Chapter 4 Notes Cell Reproduction

Notes Chapter 4 (LS)
4-1 Cell Growth and Division:
Why do cells divide?:
 We grow because cells divide and we are gaining more
cells as we develop/grow
Constant Change:
 Our bodies are changing every second through cell
replication = cell division.
The Cell Cycle:
 You are currently in a rapid growth phase known as
 Cell cycle involves two parts = 1) interphase and 2)
A. Interphase. Majority of cell cycle is spent in interphase
3 parts
1. Rapid growth (4 hours) G1
2. Growth and Synthesis of DNA (10 hours)
3. Growth and Preparation for division (4 hours)
 Nerve and muscle cells no longer divide after you are
born, they are in constant interphase.
 Skin cells and other like them are constantly replacing
dead cells = more complex cell cycle.
B. Mitosis: (shortest part of cell cycle) = 2 hours
 Def.. is the process by which cell divides
to form two identical cells
Four steps of Mitosis in an animal cell:
1. Prophase:
 Chromosome can be seen
 Nuclear membrane disappears
 Centrioles move to opposite ends of
 Centrioles move thread like spindle
fibers across cell.
1. Double stranded chromosomes line up in center of cell.
2. Spindle fibers attach to centromere = center of chromosome.
 Double chromosome divides at
 Divided chromos ome strands go to
opposite ends of cell
mary of an interesting point.
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Q: Why must the chromosomes separate and move to opposite
formatting of the pull quote
ends of the cell?
text box.]
 Centrioles and spindle fibers start to
 Chromosomes become harder to see
 Cell has split to form two cells
 Nuclear membrane reappears in both
cells = daughter cells = visible
Mitosis in Animal Cells –vs – Mitosis in Plant Cells:
 In an animal cell the membrane cytoplasm pinches
to form new cells
 Rigid cell walls on plant cells do not allow
pinching to take place
 Plate forms instead of pinching and separates two
 Plant cells do not have centrioles but do have
spindle fibers
Results of Mitosis:
 Two new nucleus are formed with same number of chromosomes
 Each cell in your body contains 46 chromosomes = 23 pairs
A -sexual reproduction:
A-sexual Reproduction def: new organisms are formed
from parent.
 Offspring of a-sexual reproduction have the exact same DNA as their
parent = cloning.
Types of A-sexual Reproduction:
Animal Cells:
1. Fission: equal splitting of a one celled organism. Ex Bacteria
2. Budding: unequal splitting of one celled organism Ex. Hydra
3. Regeneration: a part of organism is cut from the rest of body and grows
into separate offspring. Ex. Sponges and star fish
Plant Cells:
1. Runners: new plants form from an end of plant like a root under or above
the ground. Ex. Strawberries and grasses.
2. Cuttings: plant re-grows from part that has been cut Ex. Philodendron
3. Sporulation: release of pollen grains in air Ex. dandelions
Section 4-2
Sexual Reproduction:
Sexual Reproduction: def.. new organism forms by two different parents sex
Need a male and a female for sexual reproduction
Male organisms sex cell is called a sperm.
Sperm are smaller than eggs and have tails that allow them to move to egg.
Female organisms sex cell is called an egg.
 Eggs are bigger than sperm and contain food material ex. Yolk
 Sexual reproduction increases a variety of traits in organism =
increase in adaptation and survival.
Production of Sex Cells:
Meiosis: production of sex cells through the process of nuclear
The importance of sex cells:
 Body cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes = total of 46 chromosomes
 Pairs form because chromosomes are alike
 Cells are described as diploid(2n) for having two of the same chromosomes
= pairs of chromosomes
 Sex cells have half this number due to meiosis = 23 total chromosomes
 Sex cells are known to be Haploid(n) = “single form” = single
chromosomes (half the number of chromosomes compared to body cell or
original(parent) cell)
What is the haploid and diploid number for a donkey(see ?
Fertilization: def… The joining of a sperm and an egg to form a zygote.
 Sperm with 23 chromosomes joins an egg with 23 chromosomes to form a
zygote with 46 chromosomes.
Zygotes cells start to specialize (ears eyes etc) mitosis starts (rapid cell
Figure 4-10
 Two divisions occur ending with 4 cells with half the number of
chromosomes in a human body cell = 23 chromosomes in a sex cell.
Meiosis I: pairs of chromosomes have now separated = 2 cells with 23 nonpaired chromosomes = haploid.
Phases: see mitotic phase results
1. Prophase I: double stranded chromosome pairs and spindle fibers appear.
2. Metaphase I: chromosome pairs line on center of cell and spindle fibers
attach to centromere.
3. Anaphase I : matching chromosomes separate from each other go to
opposite ends of cell.
4. Telophase I : cytoplasm divides two cells to form
Draw phases from page 106
Meiosis II: (similar to mitosis but chromosomes don’t duplicate to form other
23 chromosomes to form pairs) Two cells divide to form four sex cells with half
the number of chromosomes = 23 chromosomes = haploid.
1. Prophase II : single chromosome double stranded appear and spindle
2. Metaphase II: single chromosomes align on center of cell and are
connected to spindles fibers
3. Anaphase II: spindle fibers separate single chromosomes at = ½
chromosome # = haploid.
4. Telophase II: cytoplasm divides, spindle fibers disappear nuclear
membrane reappears around chromosomes.
 Result of meiosis is 4 useful sex cells with ½ the number of
chromosomes = 23 haploid chromosomes.
Draw phases from page 107
Section 4-3
DNA……Whats DNA?
DNA: Code in the form of a chemical known as Deoxyribonucleic acid.
 D=Deoxyribose(sugar)
 N=Nucleic
 A=Acid
 DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid) is found in chromosomes that are found in the
nucleus of a cell.
 DNA controls all cell activities
 All cells contain DNA
 Scientists Rosalind Franklin discovered that the DNA molecule was a
strand of molecules in a spiral form = shape of ladder
 Model of DNA was made in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick with
the help of Franklin and other scientists
 Watson and Crick model is called the “Double Helix” (AKA twisted
Watson and Crick Model:
DNA contains:
 Sides of ladder are made of sugar and
 The “rungs” that hold the two sugar
phosphate strands apart are made of
nitrogenous bases
Four Nitrogenous Bases:
1. Adenine = A…….Green
2. Thymine =T……..Blue
3. Guanine = G…….Yellow
4. Cytosine = C…….Red
 Adenine is paired with Thymine
 Guanine is paired with Cytosine
RNA: Ribonucleic acid
 Responsible for making protein directed by DNA
 Contains sugar Ribose
 Uses nitrogen base Uracil instead of Thymine
 RNA is single stranded instead of double stranded like DNA
3 Types of RNA:
1. mRNA: messenger RNA
 brings message for protein building from nucleus to ribosome
2. tRNA: transfer RNA
 brings needed amino acids from cytoplasm to ribosome to build
specific protein
3. rRNA: Ribosomal RNA
 rRNA makes up the ribosome
 reads protein message from mRNA to build protein correctly at
Gene: part of DNA that codes for a specific protein
Mutation: permanent change in DNA
Practice Drawing Model :
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Predict the sequence of second strand!