List of Bills and Bill Titles – 2015 Maine Legislature (Updated February 13, 2015)
Note: The following list was compiled by Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) staff. Bills listed address conservation-related issues. This list is provided as a
resource for land trusts and does not reflect MCHT’s support, opposition, or interest in the bills listed. The LD number links to the state’s legislative website
where language, sponsors, and status can be found. LR documents exist in title only. Contact MCHT to discuss these or other policy issues at (207) 729-7366.
Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry Committee
LD 39
Resolve, To Require a Review of the Merger That Resulted in the Department of ACF
Status: Work Session 2/26
LD 388
An Act Regarding Timber Harvesting on Land Managed by the Bureau of Parks and Lands
LR 1135
An Act To Amend the Maine Farms for the Future Program
LR 1127
An Act To Restore Farmlands and Improve Watersheds
LR 971
An Act To Expand the Local Foods Economy
Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee
Biennial Budget
Status: Hearing 2/17-3/20
LD 426
An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Address Sea Level Rise
LR 210
An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Enhance State Parks
LR 1053
An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Support Maine's Natural Resource-based Economy
LR 1254
An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Replace Culverts and Stream Crossings
LD 386
An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Fund Farmland Restoration
LD 193
An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue for Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects
Source of bill titles & subject classifications: Legislative Information Office (some titles have been abbreviated)
List of Bills and Bill Titles – 2015 Maine Legislature (Updated February 13, 2015)
Note: The following list was compiled by Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) staff. Bills listed address conservation-related issues. This list is provided as a
resource for land trusts and does not reflect MCHT’s support, opposition, or interest in the bills listed. The LD number links to the state’s legislative website
where language, sponsors, and status can be found. LR documents exist in title only. Contact MCHT to discuss these or other policy issues at (207) 729-7366.
Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee
LD 295
An Act To Promote Tidal Energy Projects
LR 1776
An Act To Maximize the Benefits of Renewable Energy in Maine
LR 67
An Act To Encourage Renewable Energy
LR 1266
An Act To Modify the Ocean Energy Act
LR 1614
An Act To Improve the Placement of Wind Permitting Locations
Environment and Natural Resources Committee
LR 68
An Act To Address Climate Change and Adaptability
LD 241
An Act Regarding Metallic Mining Rules of the Department of Environmental Protection
LD 169
An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Groundwater Rights
LR 40
An Act To Provide Incentives for Implementation of Municipal Comprehensive Plans To Prevent Sprawl
LR 1096
An Act To Help Municipalities Prepare for Changes in Sea Level
LR 1027
An Act To Revise the Mining Laws
LR 1845
An Act To Allow Regulated Metal Mining in Maine
LD 146
Resolve, Metallic Mineral Exploration, Advanced Exploration and Mining, a Major Substantive Rule of the DEP
Status: Hearing 2/25
Source of bill titles & subject classifications: Legislative Information Office (some titles have been abbreviated)
List of Bills and Bill Titles – 2015 Maine Legislature (Updated February 13, 2015)
Note: The following list was compiled by Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) staff. Bills listed address conservation-related issues. This list is provided as a
resource for land trusts and does not reflect MCHT’s support, opposition, or interest in the bills listed. The LD number links to the state’s legislative website
where language, sponsors, and status can be found. LR documents exist in title only. Contact MCHT to discuss these or other policy issues at (207) 729-7366.
LR 1661
An Act To Streamline Judicial Review of Certain Land Use Decisions
LD 153
An Act To Amend Setback Requirements and Standards Related to Species Migration near Vernal Pools
Status: Hearing 2/26
LR 1592
An Act To Encourage Prudent Development along the Coast
LR 1071
An Act To Simplify the Establishment by the Public of Prescriptive Easements over Shoreland
LR 1558
An Act To Provide More Protection to Water Quality by Clarifying Shoreland Zoning Provisions
LR 167
An Act To Protect Maine Lakes
LR 998
An Act To Protect Maine's Water Resource
LR 209
An Act To Assist Towns in Eradicating Milfoil and Other Invasive Aquatic Plants and Nuisance Species
LD 40
An Act To Protect Maine's Great Ponds
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee
LR 1784
An Act To Allow Hunting on Sunday
LR 344
An Act To Enact the Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act
LR 1375
Resolve, To Establish Group To Review the Incidental Take Process under Maine Endangered Species Law
LR 433
An Act To Protect the Rights of Property Owners
Judiciary Committee
LD 309
An Act To Connect Citizens to Natural Resources by Establishing Standards for Relief from Regulatory Burdens
Status: Hearing 2/26
Source of bill titles & subject classifications: Legislative Information Office (some titles have been abbreviated)
List of Bills and Bill Titles – 2015 Maine Legislature (Updated February 13, 2015)
Note: The following list was compiled by Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) staff. Bills listed address conservation-related issues. This list is provided as a
resource for land trusts and does not reflect MCHT’s support, opposition, or interest in the bills listed. The LD number links to the state’s legislative website
where language, sponsors, and status can be found. LR documents exist in title only. Contact MCHT to discuss these or other policy issues at (207) 729-7366.
LD 161
An Act To Ban the United Nations Agenda 21 in Maine
LD 162
An Act To Protect the Rights of Property Owners
Status: Hearing 2/26
Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development
LR 1630
An Act To Prohibit Tax-subsidized Competition
Marine Resources Committee
LD 426
An Act To Address and Mitigate the Effects of Marine Debris
LR 1481
An Act To Amend the Alewives Restoration Program in the St. Croix River
LR 1635
An Act To Promote Rockweed Habitat Conservation through Interagency Collaboration
LR 372
An Act To Create the Ocean Acidification Council
LR 114
An Act To Address Ocean Acidification
LR 1585
An Act To Address and Mitigate the Effects of Marine Debris
State and Local Government Committee
LR 1647
An Act To Implement a Referendum for Municipalities To Allow or Disallow Nonprofit Owners To Be Tax-exempt Status:
LR 1363
An Act To Ensure a Public Process When Discontinuing or Abandoning a Public Road
LD 408
An Act To Help Municipalities Prepare for Changes in Sea Level
Source of bill titles & subject classifications: Legislative Information Office (some titles have been abbreviated)
List of Bills and Bill Titles – 2015 Maine Legislature (Updated February 13, 2015)
Note: The following list was compiled by Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT) staff. Bills listed address conservation-related issues. This list is provided as a
resource for land trusts and does not reflect MCHT’s support, opposition, or interest in the bills listed. The LD number links to the state’s legislative website
where language, sponsors, and status can be found. LR documents exist in title only. Contact MCHT to discuss these or other policy issues at (207) 729-7366.
Taxation Committee
LR 1209
An Act To Create Jobs in the Forest Products Industry
LR 228
An Act To Allow Municipalities To Levy Service Charges on Real Estate Owned by Non-profit Entities
LR 469
An Act To Authorize Municipalities To Impose Service Charges on Property Owned by Certain Nonprofits
LR 1756
Resolve, To Study the Tax Exemption Provided to Nonprofit Entities
LR 1496
An Act To Clarify Charitable Status for Property Tax Exemption from Donated Property
Source of bill titles & subject classifications: Legislative Information Office (some titles have been abbreviated)