10.29 - School of Information

Next meeting 29 November 2001, 6:30 SZB 556
Present: Carol Mead, Charles Hargrove, Becky Romanchuk, Amy Braitsch, Jennifer Hecker,
Heather Arnold, Dr. David B. Gracy II, Eleanor Lisney, Molly Wheeler
I. Meeting called to order by Carol Mead, president, at 5:00pm
II. Archives Week
a. A. Comments on what worked and did not work
Carol thanked everyone for their Archives Week efforts, and we returned the thanks.
Carol asked us for our perceptions of what preparations and events worked and what did
not work. Everyone agreed that Charles' and Dr. Gracy's appearances on KXAN's
morning show the day of the public archives clinic were instrumental in getting people to
attend. Several attendees said that our spots that morning on television were what
informed them of our event. We scheduled a smaller meeting room this year because the
larger one was already booked, but next year's clinic would benefit from the larger space
if this level of attendance is maintained or increased, as Jennifer pointed out. Carol asked
Dr. Gracy how many years our chapter has done the archives clinic, and he said this is the
third year of the clinic.
Charles asked Carol how much it cost to update the banner's lettering this year. Carol said
the date change cost between twenty and twenty-five dollars. The URL on the banner is
the old one from last year, but this year we put a redirect on that address to route visitors
to our Archives Week web page. Next year the URL should be changed on the banner.
The banner itself originally cost $235.
b. Committee reports
Carol will write an overall summary of this year's Archives Week, and she reminded
everyone to begin thinking about writing committee reports while information is still
fresh in the mind. Details such as phone numbers, URL's, email addresses, and the time it
took to perform tasks are very important for next year's board. These reports must be
completed by May 2002.
Dr. Gracy strongly suggested that a fact sheet be created to be given to all interviewers
and writers from the media as well as to be available to anyone attending our events. Our
press release should be edited for any misinformation or left-out information. GSLIS was
not mentioned as the academic entity to which we belong, as Dr. Immroth said to one of
us. Our affiliations and all pertinent facts about our events, as well as our mission in
holding the events, should be clearly written so that we know that the media and the
public are not getting piece-meal information with unfortunate gaps. The archives clinic
brochure Amy amended from the one Maribeth Kobza-Betton created last year was the
only SAA-UT literature at the clinic. We need to have at least the fact sheet, and perhaps
other GSLIS information, on the tables next year.
Amy said that between forty-five and fifty people attended the clinic and that more
volunteers were needed.
c. Reimbursement for meals
Dr. Gracy had paid the restaurant bills for the dinners given to our speakers which some
of us also attended. We decided unanimously that our chapter funds should cover this
expense. Dr. Gracy pointed out that this is a small reward, for those who went to the
dinners, for the work and care put into making Archives Week so successful. He
estimates the amount to be $300. Carol will have Joel reimburse Dr. Gracy.
III. Mugs
a. How many left?
Out of the original 144 ordered, Dr. Gracy has twelve left, and Charles has eleven.
Jennifer and Heather will buy some for themselves.
b. Make more?
Because they sold so well, we will order more mugs in the near future, sometime around
December. We will try to find a printer who can do a better job of printing our
photograph. Target markets will include the Downtown Sculpture Committee (who are
advocating installation of a statue of Mrs. Eberly; Dr. Gracy will approach them and relay
information to Charles), the Austin History Center Association, attendees at SSA, and the
upcoming local archivists' mixer. If mugs are advertised for sale through the Archives &
Archivists listserv, we will need to investigate sales tax requirements first.
IV. Thank you notes, article of SAA-UT Archives Week, Proclamation
Amy is in the process of writing thank you notes to AHC staff and others (including Roy
Flukinger and Karen Pavelka) who helped us with the clinic. She asked what points should
especially be made, and Jennifer said the outstanding success of the event should be emphasized
in order to let people know how important their contribution was. Amy will handwrite letters to
those people she personally knows, and will type the others. Dr. Gracy believes it is important to
thank Brenda Branch, Director of APL, for the superb service shown to us and the public by
AHC. Amy will undertake writing that letter. Charles is writing to Trish Fraga of APL, and to
KXAN. Dr. Gracy said KXAN's letter should emphasize that their publicity for us was also a
service to the public. Public programming is a requirement of every licensed station, and our
clinic was an opportunity for them to help fulfill that requirement.
Amy said that Brenda Gunn of the CAH recommended that we publish our Archives Week
experiences as an article in the SSA newsletter. The deadline for the article would be in January.
We will organize the writing of it as a group effort. Dr. Gracy suggested that the SAA newsletter
would also be an appropriate place to publish our Archives Week activities. Carol believes both
SSA and SAA newsletters should be tried for. Through the SAA Student Chapter listserv she has
heard from many in other chapters who are astounded at the range of events we plan and execute,
and a published article would not only inspire and inform those people, but advertise our own
success and promote the visibility of our chapter.
Carol showed the Proclamation document that we received from the City of Austin. It mentions
in particular Sue Kriegsman and Debbie Carter as visitors to Austin for Archives Week. A copy
of the proclamation will be made and sent to each of them. Dr. Gracy noted that a copy should be
given to Don Davis, acting Dean of GSLIS, for the GSLIS history file.
V. Next semester
a. Tours and speakers
Amy proposed that the EAD training Kris Kiesling did for us last year be done again next
semester. All agreed this is an important chance for students to get experience with EAD,
and Dr. Gracy said he would need to coordinate with Kris since his introductory archives
class has more EAD content than before. He suggests contacting Kris as soon as possible
to schedule.
Dr. Gracy would like to bring Lee Miller, archivist at Tulane, to present to us on
interviewing for archivist positions. Dr. Zamora would also be available to speak to us
about Archives on the Border, concerning collections of U.S. and Mexican shared
Charles said that Debbie Bush welcomes us to tour the Bush Presidential Library.
b. Money--how should we use it?
Carol announced that our current balance is $1100 ($800 after reimbursing Dr. Gracy.)
With further fundraising in the form of buying more mugs to sell on the horizon, we need
to consider how best to use our money to promote our goals and objectives. Molly asked
if funding to go to SAA could be considered. Board members have discussed this idea
before outside of meetings, and we agree that this would be a good way to promote
student involvement in SAA and would help defray the cost of attending the event. The
amount to award and how to award it are still being debated. Sponsorship to SSA is also
being considered.
VI. Next meeting date
The next meeting will be held 29 November 2001 at 6:30 in SZB 556.
VII. Meeting adjourned at 6:00pm
Minutes submitted by Becky Romanchuk on November 7, 2001.