hrg-uclcc - University of Wisconsin

HRG-UCLCC: 2010 2011 -Wrap Around Care
Helen R. Godfrey – University Child Learning and Care Center
4-K: Addition to Policies regarding time before 9:00 & after 11:30
Plus before 12:30 & after 3:00 PM
The 4-K policies for hours used before and after 4-K hours as stated in the 4-K Policies
are as follows:
“The “Official” school district times of the 4-K Program, 9:00-11:30(12:30-3:00), that
follow the District calendar will be “District Time.” For this time there will be no
charge. For all times before 9:00/12:30 and after 11:30/3:00 will be considered
wrap around hours and will follow HRG-UCLCC regular policies: minimum of 2
hour time block of enrollment plus ½ hour drop-off pick-up fee.”
For individuals needing any wrap around care for times not 4-K (before 9:00 & after
11:30 or before 12:30 & after 3:00 PM) we offer two payment options. The minimum
contracted time we offer is a two hour block of time. If you do not need two hours, then
we are also offering an hourly rate just to be used before and or after 4-K time. This
hourly rate is only for the 4-K program, because the times set by the district do not
match general class periods of UWSP. The hour can only be used before or after care. If
you use beyond this one hour, then the next rate offered is the 0-2 hour time block, no
0-30 minutes: $2.16 (Student fee) $2.83(Faculty/staff fee) $2.89(Alumni)
30-60 minutes: $4.32(Student fee) $ 5.66(Faculty/staff fee) $5.78(Alumni)
Regular Contracted Option (Rates Effective June 21, 2010)
* Pre-K rates covered by Stevens Point Area Public Schools. All contracted wrap around
rates follow below Rates & blocks: 0-2 hours; 2-4 hours; 4-6 hours; 6+ hours. The 4K time
does not count as HRG/UCLCC time.
(DF= means drop time fee; flex time to use before and after base block time)
0-2 Hours * plus drop off
fee (DF)**
2-4 Hours * plus drop off
4-6 Hours * plus drop off
6+ Hours(Full Day)
Un-contracted Drop-In Care
½ hour Pick-up/Drop-off daily
rate (2-6 hours)
$ 8.63
$ 11.32
$ 11.55
**($2.16 (DF)
**(2.83 DF)
**(2.89 DF)
$7.04 /hr