INITIATION PLAN TEMPLATE FOR A GEF PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT (PPG) Project Title: BRA/13/G42 – Sustainable Land use Management in the Semi-arid Region of the North-East Brazil (Sergipe) Country: Brazil Expected CP Outcome(s)/Indicator (s): UNDAF/CPD outcome #2 - Capacities for integrating sustainable development and productive inclusion for poverty reduction. Indicator: i) Low carbon strategies with LECRD concept adopted in Brazil and widely disseminated. Initiation Plan Start Date: September 23rd, 2013. Initiation Plan End Date: March 31st, 2014. CPAP Programme Component: Output 1: Low carbon strategies with LECRD concept adopted in Brazil and widely disseminated. ATLAS Project Award: X ATLAS Project ID: x PIMS Project ID: 3066 Management Arrangement: DEX/DIM Total budget: Allocated resources: GEF LDCF SCCF NPIF Government UNDP US$ 124,886 US$ 84,886 US$ US$ US$ US$ 20,000 cash US$ 20,000 in-kind US$ AGREED BY UNDP RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE Jorge Chediek Resident Representative Signature Date A. Brief Description of Initiation Plan: During the initiation plan period, a number of studies and stakeholder consultations will be undertaken with the view to further develop the approved project concept (see GEF PIF attached in Annex 1) into a fully formulated project document. The final output of the initiation plan will be a UNDP-GEF project document and GEF CEO endorsement template ready for submission to UNDP and GEF. PPG funds are being requested to undertake a series of activities essential for the further development of the project’s design, including the collection of baseline information; confirmation of pilot sites; feasibility of proposed strategies and targets; stakeholder analysis; final definition of targets and cost structures, and implementation arrangements for the Full Size Project (FSP). PPG funds will be used specifically for the studies and assessments under categories of activities detailed in this document. B. Project preparation activities: A. Component A: Technical review I. Studies: 1) Programmatic baseline data collection: Further analyse baseline programmes in the Sergipe state to identify specific actions most relevant to the FSP. This should include, at least, the baseline programmes described in the PIF (see annex 1) and respective cost structure for those. Hold the technical meeting with the main stakeholders from these programmes to jointly analyse cooperation possibilities and complementarities. Identify information needs that can be obtained from these programmes and gaps that require specific studies. 2) Selection of specific project sites for sustainable land management (SLM) actions to be undertaken in the FSP (output 2.1): Identify land degradation levels in the rural settlements of the seven municipalities of Alto Sertão, based on the analysis of Degradation Early Warning System (SAP), the State Action Plan for Combating Desertification, the recent CODEVASF diagnosis of deforestation in Curituba region, and an updated version of the State Forestry Map, among others. Using the LADA classification, identify sites that are representative of the different land degradation scenarios (degree, types, causes, etc). Analyse the SLM project profiles developed under MMA/UNDP co-financing project and identify those that would be appropriate for the different land degradation scenarios mapped. Pre-selection Workshop with different stakeholders and potential funders, in Angico, to analyse the possible sites and project profiles, drawing a draft proposal to be discussed with local communities/institutions. The final selection will be based on the following criteria to be refined once mapping is finalized: Soil characteristics. Varying degrees of land degradation and desertification (to provide the full range of approaches for replication and samples for evaluation and monitoring). Representativeness of overall ecosystems (outcomes that can be extrapolated to other areas). Degree that boundaries coincide with administrative and/or geographic units (municipalities). Community and/or farmers interest in SLM interventions. Existence of a farmer’s association or an equivalent organization. Page 2 Baseline information that indicate technical, economical and socio-environmental feasibility. Institutional presence and support over the long term. Field visits to measure baseline data on land degradation in selected sites and collection of all relevant baseline data, including detailed land uses. Compile information for an annex that describes each project pilot site. 3) Institutional Capacity Assessment: The capacity of key institutions for SLM in Sergipe will be assessed and training needs determined in order to establish the project baseline and identify the project’s training and capacity building targets (outputs 1.2 – environmental permits, 1.3 – land use enforcement, and 2.2 – extension services). Review of systems and structures currently existing to ensure the mainstreaming of SLM practices into local land use planning and management. This will include: (i) an analysis of the impacts of current agricultural and livestock production practices on vulnerable areas within the scope of the project, and (ii) detailed discussion on how LD concerns are currently incorporated into land use planning and management at the state and municipal levels, with recommendations on how these can be improved and strengthened. This will feed in output 1.1 of the FSP. A broader stakeholder analysis (a gender analysis and marking) will be undertaken. This analysis will require consultations to gather basic information about organization and functioning of the local society. This analysis will help identify issues, regarding to gender bias, that need to be addressed in the FSP. Compile the Stakeholder Analysis annex with the above information and relevant sections of the FSP. 4) Analysis of financial needs: Assessment of credit lines and financing available for SLM in Brazil, in particular for the NE region of Brazil, including financing gaps and main bottlenecks encountered, with proposed solutions. Identification of financing needs for the implementation of project’s activities, with respective cost structures and calculations (budget notes). Further identify and confirm co-financing possibilities. 5) Studies to address any opportunities/risks identified during an environmental and social screening of the project proposal: see attached pre-screening. 6) Completion of GEF focal area tracking tool: (list GEF Tracking Tool – LD-PMAT) II. Stakeholder consultations during technical review: 1) Mobilize and engage stakeholders to discuss final site selection. 2) Negotiate partnerships with on-going projects to align their activities and the project to build synergies. 3) Document these consultations. B. Component B: Institutional arrangements, monitoring and evaluation The outputs of Component A will be used as technical input to Component B for the formulation of the UNDPGEF project document. I. Finalization of project results framework: Further define the results framework with appropriate objective-level and outcome-level quantitative and qualitative indicators, and end-of-project targets. Special attention will be made to include socio-economic and sex disaggregated indicators. These indicators should include: (i) state indicators (e.g. spatial coverage, ecosystems quality, species populations or degree of land degradation); (iii) pressure indicators (threats and drivers); and (iii) response indicators. Baseline values for indicators should be quantified. Page 3 II. III. IV. V. C. Definition of monitoring and evaluation (M&E): A detailed M&E work plan will be developed, including clear identification of responsibilities and accountabilities, as well as an appropriate M&E budget. The plan will be based on the standard template provided in the UNDP-GEF project document template that reflects the mandatory requirements of the GEF M&E Policy. Define sustainability plan: The sustainability plan will outline the principles and guidelines for ensuring the long-term sustainability of project achievements. It will also outline an exit strategy, seeking the continuation of key activities/achievements without the need of long-term international financing. Definition of management arrangements: The organisational structure governing the project will be decided. This will include identification of the project board. Stakeholder consultations during Component B: Involve key agencies in the development of the project strategy to ensure a strong national ownership. In close collaboration with key government representatives and other stakeholders ensure full participation in the development of the project results framework and ensure agreement on the project objectives and outcomes. Undertake consultations to secure agreement(s) on project implementation arrangements; including roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities of lead and partner agencies. Document these consultations. Component C: Financial planning and co-financing investments: I. Prepare a detailed multi-year budget following the standard template provided in the UNDP-GEF project document template that reflects the mandatory requirements of the GEF M&E Policy. II. Explore multilateral and bilateral co-financing opportunities: Undertake series of consultations with partners to ensure a coherent and sustainable financing package for the project including post- GEF grant phase. III. Ensure completion of required official endorsement letters: An official endorsement letter will be prepared by the GEF Operational Focal Point of the Government. A co-financing guarantee will be collected from participating government institutions, bilateral development partners, multilateral development partners and NGOs who wish to provide cash or in kind contributions to the project. IV. Stakeholder consultations during Component C: During this phase, consultation with key agencies and government representatives, from federal and state level, is expected in order to finalize financial planning and co-financing investment details. This can be validated at the same time as the consultation for Component B above. Document these consultations. D. Component D: Project Design Validation Workshop A validation workshop will gather representatives from all relevant stakeholders to present, discuss and validate the final draft project strategy, logical framework, roles and responsibilities, including financing planning and co-financing results. Document this validation workshop. E. Component E: Completion of final documentation I. II. III. Consolidation of all technical and consultation inputs into a clearly written UNDP Prodoc document with all relevant sections and annexes. Completion of a CEO endorsement request form. Translation of UNDP Prodoc document into Portuguese any further documentation required for preparing implementation. Note: templates may be subject to change, the person responsible for this consolidation and drafting will be required to obtain guidance by the UNDP/GEF Regional Technical Advisor and UNDP CO on applicable formats and templates and ensure that his/her work is compliant with UNDP/GEF and UNDP CO requirements Page 4 C. Project preparation activities work plan, timeframe and responsibilities: PPG Activity 1 2 Timeframe (in months) 3 4 Inception Workshop Pre-selection Workshop Programmatic Baseline Data Collection Selection of Project Sites Institutional Capacity Assessment Analysis of Financial Needs Studies to address opportunities/risks GEF Focal Area Tracking Tool Completion Finalization of Project Results Framework Financial Planning and Co-financing Investment Project Design Validation Workshop Completion of final Documentation Responsibility 5 6 UNDP/MMA UNDP/MMA/Sergipe UNDP/MMA/Sergipe UNDP/MMA/Sergipe UNDP/MMA/Sergipe UNDP/MMA/Sergipe UNDP/MMA/Sergipe UNDP/MMA/Sergipe UNDP/MMA UNDP/MMA/Sergipe UNDP/MMA/Sergipe UNDP/MMA Page 5 D. Total Budget and Work Plan: Award ID: Award Title: Business Unit: Project Title: Project ID: Implementing Partner (Executing Agency) GEF Outcome/Atlas Activity Project preparation grant to finalize the UNDP-GEF project document for project “Sustainable Land use Management in the Semi-arid Region of the North-East Brazil (Sergipe)” X Sustainable Land use Management in the Semi-arid Region of the North-East Brazil BRA10 BRA/13/G42 – Sustainable Land use Management in the Semi-arid Region of the North-East Brazil (Sergipe) X Ministério do Meio Ambiente Responsible Party/ UNDP Fund ID 62000 Donor Name GEF TRUSTEE Atlas Budgetary Account Code 71200 71300 71600 72500 74500 75700 ATLAS Budget Description Amount US$ International Consultants Local Consultants Travel Supplies Miscellaneous Expenses Trainings 14,000 46,000 19,886 0 0 5,000 PROJECT TOTAL 84,886 Page 6 Annex 1: GEF CEO PIF approval letter Page 7 Annex 2: Summary of Consultants Financed by the Initiation Plan Local Consultants Project Development Specialist Local Coordinator Consultant for Assessment of Institutional Capacity Consultant for Assessment of SLM practices in Alto Sertão Consultant for Assessment of Credit Lines and Financing available for SLM in Brazil International consultants Project Design Specialist Consultancy Estimated Weeks Costs International Project Design Specialist 4 14,000 Project Development Specialist 12 16,000 Local Coordinator 16 20,000 Specific tasks and deliverables Provide guidance to project design and ensure completion of PRODOC and CEO Endorsement Form. The expected deliverables include: (i) Overall guidance to the Project Development Specialist and other national consultants, including participation during Inception Workshop meeting to be held in October; (ii) Preparation of first PRODOC draft from PIF, with clear indication of information needed for each section to national team; (iii) review of draft PRODOC prior to validation workshop; and (iv) review of PRODOC and CEO Endorsement form after validation workshop for submission to the GEF. Coordinate Project development and preparation of PRODOC and CEO Endorsement Form in collaboration with other national consultants and under guidance of international consultant. This should include the supervision and coordination of the local coordinator and technical assessment consultancies, ensuring the delivery of necessary information to project preparation. It also includes coordinating the communication flow between consultants involved in project preparation. The expected deliverables include: (i) Finalize root cause analysis, barriers and project results framework (logframe) detailing for discussion at Workshop; (ii) Detailing of project strategy, execution arrangements, financing structure (cost structures and calculations), M&E, sustainability plan and other necessary sections of PRODOC and CEO Endorsement form; (iii) Preparation of the second draft PRODOC for review prior to validation workshop; and (iv) Preparation of PRODOC, with necessary co-financing letters, and CEO Endorsement form after validation workshop for final review and submission to the GEF. Liaise with state and local stakeholders, ensuring information flow and baseline data collection. This should include analysing the SLM project profiles developed under MMA/UNDP co-financing project and identifying those that would be appropriate for the different land degradation scenarios. Then, the refinement of characterization (social, economic and environmental) of the areas for intervention and indicators of the project, with definition of ideal methodologies for measuring those. It also entails defining roles of local stakeholders at Page 8 Consultant for Assessment of Governance and Institutional Capacity 8 Consultant for Assessment of SLM practices in Alto Sertão 8 Consultant for Assessment of Credit Lines and Financing available for SLM in Brazil 8 10,000 10,000 (to be paid with cofinancing resources) 10,000 (to be paid with cofinancing resources) the site areas and obtaining appropriate mobilization, support and co-financing letters from them, as well as documenting local consultation exercises. The expected deliverables include: (i) Validation of socio-environmental technologies present in the Alto Sertão that can be applied to potential SLM areas in the project; (ii) Measuring baseline data on land degradation in selected sites and collection of all relevant baseline data, including detailed land uses; (iii) Revision of GEF Focal Area Tracking Tool and proposal for monitoring those and project indicators; (iv) Revision of Stakeholder Analysis Annex; and (v) Preparation of Project Pilot Site Annex. Assessment of governance structure for SLM and institutional capacity needs at State level (human resources, infrastructure, legislation and norms of institutions related to licensing processes, among others). This will be accomplished through the: (i) Description of the roles of federal, state and municipal institutions in SLM, including licensing. (ii) Capacity assessment of key institutions for SLM in Sergipe, with detailing of training needs. (iii) Review of systems and structure currently existing to ensure the mainstreaming of SM practices into local land use planning and management, with (iii.a) analysis of impact of current agricultural and livestock production practices on project intervention areas and (iii.b) recommendations on how LD issues can be improved and strengthened in land use planning and management at the state and municipal levels. The expected deliverables include the preparation of a Stakeholders Analysis Annex and relevant sections of the PRODOC. Using the LADA classification, identify sites that are representative of the different land degradation scenarios (degree, types, causes, etc) for potential project intervention. The expected deliverables include: (i) Mapping of land degradation levels in the rural settlements of the seven municipalities of Alto Sertão, based on the analysis of Degradation Early Warning System (SAP), the State Action Plan for Combating Desertification, the recent CODEVASF diagnosis of deforestation in Curituba region, and an updated version of the State Forestry Map, among others; and (ii) Preparation of GEF Focal Area Tracking Tool. Based on information from federal and state Banks, government pluri-annual planning and budget allocations as well as other incentives for SLM, identify opportunities for financing the State Program for Combating Desertification. The expected deliverables include: (i) Assessment of credit lines and all other financing available for SLM in Brazil, in particular for the NE region of Brazil, including financing gaps and main bottlenecks encountered, with proposed solutions to those; and (ii) Analysis of requirements for the establishment of a state level finance facility structure, with investment baseline data and project targets so that SLM activities are increased in Sergipe and other LD hotspots in NE of Brazil. Page 9