Group Members: ________________________________________________________
Period: __________
Google Search: 1930s History and Culture WebQuest
Date: ___________
The 1930s was a very tumultuous time in the history of our country. The decade began with the Great Depression and ended with WWII. During this time the country went through many changes economically, politically, and socially.
Your Task is to explore the listed web resources and answer the accompanying questions. This Quest will give you insight into some of the major events during the
It will be helpful in completing this Quest if you open up two browser windows. Use one
Browser window to stay on the WebQuest page, and one to follow the links. When you get to a link, you can switch back to the WebQuest page to see what the assignment is.
Then you can write out the answer to the question on your packet.
Work with a partner or in a small group of three people. Each group will only have one packet to be turned in. Follow along with the links in the WebQuest to find answers to each question.
Each question is labeled with a letter from “A” to “I”. Each group member can research questions separately, but all final answers must be written in the spaces provided below.
If there are any further questions, then do not hesitate to ask your teacher.
* The point values listed on the WebQuest are not the point values for the assignment in our class.
A. Go to The Great Depression and the New Deal .
Click on More… and read about the Great Depression.
Find the picture of the Bonus Army protestors. Who is fighting in the picture? Why were the protestors desperate?
Read the timeline 1933-1935 .
List and describe four programs established by FDR in 1933, and discuss how each was intended to help relieve the effects of the Depression.
C . Go to New Deal Photo Gallery .
Find a picture relevant to two of these programs: CCC, TVA, WPA, PWA (construction),
NYA, REA. Describe what each picture tells us about the specific program.
D. Go to Drought and Erosion
Picture retrieved from Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.
Find a picture that depicts the drought in the South and Midwest in the 1930s. Describe what that picture shows about the effects of the drought.
Read the FDR Second Inaugural Address
1. What were some of the problems in the country identified by FDR?
2. What did he promise to do to address these problems?
F. Go to FDR and the Separation of Powers
Read the "Historical Background" on the issue of the separation of powers, and also read the enclosed document.
1. Why did FDR feel he needed to appoint his personally picked judges to the Supreme
2. Why would a President's appointment of judges to the Supreme Court be interpreted as weakening the separation of powers in the government of the US?
3. Why were people critical of FDR on this issue?
4. What was the fear about executive power expressed in the telegram?
H. Read the Timeline 1936-1940 .
Why was FDR elected for a third term?
I. Synthesis Question:
How do you evaluate FDR's actions to bring the country out of the Depression? Do you feel that he was justified in "stacking" the Supreme Court to carry out his New Deal?
Discuss why or why not taking into account the difficulties faced by the working poor as well as the issue of the separation of powers. (Use logical and complete sentences in your answer. Grammar and spelling will be graded.)