 An analysis of the methodology and accuracy of fog and low stratus forecasting will be presented. Use of observational sensing tools, such as radar, satellite, profilers, soundings, and standard surface observations (METARS), will be discussed. Model forecasting technique will be reviewed. An assessment will be given of the Climatology in Fog/Stratus Forecasting (CFSF) project, which produces both local and regional forecasts as a functional weather pattern. Information from the SFO Marine Stratus Forecast Guidance website will be summarized with respect to the following parameters: Approach Clear Message (no clouds in approach zone), CWSU 15Z Forecast Display (GMT aircraft acceptance rate of at least 45 planes every hour in a day), COBEL Model (1-D numerical model that simulates evolution and burn-off of marine stratus), Local SFM and Regional SFM (statistical regression to forecast stratus burn-off time in approach zone), Satellite SFM (evolution of Bay Area cloudiness), Consensus (time stratus is expected to clear approach zone to allow parallel aircraft approaches), and Probability of Clearing (likelihood approach zone will be clear for double approaches). The senior thesis will evaluate synoptic-scale influences that drive local conditions to assess whether a fog or stratus event is possible. The thesis will explain how synoptic situations each have physical and dynamic processes that contribute to fog formation or dissipation. Outline I. Stratus Fog Influences a. Synoptic b. Cloud Physics II. Stratus Fog Forecasting a. General b. Models c. Forecast III. SFO/SJSU Project a. Surface Observations b. SODAR Inversion Base c. Solar Radiation IV. Temperature Variations V. Dynamics wo types of fog that will be discussed are radiation fog and advection fog. Fog produced by earth’s radiational cooling is radiation fog. Warm moist air moves over a cold surface while cooling the air to its saturation point. Transfer of heat from the air to surface will cool air to dew point producing fog if the surface is cooler than the air above. Four actions must take pace for radiation fog to take place: Moist low-level conditions below an inversion, Fast cooling of the lower boundary layer beneath the inversion, Presence of a low-level anticyclone creatingcalm atmospheric conditions through the containment of surface winds, drying the air aloft through subsidence (air slowly sinks over a large area), and increasing radiative cooling at the surface. On the contrary, advective fog needs subsidence and anticyclonic large-scale winds. This allows saturation of boundary layer capped by an inversion. Radiation fog and advection fog is very critical when it comes to the safety of air planes. Because each airport is located at a different place on earth, it is important to realize different factors which differ in the atmosphere. Another scenario where radiation fog is critical is for boats and ships. Visibility is all the more time dependent when visibility factors like fog are concerned. Fog is found especially in San Francisco. On any given day of the year, fog is no surprise for the inhabitants of San Francisco, California. Fog is seen in Los Angeles, California at a very small fraction at a time during the year. When the fog does take place a lot of precaution comes into part for traffic. In addition to the fog Los Angeles s gets at different times of the year, the pollution and smog from cars and factories adds to the thickness of the air leading to problems that affect the population individually in different forms. Looking at the advantages of fog, it helps moisten the land and agriculture. It gives it a rest from very hot dry days when the most adiabatic lapse rate is very low. Fog comes in handy when the dew point and relative humidity temperatures are low. Fog allows the amount of pollution in the air to decrease by absorbing it in a sense when it begins to disappear while the sun comes out. The sun burns off the fog and allows the air to become breathable again. When the air is not breathable during the time of fog (especially of smog and pollution add on to it), the human skin that take them out of balance and cause them to function incorrectly. There is no one type of fog that is good or bad. Fog has advantages and disadvantages. Fog adds moisture to plants when needed and causes problems of visibility to plane air traffic and ship/boat sea traffic as well as car traffic in the everyday life. San Francisco, Ca is a place of more than normal fog distribution. Los Angeles, Ca is another place of fog distribution with a lot of pollution and smog added. The best way to decrease problems with traffic visibility due to fog is to first know the leading factors which contribute to fog in specific areas. It is god to know weather patterns for different locations. Topography is critical because it broadens the scope of knowing which winds to expect, what type of weather to expect given a specific time of year. Forecasts help one to determine what the future may hold in order to cease visibility problem in traffic for planes, cars, boats ships, and the commercial life in general. Researchers are presently trying to come up with a solution to help better forecast for weather conditions. References BUFKIT, 200/: Website Homepage: jects/BUFKIT/ Chrisman, J. N., D. M. Rinderknecht, and R. S. Hamilton, 1994: WSR-88D clutter suppression and its impact on meteorological data interpretation. Postprints, 1st WSR-88D Users' Conference, WSR-88D Operational Support Facility/NEXRAD Joint System Program Office, Norman, OK, 9-20. Dallavalle, J. P., and M. C. Erickson, 2002: Eta-based MOS guidance—The 0000/1200 UTC alphanumeric messages. NWS Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 486, NOAA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 8 pp. Dallavalle, J. P., and M. C. Erickson, 2001: AVN-based MOS guidance—The 0600/1800 UTC alphanumeric messages. NWS Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 481, NOAA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 9 pp. Dallavalle, J. P., and M. C. Erickson, 2001: AVN-based MOS guidance—The 0000/1200 UTC alphanumeric messages. NWS Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 482, NOAA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 12 pp. Strager, C.S., and J.W. Kowaleski, 1994: The use of WSR-88D products at a Center Weather Service Unit. Postprints, 1st WSR-88D Users' Conference, WSR-88D Operational Support Facility/NEXRAD Joint System Program Office, Norman, OK, 37-45. Thaler, E., 1991: Using profiler data in aviation forecasting. NWS Aviation Workshop, NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS CR-102, NWS Central Region Headquarters, Scientific Services Division, Kansas City, MO, 225-232. Weiss, M., 2001: AVN-based MOS ceiling height and total sky cover guidance for the contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. NWS Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 483, NOAA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 22 pp. Weiss, M., and J. P. Dallavalle, 1999: AVN Based statistical forecasts of total cloud amount and ceiling height. Abstracts, 24th Annual Meeting of the National Weather Association, Biloxi. Webber, R.D., 1999: Forecasting turbulence and icing using the WSR-88D VAD wind profile product, CR ARP 20-11. National Weather Service Center Weather Service Unit, Olathe, KS., 5 pp. rences