SCHOOL DISTRICT OF BELLEVILLE High School 635 W. Church St 608-424-1902 Fax 608-424-3692 BELLEVILLE, WISCONSIN 53508 Elementary School 237 W. Pearl St 608-424-3315 Fax 608-424-1687 Intermediate School 101 S. Grant St 608-424-3371 Fax 608-424-1409 Food Allergies Procedure Standard Approach to Food/Nut Allergies A letter or note is required from the student’s physician identifying the nut/food allergy. A Medication Administration Form is to also be signed by the physician Food Allergy Emergency Plan will by signed by parent and district nurse Maintain emergency medication as ordered by the physician of each student with a food allergy Ensure all emergency medication is available and safely accessible District nurse will provide annual training for school staff that shall include: information on food allergies, how to recognize allergic reaction and how to respond in the event of an allergic reaction, including the use of epinephrine Familiarize teachers with their student’s Food Allergy Emergency Plan as soon as plans are written Provide information about food allergy students and their photos to all staff on a need to know basis In the event of an allergic reaction (where there is no known history of reaction), the district nurse and school principal will be called and emergency medical services will be activated. Standard Procedure-Classroom All students will be expected to wash hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer prior to lunch Nut aware poster will be displayed in each classroom containing a nut allergen Parents will receive an information letter from district nurse beginning of school year. Included in that letter parents will be asked to refrain from sending food containing nut products for classroom treats. All foods received from home must contain a list of ingredients. They will also receive a list of alternative nut free snacks Students with allergies will have an alternative snack provided by parents in case a classroom treat does not meet nut free guidelines. Teachers will inform and encourage students with nut products in their lunches provided from home of the lunchroom food allergy procedure Teachers will be trained to recognized symptoms of allergic reaction and to understand their role as a responder in the event of an allergic reaction If an animal is present in the classroom, special attention must be paid to the ingredients in its food Standard Procedure-Fieldtrips Teachers need to assure that they inform the school nurse in advance of an upcoming field trip by email (minimum of 1 week). Emergency Medication needs to be accessible to staff Student may also carry own epinephrine device if recommended by medical provider A cell-phone or other communicating device must be available on the trip for emergency calls All field trips meals provided by the school will be nut aware Standard Procedure-Substitute Teachers A health concerns list/response plan is to be included in each building’s daily “sub folder” Substitute teachers will be notified prior to accepting job of a food allergy in classroom and understand their role as a responder in the event of an allergic reaction School District of Belleville Food Allergy Procedure 1 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF BELLEVILLE High School 635 W. Church St 608-424-1902 Fax 608-424-3692 BELLEVILLE, WISCONSIN 53508 Elementary School 237 W. Pearl St 608-424-3315 Fax 608-424-1687 Intermediate School 101 S. Grant St 608-424-3371 Fax 608-424-1409 Standard Procedure-Lunchroom Belleville Schools will not use a Nut Free Table All food offered at elementary and intermediate buildings through Belleville Food Services will be nut aware Sharing or trading food brought from home will not be discouraged Lunchroom Supervisors and Food Service staff will be trained how to read food labels and recognize allergens Lunchroom Supervisors will be trained to recognize symptoms of allergic reaction and to understand their role as a responder in the event of an allergic reaction Lunchroom Supervisors will do a visual review of all lunches for each student with a lunch brought from home o Students with nuts/nut products in their lunches will use a tray, provided by food service staff, to put their food on. (Help prevent contamination of table and visual to know who has nut product in lunches) Standard Procedure-School Bus Bus driver must have appropriate communication devices at all times Bus drivers will be provided information about food allergy students and their photos on a need to know basis Standard Procedure-Recess Staff in the gym, playground and other sites used in recess will have appropriate communication devices Standard Procedure-Before or After School Activities All after school activities must be consistent with school policies and procedures regarding food allergies Parents will provide supervising adults with appropriate health information Standard Procedure-Food Service Director Be prepared to discuss menus, a la carte items, food products and ingredients, food handling practices, cleaning and sanitation practices and responsibility of various staff Be prepared to provide food ingredient lists used in food production and services available Provide advance copies of menus to parents when requested Obtain, read and keep copies of food labels in binder Maintain and update online nutritional database Maintain contact information with vendors to access food content information Understand and implement the laws protecting student with fool allergies as they relate to food service All food staff should be trained how to read product labels and recognize food allergens School District of Belleville Food Allergy Procedure 2